Wild Flower Ch. 16


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Alvarado continued his swimming until he came to the edge and got the surprise of his life. First he saw beautiful blue designer's shoes, really shiny. Then he saw those legs, beautiful legs even though they were dressed in a beautiful trouser. He kept on moving his eyes up as his heart pounded deeper in his chest. Then he saw the shirt then the wonderful hairless chest and finally his eyes caught the most beautiful face he had ever seen on a man. That was when things got hot for him. His body felt really hot though it was in the water.

Alvarado's heart started beating and his body was filled with lust. His hormones scattered everywhere as a deep lustful vibration took control of his body. He first wiped the water from his face and he was still there, a really beautiful angel stood right in front of him and those eyes... he had never seen beautiful glowing eyes like that of the man he was looking at.

The man he was seeing was probably the most beautiful man in the whole of St Luis, the best he had ever set his eyes on. He had deep blue sexy eyes, the most beautiful shoulder length red hair he had ever seen in his life and the most beautiful face.

The man was looking sexy and seductive in a deep blue designer's shirt which was tucked in a tight blue skinny trouser. His chest was just there, seducing Alvarado even more. His curves, his shape was just fantastic. He looked feminine and it all turned Alvarado.

Alvarado got out of the water and took a towel which he wrapped around his neck and walked to the beautiful serious man that was standing by the edge of the pool, looking right at him. Alvarado was definitely turned on by that young man.

"Hello, Colonel Alvarado?" Miguel greeted with that killer smile which made men go wild with desire. No one could resist it.

"Fuck!" Hector couldn't believe he knew his name.

"Yes!" He whistled, eyeing the man like he wanted to devour him. "To what do I owe this visit from the most beautiful man in the world?" He couldn't stop staring at Miguel.

"Oh! Thank you for that." Miguel blushed, trying to hide his disgust and pain while trying to find any mark he had seen three years back. "My name is Miguel Powers. I believe you had met with my lawyer the previous day?"

"Fuck!" Hector's cock started rising just through that introduction. So that was the angel he had almost turned down the previous day. He thanked his lucky stars that he hadn't done that or he would have surely missed a great opportunity.

"Oh my!" Hector was drooling over that boy. "You are really so beautiful, mi senor." Then his face got serious. "But I never appreciated what you did the previous night. You had us all waiting like fools at that restaurant."

"Oh really?" Miguel chuckled confidently while inside he was burning with anger. "Well! I am a very busy man, Mr. Hector and the reason I didn't come was because I had something important to do." He didn't sound apologetic at all.

"Wow!" Hector was really impressed. Not only was the beauty before him a very handsome boy but his sense of humor and courage were just on a different level. He really loved it so much. "I really like you, Miguel. I like you so much. I think you are brave and for such a young boy like you, I think you are going to reach really far in the business world."

Miguel blushed, seducing him with a wink. "How do you know if I am actually older than I look?"

"Trust me." Alvarado chuckled happily, moving closer to Miguel. "I know that you are really young."

"Well, thank you so much and thank you for your patience the other night."

"Right!" Alvarado took a deep sigh, rubbing the towel on his wet hair. He wasn't gonna lose that smile on the beautiful man. "Now I am really interested in learning what kind of business we are going to be doing." He nodded. Miguel just smiled.

"You are gonna find out real soon."

"Okay." He took a deep breath. "I think I am done here. Do you mind accompanying me?"

Miguel shook his head.

Alvarado felt really lucky and he gave Miguel one hungry look before he started heading to the changing room, hoping the young man was gonna come with him. The look he had given him, he had almost undressed him with his look. The man was really sexy.

Miguel lost the smile on his face when Alvarado turned and started walking away from him. He looked at his body in disgust and that stupid bulge in his pants.

"He had been the one who was brutal among all of us." He remembered Antonio's words right before he had killed him. "He forced us all into it."

With Antonio's words, Miguel could remember as the men had been raping him almost four years ago. One of them had been really brutal on him that he had almost died when that man had been raping him. He was sure that man had been Alvarado.

Miguel's pain, disgust, anger and evil all came back to him, stronger than ever before. He felt like crying but he wasn't gonna let a stupid man do that to him. It was gonna be his turn real soon and he was gonna pay with his life, all of them. One of the men had a dark tattoo of a dragon on his arm.

