All Comments on 'What to Do About Danny'

by ReedRichards

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tangledweedtangledweedabout 5 years ago
So, myob is the object lesson here?

It could be argued that keeping your nose out of other's business is the safest way to avoid the guilt trip. On the other hand, if Danny was the homicidal type, he would likely have done the same thing when he eventually found out on his own about his wife's affair.

Then you could feel guilty about not telling him what you knew and offering to support him so he didn't go homicidal. You can't win, either way, so you have to go with what you think is right and what you can live with.

HighpikeHighpikeabout 5 years ago
What to do about David

Posted by Just Words 6 days ago followed the same theme of a crisis on conscience among friends; to intervene or not. Misery all round.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago

Murder porn. Racial stereotyping. Cheating shouldn't have the death penalty, but you sure did burnt that bitch and bastard. Great story, I loved it. My comment is as serious as your story. White wife cheating with trainer who of course is black. They eat lunch frequently in small town diner where everyone knows her. Wives are out to burn her, but husbands urge caution. Friend breaks the news and doesn't keep an eye on the husband who pops the cheaters, kills.himself and leaves three orphans. I think you pushed all the buttons. With the caliber of other stories tonight, this should be fun to sit back and wait for comments. You are one evil man.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 5 years ago
Only Reed Richards could place blame on the people NOT cheating

This is a really interesting story because it shows the disturbed mind set of this particular author.... Who specializes in writing stories where every single action word or deed by the life is always excused and never held accountable .

In this particular story the author tries to spin the murder suicide blame on to the people who decided to tell Danny rather than the wife and is able trainer who actually having the affair.

In reality the fact is that the odds strongly favor a person who acts this way to news of a spouse will affair is going to act the same way no matter what the circumstances are.

Really a pathetic story

johntcookseyjohntcookseyabout 5 years ago
A fair compare and contrast

David and Danny are two extremes on a continuum of outcomes. David was almost robotically rational and Danny clearly had a screw loose.The question for me is do you withhold information based on what somewhat might do with it? It has to be a judgement call. I don’t want to be lied to by omission, but I’m sure I’ve also lied to friends with their best interests in mind. This is a thoughtful and relevant counter to Just Words story. As always, thanks.

rnebularrnebularabout 5 years ago
Gritty but felt real

Very quick portrayal of what could have (and undoubtedly has) happened before. What would you do? That's the real question being posed here. Thanks for sharing RR!

enderlocke77enderlocke77about 5 years ago

wasnt much of a story. i dont think those friends are going to be having dinner parties together ever again lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Moral of your thinking is to let cheaters fuck up the storm for as long as they want, and we can do our best to keep other party in the dark because we don't want any bloodshed.

Let me put you an opposite view:

3 people are dead, next 3 more are dead, than 3 more are dead.... and so on.

By the time we get to several hundred dead cheaters everyone will be thinking 300x if they are about to cheat. Yes, there are lot of dead people, but cheating problem will be almost eliminated for a least generation.

PS: More than 30000 people die EVERY YEAR in motor accidents, in US alone.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 5 years ago

"She divorced on grounds and cleaned him out." - Heh, in LW world, the husbands get cleaned out even if the wife doesn't have grounds!

"maybe he'll get the house when the last young'un graduates from high school." - That's an idea I never thought of! I most of these stories, the husband has to pay for a new place, continue paying for his ex-wife's home, then they split the proceeds. This idea makes more sense, that after the youngest leaves home that HE gets the house! Maybe he pays her have the equity at the time of the divorce.

As far as scaring the lover off, if the wife is determined to cheat, she'll just find another.

Why am I not surprised that RR writes a cautionary tale about revealing an affair?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Adopt his kids

Tell them their mother mentally tortured their father with her cheating ways, he broke with reality in a moment of weakness a d ended the torture for himself. He loved them so much more than their mother and then you and your wife raise them right in his memory.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
not buyin it...

it was the slut spreadin her legs that got 3 people killed tho the Danny guy took the cowards way out of the situation.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Rooted In Reality

Even the most stable mind can shatter. And it doesn't take long for a thought to become an obsession. Well done.

Jim C

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

On the bright side, I guess fat middle age white women will be scared away from desperate loser black guys in Allentown for the next 10 years.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsabout 5 years agoAuthor
Why did I write this?

Just Words story had friends staging an intervention, when they found out that another friend’s wife was screwing around on him. The story was well enough written, but I couldn’t help thinking that meddling like that could lead to some unanticipated consequences.

