Wild Flower Ch. 19


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He told him that he was gonna suffer with the path he had chosen. He hasn't worked a single day in his life and when Felix throws him out, he will be back on the streets where he used to be. Miguel told him to get out with his things. Brian left crying into the car of Felix who had been waiting for him outside. It seemed Miguel and his relationship was now ruined but he still loved Miguel a lot.


Miguel was seated in the study, holding a glass of wine. He might have thrown his brother out but he felt really bad. They had just been close and now that happened. Now he had no one to call his family.

"Miguel, are you sure you are alright?" Brandon asked though he couldn't keep his eyes off Miguel's body.

"Why?" Miguel chuckled, taking a sip of the wine. "Why shouldn't I be? I should have known that he would betray me sooner or later. That's what all of them are good for anyway."

"I understand but I am always here for you. I would never betray you." Not forgetting that he had recently betrayed Miguel by killing Pablo.

"Hmm..." Miguel raised his glass, smiling in his pain. "It was just him and me against the world. I loved him so much, gave him everything and sacrificed a lot for him. I gave him everything like he was my own brother and he didn't even think twice before betraying me with Felix." He said, chuckling bitterly. "He did exactly what that sandwich seller did with Christian but this is worse because he is my brother."

"Hmm," Brandon moaned. He had a plan up his sleeve. "We should teach him a really big lesson."

"What?" Miguel snapped, furiously putting the glass on the table. "Are you insane? Don't you dare, Brandon?" He warned, pointing his finger angrily at him. "Brian is my family and I don't want you laying your finger on him or anybody I don't tell you to, okay."

"But he isn't even..."

"Even at that," He chuckled. "I still love him so much and I can't hurt him. I would never hurt him so stay away from him." He took a deep breath, getting up from the couch. "Anyway, life has to go on. We now need to focus on the event. Is everything ready?"

"Yes!" Brandon chuckled, an evil grin appearing on his face. "You don't have to worry."

An evil grin appeared on Miguel's face. He was used to betrayal. After all, Brian wasn't the first person to betray him.


It was the day of the event and everything seemed really perfect. There were beautiful decorations, tables with food and the best music. Miguel was really impressed with his decorators and planners. His plans were now in action and there was no one to ruin it.

The event was right in Miguel's huge compound. It was spectacular. There were different people from all walks of life attending that event, photographers and reporters. The compound had a number of people attending it.

Miguel was standing a little bit away from everyone, trying to breathe before everyone else arrived. He was looking really beautiful in a bright red curly wig which made him look amazing and sexy. He was putting on a bright white designer's shirt with his hairless chest exposed on which a big golden chain was pressed upon. The shirt was tucked in a pit black designer's trouser that was attached to him like a second skin, showing his beautiful body. He had white shoes on his feet and he was looking like a true fashion slayer. As he was there, Laura and Alejandro came and they were just as marvelous.

Laura started telling him about the guests that had arrived and how the entire thing was really beautiful. She told him about important guests that required his undivided attention, international organizations and others.

"I will deal with them later." Miguel said with a smile. But his eyes were on someone. "Right now I have someone who needs my undivided attention."

With those words, he slowly and sexily started walking away from them. Laura and Alex wondered who Miguel was talking about. But it didn't take them long before they saw the person which really shocked Alex and scared him so much. So many thoughts went through his head, making him feel cold and a bit weak.

He had no idea why Miguel was moving towards where Daniel was. Could he have been up to something, he thought as he took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"Hey there!" Miguel greeted, drawing the sexy Daniel's attention. "How are you?"

"Hello," Daniel quickly turned to look into the most gorgeous eyes he had ever seen. His heart skipped a bit as he looked at Miguel's pretty face. It was the first time he had seen him. Normally, he didn't like admiring men since he had banished loved from his world, especially after what he had done to most men. "Err..."

Miguel smiled more, extending his hand. "I am the famous Miguel Powers or as you know me... La Don!"

"Oh!" Daniel smiled brightly, chuckling softly. "I am really sorry... I had no idea."

"It's okay." They shook hands. "It's a pleasure to finally meet the man who is so concerned about the problems of the society especially, abuse." Not forgetting that he was one of the dragons.

