All Comments on 'When I Look Back'

by rpsuch

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
At last

A story about a spouse (of either gender) who thinks about the consequences before indulging themselves. Precious few of those around.

Nice one, rpsuch.

PArebelPArebelabout 19 years ago
Enjoyed it

Very nice companion to your "MidLife Crisis". I have enjoyed both.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

good stuff, just wish there had been wild sex with the hubby at the end.

hee hee

gentile herpes, a disease for non-jews!

STP, a sex lubricant?

gizzmo301gizzmo301about 19 years ago

At last a true loving wife story, she thought things out andand didn't like where it was heading. Wow she cared for her husband and family... something very rare around here

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 19 years ago
An intelligent life form!

This was a very humorous, enjoyable story. It can't be easy to come up with so many malapropisms, unless you're Archie Bunker. Why do so many risk so much for so little? Midlife crisis? Call it what you will, but it happens. Nice to read about a woman that realizes in time all she has, and can lose, and keeps it! Thanks for the great read!

fumunda cheezefumunda cheezeabout 19 years ago

A wife that thinks with a brain instead of a pussy with long hair.

I wonder though what would have happened if she had gotten one of the other guys there that could carry on a decent and intelligent converstion that didn't have V.D.

Would she have seen the futility of her predicament then or fucked the shit out of him and hid it from her family? Stay tuned?

Kanga40Kanga40about 19 years ago
How can any of you praise this woman?

How much different is she from any woman who actually did cheat?

She thinks so little of her husband and her vows to him that she cold bloodedly phones him and refers to the sex she is about to have. No respect, no fidelity, no love.

Then suddenly she is an angel because she didn't fuck the guy?

Save me. The only reason she didn't screw him is because he is an idiot. Nothing at all to do with loving her husband, or being faithful to her vows. Put off by his stupidity, that's all.

Then she rationalises the whole thing... for the moment.

Next time when the guy isn't an idiot she will have her knees behind her elbows welcoming him inside.

rpsuch, usually you give your characters some redeeming qualities. This time you chose not to, and spoiled what could have been a really good story.

All you had to do was leave out the phone call.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Very Enjoyable

A woman who has the ability to to evaluate and understand that the consequences would outweigh the pleasure and a little humor thrown in. Not bad.

DeadWouldDeadWouldabout 19 years ago
Nice story

But it has the fatal flaw Mr kanga40 points out.

With no phone call she is basically a good woman.

With the call as the story is written she is a useless slut.

What man would want her for his wife?

Just because he does not know she is out looking for someone else to screw does not make her any less shameful a character.

The writer tries to make us accept her cheating ways with a bit of sugar coating near the end.

She decided her fate when she made the call.

beetle_221beetle_221about 19 years ago
Very Nice

You have outdone yourself.

Very nice story. It is good to find a story about people when are actually conscious during a potential cheating affair.



rpsuchrpsuchabout 19 years agoAuthor
Kanga & DeadWould

I'm baffled. She was a fine, upstanding wife when she decided to cheat and acted in furtherance of her plan. But, she became unredeemable when she used a double entendre that her husband couldn't possibly understand in a phone call. She is excited by the risk and the wrongfulness of what she plans, but she's a good woman until she utters a whimsical phrase? I don't get that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
we must compliment th wife

This wife was reasonable in thinking the way she did, many women who have tasted that forbidden fruit falls in love with it and wants to sneak around and continue.

Kanga40Kanga40about 19 years ago
Because you don't want to.

Who said she was a good woman untill she uttered a whimsical phrase? Not me, so why quote it in your reply to me?

She was not a 'fine upstanding wife when she decided to cheat' - she had already decided her marriage was not giving her what she wanted. But she did not even hint at her worry to her husband, who she freely describes thus: "There is no one I would rather talk to about practically any topic from politics to the economy to morality to evolution. As much as I have come to know him, he still surprises me by being able to rethink his positions and come up with new solutions to difficult issues."

So, this is a difficult issue, why not give him the opportunity to find a solution?

She was wrong when she asked Don to her room. This could have been a rash decision without really considering the outcome fully.

But to phone her husband, even without any reference to her intended cheating, while waiting for her 'lover' to arrive shows a definite consideration and rejection of her vows and her husband.

I find it hard to believe you cannot see this point, but having decided to put it in the story you are must justify it.

And, are you inferring her rejection of her marriage vows and her reference to it in the phone call is less hienous merely because her husband is unaware of her actions? I know you don't believe that, so why say it? I am talking about her, her actions and her motivation. Not his knowledge or not of the affair.

She was pretty bad when she asked Don to her room, but definitely would have been more 'heroic' had she not made any phone call at all and still rejected the jerk.

The phone call and her reference to her intended cheating compounded her sin logarithmically.

If she is merely 'excited by the risk and wrongfulness' then why phone her husband and figuratively rub his nose in it?

I cannot imagine how cold blooded a woman would need to be to deliberately phone her husband under those circumstances. What woman who supposedly has any feelings for a her husband could go to her room and say to herself, "Don is on his way up to fuck me behind my husband's back. Oh shit Garrett! I better ring him so he doesn't disturb my fucking by phoning in the middle of it."??

Come on!

Only a most detestable woman.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Kanga's right

RSP: Really liked your story, but I gotta go along with 'Kanga.' The phone call was over-the-top for your "heroine." Why was it really necessary? Or did she simply use it as seasoning for her intended infidelity?

K.K.K.K.about 19 years ago
Loved it.

How many times have each of us wandered down a wrong path only to realize our mistake to late. This does not only apply to sexual situations. Then there are the times when we realize that we are on the wrong path in time to make a course correction. These are the times that we achieve true growth in our lives. RP's story was about a woman who was lucky enough to find herself on the wrong path in time to make a correction. Had Don been the charmer she had originally thought he was things probably would have turned out differently and she would have realized her mistake too late. Thanks RP for a nice read.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Kanga40, DeadWould and Norcal

Why are you criticizing the actions of a fictional character? SHE'S NOT REAL! This is not a true story!

