Wife Training Ch. 01

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Husband uses hypnosis to try and seduce his wife.
3.7k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/07/2022
Created 02/20/2012
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This is a multi-part story. This first chapter sets the scene for everything else. This story is as much about the characters as it is about the erotic sex. It may seem like it takes some time to build up to it...but it will be worth it in the end. Please rate it favorably if you like what you read. Thanks!



My name is Connor Bradley. I am 36 years old, married for 15 years to my beautiful wife Laurie, and we have 4 kids. I am a musician and am very passionate about my music. In general – my life is good! My wife is a school teacher and between our two jobs we have more than enough money to live a comfortable life. Don't get me wrong – we are not rich, but we are content and mostly happy. Our kids are well adjusted and do well in school. We have an active social life when we aren't chauffeuring the kids around town to all of their extra curricular activities. We are your typical run of the mill, old-fashioned American family. The most exciting thing that happens in our lives is when we might make a big purchase like a new big screen TV or every few years get a new car. Otherwise – we just do our thing. The days roll by. The routine runs our lives. And we...just...live.

That was until one day when I was dropping off the kids at school. They hopped out of the car and I shouted to them, "Love you! See ya at home later!", as they tromped across the walk way into school. I turned the radio on as I began pulling away and tuned in to the local sports talk station. They were running some commercials and I wasn't really paying attention to them. My mind was on the new tunes I had been working on the last couple days. Suddenly – I heard the word hypnosis come over the radio. That seemed odd to me. I had listened to this radio station nearly everyday and had never heard a commercial about hypnosis before. I turned it up and caught the last little bit. Some company was trying to get people to show up at an informational session where they would explain all of the wonderful ways that hypnosis could improve your life. They hyped everything from quitting smoking to losing weight and even said they could help improve your memory nearly to the point of having a photographic memory. I turned the radio back down when the commercial ended and just let my mind ruminate on what I just heard.

The only exposure I had ever had to hypnosis was seeing clips of stage shows in a club where volunteers would come up out of the audience and the hypnotist would make them do funny things. I also vaguely remembering hearing about how super star athletes would use hypnosis to help them focus and sharpen their games so they could perform in the "zone" and compete at a higher level than anyone thought possible.

I pulled into the driveway and made my way into our nice suburban home. I grabbed a cup of coffee and headed for my studio behind the garage. I flicked open my macbook pro and opened up the internet browser. The Google page opened up and I found myself starting to search for hypnosis. Page after page was opened before me. I couldn't read about this new topic fast enough. I was bouncing from page to page and was having a hard time focusing in on anyone thing...and that's when I saw it. It was an ad for a website that said "EROTIC HYPNOSIS: Have the Sex Life You've Always Dreamed About".

My eyes lit up and I paused a moment to think about what I was seeing. My sex life was average. It wasn't going to win any awards but it wasn't non-existent either. I loved having sex with Laurie and certainly would love to have more than we did, but I wasn't complaining at all. Laurie worked out a lot and kept her body in top physical condition. She was 5'2" and weighed about 105 lbs. She had dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. There was no sag in her body and people were always shocked to learn that she had 4 kids. She looked stunning. She had breast implants put in after our last child was born to help regain the shape that mother nature tried to rob from her. And they weren't massive either – most people probably would never even think that they weren't all natural. They fit her body wonderfully well. But other than that – she was a pure natural beauty. Her libido had definitely slowed down over the last couple of years, but again, it wasn't non-existent. The only real complaint I could make about our sex life was that it was fairly predictable. Same foreplay, same positions, same amount of time, etc. etc. etc. There was certainly no spark or intensity about it. We used to fuck like animals before the kids were around. We would do it anywhere at anytime with little inhibition. But things change and life changes and relationships change – not necessarily good or bad – it just does. Laurie and I loved each other and we knew no matter what, that we would be together forever.

I felt a small twinge in my pants as I let my mind wander and imagine what the possibilities could be with this hypnosis thing and how it could effect our sex life. I clicked on the link and opened the page, and my life would forever be changed because of it.

