White Freshman, Black Coeds Ch. 13


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Bent over like that I could see down into her top, one of those halter-top affairs that ties between the breasts. Red nylon, with matching hot pants, and white platform shoes. Large gold disc earrings completed her ensemble. Her breasts seemed enhanced, but might've been natural. Either way, they looked rather inviting bulging down and out of the skimpy top.

"Well hey, sugar! Whatchou doin' out here in the cold in just your underwear?"

Mortified, but I could ask you the same thing, in that skimpy outfit! Was she a 'working girl' maybe?

"Hello, ma'am. How are you this evening?" Big smile, as Capri had directed, though of course forced. I felt for a moment like someone being forced to do something like rob a bank or whatever. Having to say certain things, be a certain way on the outside, because otherwise they'll kill my family. But pleading with my eyes to this newly-met stranger: Help me! Please!! I don't want to be doing this, but they're forcing me to! Probably from some movie I'd seen.

But the stranger didn't see the pleading in my eyes, and my heart fell when she said, ""I'm good, baby, I'm good. And seeing you like that, I'm even better!" A smoker's voice, though still feminine enough.

Opening her Dr. Pepper she took a long draught of it, leaning her head back, which stretched and protruded her breasts interestingly. Big nipples poking through the fabric, which I could almost see the weave of now that she'd stepped closer to me. She smelled strongly of perfume, and as she started talking again, this close to me, I smelled the alcohol on her breath. She was between me and the soda and ice machines.

"No sir, I ain't seen me a fine white boy like you in quite a while. Quite a while...," as she brazenly looked me up and down, devouring me with her eyes. "You skinny, but you got some muscles on you..." as she reached out to squeeze one of my pecs. "You lookin' for a date, sugar? Cuz I could sure make time for a fine young man like you."

Yes, definitely a working girl, a hooker I think they called it. Later in life I learned to differentiate, and even visited some of these ladies. She wasn't an escort, more of a streetwalker, drumming up business wherever she could. I liked that she was black, and those breasts looked fun, but she was kind of rough around the edges if you know what I mean. Certainly not my type, especially compared to Candace, Keisha, and Nia. I put her at about 35, but "rode hard and put up wet" as they say.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I have to get some ice and a soda and get back to my room now." I had stepped around her and was buying the Sprite as I was saying that.

"Oh baby, don't tease me with your fine white body, that big dick jutting out from your shorts. Just come to my room for a little while. I have some wine...or some reefer if you want?"

"No ma'am, I can't. I'm sorry. I'm—," should I tell her? "I'm here with someone and I have to get back now."

"Is she your wife? No, you're too young to be married. Your girlfriend?" Not exactly, I said "Ohhh, you're here with a special friend, aren't you?! You naughty boy! You couldn't go to your place or hers, huh?" By now I'm getting really cold, and the cold air is having the same effect on her nipples as it's had on mine, making my mouth water a little.

"Yes, ma'am, something like that." I was getting the ice then, wondering if Capri was even worried about me.

"Okay sugar, well walk me back to my room at least? I'm down the same way you came from. It's not real safe out here after dark, and a lady might..." You're no lady, I thought. Rather uncharitably, which made me feel bad so I agreed to walk her back.

She put her arm through mine, like when they walk a bride down the aisle, her on the outside by the railing, me thankful that her body blocked the wind a little. When we were 2 or 3 doors away from 211, its door opened and Capri stuck her torso and head out, looking our way. I instinctively waved and she smiled back, with a look that said, He actually did it, look at him!

"Thas' your girl?? Oh honey you dun good!"

Just a few more steps as she leaned away to look me up and down again, "Just how big is your dick, anyway??" That made me blush, but then we were at the door, Capri still standing there, blocking it. As if I weren't to come in yet, and certainly my new lady friend wasn't.

"Girl! You got this fine white boy all to yourself?! Mmmm mmmm!"

"Not exactly," Capri says, "but we have a special arrangement."

She looked Rita up and down (who was still pantiless) "I see that.... I haven't seen you around here before, do you...?"

"I only come here occasionally. With select clients."

"Oh honey I understand! And you made a fine selection this time!" Drunken laughter at her little joke.

