When I First Went Online

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I spend time online with my son's friends.
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I was always glad that we had bought a house with a swimming pool. No matter how good the air conditioning felt, nothing compared to being able to drift in the pool on a hot Summer day. As our children got older, and we didn't have to be on "guard duty" all the time to make sure they didn't fall in, it became a great hangout for the kids and their friends. I always felt better knowing they were in our yard where I could check on them without having to search all over the neighborhood. That was one reason why I never complained about the nonstop pool party in our yard during the Summer.

When the kids reached high school, the pool parties became more and more raucous. By then, I had gone back to work, so I never cared about the noise. I told my son that he was responsible for what happened while I was at work and they could help themselves to anything in the refrigerator or kitchen cupboards -- but no alcohol. In spite of the last limitation, the pool remained a popular gathering place. The boys, all eighteen and nineteen by that time, usually followed my instructions and stayed out of trouble.

As my son and his friends got older, I couldn't help but notice how good they were looking. The time they spent swimming and playing other sports had toned their bodies. I later realized I shouldn't have noticed that about them, but at the time I thought I was just expressing pride at the handsome young men my son and his friends had become.

I also noticed that they seemed to be paying more attention to me. Since I worked in an office with a dress code, I usually was wearing a skirt and hose when I went to work. It became quite clear that the guys appreciated seeing me dressed that way. When I got home from work, I would usually say hello and wave as I walked into the house, but it became much more common for them to call me over to talk. Often I would just be standing by the edge of the pool as they drifted around, and I noticed how many times they would drift over near me. At the time it never occurred to me that they were trying to get closer looks at my legs and more. Luckily, I usually wore knee-length skirts that were not very tight, so there was not much for them to see. Still, I enjoyed the attention.

One afternoon, I realized I had forgotten to prepare a memo for work. As I went inside, I realized I had forgotten my laptop in the office. Knowing that I needed to have the memo on my boss' desk first thing next morning, I went into my son's room to use his computer. Luckily, he had left it on when he last used it, because he had a password that he never shared. I always wondered what he was protecting, but never gave it a lot of thought.

I opened his word processor and drafted the memo. After checking it over, I printed it off so I could take it with me. I was about to turn his computer off, when I had a thought -- maybe I could see what he was hiding.

I looked around through his directories and saw the expected pictures. Many were girls in bikinis, others were in various stages of undress. I saw a folder called "FAVS" and assumed, correctly, it was his favorite pictures. I looked at the pictures and noted that most were of women wearing some sort of hosiery. Some were wearing only garter belts and nylons, others with dresses or skirts, but also with nylons.

After looking at the pictures, I decided to check out other programs. I saw his messenger program and decided to see who he had been chatting with. Although I knew his regular screen-name, this showed a different name as the account owner. I looked at his friends list and saw several names I didn't recognize. Checking the contact details pages for these names, I saw that they all were my son's friends -- but with other names. The boys on the list were almost all sitting by or swimming in our pool right then.

I looked at my son's chat room list and saw that he had a few listed as favorites. Thinking I could find out what he was up to, I made a list of the rooms and also the names all his friends were using. Then, before I was caught, I turned his computer off and went to change for supper.

That evening, my son wet out with his friends -- no doubt looking for girls. My husband took his usual place in front of the television. I put on my bathing suit and went out to the pool.

The next day, I made sure I brought my laptop home with me. I wanted to check out what my son was up to with his computer. I decided that I had better not use my regular screen name when I was online this time, so I made up a new one and put some details in my profile so I couldn't be recognized. I logged in and went to one of the chatrooms my son had on his list.

I had a list of the names of my son and his friends so I could see if any of them entered the room. I stayed there for a few minutes, getting the usual "asl" requests, then left for another room. I went into each of the rooms on my son's list, but saw no names I recognized. After half an hour or so, I was ready to call it a night, when I decided to go into each room again one more time. When I entered the first room, I saw that two of my son's friends were there.

