While John is Away Ch. 01


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"Tabby, you are crazy and it would be very distracting, but I think you should do it anyway."

Avery's shot goes a long way but takes a terrible slice, drifting to the right, almost out of bounds. David is next and I can still see a tent in his pants that is going to make it difficult for him to swing. His ball goes right down the middle but ends up about 10 yards shorter than mine.

James is next and now I can see that he too is sporting some wood in his pants. His shot goes about 30 yards further than mine and a little to the left but in good position with the hole.

Our game continues and I end up winning the first hole but only because I have the two extra strokes. On the second hole, I tie with James, even with my two extra strokes and Avery falls two points behind.

As we drive along in the cart, I take every opportunity to rub my hard nipples against James' arm and he is getting more and more bold with his hand on my thigh.

I have been giving the guys a good show of my bare ass and thong covered pussy at every chance and my exhibition is making me hornier by the second. David seems to be enjoying himself immensely and James and Avery are egging me on at every opportunity with sexual innuendo after sexual innuendo.

"Tabby, can you grab my balls please?"

"I like the way you handle that driver Tabby."

"I didn't see where the ball went, could you point those headlights in the general direction?"

We are all getting pretty silly at this point but also a lot more daring.

By the 14th hole, James has his hand all the way under my skirt and his fingers are rubbing along my lace covered slit and I help him by opening my legs wide enough for him to easily slide his hand between my legs. James is sliding the thong between the lips of my pussy and my tiny panty is completely slick with my juices. I have started rubbing James' hard cock through his pants and can see a small wet spot appearing near the waistband of his pants.

Despite the intense sexual tension, we are all playing pretty well and at the end of the 15th hole, James, Avery and I are all three tied. I am totally buzzed because I drank the entire 32 ounces of rum and coke and I have to pee badly. Fortunately, there is a restroom between the 15th green and the 16th tee and I duck in quickly to relieve myself.

When I come out, I see that the refreshment cart girl has arrived and the guys are ordering more drinks and some snacks. I immediately recognize her as the niece of one of the Sr. members of the club. I recalled that she recently graduated from U.T. back in December. She is a very pretty blonde with a nice slim figure.

As I walk up to her, I notice her staring. I had forgotten all about my not wearing a bra and how see-through my top was. She was definitely looking right at my tits which just made my nipples even harder and more noticeable.

"Hi, it's Analyse right?" I ask.

She nods and says, "And your Ms. Tabatha right, it's so good to see you."

"You too. Are you back living at home with your mom and dad?"

"Yes, just for a little while. I start my new job in Houston in a few weeks."

"That is so exciting, I'd love to hear all about it but right now I have to get these boys back on the course so I can finish beating them."

"Okay, but you should know they bought you a rum and coke and asked me to put a little extra rum in it. I think they might be trying to get you drunk so they can beat you," she laughs.

"Oh, I know their tricks. It will take a lot more than a little rum for them to beat me. I'll come by next week and maybe we can have lunch. I'd love to hear more about your job."

"That sounds great, I'll look forward to it."

I am thinking that I really would like to get together with her next week, maybe not quite in the way she was thinking. She is so pretty and the way she was looking at my tits; I would love to have her sucking on them.

Okay, that confirms it, I am a drunk, horny slut that can't get enough sex.

I hop back in the cart and as we drive off, I grab James' hand and slide it under my skirt. Spreading my legs wide I see him smirk as his fingers slide along my now bare pussy. I thought about first sliding my thong into his pocket but I was embarrassed about how wet it was. They were absolutely gooey when I took them off in the restroom.

Unfortunately, it is a short ride to the next tee but before I get out, I quickly check to see if anyone is looking and take James' fingers and stick them in my mouth to clean them. I could see the wet spot on his pants start to spread as I suck his fingers clean and imagine his pre-cum leaking from the tip of his thick cock.

"Tabby, you're going to make me cum in my pants."

"Oh no, you shouldn't waste all that good cum in your pants. I want it where I can taste it."

"Come on Tabby, I need to beat you so I can take you back to your house and fuck you senseless for two hours."

