What Opportunities Might Come


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So it came as a great relief when barely a minute later the elevator door opened once more and this time Hank came walking out. Like Doug, he had upgraded his outfit, now wearing a casual dark blue button-down dress shirt and khaki trousers.

"Sorry if I'm late," Hank said as he reached Doug, "last minute business call."

"It's okay," a relieved Doug said.

"Actually, it's not," Hank replied. "It wasn't an emergency and could've waited until tomorrow. That's the drawback of having a beeper; some clients think, just because they can contact you at any hour, they should. I set him straight right off. I don't need his business bad enough to let him intrude on my personal time for no good reason."

Doug nodded his head in agreement, thankful again that his boss didn't have anything like that. He was hardly in a position to tell him off like Hank did his client.

"Well, that's neither here nor there right now," Hank said, putting the last-minute interruption behind him. "Let's go enjoy dinner, shall we?"

The restaurant Hank had selected wasn't anything special, but the food was good and during the course of dinner, Doug had had a few drinks to help him relax. The conversation as they ate was more conventional than he'd expected, centering more on general aspects of their lives than the more sensitive subject they'd been discussing this morning.

It wasn't until after dinner, when they'd gone on a walk along the shore, that more personal matters came into play. The sun had already set but the night was still warm enough that they didn't need jackets. There were plenty of other people around them, but none seemed to pay the two of them the slightest attention.

"So how long have you been interested in guys?" Hank asked.

"Can't really say for sure," Doug replied. "I guess it was sometime in high school that I first began to notice them."

"Quick glances at your friends in the showers and locker rooms, that sort of thing?" Hank asked.

"Something like that," Doug answered.

"Yeah, we've all been there," Hank smiled, remembering that for him it had been in an even more conservative time. "That horrible fear that you'd look at one of your friends one day and get a boner that someone would see."

Doug looked at him as if he was reading his mind.

"And remember, for me, it was the age when normalcy was the watchword," Hank said. "The last thing anyone wanted was to be singled out as being different - for any reason."

Doug didn't comment, but couldn't help but feel that even during his own high school years, decades later, it wasn't much different. It was barely different now.

"Who was he?" Hank asked.

"Who was who?" Doug asked.

"The guy who used to get you hard in school?" Hank clarified.

Doug just looked at him for a long moment, as if he didn't know what he was talking about.

"Come on, let's be honest, you know there was a guy," Hank said.

"His name was Steve," Doug finally said, preferring to only give his first name.

"Hot?" Hank inquired.

"I doubt I knew what hot was back then," Doug said. "I just know that I got a funny feeling when I was with him. The same sort of feeling that I sometimes got with girls in my class."

"You ever tell him?" Hank asked, doubting he had, but asking anyway.

"Not in so many words," Doug replied.

"Care to explain that?" Hank said.

"Steve and I were friends, closer than brothers sometimes," Doug began, "we could talk about just about anything. We even compared masturbation techniques one night, just because ... you know, I can't even remember why we did it, we just did."

"Did you enjoy it?" Hank asked.

"Yeah, it was sort of exciting," Doug admitted.

"Did you just watch each other or did you ..." Hank started to ask.

"No, we just watched," Doug interjected.

"But I'm guessing you wanted to do more," Hank offered. "To see what his cock might feel like in your hand, and maybe even elsewhere."

"Maybe," Doug replied, "but I think we were too scared to go any further than that."

"And the two of you never went any further?" Hank asked.

"There was another time - we didn't do anything but we talked about it," Doug said, "what guys did together. I was staying over at his house one night while his parents were out late and we watched

some foreign film on television; it was on PBS, about two guys stranded on a deserted island. We were joking about what that might be like, and then one of us, and to be honest, I really don't remember which of us it was, asked what those guys were going to do for sex."

"And what did you decide?" Hank asked.

"Well, it felt sort of funny discussing it, but we sort of came to the conclusion that, under those circumstances, it would've been okay for them to help each other out," Doug said.

"In what way?" a curious Hank asked.

"Well we really didn't get that specific," Doug added, "but we agreed that if it was something you did with a girl, then it was okay. I guess, without actually saying it, we were talking about blow jobs."