So many stories here end with the bitch or bastard being burned, but life isn’t usually that neat. I contemplated having Danny kill the lovers and then walking out, facing life in prison — no one gets executed in Pennsylvania — but this seemed better to me; with no real life ahead of him, Danny simply ended it.

And I left three minor children as orphans; that, too, was intentional. Revenge usually leaves collateral damage, and I wanted to show it.

This was a dark ending, and I know a lot of people won’t like it.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 5 years ago
Well, I did prefer a happy ending...

...but it can go this way, too. I know it's a strange thing to say on this site, but sex is like dynamite and adultery lights the fuse. More often than not, adultery ends badly and intervening in a friend's life has risks all around.

It was a good story and you told it well.

Still, if you catch my wife cheating, please do tell me! I would want to know.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Not sure where you live, but $42.15/hr is bordering on middle/upper class most everywhere in the continental US.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
This is what you get for meddling.

Long story short, keep your nose out of other peoples business. At least he didn’t kill the kids first because guaranteed he would have....and the best part? There was no actual proof anything was going on, just wild accusations and innuendo.

PowersworderPowersworderabout 5 years ago

They did the right thing telling Danny. The person who knew him best and who might have predicted how he would react was Traci... so this tragedy was all her fault.

If Traci wanted to slut around, she should have asked for a divorce first... her betrayal devastated Danny and he obviously went off the deep end. I've got no sympathy for her lover either, he seduced a married woman and that can be a very dangerous game.

I just feel sorry for Danny and the three children. Traci acting like a whore destroyed her entire family.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

You SJW shit stain. try to sell your "lies are better than the truth" garbage some ware else

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderherabout 5 years ago
They missed an obvious option......

Approach Traci and tell her to end it now or they would tell Danny.

Tell her she must quit the Gym immediately and if she wants to get into shape, then she needs to buy a Treadmill for home. Approach the Trainer and tell him he needs to also never contact Traci again or they will bring his employer into it and since it is a State that still allows Divorce for Infidelity, they probably will also allow suing the Homewrecker for some type of an Alienation of Affection lawsuit and possibly even naming the employer in the suit.

More than likely, Traci would be so frazzled and worried her hubby would find out that she would cut it off right then and there. Especially if all 3 couples cornered her, at say the Diner while he was there. If a few of them said they wanted to tell her husband regardless, that would really put the "Fear of God" into her UNLESS she was looking to leave her hubby. At that point, nothing would really stop the affair anyway. Tell her she needs to totally shut that shitshow down NOW, and also any others she might be involved in as well as telling her they will be watching her so starting up again would mean her hubby would find out immediately.

One additional thing I would do beforehand is follow them and make sure it actually is an affair and document it with pictures, voice, video, etc. It usually doesn't take much and one of the women, (not the angry one lol) could even approach Traci and get into her confidence and have her admit to it, tell her where it happens, etc. Usually, cheaters need to confide in someone and they usually do.

The argument for not telling Danny is if the wife stops, the marriage might even get better as her guilt eats at her. Also, Danny didn't seem to be a BFF with any of them, just a close workmate. Whenever you drop a bomb like that, you stand the risk of what he did. I know, I used to investigate cheating spouses, usually wives for several years and I had to really gauge my clients and what their reactions would be. I intercepted a few cheating wives and got them to stop because when they found out what I did, they got "Scared Straight". I also had the luxury of stopping a few before it ever got really into a sexual phase or mode.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Very good

Absolutely realistic story. Well done!

arobkarobkabout 5 years ago
I like your writing but.

The extent that you go to the excuse cheating is amazing. Ethical non monogamy is a real thing. Lying and cheating are destructive and hurtful.

Hooked1957Hooked1957about 5 years ago
Different direction

Nice job of taking the premise in a different direction. I know some will get on you about the particular direction, but I don't have a problem with that. Very realistic feel to it.

Thanks for the honor, by the way.


ValintValintabout 5 years ago
Seemed a bit pointless

For the story to make sense to me, it feels like you needed the wife *not* to be cheating, that the other characters misunderstood the situation.

Otherwise, with a scenario where (a) the wife was cheating, and (b) the husband is the kind of guy to murder his wife and her lover over it, then the outcome was inevitable.

In that situation, the other characters did exactly the right thing: Try to break it to him as softly as possible, at the point where there's uncertainty as to whether it's possible to head things off.

If him finding out is inevitable (which seems likely to me) and the circumstances of him finding out are going to be worse at any point later (which also seems likely to me), then you've pretty much set up the best case scenario, and if *that* goes to shit, well, you tried your best.

