When One Door Closes


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'Come into the kitchen. Let's have a coffee.'

'I can get straight to work if you like.'

'No, Jake, relax. Let's have a chat first. Don't worry you're on the clock.'

'Oh, it's not that. I'm just keen to get going.' Jake explained he hoped would be the start of his new business and was all enthusiastic about getting stuck in.

'Please have a coffee with me. I don't get a lot of visitors since the divorce.'

'Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Certainly, I would love a coffee.'

They chatted for some time. Victoria filling Jake in on her breakup. Jake sat back and let her talk. She appeared to enjoy sharing her grief with someone. Jake figured this was a lady who was always in control, or had the appearance of it being that way.

She abruptly stopped mid-sentence. 'I'm sorry. Listen to me rambling on about my troubles. We old ladies love to gab.'

'That's okay. I offer listen services as well as handyman services. Sometimes it's good to talk things out. And you're not old.'

'You are an absolute darling. How old do you think I am?'

Jake hesitated. 'Shit' he thought, 'how do you answer that? If I'm too high I'm in trouble.'

'Late thirties.' Jake hesitantly stammered. 'I would say thirty seven.' Feeling braver after observing her facial expression.

'Fifty three actually and thanks for going so low.'

Jake was shocked. 'Wow you look amazing. Honestly you don't look a day over forty.'

'Is there a Mrs Jake? She must be a lucky lady.'

'No, I'm single. Just me and the dog.'

'How is a good looking chap like you single?' Victoria said and was interrupted by the unremitting pounding on the heavy oak doors.


Victoria made her way to the door and boldly heaved open the heavy door with a strength belying her size.

'I did. Now go away Earl, you're not welcome here.' A large man in his late fifties stood in the doorway. His salt and pepper hair and dark menacing eyes towered above her by at least a foot but she never looked like backing down.

Earl's whole demeanour abruptly softened, 'but this is our home,' he said with his hands held out. 'Darling.'

Victoria realised what had originally made her fall in love with this man. He could turn on the charm whenever the need arose. Victoria soon found out that that he more often than not had it turned off after they were married.

'Not any more remember. I got it in the divorce. Now please leave.'

Earl looked past Victoria and realise that there was someone else in the house. His mood returned to his gruff bullying demeanour. 'WHO'S THAT?'

'That's a friend of mine and none of your business. Earl, I'll ask you politely for the last time. Get off my property.' She said in a controlled tone.

Jake took a step forward and calmly said 'I think you should leave. I don't think Victoria wants you here.'

'WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO?' He roared and advanced towards Jake puffing out his chest.

This man had twice the mass of Jake. Jake was in his save the damsel in distress mode so there was to be no backing down from him as he too puffed out his chest. Two masses of testosterone heading on a collision course. Jake was banking on his youth to get him through.

As it turned out his services were not needed. Victoria planted herself between the pair. 'Cut it out Earl. Step away.'

Earl continued to glare at Jake, edging forward as he towered over her. His bravado maintained right up until Victoria buried her knee forcefully into her ex-husbands groin. The crunch causing Jake to even wince as he watched Earl's face contort as he fell backwards in agony.

This naturally took all the fight out of Earl as he lay in the foetal position on the door step and Jake realised Victoria could look after herself.

'You turn up on my door step and threaten my friends. Now don't come back!' Victoria chastised as she leant over him, then stepped inside and slammed the door. Jake heard a thud as the door as it smacked earl in the back of the head.

She turned and looked up at Jake then burst into tears. Jake instinctively took her in his arms to comfort her. Jake, like most men, struggled with a woman crying. He just stood there until her weeping subsided.

Pulling a dirty hanky from his pocket, he unsuccessfully tried to pass it to Victoria. 'Wow that was impressive. Remind me not to piss you off.' He said. 'Even my balls hurt a little after that.'

'I not normally like that. Thank you for trying the help but I can handle Earl.'

'I can see that. I hope you haven't pissed him off too much. He doesn't look like the type of guy to take that lying down.'

Victoria laughed. 'It'll be alright he's all talk no action. Same as in the bedroom. Come on let's finish our coffee then I think we better get you to work.' She said as her composure returned. 'Now we haven't discussed your rate.'

'I was thinking forty an hour.'

'No that won't do.'


'No, I was thinking since you provided such a good listening ear.' Victoria started to say. 'I would say eighty. Is that alright?'

'If you wish.'

'Earl still has to pay for the upkeep of the property so fuck him. Now I need the rear lawn mown and is there anything you can do with that tree. Earl planted it in his short attempt at gardening. If it disappeared I wouldn't complain.'

Jake checked out the tree. It was a small tree about twenty foot high. A vine had latched on to it and was now enveloping the tree. 'Not a problem. I'll mow the lawn and cut down the tree. Consider it done.'

Jake breezed through the mowing and was now confronted with the vine consumed tree. Jake stood back and planned the process in his mind. He had built up quite a sweat so absently discarded his shirt.

