All Comments on 'What Goes Around... Ch. 02'

by Blue88

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thebulletthebulletover 17 years ago

WIth friends like these, this guy needs no enemies. I sincerely hope that people do not act this way in real life.

Geez, all that was built up in ch 1 has been brought down in ch2 (IMHO) by a totally unrealistic scenerio. I guess I'm not much interested in reading ch 3 now.

No, really... do people act this way???

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 17 years ago
a New Low in MORONICALLY stupid

In the words of John MacEnroe You cannot be serious..

arguably the worst story Bluee has done since his pathetic Ties that Bind--


this Chapter 2 is so fucking stupid so vile so idiotic that words fail me. I am almost speechless as I watch Blue88 - a OK author but not great --do the SUPER WIMP HUSBAND per wimp husband THING.

Max says at the end to Sam ""I guess we both fucked up, but I was as much to blame as Tina."

all of this is simply an effort to chnage history by having a man so fucking wimpy so Inept and so well SAD... that all he does every single day is cry TINA TINA TINA like a little boy looking for his Mommy

.... forgetting the facts that SHE LEFT HIM b/c he would not accept her fucking other guys.

Its clear that the super wimp husband cannot remember what actually happened.

as I said in chapter one the KEY point is that EVEN the ex wife fully admits she 1)was a terrible person

2) a terrible spouse and 3) did NOT wnat to be married. Read her Good bye letter. Then she lied about the whole thing NEVER TOLD the husband and we still have NO proof at all that she was raped...

What is so hard to figure is why a guy who claims to want to move on somehow manages to hang around the women who destroyed his marriage.....

then he gives sam a beer when he shows up at the end of chapter 2?

Like Imus said to John Kerry ...Please stop. Please stop Blue88.... does ANYONE really care about chapter3?

Does anyone doubt he is going to accept to take all the blame? Does anyioe doubt that Max by the end of Chapter 3 will be such a pussy he will be menstrating?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
blue88 you're as bad,as any manhater

is there any real men with common sense writing on this a writer i hope your story plot make you happy,because i think it suck.they plotted to do this and it all together different.your logic as i always suppected was a little off the norm.stop happy,you do what it take to get them back together no matter what.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Another whimp!

What a let down!

How the hell can you compare the two events? Max wasn't married to the slut and didn't even love her. So why would he be broken up by sleeping with Binnie the other slut and how the hell could he sleep with her anyway?

Max is not the guy I thought he was and is just another liberal whimp comparing what he did to what His Married wife Tina did. Sorry not even close and his so called buddy Sam is another loser.

Your a great writer but a littled messed up in the brain section. You started Max out as a great guy who got screwed by nothing but a slut and that is why she had slut friends that were more important to her than her husband. Then you turned Max into a blithering moron.

I must say this story was a big let down and I think you have lost a lot of your testosterone to be thinking the way you are.

I was going to read your other stories because of your writing ability, but I'll have to take a pass. To bad because you could have made a great statement for men in your story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

you've got to be kiddin' me, right?


Oh, baby Tina,,, and, my gosh, my best freind and Pal, Sam, and angelic Bonnie and Jackie!

You are all so smart, so wonderful, so supportive! Why the fuck am I holding my head ing drinking like this, when I should just listen to you all!

WTF! lol

Please, baby, Tina, come back to me! I can't live wihtout you or your love! I've been such a fool! Please, forgive me and my stupid pride!


Dear author, you are kiddin', of course!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

BIG LETDOWN in story development, story writing and story quality....ya ain't got it no more Blue...hang up your cleats...

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Nicely complicated Blue!

I gotta confess ... I ain't got a clue as to what he should do. I'll sure be hanging around for tomorrow's finale.

I couldn't stay friends with Sam for what he did.

I still consider Tina as toast.

Now Jackie ... that's tough. Half my mind says do the same thing to her. Chase her down, make her fall in love with you - then walk away. The other half says chase her down and marry her.

I'm sure I'm wrong on all counts.

Anyway, great imagination.

Regards, Jack

(This is a well written story showing something new. It's interesting ... and the comments are totally out of left field. That's why I and a number of other writers have pretty much given up on the LW genre. If all these guys want to read is cuckolding and cream pies, then let them have it - because those will be the only writers left!)

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 17 years ago
What to do is easy

He has to go find Tina and talk to her, tell her he forgives her for going out and hope she forgives him for not bothering to find out she was raped. She never betrayed him. She committed NO adultery...she was RAPED.

Actually, he's not quite ready to see Tina, he is still blaming her for what happened. Until he accepts the actual truth, he won't succeed in any plea with Tina.

Now let's see if he can convince Tina that he is truly sorry how he reacted and that he truly loves her!

Last chapter tells all.

Kanga40Kanga40over 17 years ago
I stopped before finishing the last page

to go vomit.

One of the lamest stories I've read on literotica - including JPB - and that's saying something.

Sorry I wasted the time reading this.

Sure won't be reading the predictable male humiliation that will follow.

Xman72357Xman72357over 17 years ago

He is going to get involved with Tina again and after some time passes they will get together.

So don't bother to write it we already know how it will end

saw_man1saw_man1over 17 years ago

While this does have an interesing storyline it also has that same passive male lead that seems to be in most of your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
with 'friends' like these...

Grr. Well written enough, but ... jeez, would it hurt to have some normal characters?? With honest depth?? And for most of them, lives outside making Max miserable.

- Max ... that "curtain" is understandable, and of course it would have been better to have counseling earlier, but at this point he's about 400% victim.

- Sam ... this is not what "friends" do: *intentionally* hurt each other. In the whole of the last year you couldn't have tried to actually talk this over in a constructive way?

- Jackie ... so why is it that only after a full year did you finally start to feel "sorry" (who _else_ were you apologizing to??), but rather than actually acting on that like a normal person, you manage overnight to concoct a plan to get even? Two faced bitch, good actress. I don't believe there were drugs involved; that would have come out a lot earlier ... it was just you and Bonnie setting out to make trouble for Max, who for whatever reason (why??) you had never liked.

- Tina ... no "get out of jail free" card no, but you had multiple degrees of fault. First the attitude that caused the fight, then the partying that led to the trouble; then not talking about it before Max "overheard", and then although you seem to have come to grips with the incident, just giving up and running away. Rather than trying to deal with this as a couple.