Felt like it needed to be either that they made a mistake (so none of this was inevitable) or they induced his behavior by taunting him as a cuckold or something (so the reaction wasn't inevitable), for any guilt to be reasonable.

What-ifs like this seem kind of silly to me. Everyone who died made choices out of their free will that led to where they ended up. (If you want a worst case scenario, here's one in which that's not true: The friends don't say anything. The affair continues, but the kids are becoming a stumbling block to the affair, so the wife poisons and kills them. If you're going to take on guilt from what crazy people do, you're pretty much fucked no matter what you do.)

dragonmann72dragonmann72about 5 years ago

I don't have a problem with the basis of your story. yes people souldn't meddle in another's affair. My question to you was why you felt you had to play the race card. Was it just to stir the pot? If so then you should have heeded your own advice and not written the story. Just sayen

rodryder44rodryder44about 5 years ago
What about

I did not see the ending coming. Arguendo, it seems the friends misjudged Danny's anticipated response to the information. Assuming the friends kept quiet, its almost a given that Danny's response would have been the same when he eventually found out about the affair. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Nice story

ReedRichardsReedRichardsabout 5 years agoAuthor
CIH suggested another scenario in which . . .

. . . the three couples approached Traci and told her that unless she stopped her affair, they’d tell Danny about it. That’s actually a decent story in the making, but it would also mean that they were enabling her to get away with her affair. I wonder how the LW readership would take that one?

There are really no good choices in a story like this one. If you tell Danny, anything can happen, from divorce, to reconciliation, to violence and death. If you don’t tell the husband, all of those things can still happen.

I’ve never been put in that situation, so I can’t be certain how I’d react, but unless it was my best friend, I’d be inclined to mind my own business.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsabout 5 years agoAuthor

The Bethlehem Diner is a real place, but a small town diner it is not. Bethlehem is a suburb and contiguous city with Allentown, at the intersection of either Schoenersville Road or Airport Road and route 22, and it’s a busy place. It has a good reputation, though I never thought the food was that great.

tangledweedtangledweedabout 5 years ago
Plot twist! The rest of the story.

It turns out that the cliched BBC alpha stud of a personal trainer was actually quite openly gay and was giving Danny's wife lifestyle coaching on her diet when they were seen together. Why else would they be that open about meeting in public where they would be recognized? You don't need to eat out together to fuck around and a busy diner at lunchtime is not exactly the height of romance.

That twist gives the murder/suicide the added irony that hammers home the intervention team's guilt and stupidity. You're welcome.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsabout 5 years agoAuthor

$42.15 an hour is roughly $85,000 a year. Around Allentown, with its housing prices, it’s a one step up from starter home income. You can buy the house without going house poor, and you can eat out frequently, but you aren’t going to get rich, not if you have three kids.

It’s a reasonable union wage for a senior employee and union steward for the area. Most businesses would try to eliminate overtime for a worker at that rate.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Unnecessary story

The original was much better. This addition made the friends look like busy bodies. And the results should have been something they would have taken into account. The ending was both sudden, tragic and unfinished. What happened to the kids? That was a key point in their discussions, but unresolved in the ending. There are SO many completely unfinished stories out there, why add onto a story that was finished? We REALLY need someone to pick up the mantle that FTDS left and run with it. This was both unnecessary and unwanted.

2 stars

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 5 years ago
A real punch in the gut

I know this happens in real life. I hope it doesn't happen often because no cheating is worth going to that extreme. RR is one of my favorite authors and he certainly hit the mark with this story. The way that Danny addressed the issue was just too sad. I could only give it a 3* rating. An emotional rating I know.

kimi1990kimi1990about 5 years ago
Sorry, Mr. Fantastic.

Your agenda is showing. Not good, dude.

neilnblowme2neilnblowme2about 5 years ago
damned if you do damned if you don t

great story and very realistic

the people did the right thing by telling him

the blame lies with the cheating bitch and nobody else

if the kids are orphans it is thanks to her and again nobody else

i don t condone murder but the inner conflicts of any person being cheated on i can see why he did what he did.

if the laws would change and punish cheaters we would never have situations such as these but the law being what it is today makes you wonder why there aren t more murder suicides in divorce cases

5* 100 hardons

good job

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

The mental gymnastics behind this need to invalidate care and protection of a friend are on par with Chinese cinema wire work.

TheKrrakTheKrrakabout 5 years ago

This is the reality of many cheaters - death at the hands of those being cheated on.

5/5 for a dose of reality

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyabout 5 years ago

Thought I read this a few days sgo. Is this a re-issue?

