Wife Falls for Co-Worker

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My wife and a co-worker become lovers.
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Author's note: This is a cuckold story. If you don't like such stories, this story is not intended for you so please don't bother reading. My stories are fictional based on fantasies. In some cases I have witnessed certain elements of the stories I write.


It was at an annual party that we have for friends on Memorial Day weekend that I realized my marriage and my life and role with my wife had made a dramatic change.

A week or so before the party, my wife asked if I had invited Derek, a co-worker of mine. He and I were cordial, but not good friends or anything. In some ways at work we were even rivals for the same opportunities. I told her no, I had not invited Derek. She said well why don't you, I would like to see him again.

"Really, I didn't realize you knew him that well."

She had only met him at the company Christmas party this past December. And as I thought about it, I remembered they had danced together quite a bit that evening. I don't dance, and so he just wound up being her dance partner. And I do remember getting a twinge of jealousy and even lust when I saw them holding each other closely on a slow dance at the end of the night.

"Well, I danced with him at the Christmas party," she said. "And, well, we have been in touch a few times since then."

"What do you mean in touch," I asked.

"Well we have been texting back and forth a little. And I have had lunch with him a couple times."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," I said. "You have been texting each other and you've gone out with this guy I work with! Wow, I am stunned. And I am a little surprised you are telling me all this, admitting all of this to me."

"Okay big boy back off. You are the one who said it might spice up our sex lives if we brought someone else to bed with us. And you said you would like it to be a man. You said it would be hot to see me have sex with another man."

"Yeah, okay you're right I did say that. But that was quite a while ago, and you said no fucking way are you have sex with another man!"

"Well lets just say I have changed my mind. I have evolved. I think I'm open to the idea now. I think maybe we should give it a shot."

"This is unfucking believable," I yelled.

"You go to my Christmas party. Dance with this guy Derek. And now you are going out with him and ready to take him to bed!"

"Oh come on. Don't be so melodramatic. You are the one who started this. You told me you thought it would be hot if I dated another guy, even had a lover on the side. You also told me that you are bi and that you fantasize about having sex with a man yourself."

Of course, she was right about all of that.

"Okay, but somehow I thought this was something we might - MIGHT - try together. You are going out on your own with this guy. This is all about the two of you."

"Come on," she said, "we both know this might be kind of exciting."

"Okay, I know the two of you danced together at the Christmas party, and seemed to have fun together. But how did all of this other stuff happen? I want to know everything."

She said she had a lot of fun with him at the Christmas party. She says they flirted and when they slow danced she could feel he was hard. She said he kind of pressed it against her and said he was sorry but it was her fault because she made him aroused. She says they both kind of chuckled and he held her a little tighter and that made her aroused.

She said near the end of the evening he told her he would like to take her out dancing sometime. She said she could never do that because she is married. The last time they danced, she said he brought it up again and said he would really love to see her again. She told him she thought he was very attractive and had enjoyed the evening dancing with him but again told him she is married and that would be wrong.

She said he seemed so sweet and she was really turned on from their dancing and talking and holding each other, so when he asked if he could at least call her sometime and talk to her she gave in. She gave him her cell phone number.

She said don't get mad, but she admitted she thought about him quite a bit over the next few days. But when he didn't call or text she thought nothing more was going to happen, and it was probably for the best.

But then she said, about a week later, he texted her and told her he couldn't stop thinking about her. He said he had a great time with her at the Christmas party and he would really love to see her again. She told him she was flattered and admitted she had thought about him too. But she could not go out with him. He accepted that. But later that day he texted again to say he was still thinking about her and wished he had met her before she got married. She told him she was sure he had a lot of women all over the place anxious to be with him, and back in the day, added that she doubted she would have had a chance with him.

After that she said they texted back and forth every day or so. And it turned into quite a lot of flirting. She said she couldn't really help it. She said she was just having fun with him and she was very flattered that such a big, athletic, charming guy like him who could probably have any sexy young single woman he wants would find a married woman like her attractive.