- Bonnie ... no redeeming virtues whatsoever.

Blue, I've liked several of your other stories in terms of being well written; better than many at this site. (Though weak on good outcomes for the victimized husband...)

But this guy looks like he needs an emotional crutch (maybe wife-shaped) more than anything else. And all the other characters seem kind of flat; no fun.

(Oh, and you seem to have mis-published part #3 early, with "when sorrows come" ...)

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
This one isn't easy

Okay, it turns out Tina was raped in Chapter 1. (When a SOB uses drugs that's the only way to view it.) But...her attitude toward him at the time seemed rather callous and uncaring and she willingly puts herself in harms way. But...she was sorry and repentent, changed her ways, and tried to make it up to Max. But...she never confessed to him or gave him a choice to decide what he wanted to do.

Max, given incomplete information, wigs out (Bonnie's comments surely added to his rage). If he had known at the very beginning that she had been drugged would his reaction have been different? I like to think so. appears his pride will not allow him to change his mind. And Tina takes off without sitting down with him. Very bad move on her part. But...he never makes any attempt to call her - even after he found out about her being drugged.

While Max professes his love for Tina it seems to be a very unforgiving type of love. Her crime seems to be that she went out drinking and dancing with her girlfriends and had the misfortune to get drugged and raped. Also she compounded it by not telling him what happened.

But the "cure" (????!!!!) is to have Jackie seduce him and then have Bonnie screw him? And his "BEST FRIEND" Sam aids and abets? BTW did anyone else sense that Max might have been also been drugged at the bachelor party?

Max's rollover from rage to acceptence once Sam barges in is too pat and quick. The proper reaction would have been to break his OTHER hand on Sam's jaw.

I will certainly tune in tomorrow for the finale but IMHO some of the actions and reactions did not seem to flow realistically.

As always, thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
soo lame

when did the drug rape get proven? last i checked it was just one persons, Jackie's, suppossion?

Tina never claimed the rape by drug - that was guilt ridden Jackie. a year later. just before she made another wild ass supposion - that Max was not numb nor in shock, but actively try for revenge on Tina. not the most reliable person.

Tina never sought councelling for rape,

nor did she ask for any marriage councelling.

Tina never even talked to Max after she left that night,

nor asked her freinds to intercede for her.

Tina filed for divorce without making any attempt to save their marraige.

and finally Tina left town for Atlanta w/o seeking any kind of reconcilliation.

so how is it all HIS fault?

this is soooo lame.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

There is a hell of a difference between a married couple fucking around on each other than some person fucking around on a fuck buddy. The comparison between the two is a no brainer. As long as there was no commitment between Max and Jackie or Sam and Bonnie, then what he did was just fucking a cheap assed whore that was complicit in breaking up his marriage. Jackie wasn't a hell of a lot better in that she was a plotter as well. Fuck them both, fuck Sam, and fuck Tina. She set the ball rolling. If she was so drugged out, how did she remember everything that went on?

If someone could answer that one, then perhaps I can see the comparison. Otherwise tina was just a cheating fucking wife and did deserve indeed what she got.

Blue88Blue88over 17 years agoAuthor
From the author

The posting of this story got all screwed up, as you can see. I don't know what happened and I would like to apologize for that. Chapter 3 of this tale is posted under the title "When Sorrows Come....Ch. 03. (Go figure)

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

with friends like these, who needs enemys; god damn, this sucks and hell no i don't care where paret 3 of this whore/slut wimp shit story is posted

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 17 years ago
Blue88 is CLULESSS


it doesnt matter where chapter 3 is posted... Chapter 2 sucks so bad you could of posted chap 3 in the new testament still sucks...

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 17 years ago
This could of been a much better story

Dynamite Jack

sorry the problem here are the authors. I am sure by now you have read chapter 3. Its clear to most of us that Blue88 has become a god dam pussy wimp loving author who loves to write super wimp stories.

It is VILE false and EVIL....that Blue88 argues that being tricked into by building a FALSE relationship with Jackie (2 single people) is the same thing as a married person fucking around.

I argued in Chapter 1 that Jackie had a serious alterior motive for CLAIMING that Tina was raped that night. The only PROOF we have is JACKIE's baseless assertions.... and when Max "said so what?" she Sam and Bonnie CONSPIRED to fuck over Max.

Given the character displayed by all 3... the fact that NONE of them can see any difference between being married and being single do you think its possible

(and neither can Blue88 for that matter!!!!) Tina wasnt raped...

Tina was never raped... she never went to counseling

and over the next 12 + month NEVER told her husband.

PhlynxPhlynxover 17 years ago
I'll never get those 15 minutes back.

Poor storyline.

LazylonerLazylonerover 17 years ago
bad story

Blue88 is a skilled author who writes stories that are usually very easy to read.

HOWEVER, this story is horrible in chapters 2 and 3 (yes I've read 3, but I'm posting here)

The problem is that Blue seems to have become addicted to the premise that a man can never love another woman after getting married to a first one, and he goes out of his way to make his male characters spineless and wishy-washy in order to make reconcilliations happen. This story is by far the most blatant and poorly plotted of this growing trend.

The issue I have with this story is that in order to make it remotely readable you have to dumb down Max to the point where the average dog has more smarts. Then you have to make him more loyal to his wife than any dog would be to its master.

Blue, there is no single perfect woman for each man, and honestly if the wife cheats its pretty obvious that she isn't the one even if one does exist. You need to give your men a bit more personality and not have them sit and pine forever. They are worse than the little dogs who return to the same spot everyday looking for their master who passed away.

Other than that your stories are rather good. You just need to look a bit deeper than the superfiscal romance of rebuilding a broken marriage and start writing stories where the man lives his own life rather than being an extension of the wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

This author is so screwed up that when he uses the word manly, he has to put it in quotes.

I bet one of his character wifes could chop off a husbands nut and he would still find a way for the husband to be resposible for the nut being missing and of course the wife would be totally justified in the nut removal.

Boy, what a wimp

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Complete and utter shit

This was by far the worst "story" that Blue88 has ever posted on this site. A whole string of characters who are totally unsympathetic (be honest - does anybody here actually like or feel sorry for any of the characters so far?) and unbelievable.

