Wild Flower Ch. 19


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Carter blurted out the address to Christian, telling him that he loved him so much but Christian didn't respond. He rather told him to hold on that he was gonna come for him. He cut the call and spent almost two minutes, wondering what Carter had done to be in jail.

He shook his head and left that very night to his mother's place to tell her what was going on. She was gonna help him calm Carter's mother down. Yes! That was what he was gonna do. But now he was definitely worried about Carter.


Miguel was seated in his office, going through some of the documents that were really important. After everything that had been happening in his life lately, the company was still generating billions of money. Many contracts and partnerships were just waiting for his signature. He still had a lot of work to do.

Miguel was putting on a blood red designer's trouser with a deep black designer's shirt which was a little tight on him. It was all buttoned up and he had a beautiful blue bowl tie on. The shirt was folded at the sleeves and he seemed really serious. He was rocking that beautiful short curly wig and the expression on his face meant business. He had red shoes on his feet.

As he was busy reading through the document, he heard the door opening and as soon as he raised his face, a smile shot up his face and he closed the document. It was Mark and he had brought in the trembling forensic doctor who seemed as if he had just seen a voice. His eyes widened when he saw La don.

"Well, well, well..." He grinned, folding his arms on his chest. "...look who decided to join us."

Mark made the trembling doctor sit down and Miguel took the pleasure of looking at his stupid ugly face.

"You look good..." He commented, shaking his head. "...but I don't understand why you are so nervous." He moved closer to the desk, looking the doc in the eyes. "Anyway, I won't waste your precious time and mine so I will go straight to the point." He lost the smile on his face, scaring the doc even more. "I want to know how you came up with the theory that the death of Pablo was an accident because it just doesn't add up. He's not so crazy man that would jump from the top of a building."

The doctor was definitely screwed. He was only moments away from shitting his pants. Yeah, Miguel scared him that much. His heart was like a washing machine and he swore he could hear blood passing through his ears. He was trembling badly.

"I... I only did what I was told."

"Really?" Miguel raised his eyebrows. "By who?"

"Br... Brandon!" He shuddered, shaking his head. "He said you told him to."

Miguel was surprised, really shocked. Now he was definitely sure that Brandon was up to something really bad. He couldn't believe the guy had gone behind his back to say something to the doc that he didn't tell him to? Question was, why?

"He also told me that Brandon told him to destroy all the evidence he found!" Mark added, making Miguel look at him.

Miguel moved his eyes to the doctor and sighed. He was mad. "I never told him to do that." He literally yelled, hitting his hands on the table. "But I understand that it wasn't your fault at all. It was Brandon's because he lied to me and to you as well."

The doc looked really constipated, scared because he was sure Miguel was gonna kill him.

"So... is there anything you can do to help me?" Miguel asked, folding his arms on his chest. He was ready to kill the idiot. "I need that evidence."

The doctor looked at Mark and then Miguel. His fear just went to another level. He had to save his own neck because he had a family that still needed him.

"I had no idea that he was lying." The doctor cried like a little child. "He threatened me... But..." He paused and rubbed his tears. "I... I didn't burn the entire evidence. I still have the report of the DNA that I got from the strand of hair that was on Pablo."

Hearing the doctor's words, Miguel burst into laughter, laughing his lungs out. He couldn't believe what he was hearing but he was elegant about it. "If he told you that I wanted the evidence destroyed then why do you still have it?"

Miguel's question made the doctor look like a deer caught in headlight. He tried to open his mouth but he had a huge lump in his throat. He could have sworn that he saw his life flush past him. He was definitely dead for sure.

"I... I..."

"Never mind that because that evidence will help me as well as keep you alive." He chuckled, feeling alive. "I will send Mark to you with a sample that I want you to compare with the DNA that you got from that strand of hair. I will use the proof to ascertain who it was that killed Pablo." And he was hoping it wasn't Brandon because he was gonna kill him for making things so difficult for him.

"I will be on that."

"Good!" Miguel smiled at him. "Mark will escort you out."

The doctor simply bowed his head and followed Mark out of the office. An evil grin appeared on Miguel's face as the doctor left. Finally, he was gonna get rid of one problem that was giving him a headache.


