Who's On First


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Augie breathed in a deep lungful of air through his nose and took one last long, nonstop power suck. He sucked the cum right out of her and took it in the face. Her body writhed as she came, her ass slithered in his hands. When her release was over her spasms abated, and with her body wonderfully spent, she pulled his head up from between her legs. Their lips met and spread apart, their cum-flavored tongues dove together, and they kissed deeply and long. As the kiss was ending, just before Janelle was about to let her body sink back into the depth of the tub, she felt him enter her.

Augie wasn't through, he wanted to fuck her again. His cock was again at its fullest, so he slipped it between her pussy lips and rammed it home, and screwed her hard until he expelled a load of cum into her.


"Damn, Augie, that was amazing," Janelle said. "Looks like coaching baseball is not your only talent."

They were still in the Jacuzzi, skin-to-skin, sipping the drinks Augie had refilled.

"I think you are the amazing one. You are fucking sexy as hell."

"Well, I have to tell you," she said. " I knew I wanted you, and I was pretty sure it would be good. But damn, boy, you are really good. I can't remember the last time I felt so completely fucked. And where did you learn to eat pussy like that?"

Augie wasn't sure if the question was rhetorical, so he took his time, sipped his drink. Then he said: "From you."

Janelle lifted her head from his shoulder and looked up at him. "Say what?"

"You taught me."

"I taught you?" Janelle said, confused. "Taught you what?"

"You don't remember me," he said. "But I remember you. I could never forget."

Janelle sat up, turned to him. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"It was seven years ago," Augie said. "I was home for the summer after my sophomore year in college. It was a Friday night. I met you at a bar that's not there anymore, on the west side, it was called Anastasia's. I had on black jeans and a purple East Carolina t-shirt, and you wore a blue skirt with a white blouse, your hair was short, a wavy bob or something like that, and you looked hot as hell. We were flirting a little. I couldn't believe you were paying attention to me, being younger, but I was high on the thought of it. We hit it off, you invited me back to your place and I followed you home. It wasn't this place though, it was a townhouse. We had sex. And you taught me how to eat pussy."

Janelle got goosebumps when he mentioned the name of the bar. She remembered the night. It was the only time she'd ever been to the place. She'd gone there because no one would know her, and she had to be discreet. The place had a younger clientele and she thought maybe she could connect with some young stud for an insouciant one-nighter. She was separated from her husband, headed for divorce, her son was spending the weekend with Dad. And she was horny.

"No," she said.

"The townhouse was in a complex out by the old mall. Don't remember the street but the house number was 256. There was not much furniture, but there was a brass bed in a bedroom and a bunch of boxes stacked. You made it clear it was one night only. You took charge, you took me to bed and you showed me how you like it. I've never forgotten what you taught me, I've been doing it ever since. And I've never had any complaints."

Janelle was shocked. "That was you? His name wasn't Augie. It was, uh, what was it..."

"Gus. It's a nickname, just like Augie. My given name is Augustus, which I always hated. I had long hair then, was skinnier, and a perpetual three or four-day beard. And no sunglasses."

"Oh My God," Janelle said, her hand covering her gaspy mouth. "You must think I'm awful."

"I don't think you're awful. Why would I think that?"

"Because I did that. It was seven years ago, right? I was 33, and you were what, 19? To pick up a college kid in a bar and take him home like that."

"Come on, Janelle. We were just two people who met, the timing was right, we clicked and we went with it," Augie said.

Janelle was silent for a moment. She was thinking back, and it was coming back.

"That was a rough time for me," she said, shaking her head, looking down at the roiling water and holding his hand, embarrassed. "I was separated from my husband, we were getting a divorce, I was taking anxiety meds. The townhouse was a rental property we owned and were getting ready to sell. Jeff was with his father for the weekend. I had needs, I was out of it, I was lonely. I'm sorry."

Augie kissed her on her forehead. "Don't be sorry," he said. "It was one of the best nights of my life."


It was a muggy Friday night in August. Gus had worked two jobs all summer, a day job as a carpenter's helper and a part-time gig at an athletic shoe store. After he had wrapped up his last week on the day job, he and his old pal Marty played racquetball at the Y, and after their showers decided to go tip a few. Gus and Marty were best buds from first grade through twelfth, then went off to different colleges. Gus was a few days away from heading back to the university for his junior year, and this would be the last time they would see each other for a while. With their fake IDs in hand, they headed to Anastasia's, where the beer was cold and the pitchers were cheap.