I wasn't sure what to do -- I had not planned this out. I decided that I couldn't approach them, so I joined the general conversation in the chatroom, but every now and then would make a comment with sexual overtones. I wanted one of them to contact me. Before too long, I received an instant message from one of my son's friends. He asked my age, sex, and location, of course, and when I told him I was female and gave my true age, I was rewarded with a smiley face.

We chatted for a while about nothing really. I asked for personal details about him, and for the most part he gave honest answers. I asked what he was doing in an online chat when he should be out on a date. He told me he and a friend were in the room hoping to get lucky. Then another smiley face -- this one much bigger.

"How lucky are you hoping to get," I asked, with my own smiley face.

His response surprised me. "We like to meet older women and invite them to join a private chatroom they set up."

"I hate to think what goes on in the private room," I said, and gave another smiley face.

"You should stop in and see for yourself," he quickly responded.

"I have to go right now," I said, and got a frowny face in return.

He asked, "Would you like the name of the room and password in case you want to visit some other time?"

"I'll take it," I said, "but I'm not sure I want to be alone in a room with a group of your friends." I sent a big smiley face after that comment and signed off.

For the next few days, I couldn't get the thought of the private chatroom out of my mind. I wondered what the guys chatted about in their private room. I have to admit I also wondered what they did while they were chatting.

Finally, my curiosity got the best of me. My son was out and my husband was watching television, so I got out my laptop, went online, and entered the private chatroom.

Two of my son's friends were there, but not the one who had given me the password. They must have been surprised to see a stranger pop into the room, but they sent very friendly messages.

"Hi, who are you?, one asked. "Do we know you?"

"One of your friends invited me here, and gave me the password, I hope it's okay." I typed.

"That's great," said one. "We're always glad to meet new friends,: said the other, "how old are you?"

"Well,: I said, "I am probably old enough to be your mother -- or at least an older sister." "I hope that's okay," I added.

They didn't seem to mind: "We are much more interested in older women -- girls our own age seem so silly," one said. "Do you have any pictures?, he asked.

I was surprised by the question, and had to think for a while. "No, sorry, I'm using someone else's computer so I don't have any pictures available," I said.

"That's okay," one said, we understand."

"Do you want to see us?," the other asked.

Being naturally curious, "Yes," I said. I was more than surprised when I got their pictures. Not thinking, I had expected regular pictures. What I got were pictures of their erect cocks.

After I got over my shock, I took the time to connect the pictures to the screen names and the screen names to the real names. I felt very guilty, but I have to admit I was very curious. I also have to admit that I have long had a strong interest in that part of the male anatomy. I tried not to think that these were my son's friends who had been to our house on many occasions.

Getting my wits about me, I chatted them up again: "Is that how you introduce yourselves to everyone?, I asked.

I got "LOLs" in return. "We were feeling frisky and decided to try to shock you," one said with a smile.

"I was a bit shocked, but I'll get over it," I said. We chatted more about different things.

"We get together with friends in that room and play around," one said, " If anyone else visits, they can play too."

"How do you play?", I asked.

"We all have webcams and we cam for each other while we play," he said.

"What do you show," I asked, although I suspected I already knew.

"Well, you saw our pictures," he said. "Sometimes we do more - - - when we have an audience - - - do you have a cam?."

"What would I need a cam for," I asked, teasingly.

"Well," the other said, "you could join us." Another smiley face.

"Join you doing what?," I asked.

"Well, we like to masturbate when someone is watching...especially a hot older woman who is on cam too," he said.

"I have to run now, but I'll think about it," I typed, then signed out before they responded.

I have to admit that I did think about it -- a lot. I had always had an exhibitionist streak. This would give me a way to act on it with little chance of being exposed -- so to speak. If I knew who I was chatting with but they didn't, I was much more in control of the situation. I smiled as I thought I might be able to find out some of their secrets and desires. I decided to go ahead and try it.