"Sister-girl, would you mind if I just touched up on him a little? I swear I ain't never seen such a handsome, chiseled young white boy as him before. Most of the white mens who get with me be older and softer. Fat usually, blech! But this boy is so delicious I could just eat him up!" And she showed me with her lips and tongue what she'd do to me if given half a chance.

"Sure, do what you want with him. But it has to be right here." My new lady friend wasted no time setting her drink on the windowsill and grabbing my pecs with both hands, squeezing and mauling them much as a man would a woman's breasts, especially if she were a stranger to him, someone he didn't care about.

"Now hold on a minute!" I said as I stepped back from her, setting the ice bucket and soda on the ground before standing back up. My new lady friend, thinking I'd just meant, Give me a second to set these things down, reached for my pecs again, but I batted her hands away.

Fighting that burning feeling in the bridge of my nose, I said angrily, "Miss Capri," 'Miss Capri' because I didn't want to say 'Goddess' in front of this strange woman, that would be giving too much away, "I have feelings, you know! I'm not just a horny guy carrying this big dick around trying to screw every woman in sight. I need to get to know them first... I'm not just a toy... I don't even know this woman's name, for God's sake!"

I turned my face away from both of them, fighting back tears. Tears of rage, of shame, of being abused, of being used. Of impotence. But wanting affection, even love. And towards the end, tears because I'd just countermanded Goddess Capri and now she'll kick me out of her life.

"Oh Mark, honey!" She'd stepped out and was cradling my face, forcing me to look into her deep brown eyes. "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't...." Capri lost for words?

"I didn't know you felt so strongly that way, that you were such a romantic. Most of the men I know, I could order them to 'do' your new lady friend right here over the railing—" new lady friend shivered and made a noise at that, "—and they would, without hesitating. But I see now how different from them you are, how special you are." And she planted a sensuous wet kiss on my lips. In my gratitude I hugged her tightly while letting her kiss me, hoping I hadn't overstepped my bounds, but she didn't order me off.

Over Capri's shoulder I could see new lady friend looking at us with....awe? Disbelief? Wonderment, I think. I got the feeling in that moment that she wasn't used to tenderness like this, displays of real emotion and not just lust.

Pulling away, with a confidence-boosting peck on the lips, Capri said, "Mark, introduce yourself properly to your new friend."

I extended my right hand to shake and said, "Hello, I'm Mark Livingston, from Ann Arbor, and I attend WSU."

Lady friend, a bit confused about all this, took my hand,gently, and said, "Hello, Mark. I'm Latonya, from Detroit, and I...work here in Detroit."

"Lovely! Latonya, I'm Capri, pleasure to meet you," and they shook hands. "Mark, is it okay if l let Latonya touch you now?"

"I'd like to come inside, God— Miss Capri, because it's freezing out here..." But her look and tiny shake of her head told me that wasn't going to happen. She'd taken up post just inside the doorframe again.

I looked down the balcony the direction I could see, then down into the parking lot, but didn't see anyone moving about, so I said, "Yes, ma'am, I'd like to feel Latonya touching me." Ma'am because I was purposely testing the limits, pushing back on her control over me, reading the situation, betting that Capri wouldn't blow up over the slight in front of this stranger.

She didn't say anything, but an almost-imperceptible arch of an eyebrow told me she'd caught it, and that there would be consequences later. I projected back to her, So be it, but I stood my ground at least. And that made me feel more in charge than I'd felt all night.

"Mark, you should probably give Miss Latonya permission yourself. It would be better for your psyche if you did." *Miss* Latonya. What, was she to be a co-dominatrix? And 'psyche'? Was Capri a Psychology major too? I'd have to think through that, were there connections?

I didn't know the word 'dominatrix' at the time, but in retrospect that's exactly what Capri was. Using the blackmail leverage of Miss Pullam to draw me into her web, then masterfully manipulating me to do all the sordid things she wanted to do with me.

I nodded in a way that acknowledged the wisdom of what she'd said, and thanking her for saying it, then, "Miss Latonya? You can touch me or kiss me any way you want." I don't know where 'kiss' came from, because it hadn't been mentioned before, but I was starting to become aroused by the unvarnished desire this woman had for me. And if I was to get anything out of this, it might as well include that too.

