Witches of Lust Ch. 10


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"Believe it," Morgana said. "They relish the opportunity to have a beautiful mate, just as any red-blooded young man would. This arrangement is normal for them, and just, for it us from us that they were given life."

"Irina, you already have a mate, a knight. How does that work out, getting another?"

"Well Jeanie, I don't know exactly, but it goes something like this. I'm responsible for keeping my man satisfied. If I can't do it myself, I find some girl who is willing to take care of him for me. I might sleep with him every so often, but also expose him to variety. Thanks to my magic, we can avoid problems like STDs and stuff."


"I have a question," Karina said. "Due to the time warp, if we go back home, our children will soon reach adulthood, won't they?"

"Yes. It takes less than two months time."

"Sheesh!" Karina gasped. "I take it Mother Farold sees to it that knights don't get wedded to their mothers?" she asked.

"Of COURSE!" Morgana laughed loudly. "She doesn't offer much more though. Just be careful when you decide to get in bed with a knight or finishing school grad, if that squicks you out." Morgana smiled wickedly, as if she had not followed her own advice in that respect and enjoyed it immensely.

"So what you're saying is, if you gave your child to Mother Farold through the rite, don't go sleeping around with the graduates of her school or you might be fucking your own son or daughter."

"Exactly, if that really bothers you," Morgana said, continuing to tut-tut as if we were acting prudish. "Now we need to get down to brass tacks about this situation with the Unredeemed elves. The Belfry can't hold them anymore, now that they have magic! As for Duna, I saw her aura appear! Jeanie, you've definitely knocked her up! The other two have plenty of spirit energy saved up. They will stay here as long as your suggestion holds, maybe longer, but who knows how long it has left. They could decide to leave at any moment, and their auras with them! If an orc shaman could tap into that, it would spell trouble for the elves here, I can assure you. We can't let that happen! "

"I was only trying to help," I said. "What do we do? I tried to cure the urge, and it didn't work!"

"The urge is far stronger than the temptation. I have a plan, however."

"Well let's hear it!" Lucille said.

"We let them live out a fantasy that is unthinkable and repressed."

"Oh not more of this repressed bullshit!" the blonde spat.

"How do you know that will work?" Karina asked.

"Because I am the greatest sex-witches of all time," Morgana said. "I've picked up a thing or two along the way."

"If you're so good, then why haven't you cured any of these elves?" Lucille asked.

Morgana sighed, but Lucille pressed for an answer.

"Very well, allow me to explain. First of all, if the affliction is a lack of sexual fulfillment, the cure is a powerful fantasy. Are you with me so far?"

I nodded after a moment.

"With the Unredeemed, the Urge is too strong. Acting out a fantasy would only be a half-measure. The urge is almost a permanent psychosis. The only cure to a permanent affliction like that is a new lease on life."

I looked at her in confusion, and shrugged. "Okay, you seem so confident about it."

Morgana and Lucille shared a serene look.

"Trust me," Morgana said. "The more significant the change, the more potent the cure."

It dawned on me at last that Morgana had not simply changed Brian into Lucille to make her a witch in the coven. She had used it as an opportunity to heal his PTSD.

"Alright, well I do trust you of course," I said. "It seems what we need then is to do a little fantasy-role play or something? Bondage and spanking?" I said.

"We will need to custom tailor the fantasy to each elf and their wants. Each elf has their own repressed fantasies, dozens or hundreds of fantasies," Morgana explained. "They keep them hidden, but subconsciously they feel the conflict, making them miserable. It is this misery that fuels the urge. Don't worry. I already looked into things with Dunadel, and I've picked an easy one."

"It's amazing that you know things like this," Karina said.

"I'm a sex witch, have been for decades. You pick a thing or two up along the way if you pay attention. Maybe there's another magic cure that doesn't involve fucking, but if you ask me, a sexual problem requires sexual healing."

"I'm sure Marvin Gaye would agree," Karina quipped.

"Oh my god," Lucille said, rolling her eyes. "They're right outside," Lucille said, gesturing toward the courtyard. "Can we skip to the orgy already?"

"It won't be long," Morgana said. "I'll need a futanari elf here to explain my plan."


A few minutes later, I strode out into the courtyard ahead the others, our plan for Dunadel already fleshed out and ready to go. It was our test run, and if it worked, it meant we would be able to cure the urge for the other Unredeemed. Morgana had really convinced all of us that it would work.

"Well! I hope you are enjoying your evening," I said, approaching Dunadel, who smiled at me shyly. "Isn't it wonderful to finally be free?"

"Yes," she said meekly. "Although it is with some disappointment that I have discovered that you seem to be the most popular human in town."

