Wild Flower Ch. 07


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Gabriel chuckled, locking his arms around Jack's waist. "Yes! I am now the boss and now you are gonna be my husband, my baby. You are gonna be the boss of this house too and we will be together forever, baby. We are gonna be happy and I hope dad will move in with us."

"Yes!" Jack acted as if he had just won a jackpot. "I love that a lot. But..." He moved down and bit Gabriel's bottom lip harder.

"Fuck! Baby..." Gabriel moaned as his cock started rising in his pants. "You are driving me insane with desire. You are too sexy, baby."

"Then why don't you fuck me right now, in this room?"

"Hmm," Gabriel's body vibrated deeply, making his cock rise to the maximum. "You want me to fuck you right now?"

"Yep! And I..." He licked his lips. "I want you to give it to me hard. I want you to violate me and fuck me hard, just like I like it."

"Okay." Gabriel moaned.

With a deep groan, Gabriel flipped Jack's body and was now on top of him. He kissed him furiously while undressing him as quickly as he could. Before a minute even ended, they were both naked and their leaking cocks were against each other. They were moaning and they couldn't stop kissing on each other's swollen lips. It was all that they needed to do.

"Fuck me..." Jack cried when he couldn't take it anymore. His hole was twitching terribly.

Gabriel quickly flipped him and got him on all fours. Then he lubed his hole and his cock and with one thrust, he slammed his entire cock inside his hole. They were both moaning their brains out and their bodies were just too close to each other. He gripped his hips harder and then started thrusting his cock in and out of that pleasure hole. He was being violent and he was fucking Jack the best way he could at that time while kissing on his back.

"Fuck me... harder."

And boy did Gabriel fuck Jack harder. He was violating his hole, slamming his cock deeper inside of him. He was going in and out of that hole with his entire strength and fucked him as hard as he could. They were moaning and they didn't give a fuck by who heard them or even knew they were fucking.

The sound of his balls hitting Jack's ass cheeks was loud and his cock sliding inside Jack was magical. His entire body was enveloped in a whole lot of pleasure that the both of them couldn't even stop moaning. It was ecstatic and Jack cried tears out. Gabriel was fucking him so hard that he almost threw up but he loved it because the pleasure was to die for.

After what felt like hours of fucking, both of them came at the same time and they were crying their names out, telling each other how much they loved each other. They fucked once more but this time Gabriel made sure that Jack rode his cock furiously.

It was a really wonderful day.

Since that day, Jack was spending more and more time with Gabriel at his house. They spent their nights together and kissed each other wherever they could. Their wedding plans were under way and it wasn't gonna b e long before they got hitched. His father used to visit but never said when he was gonna move in.


"Ivy!" Alicia called, quickly running outside the mansion. "Please. Wait!"

Alicia was running out of the house, following two of the housemaids. She had just been cooking when she was told that two of the housemaids were leaving. Now she was really worried and followed them. It wasn't long before she found them going outside.

"Ivy! Please, wait."

Ivy and Jessie, one of the workers in the mansion stopped and put their bags down. Then they turned around faced Alicia. They didn't look really happy and they were shaking their heads in sadness. It was sad to see them like that.

"Ivy! Jessie!" Alicia looked at the both of them. "What's this? Why are you leaving the mansion?"

Ivy the blonde maid sighed. "I am so sorry Alicia but I can't stay here anymore."

"Me too." Jessie, the brunette said.

"But why?" Alicia didn't sound too well. "Why would you choose to leave, uh? Why would you just leave like that without telling me? Did I do anything to you or maybe any of the housemaids said something bad to you? Look..."

"No!" Ivy said softly. "It's not you. It's just everything in this mansion. I cannot live here anymore. There is just so much wrong going on in this mansion. If you ask me..." She breathed. "..what's going on here is evil. I cannot watch it anymore."

"Yes!" Jessie said softly. "I used to think that Sir. Angelo was really evil but what I have experienced these past days, I cannot continue seeing it anymore. I would rather leave than watch all this going on. My spirit and my soul cannot accept it."

"Look, I understand all of you." Alicia said softly. "But don't you think you are making this decision hastily? You should try and think..."