Loved the story as a wonderful depiction of a wife's trip to the edge of adultery. OF COURSE she phoned her husband early to forestall an incoming call at an awkward moment...she was contemplating fucking a stranger in the immediate future! That she ultimately backed off, for the reasons the author created (potential lover was unaware of his malapropisms, and was a risk to pass on an STD), is interesting and entirely believable, as are her recriminations and renewed fidelity to her marriage vows.

However, the story failed the hardon test.

Rye and Ginger

sexmatesexmateabout 19 years ago
An itelligent woman with a conscience with reason!

This is rare on this site! Also real! Loved it! Now this is a loving wife that knows what love is and has thought and a conscience not to destroy all she has and destroy any future

that she will have. Any man would be proud to have her as a wife. Thanks for the read!

the Troubadorthe Troubadorabout 19 years ago
I'm going to be blasted again by a good friend

but I ended up admiring the wife. Unless we are saints, and many of those beings have occasional brain blips also, we all slip into times when the grass looks greener. If we don't fall into the trap does it matter if it was at the last minute or on first getting the urge?

I respectfully believe it is the final outcome that is important. Would she have fallen into the trap of her setting if the "partner" had been more intelligent? Maybe. But I prefer to think the doubts would have surfaced and she would have probably resisted even a smooth seducer.

If we are judging and convicting on might have beens, we are ALL guilty. I thought this was a wonderful story of a woman who had been so successful she could easily proceed in any direction she wished. She was sorely tempted, but realized the harm before it was concluded.

Another well thought out and written look at human nature. I will say I missed the sex scene I was expecting. And I usually find such very boring. Not from RPSuch, however, even in that over done area he usually finds something to keep the attention.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Re: Troubador

While the final outcome *is* important, it is not the only criterion. Intent is also significant; otherwise, there would not be a distinction between murder and manslaughter, and attempted murder would not be a crime. In this story, it was a lucky accident (Don was an idiot) that led to the wife's misgivings. As written, I do not believe that she would have had those misgivings had the prospective partner been more suitable. Put in another way, I think that had the husband known of her intents and actual deeds, he would have been almost as hurt by her actions as he would have if she had actually gone through with it. Thus, I'm more in agreement with Kanga40 on this issue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Nothing wrong with thinking!

I must agree with the Troubador and not Kanga 40 on this. Yes, the phone call shows that the wife is prepared to cheat, that she has been convincing herself that she needs to and is setting it up. But at the same time, until she actually goes through with it she, like any other person in the same boat, can change her mind. It's easy to argue that if the would be lover was smoother that she would have gone ahead, but its just as easy to argue that she still would have had her second thoughts, for whatever reason and sent him away.

That's part of the beauty of life, we can change our mind, and nothing should be totally predictable.

This was a well done story, with a plausible ending. Don't base your view of it on the pre-planning of her phone call, she made it, but still had time to change her mind, or the smoothness of the would be lover, he was the one there, maybe it helped her decision, maybe it was made because she had reached the point of put out or get out, and realized then, that the answer was to get out.

Great job, keep up the good work

willyb220willyb220about 19 years ago
Great as is usual for RPSuch

This is a usual RPSuch story. Well crafted and presented. It's effect on readers is shown in the varied responses. From 'She's an angel" to "Such a slut".

I'm afraid I have to fall in the "Slut" camp. If she were to tell her husband EVERYTHING that happened that night, I wonder how he would feel? The phone call was not the breaking point. The intended cheating that she had made up her mind to do, was the moment she became an unfaithful wife.

Kanga40Kanga40about 19 years ago
Nothing wrong with thinking...

Absolutely not!

But this woman did more than think, she acted.

I may be losing my grip on reality, bu I am certain I can tell the difference between a thought and an action.

Bobbie acted! AND she did far worse than that. She was so certain she was going to do it she even phoned her husband and callously referred to the impending act while talking to him.

Come on - THINKING!

What sort of a cold hearted bitch would do that? A loving faithful wife? Not bloody likely!

At that stage she was hell bent on her course of action, irrespective of the possible side effects on her husband and her marriage.

She was so hot to trot that she was risking her job by taking sexual favours from a junior employee.

The author showed no other reasons for her rejection of Don but that of his arrant stupidity.

Then she thinks it over afterwards and decides to col it for the time being. So what? What about in another six months when the pressure at work return?

She has already decided she will not cut back on work to save her marriage.

If this was a man neglecting his family and marriage for his work you would all be condemning him for being so stupid, but it's a woman so it's okay?

And why can't you other critics see the difference between the story and the characters?

I think it is a GREAT story, well written.

I just don't like the central character.

There is a difference, figure it out!

thebulletthebulletabout 19 years ago
give rpsuch a break!

Boy, you guys are getting tougher all of the time. Now you are saying that some short term intent is enough to find a woman guilty of infidelity even though she never did the deed. Sorry, but that wouldn't stand up in court on "Law And Order". It would probably be thrown out during the indictment stage.

In my newest story (called "What is and What will Never be" that's been floating around Literotica for 10 days without being posted yet), my protagonist says:

"He may be only guilty of adultery in his heart, and that didn't keep Jimmy Carter from getting elected. The ten commandments might not like it, but is it grounds for divorce?"

The woman in "When I Look Back" slipped a bit in her mind. But when it came right down to it, she didn't do the deed. There's no denying it! Regardless of reason, when it came to be crunch time, she backed out. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

rpsuchrpsuchabout 19 years agoAuthor
Help me (help you)

An author knows exactly what (s)he intends. So, for things you guys debate, I knew "the answer". But we don't always accomplish what we intended and the proof of success is in the reader. So, I would like to know whether Bobbie, as read by you, has had a true epiphany, has recognized that she had what she thought was missing. Or has she just dodged a bullet for the moment and she will eventually wind up going down that path. I'm not looking for what you guess she might do, but have I convinced you that she is sincere or that she is not?

