All Comments on 'What Did I Do that was Wrong? 04'

by ohio

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Where is it?

If the story is a reflection of Ohio's mind, then I am afraid he lost it.

sirsemegasirsemegaalmost 16 years ago

I liked it. A couple of times you got Tom and Mark mixed up...

It was a tough corner you painted yourself into but I think everyone could predict the conclusion of this story.

Mark was doomed from the very get-go to agree to her needs to have some strange on the side. It finally caught up with him and he had to face his demons and actually cowboy up and confront things.

I hate the subject matter, but when there was a delay between posting chapters 3 and 4, I was as anxious as everyone else to find out what happens next. Well done!

cloacascloacasalmost 16 years ago
No dramatic tension

You've written some fine stories but this one had no drama and no tension. Having the therapist tell the story gave it a clinical detachment but you didn't emphasize that to make a dramatic point.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Terrific Story!

Great job. I really enjoyed reading this story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
One of the silliest I've read

But that last part, when they started doing statistics and even permutation with the numbers of men Leanned must have, could have, slept with; how many times she must have fucked a week; in what possible position and how many blow jobs, in addition to butt and vagina fuck, etc. ---- I thought that was hilarious. <p>

Oh, well, we BOTH know --- the idiotic therapist said --- she would never cheat on you again, knowing how much she loves, right? <p>

Right. <p>

Okay, I guess that's it, then. You two will have such a happy life together; you is such a lucky bastard, having such a loving woman! <p>

Yeah, I can't believe myself, doc. She settled for ME!, Imagine that! <p>


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Not bad, but...

If leanne was to really feel what mark was feeling she should have walked in on him, or at least been made to watch him with another woman as part of his terms for reconcilliation.

also, the doctor's position was contrived from step one. For the most part he essentially justified leanne's behavior.

ok for fiction I suppose.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Lucky guy, Leftovers

Mark's getting half the tricounty area's male used up, secondhand, leftovers.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

I purposely waited until this series was complete before commenting. At the beginning, Mark agreed to her terms as long as she was discreet, and that he did not have to have the fact thrown in his face. The very act of cheating requires indiscretion, and a chance of discovery by friends, family, acquaitances, and coworkers. Mark made this agreement in hopes that she would love him enough to eventually phase out this type of behavior. She was not discreet on two different occassions,to the point of bringing her partners to her marital home,that she admits. She knew there was a chance that she would get caught if something unforseen happened and that it would cause pain to her husband. That is exactly how this crisis occurred. She was thoughtless, selfish and broke the rules. The good doctor discounted her violation of these terms completely and seems to be imposing his own morality on the husband suspending any attempt to allow the husband to come to his own conclusions. He even went so far as to attack the husband when Mark pointed out that the difference in the situations when it came to number of sexual partners was that his were before he was married to her and hers were after. Furthermore, the doctor completely discounts what effect Leanne's actions may have on the relationships with wives or girlfriends of the partners she seduced. No mention was made as to how she ensured the medical safely of her husband and consequently her other partners. Social diseases can be contracted through the acts of kissing, fellatio, and anal intercourse without a condom. Lice can be transmitted even though a condom is worn during intercourse. The standard was so low that it was mostly a spur of the moment decision. Not all marriage vows include the normal forsaking all others, but how did she justify to herself that it was alright to utter those words during a solemn ceremony and feel that they did not apply to her. Did she feel that her actions would honestly be accepted ad infinitum? Your perspective is well written, but is definitely in the realm of fantasy. To each his own.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
all's well that ends well

I like this story very much, very much indeed. I have enjoyed seeing all these comments requesting a final chapter as much as I did. I agree with the conclusion that they, apparently, were "really" in love with each other and had to move on with their marriage. Mark needed indeed to "overcome" his insecurity and the rest of his hurt. Having accepted her "need" to see other men, he now had to face the consequences of his years of denial. Yet, for me, there's something unconclusive. Maybe it's just the fact that the story is over. But I think it has also to do with the math and the numbers. Coming up with an average of 125 fucks with about 70 men, all in the span of a few years. It's a lot! I can't see how she, claming to love her partner so much, can engage in "casual" sex with that many men. Half a dozen were worth 5 fucks and several others up to 3 times. I can't believe all of this is due to her strained relationship with her father. There must at least have been a feeling of contempt for her husband to "allow" her to fuck around. That was never adressed, just covered with their "love" for each other. G.Belgium.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Lists - I love Lists

Lets see - where to start<P>

Story Purpose: How a wimp who doesn't respect himself and knows his wife doesn't either finds his way back to being human.<P>

1: Was the story arousing or enjoyable?<P>

No? The only tangible emotion was anger at every contorted character and twisted scene as being absurd and in need of some reality. <P>

2. Was the story's message clear? <P>

No! Nor was any part of it believable. The Only issue pushed was that reconciliation was not just ever presently hoovering on the horizon but that it was the horizon - the landscape - the plot path however twisted and contorted - it plodded on crushing all reality as it rolls incessantly downhill.<P>

Credibility Served?<P>

Hardly. Here is a woman who would only marry a wimp who she could cuck as often as she wished. She couldn't possibly love him nor respect him. Neither can be logically argued in her favor. She is a selfish whore in need of a bed partner who will always be there to cater to her demands sexually between cocks.<P>

The man didn't respect himself nor expect it from her. He didn't love her but did need to feel the humiliation and be subordinate to something horribly inhuman - his wife.<P>

What are the feeling toward the writer:<P>

Sad for his fall from respect and credible to one willingly exchanging that for the crude, obscene and ridiculous. Readers who have some intelligence will feel the writer laughing at those who he duped, conned and sold to - the smoke and mirrored glorified value of self disrespect, male humiliation and sought pain. <P>

Lastly that the writer feels he can sell anything if there is enough lip stick on his pig. That he feels there are plenty of readers who enjoy male humiliation. That enough pretty word pictures no matter how ridiculous will snow the masses into applause. Especially other writers who don't have his skills. But behind the scenes they know that they will now have more admiring readers who want credible stories than ever before since this writers fall.<P>

How sad for you ohio. You can right this ship with your next effort but given this unrealistic abortion one wonders if the wheels are off for good.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Great story

A great story with a realistic ending.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Not good--great!


You do get better all the time! This is your best.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

I knew this would turn into another masterpiece. This story really made you think, and it had a feeling of realism that is so lacking in this genre. The marriage could have went either way and still can just like real life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

I am not sure if the ending is correct for Mark. He seemed to have a fragile mind. Though he had changed for the better, it is not easy to totally erase your pain from what he had gone thru. Of course looking at the marriage as society deemed it to be, it is better to be together than to go separate way. May they lived happily ever after.

The flow of the story is just right. The author capture the emotional pain of the couple. The sessions with the cousellor was also written so convincingly. To capture the issue of numbers is very much in the mind of the men.

In my search for story to read in this catergory,Ohio will be the authors that I look for.

Thank you for a wonderful story. When can I read the next one?

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioalmost 16 years ago
Remember, this is a story . . .