"We are very sorry Alicia." Ivy apologized. "We know you are probably disappointed in us but we can't do this anymore. This mansion is no longer fit for us to stay in. We cannot live here. There is just so much being done in this mansion and I would rather live with, Sir Angelo's bitterness than live with what is going on here. There is a lot going on here. Those two are really..."

"Try to understand." Alicia sighed, literally pleading with them. "You must stay here if..."

"We are sorry."

"Okay." Alicia felt terrible. "If you've made the decision then I cannot stop you. You are probably right about this one. What's going on in this mansion is entirely wrong. I still can't believe that Gabriel did that to Angelo. It's really not right at all. It might be evil as you call it but... what can we do."

"We are really sorry." They both said. "We cannot just watch this anymore and that Jack..." Ivy hissed. "I don't think I can stand him. He is not even married yet and he is treating us like trash. I cannot stay here anymore. We really have to go."

"Okay. I understand you." She gave a bitter smile. "I am only staying here because of Angelo. This is the place where all his memories are. I cannot abandon it. I have to stay here no matter what. Okay. Thank you so much."

Alicia hugged them both and they left. She was really hurt but she couldn't leave. She took a deep breath and went back inside. This was all for Angelo.


Alicia was in her room holding Angelo's picture and looking straight at his beautiful face. She was moving her hand all over it, smiling in her pain. He had been looking so beautiful in that picture and she couldn't help but miss him a whole lot.

"Angelo..." She said deep in her thoughts. "...you have no idea how much I really miss you. I just wish you were here. Had you been here, none of this would have happened. Everything would have been put under control but now... everything is just going wrong. It hurts to watch what is really going on here. I thought things were eventually going to get better but right now... your death has brought sorrows. Your husband is about to marry your best friend five months after your death."

She sighed. "I don't know what to do anymore. It really hurts to watch what is going on but there is nothing that I can do. Your husband has changed a lot. You might not have really respected me but... you always treated me like someone who had something important to do in the mansion. Right now, your husband has changed completely. I am now like a maid. I wish you were here to set things right, my son. I really needed you so much. But you are gone now."

Alicia took the photo and held it close to her heart, trying her best not to shed any tear. She didn't wanna cry.

"I miss you so much. I just hope all that is happening won't affect you. I just want you to rest in peace, my son. I hope you are happy with your parents. I love you so much, Angelo."

She held the photo closer, slowly rubbing on it. She had her eyes closed and she just imagined that Angelo was there. She was really missing him so much. Had he been there then nothing would have happened. He would have been happy. But now she was...

"How sweet." Alicia heard a mocking voice speak to her, a really familiar voice.

Hearing the voice, Alicia quickly opened and found Jack standing right in front of her with his arms crossed on his chest. He had a grin on his face which looked evil and mocking. She hated him instantly and she just didn't know why.

"Jack!" She exclaimed, getting up. "What are you doing here and how did you..."

"I don't need permission to enter any of the rooms in my fiancé's mansion. I have every right because very soon, I will be the owner of this mansion too." He laughed teasingly, making the woman more hurt. "By the way," He lost the grin on his face. "I have always wanted to talk to you about the stupidity you showed when Gabriel told you we were getting married. What was that?"

"What? Jack?" Alicia gasped, getting even more surprised. "When did you become like this? I thought you were the sensible one than Angelo but now..."

"Of course," He chuckled bitterly. "I am the sensible one, don't you know? I am nothing like Angelo. I am more than him."

"Jack!" She couldn't mask the surprise in her voice. "What made you change? What turned you into what you are? I remember you were even the one that used to make his path straight but right now..." She paused, giving a bitter chuckle. "...you are getting married to your best friend's husband, five months after his death. Are you not ashamed of yourself?"

"What?" He snapped, breathing violently. "I consider that as an insult and I demand an apology right now." He yelled. "You can't talk to me like that because you don't the right to. I don't need to remind you that this house belongs to my husband to be, right."

"Huh?" Alicia laughed softly. "I can't believe this. You and Gabriel have totally betrayed him. You should have at least given him some form of respect and..."