How great to have a forum in which you can ask your readers such quesitons. Thanks.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 19 years ago
Troubador and the Bullet were right on!

The wife was weak and was almost lost. She did manage to remain faithful to her vows and gained from the experience. It seems she was human. That is what this story centers on; the fraility of the human condition and the constant struggle between right and wrong that we all face. She was wrong to even consider an affair, but she was very human to wonder if she would regret her fidelity in her senior years. We regret that which we did not try to accomplish far more than the things we attempted and failed. That is human. She weakened, but regained her vision in time. That is admirable. It is difficult to believe that most people in a long term relationship don't wonder about how things would be with a different partner. That is the human part. If he had been a smooth talker, she might have found something else to dislike. We don't know. It wasn't covered in the story. I came away thinking that few, if any, men would compare favorably with her hubby and she realized that fact. This was an excellent story!

fumunda cheezefumunda cheezeabout 19 years ago
To the Troubador, K.K., and HDK

No indeed Troubador.

I hope I am the friend you mentioned. You guys are definitely not going to get me to comment against any of your ideas. I enjoyed the story for just what it was, a great tribute to a wife and mother that changed her mind about a serious thing she was about to do.

I always like to "what if".

You will admit however that if the conditions were more in a positive light for "studley", that she might have been more condusive to adultry.

She even had it planned out by calling her husband so he wouldn't call and disturb her later at a time when it would have bothered her.

So many little things here that contributed to her changing her mind at the last minute. I like this idea too. Her husband showed so much kindness, understanding that she was tired and possibly not feeling well. True feelings of concern that signify love.

I really think this was well done the humor added a really good story add on that I liked.

rpsuch, to be a one page story, you did an outstanding job even if "Studley" didn't even get to play "stinky finger".


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Both sides are reasonable

She didnt cheat & close doesnt count so you cant really condemn her for almost.

On the other hand, she isnt really a very sympathetic character. Kanga etc. also make a good point about the guy being such an idiot. It does kinda make her choice less admirable. I suppose she wouldnt have been in the situation she was in if she was perfect though.

I think its a good story about a real person who made a choice & considered the consequences before it was too late. It wasnt a lovey dovey, everything is perfect, storybook romance She wasnt perfect but she came to her senses before she made a choice she would regret.

It was also pretty funny.

As to whether she will cheat in the future - who knows? She could go for it the next time the opportunity presents itself and the guy isnt an idiot. She could also take what's happened as a wake up call & not let herself get so close again. Both are reasonable. She isnt perfect & even her reasoning for not cheating seem a little self centered & shallow. She doesnt really seem like she woke up & realized she loves her husband & could work to have more excitement at home instead of chasing smoke (see above - not a idyllic romance type story). It could also be said that, since was faithful for many years, her close call could be all the reminder she needs to avoid temptation in the future.

I guess we wont know unless there is a sequel :)

Nightowl22Nightowl22about 19 years ago
Acted on it? NO!

NEARLY acted on it.


If she were my wife I would say One HELL of a difference!

Joe_AvgJoe_Avgabout 19 years ago
Re: Both Sides Reasonable

I dont know why it posted my comment as anonymous. I wasnt trying to duck any punches if someone wants to tell me that im totally out to lunch in my take on the story. :)

Kanga40Kanga40about 19 years ago
Didn't act on it?

Give me a break.

Okay, she thought about having an affair - thinking.

She thought it may be good to screw Donny boy - thinking.

She dances with Donny and rubs against his erection - still thinking? I believe not - this is a considered ACTION, you know, doing something, performing an action - how else can I put it to differentiate 'thought' and 'action'?

She asks Don to her room - thinking? NO, action

She phones her husband and refers to her intended and well in train infidelity - thinking? NO, action.

Opens the door and lets Don in- thinking? NO - action

"He put his arms around me and pulled me in for a steamy, lengthy kiss. It sizzled. This was it. This was the kind of excitement I had been looking for." - thinking? You tell me this time, huh?

How can anyone say "she thought about cheating, but didn't act on it" ?

She thought about it, acted very definitely and deliberatley on it - she planned it for christ's sake! Then she didn't cheat in the end because he was an idiot with an STD.

Now, for you 'court of law' crowd, let's change the scenario. Bobbie plans a murder, organises the gun, phones someone to establish an alabi, then just as she is about to pull the trigger a bus gets between her and her victim. A policeman sees her and arrests her. No foul no penalty just because she didn't actually kill the guy? Can she argue that she did nothing wrong because th eguy is still alive? Not bloody likely.

And nightowl, if she was your wife, how happy would you be if you heard about the episode in all its detail?

Thrilled that she was a faithful wife? I think not.

Then we get the 'court of law' advocates who want to point out legal technicalities about infidelity, which is a complete furphy.

As my father told me many years ago, the 'legal' system has no connection whatever with justice, truth or morality.

Wedding vows feely exchanged between two people have nothing to do with laws or pieces of paper. It is a personal commitment.(Don't all run and hide, please...)

Those who do think marriage is about contracts or law are missing the most wonderful thing they could possibly experience.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
for Kanga

You're the one who can't tell the difference between a story and its characters. You're criticizing the character's morality, not the plot development or the author's use of language or literary devices. Do you come home from the movies all steamed up at the scriptwriter because the heroine almost cheated on her husband? It's a creative work of fiction, intended to be read at Literotica, not in Sunday School, and the characters are allowed to be less than perfect.

Kanga40Kanga40about 19 years ago
Dear cottage

Take the time to read the first six comments before mine.