I really enjoyed reading this story. The writing was good and the flow of the plot went smoothly (except for the delay with ch. 4). There were definitely suspenseful moments. I think it is obvious the story was psychological, about relationships, not one intended as a stroke story. The premise was a stretch but having read books with case reports of couples' counseling, I think this scenario probably occurs once in a great while. I don't know if Ohio has a psychology or counseling background but the counseling sessions smack of realism, which adds to the interest in the story. There are those who hate stories told in the first person, there are some who prefer it. There was a bit of clinical detachment in this one, but one would expect that if a psychologist were telling his/her perspective. Any sex details are told by Mark and/or Leanne in counseling session, and generally people relating such details do not do so with the intention of turning on the marriage counselor, so again, this was realistic in the story even if some readers wanted the opposite. The psychologist in this role is not supposed to take sides because it destroys trust when one partner thinks neutrality has been violated by the counselor. Usually non-confrontational, the "shrink" needs to try to help the partners communicate as a way for them to determine if their marriage will survive; it is clearly not for the psychologist to decide that. The problem is not a simple one and it takes an expert to help deal with the frequent interplay of strong emotions just as a conductor must be an expert to manage various elements of an orchestra. The only question remaining for me is the author's gender (just curious). Great story and thanks for taking the time to write.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 16 years ago
Harry was right Again-- from Chapter 1

Harry said that this was "Forced Ronciliation" at all cost event and sure enough...he nailed it. Good call harry! I dont know How he does it...does anyone know if this story was publsihed at some other web site?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
A nice change of pace

Thanks, Ohio, for something a bit different. While the couple was admittedly unusual, the novelty is what made me want to read this one. Of course I suspected there would be a reconciliation (after all, how long does it take to tell us he walked out?) but wondered if you could make it believable. <p>

I could nitpick some things, but overall you did well and gave us a rationale for both spouse's behavior. However, as in your story, knowing the reason and accepting it may be two different things. I have always been impressed by some people's capacity for self-delusion, and in that I can see something like this occurring, even if it is very unusual. <p>

Having the therapist as the narrator did leave some things with a distanced, clinical feel, but other than that I was entertained and I'll still be turning this over in my mind all day. Isn't that successful writing? <p>

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 16 years ago
from the real Harry In VA; Better than I thought

someone posted as me.... dont know how they did. Anyway <b>the ending was MUCH better than I thought it would be. </b> As I and other speculated in chapter 3 Mark ran b/c he thought he found something which told him Leanne was cheating on him.


I likes Leanne's evolution... when she thought she lost Mark the urges for 1 night stands was gone. Addicts dont change unless something shocks / motivates a change.


The biggest point of contention with some readers will be the scene where Tom confronts Mark about "the numbers" and HIS complicity. Clearly NOT knowing how many men Leanne had was driving him nuts but ignoring the problem was a life strategy that wasnt woking out. On the other hand KNOWING the numbers might kill the marriage which is something Mark said he didnt want to do.


The ONLY way to get around that was getting Mark to face his complicity in allowing this situation in the 1st place.


The only real problem that I have is that we still dont know where or how or why Mark's characteristic to avoid facts and reality... and especially the idea to TRY and have a marriage this way... comes from. Since Marks' had so much success sexually before Leanne his decision to let her step out makes NO sense.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Nice Job.

Really enjoyed it. Most of the time, the wondering about affairs or previous lovers is worse in our heads than the real encounter. Story was interesting and well written. Most on here are either flame the bitch or some idiot trying to get his shy 36dd wife to be a slut. There are a lot of reasons why fidelity works best for most marriages,it just is easier to write a sex story with other options,cockold,slut wives,group sex,swinging,ect.For most of us those are not real options, just stories. Thank you for this story, you have a lot of talent.

thebulletthebulletalmost 16 years ago
good, but kind of dry

<p>All of these objectors had to have seen from the beginning that the couple could well reconcile. The original premise of the marriage - that she could step out discretely - made her extramarital engagements tasteless but not cheating.</p>

<p>So those who hung around for 4 chapters only to trash the entire work --- you guys are just gluttons for punishment.</p>

<p>I thought the concept was original --- for me a major factor in my judgment of a story, especially in the LW genre. The writing was up to Ohio's standards, which means it was among the best on the website.</p>

<p>That being said, it all was rather mundane. Maybe the POV was wrong. I'm not sure how it could have been improved. I found some of the statements made by the counselor to be hard to swallow.</p>

<p>The wife overcame her father-fixation that led to her continued infidelity, thus turning her into a model of wifely decorum. And I have no problem with that.</p>

<p>I just thought the story could have in some way been juiced up a bit, especially in chapter 4, to give it some spice. It was a literary meal that left me somehow unsatisfied.</p>

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Perhaps you can explain some things to me

Why is it the victim, in this case the husband, the one that has to get over it? It gives the person committing the acts freedom to do what they want, when they want, how they want and it is the victim that has to forgive and forget and get on with it. A great fallacy in the story is the part where the one sided therapist suggests that the number of women he bedded while single compares to the number of men she bedded while married to him. It isnt whether it was a matter of the past or not, it was a matter of love and marriage. If he had to consider the number of women he fucked while she was out fucking men then it would have mattered. The so called therapist bounces from rationalization to rationalization while pushing forgiveness for the adulterer and surrender of his self image, ego, and morals by the victim. Again he compared the adultry of the wife with Theo and the loving scene with a man she had fucked several times before, this is called an affair by the way, with the one night stand with the waitress is again rationalizing her acts to make the husband accept them. Love is a matter of respect and trust. The wife in this story never respected her husband she showed that from the start and coupled with that is her lack of trust in him that "forced" her to fuck strangers. The husband balked at finding his finace was a slut but out of stupidity, aint lust great, married her anyway accepting the risk of her actions on him and their marriage. He never really trusted her and once seeing her in their own home after she had told him she wouldnt that trust was destroyed. Women that act as the wife in this story have mental issues, illnesses, and wanting to change behavior will not cause a permanent change in behavior. It was not addressed and the therapist did not refer her to a good MD that specializes in mental diseases for her to try and overcome her various mental problems. Yes the reconciliation was forced, actually shoved. The outcome is inevitable, eventually she will resume fucking around, that is her mental release. Whether she does or doesnt the husband can never trust her again totally and every time she is away from him or is delayed in some way he is going to want and accounting in detail of her actions. It will eat away at him inside like a cancer. She will grow tired of the constant questioning and doubts. This marriage is and always was doomed. It is a real shame for people to think a couple must stay together when it is in the best interest for both for the couple to dissolve the union and break the contract (divorce). As the man said, it is time to fold and cut your losses! If you want to be fair have one more chapter that shows what really happened when she got tired of the questions and goes out to fuck around again giving him something to worry about and he finally gets tired of living with a woman he cant trust. And show the explosive breakup of the marriage!

rgraham666rgraham666almost 16 years ago
A good story

About how lack of communication, knowledge about yourself and assumptions about motivations can really fuck up a relationship.

My only complaint is that there was more 'telling' than 'showing'. As another commenter noted, it made the story a little dry at times.