"I will make you pay for everything that you have done to me, Hector." Miguel vowed, clenching his fists as he glowered. "I swear on my parents' graves and everyone that has suffered by your hands. I will make you pay for it dearly. My pain won't be for nothing, Hector. You will pay for what you had caused me and for ruining my life."

Revenge bared face of Miguel. He wasn't gonna stop until he was done with everything.


"How are you doing, Carter?" Christian asked, patting on his back. "Is everything okay with your mom?"

"Yes!" carter nodded, eyeing that sexy man in front of him. "Everything is okay with her, especially these days. And how are you?"

Carter had just come to see Christian. He felt he hadn't been fair to the guy but everything was just too confusing for him. He might have been hurting but being away from the guy wasn't gonna solve things for him.

"Well!" Christian sighed, remembering his situation with Miguel. "I can't say I am fine because I am missing him a lot. I want to be with him and..."

"La don?" Carter gasped, chuckling nervously. His pain came back especially when he saw that look in Christian's eyes.

Christian couldn't even begin to explain what he felt when Carter mentioned Miguel's name. He was totally caught off guard and had no idea what to think. His eyes were wide open and his mouth was just gaping, staring at the smiling man in front of him.

"What?" He chuckled nervously. "Why..."

"It's Miguel right?"

"Wait!" Christian gave Carter fisheyes. "How did you that La don is the man I am in love with?"

"Well!" carter took a sigh of relief. He was in pain and really jealous but he was gonna play it cool. "It started with the time you had gotten hurt. He was really worried and the way he was asking about you was just more than her reputation at stake. It was also the way you two looked at each other and people in the neighborhood started talking about it." Those people being Lawrence who had been telling some people and hurting Carter. "I saw him the previous night and I knew that you two were together." It hurt even more when he said it.

"Oh my God." Christian laughed, rubbing in his beautiful hair. "And here I had been thinking no one knew." He chuckled nervously, getting closer to Carter. "Fuck! Was it that obvious?"

"Well!" Carter gulped. If only he could kiss Christian one more time then he would be a really happy man. "I actually didn't know about it but some people already knew. But what had happened?"

Christian took a really deep sigh, rubbing on his hands. "It happened to me just like you and I, I didn't see it coming but that's life." He remembered the first time he had met with Miguel and how he had started pursuing him which had led to being in love with him. He couldn't stop smiling even though he knew his relationship with Miguel wasn't currently perfect. But he wasn't gonna give up.

Christian gave a loud laugh, gripping his hair. "It's really funny how these things go, don't you think, Carter?"

"I don't understand." He frowned.

"It's funny that I have been trying to hide something that all of you already know about." He laughed, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Yes!" Carter shook his head. He just wanted to confess to him so much. "But I don't understand why you never told me about Miguel."

Christian raised his face and sighed. "I did for him, the boy I love." He smiled, remembering how he had made love to him when they were together. "...because Miguel's situation was very delicate and I love him too much."

Of course, Carter thought it was because Miguel was just thinking about a lot and because of the rumors flying around.

"But Carter..."

"Don't worry." Carter smiled, trying to show Christian that everything was going perfectly. "I know I wasn't good to you because of my mother's situation." He lied. "But we are good and you shouldn't worry about anything else."

"Okay, you never told me about your mother's problems. You were hiding something from me too." Christian raised his eyebrow. "You should have told me."

"Okay, I will tell you everything in future." He promised.

"Then let's be friends without secrets." Christian suggested and Carter nodded.

"Friends without secrets." He agreed.

Christian smiled and opened his arms widely. Carter chuckled nervously and rushed into those beautiful arms. They hugged it out and Carter was just drooling all over that beautiful man. He chuckled and rested his head on Christian's chest. Hmm, how he wished and dreamed that that moment was gonna come true. He was still in love with Christian and he was sure one day he was gonna get him. He wasn't gonna lose hope.


Miguel dialed Brandon's number and it wasn't long before the man picked up the phone, chuckling like an evil man that he was.

"Hello!" The way he was breathing, one would have thought he was making hot love to someone. He was crazy.

"Brandon, I have arrived here." He looked around, trying to see if the colonel was coming.

"Okay." He chuckled like an evil man. "I am arranging a hotel where that bastard and you can talk calmly."