They praised her character, I merely put a different point of view.

I did not take issue with her morals, merely her actions and what they demonstrated about her fidelity.

And, if you had bothered to read all of my posts I wrote somewhere that I think it is a great story

What is "Sunday School"?

And do you never leave a movie and discuss it afterwards?

Or read a book and discuss it with others?

You are missing some pleasant experiences.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
I'm still with Kanga

Where have I been? Foolish me. I thought characters in a story were actually part of the story. Wow! The things you learn! And 'Cottage,' screenwriters are not exempt from crticism. I hear that some even get academy awards for their efforts, while others have actually been roasted by movie critics. Guess they could learn something here.

Again, RPS, I LOVED the story. But I have a difficult time extolling the virtues of a character, a wife, who is hell bent on commiting adultery until she finds out her intended partner has the IQ of the mean temperature in Alaska on Christmas Day. Apparently her conversation with her husband, the sound of his voice, his concern for her well-being not only did not dissuade her from her intended indiscretion, but actually caused her to feel "delightfully wicked." She was all set to do the "horizontal mambo." It wasn't until 'Don' volunteered that he had contracted "Gentile Herpes" that our heroine saw the light.

I suppose that one could surmise that "all's well that ends well." And our girl did have an epiphany. She finally realized all that she risked far outweighed the 'rewards' that this laison would provide. But I, as 'Kanga,' give little credit to her for having come to her senses. It would be more correct to give credit to 'Don's' being "non compos mentis" than to anything she did to stay the daliance.

RPS, your portrayal of 'Don' was superb!

thebulletthebulletabout 19 years ago
A reasonable definition of infidelity

I'll make a confession about myself. Years ago there was a young girl working for a company I was dealing with. She was a terminally cute, bouncy little twenty-year old virgin; the kind of girl you want to wrap in your arms and protect from the evils of the world. We were friends, nothing more, but I certainly was well aware of this girl's allure. To my shock, this lovely young thing came to me one day and sweetly asked if I would take her virginity.

What a quandry! How many times does an opportunity like that come along? We would sit in my car after work and talk about anything, getting to know each other, just being friendly. When we parted, I would give her a chaste peck on the cheek, nothing more. But the deflowering offer was already on the table. That's what we were working towards.

But my second marriage was in trouble. Wifey #2 and I were having difficulty communicating. There was anger. The sex sucked. But before I made the final step to being unfaithful, I had an epiphany of sorts. I had to choose for or against my marriage. I chose 'for'.

I gently let the little girl know that I was not her guy. I paid more attention to my wife. Twenty-five years later I think this 2nd marriage may in fact work.

By Kanga's standards, I was unfaithful. Over the years as I look back at that lost opportunity to deflower the sweet young thing, I still consider it one of the defining moments of our marriage. For a short while I was unfaithful in my heart.

But I kept my dick in my pants. And I guaran-damn-tee you that my wife does not consider what I did being unfaithful. I know cause I asked her.

Well, hell. It never hurts to let your other half know that you are still attractive to the opposite sex.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

To your question - did you author convince me that she was sincere or not? The first read response was no. The closer second read revealed this.

During the quiet ponderous moment, she clinically examined 1st her career, then her marriage, then her children and extended family. Your sequence was interesting and revealing intended or not.

Your her unequivicable conclusion was mid-life crisis. From that she derived satisfaction that it was an avoidable moment if she but counted her blessings. This seemed conclusive until I went back again and read in the same closing paragraph the concerns in a somewhat different sequence.

Work, children and "lastly" husband were noted in turn and a several very meaningful key words showed up. "If" and "Should" didn't mesh with the new supposed decision of fidelity, marital comfort and commitment. "My husband is happy and devoted to me. That was a major accomplishment, and [if] I love him as much as I believe, [should] be a source of great joy to me." Clinical as intended I believe.

Had it but read "My husband and I love and are devoted to each other. That love and devotion is the greatest joy we each could have" their future marriage stability would have been more secure.

Conclusions: Work is more important and not to be jepordized, husband is devoted but she isn't, family feelings are couched in business terms, boredom and excitement will likely follow each other in due time.

Interestingly that my conclusion is the same for each reading. Also interesting are the readers differing viewpoints of her conclusions and future contemplations. No one took note of the absense of what changes she would make to make her life more exciting and less boring within her marriage.

Alcohol lowers inhibitions and raises courage. Excitement, new challenges and memories usually follow if desired to combat complacency of those things taken for granted.

Right Author - Nice work with more hoped for - Best Regards

DeadWouldDeadWouldabout 19 years ago

and the comment by bullet.

I can see no similarity between the situation bullet describes and the one Bobbie faces in the story.

Bullet does not say he decided he wanted to screw the girl the second time he met her. She propositioned him, he didn't propositon her.

His answer was a quick and certain "NO". Bullet did the right thing after considering his options.

I see no planning to do IT shown by him. No phone call to his wife so she would not call while he was deflowering the girl.

So can someone explain how this relates to the story or to other posts here about infidelity.

Kanga40Kanga40about 19 years ago
It never ceases to amaze me

what people find in a story.

Convinced, a couple of comments below has pointed out more ideas that I had not considered when reading the story.

S/he is right in these observations.

Thanks for showing me more interesting points.

I was thinking Bobbie was a sensible thoughtful woman on my first read.

Unfortunately for Bobbie, I read it again.

How many of the comentators here have read the story through six or more times?

It provides an interesting exercise to read it again after reading the comments to see what makes sense.

rpsuchrpsuchabout 19 years agoAuthor
I am informed

The comment by Convinced points out one of the things I have long said, that the author knows the intention, but the reader knows the effect.

