All Comments on 'Whatever Happened to FTDS?'

by FinishTheDamnStory

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Very sad

Thank you for letting us know what happened and sorry you had to loose a good friend too soon.

badinbedbadinbedover 8 years ago

I'm sure many will reply with cynicism as to the truth of this, given the level of comments I've seen FTDS receive in the past. What a sad ending to an amazing collaboration. My condolences on the loss of your friend (no I'm not cynical enough to think this other than the complete truth!). I hope you will post your own original works under a new user name, even though your style will likely still be recognizable. Best wishes...

CreeperclawCreeperclawover 8 years ago

Thats just rough... now I feel like a jerk for wondering what was the hold up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Will you be Writting Anything on your TOP 5 STORIES???? eg. SOPHIA,I'LL Always TAKE CARE OF YOU Please finish these Stories if you can??? Thanks!!!

FullCircle56FullCircle56over 8 years ago

Sincere condolences for the loss of your friend. Never thought FTDS was a collaboration. Was afraid you went the way of CastleStone. Which, now in reality, isn't too far from the truth. Hope you can find another partner to continue. Or better yet post, as another said, under a new name. Thank you for all the great stories. Please keep it up!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Truth is stranger than fiction

Well here I sit sending condolences to someone I've never met over the loss of someone he hardly ever met, strange times indeed ! I think in a certain way, I feel a kinship to john , in the fact that I too have a mindset of wanting to change endings of certain stories, but lacking the writing abilities to do it.

It's interesting that you mentioned the fact that this used to be a much more used device on Lit. in past years, in fact I'd just commented on that at the end of justbobkc's continuation of RichardGearald's story , which I liked a lot. Then swingerjoe did his hatchet piece, and I took it all back ! lol.

Thank you for the update, and again sorry for your ( and all our) loss.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 8 years ago

Very sorry to hear about your writing partner. Together you wrote some of the best tales around. 2015 was a bad year. Alas, we persevere.

TommybowlerTommybowlerover 8 years ago
So sad hearing of his passing

Yet you wrote so positively about him and your collaboration. Thank you both for the stories and I hope you find a path to continue writing.

impo_61impo_61over 8 years ago
Really sad...

Really sad to know that what we all feared happened...That something bad had happened to FTDS...But I believe that your friend John would want you to keep the FTDS work going on...I will always be an admirer of your work...

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

thank you for the background and update god speed John ............stlcris

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
there is gold, even in filth.

so many authors just write a stoke tale, why? because they can.

But it takes a special genius mind to make people question themselves, "could i really do it if it happened to me?" is one of a few many questions we all ponder after reading your stories.

It saddens me the wickedly talented duo, will now never be, but for all you gave us, we thank you sincerely.

some of us anons, may have hurt your feeling, some of us praised your work. but whatever we did, you made us think a bit more deeper after reading the stories you gave us.

only a few dozen authors deal with the redemption of the wronged party due to infidelity in the LW section, you are that gold, in this web space crammed with a lot of filth,

i know not what the future beholds for us & for you, but i know that "John" where ever you are, thanks to your partner in crime, you will live on, as long as a FTDS stories remain. thank you for all the efforts from both of you, we got more than we deserved, yet we never ceased to criticize you.

thank you once more, for treating us with human decency,(even though most of us never showed any to you), for letting us know the true nature of events that befell you & "John".

Now good luck to you & no matter if we dont see another story Under FTDS, i, we will remember you fondly for all you gave us. There is gold, even in filth.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

That actually reads like a good non-erotic story.

altbobaltbobover 8 years ago

Thanks to both of you

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 8 years ago
Sorry for your loss

Very sorry to read this, FTDS. I consider the LW category to be one big dysfunctional family, and we've just lost one of our most coveted family members.

I confess that I was one of those people who often said that there is nothing difficult about finishing another author's story. I thought it was lazy and required little effort. I found the FTDS gimmick to be distasteful, both to the original authors and as a writer myself. Then I tried to finish a story, and learned what you have stated here: it isn't as easy as people think.

I'm glad to know that you wrote the alternate ending to my alternate ending. You proved to me that you're much better at it than I am. It requires an attention to detail that I simply don't have (at least, not within this realm.)

Again, I'm sorry for your loss, and I hope you continue writing for this site in some capacity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I am greatly saddened

by this posting. I have enjoyed the stories you have completed and ALWAYS looked forward to the next tale to come. We will be poorer for his loss and the end of your collaborations.

