Wild Flower Ch. 07


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Alicia gave a sharp breath. "Angelo..." She gave a deafening scream, showing her pain.

As soon as she screamed, her strength completely left her and she felt giddy. A powerful vibration moved to the rest of her body and then hit her brain. She was unable to breathe and she felt as if her heart seized. Suddenly, her vision started blurring at a faster rate and everything started spinning. With a harsh breath, Alicia passed out due to her pain.


People began rushing to her to check. But she was alright. She had just passed out and it was for the better. The burial continued without her.


Alicia was sitting on the ground, looking straight at Angelo's grave. She had already regained consciousness and already found Angelo had been buried. Most of the people had already gone home but she had chosen to remain and just watch Angelo's site for a while. She wasn't crying but she had tears in her eyes, staring right at the newly made grave. It was still painful and she couldn't help but just think about him.

"Alicia..." She remembered his voice, his sweet voice. She smiled painfully, passing her hand on the grave. She sighed.

Alicia felt a hand on her shoulder and she slowly moved her eyes to meet with her son's eyes. She smiled painfully, moving her eyes back to Angelo's grave. She couldn't believe that Angelo was buried there ay such a productive age.

"Mother, are you alright?" Joe asked, rubbing on her shoulder.

Alicia chuckled bitterly, trying to suppress her voice from coming out. "Do you need to ask that?" She sighed. "He is gone and he is never coming back to me... to us. We will never see him again. Everything won't be the same without him. The mansion will feel really empty and strange without his presence and his voice."

"Yeah, I know and..."

"You don't know, Joe." She chuckled bitterly, sniveling. "Many people knew Angelo as a bitter and cunning boy but to me... he was a really sweet and nice boy with a painful past." She sobbed, still running her hands on the grave. "He might have been what people said but they didn't know better than I knew him. Angelo might have been a little harsh at times but he was one of the most loving people that I knew in my life time. I swear I am gonna miss him so much. I am gonna miss him like crazy because he was a part of me. He was like my son, your brother."

Joe could see the pain in his mother's eyes and it just made him feel worse. "I know how much you loved him and I understand your pain, mother. But... you need to calm yourself down. You are gonna be sick if you..."

"I don't care." She said harshly, feeling terrible that she was speaking to her son like that. "I don't care if I get sick, Joe. It is better than death. Angelo died a painful death. His..." She paused and cried softly. "...his beautiful face was ruined and we couldn't recognize it. He was beaten up and bruised and then he was shot. Who knows what he might have gone through in the hands of his abductors? Now..." She took a quick glance behind. "...can you seriously tell me to calm down because I am going to get sick?"

Joe dropped his eyes to the ground, looking down. "I am sorry, mother."

"If I am able to feel so much pain then I can't even imagine the kind of pain that he went through. I really hope that he gets some peace. That's all that I want him to do right now. I hope he is with his parents right now."

"Yes!" Joe sat beside Alicia, grasping her head. He carefully brought her head closer and laid it on his shoulder, slowly massaging it. He held her tighter in his arms as he rubbed on her back. "Don't worry about anything, mother. I will be here for you anytime that you need me. I love you so much and I want you to get better already."

"I will." She hoped. "I just have to get through this and I will be done. Just hold me, my son." She sobbed. "I just wanna feel your warm embrace, my son."

"Yes, mother..." Joe sighed. "I will always be here for you." He planted a kiss on her head. "I know Angelo was really important to you and I respect that, mother. I just love you so much. I will always be here by your side."

"Thank you." She sighed as she cried softly, still looking at the grave.

Mother and son hugged each other tightly and just sat on the ground looking at Angelo's grave and his parents' graves which still looked new and elegant. They knew it was gonna be hard to forget about him especially after passing away so soon. He was a great person.


Since that day, things weren't the same in the mansion. It felt empty and really boring. They couldn't hear any of Angelo's voices. It was as if they were in a completely different mansion but it was the same one. It felt empty and deserted. Alicia tried her best to try and empower everyone although Gabriel was really sad. She noticed that Jack usually came around to talk to Gabriel and made him smile a little. The poor guy was really in so much pain. He was found with Angelo's pictures at times and cried at times. Alicia also used to look at his pictures but she found out that the pain was more than she had imagined it to be.