After an hour he realised not all great plans work out in real life. He began by cutting away the lower branches. They were to fall away and he would finish off by cutting the main trunk. Job done he figured. Although in the real world nothing goes as planned. Everything take twice as long as expected.

He again paused, re-evaluating his options and noticed Victoria watching him from the upstairs window and contemplated putting his shirt back on, trying to maintain a professional demeanour but she stood there smiling so figured she was not concerned.

After a few more hours Jake again stood back and took in a job well done. Before him was the tree neatly chopped up and piled along the back fence. The vines on the other hand were messily piled in a bundle beside the tree.

'I believe you need a drink.' Jake heard Victoria yell from the pool deck. He again looked at the tree and quickly decided he deserved a break.

'I would have to agree. That tree put up quite a fight.' He said as Victoria handed him an icy cold glass of iced tea that he gulped down the drink in one go.

'We, were thirsty. It looks like you won in the end. The tree is history.' Victoria said. 'That's two useless old things I've gotten rid of today. I much prefer the view now.' She said as she looked Jake up and down, ogling his muscular physique.

Jake looked at where the tree was but could see much improvement in the view till his gaze returned to Victoria and realised the view she was talking about.

'Another?' She asked holding up the pitcher.

'Yes please.' He said as he held out his glass for her to refill.

She returned the pitcher to the tray and said, 'take a seat. You look like you could do with a rest.' Victoria then took a seat on one of the sun lounges allowing her robe to fall open.

Jake took the opportunity to take a glimpse of her body and was not disappointed. Victoria was in her early fifties but she had the body of a women twenty year her junior.

Victoria smiled as she noticed Jake's approving gaze. She had rummaged through her collection of swimwear and selected the skimpiest one she could find. Her confidence grew and deciding to up the ante she stood and dropped her robe. Victoria had been watching Jake from the house. The sheen of his sweaty body accentuating his firm muscular body. She had contemplated masturbating as she watched him work but decided she wanted more.

Jake gulped as he took in Victoria's body. Watching her turn to show of her G-string bikini bottoms. 'I'm going for a dip. Why don't you join me?' and she leapt into the water.

'I, I didn't bring my swimmers.' He said when she resurfaced.

'Don't let that hold you back. Just wear your undies.' She said as she swam towards Jake and rested her chin on her arms along the pool edge.

'I'm not. I'm not wearing any.' Jake said.

'Oh. I see.' She said as she pondered the situation and grinned. 'Well in that case. We go nude,' and she untied her top and threw the wet garment at Jake with her bikini bottoms quickly following and hitting him in the face.

Jake slowly stood and moved to the edge of the pool. He could vaguely make out Victoria's naked body under the water as she duck dived, giving him a glimpse of her firm bottom poking out of the water.

'Come on. I never thought you would be the shy type,' she teased and then swam to the far end of the pool.

Jake dropped his shorts and jumped in. After the work he had been doing the cool water was a welcome relief. Before he knew it Victoria swam up behind him and he felt her hard nipple press in against his back.

She wrapped her legs around his waist. 'I can't believe Mags had a stud like you next door and she didn't tell me about it.' She then released her legs and shoved him under.

They playfully mucked around with the occasion touch here and there before Victoria climbed out. Jake watched her wring out her hair as she stood naked on the edge of the pool. Jake's jaw dropped as he admired her beauty.

'Getting a good look?' Victoria teased.

'Sorry, I didn't mean to stare.' He said and reluctantly turn away.

'It's been a while since any ones looked at me like that.'

'I find that hard to believe.'

'Why don't you join me for another drink? I feel like a beer.'

'I never pictured you as a beer drinker.'

'You never can tell sometimes. I bet you thought I was a stuck up prissy bitch when you first saw me.'

'No not at all.'

'Bull!' She said adamantly. 'Would you like a beer?'

'I would love one.'

'Two beers it is.' She said and Jake watched her return to the house, giving Jake time for his erection to go down.

Victoria quickly returned and Jake climbed from the water. This time Victoria stared. 'Getting a good look?' he said teasingly.

'Yes thankyou.' She replied making no attempt to turn away as she looked Jake up and down.

Jake moved over to take the beer off the table, as Victoria laid back and dropped her legs either side of the sunlounge. Spreading her pussy lips she beckoned Jake, 'Why don't you help a girl out.' She said as she rubbed her finger over her pussy. 'Be gentle. I must admit it's been awhile.'

Jake needed no further encouragement and lowered his face between her legs and gently licked up her pussy and across her clit. He was surprised to hear Victoria swear as his tongue made contact with her little nub. 'Oh, fuck yeeessss. That's the spot.'

Jake then moved up to her neck and gently nibbled as she swooned. Victoria pulled Jake up to her lips and kissed him hard. Her tongue exploring his mouth. Jake responded by allowing their tongues dance together as they passionately kissed.

Their lips separated and he slowly worked his way down her body. Licking and kissing as he did. Victoria writhing in erotic pleasure as he kissed her body. Reaching her breasts he slowly worked every inch. Victoria begging for him to caress her hard nipples.