"That sounds nice James but I think I will be the one fucking you however I want for two hours once I beat you."

"Fuck, either way sounds good to me."

The game is a blur. Every time we get in the cart, within seconds, James' fingers are sliding in and out of my pussy. I finish my second rum and coke and I'm super horny. James is pushing my limits, bringing me close to orgasm with his fingers in my pussy and on my clit but stopping short every time.

As we approach the 17th tee, James asks if I want to make a side bet. He pulls a brand new golf ball out of his bag and says, "I'll bet you can't hold this golf ball in your pussy and tee off without dropping it."

"You mean you want me to stick this ball in my pussy and hold it while I hit?"


"What do I get if I do it?"

"I'll bet you fifty bucks you can't do it."

"So, if I hold the ball in my pussy while I tee off, you will give me $50."

"And to be fair, it was Avery's idea, so he will give you $50 as well. If you drop it, you will just owe us $25 each."

"I don't need your money but just to prove that I still have a nice tight pussy, I will take your bet and you and your buddy are going to owe me $100. Now give me that golf ball."

"I want to do the honors."

"Okay, but hurry, I don't want David to see you doing it."

The shiny white golf ball sliding into my pussy was cold compared to my dripping vagina and it felt bigger going in than it looked. Once it was inside me though I felt comfortable enough that I could hold it in, until I stand up that is. Once I am standing it doesn't feel quite so secure. From the side of the cart, facing away from the guys, I reach down and push it in further. It slides in easier than I had hoped because if it goes in that easy, it could fall out just as easy. Okay, time to put those kegel exercises to good use.

David actually won the last hole and so I was to hit second. James, Avery and I are all still even going into the 17th hole. After David hit, I carefully held my legs tightly together as I put the ball down on the tee and then also kept my legs as close together as I could when addressing the ball.

It was an odd stance but I am determined not to drop the ball. First because I can be terribly competitive and don't want to lose the bet but also because it would be a bit embarrassing explaining to David where that second ball that just fell out from under my skirt came from.

I take a gentle practice swing to test how it feels and it seems doable. However, with my legs close together and my vaginal muscles clenched tight around the ball, my tee shot landed in the pond only about 40 yards from the tee.

At first I was excited that I was able to hold the ball inside until I looked back and saw James and Avery smiling and realize that I had just added two strokes to this hole, giving them a huge advantage to win the round. Damn rum and cokes.

I walk back to the cart with the golf ball still lodged inside my pussy. It actually feels really good when I am walking. The way it moves inside me, the dimples sliding against my g-spot. Fuck, I am about to cum and I have to hold myself steady against the golf cart as a small orgasm sweeps over me. Damn that feels good.

I think about letting James fish the devilish golf ball out of my now drenched pussy but decide I would just do it while standing and let gravity help. I use my core muscles to push the ball out of me and it slides out, covered in my cum. I hand it to James and tell him I'm sorry for getting his ball all wet with my cum.

"Holy shit Tabby, that was fucking amazing."

"You don't know the half of it." I say although now I am mad at myself for letting them get the advantage.

It happened just as they had planned. I lost the hole to both of them and now there was only one hole left to play.

I hit a good drive and a great second shot, putting the ball on the green about 15 feet from the hole but James hits two good shots as well and he is only about 18 feet from the hole. Avery was off in the sand. David has about a 20-foot putt, uphill.

Avery hits first and lands about 5 feet from the hole. David putts just past the hole but it stops and then slowly rolls backwards, right into the hole.

I am next and I need to make this putt to have a chance to at least tie Avery and James. Just as I am lining up. "No pressure Tabby, this is for all the marbles."

"Thanks, now shut-up and let me putt."

My putt just misses the hole and runs about 4 feet past. My heart sinks as I realize that both James and Avery would both have to miss the next two putts for me to win. James' putt is downhill and his ball hits the edge of the cup, circles and shoots out, ending up just past my ball.

Avery putts again and puts his ball in the hole. That means Avery beat me.

James putts next and he too sinks his putt. I lost.