"Shut the fuck up!" Jack yelled, snapping at the woman. "Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me that, uh? You are nothing to me. You are just a worker in this house and that is all. Don't exalt yourself because you are a maid and nothing else. I am warning you for the last time. Stop all that foolishness or else you are gonna be out of here as soon as I marry into this mansion and become the boss. You are gonna regret everything that you have said so if I were you..." He chuckled bitterly, shaking his head. "...I would be careful what I say."

With a cold look at the surprised woman, Jack stormed out of the room, leaving Alicia really scared and worried at the same time. She couldn't even believe that was actually the same Jack that had always been defending her when Angelo snapped at her.

"People do change." She sat back on the chair, shaking her head. "I wonder what has entered Gabriel and him."

Alicia had never dreamt that Gabriel would do that to Angelo, not even think about it. It was all so surprising to her. She couldn't believe it. It was really surprising to her.

Seconds were turning into minutes, minutes into hours and hours into days. Nothing was changing. It seemed like Gabriel and Jack where hell bent on getting married. The preparations were getting serious and so was everything else. They had already begun planning and it was going at a faster rate. Poor Alicia couldn't anything or utter a word. She had been turned into a maid. Gabriel had really changed.

The day they had planned finally came and a grand wedding passed. It was really elegant and Gabriel and jack were really happy. They had finally gotten what they wanted to happen. They were now a couple legally and were recognized in society.

Is there anything left for these two?



The elegant car arrived right outside the huge company premises near the entrance. As soon as the car stopped, a guard quickly got out of the car and rushed to the back door. He quickly bowed and then opened the door.

"Thank you so much."

Jack finally got out of the car looking really elegant like no man's business. He was putting on a beautiful blue designer's suit which was fitted on him perfectly like a second. He had his short hair gelled and then combed backwards which revealed his face. He was putting on beautiful blue shoes which were the finishing touch. His entire face showed that he was ready for business. He breathed in the gorgeous company air and started walking towards the entrance. It has really been a wonderful and productive 3 years for him. Being now recognized as rich man was like a dream. He was really known and his husband was a great businessman. They managed the companies together because Gabriel's father had left it to them. He only came on important meetings and any other things.

As soon as he reached the entrance, the guard opened the beautiful glass door and he made a grand entrance into the building.

"Huh?" He couldn't still believe he owned all that money. He couldn't believe he was super stinking rich. "Fuck! This is the life."

With a deep breath, Jack started going inside as he moved his eyes from side to side, admiring his beautiful company. It was growing and there were so many important clients, partners and investors. They were busy with their life.

"Good afternoon, sir?" The workers greeted. "Welcome to the company."

"Thank you." He grinned, looking at all of them.

He continued heading to the wonderful elevator before he met with his personal assistant.

"Welcome, sir." He greeted, bowing his head softly.

"Thank you." He smiled brightly. "Has everything that I asked been delivered to my desk?"

"Yes!" He chuckled nervously. "But the advertising manager hasn't reported to work today so there is still one more document to be submitted and it was..."

"What?" He snapped, looking at his assistant. "You mean that fool hasn't done what I had asked?"

From the yelling, the employees knew immediately that Jack was really mad. They got scared because they didn't know what was gonna happen. Since the new management, a number of people have lost their jobs and some of the workers' salaries have been cut down in the middle. At times, the new bosses were really good and other times they were really worse. It just depended on what happened.

"I am sorry, sir." He apologized. "If you want, I can give him a call."

"Of course," Jack grinned, giving a soft chuckle. "You can call him right now and..."

"Yes!" The assistant chuckled happily. "I am sure that..."

"And tell him never to come back here again." He yelled in his face. "That idiot has been fired. He should never ever show his face to me again. I am sick and tired of stupid employees like him. He is fired and he isn't getting any money from this company. Do I make myself clear?"

The assistant was quiet, looking straight at his new boss. He didn't even know what to think or say anymore. Things were pretty different and he...

"Do I make myself clear?" He snapped, stamping on the floor.

"Ye... yes!" He exclaimed, slightly moving behind. "I shall call him."

"Right now." He said in a commanding voice. "I want you to call him as soon as possible."

The assistant nodded, getting his phone out.

"Good boy," Jack grinned, slightly slapping on his assistant's cheeks.