Gabriel on the other hand continued with the drama of doing what he was doing. With the pretence of Jack coming to make him feel better, they both kissed each other senselessly. He never went out, not even to see his father. They just talked on the phone and that was it. There was nothing more to do. He was honestly missing his father.

Gabriel noticed that he hated the mood in the house. The people in the house were quiet when Angelo was buried. He hated how the people were reacting especially Alicia who made his blood boil. He hated what she was doing and he hated the mood, especially the cries from Alicia at times. It was annoying.

Although at times, he used to think about Angelo being in the room, Gabriel hated it a lot. He made sure to enjoy his life and just sleep peacefully even after what he had done. He had been so used to being with Angelo that he called his name at time which helped him the acting. He was just one happy guy. He couldn't wait for that entire drama to end.

After three weeks of staying at home, Gabriel made an excuse and got back to the companies with a semi happy mood. The employees seemed really happy to see him and they still gave him their condolences. Of course, he cried a little but told them to work really hard.

Gabriel sought the help of Lambert to help him with the property papers and power of attorney papers and it was being processed. Time was flying and many things were changing. Everyone was forgetting about Angelo. His case got dropped because it was not leading anywhere. Very soon he was gonna be out of their mouths and their memories. They were gonna forget about it real soon. Gabriel knew that those companies and those properties were now his. He introduced his father to his family because they definitely had no idea what he had told Angelo about his father. He told them his father had been sick abroad and recently came back. They were happy for him.

Jack usually came to the companies and they usually ended up fucking all over the place. They were enjoying life together just like they used to. They now had everything they needed. It was only a matter of time before they were finally gonna be together forever. Gabriel's father also visited him more often and he went to his house regularly.

It wasn't gonna be long now...



Alicia and few of the servants were in the living room looking straight at Gabriel. Months have passed since Angelo had died and though things seem pretty good, Alicia can still feel his absence in the house. There have been so many sorrows for Alicia and she hasn't been used to it. At times she cries when she remembers him ever living in the house with them.

Anyway, Gabriel had called them all to the living room and they were still wondering why he had called them all. He was seated with Jack and the both of them were looking at each other with smiles and giggles. The way they were looking at each other sure crept Alicia and scared her a bit. She had no idea why she was feeling the way she was feeling like.

"Ahem!" Gabriel cleared his voice, chuckling softly. "I know that all of you are wondering why I have called you here but this is really important and I wanted to tell you before you get caught by surprise or hear it from someone else."

Alicia looked at her son in fear and then Gabriel. "You are right, Gabriel." She said softly. "What's going on? Is there anything wrong with you or maybe there is a problem?"

Gabriel sighed, smiling at her. "Well! There is nothing to worry about." He said with a happy chuckle. "You all know everything that has been happening in this house since... he died." He gave a gloomy sigh. "I know you have been hearing nothing but bad news but today I might have some really good news to cheer you up."

Alicia felt terrible after the mention of Angelo's death. "You are right. But what good news do you have for all of us? We would really like to hear it."

Hearing Alicia's words, Gabriel looked at Jack and they both grinned at each other, chuckling softly. Then they took each other's hands and held them tightly, squeezing them softly. Alicia didn't know what happened but what she saw scared her a bit.

With a chuckle of satisfaction, Gabriel moved his eyes to the front and grinned at all of them. What he said next shocked everyone that was in the living room.

"Jack and I are getting married." Gabriel announced happily, kissing the back of Jack's hand.

A cold wind blew all over the living room as soon as the people in the house heard that. It was as if they were turned mute. They were looking at each other in shock and disbelief. Their eyes were wide open and their mouths were gaping. Then they looked at the happy couple seated on the couch and just still couldn't believe it.

Alicia on the other hand didn't know how to react. She felt as if something had just pierced her heart, literally killing it. There was a lot that was in her mind and the pain was slowly coming back to her. She remembered Angelo and how happy he had been with Gabriel, how they used to kiss and how lovingly they used to talk to each other.