"And did you and Steve ever have any other discussions like that?" Hank inquired.

"During senior year, we were hanging out with friends and we'd managed to get a few beers," Doug went on. "It was a mixed group, and after we'd all had a few, the discussion got a bit raunchy, and one of the girls, Susan Doyle, posed the question, why was it considered okay for a girl to suck a cock but not another guy? She said she couldn't really see any difference."

"Interesting question," Hank noted. "What did the other's think?"

"None of the guys wanted to even discuss it, most of them saying that was just the way it was," Doug said. "Later on, though, when Steve and I were heading home, we did agree that Susan had a point. But as to whether one of us might be interested in doing something like that, well, that wasn't somewhere I felt safe in going."

"Why was that?" Hank asked, already sure of the answer.

"Because if I was reading Steve wrong, I didn't want to risk our friendship," Doug answered, giving the answer Hank expected.

"I can understand that," Hank agreed, remembering incidents in his own life where he'd let possible opportunities pass for the same reason.

Hank was pleased Doug had become so relaxed with him as to open up as he was doing. The anecdotes he shared showed that his interest in men wasn't a flash in the pan, but something he'd been thinking about a long time. Now he wanted to know more specifically what Doug was interested in.

"When you think about being with a guy, what do you think about doing?" Hank asked.

"Having sex," Doug replied.

"No, I want you to be more specific than that," Hank said. "Having sex is too generic."

"I'm not sure how to answer," Doug said.

"Well, let's do it this way," Hank offered. "Do you ever fantasize about having a man suck your cock?"

"Yes," Doug said without hesitation.

"How about you sucking his?"

"Also, yes," Doug answered just as quickly.

"How about having a man fuck you?" Hank asked.

"Yes," Doug said, this time taking a few seconds to answer.

"What about you fucking a guy?" Hank added.

This time there was a longer pause, after which Doug said that he would be open to it, but that it had never been one of his fantasies.

"Okay, now I have a really hard one," Hank said, causing Doug to wonder what he could ask that would be harder to answer than the last few questions. "Do you ever imagine yourself kissing another man?"

"You're kidding, right?" Doug asked, thinking he was joking.

"No, I'm really quite serious," Hank responded. "Most people don't realize it, but oral and even anal sex are, for the most part, a mechanical release, and I've known ostensibly straight guys engage in one or both and still not consider themselves gay or bi. Kissing, however, is an act of intimacy."

Doug had never thought of it that way, but could see Hank's point.

"Yeah, I've imagined myself kissing other guys," he said.

"And if I wanted to kiss you right now, how would you feel about that?" Hank asked.

"Why would you want to do that?" Doug asked, not really answering the question.

"Because I wouldn't go to bed with a guy who wasn't man enough to kiss me," Hank said.

Doug thought about it a moment, then asked another question that still avoided answering the one Hank had asked.

"Are you actually telling me that if I was on my knees right now and took your cock in my mouth, it wouldn't prove anything?" Doug asked.

"Well, other than the fact that you have good taste, no," Hank laughed.

Doug stared at him for a moment, a small smile on the corner of his mouth. Then he did something that actually surprised Hank. Closing the few feet between them in a quick sprint, he pulled the older man to him and kissed him. A kiss full of passion as his tongue slipped deep into Hank's mouth to find his.

"Satisfied?" Doug asked as he stepped back.

"More like amazed," Hank said, a wide smile on his face.

"That I actually kissed you?" Doug asked.

"No, not really," Hank said, "I had the feeling that that was going to happen sometime during the night. What really impressed me was that you did it without looking to see if anyone was watching."

Now that Hank had pointed it out, that surprised Doug as well.


A short time later, they found themselves back in the parking lot of their hotel. They paused in the middle of it and faced each other.

"So here we are," Hank said.

"Yes, here we are," Doug agreed.

"So, what do you want to do?" Hank asked.

"I guess that depends on my choices," Doug said.

"I thought they were obvious," Hank replied, "but I'd be glad to lay them out."

Doug nodded appreciatively, really needing to hear them stated specifically.

