All Comments on 'What Does It Mean? Ch. 01'

by Agena

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
About Time - Thanks Author

Your subject is very appreciated - same sex infidelities are as bad or worse than the norm. So it is well passed time that someone wrote about it.<P>

This approach counters the silly absurd same sex watchers and instigators who think its erotic when there is just as much at stake were it another man.<P>

Again Author - you and your plot of consequence are appreciated.<P>

With High Regard

Kanga40Kanga40about 17 years ago
Good so far...

but you do realise there will be a big response trashing your views re fidelity.

Alvaron53Alvaron53about 17 years ago
Tolerable start, could be better

Decent opening chapter with an interesting premise but the naming confusion between Clara and Carla was annoying. The dialog was stilted in places, and the story's pacing is awkward at times.


Jim acts strangely when he asked Betty to monitor Grace's visits to her psychiatrist. Betty has no reason to do so. Besides, how would she know whether Grace went or not? Grace has her own transportation and doesn't need Betty to chaffeur her to and from the doctor's office. Then later on, Jim says "<I>It was expensive but necessary to keep track of her since I couldn't count on her sister to keep me informed.</I>" which makes me wonder why he asked Betty in the first place. All of that business with Jim wanting to track Grace and her activities is weirdly busted, and it disrupted the flow of the story. If he's that concerned about his wife's activities, then why kick her out of the house in the first place? Clearly it would be easier to keep tabs on her if she's at home.


I'm no expert on psychology but I know of no battery of psychological tests that would answer the question of why someone cheated on their marriage vows. Perhaps in the story, such a suite of tests has been developed but that is why it's called fiction.


Thank you for your effort. I look forward to the next chapter.

Blue88Blue88about 17 years ago

Nice to see a new tale by Agena. Exploring same sex infidelity should prove interesting. Looking forward to additional chapters.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 17 years ago
sorry alvaron you Missed a Key point

sorry Alvaron... you missed a KEY point when you said this



Jim acts strangely when he asked Betty to monitor Grace's visits to her psychiatrist. Betty has no reason to do so. Besides, how would she know whether Grace went or not? </i>


How about Grace LYING to her own sister!!! DUH?!?!? Recall that when Jim kicked her cheating ass out the wife goes to her sister and LIES... <b>Grace lied to Betty by saying she did NOT know WHY Kim threw her ass out OR by lying thru Omission. </b>


All Jim is asking Betty to do is tell him if GRACE is see a psychiatrist ona regular Basis. Jim is <b>NOT</b> asking Betty to spy on GRACE to see if she is still seeing Carla.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 17 years ago
Love this writer's stuff... This one ?

as a general rule I LOVE this writer's stuff. ALways have. This one is off to a good start but I have a problem with some of the dialog...


When Jim finds out what her wife has been doing... the author has him asking waaaay too many questions and getting NO answers.


This section.... needs to be borken up....


...<i>"If you thought it was alright and I would be OK with it, why didn't you tell me about it and not hide it Grace?..." </i>


OK STOP RIGHT there. Jim needs to get an answer to this question.


is his wife depressed or mentally off balance? THEN her answer to this 1 question would tell Jim a lot. But she might answer THAT question in such a manner to show that the wife is justa whore ...a person witha character flaw.... which in this case it is time to head for Divorce court


...."<i>It was just sex? I can't believe you. You knew it was not right yet you went ahead and did it behind my back. Was the sex exciting or was it the fact that you thought you could hide it from me that it was exciting? ...."</i>


OK STOP RIGHT there. Jim needs to get an answer to this question.