The first link I saw was one that said "ORGASM ON COMMAND". I immediately clicked on that to find out what that was all about. The information claimed that you could give your lover a command to orgasm while they were in hypnosis and they would. What?!? Could this possibly be true. Is it really as simple as hypnotizing someone and then just telling them to cum? I spent the next couple of hours scouring this website to glean as much information as I could. This lead me to search out other websites about erotic hypnosis. I found that there were a lot of people out there claiming that all of these things were possible and that they were living examples of them and that it completely changed their sex lives for the better.

Over the next couple of days I spent hour after hour online trying to learn as much as I could. I bought a couple courses from people claiming that they could teach you everything you needed to know to hypnotize anyone at anytime and I bought courses from guys who taught me how to introduce the erotic suggestions while in hypnosis to get the best results.

After spending about $500 on different things I decided I needed to actually do something about this and see if this stuff really worked. I decided I would hypnotize my son first just to see if I could actually hypnotize him and what would happen. My son is 11 years old. He's a really good baseball player, but he had been struggling recently with his confidence and was in a pretty big hitting slump at the plate. I thought this would be a great way for me to be able to help him. If it worked I would give him the confidence he needed to be a great ball player and get out of his hitting slump and I would be able to prove to myself whether this stuff worked. If it didn't work then nothing lost except my son knowing I tried and nothing happened.

I didn't tell anyone else about what I was doing. I waited one day until everyone else was out of the house and I asked him if he would come back to my studio – I wanted to talk to him about something. When we got back to the studio I sat him down and told him that I was hypnotist and asked if he had ever heard about hypnotism before. He said he had, but that he didn't know much about it. I spent about 5 minutes explaining what it was and what it wasn't and then told him I thought that it would be really good for him and his baseball stuff. I asked him if he would like to be hypnotized and he said he would try.

I was so nervous, but I tried not to let it show on my face or body language. I followed the plan of a very simple induction that I learned from one of the courses I had bought. To my astonishment – it worked! He was under and in trance in about 5 minutes. I proceeded to test some different things and had him stiffen his arm so that he couldn't bend it. I had him forget his name. I made him laugh hysterically anytime I tugged on my right ear. I was blown away by good this was going. I then spent some time doing some "change work" as they call it in the business. I spoke with him about his baseball stuff and installed a massive amount of confidence about his game later that night. I then woke him up and asked him how he felt. He said he felt fine and that felt pretty cool.

The real test for me would be to see what happened later on at the game that night. He certainly appeared to be a different kid on the ball field that night. Other parents, his coach and even Laurie wondered what had gotten into him. He went 4 for 4 and played absolutely outstanding. They were all very happy for him as was I, but I was more happy for myself now, knowing the potential of this new gift I had and what would lie ahead for Laurie and I.

Later that night as we lay in bed Laurie said, "Man, I just can't believe how good buddy played tonight! It was like he was a different ball player."

I smiled in the dark.

"You wanna know why?", I asked, quietly.

"What do you mean?" Laurie responded.

"Do you wanna know why he played so good tonight?" I replied.

"What...?" she kind of sat up on one arm and I could tell she was looking at me in the dark room.

"Well.." I began, "I hypnotized him and told him he was a great baseball player and that he when he stepped into the batter's box that he would be able to focus and concentrate like he never had before. It would be like everything was moving in slow motion...and it worked." I chuckled.

"You did WHAT?!?", Laurie cried incredulously. "What the fuck are you talking about, Connor?", she exclaimed.

"I hypnotized him and told him he would play good, that's all." I tried to explain.

"Where in the hell did you learn how to do that? And don't you think you should have involved me in that little decision before you go off and jack with our kids minds?" she said as her tone became much more stern and forceful.

"Hold on babe," I tried to say in a calming voice, "it's not like that. I've been doing a lot of reading about it lately and have picked up some books and stuff that showed me how to do EVERYTHING. I honestly didn't even know if it would work. I couldn't do any damage, that's not what hypnosis is all about. It's not like what you see in the movies." I could tell I wasn't having much success in my explanation.

"What's this all about Connor? Why the hell am I finding out about this little 'hobby' of yours like this? We talk about everything...and this just pops up out of the blue.", she said in a very exasperated voice.