"Oh, don't hold that against me. I'm here for you right now."

"Are you talking about trying to give me a second treatment?" she asked.

"I would do whatever was necessary if it would help you, Dunadel."

That got her. For one thing, she liked that I remembered her name. Secondly, while the other elves were talking to her as if she was fixed for good, I was admitting that I did not cure her. She was intrigued because she was beginning to think that I had in fact cured the other elves.

"What makes you think you can help the Unredeemed?" she asked.

"This isn't about what I think. I'm just a vessel. The question is, would you like to try another round of treatment?" I asked, throwing her off guard again. She really wanted to say yes, but she was ashamed to say so in public, as expected.

"Oh, I'm sure the other Unredeemed are waiting to secure their freedom as well! I'm certainly not a priority."

"Their time will come, later. I've already had a busy day's work, and now I just want to play. Do you want to play with me?" I teased. Her surface thoughts made it clear that she was hoping to score with me. Knowing that made me cocky and playful. The shyness on her part was due to the fact that this was the first time she had been among the other elves in a while and she was feeling very self-conscious. She could only imagine the way her sisters must have thought about the Unredeemed. She didn't want to confirm their suspicions that she was a slut.

"Duna, we can't have you getting so uptight," I said, choosing words that addressed her surface thoughts. "Look, the word is spreading that you're back, and all of your friends are arriving." As I spoke, I started to grow out my dick, but not in the usual shape. Dunadel's prescription called for a cock in the shape of an equine phallus. As I was told, she needed two of them, on two different people. Cresania had volunteered to be the other horse cock futa.

When Dunadel saw my cock, she turned away with embarrassment, but then she looked again. She became transfixed, only making small humming noises while she opened and closed her mouth like a fish.

"Please, Jeanie," she whimpered. "Let's go somewhere private. I need you."

Cresania had been waiting for her cue just a few paces away. The ancient elf conjured up a stage, a simple velvet box about the size of a car, right in the middle of the courtyard. At the same time I turned my body and stepped a little closer, letting my warm, purplish gray cock touch Duna's arm. With Cresania taking the stage, Duna took the liberty to place her hands on my shaft, just hoping that the elves weren't looking at us.

"So warm," she sighed.

There were a few moments of murmuring voices as chatting elves prepared to turn their attention over to the speaker on the stage. This gave Morgana time to go fetch the other Unredeemed and fill them in on what she wanted them to say. Both elves hopped on stage wearing robes and looking very slender, whereas Dunadel's belly was still had a second-trimester look from the cum I had deposited in her womb.

"Welcome back Shanara, Ashante, and Dunadel!" Cresania said. "Come on, get up here and let all of your old friends have a look at you. Much time has passed here since you left. Do all of you have a place to stay while you rebuild your homes?"

"Yes, I will be staying here," said Shanara, loud enough for all to hear.

"I will be staying at Parifice," Ashante said, referencing a nearby vineyard known to be popular among futanari.

"Good, now go and enjoy the party," Cresania said.

"It looks like you are wanted on stage," I whispered to Duna.

"Whatever, it's a party. I don't have to go," she hissed, all the while fondling my steely shaft and sheath.

"Come on, your friends want to to see you. I'll see you to the stage."

With that, I led her to the stage. What was more, I joined her there, my horse cock still thick and throbbing after all her teasing and stroking.

I felt embarrassed to be up there but Morgana had really given me a powerful pep talk and I clung to the belief that we had to do this treatment. Cresania was of a similar conviction, and she took hold of my hand to comfort my nerves.

Of course, Duna felt mortified standing on stage in front of everyone, because she was standing next to me and my turgid horse cock. Elves try never to blush. Instead, they gracefully comport themselves to the situation, just like humans. Well, Duna turned six shades of red and her knees started to wobble.

It was right at that moment that I used my powers of fleshcraft to turn Cresania's cock into a horse cock, adding some length and girth as well. We stood to either side of Dunadel as we took off our robes.

"Alright Dunadel, show them your belly. Take off your robe," Cresania soothed.

The exhibitionist within her could not be denied. Dunadel parted her robes and then unhitched the fastener at her collar, letting the sheer fabric pool about her ankles. She was blushing furiously, but she sensed what was in store for her and it greatly excited her. She could have ran away in embarrassment, but she wanted to stay.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Cresania said, addressing the scattering of elves present.

I dared not look at the crowd, knowing I would probably lose my nerve altogether. Cresania seemed calm and eager to begin the proceedings, without a hint of nervousness. Her confident attitude reminded me that we were doing the best we knew how to help provide Dunadel to fully experience one of her most fulfilling but deeply repressed fantasies. In the back of my mind was the fear that if it was not enough, I would be ridiculed by the elves.