The line, "That was a major accomplishment and, if I love him as much as I believe, should be a source of great joy to me," was intentional. I used the conditional by design, but not the design picked up by Convinced. I tried to put myself in her place and the use of the conditional is her criticism of herself. "If I love him as much as I believe," was intended to be, "How could you possibly do this to him? You believe you love him and then you do this." In my reading of her mind it was an expression of shock, dismay and remorse, an accusation against herself, not an expression of doubt at the depth of her feelings.

It gives me one more thing to think about when I write the next characters. How could what my characters say be misinterpreted (meaning differently than I intended, not wrong)? Writing is hard.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Dear Author from Convinced

I appreciate your response and talent. I must say that I thought you knew what you wanted to say because what came out was contrary to your values expressed here. Needless to say I am pleased that you are who and what I knew you to be. Talented, contemplative, sensitive, articulate and human.

Your style and theme causes - no provokes thought - thoughts of reality and life - and that all actions have ripples, especially unconsidered self serving actions - uncontemplated waves that seek and find and affect self and others beyond first blush if considered at all - while in the moment. You illustrate that life is shaped in part by mistakes - ours and others - and most of all that there are always consequences - little and big - good and bad - that we cannot control. Just dealt with as best we can - as cicumstances and conscious dictate.

So, not even a foul ball in consequence as unlike life you can be god and revise it if you wish. I favor instead a note at stories end to say what you wish but thats up to you.

I hope you keep this in perspective, continue to grow and write 100 more slices of life and consequence. I hope you continue to affect other authors - new and experianced - with your entertaining realities.

Appreciatively with Regard

Kanga40Kanga40about 19 years ago
Hey "convinced"

What did you do to get an acknowledgement that you had a valid criticism when the rest of us (particularly me) get only argument and rationalisation for the original words?

Please email your secret to me...

I would just love an author to agree with me... LMAO

Aussie BardAussie Bardabout 19 years ago
She loves him, she loves him not?

Several comments seem to focus on whether she really loves him or not. "If I loved him as much etc.."

On its own this would appear to question her feelings for her husband. However read in conjunction with her statement two or three paragraphs earlier it seems to me to say exactly what the author intended. She was questioning her reasoning for her actions rather than her love for her husband.

Yes Kanga you are right these were definite, planned and followed through actions not just thoughts. Now here is the rub as I see it. Each individual will have their own understanding as to whether this is cheating or not. They will also decide on the degree of severity of this cheating if indeed it is cheating. It all depends on ones interpretation of that single word.

If a person goes into a shop with the intention of stealing something. Plans it, prepares for it and puts themself in a position of achieving that aim. Then doesn't go through with it, are they a guilty of robbery. Obviously not but their actions would affect how people trusted them in the future if they knew about it. They are a potential thief who may or may not offend later.

My thoughts are that she is teetering on the brink. Her actions in future will deterine if she is the cheating slut some people think see is or a confused and lonely person seeking excitement in the wrong way.

There is no doubt that what she did was wrong and if hubby found out he has every right to be royaly pissed at her and the guy.

Personally I enjoyed the story.

DeadWouldDeadWouldabout 19 years ago
Very interesting to see various "definitions"

of cheating, infidelity or whatever name you want to give it.

Seems to me a lot of people are defining the situation according to their own needs.

"Let's use a definition of a wrongdoing which reduces the severity of, or completely negates our own transgressions. Then we haven't done something wrong."

Why else are we getting such watered down definitions of a cut and dried situation?

Joe_AvgJoe_Avgabout 19 years ago
I dont think she cheated

But I dont think she loves him either. Convinced said it very well. The wife doesnt seem to come to her senses and realize she loves her husband or any gooey romantic stuff like that. She definately doesnt come across as a character worthy of admiration.

Just because she is kind of shallow & mercenary, doesnt mean she is a bad person though. She decided what was important in her life & instead of trying to have it all, made a choice to keep what she had even if it wasnt for perfect romantic reasons. It also doesnt mean she will jump at the chance to cheat in the future. To me it just means that she is a less than perfect person in a less than ideal marriage. I may prefer stories where the husband & wife are in love but stories about realistic marriages are also very good and I found this to be quite thought provoking.

X_BishopX_Bishopabout 19 years ago
Where the cheating started.


My friend this was an excellent story about a unique subject. Too many people even today think that marriage is the happily ever after. Too many people think that happily ever after is created instantly. Then when they realize that you have to work to build it too many opt to jump out, still looking for the fairy tale. Here you wrote a story about a woman who had to come to grips with part of that. She barely escaped her self inflicted trap. (just this one time. no one will know etc.) What we see at the end is a woman who has learned something and appreciates what she has. Now perhaps she can turn her attention to building what she wants with her husband. The cheating started in her mind but ended in her mind and heart. With a little help from STDs. Very good.

Read ya later


X_BishopX_Bishopabout 19 years ago
Back again


Bishop again.

Thought I was through till I read some of the other comments. Kanga and some others seem to have raised some interesting issues. Some valid some maybe not so. So I decided to weigh in on this. I for one took my vows in church which from my POV makes the covenant between my wife and I special because there is a third entity involved. (I'll leave it at that so's not to upset those who don't understand Christianity.) So far in my life I've jumped the broom one time 20 years ago and I'm working on 21. Though I love my wife dearly there have been times that all that kept me from taking the fall was the grace of the third entity. The problem I read here is that like many people you want to convict on the temptation to transgress rather than the transgression that did not happen. Circumstances as they are in the story I agree that if Don had the brains to match his dick size she would have yielded to the temptation. One commentor used an analogy of intending to kill someone but being stopped at the last minute by a bus. Two things: First attempted manslaughter and attempted murder are NOT the same as manslaughter and 1st degree murder. There are thousands of men and women in prison that can explain to you the differences. Second you need to remember that there is a HUGE difference when you compare the court of law to the much broader stage of life. The facts of the matter in the analogy is that murder was NOT committed. The facts of the matter in the story is that she didn't, yes it was a near thing, yes she was inebriated (yeah I probably spelled that wrong) yes she even thought ahead and cut her husbands nightly phone call off at the pass. But in the final most important scene she didn't fuck him. Yes she may fall in the future, hell I may fall in the next hour but at the critical moment for whatever reason, she didn't. Change sometimes starts in the oddest of places. I chose to take her thoughts at the end as the beginning of change not the end.