"Baby, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it. It really didn't seem like a big deal to me. I'm truly sorry I didn't let you in on it, but look at what happened. He played better than he has in his entire life...and all because I spent 20 minutes with him and helped his mind to focus on what it needed to." I said softly but emphatically.

"I don't know Connor – this feels really weird. What's this really all about?" she asked pryingly.

"Laurie – you know a couple of weeks ago when we are out on that double date with Ken and Lisa?" I asked.

"Yeah." Laurie responded. "What about it?"

"Well, do you remember how we talked about how lovey-dovey they were and how we kept teasing them that they needed to just get a room and get it over with?" I continued.

"Yes, Connor, I remember...what's the point?", she asked.

"I wanted that. I remember when we used to be like that. I remember those incredible times of crazy passion that we used to share in. We used to want to fuck each others brains out night and day. We had such amazing sexual passion back then." I started to explain.

Laurie interrupted me, "So you hate our sex life and you think you were going to hypnotize me and make act like that again. OH NO!" She declared. "There's no way in hell I'm letting you hypnotize me."

"Laurie – just hold on a sec. You are putting words in my mouth. Let me finish. Please." I pleaded.

She settled back disgruntled but she remained quiet.

"Laurie, baby, I love you with all of my heart. You are my soulmate. We just CLICK with each other. You are my best friend. I would spend every moment of my life with you if I could. I LOVE YOU! But baby – you have to admit – honestly. Is our sex life reflective of how we really feel about each other? Does how we love each other physically demonstrate our passion for each other? It's changed baby. We have gotten into a rut. We've become....OUR PARENTS...we love each other, yes, but that ZIP, that PASSION, that animalistic craving...it's not there right now."

I could hear a sniffle in the dark. The one I've heard before when I know she's starting to cry.

"Connor?" She said. "Are you cheating on me?"

"WHAT?!? NO!!! Are you crazy!!!" I exclaimed.

"Well, I'm obviously not meeting your needs anymore. You are obviously not satisfied with me at all. I had no idea." She began to cry openly.

She rolled over and her back was to me. I could hear her sniffling.

"Laurie – no one on this planet could turn me on like you turn me on. You are sooo smoking hot! Your body is kick-ass and the way you carry yourself and the way you dress just accentuates your sexuality. I would be the dumbest man on the planet to want or try and chase anyone else, but you.", I said confidently, trying to reassure her.

I rubbed her shoulders and stroked her hair and tried to get her to roll back over, but she would have none of that.

"Just leave me alone, please." She said in a very hurtful tone.

I gently placed a soft kiss on her shoulder and told her that I loved her and then rolled over to the other side of the bed. All kinds of thoughts started running through my head. I was pretty sure I had just blown any chance I would ever have of hypnotizing my wife and bringing that spark back to our bedroom.

I lay there for about 15 minutes beating myself up for the way I handled all that. I was just about to doze off to sleep when I felt a very soft kiss on my back. It startled me and I rolled over. My wife's hand came to my face and turned it towards hers. She brought her lips up to mine and very sweetly kissed me. I could just make out her face and could barely see her eyes.

"I'm sorry baby" she said apologetically. "You are right. I've been avoiding this conversation but I have felt it to and we need to do something about it."

With that I felt her hand slide down my chest and slip beneath my boxers. Her hand slipped around dick and began to gently knead and massage it.

"I'm not sure about all of this hypnotism stuff...but I'm sure that I do love your cock inside me." She breathed passionately.

My dick sprang to life as I listened to her talk to me and felt her hand massage my member to life. I was fully erect in about 5 seconds. Her hands slowly began to stroke my penis sending amazing sensations throughout my entire body.

"I know we've lost some passion, but I'm willing to do whatever we need to do bring it back. I love you with everything inside of me." She said.