I line up my putt and just tap it perfectly and watch it follow the almost identical line James' ball had taken. Six inches before going in, my ball hits a small bump or piece of grass sticking up and slides slightly to the left causing the ball to slide over the left edge of the cup and come to a stop just on the other side of the hole. I would have lost no matter what.

"Ahhhh, so close," said Avery.

"Yeah, too bad Tabby, you played really well."

"Thanks, I guess I owe you guys some money," I purr.

"Don't worry about it now, we'll collect later," says James with a huge smile on his face.

"I'm sure you will."

I really hate losing but I could do worse than to have to do whatever these two hunks want for two hours each. In my dirty mind I am hoping they choose to take their prize together.

Several weeks ago, while my husband watched, those two double teamed me and it was amazing. My pussy is getting wet all over again just thinking about it.

James suggests that we all stop in the clubhouse to get a drink. I know I could use one but Avery says he has to get David back. He says he can meet us later, after he drops David off and they head to the parking lot.

"Maybe I should just go home too." I say. "I don't want to start the gossiping about my golf outfit and the two of us having a drink together."

"Okay, but just for the record, that is the sexiest golf outfit I have ever seen. How about if Avery and I come over when he gets back and we can all hop in the Jacuzzi and have a few drinks? Maybe we can settle up then." His smile is giving him away and it is making me wet..... again.

It is almost 3:00pm when my phone rings and James is on the line. "Hey Tabby, Avery and I are on the way over to collect on our bet. We thought you could start off by offering us a nice cold beer and dip in the Jacuzzi."

"Sure, that sounds fun. I'll have a couple of cold-ones waiting for you. Anything else?"

"Uh, Avery says he wants you to wear that bikini that John bought you for your trip to the Dominican Republic........ and your red stiletto heels!"

That bikini is nothing more than 3 tiny triangles of white mesh that turn completely transparent when they get wet. I remember if very well because when I first tried on the top, the teeny little triangles barely covered my nipples although in the Dominican, it didn't really matter because I almost always went topless. The bottoms are smaller than any thong or g-string that I own and do little more that cover my slit. The first time I wore it in the water, it was like I wasn't wearing anything at all. It was completely see-through.

"How do you know about that bikini?" I ask.

"Oh, John showed us a picture of you wearing it. You were wearing the red high-heels too."

"Hmmm, that picture was supposed to be private, I will have to talk to my husband about what he shows to his friends."

"Come on Tab, we have seen you in less than that."

"Yes you have. I will see if I can find it and put it on for you to see in person."

"Okay, we'll be there in about 20 minutes." And he hung up.

I find the teeny bikini and put it on, taking almost 5 minutes just to get the strings adjusted and the top to cover my nipples and the bottoms to just barely cover my pussy. From the back, I just look like I am naked except for a thin string across my back and around my waist. This is even smaller than I remember.

I am just getting the beers out of the fridge when I hear them knock on the door. My heels are 5" so walking in them takes a little getting used to. I wear heels a lot but not usually this high. They make both my boobs and my butt more prominent and it puts me almost at 6' tall.

"Wow, Tabby, that looks even more delicious in person than it did in the picture." James says as he stands in the doorway.

"I second that." Avery adds.

"Is this what you wanted to see? I have other suits that fit much better and are less revealing that I could put on."

"Nope, this is the one we want." James quips.

"So, am I on the clock now for my two hours of service or how does this work?" I ask.

Avery says, "Not yet. I think we should go over the terms of the payment before we start the clock don't you James?"

"Yup, let's go out back and talk about how settle up."

I can see this is going to be an interesting but likely, a one-sided discussion. I agree and walk toward the French doors leading to the patio. I can feel their eyes glued to my ass as I walk in front of them so I add a little extra swing in my hips, just for fun.

As we walk out I ask Avery about Lisa because I don't want her stopping over un-announced and finding her husband and his best friend with me in the Jacuzzi, likely with nothing on. He tells me that she went to her mother's for the night and James chimes in that his wife is out of town on business so, no worries.

"So gentlemen, what are the terms of my servitude for the afternoon?"

"I believe the terms were that we are each to receive two hours of your time and effort and I believe the performance parameters were set at no limits or as I like to say, anything goes." James spouts in his best British barrister accent.