"What do you guys have to say?" Gabriel chuckled happily. "Are you happy or what?"

"Are you serious, Gabriel?" Alicia gasped. "Are you joking with us or..."

"I am serious." He squeezed Jack's hand tightly. "I am gonna marry Jack because both of us are so much in love. We are gonna get married."

"What?" Alicia exclaimed, feeling her mouth trembling. "Gabriel, can you hear yourself? Are you actually hearing what you just said to us? You are getting married? You are definitely not serious. You can't get married, Gabriel. You actually can't."

Gabriel and Jack lost the little smiles on their faces.


"Yes!" Alicia slightly raised her voice. "You can't get married now. Did you even think about Angelo before making this decision?" She sounded a little angry. "It has just been five months since his death and now... Now you are marrying his best friend?" She pointed at Jack. "And when did you two fall in love if I may ask? Is it in the last five painful months or before that? Please." She put her hands together, literally pleading with them. "Don't do this to Angelo. Five months is just too short for you to remarry again. And why marry his best friend, uh? If you truly loved Angelo you will not get married and not to his best friend. This is not right?"

Gabriel and Jack couldn't believe they were actually hearing that from Alicia. They couldn't believe she was actually lecturing them on what to do. They were really mad that they clenched their fists. The happiness turned into anger, intense anger for Alicia and her stupidity.

"If you ask me then I must say that you two shouldn't..."

"Hey! That's enough." Gabriel snapped, raising his hand in the air. "I think I have heard enough of your lecture okay? I don't need it."

To say that Alicia was surprised would definitely be an understatement. Gabriel had never spoken to her in that tone. She had never even heard the tone that he used.

"Gabriel, I am sorry if I have offended you." She apologized. "But think about what I have said. Getting married five months after the death of your husband is not right at all. You should really wait for months. And marrying Jack is not the right thing at all. It will be like you will be betraying Angelo and I don't..."

"Enough, Alicia!" Gabriel furiously got up, pointing his finger angrily at her. "I think I have heard enough of your stupidity." The other servants were definitely surprised and they looked at Gabriel wide eyed. "Save your lecture for someone that cares."

"Well! I thought..."

"Who are you to lecture me about my life, uh?" He was really harsh. "You are nothing to me and what I do with my life is none of your business. You are a worker in this house and you better act like one. I know what I am doing because I am an adult and I also own this house including the other businesses. You talk of betrayal..." He chuckled bitterly. "...what do you know about what Angelo wanted, uh? Did you know him that well? What was your relationship with him, uh?" Alicia was quiet because she had never seen that part of Gabriel. She was really, really hurt.

Alicia moved her eyes to Jack and saw the cold look he gave her. It was as if she was disgusting and it was really surprising to her. Jack was always sweet and nice so what was going on? She couldn't understand it.

"You are a maid and you better..."

"Baby." Jack got up and coiled his arm with Gabriel's, kissing him on his shoulder. The house workers couldn't have been more surprised. "Please. Don't mind her. She is just a worker and nothing more. What matters is that we are getting married and nothing is gonna change that. She can go to hell for all we care. It's not like she's an important part of us."

"Jack!" Alicia gasped, shaking her head. "Why would..."

"You heard him." Gabriel said harshly. "You better stay within your limits okay? You are nothing but a maid in this house so better know your boundaries or you are gonna find your way out of this house before you even open that mouth of yours. If I were you I would shut my mouth up or it's gonna get really hot. Do you understand?"

Never had Alicia thought that a day like that would ever come to her. She couldn't believe someone who was as sweet as Gabriel would talk to her like that. Not even Angelo had spoken to her in such a tone and not to talk of firing her. The gasps from people were really painful too. She missed Angelo even more at that moment.

"Gabriel, I am..."

"Sir," Gabriel said harshly, clenching his teeth. "I am not Gabriel to you but you will rather call me sir."

Alicia closed her eyes as she tried her best to hide her pain. It was definitely confirmed. That wasn't Gabriel at all. It was someone else. Angelo might have been bitter but never had she used that word on him. Why was Gabriel telling her to say that?