We did not have a webcam at home, or so I thought, so I decided I would borrow one from work and use it. That way, if there was any suspicion no one would think of me. I also decided that I had better get some new things to wear, so I would not be noticed that way either.

I decided to go all out for my first chat. I knew I would not be completely nude at this point, so I decided to get some lingerie I hoped the guys would appreciate. I stopped at my favorite lingerie shop and purchased what I thought was a very sexy lingerie set, although it really was not more revealing than a few of my bikinis. I got a lacy dem-bra, matching thong, and garter belt all in peach, as well as three pairs of stockings in a very light peach color. To finish my ensemble, I also purchased a silk robe. The robe also was peach (one of my favorite colors if you hadn't guessed) which came to mid-thigh. I thought the lingerie looked fantastic!

That weekend, my husband and son were planning to be gone overnight to visit friends and catch a baseball game. I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to try out my scheme.

After they left, I took the webcam from my computer bag and set it up with my laptop. Once it was set up, I made sure that it did not show parts of my bedroom that would give me away. I decided that I had better move a few pieces of furniture and gave thanks for the neutral color we had painted the walls. I also practiced moving from a seated position to a standing position without showing my face. I decided I was ready.

Unfortunately, when I finished my preparations, it was only early afternoon. As I waited for the evening to come, my nervousness grew and I almost decided not to go through with my plans. Finally, I decided I would go online and see if any of the guys were there.

I logged in and the list was empty. I think I was relieved. Then, just as I was about to sign off, an IM window popped up. It was one of the guys I had chatted with the last time I was here. Apparently, he had been invisible, but he saw me come online.

We chatted for a while, just the usual online small talk.

"Where are your friends?" I asked.

"They're on dates, except for one friend. He wasn't here the last time -- he's on a trip with his father," he said.

The thought of my son someday being involved in an online chat with me was both scary and exciting.

We chatted a bit more. "Would you like to go into a private room?" he asked.

Finally, the moment of truth had arrived. With a lump in my throat, I said "Okay, but I need a few minutes to take care of a few things."

"I'll meet you there in a few minutes, then," he said.

Feeling the lump move from my throat to my stomach, I went to the closet and took out the box where I had hidden my new lingerie and the webcam I brought from work. I undressed, and then began to put on my new lingerie. As I did so, the lump began to disappear. As was often the case, putting on sexy lingerie calmed me down as it took my mind off other things. I felt good. And, if I had to say so myself, I looked good too -- very good.

I then plugged the cam into the laptop and made sure it was aimed properly. When I sat, it showed me from the neck to my waist. If I moved back, I could show from my waist to my knees -- which would show the garter straps and stockings. If I stood up carefully, I could show from my neck to mid-calf. I was ready.

Taking a deep breath, I sat in front of my laptop and logged in to the private room. He was there. He was not alone! There was another person showing on the list of screen names. I checked my list and figured out which friend it was. Well...I decided in for a penny in for a pound. I made myself visible, and typed in a greeting.

Their responses were almost immediate. Before long, the chat screen was moving very quickly and it was hard to keep track of who was saying what. I had to tell them to slow down. We chatted for a while about rather personal things, such as sexual preference and what I enjoyed doing. Then, I asked them "what are you interested in?"

They repeated essentially what I had been told the last time. "We're interested in older women."

"Are there any in particular you like," I asked. Obviously, I was curious about whether they had thoughts about me.

"Well, one friend's mother is exceptionally hot, and we get to see her a lot because her son always invites us to use their pool," one typed.

I smiled to myself when they said that. "What do you like about her?" I asked.

"Well," one typed, " more than anything else she is very friendly and doesn't treat us like kids."

"She talks to us like we're grown-up," the other typed.

That's very nice," I said, " but I thought your interest in her was something else." Obviously, I was engaged in some fishing.

Almost at the same time, they both said "her legs." Then they typed in LOLs and smiley faces.

"What about her legs," I asked.

Again, they answered almost immediately and in tandem. "Nylons," they wrote.

"What about nylons," I asked.