"Yes, and we would like to have those periods run back to back rather than concurrently." Says Avery.

"Wait a minute. If both of you are here at the same time, they should run concurrently, not as four hours instead of just two."

James again, "No, I want to collect my two hours first and it would be my prerogative to have you serve both me and my friend during that time."

"And, I would do the same. James and I are good friends and we like to share."

"Hmmm, I see I am not going to win this argument so let's get started. I don't think you two can handle me for four hours anyway so what will it be? The clock starts now."

I look at the clock and it shows the time as 3:30. That means I only have until 7:30 tonight to have my way with these two. Of course I will let them think that it's the other way around. I suppose if I needed them longer, I could always talk them into staying for extra innings.

James spoke first. "I recall that John told us that bikini turns invisible when wet, I would like to see that, how about you Avery?"

"I think that would be a great start but before you get in the water could you stand up and turn around first?"

"Sure, you're the bosses." I stand up and slowly start to turn around. When I am facing directly away from them, I hear Avery ask me to stop and bend over. I know what he wants so, keeping my legs straight, I bend at the waist, slowly so they get a good view of my legs stretching and my ass pushing toward them.

"spread your legs a little more."

I follow their instruction and spread my legs further apart and then bend to waist height, pushing my ass to them, sure that they can see the tiny string running the length of my ass crack and the tiny little patch of material covering my pussy. I can feel my pussy lips start to pull apart and I do my best to squeeze them together. I know if I get too excited and my labia start to open, the tiny little covering will disappear into my wet pussy.

"Bend over a little further."

I bend down further, still keeping my legs straight and bracing myself with my hands on my knees. I can feel my pussy lips begin to open and then I feel it. The little patch of material slides completely inside my pussy and the string collapses across my clit.

"Fuck, that is awesome Tabby." Says Avery.

They are completely focused on my ass and pussy and the tiny little string that now looks like it has disappeared into my wet cunt.

"Is that what you wanted to see?" I ask.

"Yeah, but I think we should probably get in the water now."

Looking back, I can see they both have huge hard-ons, pressing against their shorts. I stand back up, slip my shoes off and step into the warm Jacuzzi. Before I step down further into the water, I ask Avery to grab my phone and take a picture of me for John. He gladly obliges and I put on my sexiest pose.

"This way, he can see what you two perverts are up to."

"Hey, it was his suggestion that we take care of you and if this is what it takes, I guess this is what we have to do," laughs James.

As I sink down into the water, I can see them both watching to see if the little triangles over my nipples become transparent. I think it's silly but I know it is somehow sexier than just being topless. The bottoms are probably already transparent, soaked in my pussy juice but it is still jammed far in between my swollen labia so you couldn't see it anyway.

Now wet, I stand up, out of the water. Going from the warm water of the Jacuzzi to the cooler air makes my nipples even harder, if that is possible. Looking down, I can see my nipples through the now transparent material. The dark pink of my ¾ inch nipples and slightly lighter pink of my areolas, at least the part that hasn't shrunk to a tight nickel size, is clearly visible. I can even see the small bumps that circle my areolas.

Based on their stares, I can tell that James and Avery can see them too.

'So now that we confirmed that this is the most revealing bikini ever invented, should we take a selfie to send to John?" I ask.

"Okay, if you're sure John is cool with it."

"Oh, he will want to know, in detail, everything that you two perverts do to me today and I assure you, he likes it. I wouldn't be surprised if he hops on a plane tonight and comes home to fuck my brains out when he sees this picture and hears about what happens later. Something is going to happen later, right? Now grab my camera off the table and let's take a nice picture.

Avery has the longest arms so he holds the camera while we pose.

"Wait, aren't you two going to get undressed?"

Avery says, "We'll just take our shirts off. I don't think John wants to see our dicks."

I stand between the two of them in my sexiest pose with their arms around behind me, each with a hand on my ass, smile and Avery take the picture. All you can see of my bikini is the white outline of the little triangles around my nipples and the white strings disappearing between my legs. John is going to love this picture.