All Comments on 'Wilderness'

by ukresearcher

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dmhackdmhackover 10 years ago
Am I surprised this was written by a Brit?

Sadly, not in the least,

Hard to believe they once ruled the world.

Zed56Zed56over 10 years ago
Is ukresearcher and Matt Moreau the same Author?

Sure seems that way. Sad really

gt_readergt_readerover 10 years ago
Well written

but I hate the plot. How long before he is home babysitting while she is out night after night getting her fill of big cocks!?

svg1svg1over 10 years ago

How is it that this guy, Bret, walks around in the wilderness, supposedly to be alone, while carrying this many narcotics with him. Even before the broken leg, Bret suggested to Pat that he could fuck her after he drugs her 'husband'. Bret was never a nice guy, he's a psychopathic predator. He deliberately intruded into a relationship and destroyed it without conscience. He had no intention of a relationship with Pat, he knew what he could do, and he did it. Morphine is not a recreation level narcotic, it's very easily fatal. And is only administered under close, qualified observation. This guy, Bret, is a serious nutcase. He's walking around in the wilderness with narcotics that he would never administer to himself. And, what health insurance policy allows Bret to just apply his insurance benefits to who ever he chooses. I don't need health insurance, my friend will let me use his. Ya. Right.

rainbow001rainbow001over 10 years ago

The story was well written from a technical standpoint as usual. UK has serious skills as a writer. My problem with the story is pretty simple, I didn't have anyone to root for. None of the characters were likable enough to get involved emotionally in the outcome. No likable characters = no dramatic tension = skim to the end. Still the writing was good and thank you for sharing it with us.

YathinkYathinkover 10 years ago

So you don't mind being a FAR DISTANT second to someone else?

That is the best woman you DESERVE??

You are THAT worthless??

AND raising his kid? YOU ARE SOOOO FUCKED UP!

Would WIFE have accepted you fucking someone else IN FRONT of HER??


You, BY YOURSELF, give ALL men in the world a bad name!

UKresearcher in what? Patheticness??

SparksWillFlySparksWillFlyover 10 years ago
Your Stories

Emote in the reader great sadness for your male characters, who settle always for a lesser life just to be near their spoiled and privileged women.

puddychpuddychover 10 years ago

what utter tripe...all characters are pure crap heads and no mater how you try to work it in she is a slut ..big man is a marriage breaker and wimp man is just so lame...


stanford_carlystanford_carlyover 10 years ago
Fuck The Trolls :)

This was a nice story for the category it is under. I really like your writing style and hope to see more similar stories from you in the future. Maybe a sequel to this one somehow? Maybe a reunion between Pat and Bret?

YathinkYathinkover 10 years ago
Of course some cheating cunt (female or otherwise) likes it!

She GETS OFF on studly filling her cheating cunt & nutless wonder sucking it out.

Any real world man would have thrown her worthless ass to the curb in a heartbeat.

CybawulfCybawulfover 10 years ago

None of your stories make it past a rating of 4, except for the gay one. Reading this story I can see why. It doesn't matter how well it was written, if the plot is shit the story is shit, this ain't erotic, it's sad and pathetic.

MickZimMickZimover 10 years ago
Holy Shit Dude

I fucking hate you. Just for once you had something going and you fucking ruin it with a shitty ending like that. Fuck you.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 10 years ago
golly ANOTHER shallow revolting british faggot

who would of thunk it? Hey maybe ukresearcher and mattblackUK are fucking each other?

unh0unh0over 10 years ago
As has been said already. ....

......this was written by a typically British cuckold author (is there any other kind? ), so it is very predictable. Not my cup of tea (get the "British" reference there?), but at least I always know where they will end up. Tally Ho(e)!

not_a_trollnot_a_trollover 10 years ago
absolutely great story

Really special story, for which thank you!

And please ignore the trolls.

YathinkYathinkover 10 years ago
Not_a_troll: Look at how many says this sucks & ask who is the troll? YOU!! )))

So which are you?

A man or a woman who thinks sex = humiliating a man??

Either way, SEE A SHRINK TROLL! ))))))))))))))))))))))

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsover 10 years ago
An impression of this fucking site these days.

Oh boo hoo! Someone has a kink that I don't understand, they are an evil, sick, disgusting pervert and I should threaten them and rant and rave about their story in the comments section. I am so insecure and damaged by someone or something in my past that I hate all women and anyone who writes stories that don't conform to /MY/ view of relationships and sexuality. It is a huge personal insult to me that someone, somewhere might have a submissive side and get off on something on an erotica site that I don't!