Read and debate with ya later


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Very good story

Anyone who is even thinking a little about cheating should read this one first. At least the man was good enough to tell her. Most guys like him and those who have herpies might not, or wouldn't tell her. Then the wife gets it and gives it to her husband. Major pain all the way around in more ways than one. Good, no great story showing what might have happend if she or us have an afair!!! Thanks for writing it. V

Nightowl22Nightowl22about 19 years ago
Hey Kanga

Would you rather be hit in the head with a hammer


ALMOST hit in the head with a hammer??

The actual act of sucking or fucking is the issue and she ALMOST did it.

But she didn't!!!!!

sherlock40sherlock40about 19 years ago
I'm sorry. but to me this woman was on the

bus to infidelity. She had paid her fare, chose the destination, and was ready to go. The only reason she didn't arrive was because of a dumbass driver. If he had not been an idiot, she would have been on her back counting ceiling tiles. Up until Mr Malaprop opened his mouth, she was raring to go. So, in my mind anyway, she is guilty of cheating. Should she be punished? No, after the mental midget left, she managed to find her good sense and decide not to cheat. Although, I think she will be thinking of the bus ride again and again. I hope she doesn't find a better driver.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Very well done

I am sure that you realize that many readers on this site consider you to be one of the very best writers. Your submissions are eagerly awaited. I hope that we can expect many more tales in the near future. Again, my thanks.

saw_man1saw_man1almost 19 years ago

That was one of the most original and well written stories on this site. Very believable.

LeBrozLeBrozalmost 19 years ago
Saved By Her Brain

Bobbie nearly blew it, until Don Juan showed what an empty package he was. Masterful job of telling how she reevaluated her thinking that her life wasn't "fun" anymore.

Good tale.

jaggers0053jaggers0053almost 19 years ago
great story!

and like any great story it stimulates minds.lots of different opinions of just what this lady represents as a result of her actions. saint or sinner? Loving wife or cheater?

my own two cents worth are that she's no saint. after the fact she may realize just what she almost did and is thankful that it didn't transpire, but she doesn't get any high marks for her own actions. as written in the story she made a conscious decision to commit adultry,made plans for him to come to her room,and made a preemtive call to her husband.she was fully committed to having sex with this Don. it was only poor verbal skills by him that stopped this from happening.its was only after the 'turn off' that she developed a sense of guilt and realized ' what she would be looking back at at seventy '.

i don't view her as a bad person. everyone has low periods in their life and can make poor decisions.sometimes they are cruel and destructive and never recovered from and at other times you get lucky and get another chance to do the right thing.

as usual another great story!



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Another Good One

I liked your story of her near brush with loosing her marriage. She's not perfect but still kept her vows. I thank you for the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Sometimes the comments are

a story unto themselves. It would be interesting to have a sociologist write a learned essay on this phenomenom. At times it seems like the comments take on a life of their own, generating ever more comments with the story somewhat laid by the wayside. (I, with an attempt at humor, tried this with "Get Back" but I would really like to see someone make a serious attempt at this!)

On the story I can't fault her for her thoughts; none of us could maintain a relationship if all of our thoughts were transparent. Yeah, she almost screwed up but she realized there are things more inappropriate than the use (or misuse) of language!

Boredom is evil!

A last bit of wisdom: "Comments are neither good nor bad, they just are!"

By the way, I did like the story, a lot. You were one of my first bookmarked authors. The malapropisms were brilliant!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Okay, DJ recommended I read

this and I absolutely loved it, very funny and wonderful misuse of the English language. You get an A+ from me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
crap story

The wife is so full of bull shit if she thinks she is being a good wife to her husband and a good mother to her kids she needs a shrink to get her head turned around she is cheating on her husband and she should know it dont treat him like a wimp and a cockold.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
I'll take wit...

A little story with huge potential.

As I laugh myself silly with this quickie, I have to conclude that I'll take wit over brawn any day.

Thank you, what a pleasure it was to read this little story. You made my day. I'm still smiling. You did not only entertain, but gave us something to think about. Great job!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Good Story

Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone. How many of us, married or single, have looked at someone and thought "Wow, he/she is hot, what would it be like to have my way with him/her?" AS some readers have said, we are all subject to temptation, we may even set up the situation but that doesn't mean we will fall. We are human, we will make mistakes, sometimes we will make the right decision for the right reason, sometimes for the wrong reasons, that's the luck of the draw. One reader said that "It is the difference between shooting a person with a gun and being stopped by a bus and then arrested by cop before you could pull the trigger." (Paraphrase) I disagree. It is being stopped by a bus, then realizing that what you are doing is wrong, dismantling the weapon, putting it in the trunk of your car. Yes, you might take it out again; but that is for the future. Thankyou for this story of a near miss.

Alvaron53Alvaron53almost 17 years ago
Read it several times before, decided to comment

Superb thinking man's story that touches a lot of bases and asks a lot of questions for which there are no certain answers. It's good fiction because the prose is well-crafted, the characters believable (though Mr. Malaprop was too good to be true :), and the resolution of the plot credible. Whether you agree with the ideas presented by the author or not, there is no denying the fact that "he gotcha" -- he made you think. If that's not good fiction, I don't know what is. Thank you, rpsuch, for a story very well told.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

I don't think you should write anymore.

grogers7grogers7over 15 years ago
Good Humor with a serious side

Probably a real experience for many women. I loved the malaprop humor, but wht got me laughing out loud was the comment "Terrible" by anonymous. Don't read anymore rpsuch stories, knucklehead.