The reaction to the "friend" Sam Able should have been "murder the fucker". Because Mr Able had just engaged in a conspiracy to commit rape. That's what it was - rape. Alcohol is the oldest date-rape drug known to mankind, what those arseholes did was no better than dosing him with Rohypnol.

The blame shifting from the moronic ex-wife to the ex-husband is complete bullshit. He may have been slightly unreasonable on the night in question - maybe. But the wife had shown a history of putting /herself/ ahead of her marriage - /her/ friends over her husband, /her/ wants over her husband's. To me the fact that she behaved like a total moron and got herself raped was just the final straw - and don't try to argue that it wasn't her fault. ANY fool should know that getting drunk with a strange man in a bar is just asking to be taken advantage of - she should have known better. That she didn't is indicative of a major absence of brain.

Blue88, you seriously need to reacquaint yourself with this mysterious thing called "the real world". I cannot possibly imagine this bizarre set of circumstances ever happening - I cannot believe that any group of people could be this stupid. Seriously, the lack of intelligence displayed so far makes me think that they have serious trouble tying their shoelaces.

looking4itlooking4itover 17 years ago
you had me

until the friend showed up and just sat down as if his part in the ploy was okay....what an and the character

as stated from others earlier, chapter 3 will have one less reader

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

What happens when Max goes to find Tina:

"Tina, I understand now. You see, for the last 6 months, I've been fucking JAckie, even though I hated her and she helped break us up, and the other night I fucked Bonnie, who I hated even more. So now I understand everything, and we can be together"

"YOU FUCKED JACKIE AND BONNIE!?!?!' ::kick to the balls::

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
missing the key to the story

Before he can attempt any reconciliation with Tina, he has to get on his knees and apologize to Johnny.

zed0zed0over 17 years ago
Poor Pussy Whipped Wimp!

Being set up as part of a complex conspiracy, and NOT married, is a far cry from fucking around on your spouse. His feeling for the slut Jackie were not the same ones he had for his (former) wife. Max is so spineless that he would take up with bitches that helped ruin his marriage, leads me to believe he's a spineless wimp in progress. His "best friends" behaviour is inexcusable, and Jack needs to find a new "best friend" and a new wife. You used writters privlage and did not describe how wild and wonderful the animalistic, monkey sex was with Gloria. I expect they both experienced multiple orgasims, and had some of the best sex of their lives, just like his slut wife did with "what's his name" back in chapter 1. So it's not like we're dealing with rape, neither Jack or Tina are calling the police or pressing charges. As Jack continues his slide into wimphood, I eagerly await chapter 3! Will he be able to save himself from total degradation? Will he go crawling back to his slut wife? Or will he grow balls, and find some friends who have better things to do than bully on wimps. Once he grows balls, (and a spine) he may even attract a good women, who can keep her pants up when she's drunk/drugged, she might even be decent enough and smart enough not to get into those situations.

Of course I'm an old fart, and my hindsight has always been pretty good, (20/20 as a matter of fact). I was never young and was always such an excellent judge of character that I never involved myself with sluts, and back stabbing best friends.

Keep up the good work, I actually enjoy the hell out of these stories, even if I'm useually disturbed and frustrated by wimp endings.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Too Far-fetched

As a big fan of yours Blue, I have to agree with the majority. This was not one of your better efforts. A woman has a long term affair with idiot Max just to teach him a lesson. Even someone as stupid as Max doesn't deserve that. I can see why the "Oracle of Delphi", better known as Harryin VA is having conniptions. The whole plot is just too far-fetched. 60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
There's a term for this...

... "death by friendly fire." You just shot one of your own, Blue. Better luck next time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Never happen

The morning after he comes to the door and doesn't get hit with all the rage before he got there never happen!!!!!

Risq_001Risq_001over 17 years ago
Soooooo, morals all around I see..................

Sorry Blue, I just can't do it. I just can't give it anything more than I did as a rating.

While what happened between him an Tina was unfortunate lapse in judgement on the part of Tina who was prone to living in the minute, as was the final act of their divorce, what Tina's friends, and his so called friend did to him was cruel, calculating, and designed to utterly humliate him, all so they could prove a point and teach him a lesson.

Somehow I think I missed where one of Tina's friends helped do this to her at the start of Part one of the story so they could show her what she was going to be giving up if she choose to continue to cheat on her husband? So because she What was his lesson? If someone screws up and you don't pretend it never happened, your friends will cap your knee's so you can feel the same level of pain they were in?

Your kidding right? If you wrote she came to him tried to make it right and he was kicking her, screaming or even starting playing mind games I could see the "CRUELTY" you seem to impart happend on his part. But what did he do. She tried to hide it, he found out, and he let her make the decision to move out and get on with her life without him. And for that he's a self centered prick?!?! Your kiding right?

I mean:

1.) Tina, and her friends by the way you wrote the first story, created a "HISTORY" of being wild and doing whatever came into their heads long before she cheated. They laid the ground work for what could only be the final result of what happened in the end. I guess I fell asleep in health class when they pointed out if your *really really* sorry for sleeping around you get a get out of jail free pass in any relationship you ever start. Tina and her friends never managed to think beyond the here and now. That refusal to face this, and act responsible, is what lead to her doing drugs, drinking more than usual, and cheating on her husband. NOT the fact it was all some "Colossal" "Cosmic" "Accident" that was totally beyond her control.

Their lesson to teach Max a lesson was totally within everyone control to prevent who WILLINGLY participated in it. Blue don't compare Apples to Coconuts and write like they are the same thing. Her's might have just happened, but what happened to him was the cruel act of people trying to get even for their friend. Kudos on showing the similarity there.

2.) Max, as the HUSBAND of Tina, asked on numerous occasions in the first story for her not to party so much. He tolerated it, but it was obvious who was the partier in the MARRIAGE. When your MARRIED you have more of a commitment to someone than when your dating. Somehow I think in the rush to write this you might have missed that and started planning the moral of how imperfect humans are and they make mistakes like cheating and how they shouldn't be held accountable.

3.) Max was setup. Max was feeling lonely, depressed, vunerible over his divorce from the woman he loved. In the rush to teach him this lesson they (as well as you) missed that point. Tina wasn't lonely and feeling unloved and heartbroken daily. In this story you broke down the husband to make him vunerible over the course of MONTHS to bring him to the state his wife was in when she cheated on him after a few HOURS after an ARGUEMENT they had.