"The pleasure is all mine." Daniel couldn't shake that smile from his face. "I only do what I do to help. It's nothing at all."

"It's not nothing!" Miguel grinned, using his serious tone. "Abuse is something that people in our country choose to ignore exists but you..." He shook his head in satisfaction. "...you have gone out of your way to help those people that have been victims." He laughed. "And for that, you are welcome in my home."

They started talking about business and how he had started the foundation when Christian approached them in his beautiful black designer's suit. When he saw how close Miguel and Daniel where, he felt really jealous.

"Aren't you gonna welcome me as well?" He asked coldly.

Miguel lost the smile on his face as he stared at the man he loved. "Not really, Christian, because you simply weren't invited."

Christian laughed, folding his arms on his chest. "I don't need to be invited because I work for Mr. Daniel and Brandon specifically asked for me when he came over."

Hearing what Christian had just said, Miguel gave him a really brilliant smile which was temporary. "If Brandon is the one you are waiting for, you should wait for him." He got really close to Daniel, coiling his arm with his which made Christian really mad. "In the mean time, I will take care of Daniel. I need to show him around." He looked at Daniel and smiled. "Shall we?"


The two of them started moving, leaving Christian dying of jealous and rage. He couldn't believe Miguel had just made him look like an idiot in front Daniel. And why the hell was he holding him like that, he thought as he clenched his fists?

"Fuck!" He cursed.


"I apologize for that awkward moment you just witnessed between me and your employee." Miguel said with a sigh.

Daniel chuckled softly, breathing in deeply. "Christian is a very good man and he has been a great help to the organization in the short time he's been with us. He is more than an employee."

"I prefer to change the subject and talk more about your foundation." Miguel moved in front of Daniel and looked at him. "What drove you to help victims of abuse?"

"I am very passionate about helping battered men and women." Daniel said sincerely. "It breaks my heart to see the suffering of these people."

"Hmm..." Miguel raised his eyebrow, nodding his head. "I think it's honorable that men like you exist who are willing to help. Most of them simply act like animals." He got closer to Daniel because he had something important to tell him. His face got serious and he felt really angry deep down inside. His emotions were getting the best of him. "Go and tell the people at your foundation that justice might delay but it always comes."

Miguel was so caught up in his anger that he had no idea how cold his voice was. Even the evil grin on his face couldn't be masked. He was obviously directing the saying to Daniel.

Miguel took Daniel towards the pool and as they were walking, Miguel gestured to Mark and his assistant. She got the signal and fell into the pool, calling someone to help her.

"Oh my God!" Miguel gasped, touching his chest. "Please, somebody help her. She doesn't know how to swim."

As planned, Daniel quickly jumped into the pool, saving the young lady. He was really happy to help her but what he had no idea of was that it was all Miguel's plan. He got her out and his clothes were really wet, just what Miguel wanted.

"Oh, so sorry..." Miguel apologized as he looked at Daniel's dump clothes. "Your clothes are wet now."

"Yeah!" Daniel chuckled softly. "At least the young lady is okay."

"Yeah! But I have warm clothes inside. Can you please, come with me inside?"

Daniel had no choice but to follow Miguel inside his house. He took him to his bedroom, got a beautiful designer's suit and handed it to him. Miguel could somehow see that Daniel wasn't comfortable for some reason.

"Here you go." He handed the suit. "I am sure that would fit you perfectly. Feel free to change in my bedroom."

"Thank you." Daniel stammered, getting the suit. "But is it okay with you? I can go and change..."

"It's fine!" Miguel nodded, giving a forced smile. "I promise it's safe here. Excuse me!"

Miguel quickly turned and left the room. But he reached the door and started peeping. His heart started pounding deep in his chest as his anger took the best of him. His breaths were a little harsh and he knew better than to control them otherwise everything was gonna get spoiled.

He watched as Daniel unbuttoned his shirt and as soon as he removed it, Miguel's eyes landed on the dark dragon tattoo on his left chest. It was clear as day... His fears had been confirmed. Daniel was one of the dragons.