Still, well done.

capecodmercurycapecodmercuryalmost 16 years ago

Ohio, I've liked this series, but tbis installment really frustrated me. Mainly because at some point in this installment, your therapist Tom went from being an objective observer and counselor to being an advocate for Leanne. <p>

I think my problem stems from a point I made in relation to the last installment. There never was any real agreement ass to what Leanne was allowed to do. Rather it was swept under the rug by Tom's denial mechanism. <p>

Yet, instead of addressing this point and letting them both see how this could have contributed to the problems, you have Tom twice challenging Mark with comments that he agreed. How about asking the question just what did he agree to?? <p>

What do you think Mark's response would have been if Leanne had told him before they got married that she wanted the right to sleep with other guys approximately once every ten to twelve days and that she was going to sleep with 70 or so guys over the next four years. Frankly, I think he would have run screaming from the relationship before it was too late. But Tom never even addresses this issue or even considers the fact that they might not have been in agreement to her behavior. Rather, he just steps in and browbeats Mark into acceptance.<p>

The other problem is that Tom never ever seems to call Leanne on her responsibility for the problem. He is certainly willing to lay into Mark. Hell, he even lays into Mark about the one night with the waitress and how that might look to Leanne. But, where are the tough questions for Leanne? Where were the questions designed to show her how destructive her behavior was? Instead, you have this discussion from near the end of the installment:<p><i>

"At my next session with Leanne I said, "Mark's going to ask you some things."<p>


"Like how many men; like how often you had sex with them at your house, and whether it was ever in your bed; like how many times you saw the same guy, whether it ever turned into an emotional connection. And probably—again—why you had to do it."<p>

She looked serious. "And does my marriage depend on my answers?"<p>

"I don't really know," I said. "It might. But I don't see anything that you or I can do about it. Mark needs to hear the truth from you, and then we have to help him handle it. And there are lots of ways to say things, ways that are more or less tactful and sensitive while still being true.<P>

"I think we should spend today's session talking about those."<p>

"Okay," she said, nodding. "A little rehearsal, in a way. That's fine with me."</i><p>

I'm sorry, at this point, is Tom acting as an objective counselor or an advocate for Leanne? Where is the scene where he asks her "how would you feel if Mark had seen the need to sleep with 70 other women over the last four years? How would you feel?<p>

As usual, this installement was well written, but, I had to mark it down because subjectively, it left me frustrated at the way you portrayed the whole scenario. I left the story feeling that Mark finally learned to accept what had happened, but Leanne never understood what she did that was wrong.<p>


JulesTJulesTalmost 16 years ago
Great Story

But I'm not sure if I buy it.

I've just divorced a husband who screwed around. And if I was honest, it wasn't that he had sex with other women that I couldn't take, it was the lack of love and respect he had for me. If he really cared about me, then he wouldn't have done it. In Ohio's story I just can't believe that she loved him so much and still thought that what she did was OK.

JennyBearJennyBearalmost 16 years ago
I loved It!

I enjoyed your story immensely and was sorry to see it end. The premise was rather unique and you made it work beautifully. Telling the story from the psychologist’s POV was definitely the way to do it. You started out with two flawed characters and made their metamorphosis seem plausible. Mark lost his way for a while but did step up in the end. Leanne managed to confront and beat the demons that plagued her. Thank you for taking the time and making the effort to write.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Great story and great Writing.


I have read many of your stories. I found this one to be your best work so far. I found nothing to criticize about this story. I really enjoy it. Thanks for such a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
They both blew it

Mark should have talked with Leanne and made a pact for her to fuck as many men as she could and charge them. I think the thing that bothered Mark most was that the other guys were taking advantage of a wife that he was supporting. If she charged for fucking then her and Mark could retire on her earnings. Sure she would have had a loose cunt but what the hell if the money's good. She would have gotten regular test and Mark also to determine if they had aids or something, not that it would have really mattered. They could have made a room with mirrors for viewing and Mark could have charged for people to watch his wife fuck. More money. He also could have developed a taste for cocksucking and sucked all her guys off afterward. A cleaning and kept her cunt cleaned out of other men's cum. There are all sort of possibilities

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

love the conflict and the slow progression. well written and the plot is not that unique, but the characters and hoe it is written that made it different from the rest.

Thank You.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Great Story

Realistic, honest and wonderfully played out. Thanks for writing a fantastic tale of whether we choose to love in spite of the mistakes.

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusalmost 16 years ago
Once again

Excellent story, but Tom basically conspired with the wife to convince the husband that he had better 'be a man" which means that he MUST accept that his wife is a whore. In return she agrees to stop being a whore. Tom is a "choose sides", biased councilor, not an objective therapist. I was also bother by the whole "agreement" thing. I looked in vain for any exploration of that agreement, what it entailed, or why it was even thought necessary or desirable by either party.

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969almost 16 years ago

Well written as always. But if I could ask one question not so much about the story but the wife's actions in general. Is it really possible to suddenly stop wanting strange sex, in the same way that a whore/prostitute/hooker/escort whatever you want to call them. can they really stop having sex with clients if their husband/boyfriend asks them to. By the same token if you have a girlfriend/wife who is a lap dancer or stripper do you think she could just suddenly turn around and stop doing what she has been doing just because her husband/boyfriend asks her to. I'm not sure but I think the answer maybe no, or at least not for a long time. I think this same thought could be applied to the wife. mark and tom asked her to stop seeing other men and she did! straight away no tailing off. straight to cold turkey. Now I do hope for the best but at some point the wife will think back on those days of sexual freedom and may or may not want to have them again. As I said I hope not.

Risq_001Risq_001almost 16 years ago
The roller coster goes up...then it goes down.....

<p>Interesting story so far and capecodmercury stole "ALL" my good point about Leanne, but see what points I've been left with so far. To date:</p>

<p>- Sex and love are separate things. You can have one or the other, and if you really, really, love the person you can have both, but its totally possible to have as much sex as you want, with any one you want too, and it doesn't mean anything if you don't want it to, regardless of how the other person you're sleeping with feels. And as long as "you" feel it doesn't matter it doesn't matter how anyone else (including marriage mates) may feel about it.</p>

<p>- The number of people you sleep with doesn't matter. It's just purely a number, and if there are so many that you have no idea of how many (or even their names) ehh, it was just a number anyway and didn't mean anything. And if someone feels your number is "way too high" then the hang up is with them (or society) your perfectly fine having sex with hundreds if thats your game. And if you happen to charge for that privilege (other than a movie and dinner) well then who's society (or your marriage partner) to judge.............</p>

<p>- Casual sex in a marriage (or one-night stands) are ok as long as both parties going into the marriage know all about it up front, and it doesn't make the man a wimp or cuckold if he allows his wife to sleep around to her heart's content.</p>

<p>- Its only cheating if you don't know. If you know and you pretend its not happening, then its not really cheating. And if the other person gets hurt by your actions of sleeping with other people when they would wish you didn't, then your not the selfish one, they are for the expectation that you would stop. They knew what they were getting into before this roller coaster ride started</p>

<p>-And the ever popular question "Is it really cheating if you find away to get someone to agree to an open marriage if they don't fully understand what you end game plan is"


<p>And this point, one that kinda makes me giggle when I think about it, while Tom was beating up on Mark about all his "encounters" before he met Leanne, he kinda left out all the "encounters" Leanne had before she met Mark. And based on what we've been given up to this point, those encounters were far more than Marks encounters. Mainly because Mark stopped once he met Leanne, but she kept sleeping around on Mark. And the story read that Mark thought they were exclusive when she asked for them to both be tested, but that was so that it made it easier on her. And condoms do break from time to time.</p>

<p>But hey maybe I'm the only one to see that, Mark sure didn't while Tom was putting him on the offensive to get him to go back to Leanne an continue the marriage. This is why I guess its a romance/fantasy story. Tom doesn't have to worry about what is in the best interest for Mark, even if divorce is the best thing. The story has it so that the best thing is for him to stay married and find a way to keep Leanne happy. Even if Leanne was looking outside their marriage for validation, he has to honor his word because he allowed her to cheat on him. I mean I'm really curious what Vow's they spoke at the wedding? Saying you'd forsake all others, while thinking of the hot guy your going to have sex with next week, is like signing an exclusive "contract" to only sell to your cookies and cakes to "Dolly Madison" exclusively, and then immediately before the ink is dry walking to the back door and start loading your product on the back of a "Hostess" truck. All while saying "Dude you knew I made cookies and cakes here and your not the only game in town". I'd really be interested in what they said before their family and friends. Did any of them notice Leanne's "Forsaking all others, unless I'm really depressed or Mark says its ok" vow? </p>

