White Freshman, Black Coeds Ch. 13


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And this is where I remembered the blackmail threat, remembered why I was really here.

"On your stomach, right where you were!" I did, and quickly, actually afraid of her now. Maybe if I obey and seem sorry it won't be too bad? Then, Smack!!! on the other cheek. Smack!, smack!, one on each. I instinctively started to roll away, but she told me to stay. She didn't hold me down or even touch me, but the power in her voice made me stay. And her eyes: the contempt there was the worst. It was uncanny, and kind of scary. I knew there was an underlying threat there: that if I didn't obey, she'd throw me out. And if she threw me out, would she go on and get Miss Pullam in trouble over me?

"Don't say anything, and don't move!" Smack on my ass, smack smack on the backs of my thighs. Smack, smack, smack, SMACK on my ass, twice on each side. This is starting to actually hurt! I had thought she just wanted to have a little fun, teach me a playful lesson, but she was actually trying to inflict pain. Two more smacks on the backs of my thighs, those really hurt.

"Mr. Livingston, don't you EVER [smack!] think you can touch ME [smack!] without permission!" Smack, smack. "That is not (smack!) how you treat a goddess!" Smack! "If a goddess deigns to touch you at all (smack!) or allows you to give her pleasure (smack!), you take what you're offered (smack, smack), but you do (SMACK!) not (SMACK!) for a second (smack, smack!) think of yourself as an equal (smack!), and you do not (swats on each cheek) be so bold as to touch her (smaaaack!) unless she's given you permission! Do you understand (smack, smack) me (SMACK!) Mr. Livingston?"

I was blubbering like a baby now, real tears because it hurt so much, but mostly because I'd overstepped my bounds. I had presumed I could touch my goddess's body with my dirty penis, give it pleasure at her expense and without her permission.

"Yes, Miss Capri—" SMACK!! "—Goddess Capri, GODDESS Capri! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I won't ever do it again, I swear!"

All this was said with my head facing left toward her, tears streaming from my eyes into the comforter. I could barely see her face because it was mostly obscured by my shoulder, so I couldn't really tell how my apology was going over with her. Not that I was trying to fool her, I really was contrite, but I would like to have known if her face had softened any, if she'd take pity on me and stop hurting me. More importantly, if she'd be willing to keep me and continue on with me, and not throw me out into the cold night. With the implications for Miss Pullman's well-being.

And then a frightening thought: What if she throws me out of the room naked, tossing my clothes out behind me? If she lets me have them at all? This wasn't a great part of town, and I'd seen a few of the inn's clientele when I was parking and coming up, and they were mostly black it seemed. What would they think of this skinny white boy being thrown out by a black beauty hurling insults after him? I don't think they'd side with me... All the more incentive to stay in her good graces.

"There, there, Mark—" Thankfully! I was 'Mark' again! "—I accept your apology and I forgive you." A sob broke out of me, so thankful to hear that my goddess forgave me, that she would like me again.

"But you need more punishment, I'm afraid, because what you did was very egregious. I hope you understand that?" I nodded that I did, still whimpering, but now more with gratitude of her re-acceptance of me than because of the pain.

"It's okay, baby, we'll get past this. It happens sometimes, early on in my relationships." She was rubbing her hand on my butt now, easing the stinging somewhat, and making my now-flaccid dick stir again.

SMACK! SMACK!! Then in a calm voice, "But my love, don't ever do anything like that again, okay?" I promised, swore, and blubbered the darkest oaths to her. Thinking those two last swats were it, that was all of the 'more punishment,' I started to roll over onto my side to face her. Smack, SMACK, SMACK! all on my left butt cheek, the one nearest her. I quickly resumed the face-down position.

"Mark-baby, I don't like to hurt you like this, I really don't. But you have (light smack) to learn to not do anything (light smack on the other side) until I tell you to." Rubbing my butt gently again, "Do you understand?"

"I do, I do, I really do. I'm sorry, I'm still learning, I didn't know, I just...."