Seriously, Yathink, Harry, the rest of you fucking idiots, please go to another section of this site if cheating offends you so deeply. Or, perhaps, and I know this is probably too big a concept for your small, sad little minds, but learn some basic pattern recognition and stop reading stories by authors you clearly already know aren't your cup of tea. You lot are fucking sad, pathetic, worthless excuses for men who really, really need to get a life.

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsover 10 years ago
Lol @Zed whatever

Love how when you all bash stories and threaten their authors and call them retards and faggots it's a free speech thing. When someone says that a story is actually not so bad or that you should lay off that person, suddenly you don't seem to care so much about free speech.

And I do know that most readers on this site feel the way you do, because this site, or at least this portal on it, has been taken over by insecure, misogynistic little punks who can't get over a girl they liked in school not dating them or whatever it is that makes sad little men like you act the way you do. Doesn't mean I can't still point this out from time to time when an author remembers what the Loving Wives portal is for. Because you know, lol, free speech and all that.

TornadoTysTornadoTysover 10 years ago
Same old Story

I do enjoy reading the authors stories.

However I am still hoping that the story theme changes.

Boy meets girl, happy couple bump into large big cock man who pounds the female into orgasmic oblivion. Poor husband is small in statue and cock. Female is pregnant with lovers child !

Need a change in the story theme please.

YathinkYathinkover 10 years ago
Karen: Lying, deceiving & disrespecting is NOT a "KINK". Get some MORALS!

And a man that cannot stand up for himself is NOT a man!

tiger46tiger46over 10 years ago
I could never put up with her - ever

But more power to those that can - to each his own. A very good read. 5*

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsover 10 years ago

The story is okay, this authors work is all kind of samey honestly.

But man, the comments section is just gold, pure gold. That's worth five stars right there. Keep making yourself look like an ass by guessing wrong about me, it's hilarious.

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsover 10 years ago

Lol, who is pathetic or socially awkward, the person who writes stories, samey as they may be, posts them and then has no interaction with the people commenting at all. Or the person who spends his days trolling comment sections looking for people to insult and belittle for having kinks they don't like on a porn site?

I never said you or any one else where the only people commenting, I picked the names immediately below the comment I was writing because I didn't feel like reading all of the stupid drivel that the misogynist jilted men's rights club here posts on every cuckold story.

If you guys want to criticize this author or any other author for being repetitive, feel free. I'll do the same, Matt Moreau's stories are super predictable and I honestly don't read them any more. But, that's the key. I've stopped reading them. I'd stopped reading this author's stuff until I decided to see why it was generating a shit storm of comments. And that's the other thing, you're not commenting on it being repetitive. You're saying that because he gets off on being sexually submissive and being humiliated, a fairly common kink in both men and women, he is retarded or has mental problems or any number of other things. That I can't abide, so please, go fuck yourself. Or do this site and the internet at large a favor and stop reading things you know are going to piss you off.

Zed56Zed56over 10 years ago
Hey Karen

Now I get it.Karen Woods and littlecorderla are the same person. I should have recognized the hatred of men in general.Also anyone who has anything negative to say about a cuckold story is a member of the asinine club you made up.Still can't stand the fact that Haleyz failed.What a sad sad women. BTW I guessed as well about you as you think you guessed about.Believe me Karen you have no idea..Not even close.Lastly I read your biography Ever been married?

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsover 10 years ago

Haha, yeah, no two people could ever both disagree with all you absolute geniuses.

And you are all members of a club, it's a club of guys who are so bitter about women, either because they're divorced or, in many of your cases I bet, never been in a serious relationship with another person. So you all whine and scream about how any woman who cheats deserves to be publicly shamed and killed like the good old days, how this country is so horribly mean and unfair to men, and how about how all women are sluts and bitches and any man who could forgive someone is a pussy and a faggot. Do I have that about right so far?

Oh, and there's the complete disbelief that anyone can have a fetish or a sexual fantasy you don't approve of. God forbid you closed minded little pricks ever actually found out that *GASP* there are guys who are actually into being humiliated or anything like that. Seriously, you guys are adorable.

And Zed, I never tried to guess your age or marital status because I realize that being closed minded, sad and pathetic knows no limitations really. But no no, go back to lecturing me on how I'm an old woman, that was just adorable.