"Option one, of course, is to just take tonight for what it was and say goodnight," Hank said. "We had a nice dinner, some interesting conversation and no matter what, you'll always remember this as the night you finally kissed another man."

"And option two?" Doug asked, a slight smile on his face as he realized the last bit was certainly true.

"Well, option two is a bit more interesting," Hank smiled. "We go back to my room and you get to have a night of the sort you've only dreamed about. I've got a pretty good idea of what you'd like and it's there if you want it."

"Before I answer, I have a question," Doug said.

"Ask away," Hank replied curious as to what it might be.

"Why me?" he asked.

"I'm not sure what you mean," Hank replied.

"This whole night, taking me out to dinner, spending all this time getting to know me, why?" Doug asked. "If you just wanted to get your rocks off, I'm sure there are plenty of places you could go and get that done with a lot less trouble."

"That's a pretty good question," Hank said, taking a few moments to formulate his answer. "I could simply say that the idea of being your first is a pretty big turn on, and in all honesty, that wouldn't be a lie. And let's not forget that I've already admitted that I think you're cute, but then again, so are a lot of young guys. So, I think you deserve a better answer than that."

Doug said he appreciated that.

"I've always been somewhat of a sentimentalist," Hank continued, "and while I've never been one to turn down the occasional random fuck if it presented itself, I've always thought a guy's first time, even if it's just sex, should be something more than an anonymous quickie in the back room of some bar. If that makes sense to you."

The bright smile that filled Doug's face said that it certainly did. It also gave Hank the answer to his question as well.


Hank and Doug walked into the hotel lobby a few seconds apart, casually strolling over to the elevators. There were already a few people waiting, as one of the two cars was temporarily out of service. When the remaining car arrived, Hank let everyone else get on and then said that he'd catch the next one. Doug wasn't sure why, as there was still room in the car for both of them, but he silently followed his lead and just hung back and also waited.

By the time the elevator made its run up to the top floor and back, there were just as many people waiting as before, but this time, the two of them were the first to board. Hank moved to the back-right corner with Doug standing right in front of him, just far enough to give the impression that they weren't together.

By the time the last guest boarded and the doors closed, every button on the call board had been lit. The ride upward was going to be a slow one, with the car stopping on all eight floors. Each one taking what seemed to Doug an eternity.

They'd just dropped off the passengers for the third floor when Doug suddenly felt a touch where he definitely knew he shouldn't - at least not here. He'd barely let out half a breath when, looking down, he saw that Hank had reached around from behind him and placed his right hand on top of the slightly visible bulge in Doug's pants.

Doug's eyes darted right and left in search of any reaction by the other guests around him. Thankfully, they all seemed oblivious to what was happening, focused as they were on the door or the floor indicator above. He let out a long breath, only to again almost lose it when Hank began to run his hand up and down, massaging Doug's cock through the material of his pants. It was exciting and terrifying at the same time.

One by one, other guests got off on subsequent floors until only Doug, Hank, and a married couple were left when the doors opened on the last floor. The couple turned down the hall to the right, quickly disappearing around the bend. As soon as they were out of sight, Doug swung around to face Hank.

"What the hell was that?" he asked, trying to keep his voice low yet at the same time express concern.

"I wanted to see if your cock was still hard," Hank smiled, "and I'm happy to say it definitely was."

"What if someone saw?" Doug asked.

"I was watching the back of their heads," Hank said, "If anyone had even started to turn around, I'd have seen it in plenty of time."

Doug's face said he wasn't all that sure about that.

"Oh come, you can't tell me that you didn't find that exciting," Hank grinned. "If this hotel had a few more floors, I'm willing to bet I'd have made you come in your pants before we even got up here."

Doug's expression softened; that was probably true.

"Which would've been a waste, because I can think of a lot of better places for you to come," Hank added with an even wider smile. "Come on, I'm just down the hall."


Hank led Doug to the next to last room at the end of the corridor, quickly unlocking the door and reaching in to switch on the light before backing out to let the younger man enter first. Once he did so, Hank followed, locking the door behind them and then adding the privacy chain.