So eventually she said she accepted when he asked her for the umpteenth time to go to lunch. She said it was all pretty innocent. Nothing happened except more conversation and some flirting. A couple weeks later when he pressed her to go to lunch again, she says she thought why not. She said the second time there was more flirtation and before they parted, they kissed.

"What do you mean, kissed?" I asked. "A kiss on the cheek or making out?"

"It got kind of hot and heavy," she said. "First it was a kiss on the cheek. And then we looked at each other for a moment, and just kind of went in for more. We kissed on the lips and it became passionate."

"What does that mean, Passionate? Open mouth, major making out? Just how far did it go?" I wanted to know.

"He pressed his tongue against my lips and I responded. We french kissed like that for a little bit. Then he grabbed my hand and walked me to his car. I didn't resist, I wanted it too. And then we made out in his car. He touched me, and I fondled him. It was pretty hot."

"You let him touch your breasts and pussy, and you touched his dick? You are fucking amazing!"

"Well, we didn't take our clothes off or anything, we just touched through our clothes. And no he did not touch my pussy, just my boobs. He told me he wants to make love to me. I said that cannot happen. But you said you wanted me to be with another man, and I am thinking this might be the perfect situation. He and I are attracted to each other. You said it would turn you on. And he and I want to make love, so why not!"

"No I did not say I want you to make love to someone else. I said I thought it would be hot if you had sex with another man. Now you are talking about making love. I don't want you to love someone else. Maybe just have sex with him. Only sex!"

She glanced down at my crotch and smirked.

She said, "Look at you, talking about this has gotten you all hard. This turns you on. And 'have sex, make love' call it what you want it would be exciting for both of us. You would still be my husband. I would still love you. I just want to have sex with him. And I think you would love it too."

So that is how I wound up inviting Derek to our party. What I didn't know is that she had told him I fantasized about her having sex with another man. And she had apparently told him if I invited him to our party it meant I had agreed they might be able to take the next step and could go to bed together. So when I invited him, he kind of smirked and said my wife, Wendy, had told him I might invite him, and he would love to be there and love to see Wendy again.

That night, I told her I had invited her friend Derek to our party.

"I know, baby," she said. "Derek told me. Thanks for doing that. This is going to be good for all of us."

Apparently, they were in contact with each other quite a bit.


The party was well underway when he finally arrived. When the doorbell rang, I answered. And there he stood with a bottle of champagne and a red rose.

As I shook his hand and welcomed him, he said "A bottle of champagne for the house, and a rose for the lady of the house."

Before I could even respond, she was at the door. They embraced and kissed. It looked like she was going for his lips, but he turned his head and kissed her on the cheek.

He gave me the bottle of champagne, gave her the rose and said "For the beautiful lady of the house."

She laughed. I thought wow, he is laying it on pretty thick. And as I walked toward the kitchen with the wine, she grabbed his hand and led him to a group of her friends to introduce him like a special guest of the party.

Eventually, he came over to the group of our work colleagues at the party to say hello.

But soon he was back with my wife and her friends. And they seemed to stay close to each other most of the night. Even from across the room I could see they kept looking at each other. It seemed to me like they were flirting. I have to admit it made me aroused.

At one point, she took a small group including Derek on a tour of our house. Eventually, everyone in the group was back in the party room and kitchen. Everyone except my wife and Derek. I waited and kept watching the stairs for them. And after about ten minutes, I went upstairs looking for them.

I opened the master bedroom door and flipped on the light to find them, making out. He was startled and started to pull away from her.

But my wife held him and very calmly said, "Hey honey. I was just thanking Derek for the rose and the champagne, and trying to make him feel welcome."

I nodded, and said "I can see that. I'm sure he feels very welcome right now. But we have other guests too, you know."