Blue I'm sorry but morals are lost when they aren't close to what they are supposed to be for.

Just because someone cheats on another doesn't mean they have to stay married. Maybe Civil, maybe friendly, but it doesn't mean if you no longer feel you can trust them that "YOU", as the person cheated on, are this cruel heartless monster because you don't feel you live with what they did. Forgiveness doesn't mean you forget, or you can force yourself to live with what happened.

All forgiveness means is you quit punishing that person, not that you have to pretend nothing ever happened.


All this story did was remind me of my buddy who cheated on ever girlfriend he ever had. Most of them 3 or 4 times. And every time they finally broke up with him he commented how cruel and evil they were for not forgiving him and taking him back. He just couldn't understand that in a way they forgave him because they still talked to him, just didn't go out with him anymore.

So I have to ask Blue, why does this story equate forgiveness with him being a evil human that should never have been born if he never forgave Tina? Why is her cheating and possibly being sorry for it greater than his peace of mind over what she did?

But I have to say this you wouldn't have invoked such emotion in me to write what I did if you sucked as writer. I just hate morals in stories about people who have no morals to start with.


PS- I don't care what anyone says, if your best friend pulled an elaborate plan like this to teach someone a lesson he's no one friend. Regardless of what you wrote in the story.

jaggers0053jaggers0053over 17 years ago

'Sam got up to leave and he patted me on the back as he was going out the door and said, "You'll figure it out, Max. You're not stupid."'. oh yes he is,very stupid. three people conspire to shit all over him to teach him a 'lesson' a year after the divorce and he can't even stay upset about it.

Tina cheated on Max and Max could not find it in himself to forgive her. some people are just not wired that way. that doesn't make Max or anyone else a bad person.

what lesson did they really teach him? that he can also get drunk and do something stupid? so what. the BIG difference is Tina was married at the time and Max was not. Max didn't betray anybody. turns out the only thing he learned is his original assessment of Bonnie and Jackie was correct and Sam is not quite the friend he claims to be. you don't willingly conspire to stab your friends in the back. period.

i really do find the story interesting but the one real flaw is what i find in so many cheating spouse stories. all too often it seems the husband in stories are 'dummied down'. Max goes from an intellegent cool dude to a brain dead idiot who can't seem to think his way out of a paper bag, lead along by people bent on burning him.


louguy35louguy35over 17 years ago
Good, but with a flaw!

Blue, this continuing story is very interesting, to say the least, and very well written. It catches, and holds, one's attention.

But there is one serious flaw, so far. You have, up to this point in the story, subscribed to the curent notion, or belief, that all actions are of equal goodness or badness. It is called moral equivalency, and this philosophy cannot recognize that one act can be better or worse than another.

What Tina did was adultry with all of its ramifications: cheating, lieing, contempt and self-absorbtion. What Max did was, perhaps, not keeping a promise but it was not adultry, etc. The two acts are not the same and Tina's act was much, much worse than Max's. What his so-called friends did was deliberately mean...also much worse than what Max did. In real life the actions of Tina and of his so-called friends would assure that the relationship with Tina would never be repaired, because any attempt at reconciliation on Max's part would constantly create discord. Max, in his mind, would never be able to accept a guilt that really was not his fault. It would destroy efforts at reconciliation in the long run.

Moral equivalency never results in the development of solutions. That is one reason there is so much discord in society today. Blue, you might want to think about that in writing future stories.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Ha Ha

Have you fucked your mother yet? Now go and fuck her in the ass.

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 17 years ago
Well done Blue story

Blue you do a good job of writing and even if I don’t agree with everything it is entertaining for sure. I have to say I only read a few reviews but two right off the bat hit me as my own thoughts though probably put better then I could do. Jaggers0053 and louguy36 both say what I find argumentative but true to me.

Being angry and not listening to your spouse let off steam is not blame for adultery just a point of we both need to talk not try and win. When you get so mad as to want to win at all costs in a fight it isn’t a fight it is an ego trip for both husband and wife. The wife was going to hurt him somehow to win. So put aside all the drink and drugs and get back to the reasons some people don’t know how to fight over what is really wrong or troubling just try and win by any means and hurt the other to prove it. So many people let it go to far and just have to win and it some times is too late to take it back.

I know you will put them back together and that doesn’t bother me it’s just a little to wrapped up in such nice ribbons for me.

I always look forward to your stories and that hasn’t changed

Thank you


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
What happened to the story?

The first chapter-great. The second-started off strong, and

turned into what I can only call a steaming pile of, well


So unrealistic, I had to force myself to finish the whole


Friends setting him up? Those were no friends! His entire

reaction was so unrealistic! This isn't the same character

from the first chapter. This guy is so dumb and weak that

he barely qualifies as human!

I'm really sorry for this, especially as you are one of my

favorite authors on this site. I normally love your stuff,

but the complete change from part one to part two on the main guys behavior and complete lack of a spine is way to

much to swallow.

Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 17 years ago
I didnt think it was too bad

I really thought he was going to have the ex dump on him again when he finally got around to deciding he couldnt live without her.

I did think he was a little bland in his reaction to his 'friends' setting him up. I also agree that he seemed to go wherever he was led instead of having his own personality. I also think that the lesson his friends had to teach him didnt have much to do with his situation and was more just beating him while he was down than giving him perspective on whats important in life.

Even with all the problems though, the story was ok. The author did make the wife likable and her mistakes forgivable. She was sorry for her actions and had reconcidered what was truely important before she was caught. It wasnt that she suddenly developed a conscience when things started going for shit like often happens in these stories. Her leaving was also understandable since she was so sorry for what she did and didnt think it was forgivable. Doesnt mean that she didnt love him or that she didnt want to stay with him - just that she didnt think she deserved another chance and didnt try to minimize her behaviour or talk her way out of it.

I also liked that the husband was less than perfect. Instead of a perfect doting husband, he was a real person and ran off with the mouth before they split up. He also didnt just get over his anger in 10 minutes and instantly decide to work things out - 'I was utterly destroyed and in more pain than I thought possible but i knew I loved her so I went to her after she had several minutes to worry over the fate of the marriage and told her we would work it out. It wasnt easy and it took several months to get back where we were but I thought she had suffered enough in those several minutes when she didnt know if I was going to leave her or not.'