HagarTheHorribleHagarTheHorribleover 15 years ago
The story is good, but...

...the comments are even better.<p>

Nice argument we've got going here. Is she a saint or a slut? Somewhere in between, like most of us, I guess, but I'm still a bit surprised by the 'saint' crowd. It's as if they went into the story expecting a gender reversal of 'Midlife crisis', so that's what they're commenting on. 'She changed her mind,' they say. No, she didn't. Read it again. She didn't change her mind about cheating, she just lost her appetite for her lover. Her remorse (at least at first) doesn't so much say 'oh no, I almost cheated' as 'oh no, I almost cheated <i>with the wrong guy</i>'. That doesn't strike me as particularly sincere.<p>

Of course, she isn't as bad as some of the women from other RPSuch stories ('Fifth place', 'Kent Clark or Superman', 'Wimp', and 'Too Far') and indeed the majority of the women in these stories, but that doesn't make it right.<p>

That doesn't mean she's Hitler, of course. Her internal monologue at the end points to her being a usually decent person, who lost her way, but is on her way back. She was lucky no damage accrued, but she was not an upstanding wife who stood up to temptation and refused to cheat.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
I totally agree with Alvaron53

What more can I say. Where I cum from every-one is great!

Why am I reading these storeys - to get on up high (top storey) or what?

No - I think I read this because I am filthy minded and now I came accross a writer who is sharp and refreshingly clean and who will never pick up a STP what's to say AIDES, Gonaway or sightlust.

Here you have another comment worth reading - I write for Ezinearticles!

Jan Meyer

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
What if?

What if he didn't have the STD? After the first kiss, she admits this is the excitement she is missing. They keep kissing and she doesn't have second thoughts. Where is the saint? It was only a matter of circumstance that she didn't cheat on her husband. It was great that she had her epiphany and came to realize what was important. Unfortunately, for me, she already cheated on her husband. How does she think he would have reacted if he walked in on her in Don's arms? I don't think we would have had the happy ending.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
great story

she's lucky she didn't do it and realised in time. An hour later and she would never forgive herself.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Finally a woman who actual thinks and considers what she's doing.

deadsoondeadsoonover 13 years ago
Hmmm ... interesting story ... liked it.


I enjoyed the story. I cracked-up over the STP comment.

I guess it's true that sex is mostly in the head, I mean the big head not the little head, although ... after reading one of your other stories about what you learn on this site I could be wrong.

I liked the ending

OldHidekiOldHidekiover 13 years ago
A head snap is in order.

She gets seduced, and then has to listen to a warning before she gets put to bed. I think the only thing that saved her was the warning. I have always thought that the women that one would meet on a buisness trip would be STD breeding factories. Why wouldn't a woman feel the same way about the men she meets. Don was hitting on several women, so that along should have sent her running. In the end, she got the wakup call, but nearly too late.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

The only thing that saved her from damaging her marriage and family was this looser's STD...or in his words a "STP". Nevermind that he was mind numbingly stupid that was all overlooked because he gave her compliments. Sure she finally had her lightbulb moment in the end but she was ready and willing to go there before he dropped his little bomb.

ILienBagbyILienBagbyover 13 years ago
Wasn't it Wilson Shakespeare

who said that "It's better to be lucky than....:" I forget what comes after "than," but you kow what I mean. What I mean to say is that the lady sure got lucky in her choice of a guy to fuck around with.

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 13 years ago
Great comments

Great story to draw so many intelligent comments. I stick with another writer's comment. Cheaters cheat because they decided to and they can when they want to. I think it is always decided they will before it actually occurs. Everything else before or after the actual event is just rationalization or dialogue from the writer. Most marriages that work do so because the cheater does not get caught and doesn't do it too often. That way there is no hurtful confrontation that forces the betrayed to take action or not because of wounded feelings.

This wife did not get caught whether she mean't to go all the way or not. We all come close to doing the same thing in our marriages...

VickieTernVickieTernalmost 13 years ago
The most intelligent

and witty (and wise) "Loving Wives" story I've encountered on Literotica. You fixed the deck by setting up a Mr. Malaprop to bring her back to her own self-respect and self-re-perception, but it was all the more asmusing for that. I have to rate this a five out of five (as very rarely, even Shakespeare or Faulkner wouldn't achieve that every time with me, all-in-all), and I regret that the system won't let me register it

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
So let me ask you,

If the guy that the wife picked up was more like Warren Beaty, what then?

Sorry, but she spoke to her husband and enquired about her kids, moments before Romeo made it to her room. And yet she still opened the door for him.

Lucky for her, Romeo was dumb enough to behave just stupid enough for her to achieve her epiphany.

So let me ask you, if he was Warren Beaty instead? No, your writing was excellent and pretty much at the top of it game here. The characters you wrote about however were not.

Her fidelity is not based on all the things that make marriages last. It's based on dumb luck.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
She's still

a cheating bitch.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 12 years ago
Future slut

All I can say is, she thought about it once and decided not to. When she thinks about it again, She just might.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

his cornhole reamed, he smoked the meaty cock, betrayed!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
A faithful wife

She had a chance and did the right thing. She's a better wife, woman and human being than any of the commenters on this story. They desperately need to feel like real men because they can't find jobs, they can't see their flacid little pee-pee's underneath their middle-aged guts and no woman wants them because they're such pathetic losers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Communication Issues

Great story.

Seems people are forgetting that a long term marriage can (not necessarily will) fall into a routine where neither party is communicating enough. This lady should have been talking with her husband about these things long before it got to this point, but fortunately she realized what she was jeopardizing before it was too late.