Latonya squealed and pressed herself against me, her arms wrapping behind me, pulling me tight, mashing her breasts into me. She stretched up to kiss my nose and chin and cheek, then trailed down to my neck, devouring it with her lush lips. Her hands meanwhile came around to the front, cupping and squeezing my pecs, then tweaking my nipples, which despite the cold air, became stiffer due to her attention.

I felt like a girl must when some guy, maybe an older guy in a position of authority who's imposing himself on her, attacks her in this way, eager to taste her and feel her everywhere before she realizes what's happening and pulls away. I can't say I exactly disliked the feeling, though. It was nice to be desired like this, and aside from Nia, I hadn't had this from anyone yet.

I heard a car pull in, turn off, and then the door open and close, but either the occupant didn't see us, or decided to mind their own business. Latonya, still latched to my neck with her lips, moved her hands down to my abdomen, which I tensed for her, thinking she might like that like Nia had. I think she did, attested by a muffled groan into my neck when she felt the washboard ripples there. I'd always had nice abs, but these last two months in the school's gym and my work in Tae Kwon Do class had really defined them.

Latonya stood up then, seeming more sober, but in a state of lust and breathlessness she hadn't shown before. This seemed real, not the fake come-on she'd used before. Holding me at arms-length by my shoulders and running her eyes up and down me once more, she said, "Thank you, Mark. That was so nice, your body feels so good, so tight and young. Capri is a lucky girl..."

"Don't you want to see his penis, Miss Latonya? It's quite impressive." I shot her a look that said, Really, Capri?! Not even worrying if it made her mad. I was beginning to catch on to how she operated.

Latonya looked at me, more caring than before, not as a thing to be selfishly possessed. But as a human being, a young man who probably wasn't familiar with the ways of the world. Who wasn't yet wicked like the rest of the world. With a tender, questioning look that asked, Would that be alright? I'd really like to... I smiled a simple smile that acknowledged her caring enough about me as a person to ask, then nodded.

"But touch it first from the outside first, Latonya." I said. Not adding the 'Miss' that Capri had been trying to implant. "I've found I like that a lot."

Latonya smiled a genuine smile, a smile that promised she'd be gentler this time. Then she hooked her left hand behind my neck, holding me or her steady, I'm not sure which, and with her right hand gently moved in open-palmed until she reached it. Having touched it she moved her still-flat hand up along its length, up and over the head, which made me shudder when it released from under her hand. Just the same as Nia had done, being just as gentle. On the next trip she started all the way at the base, lightly wrapping her down-pointing fingers around it, then repeating the slow trip up, this time causing more of a jump from me at the release.

She stepped away as if she were done, drinking in my body with her eyes one last time, but not as lustfully as before. More tenderly, trying to remember me. But I had a sudden urge for her to see it, to touch it... So without even looking to see if anyone was around, I quickly pushed my boxers down and stepped out of them. When I stood straight again he didn't disappoint, pointing up and out, the head reddened, pre-cum glistening at its tip. And I guess as thick as a Red Bull can, as I've said before.

"Oh my God, sug—Mark! It's incredible! I've never seen one so fat on a white man..." I'd noticed that her vocabulary had changed to match ours, maybe just because, or maybe to gain acceptance, inclusion? She clearly knew how to speak well, just in her line of work she'd had to adopt a certain persona.

"Would you like to touch it, Latonya?" I looked at Capri as I'd said, not for permission or allowance, but with a look of defiance. I'm doing this without you now. Even in spite of you. And I don't care what the consequences are. I expected an angry, there'll be consequences for this look, but saw only a look of pride in me, accepting what I was doing. Giving me back a little bit of power.

"Oh yes, please! Mmmmmm, it's so thick!" Here her skills from her line of work clearly showed, because she began to jack it in that up-and-down-while-twisting motion you've seen pornstars do. Just one hand, but smooth, fluid, practiced. Picking up the pre-cum from the tip, plus a surreptitious spit into her palm, she lubed it up nicely, and was stroking it as if she were trying to make me come. Not merely exploring, which I'd thought was the understanding.

