What Would I Do Without Leslie


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I was in bed when she called. "Hi honey. Miss me?"

As I lied to her and told her that I did I wondered if she was on a bed with a cock in her.

"I wish I was home honey, I miss you when you aren't around."

I'll just bet I thought as I said, "I don't sleep well when you aren't around either."

"I should only be here one day baby and you had better conserve your energy because I'll be more than ready when I get home."

And at that moment I knew that I wasn't going to be home when she got there. Our Denver office was going to have an emergency and I would be on a road trip. I would rent a motel room and then follow her while she thought that I was out of town. According to what I'd heard from Brown and Chambers Leslie played while I was on my trips. I'd fake a three day trip and see for myself.

The next day I had a long talk with my boss. I told him what was going on and that I was going to need to take a couple of days off. I called Leslie on her cell and told her that the system in Denver had crashed and I had to catch a flight. She whined that she was so looking forward to seeing me and couldn't I put the trip off for at least a day and of course I told her that it would be impossible for me to do that and that I'd see her in three days.

As I hung up it occurred to me that I didn't have a clue as to how I was going to follow Leslie when she came home. Would she go straight from the airport to the lounge? Would she call one of her fuck buddies and drive from the airport to his place or meet him at a motel? Would she go to her office first and then go meet her lover (or lovers) or would she drive straight home, unpack, shower and then go out or would her lover of the moment meet her at our house? And then of course there was the possibility that she was still in town - that her trip had been a fake - and she would just stay where she was with whoever it was she was fucking.

I could have driven out to the airport and looked for her car, but I didn't think I would have a prayer of finding it among the thousands of cars spread between eight different parking lots and what if she had used one of the satellite parking companies that bus you to the terminal? I finally decided that all I could do was park somewhere in the neighborhood where I could watch the house and wait for her to come home.

She pulled into the drive at 5:10 and once in the garage I saw her get a small suitcase out of the trunk of her car and then the garage door closed. It was another four hours before the garage door opened again and Leslie backed down the drive. I gave her a two block head start and then I followed along behind her. I did it pretty much the way I had seen it done on the cop shows - always keeping at least two cars between us - and I wasn't all that surprised when she pulled into the parking lot at the Starlight.

She parked and I saw her put her cell phone up to her ear. Aha, I thought, going to call her lover and let him know she was at the lounge and waiting for him. Almost immediately my cell phone chirped and I answered it and Leslie said:

"Hi honey, it is just me."

"Are you home yet or still traveling?"

"You already know the answer to that one. I'd ask you how the weather is in Denver, but you wouldn't know that since you aren't in Denver. Why are you following me Rob?"

Well, there it was -- confrontation time. No use avoiding it anymore so I might as well just get it over with.

"I wanted to try and catch you with one of your legion of lovers."

"And why would you want to do that?"

"Morbid curiosity. See which one of my many so called friends would be stabbing me in the back tonight. Give me something to seethe about when I sit across the desk from the divorce lawyer."

"I can see that we need to talk. Why don't you run along home. I will be along shortly and we will talk."

"Run along home and you'll be along shortly? You aren't coming home now?"

"No I'm not. I came down here for a drink or two and I'm going to do just that."

"Then I'll come in and join you."

"Not after what you just told me. I need to unwind after my trip and loosen up some and I do not want you sitting there trying to drag me down. I'll see you at home."

She disconnected and got out of her car and without even looking my way she walked into the Starlight. Didn't want me bringing her down? In less than forty-eight hours she had turned my life inside out and upside down and she didn't want me around to drag her down? I had my hand on the door handle getting ready to open the door, get out and follow her in when I stopped myself. I was not a believer in airing dirty laundry in public and if Chris and Brad were telling the truth, and I had no reason to doubt them, the place would be packed with all of my ex-friends who were her fuck buddies and I just didn't feel like embarrassing myself in front of all of them. The last thing I needed right then was a bunch of people that I knew laughing at me.

I started up, pulled out of the lot and headed home. I got about two blocks and then on an impulse I turned around and went back. I parked on the side street where I could see Leslie's car and I didn't think she would notice me. I only had a fifteen minute wait before she came out of the lounge with Chris Chambers. I guess he was finally lucky enough to be in the lounge when Leslie came looking for a playmate. Or unlucky enough, depending on your point of view.