Miguel couldn't believe it... he had found another dragon but he knew he had to be careful with this dragon. He wasn't like all the others. He seemed really harmless but that didn't get out all those thoughts out of his mind. He was gonna use Daniel to find out who the final dragon was.

Miguel was so caught up looking that he had no idea how angry he was. He got flashbacks of the night he feared the most, the night they had mercilessly raped him and he promised to make them all pay. He was really angry.

He furiously walked away and just as he was coming down the stairs, he met with Mark and both of them went to his office. He was venting.

"Did you find out what you wanted?" Mark asked in his deep manly voice.

"Yes!" Miguel rasped, clenching his fists. "There is no doubt about it. Daniel has the tattoo I wanted to see. I clearly saw it while he was changing. He is also one of the dragons."

"So what are you planning don?" Mark asked with his usual serious face. He was ready to kill for his boss.

"For now, I don't know..." He breathed, rubbing on his temple. "The guy works with Christian and I don't want Christian finding out about our plan."

Meanwhile, outside the office, Christian had just arrived and he was hearing what they were talking about, something that he shouldn't have heard.

"Christian would never understand me." He added. "He should never find out what we are planning to do."

Outside, Christian was absolutely sure they were talking about his father's death but he couldn't get anything clearly. He was gonna have to find out one way or the other. He quickly left before Miguel and Mark came out of the office.

The event took place smoothly and Miguel gave donations to all the organizations that had attended. He especially gave Daniel's foundation a huge sum of 10 million dollars which he really appreciated. But he was cold towards him. He couldn't help it.


Christian was slowly moving, thinking about what he had heard when he went to Miguel's office. It was eating him up, making him even angrier. He had to find out somehow. He was sure that Miguel had something to do with his father's death although his heart was denying that.

He took a deep breath, moved his eyes forward and saw Mark talking on the phone. This was an opportunity for him to find out. He didn't care about mark's physique. He was gonna confront him.

He moved to Mark just in time to find him cutting the call.

"What are you doing here?" Mark asked, frowning. "Don is not with me."

"Of course, I can see that." Christian chuckled bitterly. "I just want to know what you and he were talking about in the office earlier."

"I have no idea what you are talking about." He showed no emotion at all. "Even if I do, I don't think it's in my power to tell you. Excuse me!"

He started going away but before he even took many steps, he got the surprise of his life that shocked him. Right in front of him, Christian took out a gun and angrily pointed at him. He was gonna find out the truth no matter what.

"Do you think I am fucking with you?" He yelled, cocking the gun. "I will put a bullet in your head if you don't talk."

But Mark remained quiet, not even looking scared because he was ready to die for Miguel.

"What were you two talking about?"

Before mark even said anything, Miguel came to them and the expression on his face said it all. He was really surprised to see Christian with a gun. He rushed towards them and came in between them.

"What's wrong with you, Christian?" Miguel yelled. "Have you suddenly gone insane? What are you doing with a gun?"

"I don't care what you think." Christian said harshly. "I heard what you and Mark were talking about in the office. I am sure you were talking about my father."

"Really?" Miguel chuckled, giving a smile. "What Mark and I were talking about had nothing to do with your father."

He turned and faced Mark who was looking a little angry. "Can you please leave us alone?"

"But Don..."

"Christian wouldn't shoot me." He glanced at Christian who was slowly putting his gun away. "Don't worry."

Mark bowed and left the two of them. Miguel got closer to Christian and looked into his eyes. "Do you really hate me enough to kill me, Christian?"

But Christian couldn't answer the question because deep down inside, he was yearning for Miguel. He loved him so much but he was also angry at him because of his father's death.

"Anyway, follow me so that we can get away from all this."

Miguel and Christian went inside to the study. Miguel locked the door and went closer to the man who looked as if he was mute. There was something deep inside of him that felt like slapping Christian but he couldn't.

"I don't understand why you are behaving like a wild savage." Miguel gawped, folding his arms on his chest. "Why would you attack Mark in front of the guests like that. Are you insane?"

"What?" Christian barked, furiously dropping his arms. "I am tired of all the corruption, powerful people like you always oppressing people who you think are below you."

