White Freshman, Black Coeds Ch. 11


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Eventually she rolled over onto me, stretched out on top of me, and looked at me, into me, looking for affirmation I think, that what she'd done was 'good enough'. I had no words, I was overwhelmed with gratitude, thankfulness, wonder, and joy. So rather than try to say anything, I cupped her face in my hands and pulled her up to me, wriggling beneath her to help her scooch up, and kissed her full on the lips. Holding her there, our nostrils sharing air as we wound down, our hearts beating against each other's chests.

After a time Nia slid down to my right side, resting her head on my shoulder, her free hand grabbing my deflated dick and idly playing with it. Squeezing, bending, sometimes hefting it, comparing its state now with the one just prior. As boys, we've played with our dicks all our lives, but girls until a certain age don't have one to play with, so I imagine she was rather enthralled with the whole thing, the dichotomy between soft, to hard, to soft again, but chubbier now in its spent state. The few boys she'd touched like that, I imagine there was no cuddling afterward for her to be able to do this.

"You guys! You did it!! Simultaneous orgasms! That's something people fantasize about, strive for, but it rarely works out. But you guys did it on your first try! I'm so proud of both of you."

I can't speak for Nia, but I couldn't move. Like, I was too exhausted to move just then, to sit up or even assume the "on your side" pose we'd always done before. She may've been the same way, because she didn't stir either, or she just may've wanted to prolong the cuddling.

"You guys are 'done,' I can tell. But it feels wonderful, doesn't it? Think of all the things you've done since yesterday: the talking, the getting to know, the touching, the teasing, then the erotic touching, through clothes and bare. And now this, performing oral sex with your partner whom you care for, feeling their tenderness and passion transmitted to you through both their giving and receiving."

A pause while Nia and I simply laid together, feeling together, joined in a new way. I liked and agreed with what Rita was saying, but I almost wished she wasn't talking, so I could concentrate all my senses on Nia: how she felt against me, her breathing, the smell of her hair (and maybe of her sex?), the way she was idly manipulating my penis. This was bliss, if ever there was.

Rita let us lay together while she caught up in her notebook, but maybe 15 minutes later, Nia I think asleep, and me almost, she roused us to sally forth and face the day. It was about noon.

"What do you think, should we call it a day and head back home?"

Grudging groans from Nia and I of course, but we slowly roused ourselves. But not before Nia leaned in for another kiss. Not a passionate one, but a simple I love you kind of kiss, held for longer than otherwise necessary. I felt so....complete?...in that moment. That's an overused cliché, You complete me, but it's how I felt in that moment. Not that I couldn't live without her, but that I felt so much more with her. I don't know, it was a very tender moment that's hard to describe even now, decades later and with more experience under my belt.

"Nia, you should head to the bathroom first and get cleaned up and dressed." Nia gathered some clean clothes from a drawer and padded off.

It occurred to me that Rita sent her first so she could rinse her mouth and maybe brush her teeth, and then I started feeling guilty about what had happened, how exactly it had happened, the ending part. Rita, again, sensed this somehow and came and sat beside me on the bed, literally patting my shoulder in a there, there kind of way.

"Remember how I told you to let her direct the situation? Well she did, so it's okay. Yes, there are stigmas around ejaculating in your partner's mouth, or on their face or wherever, but some women actually like it. Whether Nia does or will it might be too early to say, but she did it for you nevertheless. We had a little chat in the bathroom and I told her that from my research and experience that men really, really enjoy it, but that she could decide for herself. And she did.

"Brilliantly, I might add. I think she wanted to, for you, but was still hesitant, maybe based on stories she'd heard. So her suggestion that you two come together was probably her way of helping ensure she didn't chicken out, that she'd go through with it. You may've noticed that in your own masturbation? That you think somewhat-crazy things you think you want to do, but after that moment has passed it turns you off to think about? Women are like that too. In the right mood, and at the right level of passion, they may do things for their man they might otherwise shun.

"Anal sex is one of those things. I told you that some women truly enjoy it, but probably most don't. However, if you can bring a woman to a state like you had Nia there in the end, the power of suggestion becomes stronger, and she may try something new or different.

"Speaking of which, have you heard of deep-throating?" I lied and said I hadn't. Though it wasn't much of a lie, because I'd only heard about it, but hadn't seen enough porn yet to know that women could actually do that.

"Some women, with practice, are able to take a penis past their tonsils and into their throat."

Thinking of my own gag reflex I asked, "But how—"

"Again, with practice. I happen to be quite good at it, and that's something I'd also like to offer you, in the future, like I did with anal sex. Only this time I won't make you promise to be your first, like I want to be for anal, but if you want to try it I'd enjoy doing it for you, to show you what it feels like."

"Thank you, Rita," I manage to stammer out, somewhat flabbergasted that this classy woman has just solicited me to shove my dick down her throat, and then wondering how in the world she could take it, as fat as it is. But she must know she can, otherwise she wouldn't have offered...