They got in his car and pulled out of the lot. I didn't bother to try and follow them because there was only one motel in the direction they were headed. I gave them five minutes and then drove to the Holiday Inn Express just down the street. I cruised the parking lot and saw the car parked there and then I left.


The car pulled into the driveway and stopped. The door opened and I came out from behind the bushes and swung the tire iron hard into the small of his back. Chris screamed as he went to his knees and my second swing caught his mouth and I saw teeth fly out. I kicked him in the chest and he fell onto his back and then I gave both of his knees several hard whacks with the tire iron. He was crying and moaning in pain when I grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled his face up close to mine.

"Was it fun fucking my wife tonight? You were supposed to be my friend asshole and you stabbed me in the back by fucking my wife. You have one chance and only one chance to keep this tire iron from turning your balls into mush. One lie, one untruthful answer and you will never have another hard on in this life. How long have you been fucking my wife?"

"Don't hit me anymore" he sobbed.

"Then answer the question."

"Five or six years."


"Because she wanted it. She came after me."


"I dunno. I guess it was just my turn."

"Your turn?"

"She was doing everybody else and I guess she just looked at me and decided that I was next."

"Who else has been fucking her that you know of?"

"Oh God, I don't know. Everybody."

"Give me names Chris. Give me the names of the ones you know for sure."

He rattled off a dozen or so names, all of them supposed friends. I shook my head in disgust.

"Here's the deal Chris. So far as I'm concerned we are even. You fucked me and so I fucked you up. You call the cops and when they get done with me I'll come looking for you and use a tire iron to break your elbows, your wrists, your ankles and turn your cock and balls into scrap and then break every other bone I can. Take what you just got and live with it as the price you had to pay for stabbing me in the back or carry it farther and end up spending the rest of your life in a wheel chair with some one feeding you with a spoon. Again, your choice."

I walked away from him and left him moaning on the ground next to his car.


Leslie was home when I got there and it was obvious that she was upset because I hadn't been there patiently waiting for her.

"Where have you been?"

"Out taking care of some business."

"What kind of business would that be at this time of night?"

"None of yours."

She looked at me for several seconds and then shrugged and said, "All right Rob, what is this nonsense about divorce lawyers?"

"Not nonsense Leslie. Divorce lawyers are the people you end up doing business with when you find out that your wife is a cheating whore."

She looked at me for several more seconds and then said, "What has changed Rob? We have had a good marriage for over sixteen years. I've been a great wife to you and you have been happy so why do you want to end it now?"

"Because I found out about you and what you have been doing behind my back."

"So what Rob? I've been doing it for the entire sixteen years of our marriage and it hasn't affected the quality of your life one little bit. In fact, it has been even longer than sixteen years. I've had other lovers all the time we have been together from high school up till now and it hasn't hurt a thing."

"That long?"

"Yes Rob, that long and again, it has not hurt a thing."

"I'm that lacking in the bedroom?"

"You aren't lacking anything Rob. You do very well in the bedroom. In fact, you are head and shoulders above most of the others."

"Then why?"

"I like variety Rob. Big cocks, small cocks, black ones, white ones, Asian and Latino. I just like variety and I also need just a little more than you - or any other man for that matter - can give me. I only do it when I'm out of town or you are out of town so it won't interfere with our time together and again Rob, it has not hurt us one bit. Right now the only problem we have is that you have a bruised ego, but I will kiss it and make it better."

"I don't think so Leslie and it is a little bit more than a bruised ego. There is also the humiliation of knowing that all so my so called friends look at me and smirk to themselves knowing that they have fucked my wife and made me a cuckold. And as for you never doing it except when I'm out of town? I'm in town tonight and you still went to that motel with Chris and you did it knowing that I was following you to try and catch you doing just that.

"That shows me just what you really think of me. You think so little of me that you could say, "Just run along home," go to a motel and fuck another man and then come home and tell me that every thing is just fine and that all it is is that you just need a little variety and expect me to say, "Yes dear" and get on with life. It ain't gonna happen! No Leslie, the only reason our marriage was happy was because was because I didn't have a clue. But then I wasn't looking for one. I thought I had a perfect marriage and a loving wife, but I didn't and everyone knew it but me."

"You do have those things Rob. We do have a great marriage and you do have a loving wife."