"Shhhhhhh, it's okay, love, I know. This kind of relationship is very new to you, it's alright. And I'm actually a little sorry, but acting this way really does something for me, it makes me feel powerful, strong even. Though by comparison to you and other men I'm just a weak girl. Can you forgive me for that? Can you accept me being this way if it means you get to be with me, in all the ways a man can be with a woman?" She lightly kissed my cheek and ran her hand soothingly across my back.

I pondered that for only a second, but saw the logic in it. She was a goddess after all, an ebony goddess with a perfect face, perfect breasts, perfect bottom, and perfect....womanhood. And if she was willing to let me, a skinny 18yo mortal, touch her in those places, and if she was willing to touch me too (which Candace and Keisha wouldn't, but maybe I still had Nia? Or Miss Pullam?) shouldn't I indulge her in this fantasy? Because I'd be getting something out of it too. And it was a small price to pay, wasn't it? Giving up some of my autonomy to her, in return for all the wonderful things we might do together. Who knows, she might even be my 'first'...

Gravely I told her that yes of course, I could live with a relationship like that. She was so beautiful after all, and if she allowed me to have fun with her, then I could worship and obey her in all the ways that she wished.

"Oh that's wonderful, Mark! Thank you for understanding. I'm actually starting to really like you, and.....(pause).....I've heard such good things about you that I wanted to see for myself, to see if what they'd said was true..." They? Just how many people has she talked to about me?

But I didn't think right now was the time to be asking that question, so I just nodded along, feeling good inside about the things she was saying about me, and what the other(s) must've told her. "Keep being respectful to women, Mark, and it'll take you a long way with them." I couldn't remember in that moment who'd told me that, but it was advice I was trying to live up to.

"Okay, baby, I hate to do this, but I did say you'd have to have more punishment—" my head raised up slightly to look questioningly at her, "Don't question me, remember? Or I'll simply put my clothes on and go home and you'll never be with me again."

I laid my head back down, dreading whatever she was about to say next. "Spread your legs. Wider. Good, now push your penis and balls back between them. All the way, stretch them out, that's it." What the...?

"Now, it was your penis that got you in trouble, wasn't it? He was doing the thinking, wasn't he? The swats on your butt were just to get your brain's attention, to make sure you were listening to me, really hearing (smack, smack!) me." I jumped at this unexpected resumption of corporal punishment. Then she laid across my lower back, her armpit in the small of my back. Her breath cool on my inflamed buttocks.

"So let me comfort you here," placing one cool wet kiss on each cheek, "while I administer appropriate punishment to your big, bad penis down here..." And then a terrific pain shot through the head of my dick, making me literally see stars. I think she had just flicked, hard!, that tenderest spot under the head of my dick; with it folded back as it was, now facing up, open to whatever torture she planned to inflict.

"Shhh, shhhhhhh, baby..." as she held me down with the weight of her body, kissing and lightly massaging my butt with her hands, so tender, so caring, and then...Smash! I nearly doubled over in pain as I think she punched the upper half of my still-soft dick (and not softly either!) smashing it into the mattress.

"It's okay, sweety, the pain will pass...shhhhhh," applying more kisses, even licks to my butt. "Shhhhhh...."

Telling me to stay put, she left for many seconds and came back with some kind of lotion. I'd heard a zipper, like the bag under the sink had, and then that cabinet door closing. Assuming her earlier position she lovingly applied the lotion to my butt, like you'd gingerly apply pain cream on a sunburn.

"Goddess knows it hurts, baby, but it's for the best, this punishment. You want to be a good boy for me, don't you? Enjoy all my womanly pleasures? Please me and let me please you?"

"Yes Goddess, I want to be good for you! I want you to let me do those naughty things to you again. For you, I mean! Even if you don't pleasure me back!"

Slow down, buddy!, my dick said, Where did that last part come from? You know you want this woman to touch me, stroke me again, put me between her breasts, into her mouth, maybe even into her... No!, my brain said, that was too much to wish for. Stop it! My dick wanted what it wanted, of course, but my brain was thinking that I wasn't worthy to put my big brutish penis inside this lovely creature.