...."<i>Just like those women on the Oprah show. All excited because they were having illicit sex with another woman. Well, you can just go live with your lover Grace, because you're out of here. Go pack a bag and move out. You broke our wedding vows as far as I'm concerned and we don't have a marriage anymore. So you can go live with your lover and not have to hide anything."</i>


The Push towards a psychiatrist tells me this maybe head to a reconciliation at all costs thing... but this writer throws some good curves so I will withold judgement.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Nice Start

Liked the story so far. Wife has the affair and then suggests husband goes to councling. Any affair puts a marriage in stress yet the offended party usually has more work to do to save the marriage. Besides the anger,loss of self esteam,feelings of loss of trust, they can never know all that went on and they usually imingine things worse than they actually were. Hope the rest of story gets posted in a timley fashion. Too many stories already left hanging. Thanks!

ohioohioabout 17 years ago
well done so far!

Like the others, I'm looking forward to seeing where this one goes.

Best, ohio

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Looking forward to the rest

The two most annoying and/or stupid things a cheating spouse could say to their "loved one" are:

1. "But...but...but it was just sex. I love you!"

2. "Honey, don't you understand I was not cheating because I was having a homosexual affair."

To use this as a ploy for a story, I can accept, but any reasonably intelligent person would blow up with these kind of stupid remarks IF they believe in fidelity in the marriage. And this wife knew it because if not she would not have kept the affair a secret...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
I liked what you've done, but...

I think you missed a great opportunity when you had her confession done as narrative instead of dialog.


There are two things that make marital infidelity interesting (and this was certainly that):


1. The emotional anguish and consequences. In this story having the confession done with dialog would have accentuated the pain and given it more of a sense of immediacy. I saw Ohio's comment: he is certainly one of the best at this.


2. Why? Why did she do this? What was she or wasn't she thinking of? How could she not lay there with a woman and not at least have a flash of her husband doing the same with a man? If it was "just sex" that sort of presumes she would be okay with her spouse have "just sex" with someone else - of either sex.


The "why" is seldom addressed adequately by most authors ... simply because it is the hardest part of infidelity to write about in a convincing, believable manner. (I certainly include myself as an author with this same problem.) A good example of a story crying for the "why" to be answered is Hdk's fine story, Julia.


Good start on the story. I'll be waiting to see where this goes.


Regards, Jack

Gary_LostGary_Lostabout 17 years ago

Very good story, please continue it soon.

Alvaron53Alvaron53about 17 years ago
Harry claims that I don't get it

I get it just fine. Betty says, "<I>Shouldn't you be talking with your wife, Jim? I don't think I should be involved.</I>" How much plainer does it need to be, Harry? Betty's not interested in playing hallway monitor for Jim. Given her attitude, why would Jim believe that she would be truthful?


The problem of whether Grace is lying to Betty or not won't be solved by having Betty report back to Jim on whether Grace goes to her doctor's appointments or not. That logic is so weirdly convoluted I don't want to think about it too much.


And now, on with the show...

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 17 years ago
Sorry ; good post but You DONT get it



well I think out little exchange shows that we have some BIIIIIG philsophical differences. I dont wnat this to degenerate into one of our spats so I will restrain myself here.


yesterday in the Gun debate essay by Goldeniangel you made an interesting post. From your remarks on Guns and the evils of Bush I take it your are a serious Liberal. On some issues I am too... for instance in 2004 I voted for Edwards.


My point is that we see things really differently.

Alvaron when you say <i> "Given her attitude, why would Jim believe that she would be truthful?" </i


In the real world... if A and B are related and A goes to B and says "help me something bad has happened" ... then B Lies to A in A's own Home... well that is Likely to piss people off.



...."The problem of whether Grace is lying to Betty or not won't be solved by having Betty report back to Jim on whether Grace goes to her doctor's appointments or not. That logic is so weirdly convoluted I don't want to think about it too much...." </i>


WHAT? Grace went to her sister and Lied her ass off!! That means Betty is involved!!!