"Maybe by your definition Leslie, but not by mine. Now if you will excuse me I need to go pack."

"Why? What are you going to do?"

"Leave your sorry ass, see an attorney and get on with my life."

"Don't be silly Rob. What on Earth will you do if I'm not there to guide you?"

"If you are not there to guide me?"

"Think back on it Rob. I'm the one who has made all the major decisions. Even as far back as high school I was the one who guided you along. You need me Rob."

"You really believe that?"

"Of course I do because it is true."

"If you believe that - really believe that- it changes things. You don't go out looking for other cocks because you like variety, you do it because you are looking for someone who you think is a man and you go looking for someone you think is manly because you think that I'm not. No real man would let a woman run his life for him would he? Any man who would let a woman do all of his thinking for him must be some namby-pamby wimp right? Well let me tell you something you cheating whore. The only thing you get credit for is for moving me from a career in Business Management to one in computers. All the rest of your big decisions were on things I didn't care enough about to get involved with and didn't give a rat's ass about. As far as I was concerned if you wanted them you could have them.

"It may have escaped you, but I have done extremely well in my career. You weren't in the office guiding me as I made decisions on what systems to use and how to set up the company's IT network. You weren't leaning over my shoulder guiding me when I went out to the customers and solved their problems. I did that on my own and without any help from you. But here is a news flash for you Leslie. Even if I couldn't make it without you to guide me I'd still be better off than I would be living with a round-heeled whore."

"It doesn't matter to you that I love you?"

"You don't love me Leslie and now I'm not sure that you ever did. You loved the idea of thinking you were controlling me; of thinking that I was your puppet. Well I've just cut the strings lady and you will need to go find someone else to dance as you pull the strings."

I packed enough to last me a few days and then left the house. I went back two days later when Leslie was at work and got everything else that I wanted out of the house. During that same two day period Brad Brown was attacked just outside his home on a dark night and both of his knees were wrecked by some one with a tire iron, baseball bat or some other heavy instrument. His attacker was masked and had never uttered a word as he beat on Brown. The police are still investigating.

When I told my boss I needed the time off to take care of personal problems I also told him what those problems were and asked him if he could arrange a transfer for me. I needed to get out of town and away from all of my so-called friends. I had the names from Chris of some of the ones who fucked Leslie, and I would get to them in time, but I didn't have the names of all the ones who had nailed the bitch and I didn't want to spend the rest of my life wondering if he "was one of them" every time I talked to some one that I knew. My boss arranged for me to move to our Kansas City office and I moved.

I never did see an attorney about a divorce. I'd let Leslie do it and pay for it. If she could. I cleaned out all of our accounts on the day that I left town. Only way she can get half back is to divorce me and then of course we would have to sell the house that she "just had to have."

I did have myself checked out for sexually transmitted diseases and I did triple the life insurance that I had on Leslie. Every night before I go to bed I pray for Leslie to get hit by a bus or be struck by lightening even though I know it is not likely to happen.

Leslie found out where I was and once a week she calls me and asks me if I'm over my "silly little snit fit" and ready to come home where I belong and every week she gets the same answer, "Fuck you" and a hung up phone.

Leslie is showing no signs of going for a divorce and I may have to rethink my position on letting her do it so she has to pay for it. I have met some very nice ladies in Kansas City and I just may need to get myself single again.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

What the hell is unfinished about this story all you whiners are complaining about? He found out She cheated and he left her. He got even with a couple of ex friends then left. He didn’t divorce her because he didn’t want to waste time, energy, and money. THE END

bacchant2bacchant22 months ago

Just another unfinished outline for a beginning to a story, can you imagine a real writer trying to publish a story without middle or end.

Helen1899Helen18993 months ago

What's the point of any story with no end? This is up there with the worst of them. 1* because I wasted my time reading it. Oh and I agree with chasbo38 , 16 years and not one clue, I don't believe it either.

chasbo38chasbo384 months ago

The nymphomaniac wife plot is getting old. No man could be married to such a woman for sixteen years and never have a clue. No man could see his wife nude over that much time and never see a love bite. Maybe the character in this story is the married woman the author is dreaming of meeting someday ?

Burner70Burner705 months ago

Should finish the damn story. Your good enough to do it jimbo

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