Her left hand hooked behind my neck again, her right gliding smoothly, professionally over my cock, she looked into my eyes with a serious look. A look of longing, of wanting, of a desire to watch my face as I came due to her skill. I guess that's generally the same for men and women, then?

"Mark? Do you think we should stop now? Come back inside?" Was Capri a little jealous? Did she have skills like this?

Latonya, as if breaking from a trance, abruptly let go of my dick, and wiping the slickness from her hand onto the side of her hot pants, looked embarrassed, caught-out. She stammered, "I'm sorry, I... Whew, it felt so good, I lost myself for a minute. Yes, go back inside, I'm sure you two have plenty of fun things to do together. I'm sorry, excuse me."

She made a move to go around me, but I said, "Latonya?" That stopped her and gave me her attention, so I stepped in and hugged her, kissing her forehead, her nose, her cheek, and then down to her neck. Not wet or sloppy, just a few quick pecks on her cheek, then more lingering kisses on her neck, where I smelled her still-too-strong perfume, and felt her shudder just a little at my kisses.

Pulling back I grasped her face tenderly between my hands, looked soulfully into her eyes, and said simply, "Thank you."

What I saw in her eyes and face almost broke my heart, and still haunts me today. I didn't know Latonya's background at all, and while I could probably surmise a few things, I knew her life must not have been easy. That she'd probably had to put up with a lot of shit from men just to survive, and likely had rarely experienced the kind of tenderness I tried to pour into her eyes, convey through my hands.

She buckled a little, tears welling up in her eyes, as she looked back at me gratefully, knowing that I'd seen her. Sure, she wasn't now the kind of woman I'd be attracted to, but was that her fault? What kind of upbringing had she had? Had she been abused, neglected? At 15 or 16 was she the kind of bright-eyed girl Nia was now? Looking forward to a future of God-knows-what, but definitely good; dreams of a career as a nurse, or a teacher? Probably.

But something had happened to put her on this path in life, and I wanted her to know that I understood. Of course not 'understood' exactly, because I was too young, and maybe too white, but that I could understand, and that I didn't judge her. I didn't know exactly what had happened, or how terrible it might've been, but I understood that "things happen," and that no one would willingly choose this lifestyle. That I saw her humanity.

I teared up some myself, and hugged her close to hide my face. She squeezed me to her with incredible strength, thanking me through her body's contact with mine. She soon pulled away, and with a quick sniffle said, "Capri, you're a super-lucky girl, I hope you know that."

Capri just nodded and smiled, indicating that she knew; she looked different to me then, not as hard or bitchy. When Latonya was several paces away, she turned, looking directly at me, but speaking to Capri, "Treat him well. Please." Then she turned and walked on, wiping her eyes with the backs of her hands as she went.

I went back inside with Capri, opening her can of Sprite and drinking half of it before handing it to her.

"Just do your worst, I don't care anymore! You don't own me, and now I'm only staying to protect Miss Pullam. I don't care about you!"

Sitting on the edge of the bed I pulled a pillow over my lap, now somehow ashamed of my nakedness. Like Adam after he'd partaken of the apple.

Capri didn't say anything about me drinking her soda, but she sat beside me, facing me, and tenderly, wonderingly said, "Mark, I...."

She was lost for words, but I thought I knew what she wanted to say, and the thought of it made me sniffle. Buck-up, Mark, be strong! But what had just passed between Latonya and I...not the touching, but the looks at the end, the seeing of her, and reflected in her eyes, some kind of acknowledgement that what I'd seen, what I'd supposed, was remarkably close to the truth. Like I said, it still haunts me to this day.

"Mark, they told me you were different, that you were special...that you had a brain...and a heart, that you were super-romantic, but I— I didn't know it until just now. What I saw pass between you and Latonya, the way you accepted her, even though she's just a—"

I held up my hand in a stop symbol and practically yelled at her, "Don't say it! She's not just anything, she's a human being. A woman. A scared little girl inside still." Then I looked away to sniffle again.

Capri moved toward me, behind me, draping herself across my back, searching out my face with her left hand, wiping my tears away, caressing my cheek. From behind me she said, softly, almost inaudibly, "I'm still a scared little girl inside too..."