Laurie brought her mouth back up to mine. Our lips met and parted and our tongues darted in and out of each other's mouths. My hips lunged forward into her hand as she continued to stroke my throbbing dick. I shifted positions so that we were now facing each other. I brought my hand up under her shirt and found her breast. My fingers teased her nipple while we continued to kiss passionately. A small moan escaped her mouth as I pulled on her nipple. She pushed me back down on my back and in one motion straddled my chest. She lifted her shirt over her head and I could make out her ample tits bounce freely on her chest. She wrangled herself out of her panties and then slowly started kissing my chest and trailing off in a downward motion further and further. As she moved down her hands pushed my boxers down and I lifted one leg so she could easily remove them. As my boxers came down, my hardened cock slapped back down onto my belly. No sooner had it hit and her mouth engulfed its head. I lifted my hips and with my hands I pushed her head down as far she could take it. She held her head still and I began to fuck her face. My hands held the back of her head in place. I could feel her saliva dripping from her mouth down onto my balls as I picked up the pace driving my cock into her mouth. I felt one of her hands slip under my leg and start tickling and caressing my balls. It was almost too much to stand. I could tell I was about to cum, but I didn't want to finish like this. I stopped pumping and lifted her head off dick. There was a slight popping sound as my dick was freed from her mouth. I pulled on the sides of her head to get her to come up to me. As she came up I felt her grab my cock with her hand and guide it into her warm wet pussy. She slid down on top of it with a guttural groan. I could feel her body shiver with pleasure as my dick disappeared inside her tight snatch. She immediately began to lift herself up and down impaling her pussy on my rod. She started to moan and groan. My hands reached up and cupped her bouncing tits and my fingers pinched her nipples. She began riding me harder and harder and her moaning got louder and louder until she yelled out, "OH FUCK!" and a powerful orgasm made her body shudder. As I felt her cum and heard her shout it was more than enough stimulation for me. I grabbed her waist and rammed her tight little body down onto me as I shot my load deep up inside her. She continued to grind her pussy on my dick and pelvis as I emptied myself inside her.

Laurie collapsed down on top of me breathing heavily. I could feel her hot tits heaving against my chest. As she moved over to one side my now limp dick slipped right out of her and she rested one of her legs on top of mine.

"Wow, that was nice." She said in between breaths.

"Nice?" I asked, "NO, that was fucking awesome!" I declared.

We hadn't fucked that intensely in a long while unfortunately. It was a welcome relief to a night that I had written off as a lost cause.

"Baby," she said, "I love you and if you think this hypnosis shit can help us...then I'm willing to give it a shot."

"Really?" I asked surprisingly.

"Yeah, but I don't really understand how it works. You like have complete control over me, or what?" she asked.

I then went on and told her that she wouldn't do anything that she didn't want to do. I told her that I couldn't make her do anything against her will and that it was perfectly safe. I told her what she wanted to hear. The reality was – I knew that from other peoples experiences, once I had her under, with a little practice – she would do ANYTHING I asked and would obey EVERY command without hesitation, but I knew that little nugget of truth would have killed the conversation right then and there. After we talked for 15 minutes she rolled back over feeling very reassured about the whole thing.

"Ok then – tomorrow night – you can hypnotize me and we will see what happens." She said very matter of factly.

"Oh baby – this is going to be sooo fun!" I said.

With that we both drifted off into a very peaceful and deep sleep. I woke many times throughout the night with a smile on face as I began to draw up all kinds of erotic devious plans for my smoking hot wife and I. Little did I know at that point exactly how crazy this shit would get.

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alaumanalaumanover 7 years ago

I have not finished yet, but the startr is good

darknight25darknight25over 10 years ago

Nice start. Lets see what happens next!

garybluegaryblueover 12 years ago
Where's the sex?

Oh, wait. It's there in that single paragraph that runs on for 503 words without a break. That's just a little too long for a single block of narrative. Try breaking it down some, and don't forget that each bit of a person's dialogue belongs in its own paragraph.

You have a good story started. Keep it going in a believable direction; don't suddenly turn the wife into some slut that all his friends are gang-banging. There are already enough of those.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
What happens the following night?

Great job. I like to see how the hypnosis works between them. What's the husband's plan? Just fucking or throw in some extra spice?...

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
love the intro

what's next? really good so far, nice lead in.

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