How is it in BETTY's interest to have a sister around that not only lies to her husband but is now living with them and is Lying to Betty?

peggytwittypeggytwittyabout 17 years ago
Very well done Loving Wives type story

I can see that Jim is smart enough to know that Grace has to find out in her own mind why she REALLY wanted to do this adultery. In most cases it takes a trained counselor to help someone to look at what she has and is thinking that moves them to act in certain ways. There is no magic pill or absolute advice to fix what is wrong or bring about an epiphany of the mind. It is with guidance and questions that a professional counselor can lead a person to see in their own mind what they feel is there real mind set vs. just a justification of what has transpired. We all want to justify our actions, but we need to see the truth for ourselves before any type of closure can be obtained and we can look forward.<p>Some people will never see the truth as it is too painful or their ego will never let them admit the truth. This can be a life changing for those who have finally reached a real crossroad of reality and not excuses, when they see the pain and have hit the understanding (hit the bottom) that they are worth standing up and facing what they are. This is when real life starts again though the outcome is never certain, other then the truth will really set you free to live a full life. Regret is a human emotion and it serves us well as we can learn from it as long as we don’t dwell on it into a depression.<p>I like your premise of the same sex affair as it lets all of us make up in our own mind if we have a double standard in our own beliefs.<p>I don’t see where the following of Grace’s car is going to bring about anything positive other then more suspicion and anxiety as each day goes by. Jim needs to join in the counseling so the counselor can see more of the picture of their life together. This is extremely important to help them as a couple and as individuals if any type of real resolution, reconciliation or just moving on with their own lives, is to happen to see them both heal.<p>People are not predisposed to commit the same error in their lives if they see what and why they are doing. It is when they want to never let these things happen again and remember the pain being so much more then any pleasure derived by their actions that real success is attained. Love can change our actions and outlook when fear or hate is replaced with love. Love is the most powerful ingredient in the world, letting us survive when nothing else will work. We all know our egos get in the way of letting go so we must understand what we can accept and then we will know what we are willing to do. If the new experiences are what we really want then we know to admit it and follow these new ways in our lives. At least we have made a conscience decision that this it what we now want by knowing we have seen all the truth of it before us. Real reflection with honesty can make all of us see we have now made a decision without it being in emotion only.<p>Please keep writing as we readers await the next chapter. Thank you for the entertainment and good work.<p>PT

Risq_001Risq_001about 17 years ago
As much as it pains me to say this,

<p>Harry, I see Alvaron53 point</p>

<p>While Betty has a vested intrest in getting her sister out of her house and hopefully back together with her husband (I mean if our family did something stupid wouldn't we try to help any way we could?) I see what he's saying. Why ask Betty at all? If Grace lied to her already once and made Betty's family think he threw her out for no really good reason, why would Betty believe she would tell her the truth now? If Betty thinks what Grace did was of no real big concequence, why wouldn't Betty lie for her? Why involve Betty if he was going to eventually buy a tracking device to watch Grace with anyway?</p>

<p>It seems like he's trying to see if he can trust "Betty" more than if he can currently trust Grace. Grace has been deceiving him for awhile now and he got a GPS so he can track her movements, so I see why Alvaron53 is asking the questions of why should he involve Betty at all. He can just use the GPS program himself to see where Grace has been or if she is really going to the Doctor, and then just check them later to see if it really is a doctor on his own.</p>

<p>And with Doctor/Patient Confidentiality the Doctor won't tell him anything and Grace can say what ever she wants and the Doctor won't ever say if she's lying or not. It's against the law for her to. So making her go to Shrink, and no way to verify what diagnosis the doctor comes up with, really won't help his cause without a way of verifing if Grace is still lying to him. Outside of the GPS that is, everyone else could/would lie to him if it was in Grace's best interest</p>

<p>That being said I've liked most of Agena's stuff so I'm wondering where this ride will take us as well.</p>

<p>Waiting for part two of this story</p>


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Minority vote

No doubt, wife was adulterous and wrong, but if a woman is married to Attilla the Hun, who says " I'm bigger than you so if you don't get out I'll throw you out" Wow, what a hero. Then instead of discussion he issues edicts to wife and her sister. I can understand why wife might take a woman lover. When your married to a thug, any change has to be an improvement.