Christian had just arrived at the address Carter had given to him when they had talked. It was a top security prison and honestly he had no idea what Carter had done to bring him to such a place. It didn't take long before Carter was brought. There was a huge bar separating the two of them and two guards were watching them.

"Oh my God!" Christian gasped, reaching for Carter's hands. Carter was already crying hard. He was both happy and emotional that Christian had found him. "Carter! What are you doing here?"

"I was framed!" Carter cried, kissing both of Christian's hands. "Miguel is trying everything to deal with me."

"What happened?" Christian asked. "I need details."

Carter started narrating what had happened and how they had framed him, put drugs on them and brought them to that awful place. They had beaten them severally and told them never to call anyone. They had beaten Carter up and locked him up without any proof.

"Those bastards!" Christian cursed, clenching his fists. "How could they?"

They had already put Carter in an ugly brown uniform and he had bruises on his face and his arms.

"They are trying to bury me in this place, Christian!" He sobbed, crying like a little baby. "I know I am being set up." He cupped Christian's cheeks, yearning to kiss those lips once again. "They are trying to separate us, my love."

Really! Hope Carter knew what was he was talking about because no one even knew there was a thing going on between Christian and him.

"Calm down!" Christian said calmly to him. "I will try to get you out or bribe these idiots to treat you right. I swear I will do anything to get you out."

The moment Carter heard that, he cried even more. Christian truly loved him, he thought as he leaned forward and kissed Christian through the bar. Although Christian barely responded, Carter was really happy. At least, he was gonna be with the memory that he had kissed Christian. He was gonna be with him once he got out.

It didn't take long before the guard came and took back Carter to his cell. Christian left but called Darren to meet him so that they could figure out a way on how to help Carter out of that situation he was in. Who could have been responsible?


Miguel had just arrived at his house and Mark was following him behind.

"Pour me a glass, Mark." Miguel ordered, stopping to look at him. "Get Brandon a glass as well because he is on his way here. Bring the glasses to my office."

He was saying this with an evil grin on his face. He knew what he had to do. Mark nodded and Miguel went to the office. Immediately he reached, he sat on his comfy chair and waited until Mark came into the office.

He informed him that Brandon had arrived and Miguel couldn't have been happier.

"Good!" Miguel said happily. "I want you to take a very close look at the glass he is gonna use." He gave an evil grin. "We will get the DNA sample from that glass and then we will compare it to the hair sample the forensic doctor has."

"And then what boss?" Mark asked.

"We need to prove if he was the one that pushed Pablo to his death." He lost the smile on his face. "And I better hope that it wasn't him otherwise, he won't get out of this easily."

Mark smiled and then poured Miguel a glass. It wasn't long before Brandon entered the office and he had that surprised look on his face when Miguel raised the glass to him. He had thought they were gonna talk business.

"What's going on?" Brandon asked, closing the door behind him.

Miguel gestured to Mark and he poured Brandon a glass which he got, not shaking that surprised face off.

"Well, we are celebrating, Brandon!" Miguel gave him that seductive smile. Brandon could already feel his member rising. "We are celebrating signing a project worth billions. Cheers, darling!"


"Is it wrong to celebrate your amazing work and dedication?"

He toasted to Brandon but the man still looked confused and shocked. That had never happened before because Miguel had made many contracts, worth more than the money he was celebrating for but...

Brandon took a seat and still gave him that look. "I don't understand your change of attitude, Miguel!" He raised his eyebrow. "You've been complaining about my waning efficiency as of late. You were angry at me for being distant and unfocused last night."

Miguel got up from his chair and walked sexily to where Brandon was. He sat on the table, caressed his cheek and smiled brightly. Fuck! Brandon almost shot in his pants as his cock jerked uncontrollably. Miguel's touch came in too powerful that he felt his entire body quiver.

"I am sorry for making you feel bad." Miguel apologized, toasting with Brandon's glass. "I know I was very unfair with you after all this time of you being so dedicated and loyal. I just wanted to make it up to you."