<p>And if my wife was having unprotected "oral" sex and then kissing me later, ewwwwww. Men do discharge before they fire off for the "main event". And STD's can still be transmitted this way. Tooth paste wouldn't get me "mentally" past her doing this, and there is no way I'd put my tongue in her mouth after that. And while Mark commented that he was bothered by this in part one of the story, but it seemed to glossed "wayy" over"</p>

<p>And capecodmercury pointed out something that I totally agree with. You turned Mark, who felt victimized (and really was) by his wife, into the bad guy and Leanne into the person who needed everyone support. Let me explain, in four years of marriage Leanne couldn't figure out every time she spoke to her parents she needed sex with a stranger. And to top it off, she didn't seek it with her husband she did it with strangers. Then Tom and Leanna both felt that it was "just a number" that didn't matter. Tom went as far as to hold up two dis-similar situations and act as if they were the same. The number of women Mark was with <b>before</b> they were married to the number of men Leanne was with <i><b>after</b></i> they were married. A <i>similar</i> situation would have been the number of men Leanne was with after after her first marriage and the number of women Mark was with after his first marriage. But the way the story read, Mark wouldn't want to know that number.

<p>And why have Tom character as the advocate exclusively for Leanne? This wasn't someone trying to prevent someone from committing suicide and showing him he has a wife to live for. It was suppose to be someone to help them decide if continuing the marriage was the right thing. Problem was, Tom character seemed to have decided from part one of the story that it was, and Mark character was being silly about how he felt about this problems. That's what makes it romance story. One person who feels hurt enough, and feels gravely injured enough to want a divorce, their feelings aren't silly and blown out of proportion. But that's how Tom's character and Mark's character came off. Like he was being unfair to feel hurt this wife was sleeping with other men, because he agreed to in 4 years ago, and apparently he's not entitled to change his mind about how he feels about her sleeping around.</p>

<p>And Tom took Mark from "sweeping" all his problems under the rug to just sweeping his problem with Leanne sleeping with other men under the rug, to let her past actions during the marriage stay in the past, and finding a way to keep them together. Exactly how does that work for his character. He's still hiding from what bothers him so he can stay married? Wasn't he already doing that before he caught Leanne? And Leanne's character needing to have sex with a lot of different men just to know that Mark was all she wanted and needed?!?!</p>

<p>Ahhh, welll, hm............</p>


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Too little concern to forgive

This marriage was doomed from the start. The story, the writing, and emotions, until the end, were wonderful. Unfortunately Leanne caused too much damage over the years with her failure to consider Mark, that when the blow up came, it would have ended the marriage. Leanne is so selfish she never in the years of their marriage considered Mark. Did she ever ask him how he felt? Did she ever ask whether he could still live with the deal? Did she ever suggest he get a little on the side? NO!!! She had the best of both worlds. She had a man who loved her more then was healthy and the ability to screw around. WHAT A DEAL!!!<p>

In reality, every time she messed around, every time she didn't consider Mark's feelings, every time she didn't put her husband first, she killed the love and marriage. While I love you stories and understand your propensity for "making it work", this was too far. Her selfishness would have ended any marriage. Her selfishness makes her almost sociopathic. <p>

Mark deserves better. He put up with her because of his love. How deep must that love be? And when he had had enough, you wrote the unlikely story that he forgave her and all was well. Mark deserves someone who will do what should be done in a marriage, put their partner first.<p>

As for the shrink, his lack of concern for Mark was palpable. His desire to work out the "right" answers with Leanne helped he perpetuate the fraud on Mark. He was not fair or honest, he was an advocate for Leanne. Not once did he really pound her with her conduct. Instead, he hits Mark with pre marriage and post break up conduct. No where does he really make Leanne understand the consequences of her years of selfishness. Instead, he encourages Mark to continue a marriage with one of the most selfish, shallow characters I have ever read about.<p>

Love you writing. You are an incredibly talented fellow. I also like how you took up a very difficult subject and analyzed it. I can't wait for your next piece. I only say their are limits to what anyone can put up with and Leanne well passed those limits.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
All said and done

I think this may just be the worst thing you have ever written. Leanne is still a selfish self centered piece of shit, hubby is still a world class moron.......But the shrink?? I'd stomp a motherfucking hole in old Tom you could drive my D-9 thru. Yeah, you say you "just can't do that", well here where I live you damned sure can! The 50 is 'cause you can write. Otherwise I would have voted a Zero. And Ohio, you can NOT pick up the clean end of a TURD

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
A Different One

I didn't like this as much as many of your others. I do like the view of the counselor in some aspects, but it left most of the story dry and disjointed. Please keep them coming as I always look for your stories. Thanks.

toesmantoesmanalmost 16 years ago
Well, ...

Ohio, you know that I like your writing just about as much as any author on the web out there. & I was more or less fine w/ this story through Chapt. 3. But, I have to say, CapeCodMercury nailed it in his comments. Tom certainly became an advocate for Leanne. One of the most telling comments, was when she wanted-started to hug/kiss Tom, but stopped herself. Interestingly, Tom didn't stop her because it would have totally inappropriate, but because of how it might look, for example, if Mark saw them. And while I was not opposed as such to some reconciliation, it seemed that Leanne sort of skated away, w/ no real consequences for her actions. Yeah, I know Mark had given his "permission", but like Risq said, if Mark had known that permission was going to involve 70 men, in more than 125 separate sex acts over only 4 years, I'm sure he would have run screaming out of the room. Anyway, think about this, your characters & your writing got my emotionally involved in this story, so that I could have these feelings & disappointments, so maybe you succeeded ultimately after all. Thanks again, for all your work. Regards, Toesman

orefinnorefinnalmost 16 years ago
Glad that 04 was posted


I've read many of your submissions and feel you are one of the better authors on the internet. When I see your "Ohio" on a submission I always pay attention and read the story. This has been a favorite and I'm so glad that this last chapter appeared! When I was left with the note and the ring I thought what a terrible way to finish ... it can't be the end. But nothing was posted for a day or so and then I find the ending. You have done a very credible job and all the characters were believable. Thank you for a great effort.


APeacefulPlaceTxAPeacefulPlaceTxalmost 16 years ago
Loved the story... I'm not sure about the marriage

I need to begin by saying I believe in marriage, I believe in forgiveness, and I believe in divorce in the case of adultery. I don't think that adultery means an automatic divorce, but unless there is change and assurances, it's probably the wisest course.


Honestly, I find the comments almost as interesting as the story. There are some great analyst an critiquers out there. I'm especially impressed with CCM, although I wish he'd spend more time writing new stuff. I also wish that authors would simply delete the mindless "wimp" posts, they're so boring and repetitive.


Now for my observations, I've never been in therapy or to see a councilor. I do understand that they need to establish rapport but I would never consider going to a neutral observer. I would want wisdom and guidance, not some skillful dunce who just wanted me to figure out how I felt about something.


In this story there were some rights and wrongs. The wife was wrong and she needed to change. Some say she didn't suffer, but I don't think that's the case. The plaintive line about will my changing do any good tells you about the mental torture she's going through. She has serious problems, and blaming her father doesn't cut it with me. However, she "got it" as soon as she understood what her choices were. She couldn't change her past, but she could her future, but would it do any good.