60 year old George

PhilipinNorcalPhilipinNorcalabout 17 years ago
somewhat interesting but wooden

'Agena':<p>You've presented an interesting premise just recently introduced in "Collateral Damage." Can a same-sex extramarital affair be considered as grievous as that of one between opposite genders? Certainly there are many husbands who would find the dabbling of their wives in lesbian trysts somewhat exciting, but I believe most would want to know beforehand that such liaisons had been arranged. To me what truly constitutes the infidelity is the deception and deceit. And clearly in this tale the wife was guilty of both.<p>As to this story, I didn't have a problem with the actions taken by the protagonist, I just felt he acted very perfunctorily in performing them. His response seemed to be the product of having conducted many "betrayal" drills. He was too aloof for me to feel his pain, heartache, etc. Also the dialog lacked realism for me. It was trite and presented little depth. I expected more exploration of the wife's motivation by the husband. He instructs his wife to sit down because <i>"I'm here to listen to what you have to say."</i> But immediately after confirming to him her infidelity, he summarily dismisses her from the house. Not that she shouldn't have been sent packing, it's just that I believe there was more for him to learn from her. And surprisingly he never once asked her, "Do you love me?" Curious. With the degree of betrayal he has considered this transgression to be, one would think that he would want to know the answer to that question.<p>Why he enlisted the help of his sister-in-law in his plans for his wife's possible redemption escapes me. She clearly wanted no part of this, and it would seem, were she to choose sides, her first allegiance would be to her sister.<p>And then story becomes formulaic with the husband "stalking" his wife's movements with the so-often-used electronic devices. Yawn. I agree with 'peggytwitty' that the protagonist's insistence that his wife seek counsel from a psychiatrist to seek an answer as to "why" she cheated enhances the plot. The reason(s) presented could be telling and greatly impact the plot in any subsequent chapter(s). Other than that I didn't find this story really compelling.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
I enjoy sitting in the back seat

and simply going along with the author on this ride. I don't control it. I don't have to agree with everything that happens. Was the wife wrong? Of course! But how is the author going to proceed? I want to know what happens next, so that makes it a good story. If I didn't care, it would be a bad story. Do all the characters behave as I would, or as I want? No, but that's fine. I look forward to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Not Very Well Done

<p>Another commenter remarked the writer's style seems wooden. I agree. This whole story has the feel of a teenager trying to write an adult story for the first time and it's not a very pleasant read.</p>

<p>The dialogue wasn't realistic. In fact, it was juvenile, "wooden," and didn't advance the story line. The characters were never developed into anything more than one-dimensional caricatures. We don’t know them – we don’t have any real information on any of them to judge their motivations or their morals.</p>

<p>Finally, I just don’t believe this story was well thought out. At the end of this chapter, the protagonist is seen attaching a GPS device to his estranged wife’s car. Why? He already knows she’s cheating on him. The infidelity is an established fact. According to the scanty information the writer gives us, he wants to know if she does it again – after he threw her out of the house and making plans to see an attorney. Huh?</p>

<p>I’ll skim the next submitted chapter, but I doubt it’ll have a logically developed storyline.</p>


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
What's the point?

Why do you find it nessisary to break the story into parts? You didn't even fill one page. The cliff hanger routine doesn't help and it's not cute or funny. I also suspect that this marriage is heading for the toilet, so why go to all the trouble of having her followed or using the neat little gadget to track her? She already admitted to the affair, again what's the point? Dead is dead and fucked is fucked, there are no varying degrees. Will they be more divorced if she cheats on him again? Yeah, I know there would be no story here if you didn't think of something to write but there is really no story here in the first place. so I ask again, what's the point?

DesertPirateDesertPirateabout 17 years ago
Well Done!

Very good story. I don't understand the negative comments. This is your story and I'm enjoying it, lead on and guide us through the rest of this journey. After all a good author is like a good tourguide.