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsover 10 years ago

Aww, the whiny little boy doesn't like arguing any more.

I don't think everyone who dislikes cuckold stories is the same. Just all the guys who come into the comments and post dumb, posturing, internet tough guy remarks about how 'no real man likes this' or 'I'd kick her ass to the curb', or who say calls the author mentally defective for liking it. Those guys are all the same, and really it's a very small minority on this site, I notice it's probably a dozen different names that appear on every story like this, bemoaning how /everyone/ agrees with them, but in the same breath how this site is so flooded with cuckold stories, almost as if there is a sizable number of people who don't agree with them.

And please, do go away and stop commenting, that was my point. You're an idiot, and I don't mean that as a generality, I mean you personally are an idiot. I genuinely, sincerely hope that your significant other is getting better sex from a man who doesn't waste his days online bitching and moaning about what people write in comment threads or on a porn site in general.

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsover 10 years ago
I'm not little

Don't know where she's been, but this isn't her. So try again, or are you still not commenting?

YathinkYathinkover 10 years ago
Karen, without any snide derogatory remarks or cussing, an answer please?

If I were to re-write this story, changing the male characters to female and vice versa, but with all of the same cheating and deceiving, and in the end of the story, I have the male character tell his female significant other, "sorry, you are not going to be having a baby you'd really like; the woman I cheated on you with is going to be having your baby, and you and I are going to support and raise her child, and you will work a job 40+ hours a week for the next 20 years to do this", would you still be so wildly supportive of such a story or of me as the author? Of course, I would change the story enough to be original and not a mere clone of UKR's.

You see, Karen, most people, men and women, would not think that scenario was fair or just, and that's why you are seeing all the negative comments.

And for the record, Karen, I actually HAVE thrown a cheating woman to the curb.

I was young and naive & I tried the forgiveness route.

Result? She cheated on me again. And to the curb she immediately went, tears and pleading and all!

Subsequently I found a much prettier, smarter, truly loving, faithful, more successful, hard-working woman who gave me two beautiful, smart daughters.

And my cheating girlfriend?

She's been married and divorced 3 TIMES!

And THAT says all you need to know on that subject!

So we're not all "bitter trolls", Karen.

We just recognize which women are "keepers."

And which aren't.

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsover 10 years ago

Judge me before I can answer why don't you.

Yes, I would love that story. I think infidelity kinks are hot going both ways. I enjoy cuckolding and cuckqueaning, the latter being a woman seducing a man away from his wife. So yeah, please do, I think those stories are heavily under represented on this site and on other erotica sites in general.

Oh, sorry, was I supposed to have a huge double standard the way all the misogynist boys on here do?

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsover 10 years ago
And actually...

You've proven my point entirely. You have a bad experience in your past, therefore no one is allowed to enjoy an erotic fantasy on an erotica site because it personally offends you. This whole portal is supposed to be for people to come and explore kinks involving swinging and sharing and, yes in spite of what you are about to argue, cuckolding. Yet you are bitter about an ex-wife, so no one is ever allowed to enjoy a story about infidelity while you are alive! How dare someone enjoy something that I don't enjoy!

This author, and many others, clearly enjoy fantasies about being cuckolded. You don't, that's fine. So just don't read these stories and rant at the author and call him names and insult anyone who likes his stories.

And before anyone says 'How am I supposed to know I won't like a story before reading it?', every complaint about this author has been 'all his stories are the same', so perhaps at that point you should realize that his stories, like MM's and others, aren't for you and just leave them alone.

YathinkYathinkover 10 years ago
Sorry, Karen; there is a difference between "amoral" , "wimp", and mutually agreed "kink"

1) You didn't prove ANYTHING, especially about me.

I dislike AMORAL people, women OR men.

A subset of that group (criminals), I also dislike.

My dislike of such people incompatible with societal norms HARDLY makes me, ipso facto, "bitter" or a "troll."

2) I described a story that would CRUSH THE LIFE out of the VAST MAJORITY of child-desiring women if they were somehow forced into it, and you thought the idea was HOT?? WTF??

I wasn't "double standard" "baiting" you.

I was trying to show you "amorality."

3) If I did write the story I described, the WOMEN, NOT MEN, on this site would beat me to a pulp!

Are those women "bitter" and "trolls" also?

4) As opposed to AGREED UPON "kink", this author CLEARLY RESENTS the woman's AMORAL behaviors (lying, deception), not to mention her lover, but feels HELPLESS to do anything about it.