I also agree that the husband would never have agreed to allowing his wife to have 70 men and 125 sexings and married her. I agree that emotionally he never agreed at all, but I don't think she understood that.


I do think she wanted to get caught. She broke the agreement and I think she did it because she wasn't happy with it either. How could any woman respect a man would would let her cuckold him the way she did. He only arrived three hours early and she took the chance of taking the man to her house! Then doing him outside with no phones around? Not a chance, she wanted to be caught and made to stop.


I saw the same thing when she labeled herself a slut and a whore. I don't think she was just trying to shock Tom, she felt she was. In today's world, a man who sleeps around before marriage might still be called a player... but not if he's married. Then he's just a cheat and I don't believe that most other men give him a pass. Personally, if I know a man is cheating on his wife I make sure we have rock solid contracts. A cheat is a cheat and I would rather not deal with one.


Wonderful story Ohio, I'm reminded of one of my favorite stories by Joesephus where he talked about grace. You didn't use the word, but that's ultimately what the husband had to do.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
I don't understand...

some of the comments about this story. However much people may hate Leanne, it's quite clear she did NOT cheat, and she did NOT "break the agreement" with Mark. The agreement had no rules whatever! There was no rule about how many men, or where she'd meet them, or anything else. Mark may have been crazy, or weak, but he agreed to let Leanne see (=fuck) other guys. There were no restrictions placed on her activities. I don't see why all the blame falls on Leanne for what happened. Mark didn't want to face what was going on, so he never talked with her about it, and never wanted it brought up. How is that her fault?

kelchakelchaalmost 16 years ago
The End?

Top marks for writing a very interesting story. Hated the ending. She was addicted to sex. Geez, next time you see an alcoholic staggering down the street, just tell him or her that all that is needed to stop cold turkey is to stop. Addictions don't end just like that. Will there be a follow-up story about the wife's struggle to resist the urge for strange dick when the marriage becomes more stable. Especially when she starts to really show her age and begins to feel unattractive.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Really, a sad story.

As usual, your writing skills stand out. You are an very good author, and as a ocassional contributor who finds the "loving wives" category the most dificult, I have to give you a 50% simply for your writing skills.

I know this is fiction, but does anyone really think that a person who finds out their spouse, whether male or female, had fucked 70 to 80 different people, sometimes as many as four or five times each in four years would have the slighest desire to stay with that husband/wife? Yes, I know there are couples who live as "swingers" and who might possibly match these numbers, but not if only one of them was enjoying all of this extra-maritial sex. Certanly not if the person was obviously as uncomfortable as the husband in this story seems to be with the situation.

And the "counslor"? Jesus, with a heavy hand like this guy, it sounds like he used to be a divorce lawyer! He has the same mix of screwed up logic and twisted morals as mahy of them seem to have! To count the husbands one night stands betweem his divorce and new marriage the same as the wifes since she married him is just wrong.

However this storyline was "pushed" to get a "happy" ending, and realizing once again, this is FICTION, I find this story to be well written but very unsatisfying.

Casey Edwards

zed0zed0almost 16 years ago
Pathetic little wimp.

Mark left to grow some balls, obviously he couldn't. I really hate wimp stories with sad endings, even if they are well written.

MinigalesMinigalesalmost 16 years ago
Funny Thinking

<p>I find comments that say numbers are irrelevant really hilarious. Imagine this. Your wife-to-be tells you she intends to see her friends (let's even say her girlfriends) after marriage, and you say yes because this is natural. After marriage, you find that she practically lives at her friends' houses. She told you beforehand and you agreed. You did not say up to one hour a week or anything.

peggytwittypeggytwittyalmost 16 years ago
A different look at two people and what is love

I have only had time to read some of the comments but Risq and capecodmercury have made some significant points. I look forward to reading the other comments as they may let me see how I misunderstood or am too harsh with this story.<P>I have to say you really made a mockery of an unbiased professional counselor. You have Tom as being an advocate of misleading and stilted information. He has done absolutely nothing to lead Leanne into really understanding what her actions and feelings are. She thinks she gets upset and needs reassurance after having contact or worse thoughts of her father. She doesn’t have any idea of what really is the triggering of her want to have sex with strange men. It sure isn’t something that has been faced, just put on the back burner.<P>Now as far as Mark goes, he tells him to stand up and be a man. Oh yeah, that cured the problem. He has never once tried to delve with Mark into how Mark handles the world around him. Mark is still the absolute same man who will ignore or run away from any conflict. When things start to change he will just ignore or shutdown as he still cannot confront any conflict, whether it be real or imagined. No one who is so absolutely afraid of anything negative, is made a person who can now deal with conflict by saying step up and be a man and Mark don’t you see you are being too picky in your way of thinking. Oh, that got him understanding himself and on the way to learning to deal with life!<P>This is marriage counseling and it needs to be referred to physiological therapy for each individual, as to just hide and wait, and ignore and retreat nothing has changed, it just became the inevitable delayed.<p> I love your writing and you taking on such challenging subjects, but this goes way to far into the realm of a quick fix and everyone now understands how their thought process works and they can now handle the inevitable changes that will rear their heads.<P> You can not <I>FIX</I> anyone’s way of thinking, you can just lead them to understand why they feel as they do. I am sorry to only score your story with a 50 but this is a dream of Utopia, not real people’s need to understand why they do what they do.<P>Oh well, this is just a fantasy and you do that very well. Real life is not that entertaining at times. I guess I just cannot separate this story and reality enough to make me feel good about it.<P>With great respect<P>PT

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Picky, Picky

For the ACTUAL professionals and all of the psuedo-psychologist critics I would suggest to you that this is NOT a psychological treatise or clinical verbatim. In my opinion Tom, in the space and time to which he is confined by this story, has done an excellent job in leading this couple toward some resolution for their major problems. This is not a novel with unlimited time for intricate character analysis or extended counseling or psychiatric care. Ohio, you did a good job!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Mark is a LOSER

Before my rant---thanks for another story that I read very quickly.

At the end of Chap. 3, there were signs that Mark was actually growing not one, but two testicles. These were quickly emasculated away by Dr. Phil and the whore. The end result of this story makes it impossible for us to believe that Mark was anything but a pathetic 450 pound slob that had not seen his feet in 23 years. And apparently his testes never descended. In other words, didn't register ANY score on the "Man-Meter".

He never asked for names. He never delivered any PERSONAL messages to the perps. HE ACTUALLY LET HER STAY UNDER HIS ROOF!! Come on------even Chester Milquetoast would have replaced the self-centered, selfish whore with Liz. Come ON!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

Simply put...A wonderful story with every emotion in the book there...job WELL done. I DO love happy endings!!!!

The story was well written as usual.