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 17 years ago
A very good start and…comments

I have to admit (without taking away anything from my appreciation of the story) that I enjoyed very much the heated, yet strangely still polite debate, and at some point I could not tell which I enjoyed more: the story or the feedbacks. But I am a junky for reading comments (not the demented ones), especially almost any debate. You almost always learn SOMETHING from debates. Sometimes what you learn has nothing to do with the official subject of the debate, but you still learn something. <P>

Oh, the story. Well, I enjoyed it of course. I did not think that the style was woody or lacking in any other way. Nor was the content amiss, like not enough inquires aimed at the wife. In fact, my sense is that the author was appropriate, style wise per the stage of the plot – the exposure of a shocking betrayal. Please, be reminded that unlike us, the character of the husband is in shock. That is not the time when you see people at the height of their rhetorical eloquence. That’s when people are silent; that’s when people stutter or say only one word or repeat the same sentence or curse. If anything, the author stretched somewhat (but successfully) my ability to suspend disbelief, with regard to husband’s eloquence given the circumstances. <P>

It was a very refreshing shift from a very tired formula when the husband sent the wife away. It makes so much sense. She was the offender. Why in the name of all offended and betrayed spouses, we had to endure endless spouses going to exile as their betraying spouses stayed at home? An arcane remnant to a misplaced chivalry? Bits me. Thanks for removing that thorn from your plot. <P>

Why did he ask her to leave at all? I almost feel that if someone needs to really ask the question, then any answer would not help. But just for the record, he needs to not see her; to avoid unmeditated harm; to reestablish mental equilibrium and to create the physical distance that her betrayal warranted. <P>

It was extra refreshing to note the husband INITIATING a diagnostic process for his wife, rather than the formulaic standard, in which for some mysterious reason the betrayed husband is being dragged, sometimes alone (???) to therapy even as the wife is the one who cheated. But those who have been around know – every thing is possible in Loving Wives…<P>

While Literary wise it is refreshing, PEGGYTWITTY is correct in pointing out that in reality it’s not customary to only pathologize cheating by tying it to some mental disorder of the cheating spouse. Like it or not, the working assumption is that both partners should be involved AT SOME POINT in the process, even for a diagnostic purposes. After all, it happened within the context of two particular people, one of them, being the husband. Before people jump –that does NOT mean a mindless equal distribution of responsibility between offender and offended. But the nature of the INTERACTION, even if totally benign on the part of the husband’s behavior could unbeknown to either partners trigger certain patterns of behaviors that a diagnostician has to be aware of. <P>

Enjoyable as it was, the whole exchange on the matter of the two sisters seems to me immaterial. IMO, it was a weak segment in the story itself. The main point was that the wife was out of the house. He wanted to monitor her movements – so he did it with the toy he purchased.

He did not need any ongoing updates from either of them regarding the Psychiatrist. All he needed was the name and maybe the frequency of the meetings, in addition to the wife's signature on a waiver which would give the husband access to any information that the wife might wish to acquire. Moreover, if she and the shrink achieved enlightenment in two sessions or in twenty - who cares? The expression “the proof is in the pudding “comes to mind…<P>

Reg. the Psychiatric evaluation. It’s true that there is no test for extracting reasons for cheating, and I am not sure it was implied by the author (See reference to progress in her work with the psychiatrist).

But one certainly can seek in variety of ways (its not the place to get into the details here), the professional help of a psychologist or a psychiatrist who will combine traditional talk therapy with some indirect techniques of interview and testing (no one is trying to trick the client). It could shed light on previously unconscious motives which could have contributed to her behavior (not necessarily directly as reasons to cheating though).


As far as confidentiality goes, it’s all up to the client. In this case it’s in the interest of the wife to allow full disclosure, or else the husband will become doubly suspicious. That‘s the reason why employees sign waivers on confidentiality when they want to get into certain employments. <P>

All that is left now is “only” to come up with some convincing “why”. (BTW, it may or MAY NOT constitute sufficient background to convince the husband to take her back!) Boy, I am happy that I am not you now, but I do trust your intuition and good judgment. Good luck!