I must've kept blabbering because Goddess told me, "Hush now, baby, I know. I know you didn't mean it and you won't ever do it again. But just one more punishment and we'll be back to normal, okay? I have more surprises for you, things I'm pretty sure you haven't done—or even thought of—before.

"Okay, baby? Can you hold out for one more? Can you take your deserved punishment like a man so we can get back to more-fun things?" Here she was actually caressing my dick, soothing it, the lotion still slick on her hand, making it glide along the tender skin, cooling it, calming it. Arousing it.

"Yes Goddess, punish me as you see fit. I want to be back in your good graces, I want to pleasure you like I did before, with my tongue in your vagina, in your butt even if you want that again," and on and on like that. I was actually starting to think about Miss Pullam now, the threat to her, and could I go through much more of this for her sake. But it was just one more, and surely it couldn't be as bad as the others?

"I know, baby. And I want you to do all those naughty things to me, to show me how much you adore me." Throughout all this she'd been gently caressing my dick, which seemed to have forgotten the two painful assaults before and was now getting hard under her fingers.

"Does my baby boy like it when I touch him like this? I think he does, look how long it's gotten!" She stretched my dick out to its full length and then some, praising it with her words, soothing it with her fingers. Through all this I was wondering when the next strike would come, and would it be a another hard flick, or a punch? With my dick this hard, either would hurt worse than before.

And then with a quick movement of her hand toward my crotch I was in blinding pain. Because she had grabbed my whole ball sack and squeezed it harshly, holding the pressure at maximum until I thought I would pass out. My body instinctively reacted, trying to escape the pain, but my brain quickly overrode it, willing me to stay still and take it, this punishment I deserved.

But the pain!, my balls said. But you promised!, my brain said. And if you don't get through this, pass this test, she'll throw us both out, and we couldn't stand that. And there's Miss Pullam to think about...

So I laid there, panting through the pain, groaning, crying, willing myself to endure it, when Goddess released the pressure just slightly, allowing me to think again, to process other nervous inputs, and began to talk to my balls.

"Bad balls! Full of your nasty cum you wanted to squirt on me, making my sweet Mark do something he knew he shouldn't have."

On shouldn't she moved her thumb between the two balls, squeezing again, forcing them out sideways from her hand, so her index and pinky fingers could squeeze them in and over the thumb, separating each into its own tight little bag of skin. The pain was still terrible, but different, not the nausea-inducing pain of being kicked in the balls, but a more erotic, bearable pain.

Caressing my butt again with her free hand, she continued on, "And look what you made me do to his cute little ivory butt: putting welts all over it—" a tight squeeze on my balls there, "—and my handprints outlined in red. Bad balls!" Another squeeze, this one harder than the first, making my cry out.

And then blessedly, the pain was gone. Goddess was still massaging my bottom, her hand that had been punishing my balls now back to tenderly caressing my cock, which had become soft during the assault, but was peaking his head up out of the foxhole now, seeing if the coast was clear. I think it was, because:

"I'm truly sorry, Mark," (I liked that again, Mark), "but we can't have that happening again, can we?"

"No, Goddess. It's alright, I understand. And thank you. Thank you for letting me stay here with you." Not for Miss Pullam's sake, but for my own now. Capri was really good at this new thing that I didn't understand yet.

"Oh you sweet boy! I think you really do like me. That's good, because I like you too, and I don't want to have to hurt you like that anymore. So you'll be good, won't you?" Her hand on my upside-down dick had picked up speed and was moving now with intent.

"Yes, Goddess. I'll be good for you. Mmmmm."

The Capri abruptly removed her hand from my dick (Come back! he pleaded), and with one finger began to trace outlines on my butt. "Poor baby, your butt must be so sore with all these welts. Let's get some ice for that."

She got up off the bed while I laid still, thinking she was going to bring some ice over. But also because she hadn't told me I could move, and I didn't want any more of those smacks on my butt, no sir!

"Oh I'm sorry, you can stand up now, Mark." I would normally have rolled onto my back at the side of the bed, sat up, then stood, but my butt was so sore that I didn't want to risk sitting on it or rubbing it across the cheap nylon bedspread. So I pushed/inched myself down to the foot of the bed still on my stomach, then when my feet touched the floor, pushed myself up.