Even with the problems in the story, there were good underlying elements that we need to see more of instead of the quick and painless reconciliations that most authors use:

1) husband wasnt perfect before or after the cheating - makes the marriage seem more balanced, realistic and worth savign than when the husband is a saint the wife shits on for no reason

2) wife wasnt unlikable. She made a mistake but she didnt set out to hurt him, didnt have a long term affair (or multiple partners), and had decided to put more effort into the marriage before she was caught. This was a mistake and not a betrayal (if it was rape then it was neither - just a minor difference of opinion on whether she should go out with her friends or stay home just because her husband told her to).

Anyway, I was glad it seemed like they were on the road to reconicliation at the end. Nothing wrong with love overcoming adversity and people growing and deciding to put more effort into their relationship. Probably happens to most couples that end up staying together for a long time since I doubt many relationships start out with both parties knowing what is expected of them and doing what it takes to keep the relationship going. Would have been better without the lesson from the friends and with just straight soul-searching on the husbands part. If it had just been him unwilling to take steps to prevent his wife from giving him what she thought he wanted (what she was doing in offering the divorce) and then eventually decidign that people make mistakes and that he loved her, it would have worked better imo. It would have avoided the needless bashing of the guy when he was down by his friends, the need to make dissimilar actions equal, as well as the need to make the guy so pathetic and spineless (he could have come to the decision himself instead of being beaten down and forced to it like what his good friends did for him).

Thanks for writing.

ChagrinedChagrinedover 17 years ago
Typical Bullshit.

This is more of the same limp dick bullshit which is becoming so prevalent here lately. It is well written techinically but well written dreck is still dreck.

Chapter One was believable albeit barely. Chapter 2 is crap. This somehow now makes the victim the bad guy!!! This is more emasculating tripe. He didn't forgive her so somehow Blue88 contrives and contorts the story so that now he feels like HE did something wrong. I don't know how any of you flaccid cocked wusses out there who so easily buy into this shit! If my "best friend" had the balls to show up and lecture me in my own home, he would be carrying those balls back in a sandwich bag!

Only your die hard "reconciliation at any cost" readers are even going to bother reading Chapter 3! As for me, I am praying that HDK or X-Bishop write something real so I can read it and clear my palate!

What dreck.

Regards (not!),


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Talent Gone Astray

Wrong is right - Wrong is right - wrong is right. No matter how it is worded or packaged wrong is still wrong and not by degree when compared to another non- or lesser wrong.

The shame is that the forcing of the square peg into the round hole to make it right is now the writers growing forte.

Pretty words said well in this case, are still contorted to sell an irrationality to some - the few - the hopelessly hopeful - the damned thing will still work shallow few.

The waste is shameful. Skill continuously used to shamelessly push against the current of rationality - against the reality of life.

A storm of words to make the distasteful swallow-able by some can become a challenge accepted by the writer but for so few others.

Eventually, we will lose this writer who whips himself in self flagellation for all the wrong reasons known to us but eventually acknowledged by himself. Himself - self painted into the corner of curious struggle against the current of life's realities will suddenly disappear as non-acceptance weighs and wears his spirit - needlessly but by choice as a chance-less roulette of sorts.

Blue this would never play in Peoria and it becomes embarrassing the harder you push the sell.

Why does the male always lose and/or change irrationaly 180 degrees?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Max has no character or backbone at all

Max has shown himself to be a shallow and corruptedly flawed individual who doesn't have the right cast aspersions on anyone for any reason. Just because you want to celebrate doesn't require you to inebriate yourself into such a stupor that you're no longer aware of your surroundings and can't protect yourself. People doing this act as though it were some "right of passage" or use the crutch of past woes to justify totally immature behavior. If you can't handle your liqour leave it alone. You not only make a complete ass of yourself but also lose all respect of your peers, business ascociates, friends, and families. As for his friends, maybe they should have enlisted a diseased hooker to fuck him and sit on his face to drain her filthy cum down his throat. I'll bet all mornings after that would teach his sorry ass to resist the inclination to take "one more drink" and choose his friends and ascociates more carefully in the future!

DG HearDG Hearover 17 years ago
Enjoying it!

Hey Blue! It's your story, tell it like you wnat. If others see it different than you, let them write their own story. As for me, Well? I'm enjoying it. Waiting for part three.

To the readers: It's a story the way Blue 88 sees it. Just enjoy the read or hit your back button and find a story that agrees with you.

With high regards

DG Hear

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Stupidest story ever

And the all the gratuitous sex in the world isn't going to make it better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

course it is his fault.It's faut for working too hard,and not realising that this would force her to have to fuck another guy.

Nicholls9Nicholls9over 17 years ago
Disappointing Chapter

The whole plot to teach Max a lesson is convoluted. It is quite unbelievable that Jackie, Sam, and Bonnie would invest months of time and effort just to convince Max that he shares the blame in Tina's infidelity. By the time Max fucked up at the bachelor party, I half-expected the events to be explained away as a dream/nightmare sequence.

Blue88, you got me to like Jackie as a character in this chapter, and even had me rooting for her relationship w/ Max. Her departure from the story was too abrupt. The goal of this chapter was to set up an attempt at reconcilliation, but it is a very roundabout way of doing it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Why are you writing sh*.. That friend of his should have his jaw in his hands while getting a free flying lesson down two floors.. this boarders on dementia.. And Sucks big time.. It does...This guy is becoming a Wimp for gods sake.. Yoron

Risq_001Risq_001almost 16 years ago
God I forgot how much I disliked this story.....