The Fuddpucker

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Simple solution

Besides typos and bad punctuation I find nothing more annoying than to get deep into a story only to find it is not complete. Al Steiner comes to mind as one who left a number of epic tales unfinished. However I see a simple solution to the problem: The sites like this one not accept and post them if they are not finished.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

On the loss of your friend "John."

As far a Lit goes, what a way to honor him by uploading his remaining stories that entertain so many of us.

While he might have been the "idea guy," without someone of talent putting pen to paper, it would not have had the same impact. I do hope you consider writing on your own and contributing to this site once you've completed his stories.

Thank you for taking the time to update us.

VanadornVanadornover 8 years ago

As one who has looked for your name on the "New" story listing often, I can only offer my condolences on the loss of your collaborator and friend. Finish the damned stories at whatever pace you can and mine the yellow legal pads for whatever nuggets are still sitting in those golden pages. We thank you for what's come before and what's still to be posted here.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
You May Not

realize how many comments in other stories have mentioned you and hoped that you would pick up the thread and complete that story. We have missed your work, and hope you can continue it, if only as a tribute to your friend. We miss him too because your writing was aided by his efforts. Respectfully, I suggest that you post a short item seeking reader's suggestions on stories that need to be completed. Those replies might help a little to bridge the loss of your friend's ideas, and help us selfish readers who enjoy the weight of your work to date.

laguna783laguna783over 8 years ago
Many Thanks To You Both

Its so sad that your co-writer/author John has passed away, but saying that you are half of his force and still can be by submitting more stories under FTDS.

I agree with impo_61 comments that you should not stop writing under the FTDS name and that John would want you to continue, also as his very good friend you have to continue.

You say that you were not comfortable submitting anything as you hadn't heard from your friend, that is understandable but think about this, it was his family member that sent you his box of legal pads, to you sir I say that should tell you something, the way I see it John's family does not want you to stop writing under FTDS otherwise you would have never been contacted or sent his writings, that's my opinion.

In light of all said, I believe the name FinishTheDamnStory is magic, a legend in its own right, John and yourself brought new life to past stories, when a new story came up on site with FTDS it was first story I read, both of you made us think as you had that magic, we could relate to the situation of the story and that my friend is good authors, when one thinks about the story instead of skimming over it, you my friend have to carry on this work, do not stop writing under FinishTheDamnStory as its as big part of you as it was John, I honestly believe John and his family would want you to keep this legendry name going.

theFBReftheFBRefover 8 years ago

We will all miss John now that we know that FTDS was not one great writer but TWO! Please keep writing FTDS in John's honor and memory! A radio morning program in the south called John boy and Billy do a skit called John boy and Billy's playhouse. They memorialize one of the guys who used to help with the skits after he died by in each skit somewhere he says " hey big man let me hold a dollar" ! Just cool! Maybe each story could have an old guy John in it? Taxi driver, door man, neighbor... But always John... Just a thought.... RIP John...

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Sorry to hear of your friends passing

Agreeing or not agreeing with your stories, I've always enjoyed your combined talents when trying to finish a story or when you wrote your own stories. I hope that others follow your suggestions and continue to put an ending on unfinished stories. Thanks for the ride.

IronDragonIronDragonover 8 years ago
Sorry for your loss.

Your fanbase has missed you, FTDS! I too know the juggling act required for work and family. It leaves me with precious little writing time too, especially since our daughter just hit the Terrible Twos. Sorry for your loss. John had some great ideas! Please keep writing, though. :)

JounarJounarover 8 years ago
RIP John, LW is poorer for his passing

Very sorry to hear about John's passing. I thank you and he for all the enjoyment I got from your works.

jasjonjasjonover 8 years ago
RIP "John"

I only read this today. I too am saddened by his passing. Tonight I shall pour myself a shot of Jameson and toast the memory of a LW great. Thanks you my friend.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 8 years ago
Thank you for the update and sorry for the loss of your friend

Appreciate the explanation as to why story postings were a bit erratic - makes sense now. Also explains the differences in tone in some of the completions - a few were very very dark and some were quite positive and forgiving. Thank you!

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 8 years ago
PS: Loved the Kids in "Do Not Pass Go..."

Those kids were some of the best characters ever on Lit. The boy setting the fires, the two girls playing off one another. That wife was a true shrew and deserved whatever those kids dished out upon her evil head.