I read some of the comments and I AM APPALLED at the IGNORANCE of some readers, they try soooo hard to adapt it to real life that they have experienced or some cookoo thing like that...THIS IS A STORY FOLKS TO BE READ AND APPRECIATED in ALL of it's dimensions!!!!! Some readers are soooo brain dead!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Missing Reality & Eskimo's

This science fiction series left even the eskimo's cold - more on them later.<P>

Once upon a time there was a decent writer who tried to get into sales. Ah you guessed it. Now for the Eskimo's right.<P>

The writer said to himself - self - If I can sell iceboxes to eskimo's I can sell lipsticked pigs back to their momies as bacon. However the eskomo's weren't as dumb as a pig no matter how many shades and layers of lipstick used.<P>

So the writer said - hmmm only one "H" out of 4 chapters - which coincidently is about 1 more than it deserved. For you see Ch. 3 was when da wimpus quaiseye dumbo wakeded up grew some testees and left his long term wimphood and gained a little applause for leaving her.<P>

However the writer said enough of that - we have a forced reconciliation to set up and push down readers throats. And you braindead wimp are only .3 of the 3 storied players [all .001 to .oo2 each ]. So that doesn't add up - or down.<P>

Sooo- How do we get to a 4.5 ["H" Level ] mit all dos dem non-snowed perseptive .25's readers???<P>

Oh Ho - maybe if we got some laid off Dell engineers in India who can't read english to bump up the score a skosh?<P>

It aint working writer. The test is over and the eskimo's better get some large fans and air conditioning units but not refridgerators.<P>

Talented word smithing from yester year gets your foots in the door writer but when this letdown hit - even the strong writers wouldn't line up behind you or aside you when they heard the rifle bolts racked. Not a 21 sun galoot but for taps.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

I gave the author a 75 because he had the guts to post this story. Why would a man go back to a cheating slut of a wife? Sure they made love about 600 times, but she made love about 100 time while being married to Mark, breaking her marriage vows. That is a slut that cannot be trusted or keep her legs closed. Theo sounds like a negro's name and once you go black, you cannot to back to white. Give her time and she will fuck up again or as they say, give her enough rope and she will hang herself. If I were Mark, I would put a recording devise on the phone and a GPS tracking device in her care with a voice activated recorder. If she ever screwed around again, then he should divorce her for adultery and sue the bastard fucking her for alleination of affection. In the meantime, Mark should get as liquid as he can or have all of the assets placed in someone's man that he can trust.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
69 neutral lovers - give me a break!

Who are those machines the author is writing about? Fucking for days then go back to their regular life as if they just had to change clothing. And no expectations, no complications no emotions on any of the multiple partners side EVER. Give me a break.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
great story

loved it

bruce22bruce22almost 16 years ago
An interesting story

Well written and full of potential alternatives though as

Harry said, Ohio has a tendency to reconcile, not always but

most of the time!

I would never have accepted the deal but then we wouldn't

have a story. Tom is just doing his job as he sees it.

From what I heard people are paying for far worse service.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
I don't know....these numbers lie...

Would you classify Mark's weekend with Liz..."once". If so, Leanne's 125 "onces" is mind boggling...[ yea...I can just hear her saying..."uh, what did I do that was wrong"]. Furthermore, you would think Mark's 80 "onces" and Leanne's 69 "onces" are everyday experiences....such mythical lies only put to shame strong marriages that really exist...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Good story as usual but ...

As the other people have indicated: Mark is a wimp and the wife is a consistent cheater with a very active sexual aptitude. The therapist's ability to so easily "dismiss & forgive" the slut wife's actions made some of us wonder if "Tom" was a man-hater deep down inside. A story well written but it was hard to like any of the of the characters. When the wimp husband left her - he should have made a clean break. He most likely would be better off with a marriage partner who understands the concept of wedding vows.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
I don't get it.

I just don't get it. Where are the people that call your characters names such as "Wimp", "Slut', 'Whore'from? YourAnus? Someone said that if we don't learn from history then we're doomed to repeat it. In the same way, people that live in the past are dammed forever to the past. It's when we have the "Ah ha" moment that we learn and grow mentally, phycologically and spiritally. They both learned to say to each other, that was in the past, this is now, so let's get over with it and work for a future.

So for the critics that still haven't learned that when they shit themselves they stink, I hope that they enjoy living with their stink until they die!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Let's apply a little logic, here

If marriage is a simple contract, the specifics of which are to be decided by the participants, then, like it or not, admit it or not, Leanne did nothing wrong. On the other hand, if the couple believes marriage a sacramental covenant ordained and blessed by God, then "forsaking all others" is not an optional portion of the relationship, no matter how either feels (or what they think) about it. This specious idea that someone who chooses to forgive is a "wimp," though, is quite tiresome, and speaks much more to people's judgmental natures than it does any substantive insight into relationships. In either case, if both abide by the new understanding, their future can be a joyous one.

charleybearcharleybearalmost 16 years ago
Interesting Story

I think Mark was an idiot to go into a marriage agreeing to let her have her men. BUT, he did agree to that and hence she did not cheat on him.

I do however see how he was hurt by the intimacy he saw or at least thought he saw. Working through it all with a therapist was a good idea.

The only part of the therapy that I totally thought was stupid was comparing her 69 during the marriage to his 80 before he married her. Tom was a bit harsh on Mark but felt it was needed.

Now in my usual retaliation mode I think Mark should get a few more "hits" on the old casual sex scale and then do some comparing. See if this marriage is really strong or what!!.

Thanks for this story and all of your oother stories Ohio, I always look for them!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

she was estimating for the # of times and persons, where it would be in her best interest to lessen the impact. there is this 'love' yet she continues? the impluse is in her and i'd have my doubts as to ther ability to not slip.

the trust was damaged, and the ability to stay would be a challange. she ceratinly had more than sex [when that was all it was to her], so, one more thing against staying w her

bigchefwaynebigchefwayneover 15 years ago
A Very Well Written Story

This story is very well written- the characters are developed, the emotions clearly explained, the story line clear, etc. It's far past time for the people commenting here to understand that in rating a story you are not required to agree with the outcome. While I find both bullfighting and cockfighting offensive, this does not mean that I believe that Hemmingway was a bad writer, Rate the story, not your approval of the plot or outcome.

gyjunkiegyjunkieover 15 years ago
A well written story.

Even so, it does not change the fact that she was nothing but a slut. How can he even consider having her back. No telling what kind of STD's she could have been bringing back with her. Sure she said that she was using condoms, but if I were him, I would not trust her. Which brings me to that sorry excuse for a councelor, I would not continue listening to someone who tried to tell me that my wife's 69 different men or 125 different sexual experiences with others was offset by my 600 times with her. Where the heck did he get his degree? I would have been out of that door and with a lawyer for divorce. There was no real love or respect shown him. I never thought that I would say this about one of your works, but this was a piece of shit story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Three Idiots!

The husband, the wife and the therapist all put together, do not have the brains to come in out of the rain.

the Ct. Yankee

droogedroogeover 15 years ago
Leanne did nothing wrong

In general I don't enjoy slut/wimp/cuckold stories, good luck to those that do as I would be the last to judge their preferences but myself I'm just not into humiliation. That said I really enjoyed this well written and thought provoking story by Ohio and I had an enormous respect for Leanne's character and honesty. I admittedly would never consider a marriage to such a woman but her courage and strength, honesty and morals would challenge the most devout woman. As for hubby I didn't have much respect for this whiner he should take responsibility for his actions and honour his signature on a contract. Confronting stuff Ohio and well written thanks for sharing.

droogedroogeover 15 years ago
Leanne did nothing wrong

In general I don't enjoy slut/wimp/cuckold stories, good luck to those that do as I would be the last to judge their preferences but myself I'm just not into humiliation. That said I really enjoyed this well written and thought provoking story by Ohio and I had an enormous respect for Leanne's character and honesty. I admittedly would never consider a marriage to such a woman but her courage and strength, honesty and morals would challenge the most devout woman. As for hubby I didn't have much respect for this whiner he should take responsibility for his actions and honour his signature on a contract. Confronting stuff Ohio and well written thanks for sharing.