Alicia sighed. "Gab..."

"Sir," Gabriel yelled, clenching his fists. "From now on that what's you will call me. I demand respect from all of you. As for the issue at hand, I have informed you about my marriage and that's it. It's not like I need permission from any of you. I don't need to ask any permission from all of you because I am your boss." He chuckled bitterly, gripping Jack's waist harder. "I am marrying Jack and you will give him all the respect in this world. He is going to be my husband and there is nothing that you can do to stop it. Now am I understood?"

Alicia gave a gloomy sigh. "Yes... Sir." She said with pain in her voice.

"Well! She is fast learner." Jack teased, getting closer to Gabriel. "Thank you so much, baby."

"It's all for you, my love." Gabriel faced Jack. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

With those few words, Gabriel grasped the back of Jack's head and brought him closer to him. Then he leaned down and captured his sweet lips, French kissed him right in front of the house workers. They held each other tightly and kissed each other's brains out, moaning deeply in each other's mouth. It was really sweet.

Alicia got really surprised at what was going on. She couldn't believe her eyes were actually seeing that. She couldn't believe that was happening five months after the death of Angelo. How was he supposed to rest in peace when his husband was cheating on him with his best friend? How could they have fallen in love within five months? It was impossible.

With tears in her eyes, Alicia furiously got up and rushed out of the living room. She rushed to the kitchen and leaned on a table where tears poured down her cheeks. She felt such pain that she couldn't even describe it.

"Why?" She cried softly, trying her possible best to keep herself calm. "Why did he have to do this? Why did he have to betray him like this? It is really unfair. He doesn't deserve such treatment from his husband."

She just stood there and tried to control her pain but it was impossible to do so. She couldn't. After a few minutes, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Alicia quickly rubbed her tears and made a quick turn. She found her son with a number of maids with him. They all didn't look like themselves too especially after seeing the state she was in.

"Hey!" She gave a really painful smile.

"Mother," Joe sighed. "I saw you. I was right behind you. Are you alright?"

She nodded. "Yes! I am really fine. You shouldn't worry about me or anything okay. I am really fine. All you have to do is work okay? You shouldn't mind me."

"Alicia!" One of the maids said with a deep sigh. "I have never heard Sir. Gabriel speak to anyone like that. I couldn't believe it was actually him. I still can't believe that what he said out there is what is going to happen."

"Yeah," Another one, a man said. "It's really sad. He is getting married five months after the death of his husband. It's like they were not in love at all. I mean, if he truly loved him then he should have waited for maybe a year. What will people say? But anyway," He gave a gloomy sigh. "Who are we to say anything to him? We are nothing but workers in his house. We don't count to him just like he said out there. It's really shocking."

Alicia gave a bitter chuckle. "I am just as surprised as you. But you are right. It's his life and we shouldn't interfere. Our job is to work and do anything he asks of us. After all, he is now the boss of this house and his word is our command. Let's just forget about it and work as hard as we can okay?"

They nodded and then began their work again. Alicia might have told them that but she didn't mean it at all. She just didn't want anyone to be worried or hurt. She was definitely hurt with what had happened. It was not heard of. If Gabriel had really loved Angelo then he would have waited for at least a year and not five months. Anyway, she...

"Mother..." Joe got her out of her thoughts.

Alicia took a quick glance behind and smiled. "Don't worry about me, Joe. I am absolutely fine. Why don't you just go and do something, uh? I need to start cooking."



"Wow! Baby, that was really beautiful." Jack said happily, covering his mouth in happiness. "I can't believe you actually did it. I am really happy, my love and I can't believe that we are gonna be married real soon although that Alicia got me really pissed. That old hoe needs to sit her big ass down if you ask me."

"Yeah," Gabriel threw himself on the bed, lying on his back. "It's good that I have put her in her place. What an old bitch. I hate her so much for what she did. Just who does she think she is to challenge me? I will not tolerate such workers in my house."

"Why?" Jack moaned and then crawled his way up Gabriel's body, getting on top of him. "Is it because you are the boss?"