Never start taking your spouse for granted and never let them take you for granted. That way lies 'loving' wives and husbands.

PolyLvrPolyLvrover 11 years ago

She dodged a bullet here and she may have scared herself enough to realize what almost happened.

But if the guy wasn't a complete idiot she may not have come to her senses before it was too late.

She got lucky and she was smart enough to know it.

theaquarianpentheaquarianpenalmost 11 years ago
Well that was a switch

How about that an intelligent woman. You don't see many of those here. Refreshing!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loved it

My second time reading this and truly a favorite. If all of us married folks were honest, we have all been tempted and even fantasized about an affair. I am fairly sure it is human nature. She nearly got herself into big trouble. I have nearly gotten myself into big trouble. Fortunately, she took time to reflect and weigh the value of her family against the potential risk. Reason and devotion won out in this case, but I am smart enough to know that reason is flawed. Did reason really win out, or was she simply lucky the guy couldn't stop taking his foot out of his mouth? Had he been a smooth talker, it is unlikely that she would have resisted the power of that first kiss. It too, reminds us that sometimes well reasoned and devoted people make mistakes. If not for her moral luck, we would be condemning her rather than applauding her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
self serving to the end

even stopping short is another way to feed her own ego

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Funny commenters

They just can't stand it when the wife does NOT cheat so they just have to fantasize that not cheating is just as bad as cheating, anything just so they can keep hating on women. Why? Because no woman has ever wanted them? Why? Because they're inadequate, unlovable losers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Funny "closet-cuck" commenters

Those virgins read LW stories to server their closet-cuck fetish: not going to let the actual text of a story get in the way of a good read, spank, comment!

Sam37Sam37over 10 years ago
Very well done

This is one of the best written stories here. At first I thought you had a couple of misspellings until I realized that Don Juan was an imbecile.

I would have like a bit more character development, but I understand that this story had a different intent. Bravo!

fanfarefanfareover 10 years ago
late to the debate

Professor S. I. Hayakawa must be rotating in his grave like a water turbine at the ignorance of people who say things such as: "Threatening to cheat is the same as doing it" as they lack the capacity, heck, the competency for semantic definition.

So, that map I drew on a napkin, with a crayon, is the same thing as the actual property it roughly describes?

If i write a fairy tale does that make me a fairy?

If I write a story about a ferryboat does that make me a ferryboat?

if I write a story about ignorant trolls would that make me one if the adolescent commentators on this site?

How did FinalStand put it “Standing in a Church does not make you a Good Christian, anymore than standing in a garage makes you an automobile.”

rightbankrightbankabout 10 years ago
I loved the word play

unfortunately it reminds me of too many stories and the comments in response to them here on Lit.

Well said rpsuch.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

She didn't threaten to fool around, if he hadn't had herpes it was a done deal.

Still it was tongue in cheek and funny while making a point .

In a just world she would be penalized,but this is a story in which she got once in a million lucky.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 9 years ago
Loved it

still a beauty.

impo_60impo_60over 9 years ago

It wasn't a epiphany, it was a damn luck, the guy had genital herpes!!! If he was clear of that, no epiphany would save her from cheating and destroy her life for ever.

Tootight1Tootight1almost 9 years ago
good story

fortunately, she ran into a guy that was honest about it. how many aren't?

TornadoTysTornadoTysalmost 9 years ago
Good Read

A really good read and for once a story about a trie loving wife !

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 9 years ago
Second time through...

agree with the previous comment. Had this guy been smoother, and std free, she would have boned him. No doubt. She benefited from moral luck.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 9 years ago
but if....

If your life is that busy, and you are so determined to "climb the ladder of success" why wouldn't you hire a maid service?

Why spend whatever time away from work in drudgery instead of with your family? You do remember them?

The ones you theoretically are working for the betterment of.

NexttimeroundNexttimeroundover 8 years ago
Nice analysis in this story

And I was surprised and pleased by the ending. I was so sure it would be yet another case of the wife being discovered and slung out. Most amusing set of malapropisms; she suddenly realised how much she respected her hubby and pulled back from the brink. Well told, very cryptic. Despite her initial yielding to temptation, perhaps a true loving wife after all.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Try, Try, Try Again Until You're Successful

She will, she's not happy with her marriage and she doesn't seem like she wants to talk to her husband about it. To bad, so sad...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Annony you dear dumb fuckin fag!! These are fictional stories!!

That means they aren't real. You are pathetic and a sad excuse for even a old, ugly, sad, lonely fat fag! So fag I gave this a 5 to offset your dumbass fag vote.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
fact is

Thoughshe did not engage in sex, she wanted to cheat, she planned on cheating, she stopped because herblover had herpes. That is the only reason she did not fulfill her desire to look back at age 70 and remember the hot night with the big dicked younger man.

At some future date, her urge will re-emerge and she will fulfill it.

She has already cheated. Case closed

Time will come when her loving husband will be devastated and she will beg for understanding.

My only hope is he willrecover and find someone else while she livesout her days alone and diseased

Pappy7Pappy7almost 8 years ago
She was definetly unfaithful

to her husband, but not irreversibly so. She was lucky that the guy was such an idiot that he put her off enough to notice what she was doing. Hopefully hubby will never talk to the other people who were there or no one he knows was at the same place she was and saw her being an idiot. But say she gets away with it this time, no harm no foul right? Maybe not, depends on whether she talks to her husband about what is poisoning her mind and gets some workable resolution in place. If she just lets it go, could be a disaster waiting down the line for her. If hubby can refinish a basement he might be able to put up a false wall made of brick and therefore sound proof. Might be a place for wife to spend a few years getting her head and ass in line again. He's a deep thinker is her hubby and that is the theme of several old novels, isn't it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago




AND IS QUITE BLITHE ABOUT IT.Facebook profile of

Road she is headed down

Good writing though

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