The place had a horseshoe bar and booths along two walls. Gus and Marty found two stools on one bend of the horseshoe and ordered a pitcher of beer. When the pitcher arrived they filled their mugs and took healthy gulps, and the cold brew tasted great after an hour of racquetball. They scanned the room, looking for people they knew, not finding any. But as they talked, Gus caught the eye of an attractive older woman sitting a few stools away on the horseshoe bend. He had a good three-quarter view, not from the side and not full front.

She had short, rippled blond hair, and wore a smart business suit. She must have come from her job, Gus thought, a manager of some office or something. She was with another woman, younger, probably having a drink after work. Sharing a carafe of white wine.

The guys went through the first pitcher, and ordered a second. But after another fifteen minutes, Marty said he had to go. He was running late, his girlfriend was texting him and would probably be pissed. He left Gus with half a pitcher.

Gus stayed. He wasn't going to waste the beer, and he wanted to keep his eye on that woman over there who was glancing his way, smiling at him, and making eye contact. He had a slight buzz by now and no plans for the night. Could he actually hook up with an older, sophisticated lady like her? Be cool, he thought. Just be cool.

The ripple-haired blond had noticed him checking her out. Pretty good, she thought, he's cute, he'll do. She looked him in the eye a couple times, smiled at him, gave him a wink.

Gus could tell by their body language that the older woman and the younger woman weren't best friends or anything. They talked, but stiffly, without much enthusiasm. He sipped his beer, watched them patiently. The Friday night customers started slowly rolling in.

The younger gal swigged the last of her second drink and picked up the chit in front of her. She opened her purse and put some bills on the bar. She said something to Blondie, stood up, and headed to the restroom. Blondie took a sip from her wineglass, which was running low, and turned her head toward him, looked him in the eye.

This is it, Gus thought, my opportunity. Do I go for it, or wimp out? The place was filling up. It was yes or no, do or die, now or never.

"Excuse me," Gus said to the bartender, who was fortunately nearby. "That blond lady there. Do you know her name?" He nodded in her direction.

The bartender took a quick look at her, shook his head and said, "Never seen her before. Why?"

"Just curious. She's pretty hot, don't ya think?"

The bartender was a short, round guy with a bushy brown mustache, probably in his forties. He smiled, thought this young guy was a piece of work. "Don't you think she may be a little mature for you?"

Gus shrugged his shoulders. He'd had one experience with an older woman off at college, a baseball groupie who lived close to campus and came to every home game. What the hell, he was going to take a shot.

"Serve her another a drink on me, tell her it's from Gus, and what is her name? But bring me a shot of Jack Daniel's first." He slid a twenty across the bar.

"Okay, Slick," the bartender said with a laugh, taking the bill. "Good luck."

The shot was in front of him in thirty seconds. He downed it, chased it with lukewarm beer, then watched as the blond's companion returned from the restroom and said her goodbye. As she departed, the bartender didn't miss a beat. He put a fresh, filled wineglass in front of the blond, spoke to her briefly and pointed at him.

"Thank you, Gus!" she called, "I'm Janelle," loud enough for anyone nearby to hear. She raised her glass, said "Cheers!" and took a sip.

Gus raised his mug, gave her his shit-eatingest grin, and took a gulp of beer. He was trying to decide what to do next when she gave him a little finger wave.

"Your friend left, my friend left, care to join me, Honey?" Janelle said, tapping on the bar in front of the stool next to her. The Valium and the wine were talking and she wanted to take this kid home.

Gus didn't hesitate. He left the warm pitcher sitting on the bar, called for a cold one and sidled over to Janelle and sat beside her.

They talked, awkwardly at first, but their conversation soon smoothed out and moved on. He was getting served, so she assumed he was at least twenty-one. They ordered refills of their drinks, and occasionally touched each other as they conversed. He touched her hand, she touched his, her hand brushed his thigh, his arm nudged hers. The bar became noisy, filled with a boisterous Friday night crowd.

"You come here often?" Augie said, instantly kicking himself. He couldn't think of anything else at the moment.