"Do you know what '69' is, Mark?" This time I didn't lie. "Good. Next time you're with Nia (I know you too are going to date!), you should try it. Woman-on-top works best. What you were doing to her with your hand while she was fellating you, you'll be doing with your mouth, and it just adds a whole other dimension of sensations and feelings. I'll mention it to her too."

"And I should tell you, Mark, that Nia wants to 'save herself' for marriage; she wants her husband to be the first man to penetrate her. To break her hymen, which is the mark of virginity for women. (You men don't have such a tell-tale sign, lucky!)"

"To be honest, Rita, I hadn't even thought about doing that with her. I think I'm like her, I'd want to wait too. But if she wanted me to be the one..."

"That's a healthy way to look at it, Mark. Never push a girl to do more than she's comfortable with, and she'll respect and...love?...you more for it. There are girls out there, mind, who'll jump in bed with you barely knowing you, but the special ones, the ones like Nia, should be respected and, dare I say?, worshiped a little. When the time is right, when you're ready, and when she's ready, that first time will be the best time. And better than any others you might've already experienced. I promise you."

I can only nod in agreement, Rita's words mirroring much of my inner psyche, yet codifying it in a way I hadn't before.

"So that's why I wanted to take you two up to this point. With the skills you each have now, and the practice I'm sure you'll get up to, you can pleasure each other quite completely, without having to resort to physical intercourse. Yes, it's nice, it feels good, but an argument could be made that oral sex is at least as pleasurable, and more so for the woman, I think you'll find."

"Thank you, Rita," as I lean over to give her a hug. "This has been so wonderful, what you've taught Nia and me. I can't imagine how this would've gone, IF it would've gone, if I'd had to learn all this through trial and error. I feel so much more confident in myself now, not worried that I won't be able to satisfy a woman."

Rita looked at me tenderly, cupping my left cheek with her right hand, then leaned in and planted a big-sister kind of kiss on me. Not on my cheek like a sister might do, but on my lips, more tender than erotic though.

"You'll be fine. I like what I see in you, and I think you'll make a fine husband for some lucky girl one day."

At that I got all bashful and turned away from her. Also teary-eyed again, hearing these words of affirmation.

"I brought you some clothes, second drawer. Just a T-shirt and sweatpants, I think they'll fit. And new boxers."

"Thanks, how much do I owe you?"

"Nothing. It was a pleasure working with you and Nia, and you furthered my research toward my Master's degree."

I find the clothes and start to put them on. I figured I didn't need to shower, 1) because Rita hadn't mentioned it, and 2) because I'd surreptitiously looked, and Nia hadn't let a drop spill on me. But Rita surprised me then by stripping out of her nightgown and changing into clean clothes.

She'd opened the drapes after Nia went off to the bathroom, leaving the sheers closed, and it was a bright day out, so the room was flooded with natural light. Rita was facing me and looking at me when she started to take her nightgown off over her head, and I habitually turned away, but she said, "You don't have to turn away, Mark. In fact, I'd rather you watched."

Not one to disappoint a lady, I stopped with just my boxers on and watched her undress. No bra underneath, and no panties. I heard the shower running, so I wasn't too worried about Nia catching me again ogling Rita. Rita tossed the nightgown on the bed then stretched luxuriously and slowly, like a cat, turning around on her tip-toes as she did, giving me a 360 degree view of her voluptuous, nearly coal-black body. Willy noticed and began to rise against the new boxers.

Rita saw this, and a twinkle in her eyes, walked sexily over to where I stood, swaying her hips lasciviously. "Just to give you more experience of women's bodies, why don't you explore my breasts?" Not simply touch, but explore.

Again, who am I to deny a lady's wish? So my hands reached out simultaneously to each of Rita's breasts. So big, so dense! After hefting them, mashing them in, and squeezing them individually, I moved both hands to her right breast and repeated the tests just performed. Like basketballs, almost, but more like the red rubber PE balls I'd compared Nia's butt to. And when I tried to circle my hands around the one breast at the base, my fingers were far from meeting on the other side.

These were the largest and firmest breasts I'd seen yet! Correcton: Keisha's were physically larger, but much softer. And Candace's and Nia's might compare in firmness, but at that size would they? Hard to say.

"Play with the nipples." So I did. Her skin so dark that the nipples barely contrasted with the areolae, nor the areolae with the skin color of her breasts. But I could see they were large, the areolae, as big as a Coke can at least, and with bumps. Her nipples responded dutifully to my caresses, and were the size of my own pinkies, each as long as the first knuckle. This was incredible, these were incredible. As I'd just about screwed up enough courage to ask if I could suck on them, Rita turned her back to me, leaning forward and pushing her butt back at me.

"Touch it if you want." Boy did I want! I let my hands rub all over the two hemispheres, again squeezing, mashing, hefting. Then as with her breast, concentrating on one side, feeling the solidity when I tried to squeeze it between my hands, marveling at the springiness as it bounced back after being abruptly loosed. At about that moment we heard the shower turn off, and Rita quickly bent over at the waist, legs shoulder-width apart, and grabbed the backs of her ankles.