MichaelFitzgeraldMichaelFitzgeraldabout 5 years ago
Love as responsibility ...

.. is not a common theme on the LW site so thank you for risking it. And thank you for going there with an outcome too often true in real life. Sometimes the measure of a story is not in its initial acceptance but how we come to appreciate it over time. This is one of the really good ones and people will come to love it. 5*

ReedRichardsReedRichardsabout 5 years agoAuthor
Tangledweed’s plot twist is a good one!

It had never occurred to me, but, given that Danny had trailed them from the gym, it’s probable that his assumptions weren’t actually proven.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
So what? What was the point?

Odds are there will be some life insurance pay out, at least for the wife's death. Any number of sluts in the community will either stop fucking around, or give up on the idea; too dangerous. Two assholes and one complete dumb shit have been removed from the gene pool, so that's a win. The gym will be more careful who they hire as trainers, and husbands will pay a hell of a lot more attention to their wives who use the gym.

And two children will now get to enter a truly loving stable home, with people focused on their welfare, not on their genitalia or their ego.

Yeah, guess its a hard but happy ending in the long run. Too bad about the pussy who wonders if he should have allowed his friend to get fucked over by his wife. He can be sure when its his wife fucking around everyone will just let her get away with it. Moron.

You really know how to make a convincing point. Congratulations.

tazz317tazz317about 5 years ago

as for his friends they all have Survivors Guilt. TK U MLJ LV NV

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchabout 5 years ago
Kimmi and CummingInsideHer pretty much nailed it. I was surprised RR didnt use the "they were actually innocent" twist.

Pushing on the cheater married to your friend is usually productive, and I hate to agree with RR in this matter, but sometimes letting it go is better.

Vast majority of all guys want to know, and almost all will consider not telling them somehow to be stabbing them in the back. But a lot of times there are ways to deal with this that don't involve LW story level drama.

BTW if you meddle you need to do it right. You tell hubby, you had better warn wifey and loser just before you tell hubby. Of use a strategy like from CIH

silentsoundsilentsoundabout 5 years ago
No one's fault but their own.

No one made her cheat and no one made him murder/suicide.

No one is responsible for the actions of the players. They chose.

Violence often occurs with infidelity. I'm surprised we don't see it reported more often.

I personally have known two men that took their lives over it and one who lost it and died after attacking his rival by being stabbed to death by the other man's girlfriend.

These were all solidly middle class family men with no records before they were decimated by infidelity.

Their actions were their choices, even if there were mitigating circumstances.

I don't think a rotten slut's slimy hole is worth it personally.

There are too many other good things and people in the world that are worth spending your energies on.

I'm for some retribution. Don't get me wrong. But it should be reasonable and something everyone can walk away from in a case of simple infidelity.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 5 years ago
I do like the suggestion of option 3:

The friends approach the wife, tell her they know, and warn her she has zero time to end it. Then get the trainer fired.

However, she'll do it again when the smoke clears if she stops at all. Then, eventually, Danny finds out, looks around and sees all his friends who knew and never told him, and he loses his friends along with his wife and is isolated. Without friends, he sinks into deeper depression.

Personally, I prefer to protect the innocent rather than the guilty.

Stories aren't written as recommendations, so exploring this unfortunate outcome could be interesting for someone (probably not me).

CrazyDaveTrucker60CrazyDaveTrucker60about 5 years ago
They didn't CAUSE anything

If a husband or boyfriend finds out by accident or by friends, makes little difference in how the reaction plays out. To cause a murder/suicide means the guy lost everything, every bit of self respect. When that happens, he's go nothing left to lose. (Children notwithstanding). By the way, love the local flavor, I live three miles from where this story is set! Wish he could have worked in Musicfest, or Hotel Bethlehem into the plot!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 5 years ago
To Tell or Not to Tell

I recommend qhml1's An Unexpected Reaction for an example of what can happen when friends keep the wife's secret!

ValintValintabout 5 years ago
Re: Telling the wife

I've seen this in stories, and I can't honestly understand why people think it's a good idea (save for worlds in which you have the author on your side) to give the cheating spouse that you know and leave the clueless spouse in the dark.

You wouldn't expect one spouse to kill the other in most circumstances, but when an affair becomes known, a pretty reasonable expectation is that (a) the couple is going to split up, and (b) one or the other might try to get more than the law considers their fair share.

So, simplest scenario is that the spouse you tell is going to have all of his ducks in a row, going to be mentally and emotionally prepared for what's going on, and is going to spring the divorce on the other spouse at a time and place of minimal embarrassment to themselves (but perhaps not to the other spouse).