<p>Just because someone couldn't get past cheating doesn't make them evil. Thats like saying because someone likes mushrooms on their pizza and I don't, I'm a cold heartless bastard if I don't let them order a pizza with mushrooms</p>

<p>I carry the advice given to my by my mother years ago, if someone does something to you, you have two choices: If you can truly forgive them, and never let it pray on your mind or bring it up ever again, do everything in your power to do it. If you feel the betrayal was just "too great" do everything in your power to distance yourself.</p>

<p>This chapter had everyone playing Max for a fool because he couldn't accept his wife's betrayal. And you wrote it so Max accepted it. *Sigh* People make mistakes. Heck I do to daily, but the question is are the mistakes so "great" that you can't recover from them. One man's garbage is another man's treasure. What one person feels is cheating and they can't accept, another person feels is no big deal. This <i>Moral Consequence</i> story really bites guy. You tried to make it no big deal and that because the character Max had a hang up about it, he was cold and unfeeling. When you write stories or say that, you make light of everyone who gets divorce because of infidelity, regardless of the reason</p>

<p>Let me explain it to you this way. Years ago, I used to tell everyone I came across the joy's of being a parent. And I got offended when people said they didn't want kids. I mean couldn't they see how much richer their lives would be with children? Then one day I "grew up". I was watching someone screaming at their child for what I thought was a minor offense. At that moment I thought "Man it would be better if some people had to take a test to be a parent because some people are clearly not suited to be parents" Then it hit me, that is <i>exactly</i> what people who said they don't want kids are doing. Declaring that they have no interest in raising a child. And maybe they would be good parents, maybe they would be bad ones, but the child is "clearly" better not being conceived where its not wanted. And in my previous "arrogance" of trying to get everyone to have children I missed that.</p>

<p>That's where I see this story as. I'm not trying to insult you because your a very good writer, but its really not hard to see the supporting characters "arrogance" of trying to teach Max a lesson because he didn't want to accept what happened to him. If he couldn't live with what happened he should have divorced. It would save them from hurt feelings, it would save him from saying mean, hurtful and spiteful things, and the story "certainly" gave him no one in his corner. Where as Tina was preyed upon by "one" person, Max had all of her friends conspire to screw him over to teach him a lesson. That is truly the worst type of arrogance, by your characters in the story, and if you feel this way as well, by you as well. Sorry, but that is the God's honest truth.</p>


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

But Sam needed his ASS KICKED!!! NO HUMAN BEING WOULD REACT TO BEING SET UP LIKE THIS IN A CALM MANNER!!! Jeez... I thought you had some better concept of human beings than this... Sam was no friend, and Bonnie and Jackie were a pair of cunts who deserve a beating, despite my normal stance on nonviolence in general and against women in particular.

Reconciliation stories are fine, but please... please... try to be believable.

WoodButcher57WoodButcher57about 15 years ago

I'd of shot the son of a bitch! While telling him I quit!

No friend acts the way as Sam did. Enough is said.

zorillozorilloover 14 years ago
Spineless and ball less

I have trouble seeing anyone male or female having no problems with his "friends" setup. If that was pulled on either my friends or myself, when he knocked on the door the ass kicking would have been immediate, and there is a fair chance the jury would understand.

bigguy323bigguy323over 14 years ago
Son of a BITCH

No matter what else happens HE's GOTTA kick Sam's ass as bad as the first fucker.

Damn it, does every writer have to write about fuckin WIMPS!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Welle written as always

but I don't understand why everyone thinks Max is the bad guy. Tina is the one who cheated, who thought that spending time with her friends was more important than spending time with her huisband. Maybe he could have been a little more understanding, at least talked to her but let's face it she's the bad guy here not him. As the story came out maybe reconciliation would have been possible, but she made no effort to talk to him either! Why does everyont think he's the bad guy?

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

an author, your an idiot, you wrote the story, she left him an note telling him to find someone fuck read your own stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
develomentally disabled main character?

only plausible way this scenario makes sense

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

If the main character was that much of a hard ass and unforgiving do you really expect any reader to believe he had an epipheny and simple saw the light. No one would put up with that shit, and dear old friend Sam would have a bottle planted in his head. Your premise was interesting, and I do not disagree with the main character being a zealot in some ways, but having his friend fuck him over to prove a point....nope, nada, not happening....etc. A well written POS but still a POS>

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
OK Tina

So far the only one with any cred is Tina.

The rest I would not use as toilet paper.

A sorry story about pathetic losers.

bigguy323bigguy323over 12 years ago
This is and example of the thinking that is total BULLSHIT:

"Yes, Tina had screwed up, but she had acknowledged that and came to terms with it. I had not. I felt destroyed by her adultery, but now I realized that I was not only hurt by what she had done, but also that my "manly" pride had been wounded, so that while Tina had fucked up royally, I did not handle the whole incident wisely. I had nursed my hurt - no, not only nursed it, I had hidden behind an iron curtain, not allowing anyone in, shutting everyone out. What a stupid fool, my

intransigence had lost me the only woman I had ever loved."

As for the so called 'friend' Sam, well he should get the same type of treatment that the other sleaze bag got.

saratusaratuover 12 years ago
10 ---- 4 !

On the bullshit comment!!!!!!

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

and now the start/end lines are blurred. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Seriously this is just disapointing with those friends he should judt kill himself and put us oit of his misery

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
A baseball bat

A baseball bat and Sams knees first come to mind. Then the two Bitches would have to get theirs, seeing that they had a indirect part in his marriage breakup. In this whole mess Max was the victim. His wife fucked up and cheated, Tina and her Bitches conspired to hide the that fact. If Tina had confessed when she saw Max the next day they may have been able to salvage something. After the divorce Max as a free man was within his right to be with anybody he chose. But the Bitches couldn't let him be. Again they conspired to hurt him and (teach him a lesson). What makes that so wrong is they set him up whereas Tina cheated and knew what she did was wrong. Max although confused about his feelings should get some payback on those who hurt him. This story is well written but far from finished.

HalfAsianWhoaHalfAsianWhoaover 11 years ago
... what the fuck.

Seriously man, what the fuck. The girl he's seeing, one he originally hated, sets him up with the help of his friend, HIS FRIEND, because of how he broke up with his ex wife. If this is his friend I'd hate to see someone he actually pissed off because with friends like this you don't need a god damn enemy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

With friends like that, who needs enemies.

Dubby49Dubby49over 11 years ago

That's about all I can say. Great friends.

BTTapBTTapover 11 years ago
Well, wow.

I can understand some reader's anger over this chapter: his friend's 'betrayal' of him, his taking equal responsibility for the breakup, etc. While the first element bothered me too, and the second is in my mind the wrong conclusion, I didn't have a problem with these things: they are story elements that I accept. The thing I had a harder time with was the complexity and duration of the scheme, and the protag's emotional connection to Jackie. I didn't get the attraction, beyond the physical (that must have been some top notch egg salad). With all this reveal, perhaps the story jumped the shark a bit? Nevertheless, an extremely well-written, emotional story that has captured my attention. Wish this author was still active.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Only a fucking wimp would write this shit, or a wife who is cuckolding her husband.