droogedroogeover 15 years ago
Leanne did nothing wrong

In general I don't enjoy slut/wimp/cuckold stories, good luck to those that do as I would be the last to judge their preferences but myself I'm just not into humiliation. That said I really enjoyed this well written and thought provoking story by Ohio and I had an enormous respect for Leanne's character and honesty. I admittedly would never consider a marriage to such a woman but her courage and strength, honesty and morals would challenge the most devout woman. As for hubby I didn't have much respect for this whiner he should take responsibility for his actions and honour his signature on a contract. Confronting stuff Ohio and well written thanks for sharing.

droogedroogeover 15 years ago
Leanne did nothing wrong

In general I don't enjoy slut/wimp/cuckold stories, good luck to those that do as I would be the last to judge their preferences but myself I'm just not into humiliation. That said I really enjoyed this well written and thought provoking story by Ohio and I had an enormous respect for Leanne's character and honesty. I admittedly would never consider a marriage to such a woman but her courage and strength, honesty and morals would challenge the most devout woman. As for hubby I didn't have much respect for this whiner he should take responsibility for his actions and honour his signature on a contract. Confronting stuff Ohio and well written thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

What a bunch of crap,this writer would forgive cheating no matter how many or how many times.You always know the ending.

shaman43shaman43over 15 years ago
The unforgiving

I cannot believe that the revenge mongers have a life in the real world. There are many stories there of love and how every couple is different. Faithfulness can be perceived and conducted differently. I feel sorry for those that are so closed that a piece of flesh and a cave can be so important it overrides everything else in importance. Get a life people/ I gave this story a 5.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
just silly

Doc's a quack, husband is a wimp with no self esteem and wife has decided that she a notch below a street whore... why would anyone want to spend more than five minutes with any of these people?

Emerald_DragonEmerald_Dragonabout 15 years ago

It was interesting to see the story from the therapists' point of view, I don't think that I have ever seen a story quite like it on the site. I liked also the psychology behind both of them. There wasn't any huge sexual abuse trauma in her past or anything, just 'normal' issues with family and self worth and how past and present all tie together. I think the very negative comments are from "trolls" that just don't understand anything subtle that leads to resolution. If it isn't spelled out they just dont get it. I enjoyed the story and have been reading the others you have on the site. Keep up the good work.

hawkeye007hawkeye007about 15 years ago
I don't think so...

He should not have married the slut in the first place!

hawkeye007hawkeye007about 15 years ago
I don't think so...

He should not have married the slut in the first place!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

I'm still not happy with the deal. The gist is she really wanted to be fucking her daddy. I just don't think the deal is sealed...

And it would be less confusing if the author could remember who was Tom and who was Mark.

Simple49erSimple49erabout 15 years ago
If you are a therapist

watch out: you could be sued for this approach. This was wrong from start to finish. Life is not HBO. The inherest problems they both suffered from were so intricate and deep as you described them, that the theraputic approach used would have detroyed and exascerbated the problems, especially his. You found excuses for her, but deep down did not solve would was driving her to need to hurt her husband by cheating because that was what she really wanted; not the "Oh, I need daddy" syndrome you implied. Nah! Just not believable. Too simplistic. If anything, you should have also worked on his submissive masochism: he did not love her, he just needed her to humiliate him and you did not have the therapist really address that in him. If anything, your counselor enabled the wife's sexaul sadism and treatment of the husband for 3 chapters and then ran blithely off to a contrived happy ending.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
yes she never cheated

Ohio you wrote the story well,i did enjoy the comments greatly,Risq said it best so i wont restate his comment..however everyone that called her a cheating slut must not read the beginning of the story..I agree that she was a slut but she was up front about it that she needed other guys,and he agreed to marry her anyways.. that was their marriage contract , even though he was hoping she wouldnt need to,when he got confronted with the reality of the situation he freaked out and couldnt handle it..It didnt matter if it was 1 or a thousand that she was with, it was the wery fact that she did it at home bothered him the most.. Their home HIS SPACE was violated ! I agree he should have never married her and that she had major problems with sex adiction but she told him in the beginning and she thought he had accepted it..As for the marriage councelor his job was to get them to stay together,even though i agree that he was bias in his method and i too felt that he was a she feminist , yeah thats how it came across ,or that he wanted some of her ..we all knew there was going to be a reconciliation in the end even though the real problem never was dealt with .. and we all agree that she was a slut to begin with,it was still his choice and he never got to work out why he married her anyways..Was it sex ??Was it his need to be with someone ?? Or was she a trophy wife to him ??? People do weird things in life that some of us readers never would accept..the story was written well but the caracters were wery flawed and without that there would have never been a story .. Good job Ohio it got us all thinking and i know thats why you write the way you do ...B.N.

jasonnhjasonnhalmost 15 years ago
What they did wrong

I don't think it's useful to criticize a story because it differs from my personal standards of behavior. I'm not into BDSM and tend not to read many of those stories but why criticize BDSM characters for being as they are written. The writer can structure them as he chooses. Where I start having problems is when characters do or say things that are either inconsistent with their character as developed or they violate basic rules of human behavior. An example of this might be that if a partner gets involved with someone else the vast majority of people are going to be upset or jealous. Unless it is very clearly developed that the character will NOT feel this way, I would expect them to be jealous and angry. That's the way people are.

So what did Mark do wrong? He entered into an agreement that he clearly was very uncomfortable with. He never accepted Leanne's promiscuity, realistically how many men or women COULD accept that their partner was not going to be faithful? Instead he was dishonest with himself and her by pretending that he could ignore the issue. It really didn't exist except in occasional vague thoughts. It was clear that it weighed on his mind constantly but was being held in check.

What did Leanne do wrong? She entered into an agreement that she KNEW was not healthy for either one of them. "I accept what you are doing but it bothers me so much that I can't talk about it?" She really thought this was going to be OK for the long haul? The whole situation was a bomb ready to go off and she accepted it because she wanted it to work out. She wanted to have her cake and eat it too. A very immature attitude. She had no business getting married.

She was also dishonest about her feelings toward her lovers. She played them off to Mark as quickies to scratch an itch but it was very clear from her descriptions to Tom that she was very aware of all the nuances of each lover. There was a committed appreciation of each individual partner and that is not the image she sold to Mark. He would NEVER have been able to accept the real image so she sold him somethings she thought he could deal with. And then she, the oh so careful one, brought a lover into her house. That created a intimate bond that she consistently tries to deny existed.

juderboyjuderboyover 14 years ago
what a crook of shit

you have good writing skills. Why would you waste your time on a story that could never happen, EVER? If your wife did that to you would you live with? I hope to god not!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
If I got this right, the man overcame the emotiona

trauna of actually knowing his wife was a slut/whore that had exposed him to diseases and possible harm in many forms, to move back in because he missed his pool, home, and air mattress. Why not divorce the slut and get the home, the pool, and air mattress and a new clean life? Dumb ending, she would be better suited as a professional whore in one of the legal brothels.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Cheating slut or not, she destroyed a man before

her engagment and then after their marriage. She is lucky he just didnt kill her. Intentional or not, fucking in the home was one way of her forcing her husband to come to grips with his being a cuck. There is no mention in the story of the more significant aspects of this marriage. She placed herself and her husband in harms way many times, physical, financial, and medical harm by her actions and adulterous actions. I cant get deep into the story because in reality I cant imagine any man staying with a woman and time, married or not, knowing she was fucking someone else and may that day have at least acquired HIV. He doesnt own her but being in love and talking of marriage is a commitment to each other and to the potential of a marriage contract. No way in Hell!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Numbers do count right from the first one. You reflect the idea a woman or man can comit adultry as often as desired with any one who agrees to, but this idea is very wrong, the marriage was broken on the very first time she screwed some one other than her husband. Wheather you agree with this or not doesn't matter, the law of the marriage is binding, if you betray the contract the marriage is destroyed period.........