Brandon was already feeling high. His cock was leaking and his heart was beating... only God knows how many beats per second. He felt as if he was about to lose it. Of course, the only way Miguel could make it up to him was to let Brandon make love to him. But the boy was refusing him that.

"You know very well that..." His breaths were harsh and sensual. He took a large sip of the champagne to make himself calm. Miguel being so close was having a very bad effect on him. "...I... I don't need your money and you know that."

"Of course," Miguel chuckled softly. "I know very well what you want from me and..."

Before Miguel finished his sentence, the door opened, revealing Mark who was just following the plan.

"Is it time?" Miguel asked Mark.

Mark nodded and Miguel got up from the table. "I'm truly sorry Brandon!" He apologized. "But looks like I have run out of time. I am actually running somewhere important. Can we talk about this later?"

"Sure!" Brandon gulped, hoping that big bulge in his pants wasn't gonna show.

Miguel saw Brandon off and when he came back, Mark had already put the glass in a plastic. They had already gotten what they wanted. Now it was time to take the glass to the doc and finally find out the truth.

Miguel ordered Mark to take the glass as soon as possible so that they could start. Once Mark left, Miguel went to his room to take a hot shower after a long day.


"Dude!" Christian gasped, holding the phone closer to his ear. "How is everything going there? I hope you were able to help with Carter's case. I need him out of there."

"No!" Darren sighed on the other end. "But I am at the prison and I will make sure he is in right conditions while we try to find a way to help him."


"You shouldn't worry about anything." Darren reassured. "I have already talked to some people here and they will make sure he is treated right." He cleared his voice. Christian could tell that his friend was really tired from his voice. "Anyway, how's it going with your father's case? I hope you've found out something."

"No!" Christian gripped his hair, slightly closing his eyes. "The one I am waiting for hasn't arrived. I hope I will get everything today."

"Okay. Good luck..."

Christian cut the call and before he could do anything else, he heard a knock on the door. He told whoever was there to come inside and he saw Marcus entering with tears in his eyes. Christian had called him to come and explain what his mother had told him. He needed answers once and for all.

"Christian!" Marcus sobbed as he got near. "Please, don't hate me. I am ready to tell you everything I know."

"What do you know, Marcus?" Christian asked, folding his arms on his chest.

Marcus tried to open his mouth but he was scared. Christian gave him some water and told him to tell him everything.

"What do you know, Marcus?" Christian was a little mad at his ex boyfriend. "How could you side with the people who killed my father?" Marcus shook his head but Christian wasn't gonna go with that shit. "And when you came here, you told me that you still loved me so much. Is that what you do to someone you love?"

"I am sorry." Marcus apologized, shaking his head. "I did tell Pablo that Miguel wasn't ready to negotiate but I didn't expect him to react the way he did."

"You did tell him and that led to his death." Christian said hoarsely. "What you told him made him go to Miguel."

"That isn't what I wanted..." He sobbed as more tears went down his cheeks. "...I swear to you that I didn't want that to happen. I only told him that Miguel wasn't ready to negotiate. I never thought that he would go running into the construction site or that Miguel would order him killed."

When Christian heard that, his heart gave a sharp pound in his chest, making his breaths to come out harshly. He trembled and his eyes widened. He simply froze and his mouth gaped. For a moment, he began thinking about what Miguel had told him... how he had begged him and how he had cried. It hurt him terribly and made him so shocked.

"What?" He yelled, shaking his head. "All this time we thought that Miguel had pushed my father to his death but it turns out that someone else was involved." Christian moved closer to Marcus, ready to get more out of him. "Who is that person, Marcus? Please, tell me who that person is. I need to know."

"I... I don't know." Marcus stuttered, feeling even more scared. "I can't tell until I have proof. But I swear to you, Christian, as soon as I find out who that person is... I will tell you."

Christian sighed. "I am sure that person is Brandon." He nodded. "But wait..."

Before he could even finish his sentence, Christian heard his phone ringing. It was Darren and he knew couldn't ignore him.


"Christian you need to here fast." Darren sounded impatient.

"Why? What's going on?"

"I got information that Carter and Lawrence were taken to solitary confinement." Darren said abruptly, making Christian scared. "I don't know what they did but you need to act fast."