The author says: " 'No hard feelings. I lied.' "

This is NOT mutual kink; this is a WIMP & a WUSS!

And MOST MEN find such behavior in another man REPUGNANT. And somehow you don't know that?

"Man up!" "Be a man!"

Any of this ringing any bells, Karen?

calclovercalcloverover 10 years ago
Karen, Questions

I have read your the comments for the last day or so. Couple of questions. You seem to think it isn't right for a commenter to pan a story that he or she does not like.What if you have never read this author?. Also it seems perfectly okay if you bash the snot out of any negative commenters. Do you see anything wrong with this?What makes it okay for you to bash the commenters but the people who are actually giving an opinion on the story are a bunch of trolls. Strange dichotomy no?

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsover 10 years ago

I don't care if people don't like the story, what I'm reacting too are guys like dontthink there who attack the author personally or, in his case, everyone who has a kink.

Seriously? You're going on about morality? On a site with an incest section and a rape section? Where half the "living wives"stories are whiny, misogynistic snuff porn?

Some people like /fantasies/about cuckolding. That doesn't make them immoral any more than anyone on this site. You're on a fucking porn site, maybe lighten up a bit.

Or don't, because you're as adorable add poor zeddy down there and I've got another boring day at work ahead of me to kill trying to explain what an erotica site is for to you while you rant and rave about how mean girls are :) Hope your wife is taking all the time you spend policing the morality of people on an online porn site to find a real man of her own.

calclovercalcloverover 10 years ago

Do we have some anger issues?Jesus woman what the fuck is with you.No wonder your biography is what it is.Who the hell would want anything to do with you A wee bit of anger management might be needed.I get it your right and everybody else is an ass.Interesting concept. Have a miserable life but from the sound of it........

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsover 10 years ago

Who's angry, I've been having fun on here. And what about my bio? It's basically left blank, because I don't care what anyone here thinks about me. My name's not Karen, it's the name I intended to publish some stories under as it was the name of the main character. But having come here and seen the sorry state this loving wives section is in I've decided to post them elsewhere, now I just like to troll sad, bitter wankers who feel the need to belittle anyone whose kinks don't fit into their very narrow view of being a 'Man' from time to time. For some reason this story proved particularly fertile ground for it.

Seriously, Harry, Zeddy, Doesn'tthink, thanks for helping kill some time and making me laugh over the last couple days, it's been a hoot. We'll have to do this again next time you all (and not just you three, you're just the only ones I care to remember) gang up on some guy who has a cuckold streak and call him a retard and mentally deficient and immoral again. Cheers.

calclovercalcloverover 10 years ago

The quintessential sociopath. Good luck KW. You will need it

YathinkYathinkover 10 years ago
Karen, I assume "doesn'tthink" means my last comments to you could not be debated. )))

"Doesn't think!" instead of "yathink"!

Oh Karen, you are SOOOO funny!!

If you're 10 years old.

So this is what happens when you get your panties in a wad?

And you can't think how to out-argue someone.

You start calling names, like a wittle child?

Poor ootsy wootsy!

Sorry you couldn't come up with anything better than "doesn'tthink."

But hey, maybe next time Karen? ))))))))))))))))))))

YathinkYathinkover 10 years ago
calclover, you may be correct.

From the patterns I was seeing of "Karen's" responses to a wide variety of prompts as well as a variety of "her" own unsolicited comments, I went back and "scored" "Karen's" responses and from that considered a diagnosis of ASPD (antisocilal personality disorder- ie sociopath and/or psychopath), and in my opinion, "Karen" may, in reality, be one.

Either way, further discussions with "Karen" are pointless.

We are attempting, as the saying goes, to teach a pig to sing. It wastes our time and annoys the pig.

YathinkYathinkover 10 years ago
oops, sorry. my bad! antisocial, not antisocilal

damn small keys! ))

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsover 10 years ago
Ooh, good!

The only thing better than someone who thinks he knows what is moral for people to jack off to on the internet is someone who has convinced themselves they are a psychologist because they can find a form online! Please, please, tell me based on a handful of things I said while trolling idiots in the comment section of a porn site what other disorders I have? You guys have been spot on about me being an unmarried, middle aged cat lady so far, I mean just one hundred percent accurate!

bewitched_travelerbewitched_travelerover 10 years ago
I'm bothered...

First of all, although a nicely written story, I had some moral problems with it. I've never been a fan of infidelity. I'm probably going to avoid this sort of story in the future. Otherwise, block out the technicalities and leave the sex in the wild? Amazing, even though the guy, Bret, was a psychopath.