"I think it's for the best since I don't wanna be seen with him." Miguel gave a deep sigh. He was disgusted just by standing there. "I now know with certainty that he is one of the men that had raped me that night." He slightly closed his eyes and tried to hide his pain. "I saw his tattoo and..."

Before Miguel could finish his sentence, he heard footsteps and he quickly cut the call and slipped the phone in his pocket. He fixed himself up, putting one of his hands on his hip and waiting for the bastard that was coming.

It wasn't long before Alvarado appeared in his beautiful uniform, looking all hot or so he thought. He had a big smile on his smile and his cologne was just on point. He was hoping Miguel was gonna have interests in him because he was just too hot to ignore.

"Okay." Miguel started, smiling at the man. "So I was thinking we go to..."

"No!" Hector said simply, surprising Miguel even more. He had a great idea. He was really smart and he knew how to play his cards right. "I would like us to talk in my territory." He folded his hands behind, slowly walking towards Miguel. "I think I have the right to choose the place since you stood me up and then ambushed me here."

Miguel looked at Hector with a raised face, trying to get what the man had just suggested to him. Brandon had definitely been right when he had told him that Hector was really different from all the other idiots that he had come across. But Miguel didn't want to raise any eyebrows so he knew what to do in that situation but he also knew what the bastard had in mind.

"Okay. I will come with you. I have no problem with it." He gave his killer smile, chuckling like a sexy boy. "But I don't want you to surprise me, Colonel Alvarado." It sounded like a joke but he was definitely serious.

"Oh no!" Alvarado chuckled nervously. "I am a champion of honor and dignity, mi senor." He chuckled nervously. "I wouldn't do anything contrary to that." He took a deep breath. "Shall we?"

"Of course," Miguel nodded.

Miguel and the colonel both left together. Things might have gone contrary to what Miguel had planned but he still was in control. Nothing was gonna go wrong.


Miguel and Hector had arrived at Hector's beautiful mansion. It was dazzling and Miguel couldn't deny that. His residence was really huge and it had two floors. The compound from which they had entered was amazing, huge and with some beautiful cars.

Inside the residence was definitely amazing, filled with every furniture that was classy and expensive. Miguel couldn't help but look around. It seemed like there was no one around because the residence sounded really quiet.

Miguel and Hector were busy talking. Miguel knew he had to do his best and act his best so that he seemed really genuine. They first talked about his accolades as a colonel and it seemed the man was really happy with the way everything was going. He was happy explaining it to Miguel and Miguel was really interested because that information was sure to come in handy.

"What about your family, colonel?" Miguel asked with a blush. "You can't tell me that someone as hot as you doesn't have a family."

Hearing what Miguel had just said to him, Hector chuckled happily, feeling really happy. Then he just lost the smile on his face and got serious.

Hector took a really deep sigh, smiling faintly at Miguel. "I have children living abroad."

"And your wife?"

Hector slightly closed his eyes and when he opened them he smiled faintly. "Unfortunately, my wife died."

"Oh!" Miguel shook his head in sympathy. "That's really bad."

"Don't worry." He thought, giving an evil grin. "You will soon be joining them."

"It's fine." Alvarado chuckled nervously, now facing Miguel. "I am sorry about this but I want to be sure you are not carrying any weapons." He couldn't take any chances.

"What?" Miguel chuckled, raising his eyebrow. "What..."

"I want to frisk you." Alvarado said simply, not losing his smile. "This is just for security reasons. Anyone that comes into my residence has to be frisked."

Miguel couldn't believe the nerve of the stupid bastard. He lost the smile on his face as adrenaline took advantage of him. His body vibrated in anger and he clenched his teeth, looking at the man without any expression. He felt disgusted just by having the bastard's hands on his body. It was really gross.

"Bastard!" Miguel thought.

He didn't like the idea at all but he knew better than to play along with the bastard. He moved closer to the idiot and he could tell the bastard wanted him from those sensual breaths. They were hitting Miguel directly on his face and he just felt really disgusted.

"Okay." He opened his arms widely. "You may search me..." He paused and looked at him seductively, biting his lips. Alvarado's cock started rising just from that scene and being closer to Miguel. He couldn't wait to touch him and have him in his bed. "...colonel."