Looking around the room, Doug saw that there was little difference between Hank's room and the one he occupied three floors below. The bed and other furniture were virtually identical and even the view out the large double windows showed the same scene as his. In fact, the only difference he could come up with was that the bathroom, the door of which was open, had a separate stand up shower as well as a bath, whereas his room only had a single combined tub.

"Would you like a drink?" Hank asked.

"No, I'm good," Doug said, still feeling a bit of a buzz from the wine he'd had with dinner.

"Well then," Hank said as he moved to within a few inches of Doug, "I guess there's nothing else for us to do but get started."

With that, his lips found Doug's and he kissed him, softly at first, but then with increasing intensity. His tongue slipped into the shorter man's mouth, caressing its counterpart. At the same time, his hands undid the buckle of Doug's belt, loosening his pants enough to slide one hand inside. There, he continued past the waistband of Doug's briefs to take hold of his cock, wrapping his fingers around it as he gave it a few playful tugs.

"How does it feel to have another man's hand on your cock?" Hank whispered between kisses.

"It feels, well, it feels pretty nice," Doug replied.

"I'm willing to bet that having it in my mouth is going to feel even nicer," Hank offered.

Withdrawing his hand, Hank quickly undid the clasp and zipper of Doug's slacks and, with a quick pull, dragged them down around his ankles. With equal speed, he returned his attention to the young man's shorts, or more specifically, the prominent bulge in the center of them, which he first outlined with his fingers, then kissed through the soft material.

Hank kissed it a few more times, gauging Doug's reaction from the intakes of his breath, then he took hold of the white shorts' sides and began to very slowly pull them down. He paused when Doug's cock had been half exposed, leaning in to kiss the shaft, then, in one quick motion, he pulled the briefs totally down. Freed from its restrictive confines, the cock sprang upward, bouncing once before coming to rest barely an inch from Hank's mouth.

Again moving slowly, Hank reached out with his tongue and, starting on the underside, ran the tip of it along the length of Doug's cock, sliding it under the crown when he reached the top, and then back down to its base. The older man had never been obsessed with size, but did appreciate a man that stood at least a bit above average. He was pleased to find in that in that regard as least, Doug didn't disappoint.

Slipping his left hand under Doug's balls, Hank closed his fingers around the base, gently guiding the cock into his mouth. His lips closed, first around the head, and then the shaft, as he swallowed the younger man's manhood.

"Oh, yes!" Doug moaned loudly as he felt the wetness of Hank's mouth wrap around his cock, a pleasing warmth that spread down his length and then out across his body.

Doug's cock now firmly in his mouth, Hank moved his hands to the back of each of his thighs, sliding them down to just below the knees and then all the way back up to the cheeks of his ass, all the while moving his head back and forth along the length of his cock, the intensity of his efforts increasing with each stroke.

No stranger to blow jobs, Doug nevertheless couldn't recall ever being on the receiving end of one that felt quite like this one, and that included the one he'd gotten from a professional at his older brother's bachelor party a few years back. Part of the excitement, he knew, was the fact that it was another man sucking him; after all the just the thought of that earlier had been enough to excite him to hardness. The other simple truth was, Hank was really good at it.

Hank swirled his tongue around Doug's cock as it moved back and forth, doing all that he could to drive the younger man wild. This was not a time for finesse; that would come later. Right now, Hank just wanted to make Doug come, and come hard. In that, he was making excellent progress.

Doug knew the pressure in his balls was already building to critical mass and that he didn't have the fortitude to hold it back for long. Not that he could think of a reason why he'd want to. What filled him now was the stuff of dreams, and dreams only lasted so long. The fear that they would unexpectedly fade like a phantasm was always there.

Yet Doug needn't have worried that Hank might let this dream end in anything less than satisfaction. If anything, the way that Hank was feverishly sucking his cock amply demonstrated how much he wanted the younger man to orgasm, as well as how little time he was willing to wait for him to do so.

"Oh God, oh God, oh my God!" Doug panted over and over as he felt the rising tide within him crash against the walls of his resistance.

That barrier lasted less than a hundred heartbeats more before it shattered with blinding force under Hank's determined efforts. Doug's cock exploded in Hank's mouth with thundering intensity, an explosion that rocked every inch of the smaller man's body, filling it with quivering ecstasy.