Second, there was a few other things that made me uncomfortable. Being a fan of a guy being able to admit his feeling/thoughts (that is not unmanly, in my opinion), the Brit guy didn't realize he had a "kink" for cuckolding and he took his resentment for himself, Pat, & Bret and focused it mostly on Bret. Not too unreasonable, but definitely not healthy. So his behavior made sense throughout. Pat was obviously a cheating bitch. I mean I get how domineering guys can be, I've dated one even, but I feel like she didn't even put up an ounce of resistance. Soon as she got the chance she was fucking Bret, which is not a sign that she truly had strong feelings for her "husband." She even goes on to admit to Bret that she isn't satisfied. The Brit guy ended up almost like Pat's hammer throwing ex-boyfriend: together only because she's trying to be nice.

Third, what the fuck people? Why is it that the first time I come across people trying to diagnose a person, based on heated comments posted on a porn site of all fuckin' things, is on a story like this?? I don't see people trying to figure out what's wrong with the people commenting on, reading or posting incest stories. We've all got "problems" by society's standards, so lay off. And this goes both ways, but Karen the more you provoke and criticize them, the more their going to argue with you. By now, both sides have lost the plot; now it's all ad hominem attacks. All parties here are stubborn and most likely won't understand the other's view point. Agree to disagree and move on people, it's not worth it.

SleeplessinMD4SleeplessinMD4over 10 years ago
Excellent story but...

all of your stories are premised around weak men and strong women. If a man want to be a cuckold because that is his sexual bent that is Ok. However, in this story, his "soulmate" fucks another guy every night while he is fighting for his life and she does so when she can get pregnant by her lover. She does the only honorable thing in the story by breaking off the engagement because she realized that she cannot stay faithful to him. He just accepts raising a bastard and being a cuckold because he is so desperate to have her in his life. The problem is in real life there are some complicatons which makes him a fool - (1) She will no doubt lose respect for him (she started by fucking her lover while he was still in the hospital; (2) Brett may have a different view in a few years once he finds out he has a son; (3) They have set any rules for when she can scratch her big cock itch; and (4) She really does not love him - he just got her on the rebound so if another big cock lover wants her she will be gone. I read your stories because despite your cuckold theme you write well. I just have to read painfully about these losers you create which is not erotic.

redfoxx15redfoxx15about 10 years ago

Go Karen! If these idiots don't like Loving Wives stories why are they reading them? No doubt they'd prefer a Snuff category

Lynn_MXXLynn_MXXabout 10 years ago
A Masterpiece!

I really enjoyed this one, it was really sexy. Lots of angry comments afterwards too, which is a sure sign of a good story in this category. What's more, the same angry people will be back for more, reading stuff by the same author.

UKR usually does about four pages per story, so this one seemed a bit short. Also I thought that Tom (the narrator) accepted his fate as a step-father-to-be a little too easily. I wanted him to suffer a bit more and sulk for a bit, experiencing extreme lonelyness without Pat, then reluctantly giving in to the fact that he loves her too much to give her up. Wanted to read about Tom working long hours too, in order to support Bret's child

@Zed56: The style of Matt Monrou - or whatever his name is - bares no resemblance to the one of UKR, though I suspect that he (UKR) and Jenny Gently may be one of the same person (and JG's a good read too!)

Looking forward to your next story, UKR

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
All your stories are about WIMPS

All of your stories, that I have read, are about males who are WIMPS! You must be a wimp yourself; if Tom was a man he would have thrown Pat out! He had already heard he say that she would always seek other men who were well endowed but, being a wimp, he wants to be married to her. What a WIMP piece of dog poop; people like them must be your heros.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Oh my god - these are so extremely dumb people...

There is only one solution: a quick and painless shot into their stupid heads and by doing so the worlds average IQ will increase extremely...

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

You are a great writer from a technical standpoint. Your prose is clear and you do a nice job building tension. My problem is how you handle your lead characters. Here, you want the narrator to be a closet masochist with cuckold tendencies or you want him to be in denial. If it is the former, shouldn't you sell it more. As with most of your stories, it appears to be the latter and that is where you begin to lose many of us. Allow him to come to realizations.