BetterEndingBetterEndingover 11 years ago
Off Base With This One

I admit that I am a fan of reconciliations when warranted. I am certainly not one of the kick 'em to the curb crowd. Further, I like most of your stories. I am having a hard time with the direction of this one though.

Let's consider the facts as presented. Tina made plans without checking with her spouse, Max. Most definitely a bad move. Even though Max had good reason to not attend, she went anyway. While out, she drank and smoked weed with a man who she knew was trying to get into her pants. The author stated that she and her husband had laughed about the asshole's attempts previously. She ended up cheating on her husband with that same asshole.

Of course she felt absolutely terrible about it and confessed to her husband, explaining how it happened and begging for his forgiveness. NOT even close. When caught and confronted several days later, she said she was angry, got drunk and stoned and was stupid. She then said she was sorry and that she would sleep in the guest room and move out the next day. She did not even press him to say anything. I had the impression at that point in the story that she really did not care what he thought. And she never said anything about thinking she was drugged. It was interesting that that came out a year later, almost like an afterthought by the author to try to make what was coming a bit more palatable.

Over the coming weeks, as the offending party, did she try to talk to him or send him letters, to see if there was any way past her transgression, if there was any way he would forgive her and try and work things out? No, she did none of those things. She simply had him served with divorce papers.

Given all of these facts, WHY IS MAX BEING MADE OUT TO BE THE BAD GUY??? I might be able to see it if he had torn up 10 letters and refused 20 phone calls, but none of those happened. Instead, a year after the event, he was guilty of hiding his feelings from one of the women who he felt was partially responsible and who had ambushed him and put him on the defensive. Based on the one conversation she decided he was cold-hearted and needed to be taught a lesson. And his so-called friend participated, pathetic. It is even more aggravating that he appeared to forgive his friend so easily.

What makes the direction this story is taking even worse is the fact that the author has not chosen to provide any details, other than the fact that she moved, about how Tina is dealing with the breakup of the marriage. For all we know, she could still be partying every night and not have a care in the world. I really do hope the last chapter does not have Max running to Tina with his hat in his hand asking for her forgiveness. However, I fear that the author has painted these characters into a corner where only that will allow the possibility of a reconciliation.

Blue88, I usually like your stories but I don't think you thought through this one very well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

You'd have to either be a woman or complete idiot of a man to blame this shit on him. That's total fucking bullshit and the author knows it. Friends don't manipulate you when you are down and they definitely don't do it just because you wouldn't forgive cheating. Is there nobody in the world that gives a shit about morals!?!?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Call of the Closet Cucks

Proof positive they have never had a woman and have no idea what it means to be a man.

Women respond to non-cucks because they are genetically wired to desire men who can and will protect them.

All closet cuckolds cannot attract women because they are spineless wonderwimps who blame women for getting drugged.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Loved it

Not quite sure I agree with the sentiment that he was equally at fault. What did he do? Nothing. He said nothing. She offered no explanation, up and left, and then divorced him. She never called. Never said she wanted to save the marriage. Nothing. It wasn't until after the divorce that the friend spilled the beans about her being drugged. He didn't know prior to that. So how can he be responsible for a divorce he didn't initiate?

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 10 years ago

This was a pile of bullshit. He did nothing wrong. Why is he being blamed. Some friend that Sam. With more friends like that you could die alone and be glad. And the two scheming skanks? Damn. I guess I'll finish the tale but I don't really know why.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Fucking weird

First you present a man who has the stones to break it off with a woman who cheated on him...he even gets revenge on the asshole involved. Then you turn him into a nutless fuck who is manipulated by everyone around him. Not that I like nutless fuckers who can't seem to manage their own lives, but at least it'd be consistent if you went one way or the other. As it is, you make it a story that pisses a person off, because we expect him to do one thing, and then he does the exact opposite. Doesn't make for a good read.

WilsonMeisterWilsonMeisterover 10 years ago
Sam Able is NO FRIEND

Sam should be voted off LIFE…

He is NO FRIEND I'd ever want, & PAYBACK IS A BITCH;

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsabout 10 years ago

The writer is consistent in the cheated on man having "friends" that blame him and meddle in a reconciliation.

Tina cheated, Tina left, Tina divorced him, Tina did not talk to him.

In what way is Max at fault ?

searching0240searching0240almost 10 years ago

1st: He did not love Jackie. He never claimed to love Jackie. He broke his word. And that is bad. But he didn't betray someone he claimed to love.

2nd: His "so-called friend" and his "paramour" set him up. Sam was not actually his friend. And his "relationship" with Jackie was fake. Apparently there wasn't anything with Sam or Jackie that was real. So he was again betrayed by 2 people that were supposed to have his back. That pretty much negates his promise of fidelity. Where was either Sam's or Jackie's fidelity when they were playing him. The fact that he broke his promise be cause of the actions of the person to whom he made the promise, proves bad faith by Jackie.

He must be incredibly stupid and weak-minded, to accept their logic.

The fact that circumstances could be manufactured (by people he trusted), to cause him to break his pledge of fidelity, should give him pause. But having sex with Bonnie was out of character. The attempted parallel by the author was contrived. What Jake did, was not the same thing as Tina. And there was more than a single night of drunken sex to overcome in their marriage. As Tina said, her marriage and Jake, were not her priority. Tina's friends denigrated Jake and Tina's marriage to Jake at every turn. And Tina sided with her friends. The night of drunken sex was just a symptom.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
I wish

You would quit giving your characters a set of balls,just to cut them off.

It's not always the person who got cheated on who is a fault.

In fact it is the cheater that is to blame.

sdc92078sdc92078almost 10 years ago
The obvious next step here

Is to tell them all to go to hell. But he probably won't.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

So frigging predictable. You only write one type of story. Same plot and outcome every time. Stop while you're not ahead.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Fuck Them All

While I said in Ch 1 that they were prime candidates for reconciliation, and still believe that, the fact is they didn't.

Tina filed for divorce and moved away.

Meanwhile his "friends" set him up to "teach him a lesson"?