Alvarado laughed and went ahead to started checking Miguel, touching his body. But he didn't need to do it inappropriately because he didn't want to send a long message to Miguel. But fuck, having his hands on Miguel's body was fire. His cock was now iron hard, throbbing painfully and releasing pre-cum in his pants. He wanted to just hold that man and fuck him all over the house, throughout the night.

Miguel on the other chuckled. "You might be searching for weapons but I am warning you, Mr. Hector..." He chuckled teasingly. "...a man like me doesn't need any weapon to destroy a man." He chuckled. "I was born with it." He sure was born with that weapon.

"Ha ha..." He laughed softly as he finished frisking Miguel. "Once again, I am really sorry about that."

"It's okay." Miguel wasn't gonna lose that smile.

They both went to the living room and sat close to each other.

"Okay, I won't waste any time talking about other things so I will cut straight to the chase." Miguel said, getting a little closer to Alvarado. "I know that the proposal I have is only for someone like you. You are the only one who can help me with this, Hector."

"Okay." Hector couldn't have been happier. He was gonna do everything to help Miguel. "May I know this proposal you have for me?"

Hearing Alvarado's question, Miguel took a deep sigh as an evil grin appeared on his face. He was looking into Alvarado's eyes, trying to get to him because what he was about to tell him was gonna be really important.

"I want your help in getting a special kind of wood." He said abruptly.

"Wood?" Hector laughed softly, shaking his head. "Is that all that you..."

"Rosewood to be precise." Miguel exclaimed.

Hearing what Miguel had just said to him, Alvarado's eyes got wide and his mouth gaped. His heart started pounding deep in his chest and he stopped breathing for a second. He couldn't believe Miguel had just asked him that.

"Rosewood?" He exclaimed, sounding really surprised.

"Yes!" Miguel nodded. "I believe you can help me with that, right?" He moved his hands and rested them on Alvarado's thighs, squeezing them softly.

"Rosewood is sought of illegal." Alvarado gave a sigh of relief, looking at the sexy man in front of him.

Rosewood was sought of illegal and Alvarado knew that he shouldn't have been doing what he was doing but then someone really beautiful, the sexiest man he had ever set his eyes on was asking him. He didn't know what to do plus he was a really well known man in society.

Hector looked at the smiling boy and gave a sigh of relief. "Okay, I will help you, mi senor." He agreed, smiling back at Miguel. He knew that deal was gonna come in handy. "I agree to your deal."

"Gotcha!" Miguel grinned, giving the man a fake smile. "Why wouldn't you agree when you definitely think a boy like me will warm your bed one day?"

"Oh! That's really nice." He chuckled, moving his hands away from Alvarado's thighs. "I knew I had come to the right man. This deal is gonna be good for you and it comes with millions of dollars. Thank you." The man had just made a wrong move.

Hector shook his head. "It's nothing and thank you too." He rested his hands on Miguel's thighs which definitely got Miguel mad. The man was just there smiling like a stupid man that he was. It just irritated Miguel even more.

He felt as if something was about to crawl out of his body. He wanted to kill the bastard with his own hands. He hated him so much that he couldn't wait to kill him. How could such a hideous man rape him? It hurt so much. He could remember very well how brutal the idiot had been with him and his mood was getting ruined as he sat there.

"Err..." He gulped. "...I think I have to get going right now and..."

"What?" Alvarado gasped, chuckling softly. "It's really late now, mi senor." He glanced at his watch. "It's almost midnight and I think you shouldn't be going. Isn't your home really far from here?"

"It is far." Miguel smiled. "But..."

"You can spend..."

"I will spend the night at the hotel." He grinned, nodding his head. "You shouldn't worry about me."

Miguel got up and shook the colonel's hand. "It's really nice doing business with you Colonel Alvarado."

"It's my pleasure." Hector said with a smile. "I have a feeling this won't be our last."

"Yeah," Miguel finally let go of the pig's hand. "I have to get going now."

Hector escorted Miguel outside of his residence and waved at him, smiling brightly. Miguel lost the smile on his face as he drove the hotel. There was just a lot that was in his little mind. He couldn't remove the groans and moans made by the men that had raped him four years back. He could feel their heat, their stupid breaths and their... fuck, Miguel felt as if he was gonna go insane.