PairadoxPairadoxover 8 years ago
Thank you

For letting us know. Too many of us suspected something had happened. Thank you for your collaboration, and I look forward to your touches and retelling of his remaining thoughts. At least in those yarns, you both will still be able to Finish The Damn Story!

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 8 years ago
Thanks for letting us know

You both did good. And, I think you will continue to do good in his honour and memory.

mewanglongmewanglongover 8 years ago
Sorry to hear about "John"

So sorry to hear about "John". I have read all of your stories and the ones related to them; you were both a great team. I am sure there a couple left in the boxes of note pad he had. Hope you can get a few more out before "retiring". As always *****

FireFox59FireFox59over 8 years ago
My Condolences

For the loss of your friend and co writer. I've enjoyed all of your stories.

rightbankrightbankover 8 years ago
Thank you for sharing with us

sharing your creativity, your skill, and the information regarding FTDS/1. We cannot know what it is like being a part of such a collaborative effort you and /1 had only to lose that other half.

It is good that you have the mountain of note pads. On behalf of at least a few of the readers who have enjoyed your work I hope you find lots of gold to work with.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I'm sorry about your friend

smmhomesmmhomeover 8 years ago
Cheers in honor of John

I'll sip a shot glass of tequila in John's honor.

I'll also thank both of you for some excellent and thought-provoking work.

I'll add my voice to the chorus... encouraging you to consider doing some work under your own nom de plume once FTDS is retired. Oh, I'll acknowledge the hypocrisy... as I've not done what I'm encouraging you to consider doing... but I fear your assertions of 'modest levels' of contribution belie your abilities and talents (or potential...). Whatever course you choose, let me make sure I end this comment appropriately...

... Thank you FTDS! FTDS will be (or should that be 'was'?) sorely missed.

Wang4Wang4over 8 years ago
Thankful for the Explanation

FTDS2. Thank you for answering several of my unasked questions. In the army we often remembered fallen friends with toasts like "To absent comrades ". Thank you for sharing these thoughts AND all the stories which you guys submitted


robinhodrobinhodover 8 years ago
How wonderful

to be allowed the privilege of reading this moving story of the brilliantly creative partnership, whose work has been enjoyed by so many, but was a mystery behind the FTDS persona.

It's a five star opus in itself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Passing Away

Thanks for sharing your history and John's. This is not the first time that I have heard that a Literotica author/contributor has gone to a better place. It is always sad to find out and even sadder to know that we will be missing their inputs and stories.

Bedspread02Bedspread02over 8 years ago
Continue the tradition

I am very sorry that your friend has passed, hopefully you will find solace in the notes he left behind and the stories they help to inspire.

The most fitting tribute that I can think of would be to continue publishing stories that are continuations of other works, just use the same formula, have someone else give you the outline and research, wright the story with input from the idea man.

Keeping Johns legacy going will hopefully give you some solace and good memories of your friend and the readers will get more great stories.

Thank You

jezzazjezzazover 8 years ago
Very sorry to hear about John.

The two of you were great.

I'm embarking on something similar to what FTDS does, but in a different vein. I'm going to dedicate the story to John, just because the two of you are inspirational.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Was a huge fan! Thank you for the update

katibkatibover 8 years ago

Sad to learn about John; intrigued t o learn about FTDS, and hopeful that you will continue with your story telling.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Thank you. RIP John

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
RIP "John"

This has been a great collaboration. Thank you for the update and for continuing on, at least in the short term.

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caover 8 years ago

And to the still living, check your blood chemistry and stress BEFORE u wind up with cardiac problems too... look forward to more FTDS

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Finding Peace

I hope your friend john finds peace. He seems to have been a thoughtful caring person. I myself have lost to many people in the last few years some family some comrades in arms from nam. I miss them all. John will be missed for the moments of escape from a world gone mad and for those of us that did not know him personally. That in it self my be reason enough to morn his passing. Again I hope he finds his peace.

acupacupover 8 years ago
One door closes...

and another one opens.

It is sad to loose a partner or collaborator. I recently lost my long time editor / critic, and it takes a bit to continue. I would hope that for a bit at least you continue the projects you / he started, and maybe even continue.

And I will EMPHATICALLY agree continuing an existing story is VERY difficult. I was one of those that used to think otherwise, until the last half of my Serendipity series was corrupted long after completion but only half way through submission and I was forced to recreate it. It had it's ups in being able to look at it and expand on things from ideas you thought about after it was completed, much like changing or adding to the ending of an incomplete story. But also frustrating because some little part you really enjoyed putting together the first time just won't this time around... FROM A STORY YOU WROTE IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Best wishes to you and hope you continue in one form or another.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
What a finish!