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
To all of you depressing critics...

Don't you guys get it? She did it because her father didn't pay enough attention to her and hurt her feelings. How could she have possibly done anything else?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

I cannot see in all these stories how writers can make out the male of the species to be so dumb to accept a cheating slutty wife period. bottom line. this woman is a slut and does not love her husband or she would never do what she did. Love literotica stories do not know th emeaning. marriage....same thing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Well done..

Hypocrates build the castle`s and the psykopath´s move in.. who cashes in the "rental"... = Shrinks/counselors... Just an bad remark.. But well written story and I found it interesting and challenging.. peoples mind is an difficult 1.. especially the the emotional as it sometimes lack of "normal sense".. but we are all only human beeings.. Keep up the good work there mate..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Well written

but total nonsense. Just a more complicated whore and a more complicated and sensitive wimp.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Firstly, no man (wimp or not) would knowingly marry a slut like this. And secondly, no man would accept the c@#p the so-called therapist was selling. If you're going to write a story, at least portray realistic characters and action.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

this has to be one of the worst stories ive ever read and thats saying alot, considering the crap on this site. sooo, because he thinks she is the one, hes willing to have an open marriage, at least on her side? and the counselor back wifey completely, saying basically that mark needs to suck it up because she loves him and he loves her. what bullshit. that being said, it was a well written story and shit.

katibkatibalmost 14 years ago
Better with each reading...

I've read this marvelous story three or four times and with each reading I'm more impressed with the narrative skill of the author. One of the very best stories in L.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Not for me

I read it all the way through because you write some damn good stories and are not afraid to go to the dark side of human nature and the realities of deadly diseases which is a very real risk these days when you decide to cheat and I hope you continue to go there with your story lines as most will not , especially with cuckold and interracial writers . But I really have a hard time believing that if a wife cheated SO MANY times , no matter if she was mentally ill , that the husband would take her back . Sorry but it doesnt work for me , never the less , your a damn good writer and hope you keep them coming . Its writers like you that keep this site from turning into a fag and bi wimp husband site .

grogers7grogers7over 13 years ago
a bit fantastic

... but it is fiction, so if you can accept the premise of "don't ask, don't tell" in a loving marriage, then the story is well conceived and well told. Is the premise plausible ? I have come to learn that everything you can imagine is possible in the complex relationship between a man and a woman.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
thanks alot!

you could have put me in his spot. your story has help me out alot with my fellings and emotions. so just wanted to say thank you. it ment alot to me! it mad me fell a little better about my self.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
You are one SICK puppy....'s a recurring theme for you...the wife cheats and the ONLY way the husband can deal with it is to bang some whore of his own. This guy couldn't grow a set and man up to his own complicity in creating his mess, he couldn't be strong enough to work through it without letting some whore sample his dick.

Reading your other stories (I'm going through them top to bottom) I thought you hated women but I'm finding you hate men FAR more. How sad.

(and the only reason I post anon is I'm not a lit user)

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
You ARE a sick author..pathetic and worthless

Quit writing until you get your fucking head screwed on right, you asshole.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Not one of your best. The wife cheated all through their marriage and finally when the husband puts his foot down the Dr. helps the wife cheat while answering his questions. Then the Dr. tells Mark that he needs to man up...Sorry to one sided to believe.

MasterCatharsisMasterCatharsisover 13 years ago
They're out in force

Well I see the anonymous woman haters rear their ugly heads again. What a pathetic bunch of losers. They're probably homophobic also. Very insecure bunch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
God almighty hate to say this BUT

Harry was spot on in his comments from way back in chapter 1. Back then Harry asserted that the therapist was terrible and appeared to be delusional.

To be sure CCM and Risq and Peggy made the point with more class than Harry did. But once again Harry saw the the author was deliberately making a terrible therapist that would end up blaming Mark and defend Leaane.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
not quite

He gives her a credit care for example, and the expectation that it be used responsibly - not abused. Their agreement, and she cared for Mark of course, could have have been, I can, but decline to do so. No reason, I see, to believe there is particular love but her deisres to .... Best for Mark to leave and she can go for a record and have the ability to supplement her income, as needed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
One for the braindeads

Sorry, but this is one of the dumbest stories i have read at literotica.

When you are married to a whore, you have to get rid of the slut and not listen to some stupid psycho-bla-bla.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 13 years ago
It always fascinates me

Apparently in real life no one ever grows up or changes they just lock in place and remain what they entered a relationship with -

The explanations in this whole story ring authentic and consistent through out -

For those who cannot cope fine move on dump (just like she was afraid he would) and leave a total dysfunctional human being for ever, whatever every feels compassion and humanity differently.

Some people love or care enough to move beyond the past - the truth is it does not make a difference how many 10 or 1000 is too many or it isn't. Why and will it happen again are the issues - resolve the issues and move is good - don't and you will fail.

They both had FULL happy sex lives in total, truth be told both had more partners then most of us ever will - think about it folks - if he isn't a whore neither is she (based on numbers alone) so get over that part.

Thanks as always Scorp for another though t provoking story - the solutions is different for everyone and most are probably right when you get some guidance through the mine fields.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 13 years ago
Sorry Ohio

I got in to a rhythm - on Scorp's page then started clicking on links of yours (I had both author pages open) sorry - the critiques and comment were appropriate to your stories though -

My apologies sincerely I will add this to all the places I can find with the wrong name - really very sorry -

akkaryiakkaryialmost 13 years ago

The content of this story aside, the perspective of having it told from the marriage counselor's point of view was quite unique. Good job.

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 13 years ago

I am really late commenting on this one but it should have been in the "Willing Cuckold" story site. Then it switches and is in the "Unwilling Cuckold" catagory. Did I read it right?

She won't marry him at first because she loves other men't cocks too much and can't give them up. Yet, she loves him and will marry him if he understands that he will be a "Willing cuckold"? He accepts but does not want to watch. He changes his mind when he has to watch in humiliation when she brings one home and he walks in on the scene.

He was never happy about being a "Willing Cuckold" but now has to face the fact of his cuckolding so he switches to becoming an "Unwilling Cuckold." That is because he realizes she loves other men's cocks as much or maybe even more than his?

She doesn't understand his feelings because she thought he had accepted being a Cuck and had given her his permission to fuck other men. She rationalizes to herself; didn't she always bring her well-used pussy home to him to wallow in too; just like a good Cuckoldress does? And if it was stretched too badly didn't she allow it to close before she gave him any? She didn't want to rub it in his face and humiliate him too badly, right?

Of course, we all realize that this is a fetish for some couples. Although in most of these instances the couple are in agreement and both generally like the situation they indulge in. So, is this a "Willing Cuck" story that went bad? If so, how can anyone blame the "Cuckoldress"?

The husband just changed his mind when he had to face that he wasn't much of a man to have accepted these conditions he had agreed to. Yet, in fact, he was a "Willing Cuckold Wimp" for a while? No? Yes? Wasn't this just a long, drawn out, story of the emotional issues concerning that lifestyle? I didn't like being cuckolded in my first marriage either. I had enough pride and self-respect to dump her though it cost me.

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