She just kind of chuckled and said "I know baby. We'll get back to the party in a minute. Why don't you go ahead of us and we'll be right down."

And just like that my wife had dismissed me so she and her boyfriend could have a few more minutes of privacy. Once again, my dick got hard in arousal.

It was another few minutes before they finally came down the stairs in front of everyone hand in hand. I noticed a number of people - friends of hers and coworkers of mine - look at my wife and Derek and then glance over at me apparently to check my reaction. I tried not to express any reaction at all.

Later when the party wrapped up and everyone had left except Derek, she said, "Hey how about we pop that champagne that Derek gave us. I think it's time we toasted new friends and new adventures."

I came out of the kitchen unwrapping the foil on top of the bottle of champagne to find them once again kissing passionately. They stood arm in arm as I popped the champagne and poured three glasses.

She held up her glass and toasted "To new friends, fresh passion, new adventures!"

They sat together on one end of the couch, my wife in his arms and they recounted for me how their friendship had grown into lust and desire. Several times as they told the story, they turned to each other and kissed to emphasize developments in their relationship.

"I'm glad you are okay with this," Derek said to me. "Your wife is the hottest woman I have ever known. And I cannot wait to make love to her."

There it was again "make love!" It just supposed to be sex.

"Well," I said, "Wendy and I have agreed that it would just be sex. And we agreed that we can have an open relationship when it comes to just having sex. I am in love with my wife and I want her to be happy."

They both smiled and nodded in agreement, and he said he thought Wendy and I have a very mature, understanding, progressive marriage.

They looked at each other lustfully, and my wife said, "Honey Derek and I are going up to bed now. Will you be okay in the guest bedroom."

"Okay, sure" I said, "if that's what you want."

As they got up and headed for the stairs he turned and said, "Thanks Mark, see you in the morning."

Perhaps, his way of saying he intended to spend the night with my wife in our master bedroom. The reality of all of this was slamming home, and had me hard once again.

Later after I had turned out all the lights downstairs and locked up for the night, I quietly stepped to the master bedroom. The door was closed but I tried to listen to my wife and Derek. I couldn't hear much. But I did hear my wife says "Oh my God, so big!"

Moments later I was on my back in the bed of the guest bedroom that doubles as my office masturbating as I fantasized about what they were doing and what it meant for me.

Later I sneaked back to our bedroom. This time the door was ajar. Had they opened it so I could watch? The room was dark. But I could see they were naked, embracing and whispering as they kissed and caressed each other lovingly. It was apparently the afterglow of their first round of sex. It would not be the last that night.

So now I was a cuckold. My wife had consummated her lust for another man.

And the way they were kissing and caressing, it really seemed more like making love than just having sex.

It scared me. I wondered if I had at first suggested, and then given into something that was already out of control. Something that would cost me my wife.

I almost could not believe it. My wife was in our bed having sex with another man she clearly had the hots for. And that was an understatement. After all she had chosen him over me to sleep with and have sex with - or make love to! I was sent off to the guest room, as if I were the visitor, the guest. Un-fucking-believable!

And yet it was all such an amazing turn on. I went back to the guest bedroom and masturbated again.

I had a fitful night, several times going back to check on them. Each time I found the door ajar. Once I found her on top, riding him and moaning, telling him how good it felt. Another time she was between his legs worshiping his dick. Licking it, sucking it like it was the best thing she had every seen or tasted.

In the morning, I was sitting at my computer looking at porn when the door opened, and Wendy came in wearing only the shirt that Derek had worn to the party. She looked ravaged, but happy, excited. She asked if I was okay. I said I think so, but it was a tough night in some ways. I asked how she was and if she had fun.

"Jesus I am so good! I'm great! It was wonderful! Thank you for being so understanding. Thank you for suggesting this. He is amazing. I almost felt like I couldn't get enough of him," she said.

As I sat in the chair she moved in front of me. I looked her up and down and focused on her pussy. It looked swollen and red. Her well trimmed line of pussy hair was matted with cum, and her labia looked wet.