Moreover, the other two characters here are vile - Bret essentially carries a rape kit and his initial thought is to use it to break up a marriage. The girlfriend, although being written in as a loving and upstanding person, is a sadist. I'm not saying that you ought to go out and destroy these two as many of our fellow infantile readers would want you to do. I am saying that you ought to explore the main characters reactions to these facts.

Otherwise, many of your stories begin to repeat each other - "loving" but cruel wife and amoral lover disrespect and abuse the dumb husband. Your writing ability is too good to just rehash that cliche in different locales. Despite the threats and moans from the peanut gallery, I do urge you to keep writing. You are very talented.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

The author comes up with an astonishing number of ways to pretend he isn't gay. Such wasted effort.

Sandman_truckSandman_truckabout 7 years ago
Grow a set

Dump her ... Dump her ...Dump her !!! Get away . She is a bitch and betrayed him even before he broke his leg . She used his injury as an excuse to screw Bret and she knew all along she was fertile . Run away as soon as u can . Why can't these authors write a story about husbands and boyfriends that actually have a set of balls !

tazz317tazz317about 7 years ago

he must have majored in cuckold and super wimp, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Once AGAIN, The Author Demonstrates The Last Briton With Any Balls . . .

. . . was Margaret Lady Thatcher, LG, OM, PC, FRS, FRIC.

Why don't you poor excuses in England for something with a Y Chromosome just give up, bow to Mecca, chant "allahu akbar", and submit to the millennia-old mohamadin practice of castration and emasculation for all unbelievers, so the West can write your sorry-ass country off, and turn your island into a greater "Gitmo" prison, quarantined from the rest of the world?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

This author's stories work as entertainment because they are so disturbing. The MC here is either in deep denial as to his latent cuckold desires or he is willing to be completely subservient to the desires of his wife. What is disturbing is the wife. No amount of big cock desires excuse her actions, either the first night or the subsequent days. This is a toxic marriage andwhile she is amorous she is not loving.

That being said, ukresearcher should ignore the snowflake police and keep on writing. The strength of his stories is his ability to disturb. As such, I find them much more enjoyable the normal juvenile revenge fantasies that populate LW.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
you are mother fucker and born like a wimp

you didn’t have a guts and dont a. have pride real loser wimp . .. should be shame yourselfer loser

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

A Canuck cuck and a Northern whore.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

That dirty bitch would have been sent packing. She told that dumb bastard she's knocked up and it isn't his. The stupid SOB still wants to marry that whore. Should be hit in the head to put sense into him...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I just don’t get an author who never lets his protagonists win, they never get the girl in the end. All of them are the same...the stories are well written but you always just feel sad and depressed at the end. Don’t get it....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Skipped from pg 1 to end. Yuck.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

So many pathetic excuses for men here. This should be 1 page: she isn't faithful, you leave. End of story.

Hornydevil47Hornydevil4710 months ago

Once again Ukresearcher thank you for a good story. Sadly the comments from a group of your readers will always be the same. Some of these people do not know what goes on in this world. Men do get dominated by wives /fiancées /girlfriend's but if you have fallen in love with your woman it can be extremely difficult to just dump them. My wife and I have played in the past, she has had more sexual partners than I. Whether people like it or not, it is extremely erotic to know your wife is having sex with another man. Why do some of the people that comment not realise that the reason there is so much porn out there is that we are an extremely sexual beings. Why are they even on this site. By the way my wife and I have been married over 55 years and our sex life still goes on and on and on daily. We are both 75. Hopefully a few more years yet. Who knows? Mel B known as Hornydevil47

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I wanted to write something, but I think I'm going to need to puke first.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

HD47: you either lead your wife or she will lead you. And damn if they don't try. I had this sort of situation occur to me not once but twice when I was young. It was hard, painfully hard, but I dumped both of their asses right on the spot. Looking back, it was not only the right decision to make, I often think about what crap my life would have been if I hadn't done it. Undoubtedly my balls would be in formaldehyde somewhere.

BTW, a 75 yo with a 75 yo wife whose "sex life goes on and on and on DAILY." Daily, as in each and every day?

Sorry, I call BS. Unless your idea of "sex life" is her giving you a simple quick peck on the pecker.

As to your idea of "extremely erotic", if your wife acts like the town bike, how emotionally special can it really be for you when she finally allows you in her well worn parts? Sad, sorry.

IOW, if she's giving it to everybody, what's so special about what she gives you? You're just one of the many.

My conclusion is she saw you coming AND that you have never experienced genuine, true intimacy.

Otherwise you'd value it more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

It's not mine? No problem. See ya.

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