He will be missed, by most of us. Those who won't miss him are cum-sucking panty-wearing bonnie-fucking cucks, wimps, and faggots. Or Harry.

- - - - Guess Who?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
"The king id dead! Long live the king!"

A phrase I hope to one day be able to repeat. As a collaberation FTDS was tuely a king. Perhaps one day again FTDS will arrise in glory once more.

phil2213phil2213over 8 years ago
RIP John

Great entertainment and genuine thought provoking energy in most of not all FTDS stories. Although family and friends will probably feel great remorse for John , I feel John lives on in his body of works he collaborated. I always scanned FTDS for new stories, perhaps they became my most favorite on this site. Even the worst entries are better then the best of the rest. The stories captured deep rooted emotion in me and you can't find story writing like that everyday. Kudos to John and his entourage and thank you for your considerable effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
FTDS as tribute

looking forward to what you continue to produce... i've enjoyed the idea and execution, and the flow of the stories you have tackled.

i hope that at some point you consider some 'non-erotic' 'how to' sorts of posts with 'John's' lists of what is bad... i confess to having some similar thoughts... the bulk of my stories take a minimally sexual woman who discovers she likes sex A LOT, and i've often likened it to Bram Stoker's antihero, a man who could at whim control women, in a world where the author was thoroughly cowed by a dominant woman.

and the whole idea of finishing stories so they don't nag... Tale of a Bored Housewife was one of the first online stories i ever read and reread. But it did not have following chapters that kept the same pace and story... The Cop's Wife by Rusty Shackleford is another that springs to mind.

rewriting bad stories, or rather good stories with bad plot/ dialogoue/ etc helped me to become a better writer, i hope at least, and my present heroines, Sharon and Anne are the brainchildren of other authors.

So thanks for what the two of you have offered, and for telling us what happened, and for continuing to be a part of the LE universe!


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I care

who here honestly did not want to put your own spin on a stories. and have the ability to match the author tone setting and characters. i'm sorry they mess up the stories for you but for many others they brought a smile to our lips and laughter to our gut. At least show respect to the friend, after all they did mention the original and did asked if it was okay to rewrite. but in your smartass reply u failed to mention that didn't u.... thank john and be at peace.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
celebruty BS

1 star for what, haven't a clue

xtchrxtchrover 8 years ago
Don't Go!

Sorry for the loss of John. RIP.

But please, don't go. 1/2 of FTDS is still better than most of the writings on this site. Thank you for all the entertainment, enjoyment and fun you have brought to this site. Hope you have a lot of legal pads from John left to do.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
RIP John

I hope FTDS can find the inspiration to continue, or perhaps a new collaborator. Else you will be sorely missed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
You and John have been

An inspiration to all of us. R.I.P.

C_frommnC_frommnabout 8 years ago

to hear of the Loss of John. It is understandable that FTDS might not be back. Though that is a shame since I and many others enjoyed FTDS's take on stories. was unique and Highly Entertaining.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I feel heartfelt compassion for John and FTDS

Condolences to John's family, his writing partner, the entire community

and to the FTDS posse. Thank you to John's co-author for providing such a candid

perspective on the genesis and sustenance of FTDS and John's passing. Thank you

also to FTDS for the enormous pleasure of the FTDS library of continuations and stories.

I sincerely (and selfishly) hope that John's partner will continue to contribute to well beyond completion of John's remaining "yellow pad guidelines," with as much pleasure and fulfillment as he appears to have achieved in co-authoring the FTDS library.

Travel well John.


justbobkcjustbobkcabout 8 years ago
Thank you

For sharing this with the readers - the LIT community.

I am a very new reader here and also now a new author.

I just came across this by happenstance today and I am humbled to find my own name mentioned, just in passing. And I think in a good cause - continuing another's story is a testament to the power OF that original story - and that author. That certainly was the situation in my own case. I just couldn't stop thinking about RichardGerald's original succinct tale.

I continue to read far more here than I write and post (of course!) and I am continuously finding ever more incredible stories to ponder and enjoy. Many make me laugh AND cry in quick succession - perhaps the condensed essence of being human.