"Poor baby, his bottom is too sore to even sit! Goddess is sorry, baby." I turned toward her and her tender words, to see her holding an ice bucket. Empty. "Take this and go get some ice. To the right, there's a machine in the breezeway."

Great, she's not even going to go get the ice to soothe what *she* did! And putting on those jeans is going to hurt. So I set the ice bucket on the dresser and reached for my boxers. At least they're smooth and slick and might feel good.

"Mark? What did I tell you to do?"

Confused: "You told me to get ice, Goddess. So I was..."

"But did I tell you to 'get dressed' and go get ice?"

"No, Goddess," I said, crestfallen. Surely she doesn't expect me to walk out there naked, her hand prints all over my bum? But when I looked at her, I saw that that was exactly what she'd meant. I dully picked up the ice bucket and went to the door, not sure I could go through with this.

As I sloooowly undid the chain and deadbolt, killing time, I was thinking, Maybe best to just call this thing off now, leave here with a sore ass and a sore dick and balls, which never did get to come. Count it as a lesson learned and not fall so easily for girls throwing themselves at me. It was blackmail, of course, but I knew I'd have come here voluntarily, even without that.

But this was just too much, even if it was to protect Miss Pullam. She's a grown woman who knew what she was doing and will just have to face the consequences. If she gets in trouble it won't be because *I'd" spilled our secret. Sure, I'd kinda told Trey about it, but I hadn't mentioned any names...

My dick, thankfully, was mostly on my side this time: Mark, this bitch is crazy! I won't blame you if you leave right now. In fact, let's go. Take me somewhere safe, like to Nia, or Rita, or even the girls. Their hands and other parts are soft and treat me nicely. This bitch though...

Capri, seeing my turmoil, and I think suspecting that she'd pushed me too far and that I'd rebel, relented.

"I'm sorry, Mark, what was I thinking? You should put your boxers on before you go." I was so relieved, and knew then that I would do it. Because the choice between stark nudity with an angry red ass, or being able to at least wear my boxers was as if she'd said, "Get fully dressed, and here, drape this comforter over you so no one even knows who you are."

I was putting my boxers on when Capri said, "And would you be a dear and bring me back a Sprite?" No 'please' I noted. I looked at her, half-expecting her to be holding a dollar out for me, but with a pleasant smile she only flicked her eyes toward my wallet, letting me know exactly who was buying.

"Yes, Goddess, I'll buy you a Sprite." "May I put on my shoes, Goddess." Yes.

Sliding into my sneakers I grabbed the door handle, steeling my resolve to go out like this. It was better than the alternative for sure, but still...

"It's okay, baby. People here walk around all kinds of ways. And your boxers just look like shorts from a distance. It's not like they're tighty-whiteys so it's obvious you're in your underwear."

"Yes, Goddess, I understand."

"And Mark, I sense that you're still shy with women. If you meet any out there I want you to say hi to them, give them a big smile, and note how they react to that. Okay? And if you meet any men, then just nod, like this," demonstrating a quick downward nod, eyes locked on mine, "and act like it's the most natural thing in the world for you to be out like that. Own it. You got this."

I nodded and was just about to open the door when, "Mark? I know all this seems silly, but it's just a little test, to see how much you want to be with me. I need to know that my men are really committed to me before I submit to them. Okay, sweetie?" She was rubbing her sex seductively as she'd said that.

"Yes Goddess, I understand," and I was quickly out the door. Looking left I didn't see anyone out on the balcony, and turning right toward the ice machine there was no one either, so I walked briskly past about 8 rooms to get to the breezeway she'd said I would find. It was October in Detroit and quite chilly tonight, which made my nipples harden instantly, and made gooseflesh break out on my naked torso. Then just as I rounded the corner I heard the thunk of a soda can hitting the outlet bin. Crap, it's too late to turn back, they've probably already seen me.

It was a woman, black, tall and gangly, her hair unkempt, a "tart" look about her, left hand in the machine reaching for her soda, head upturned to the right, looking toward the 'squeak' my shoes had made when I'd stopped abruptly.