With a loud mocking laugh, he went straight into the elevator and started heading up to Gabriel's office which was previously Angelo's office. He was the boss and he controlled everything together with Jack and his father. Everything was going perfectly.

The elevator opened and Jack rushed out and started heading towards Gabriel's office. The employees on that floor got up immediately to greet him but he didn't even answer. He didn't have time for stupidity.

With a deep breath, Jack rushed in his husband's office and found him on the phone. He was smiling brightly, holding his expensive phone tightly. He was seated on the office chair with his legs crossed, looking like a boss that he was. He was putting on a beautiful dark green suit which made him look sexy. His hair was cut short and then combed perfectly. He was looking really sexy and Jack couldn't help but drool over him.

"Okay. I love you too, father." Gabriel chuckled. "I will see you later. Okay. Bye."

With a laugh, Gabriel put the phone down and got up happily, rushing to Jack.

"My love." He wrapped his arms around his waist, bringing him closer. "I missed you so much."

Hearing what Gabriel had to say, Jack gripped his neck hard and brought his lips down. He kissed him softly on the lips as they both moaned sensually.

"I missed you too." Jack said in a really sexy voice. "How has been work today?"

"Stressful," He sighed, bringing Jack even closer. "You just have no idea how some of these stupid employees have annoyed me today. I wanted to fire them because they know nothing. It's really irritating."

"You can." Jack moaned softly, looking deep in Gabriel's eyes. "You are the boss after all."

"Yeah," He sighed. "But I gave them another chance." The he kissed him hard. "But now that you are here..." He chuckled. "...I feel really happy."

"Hmm, that's kinda sexy, especially coming from my husband." Jack moaned, licking his lips sensually. "I am really, really happy. Thanks so much, my love."

"Oh!" Gabriel moaned, passing his fingers in Jack's hair. "I love you so much, baby."

"I love you too." Jack smiled brightly. "But I have to go now and..."

"No!" Gabriel held him tighter. "You are not leaving here because you are all mine." He attacked Jack's neck, sucking on it sensually.

"Baby." Jack moaned, biting his lips hard. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the pleasure he was getting from his husband sucking on him. "Oh!" He couldn't resist anymore. "Right there. You always drive me insane with your... oh..." He grunted, dropping his neck to give his husband access to that neck. "...fuck. Gabriel... oh, that feels so... Oh..."

"Do you like it?" Gabriel moaned on his neck. "Do you want it to... go further, baby. Do you want me to fuck you in here?"

A tempting offer to Jack. "Yes!" He moaned louder. "I want you right here and right now."

At Jack's acceptance, Gabriel gripped his waist harder and then lifted him into his arms. Jack wrapped his legs around his husband as their mouths met and they started kissing each other senselessly, moaning like teenagers on a sexual adventure.

Gabriel took Jack further and made him sit on the desk as he quickly stripped his clothes off. They were moaning and they didn't care about who heard them. What they both knew was that they were gonna enjoy that sexual adventure they were embarking on. It was their company and that meant that they could whatever they wanted, wherever they wanted.


"What the fuck?" Jack yelled, filling the entire mansion with his angry voice. "I told you that I needed you to do everything in the morning and now you are..."

"I am so sorry, sir." The scared looking maid bowed. "Please. Forgive me for what I have done. It's just that you gave a lot to do and I couldn't do it in the morning. If you had allowed me to seek help from other..."

"Are you trying to teach me what I must be doing in my own house?" He snapped, breathing violently. "How dare you?"

"No, sir," She sounded terrified because she knew how cruel Jack was. "I am so sorry. Please, forgive me for what I have done and..."

"For this foolishness, you will not have any food until tomorrow evening." He chuckled bitterly. "You are gonna stay hungry and that will teach you to follow my orders. If I see you eating anything..." He shook his head angrily. "...I will make you regret ever working here, you stupid ugly maid."

"Yes!" She bowed sadly and left.

"What a stupid..."

"I heard voices." Alicia came rushing towards Jack. "What's going on here and..."

"Can't you please just get the fuck out of my business, you old bitch." Jack snapped, quickly turning to face the irritating woman. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You are a maid here so act like one okay. And get me a glass of champagne."