"What?" Miguel couldn't believe he was hearing that from Christian. "What are you saying? I don't understand you. You are not like that. You are always talking about justice and doing things the right way."

"Ha..." Christian gave an evil grin. "Maybe you were right after all. Justice doesn't exist. All the crimes committed are overshadowed by powerful people. I will not rest until I find justice for my father. I am ready to put anyone who is involved six feet underground." He took a deep breath and moved closer to Miguel, looking deep in his beautiful green eyes. "So tell me what you were talking about."

Miguel chuckled and started heading to the couch, seducing Christian who couldn't keep his eyes off him. "I won't give you anymore explanations because I am honestly tired. You can do anything you want."

Christian thrust his hand forward, gripping Miguel's arm. He pulled him closer, their lips almost touching. "Do you think that explanation is enough for me?"

"Well, you can do whatever you want." He furiously released his arm from Christian's grip. "I am tired of you and everything."

"It's always the same thing with you." Christian yelled.

Miguel got serious as tears built up in his eyes. For the first time in his life he was telling the truth but Christian didn't believe him. He was tired of Christian and everyone judging him when he told them exactly what had happened, he was innocent.

"You might have become a thuggish murderer because of me but..." His voice was really low. "...but I became an idiot because of you."

Christian swallowed his pain as he breathed harshly. "I won't stop until I find out who killed my father." He said, pointing at Miguel.

Miguel chuckled bitterly. "Is this a declaration of war?" He asked softly, raising his eyebrow.

Christian felt really hurt because of what he was gonna say next. "This is the end of our relationship and the beginning g of a war between us."

To say Miguel was surprised would be an understatement. But he wasn't gonna go weak.

"And when did our relationship come back on track?" he chuckled, throwing shade at his boyfriend. He was hurt. "Have you forgotten so soon?"

"I don't care what you think." Christian yelled, clenching his fists. "You are gonna pay for this if I find out that you killed my father. Maybe I should have listened to him and..."

"I won't stand aside and let you threaten me without defending myself, Christian." Miguel warned.

"You can defend yourself all you want." He argued, his voice filling the entire study. "But I won't stop until I find out who killed my father."

"Good!" Miguel rubbed on his temple, slightly bending his neck.

Christian took a quick turn and left the study. Miguel's tears came pouring down in billions. He couldn't believe he had let himself fall in love once again. Maybe he could have been just lying because the truth was really painful indeed.


"It's really good because this money will help my foundation." Daniel said happily, taking a sip of his wine. "I had no idea that I would ever get such an amount."

"Yeah, you got it..." Alex said angrily, looking really concerned. "...but something is still not right."

"What do you mean?"

"I am talking about Miguel!" Alex was hoping it wasn't what he was thinking. "Didn't you notice something?"

"What do you mean?" Daniel couldn't understand. "I didn't notice anything except that he paid too much attention to me and it was our first time meeting. He was really interested about the work of my foundation."

"Exactly!" Alejandro got up from the chair, rubbing his hands. "It's very strange because they were many important people there."

Daniel remained quiet for a moment and then gasped. "Do you think Miguel is the one hunting us down?"

"Hmm..." Alex murmured, taking a deep breath. "I don't think so because Miguel couldn't have found us out. I know him very well."

"Do you trust him one hundred percent?"

Alejandro remained quiet, remembering that Miguel had been handling some dealings with Brandon behind his back. He couldn't be sure about him.

"Anyway, forget about that." He sighed. "Let's talk about the dragons and..."

"I don't think I would like to talk about that subject." Daniel didn't want anything about his past. "You know very well that I don't like talking about that."

"But you were a part of us, Dan!" Alex reminded him. "You participated in everything that night except the rape because you were such a coward. Every victim that we've ever..." He paused as he didn't want to say. "...we've killed them instantly except that night because we didn't do it ourselves. So if someone is hunting us then it has to be about that night."

"I still don't think that Miguel is the one." Dan said softly. "He didn't know Lambert or any of us."

"But he knew Hector." Just saying that made Alex shiver a bit. "But I guess you are right. But someone is hunting us down and we need to find out because it might be any of us next time."