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 17 years ago
Thank goodness - a correct category

There's nothing "loving" about this wife - thank you for putting this in the correct category. Interesting setup.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Sorry - we agree with Harryin VA

The author has done his "usual" outstanding job at getting people to think about the topic & subject matter. Unfortunately, Alvaron53 - the professional commentator is spouting his usual drivel & continues his goal of criticizing everyone's work because it does not meet his imaginary literary standards. What a shame!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

I liked what I read thus far. I like most of Agena's writing. Yes, I can pick through it and find problems with the dialogue, pacing, motives for involving the sister, etc, but I like the tone and the subject. Agena writes about strong willed men who marry women with character flaws. His title really boils down the essence of his subject material. When we give our vows to each other in front of friends and family to love, honor, and respect each other under all circumstances and to be faithful, forsaking all others, it seems pretty clear that the author focuses on this point with acumen.

Write on Agena. I look forward to your sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Uh Oh!

I feel a wimp out coming on.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Cheating is cheating!

BigJohn601BigJohn601about 13 years ago
It is always about trust...That 's the point of the vow--forsaking all others.

Like many men, I could probably be more forgiving of a wife who had a lesbian affair than with another man. However, it would always be a major violation of trust and respect that would be the biggest hurdle to overcome.

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 12 years ago
Excellent start

I am unsure how I would react to this - it may be technically different than betrayal with a man but it is still the exact same breach of faith and trust - good topic.

tazz317tazz317over 11 years ago

and forgot that mighty oaks grow from them, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
He´s too blind

He is simply overreacting. It´s obvious why she acted behind his back instead of trying to talk it out. He enjoys his role as judge and executioner too much. A shrink? I doubt a psychic problem and I doubt his innocence in this case. Mighty mouse can at least shove her around a while.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 10 years ago
Good Start

Excellent tale. Fucking whore skank cunt cheating wife. He did the right thing. So she went to the shrink. Now what? We'll see...

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I think,,,,,

Tazz is poco loco and needs some anti loco meds,,,,, senior. Saratu

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
hall passes

In all your stories you seem to think that cheaters are entitled to one free pass. I don't remember any " except when" in any ones wedding vows. Probably not everyones opinion. There are no excuses, none. No one blindly falls into a bed to cheat. One and done. In all your stories, the men get pissed, but cave. Ergo, I have a hard time relating to your male characters. Just saying.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 10 years ago
Enjoying it

Thanks for the offering.

Seeker1107Seeker1107about 10 years ago
at this point i would agree with the husband

If it was such a nothing to her then why didn't she tell him about it. If she was scared of his reaction then obviously it was wrong. The it doesn't count because it was two women is just spin control. Husband has every right to feel as he does. She lied to him. As the old saying goes, if you can't do it in front of your spouse then obviously it is something that is wrong and shouldn't be done, regardless of whether it is a man and woman two women two men or whatever the combination is. If she had been married to the other woman and slept with a man wouldn't that be considered cheating? This falls under the same heading.

Just saying IMHO wife was way wrong.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Random Thoughts

Why did their project require meeting at Carla's/Clara's apartment? She says that NOW, with the new partner she'll do it during her work period. Why not before, unless the project was just a convenient excuse!

As others have said, cheating is cheating. If she REALLY believed it was ok, she should have told her husband that she was bi-curious and get his ok to "experiment." I think we all know why she didn't, because he wouldn't say, "No," but "HELL NO!!"

He should take her back if she brings her lover home for a threesome and lets hubby fuck the girlfriend. After all, it's only sex, right?

tazz317tazz317almost 10 years ago

always isolates the problems. TK U MLJ LV NV

krosis666krosis666over 9 years ago

He should have insisted on a male shrink, or at least one of his own choosing. Whats to stop her becoming 'curious' with a female psychiatrist of her own choosing? After all, what better way for her to continue cheating? Pick a lesbian shrink, go there every week, and save her marriage at the same time! Hubby can't attend a private session, so won't know what goes on, all the while thinking that she is making the effort to stay married to him! After all, once a cheating piece of shit, ALWAYS a cheating piece of shit! They are incapable of understanding that they are doing something wrong. All she needs is an opportunity.