"Well,," one typed, "we see her come home from work every day wearing skirts and nylons -- her legs always look so sexy."

"I try to look up her skirt, but never saw much," the other typed, "sometimes she stands by the pool while we're swimming, but she always managed to keep us from seeing up her skirt when we swam closer."

I couldn't keep from smiling at that -- they had been doing exactly what I thought they were doing.

H went on. "I was walking up the driveway just as she pulled in, and was standing next to the car as she opened the door to get out. I tried not to stare," he said, "but I couldn't help it. When she started to get out her skirt slid up high on her thighs and when she stepped out, I was able to see the inside of her thigh almost all the way up. I thought I was in heaven."

I laughed out loud at that. "Did she see you looking?" I asked.

" I don't think so,"he said. " I was more afraid she would see my hard-on."

At that, I tried to think back and couldn't remember ever seeing or thinking I had seen his erection in his shorts or bathing suit. The discussion did give me an opening.

"Maybe she just didn't notice," I said, "maybe there wasn't much to see." And followed it up with a smiley face of my own.

He took the bait: "If she'd been looking, she would have seen it, no doubt about that," he said.

"I guess that's your opinion," I said.

"It's true," said the other guy.

A bit surprised, I said "and how do you know that?"

His response certainly was unexpected --"If we're bored, sometimes we cam for each other."

"Oh really?" I asked.

"Yes," he said, "we've all done it, we've all seen each other -- but only on cam."

"What do you do," I asked.

He said, "We jerk off." Then he dropped a small bombshell, saying "Our friend whose mom is so hot sometimes jerks off using her underwear."

I was stunned, but then decided it probably wasn't that unusual.

"He looks pretty hot himself with her little panties on over his hard-on."

Now THAT was more than a little shocking. Trying to change the subject a bit, I pointed out that they were guys, and a real woman might not be as impressed by their "equipment." "Hold on," one said, "we'll show you."

At that, two webcam windows opened. There, taking up most of the screen, were two windows showing two very erect cocks. I have to admit, I was impressed. "Not bad," I said.

"So," one asked, "would she have noticed?"

I had to admit that they both would have been very noticeable. Then the moment of truth arrived.

"You've seen us, when do we get to see you?" they asked.

"Here goes," I thought to myself, and turned on my webcam, making sure if wouldn't let them see who they'd been chatting with. I clicked my mouse and there I was.

As soon as the picture of me showed up -- with the swell of my breasts showing above the demi bra I had purchased.

They both typed "wow," and I could see them beginning to stroke themselves. Any second thoughts I might have had disappeared. I was enjoying this immensely.

"Do you wear nylons?" one asked.

At that, I stood, again carefully, and opened my robe so they could see me from the waist down.

Again, "wow!" "You look amazing," one said, and the other agreed.

I could see the pace of their stroking increase. I took a step back so they could see me from the neck down and turned around.

"O my God!" one said, "she's wearing a thong!"

Then, one typed "I'm going to cum!" and the other said "I am too."

I sat back down in front of my laptop and got a great view of the two hard cocks shooting their loads. Feeling myself getting wet, I decided I didn't want to take this too far, I typed "bye boys" and logged off.

I was so tempted to bring myself off, but decided not to until I had a chance to think about what I had seen, done, and read. I laughed at myself and thought, "they just had a time they won't forget."

There will be more days like this.

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hansmukh420hansmukh420over 4 years ago
beautiful and sexy

this is a very erotic and hot story. thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
super sexy story

well written and very erotic.

socalchris951socalchris951over 4 years ago
Holy hotness!

That is one of the hottest, most erotic stories I've read here in the longest time. Thanks so much! I can't wait to read more.


liz33ndliz33ndalmost 5 years ago
that was hot

I want more, with some naked chat also. and have mom get the boys to stroke each other, or shave their cocks,and flash at the pool.

lovedust100lovedust100almost 6 years ago
so sexy

that was very sexy,I hope to read more , thank you

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