"No, it's my first time," Janelle replied, not adding that she had come there hoping to find a young guy and get laid. "How about you?"

"Nah. Played racquetball with my buddy. We came here for a beer afterwards, and I won't see him for a while."

"Really? Why's that?

"I'm leaving next week. Going back to college."

Perfect, Janelle thought. "Hey," she said, her mouth close to his ear. "Wanna blow this joint and find someplace a little more private?"

Gus didn't have to think about it. He wouldn't have to scare up his nerve either, she was making it easy for him. This lady doesn't mess around.

"Sure," he said. "Where to?"

"I know a place." She took a last drink of wine. "Follow me."

They walked outside and got in their cars. Gus followed Janelle down the highway for a mile or so, passed the mall and turned into a townhouse community. Janelle pulled into the driveway of an end unit, he saw the house number 256 above the front door and stenciled on the curb. Gus parked in a guest spot across the narrow street.

Janelle fumbled through some keys, chose one but it didn't work. "Shit," she said, and tried another. The third one was the right one. They entered, she flipped on a light, closed the door. Gus looked around. The place was sparsely furnished and had some storage boxes stacked here and there. Janelle tossed the keys on a table. She'd left her purse locked in the car.

"Is this your house?" Gus asked.

"We own it, but I don't live here," she said. "I'm going through a divorce. This place is marital property, so we'll be selling it soon." She took a step toward him, close to him now, their toes touching, face-to-face. She wore heels so they were about the same height. "The kitchen is bare, so I don't have anything to offer you. Except me. But then, that's why you followed me here, isn't it?"

Gus swallowed air, nodded. There she is again, he thought, Miss No-Bullshit. His willy wiggled.

"Good," she said, putting her hands on his shoulders and staring into his eyes. "But we have to get something straight, right away. My life is much too complex these days, I'm going through a divorce, so I still have a husband and have to be discreet. I have a child, and a career, I can't have an affair. This is one time only, okay?"

"That's fine," Gus croaked. "I'm going back to school next week anyhow."

"Yes. That's one of the reasons why I chose you. That, plus the fact that you are a cutey pie. Kiss me."

He put his lips to hers and they melded into one fleshy mass, and soon their mouths opened and their tongues took over. He tasted wine, she tasted a trace of bourbon. Their arms wrapped around their backs tightly, their bodies pressed together. Gus felt her nipples firm against his chest like bullets, Janelle pushed her groin against his hardening cock. For a first kiss, it was a pretty long one, but when it ended they both knew it had been a damn good one.

"Nice," she said softly. Her blue eyes locked onto his. "You don't have any nasty college diseases I should know about, do you?"

"Nope. Clean as a whistle. I play on the baseball team. We get physicals twice a year, they test us for everything."

She took his hand and led him to the master bedroom. She flipped a switch and the room lit up.

The bedroom wasn't that big, and furnished only with a double bed in a brass frame, a night table and a dresser with the drawers open, empty. There was no lamp, only an overhead light on a ceiling fan that was turning slowly. Janelle pulled the string hanging there, killing the light but leaving the fan on. Then she opened the blinds on the double window, and slim strips of light from the streetlamp outside swept across the room. Enough light to see enough, but not enough to see too much. Eerie, Gus thought. Film Noir.

Janelle turned to him and said, "Get undressed, I'll be right back." She walked into the adjacent bathroom and closed the door. Gus took off his clothes, folded them and placed them on the dresser. Her directness was intimidating and sexy at the same time. He got into bed. His dick stayed stiff with anticipation.

He listened. He couldn't hear much, but he did hear the toilet flush and the faucet running. He closed his eyes, pictured her sitting on the john, pissing, wiping, washing her hands. He stroked himself.

The bathroom door opened. He saw her naked for a split second before she flipped off the fluorescent light above the sink. What a good looking woman, he thought. She came to bed and lay beside him, then into his arms. They kissed.

It was another barn-burner. As their tongues moshed and their mouths sucked, their hands started working overtime. Janelle wrapped her arms around him, stroked his back, fingered his longish hair and fondled his muscly butt. Gus had handfuls of tit and ass. Her nipples were like chips of granite.

Before long Gus was sucking her granite chips into his mouth, and Janelle was moaning and chewing his hair. She felt his hand slip between her legs, and moaned as his fingers entered her. She groped for his cock but she couldn't reach it.