As others have said, if she honestly thought that she wasn't cheating, because it was another woman, then why all the secrecy and sneaking around? Why not tell hubby? Of course she knew it was wrong, hence the lying and deceit .

ohyessssssohyessssssover 9 years ago
more pussy bullshit

Here we go again more psychological babble about "why". It doesnt make a tinkers damn "why". She knowingly and deliberately cheated. She planned on having it continue. The divorce is on . The school board is notified. The children and anyone else who asks, is told what she did. Let's see what happens then.

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 8 years ago

"I guess you're right, but it isn't like you'd be sharing love between two people. You'd save that for the person you're married to." – You could use that same rationale to justify straight cheating!

“I never suspected how you would feel about it." – So why not ASK? Is it because you already know the answer? LOL, he said pretty much the same thing!

“But you should realize she's my sister and I'm not going to rat on her." – Not “ratting on her” is the same as covering for her!

Ib_SaysIb_Saysabout 8 years ago
Sloppy name confusion

The author shifted between Carla and Clara, as well as misspelling Oprah as Ofrah in the beginning.

Obviously this hasn't been proofread with any sort of care, if at all.

Ib_SaysIb_Saysabout 8 years ago

Not to mention all the other spelling errors that indicate that this hasn't been proofread at all.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 6 years ago

I'm not sure if I've commented before, old comments aren't displaying.

"This required, she had told me, that they spend an evening or two each week at the other woman's apartment." - Of course, they can't do any of the work at Grace's house!

"I never suspected how you would feel about it" - You CHEAT on your husband, and yes it IS cheating, and you never think how he would feel about it?

He says what we often say in comments, if she really believed she wasn't doing anything wrong, why hide it? Maybe he'd like to watch! Maybe HE'D like a shot at Clara! Hey, it's JUST sex, right?

"I'm not going to rat on her" - I'll bet Betty's husband feels great about that!

"Is Grace there? She didn't come into school today" - I thought it was Saturday?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
U know you can't throw your wife out

It's both your home till the courts say otherwise or you come to some kind of agreements.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Clara/Carla Was Not A Threat To Their Marriage

So, Grace had sex with another woman, not a man. So her husband should be allowed to go out and have sex with another woman, too. Grace's sexual choice was a woman. Jim's preference is women also. Grace didn't have sex with another man, and neither would Jim. Grace said that her having sex with Clara/Carla wasn't costing Jim anything, but Grace was denying Jim sex every time she had sex with the other teacher. Grace having sex with a fellow teacher is every bit as bad as having sex with some of her students or an animal, such as a dog.

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 5 years ago
In a sense it is less of a problem

Cheating with another woman. The reason it is a less of a problem is that it does not have the same impact in terms of emasculation of a male who is generally competing with other males. It would be a bigger problem if a woman is a lesbian.

Nevertheless cheating is cheating and there are no two ways about it.

I wish writers on LE stop using boring cliches like "I am not going to tell children because I don't want to hurt them." The reality is that almost all wronged parties would immediately tell that to their children REGARDLESS of age. A wronged person would immediately seek support and that means children. So please stop using these idiotic unrealistic stereotypes you read on LE. Another one "50% of assets" - why not all, if it goes to court the court will decide anyway. What makes you think it would be 50-50 or any other particular way?

PowersworderPowersworderover 4 years ago

Why bother getting a psych eval?

This is an excellent opportunity to divorce the barren slut and have more kids while he's still young enough to land a broody younger woman in her thirties.

someoneothersomeoneotheralmost 4 years ago
Husband is the asshole

If the wife has a lesbian affair it could be that she is truly a lesbian, which is a human personality that cannot be helped. Or, it could be an indication that the husband was the problem.