The more aggressive scenario is that the spouse you tell is going to drain the couple's bank accounts, run up the credit cards and either take the kids with them or leave the kids with the now-broke spouse to deal with.

Why on earth would you want the cheating spouse to be the one in control of this situation? Whether it's simply a matter of who gets to be prepared for what's coming (and doesn't have to deal with getting one emotional shock after the other) or who gets the chance to consider cutting and running, why would you interpose yourself in the scenario and put the cheating spouse in the driver's seat?

This seems to come from a place of either naivete or idiocy, where you unquestionably assume that *of course* every wife is a good person who deep-down doesn't want to hurt her husband or family... despite the circumstances in which you find them giving you every reason to doubt their morality and commitment to their family.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago

I like the "what if" game. Maybe Danny already knows about the cheating wife, and had decided just to live with his shame. When his co-workers and their wives found out and confronted him about it, the knowledge that he was known cuckold drove him to revenge. For a blue collar , working class man, he took the only acceptable revenge possible in his eyes. Only blood could restore his honor and manhood in his culture. Unfortunately, he diminished himself again by taking his own life. A sad commentary on the evils and tragedies caused by cheating. I haven't seen much comment by the " cheating is innocent fun" faction on this story. It would be interesting to hear their ideas.

chytownchytownabout 5 years ago

Real downer.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 5 years ago

I wouldn't hold your breath waiting on the "cheating is fun crowd."

If we hear from them, it will just be to show how dangerous our "immature jealousy" is!

Xamphos2018Xamphos2018about 5 years ago
Loving Wives.

Cheating wives, vengeful results, sad endings. Do not get my pleasure this way. I understood this to be an erotic literature site. Nothing erotic about murder and suicide.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
I’d want to know

You never know what goes on in the human mind. Affairs can cause people to do crazy things

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
With Divorce Lawa Today

This will become increasingly more previlent. More murder-suicide stories with orphans going into Foster Care.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Another good read. Thank you. But it was Danny's decision to resort to murder. All his friends did was shine a light onto her actions.

EricOmroEricOmroabout 5 years ago
Inspired by...

If you write a story that refers to another author's story, it seems reasonable to me as a reader that you include a link to the other story in your story, or your favorites (it inspired you, right?) or something.

Yes, I know there is a search function, but my old browser does not play well with it, and us old retired folks can't go get the latest computers. Besides, it seems like a simple courtesy.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Stuff like that happens. My young sisters friend's lived on very short block behind us. Her dad chased his Wife 2 to 3 long blocks to Fort street a main road and shot her dead for cheating then short himself. With 3 very young, high school kids. They all went bad and my sister went kind of nuts too. Killed herself at 22. SHIT SHIt SHit Shit shit....

Don't be the messanger....

DarkerBindingDarkerBindingalmost 5 years ago
I'd want to know...

I certainly would hope that if i had any "real" friends that they would not hide it from me. What i did after that would be on me not them.

KIMCANCER3040KIMCANCER3040almost 5 years ago

It's always the people like you who say they aren't racist. Right, Reek?

Hot damn, your writing SUCKS! LOST ME FROM THE START! I can see why you are so jealous of my superior SKILL!

At least, though, unlike the other weak writers here, who hide behind anonymous handles and shit on better stories than they're able to write, you had the courage to use your actual handle.

I appreciate that and appreciate to know what a LOSER and AWFUL author you are! GUFFAWS! I'd say to try harder, but you just DON'T have it, so DON'T BOTHER! GUFFAWS!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
i liked that the story was different.

So many stories are almost rewrites of story lines and this was refreshing.

Not impressed by the review of KIMCANCER3040. Writes reviews like an internet troll.

Davidj001Davidj001almost 4 years ago
That was a good one,,,,

,,,but i sure didn't see that coming at the end.

danoctoberdanoctoberalmost 4 years ago

That escalated quite quickly. *****

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

If more cheaters die, there will be less cheating.

RuttweilerRuttweilerover 2 years ago

If more annonys die, there will a bit less stupidity on Literotica.

Enjoyed the story. The world is complex, easy answers are for simple minds.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

This author has a warped view of agency and accountability. The idea that a messenger is in any way responsible for how someone reacts to the information is absurd!


Telling the truth is ALWAYS the right thing to do. In this case once the victim knew the truth, he decided to retaliate against his abusers.


I’m glad that he killed them publicly. Making it a huge news event will perhaps make others think twice about the potential consequences for adultery.



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