"Okay." Christian quickly got up from the couch. "I am coming there right now."

Christian cut the call and started leaving but...

"Are you in love with Carter?" Marcus asked confidently, getting up from the couch.

Christian stopped in his tracks and turned slowly. He looked at Marcus and said nothing because he didn't even know the answer to his question. He had never felt so vulnerable the way he did. Adrenaline was preying on him and he couldn't breathe properly.

"I am sorry." Somehow, Christian's silence made Marcus a little happy. "It isn't in my place to ask such a question." He moved closer to Christian and rubbed his tears. "I will do anything to get you to trust me again. I know that you don't love me anymore but even your friendship will be enough for me."

Marcus gave Christian a hug and left. Christian too left for prison.


"I know that Daniel and you don't have to explain yourself." Miguel said with a serious look on his face. "I am pretty sure those women were just trying to bring you down but they won't succeed. They are probably jealous of you."

"I don't know what to do." Daniel sighed on the other end of the line. "The press was here and they got everything. If it gets out, people might misunderstand what I do at this foundation."

Miguel gave an evil grin as he remembered what had happened. He had sent the press to Daniel's office and the greedy women Brandon had hired played their part in accusing him. He was now sure that he had Daniel on his leash. Now he had nothing to worry about.

"Don't worry about that Daniel!" Miguel assured, coming down the stairs slowly and sexily. "Luckily, Brandon found out about what had happened and immediately informed me. I assure you that none of that will get out because I made sure all the recordings were destroyed."

Daniel gasped on the other end of the line. "Thank you so much, La don! You have no idea what that means to me."

'Go ahead,' Miguel thought as the evil grin brightened. 'You won't even know what hit you. You will be my slave from now own.'

"Don't thank me..." He chuckled softly. "...thank your honesty and good nature. Anyway, I will talk to you tomorrow."

He cut the call and came down the stairs to find Brandon waiting for him.

"Good job, Brandon!" Miguel smiled brightly. "Now Daniel will be on my leash. I can control him however I want."

"And we will deal with him once we get information of that bastard." He laughed manically. "Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that there is a new reporter in town. He is very nosy and was at Daniel's foundation. He was asking questions about his past and I think he might be a problem, especially if he finds out about the dragons."

"Hmm..." Miguel sat on the couch, closer to Brandon. "...a new reporter, huh? Let him just stay out of my path because I won't hesitate to waste him. Find someone to keep an eye on him."

"Don't worry about that." Brandon moved closer, staring at Miguel's gorgeous lips which he was dying to kiss. "You know I like doing things for you?"

"You sure?" Miguel raised his eyebrow, breathing audibly. "People that are very close to me have betrayed me, people that I trusted and loved." He added, staring into Brandon's eyes. "It's becoming and plague and I hope you don't get infected."

"Me?" He laughed at the top of his voice, shaking his head. "I wouldn't dare do that to you. I promise that I will always be loyal." He moved his hands slowly, resting them on Miguel's thighs. He bit his lips sensually as his breaths got harsh. "Now..." His voice sounded horny and sexy. "...why don't we continue what we were talking about the other day at the office? You promised me, remember?"

Miguel laughed sexily and slowly removed Brandon's hands to his disappointment. "We don't have to rush things, Brandon." He caressed Brandon's hands sweetly. "The right time is coming for us to be together since Christian and I are over."

Brandon was really disappointed. "What? But I thought..."

"Just leave, Brandon!" He said with a smile. "I will call you later today."

Brandon took a deep breath and left Miguel's house. After he left, Miguel took a glass of wine and started thinking about Brandon. No way was he gonna let Brandon get in his pants. He still loved Christian and Brandon was the last man he was ready to give his cookie to.

As he was busy thinking, Mark arrived with an envelope that he handed to Miguel. Miguel felt shivers as he held that envelope. His heart was pounding and his breaths were harsh. He was scared of what he was gonna find out.

He took a deep breath and opened the envelope. When his eyes landed on the letter inside, he simply stopped breathing... his heart stopped beating and he simply froze. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Brandon!" He seethed, gripping the results harder. "That fucking bastard. He is the one that killed Pablo."