Whatever the case, a spouse can leave but cannot throw out the other spouse from a marital home,. where he should first figure out whether he is the problem.

Anyhow, it is author's story, but it sends all the wrong signals.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Solid start

Someoneother, this has nothing to do with "personality " as you wrote. It isn't even about sexual orientation which is what you should have used. I don't agree with most of your comment but I do agree that throwing her out of the house is not helpful though given the betrayal (and yeah, that is what it was) it is not unsurprising.

This isn't about orientation. It isn't about sexual satisfaction. It is about respect for your spouse, for your marriage and family. The wife promised fidelity to her husband and marriage, the gender of the partner is irrelevant. I am bisexual and I have had partners and long term relationships with men and women. My husband knows how I identify and I have never hidden anything from him nor have I ever lied to direct questions. My orientation does not drive my behavior and choices. I respect him and honor our commitment to each other and our family. When problems occur, we talk about them and try to figure out how to solve issues together. Sometimes I just need him to listen and not offer advice. Sometimes I need to do the same. Sometimes we need outside perspective to cut through an argument. That is marriage

The fact is, the wife in the story failed in her commitment to her marriage. She engaged in an emotional and physical affair with another person. It doesn't matter the gender of the affair partner. A betrayal is a betrayal. It was the responsibility of the wife to communicate with her husband and be honest. Even if she came to realize she is homosexual or bisexual (it does happen), that is not a license to betray. It is in fact even more reason the couple need to make more of an effort to share thoughts, feelings and truth even if the ultimate outcome is divorce. To do anything else is a lack of respect, honor and integrity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
hey Someone other....

man or woman, cheating is cheating. she cheated and caused it so she should leave. If the courts let her back fine, but until then FUCK her.

As for the lesbian actions not being her fault. Take your LBGTQwhatthefuckotherletters

you use bullshit and stuff it. If your a lesbian fine,,,,don't marry a man and vice versa. Quit using your "we can't change what we is not our fault mantra". It makes me sick that nobody in your generation is responsible for anything. What a waste of a generation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well, th eauthor is already telegraphing the cuck-out RAAC. That, along with the "psychiatry" nonsense, earns this story a 1.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A friend of mines wife left him for another woman. It took quite a few years, but he's finally gotten over it. He asked himself all the things the MC did here too. She left on her own though as opposed to being thrown out.

JacktacularJacktacularover 2 years ago

Dude I gotta say once you lack trust to the point of buying tracking equipment just walk away. Run her up the proverbial flagpole and let twist in the wind while you preserve what self respect you have left. 23 days or 23 years doesn’t matter, sucks, but doesn’t matter. Man or woman just walk away and don’t let the cheaters factor in your decisions.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 2 years ago

novel cheating wife scene, meaning with another woman. asking for a psych exam is a weak idea. couple consoling would be far more interesting and informative.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Why does the writer feel that he has to say the character is a black guy it has nothing to do with a well written story and bears no relevance to the rest of the story

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

She willingly, with carefully placed forethought, cheated on her husband. It was wrong, he would never support her action, she knew it and did it anyway.

She displayed no guilt, remorse during the affair and was only disturbed when she got caught. She fell apart because she found out she lost security. Blanket.

23 years doesn't balance against the destruction of trust. Each day is a new thing, a clean slate, to wrote the story and plan to sustain and grow the marriage. If she, literally, brought the woman home and fucked her in his bed with watching, that act

would immediately cancel the last 23 years.

TRUST CAM NOT BE FULLY RESTORED. Things me come back to a status quote but marriage is damaged.

So, having her dump the woman, install a tracker is pointless. Whe HE does need to do is to get a counselor for him help him get a proper perspective on this and build a road forward to rebuild his life. He doesn't need to destroy her. Just put her in the rear view mirror and never look back. Quite literally consider that she has died, the funeral over and get through the grief period.

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