"Quickly, look at my vagina. Touch it if you want." I stepped back a pace to have a better view, and while I could see hair, and a hint of pink, it was very dark down there because of her skin color and being silhouetted against the bright window. Emboldened by the desire to really see her dark black pussy, I grabbed her by the hips and turned her 180 degrees, me rotating with, so that now the light from the window revealed all that heavenly glory.

I dropped to my knees for a better look, and leaned in for a quick, deep sniff before running my right index finger up from clitoris to almost anus, then back down again, but two fingers wide. This time stopping at her clitoris and massaging it between those two fingers as I'd done Nia's.

Rita moaned a bit, then quickly stood up and moved around me back to where her clothes were. I took the hint, and turning my back to the bathroom (to hide my turgidity from Nia if she were to come out at that moment, put on the sweat pants (baggy, good!) and T-shirt (long, even better!) But because he was still poking out, I grabbed a drink and sat on the bed, back to the bathroom.

Rita was meanwhile still getting dressed, had panties on and was reaching behind to fasten her bra. I'd just taken a drink, tilting my head back to do so; which, when Nia came out of the bathroom at that very moment, made it look like I was inventing a reason to be looking in Rita's direction.

"Mark Livingston! Are you gawking at Rita again?!" Playfully, mockingly. I hoped.

"Again? I don't know what you..." then I gave it up, because I very much knew what she meant, and Rita must've known as well that I'd been staring at her last night when she came into the bathroom in that slinky nightgown.

"It's okay, Nia. I told him he could watch. In fact that he should watch, just to expose him to more kinds of female bodies. All in the name of science, of course."

"Science, my behind! Mark is just a lecherous young man!" Said playfully as she dropped her towel, pushed me back on the bed, and nearly jumped on top of me, covering my face, ears, and neck with kisses, grinding her breasts into my chest delightfully, the lower part of her pressing against my manhood, still half-aroused from the dalliance with Rita.

"Did *I* do that, or did Rita do that?" she giggled.

"You did, sweetheart, that's all because of you!"

"Not only are you a lecher, Mr. Livingston, you're a fibber too!"

"Well, maybe a little bit of it was due to Rita..." Which elicited more kisses and sensual grindings of her nude body against my clothed one.

"It's alright, baby, as long as you always save some for me!"

"Always, my dear, always."

Rita dropped me at my dorm, then she and Nia drove off, back to the sorority house I supposed. Wow, what an incredible 2 days! Really, less than one full day, because it was barely 2:00 now, and I'd met her yesterday at 4. Who'd have thought that so much teaching, so much learning, so much bonding between two people could happen in the space of 22 hours?

I had Nia's number of course, and she mine, and we'd agreed to go on a date later in the week. Life was good.

I hope you enjoyed the story, and would love to hear what you thought about it in the Comments, which helps me improve as a writer.

Especially from the female perspective. As a male writer I want that to be close to realistic.

And for anyone, did any part of the story resonate with you? Was it too contrived?


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MarkLivingstonMarkLivingston3 months agoAuthor

Thanks so much for your comments. And FINALLY I got a comment from someone who's posted stories of their own. You're the first, I swear, and it surprised me that it took this long. I guess most people here are just readers. I took a peek at your stories, and the genre isn't my bag, but they're fairly highly rated, so I should probably read them.

"Breaking the 4th wall," I think that's been noted before and I hope I learned from it. I don't remember if I did any of that from here to Ch. 24, but I'll be sensitive to it in future.

Male dialogue: I'm not a sports guy or a "bro" or a fisherman or hunter or whatever, but I've had many male friends and acquaintances over the years from many walks of life, and thought I had a good grip on "the lingo," but I'll see if I can work on that too.

"Clinical characters": I'm sorry they've come across to you like that. Maybe you're right, that it's my engineer nature that makes them like that. But I'm a pretty sensitive/romantic guy, and I've tried to get inside the heads of my female characters and have them say what I think they'd say and how they'd say it. I'll try to work on that too.

Bonus points for working 'verisimilitude' into your comment!

And thanks, really thanks, for your positive comments about the story. And for saying that the female characters feel real. Even though this is erotica and fantasy, I try not to make the situations and sex too "over the top," or things that girls just wouldn't do. I'd bet that every single thing I've written has happened to young men and women on college campuses somewhere at some time.

Take care.

KnightofmindKnightofmind4 months ago

The breaking of the fourth wall can be an interesting literary device and a powerful one but the occasional break. The protracted ones in previous chapters are kind of like the puppet master having hand cramps and having to get physical therapy during the show. You understand the reality of it and the thinking but it ruins the illusion.

That said: the only other time you have broken that illusion for me, as a S.W.M. was during the exchanges with Mark and other men, perhaps further research into dialogue (even observational dialogue).

The characters all seem quite clinical though this certainly makes sense from the mind of an engineer and isn't a bad thing! It does tend to create character voices which tend to be quite similar. Creating a bit more variety in tone might increase the feeling of verisimilitude.


The story is very erotic, Mark is a perfectly serviceable and likeable character and the female characters still feel separate and real. The sex scenes and love scenes also feel quite real.

Great story!

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