She put her hand to her crotch, held his hand and gnashed her twat onto it, pushed his fingers deeper inside her. She was good and wet and felt his teeth surround her left nipple as he sucked on it. She pulled his head up to hers, rammed her tongue into his mouth.

"You want my pussy?" she asked softly, her face flush up to his. He nodded and mumbled a yes. "Good. You're getting some tonight." Another kiss, then: "Go down on me."

Down he went. In no time his head was between her splayed legs, and he was kissing her thighs, licking her labia, jabbing his tongue into her. Janelle reached down to her swollen clit, put her finger on it. Gus took the hint.

"Here," she said.

He licked it, sucked it briefly, licked it again. Janelle held his head in her hands.

"Put your tongue on it," she said. He did. "Now, put your lips around it, seal it in." He did that too. "That's good. Now suck on it, not too hard." He did. "That's it, like that, that's good."

She rocked her crotch gently, pushing her clit into him, fucking his mouth. She was breathing harder, faster, holding his head steady as she ground her mound into his face, getting closer, wanting to come, needing it.

Gus backed off, took a breath, licked her left lip.

"No!" Janelle exclaimed, digging her painted nails into his scalp, pressing his face against her snatch. "Stay on it, keep your lips around it, suck it, don't blow on it, don't let the air hit it."

He took it back into his mouth, his tongue cushioning it, his lips surrounding it, keeping it warm and wet. He sucked gently, felt her hands in his hair and on his shoulders as her body squirmed. She grabbed his right hand, which was clasped around her left tit, and brought it to her mouth.

"That's it, Gus. Like that. Keep doing that. Don't stop."

With one hand still on his head, she took his middle finger into her mouth all the way and sucked on it, licked it, moved it around, surrounded it with saliva. Took it out of her mouth, swung it around behind her, pressed his finger to her butthole.

"Stick it in my ass," she said. "And keep doing what you're doing with your mouth. Yes, just like that. Damn that's good, uh huh." She flinched only slightly when she felt his finger dig into her.

He kept doing what she asked him to do. Sucked her clit, licked it, tasted her oozy funk, finger-reamed her butt. He felt her cunt mashing against his face and her asshole pinching his finger.

"Oh God, yes!" she blurted, and fucked his mouth harder. "I'm coming..."

She exploded into his face. Her body gyrated and her legs flailed and her nails dug into his flesh. Gradually her throes slowed and diminished. He removed his face from her crotch and his finger from her ass. She pulled his head up to hers and kissed him, a ten-second tongue twister.

"Fuck me," she said.

He banged her as hard as he could without getting dizzy, and her cunt squeezed his cock in perfect rhythm. She came again, he knew by her body spasms, and then he had his own orgasm and dumped a long chain of sperm into her.

"That was good," Janelle said, after a few minutes of repose. Then she got up, went to the bathroom, cleaned up. Came back out dressed, thanked him, said it was time to go.

Gus knew he had done good. Not only did she come, but she came twice. Came big. That's the goal isn't it, to make the lady come? And he'd learned a few lessons in the process. Lessons he wouldn't forget.


"Do you remember much about that night?" Augie asked, draining his drink and reaching for more.

"Not a lot of details," Janelle said. "Like I said, my life was in turmoil at the time. But I do remember that the first kiss was a pleasant surprise. I thought it went really well considering you were so young. I remember having a couple orgasms."

Distant thunder growled. It started to rain, and soon was coming down hard. They grabbed what they could and ran inside. They ate sandwiches, then fucked again on the couch in the living room. Janelle's phone rang at around nine o'clock and she disappeared naked into the next room to take the call. Augie waited a few minutes, then dressed and let himself out without saying goodbye. He realized later that he'd left his skivvies out in her backyard on the rain-puddled deck.


"What happened to you last night?" Janelle asked, the next day on the phone.

"I waited a few minutes, but it seemed like you might be on the phone for a while. So I left," Augie said.

"Sorry about that. It was my sister. She had a fight with her husband and I had to calm her down."

"No problem."

"You left your underwear."

"I know. I realized that later."

"Good thing I found it before Jeff did."

"Right. Sorry about that. I guess I'll need to see you again."