I happen to personally believe in a hereafter and the ever loving Grace and Mercy of Jesus. And I like to think that creative and sharing people like the man you describe here, will find peace and love everlasting. But I also know how very, very difficult it is for the friends and family of such people who pass on. Those who are gone know the truth now - we still left alive can only hope and pray, depending on our faith.

My prayers are with all those still alive and grieving.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Sorry to hear of "John's" passing. I hope FTDS will continue...

I am not much of an author, but there are soooo many stories I would live to see with different endings. I don't think that it is unfair or wrong to change an ending of a fictional story either with or without the authors consent. I feel that in a way we are all sitting around a camp fire swapping stories, learning from each other, trying to improve our own writing and continue the story telling tradition in a time of ever declining desire to actually READ a story. For lack of a better term - FTDS would you please consider taking on other co-authors? No one would be able to fill John's shoes but, I honestly feel that FTDS is needed here.

EXursusRhereEXursusRhereabout 8 years ago
Thank You FTDS.

Rest easy John, you will be missed and your efforts remembered.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
A Sadness, yet a warm feeling for the FTDS collaboration - it was valued

Thank you so much for providing the "Rest of the Story" about FTDS and how it came to be and how it has now changed. To John and his family and supporters I wish them well, and know that John has provided a comfort to most of us that have read the stories. Thank you, thank you.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Gonna miss u guys

Thanks for great ride!!!!

ErotFanErotFanalmost 8 years ago
A great loss.

I just finished re-reading one of FTDS collaborative efforts. I scanned the submissions list looking for any recent submittals and came across this.

A sublime loss to the community; both of you.

Several of my fave authors have stopped submitting. DRAT!!!

carvohicarvohiover 7 years ago
So sorry...

We've lost someone none of us ever met, but got to know through his collaboration with you. I think there are a few others we've lost also, and it saddens me. Please do what you feel is right.

Jedd Clampett

tazz317tazz317over 7 years ago

yet, you have left a legacy TK U MLJ LV NV

danoctoberdanoctoberover 7 years ago
Wow! Thanks for Sharing!

Here's the deal..........."Thank you...FTDS." Long time fan and believe this "cheating wives", "heartbreak hotel", "stick me in the heart with a fork, ...I'm done!"...fiction.. poising as reality....finds an audience...!? How??? You guys always demanded a certain type of...karma like.. the follow up to a story. It was like throwing a life preserver to a drowning person in each and every story...a.."fanfare to the common man"...that the loser.. at the beginning of the FTDS would have some type closure....

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
He will be missed

I am new here. But read all you 2 put out . Thank you for your stories well done aND bless him

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
hey FDS I wish you'd read The Company Vacation by Lovelit69©. Its three parts but it needs an ending,

There's a three part story by Lovelit69©,I like the way its written but it just leaves you waiting for the next part, it really needs a good ending. Please take a look at it thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
A brilliant team effort....who knew?

John may be gone, but through your combined efforts he still lives through an unlikely collaboration of minds that has turned out terrific LW's storys. Thanks for sharing some detailed background of your relationship. Pretty amazing story in itself. You guys brought untold pleasures to many readers. And that.....will continue on..... as people stumble into the LW's category (as I did) and find a treasure brilliant writers that can twist ones emotional state in all kinds of knots with the power of words. Thank you seems hardly enough for sharing your gifts. But...thank you. 👓

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Where are you now?

I love your writing but have not seen anything in 2016/17

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Requiem to writers

Such a shame to see the end of a great writing duo. I still find story line after story line abandoned that needs a conclusion. Hope someday someone comes along with your ability to see the stories in their totality, and willing to be the next FTDS. Until then you have my respect and best wishes - where ever you both are.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Guess we can see.

Who was the talent and who wasn't by the lack of output. No longer able to steal other author's work and no longer able to tap into someone else's talent we see what a hack you really are.

cordialddcordialddover 6 years ago
Annoy 1.30 kinda harsh or were you trying for motivation?

Reading fads has been a joy and thecediting partner did much more than polish the apple. Henry Ford didn't invent the automobile. Maybe someone can step up and refulfill his late friends role.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
to the bitchy anon

The website is 95% purile crap. Go one. Log in daily to read "new" for one month. Tell me it's not true.