"Are you sure you are okay?" she asked. "Do you still love me?

"Yes, I still love you. It was a very sexy night for me in some ways too. I watched you a couple of times and it was incredibly arousing for me."

She moved directly in front of me, with her pussy close to my face.

"Show me you still love me baby," she said, as she looked me in the eyes and then down at her pussy. I knew what she wanted. "Kiss my pussy show her you still love her."

I had thought about doing just that as I looked her over. And so I moved to her pussy and kissed her, pulled back a little and inhaled the her scent, the smell of their combined fluids. She raised her right foot on the edge of the chair, spreading apart her legs and labia.

Then I kissed her again and licked her. I tasted her and licked her sexy, swollen, enticing labia. I licked up and down and as deeply as I could go. I teased her clitoris with my tongue and she moaned. I licked deeply, and she said "Yes, baby I knew you would want this. Lick it all. Clean his sperm out of me. It's all yours now. I knew you would love to clean me like this."

And she was right, I loved it, I had lusted for it. I had masturbated fantasizing about doing this very thing.

She said "You would love his dick baby. It is so big, so hard and so thick. I know you would love to suck him, wouldn't you?"

I had gone much further than I should have already. I wasn't ready to admit that yet, even though she and I both knew it was true. So I didn't say anything.

When I finished cleaning her she leaned down and kissed me open mouth on the lips tasting and savoring the juices she and her lover had produced while having sex, which I had licked from her pussy.

She said she was going down to fix breakfast. I told her I would be down after taking a shower.

When I walked into the room she was standing over him as he sat at the kitchen table. She was leaning down and passionately open mouth kissing him as he fondled and caressed her sexy naked ass. She was still in just his unbuttoned shirt and he was sitting there in nothing but his boxers.

When they heard me they turned around. She smiled at me as she caressed his shoulder affectionately, and he just said "Morning Mark. Wendy is making us a great breakfast. Hope you had a good sleep."

I just kind of nodded and said, "Morning."

I got myself a cup of coffee and turned to sit down when I realized he was sitting at the head of the table, and showed no sign of moving. And that is where he sat - like the man of the house - as we had breakfast. And based on the events of the past night, maybe he was the man of the house now.

He caressed Wendy's arm and hand - almost lovingly - as my wife sat next to him and across from me during breakfast.

Afterward, he got up to take a shower and get dressed and I couldn't help but glance down at the bulge in his crotch. I looked a moment longer than I should have because when I looked up he was looking directly at my and smiling. Then he adjusted himself, gave me another look and went upstairs.

She followed him up soon after, and it was a good hour before them came back down. When they did come down he was dressed and she was completely naked. They had clearly fucked again.

She saw him out with more open mouth kissing and fondling at the front door. His hands were all over her ass, his fingers exploring and caressing the cleft between her luscious cheeks.

That night she cuddled with me and thanked me for a great night. She said she really liked Derek and he had asked her out. She said she hoped I would be cool with them dating. She promised she still loved me, but now she also had intense feelings for Derek.

As she put it, "Honey I just love making love to him. He said he wants to own my pussy. I told him he will have to share me with you for now. But I have to say, I can't seem to get enough of him.

"Maybe he'll let you join in at some point."

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Thanks for suggestion from wife ,he may give you pussy if he wants to give he is the owner of your wife pussy you lost you rights because sharing your fantasy to your wife you lost her, she used it against you are cuckhold for life you will be denied now your own fault ,she us born cuckholdress your her cuckhold slave to be, he is her lover man of the house

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I would have liked to see Hubby in a chastity cage while Loverboy held the key- so he would truly have owned her pussy and continued dating.

inka2222inka222210 months ago

stupid cuck BS. Wish the dumb website just made a separate category for them, so sane moral people wouldn't have to wade through the swamp of cuck BS to read good stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

There is no way for this story end here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


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