Screw them!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
That was just wrong by Sam and Jackie

And when Sam came to Max's door, he should have busted his teeth down his throat. One thing you never do, is mess with someone elses relationship. Everyone involved in that fiasco should be horsewhipped

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Oh, Hell No!

Why does Max need a lesson? Max didn't cheat in his marriage, Tina did. It wasn't an accident. She didn't slip and fall on a dick. She was angry about possibly missing a night out with the Slut Sisters Jackie and Bonnie, so she showed hubby she could do what she wanted. Maybe she got more than she wanted but maybe not. No evidence of drugs, just a possibility tossed out there. Tina didn't confess until Max confronted her. Still, it was Max's decision to accept what happened or not.

And who does what Sam did to Max? They're supposedly friends, coworkers, golf buddies. I get it from the bitches but his friend? Retribution should be swift and sure.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

That's supposed to be a lesson ?

Some friends black mailed Bonnie to have sex with him ?

I think he needs to go far far away and start a new life.

Betrayal by his wife and betrayal by his friends.

Ib_SaysIb_Saysover 8 years ago
A shitty friend

Sam is the kind of friend that no one needs or should want, being part of some kind of long con just to teach a friend a lesson about themselves, is not the actions of a friend, but a sanctimonious asshole that cares more about being right than loyalty.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

OK, if the wife was drugged, she was raped.

He holds that against her and doesnt call her?

You wrote him as an asshole at that point.

His friend doing that to him, you didnt write it explaining this action, seems cruel to me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Shoulda, coulda....

He should bet the shit out all concerned. Get the friggin divorce..

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 8 years ago
Second time through...

An odd scenario. Well written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Bull Shit

This chapter is pure bull...the wife was 100% wrong and deserved what she got...I would beat the shit out of Sam if he was my friend...the whole idea of teaching him a lesson is pure bull.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
Pure bullshit

Sam would be fucking dead!

The bitches would get their slutty asses handed to them as well.

What a pussy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
In my opinion...

Max would not have worked his way to forgiveness in 15 minutes of discovering that he was setup. I think he would have gone the other stand become more cold hearted. He definitely would have severed friendship with Sam, maybe to the point of quitting and moving away. But definitely, he wouldn't see this as the same thing as what happened to Tina. That realization would've taken a hell of a lot of work after this new betrayal. I see Max as a stubborn horse. You can lead him to water, but you can't MAKE him drink. You can't force a person like that to see his own mistakes, you have to gently bring him along and let him realize it himself. But that's just my opinion. I understand why you did it this way. It increases the drama. I just think that there was another way to go.


QuietlyLurkingQuietlyLurkingover 7 years ago
I don't think I have ever

had as strong a reaction to any story on Lit as I had to this story. I have to tell you this is a grade A pile of shit. What kind of dumb shit would fall for the manipulations of the same people that helped wreck his marriage? Then just accepting his "buddy" Sam messing with his emotions?? This is easily the most poorly conceived RAAC story I have ever read and that is saying something.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Your protagonist is brain damaged. His wife betrays him. He just begins to come out of his hell (his shell) and is betrayed by his new squeeze and his best/only friend. He should be catatonic or enraged; you have him calm and logical. It does not work. I'm not sure I can read the rest of this mess.

steven857steven857about 7 years ago

The guy falls for this line of faulty logic, yes he was unforgiving but the fault was all hers, she placed her friends above her husband and that is the sole reason she destroyed the marriage.

payenbrantpayenbrantabout 7 years ago
From bad to worse...

And people wonder why men don't trust girls now a days. lol Should have pepper sprayed Sam and lost his number. Also, he was not married to Jackie, not really the same thing as cheating on a wife.

Pretty sure this story was written by a woman, or a third wave feminist. Not going to bother finishing it by reading part 3. Besides, it even has a lesser score that this one.

Have a good day all.

Blue88? You are a good author, this is far and away not your best work. Keep writing though because we all write bad stories, you got to write the bad ones to have good ones!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Wife goes out gets loaded and laid yet husband is to blame for divorce???

After divorce, husband gets laid and is accused of cheating???


ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 6 years ago
Sam's face would be mush

What Jackie did was one thing. What Sam did was a total betrayal of a friend. He deserved to lose a few teeth and be persona non grata from then on. That situation was bullshit.

wonder203wonder203about 6 years ago

You think that what they did was to teach him a lesson? Are you really that stupid?? What his wife did was wrong. If she wanted to try to work it out then she should have stayed around and tried to build something again. It was her immature childish actions that caused it. She ran into a predator with friends that were sluts so she had no protection but she knew who her fiends were. Now you want to have her slut friends teach HIM a lesson?? 1* because I can't give you less

kdcee79kdcee79about 6 years ago
Nope,nope, Nope.

Writing skills ok, plot ok for ch 1, really poor for ch 2. Irrespective of how he treated Tina, any payback was between them. Jackie, Bonnie & Sam needed to leave them alone to sort things out, this was cruel & vindictive. Max needs a new job in a different location as well as some payback for Sam & Jackie. 2 **

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
No, no, no.

What's wrong with wanting a quiet evening in and an early night due to work commitments ?

Going out to blow off a little mid week steam can be re-arranged, no problem.

Tina was selfish, and had she stayed home, none of this would have happened.

Her friends are selfish, and broke the cardinal rule of keeping each other safe from predators.

And all three girls are amazingly calm about this guy who took advantage. Non consent to sex is rape ...... or was she consensual ?

Max overheard Bonnie earlier talking to Jackie regarding this night. She could not care less, totally indifferent, so why does everyone in this story insist Max is the bad guy.

Tina divorced Max. She wasn't going to hang around, give it some time, maybe bump into each other ' accidentally ', see if there is maybe a spark there.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
What an absolute load of crap!

As soon as Sam walked in, Max should have decked him. As for Bonnie and Jackie, I still can't understand how stupid Max was to even associate with them. But really Sam is the biggest asshole of the 3 of them. Max did nothing wrong. Tina was a bitch and decided to go with her girlfriends to a predator bar. Guess what, Tina got drunk, a predator latched onto Tina and neither of friends protected her. So Tina gets fucked and expects Max to forgive her. Well Max's first reaction was the correct one, kick Tina to the curb.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I agree with Anonymous 5/02/18

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