As he lowered his lips over one of her nipples and she squeaked in delight as he gentle nibbled her nipple.

'Oh Jake,' she moaned as he continued to tweak and nibble her hard nipples.

Victoria signed as he moved away from her breasts but she knew he was heading in the right direction.

Jake slowly worked across her flat stomach. Continuing to kiss and lick his way down her body. He seemed to be taking eternity. Victoria's pussy ached for his tongue, twitching in anticipation.

Jake worked towards the top of her pubic hair and lightly pulled her hair as he continued toward her pussy.

Victoria now had her legs spread wide as she awaited Jake attention to her clit but Jake teasingly bypassed her pussy and began to kiss her inner thigh as he again slowly inched towards her pussy. Just as she thought her prays would be answered he moved to her other leg and again slowly inched towards nirvana.

Jake's tongue was inches from Victoria's pussy. His nostril full of her musky scent. Her pussy glistening.

Jake paused momentarily before inserting his tongue as deep as he could into her wet pussy. Again she swore and arched her back.

He parted her pussy and slowly worked towards her swollen clit. Jake saw it twitch each time his tongue caressed her pussy.

'Please Jake. I can't take it anymore.'

With that he ran his tongue along her pussy and over her clit. Victoria swore like a sailor as the tip of his tongue flicked her clit. Victoria let out a guttural moans and pulled Jake's head hard against her pussy.

'Lick my cunt.' She demanded and with both hands, held him hard against herself. Thrusting as she ground her pussy against his face.

'Jake, I need you in me.' She commanded. Jake lifted his head, his face glistening with her juices, and their eyes locked. 'Fuck me. I need your dick.'

Jake gave her clit one last lick and raised his face, teasing her again as he slowly worked his way back up her body. Another passionate kissed and he positioned his cock at the entrance of her virgina. Pausing momentarily before slowly driving his cock home.

'Oh yesssss, Fuck me Jake.' She whispered as she felt his full length fill her.

Jake raised himself up and kissed her softly as he again slowly pushed his cock deep into her beckoning pussy.

'Yessssss.' She moaned as she ran her finger nails down his back.

Jake continued with slow deliberate strokes, as he thrust his hips back and forth, and received soft moans. Lifting his tempo her moan changed to soft grunts as she met each thrust, her encouragement growing as she egged him on.

'Yes, yes, yes.'

Jake slowed again and returned to nibbling her neck as she now had a hold of his arse, eagerly pulling him into herself.

Victoria revelled in the sensation, feeling Jake fill her with his manhood. Her mind focused in sensual pleasure she had not received for some time.

'Yes Jake, fuck me.' She screamed as he again lifted his tempo. 'Oh yes, yes, ye...' and her body was racked with an earthshattering orgasm. She convulsed as the ecstasy washed over her. Her mind blank as she was enveloped in an orgasm of pure ecstasy.

Jake was now rapidly pumping away as he too neared orgasm.

'Please don't cum in me Jake.' She pleaded and Jake suddenly pulled out and with his hand wrapped around his cock, he stroked off ropes of cum. The first coating her stomach, the second shot across her face. When finished Jake had managed to cover Victoria's stomach, breasts and face with his thick cum.

'I'm sorry,' he said.

'Don't be sorry,' she said with a satisfied grin as she licked her lips tasting Jake's gift. 'Thankyou Jake. I definitely needed that. It's been awhile since I've enjoyed a man.' She said as she cleaned a drop of cum from the head of Jake's waning cock with her finger before licking her finger clean.

She continued to wipe her face as she frankly commented. 'You know Jake. You have a particular skill set that a number of ladies at the club may enjoy.'

Jake again checked the address before he stepped through the wrought iron gate and moved up the path towards a frosted glass door with a dark timber frame. The image of a Japanese maple etched into the glass and two large lion statues guarded the stair from their position on either side. He ran his hand over one of the lion heads as he climbed the sandstone stairs before ringing the doorbell and patiently waited.

'Mrs Davenport?' He said as the door slowly swung open to reveal a woman in her late-forties, dressed only in a see through negligee and fluffy slippers.

'Come in my boy.' She exclaimed as she dragged him in by his arm.

So began Jake's Handyman Business.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Needs more build up

HamsterHamsteralmost 7 years ago
Picky, Picky!

The previous commenter is being far too picky about the writing. Checking the author's profile, he (or she, since there is no data) has been posting only since June. This was a good effort for a newby, if indeed the author is new to writing. Overall the story line was great, but the gym lady was a little strange. I did notice, though, that the author seems to like writing strong willed women. Will this be a theme in any follow-up stories? Keep up the good work!

LenardSpencerLenardSpenceralmost 7 years ago
Nice story but...

An enjoyable, easy flowing story. But please, either carefully review what you write or get yourself an editor. There are so many mistakes (sometimes every second or third sentence seems to have errors) and... really! A car called an Austin Martin??? Ian Fleming would turn in his grave.

Keep up the good work though.

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