So this author and his friend/partner even at their low points are still in that 5% of talent. Maybe you're a bit salty they aren't in the 1%. We get it Bernie. It rubs you the wrong way.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Idea for a Legends day

Maybe the site can honor John by helping to finish his work with a little help from the "Legends". Thoughts?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Rest in peace John

49greg49gregalmost 5 years ago
Thanks for posting this

I only discovered FTDS recently, I'm glad you and John got together to bring us what you did. I'm sure I'll be reading more as time goes by. The stories I've read so far are really well done and actually do enhance the originals.

I'm so sorry that John died, A good partnership is a sad thing to lose.

Thanks for what you've posted, and best wishes for the future.

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
Sorry to lose this writer combo

Overall found your stories right on

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
thank you (I am anonymous because I can't remember my password, and Lit can't help.

I just discovered that after reading (again) the "Do not pass go" ending.

You and "John" have served us readers well and I think most of us (if not all) appreciate that very much.

You give John much of the credit, but your part was key to the collaboration. From what you say, I believe that the finished stories would not have happened without your participation. To confirm what I am saying -- I think you contributed much to the effort and I thank you many times over.

Best regards,

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Thank you

I always enjoyed your stories - posting anonymously as i cant log in for some reason. This site certainly has its quirks. Sorry to hear about John.

jakie1jakie1over 3 years ago
A Big Thank You

Your work has been very much appreciated, hopefully one day soon you may have the time, etc. to pick back up with your FTDS's, Once again thank you, you are missed by all!

WisquejacWisquejacover 3 years ago

Like your work. Sometimes too brutal and sometimes not enough and sometimes just right. What more can you ask for?

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Nobody does it better. Thanks for all your work.

SkubabillSkubabillabout 3 years ago

It's unfortunate that you never found someone else to corroborate with. Your FTDS stories are amongst the best and usually follow the original characters quite well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

And the takeaway from this is that the idiot posting things had no talent and it was ‘John’ who had any writing ability but even that was overshadowed by an inability to come up with his own original concepts. Thus is the fate of hacks everywhere.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

RIP. He will live on by his family and his stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I think either best or at least one of the best posted stories on this site. Hopefully you can continue with someone else

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Given the shit you shovel, I'm glad he's dead and I hope they buried him in that shit pile!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The hateful comments of the cuckwits and ducktards continues unabated. How interesting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A previous “Anonymous” commenter gleefully declared that they are happy the writer is deceased. The writer’s crime? He wrote FICTIONAL stories. Dear Anon, you are entitled to your opinion on the stories, but you clearly need professional help. Please seek it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

FTDS and vandemonium1 my favorites.

Sorry to lose your partner. You two did well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Hey, mate! You are missed! So is your partner. May he rest in peace! Ever thought of returning here?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Thank you

SyzyguySyzyguyalmost 2 years ago

Thank you for posting to let us know why FTDS sadly ceased contributing. I appreciate what you and John did; it was a great idea and a great collaboration. Thank you again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Good riddance to a pair of hacks one who didn’t know how to use a computer and the other who didn’t know how to write and the both who couldn’t muster an original story premise between the two of them and decided to latch onto other author’s popular works so they could derive some credit by stealing those concepts. Nothing but distaste for people like this and the absence of any output since one of the duo passed is just even more indication of the lack of talent.

kamdev99008kamdev99008over 1 year ago

I offer my condolences to your partner John @FTDS/1

MY first published story on an prominent Indian adult forum is a copy paste of your work (i have acknowledged your lit id as the original writer... Obviously, as well as the original writer of uncomplicated story)

"The Cuckold Diet Challenge" -by razorlyt

This work introduced a lot of readers to literotica and your stories.... They appreciates your works and BTB concepts

I am not a good writer but i can offer you the same opportunity as by our beloved "John" to pointed outline the finishing of an unfinished story

You can connect me on my email.....

Janrene3Janrene3over 1 year ago

Thanx for sharing - both the stories and your explanation.

You guys were great!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

For a couple of btb writers your stories have turned to Wimpy Cuckville McCumslurp the Simp

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Thank you for this background history and I'm sorry for the passing of your friend. I had no idea of the mechanics of collaborative story writing. Beyond that, so many of the truly fine, sadly few, fine writers have not published in years and the newer crop seemed obsessed with Trans, Gay, S&M, SIMP/FEMDOM topics that leave, I believe, the majority of readers cold; I personally loath these topics in all their manifestations.

Well, that said, I am grateful for contributors such as yourself. Sadly, there are so few that I'm considering discontinuing returning here.


muskyboymuskyboy6 months ago

Miss you guys so much. Great work, you should be very proud.

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