For all eternity.

I began to swoon, but Cresania caught me. Now both Duna and I were starting to tremble.

"Now, do you know where you're going to be staying yet?" Cresania asked Dunadel, in a voice too low for the crowd. At this point, at least thirty elves stood dispersed through the courtyard.

"I haven't decided yet," she replied.

"Oh. Has anyone offered?" Cresania said.

"A few," Dunadel whimpered.

"Well, which one were you planning on accepting?"

"I think I might change my mind. I want to stay either with you, or with Jeanie, wherever she is staying, if they will have me."

"Well, you are welcome to stay with me," Cresania said, to the visible elation of Dunadel, "and so is Jeanie." At these words, Dunadel's jaw went slack and her pupils began to dilate with arousal. Her plump breasts started to leak drops of milk.

"Good, I wasn't done with this minx," I said.

"Tell the crowd."

"Everyone, I'm going to be staying at the Observatory," she said. Her fingertips were unconsciously tracing lines up and down both of our rigid horse cocks.

"Tell them you're grateful for what we have done for you, and then show them what you mean." Cresania said.

Dunadel leaned against me, too shaky to stand on her own two feet. She never felt such embarrassment, but she was so aroused she couldn't tear herself away from the two horsecock futanari she was standing between. She didn't even have the wherewithal to speak to the crowd anymore. Barraged by a tumult of emotions, she slowly came to grips with the undeniable fact, which was that deep down, she was an exhibitionist. The fact was, perhaps she wanted everyone to see what a slut she could be.

Cresania was standing where Duna's ass was in easy reach, and she began to fondle her ass and rub her pussy lips, causing Duna to gasp out load and blush even more. The smell of her arousal started to fill the air. Still, she could not bring herself to fellate either of us, still too embarrassed to be anything but passive. Cresania smiled down at the elf, grabbing her head by her elaborate blonde bun and moving behind her. She reached down between Duna's legs and started fingerjacking the blonde elf. In a matter of seconds, she brought Duna to a nearly silent but very wet and messy squirting orgasm.

Unable to keep her feet under her, she dropped to her knees and doubled over, quivering with the aftershocks of her orgasm.

I didn't moan! It took all my strength, but that will show them! Also, I'm not embarrassed! she thought to herself, even as waves of embarrassment and arousal emanated from her.I'm just doing this for the other Unredeemed, unjustly imprisoned these many months. After this, I'm running away. I'll show everyone!

I looked over at Morgana when I heard Dunadel's defiant thoughts, but Morgana nodded confidently. She was still sure this was the correct way to break the curse in this elf's particular case. I was optimistic, if for no other reason than this situation seemed to pinpoint a nexus of Dunadel's biggest turn-ons as well as her most repressed desires. If Cresania had made her cum that hard that easily, the blonde had to be in an exceptional state of arousal.

Slowly, Dunadel recovered and moved into an upright kneeling position, facing me squarely.

I don't care what happens tonight or afterward, right now I need this. I need to suck cock. Why did it have to be such a big, thick horse cock though?

Glancing up at me to make sure she had my full attention, she took hold of my equine phallus and pointed it at her mouth. Her pretty pink lips looked so sexy and lewd as she licked my bestial shaft. She brought her lips up to the broad, flared tip of my cock. It was firm yet spongy, and about as big as a saucer. Opening wide for the crowd, the exhibitionist elf-slut began to try to take me into her mouth.

Even flexed to the max, her jaws could not open wide enough for me, and her teeth scraped against my cock head. With a little stretching magic and Cresania shoving Duna's face down against me, the flared tip cleared her teeth and wedged into her throat.

"Oh my, oh!" I moaned. A horse cock feels so different from a human one. The newness of the sensation was overwhelming, and I without warning, I started to cum. My fluids gushed against the back of her throat and I made every effort to stop cumming. It was embarrassing, after all, cumming at the beginning of the very first thrust. Somehow, I managed to pinch it off after just a couple of spurts, probably thanks entirely to magic.

Duna struggled with the surprise load of cum. She swallowed and closed off her throat. A long line of cum dripped out of her lips and down her chin and she looked up at me with both eyes as if to ask if I really needed to continue.

"Suck. That was nothing compared to what she's going to pump down your belly," Cresania said.

I just moaned at the way Cresania talked dirty to the elf. It just felt right, although I never would have had the nerve to speak that way. It was plain to me, as a mind-reader, that Cresania had made Duna more aroused as well.

"That's it, swallow the head, so I can shove the rest of this cock down your throat," I said.

Duna loved that. She resumed her quest to deepthroat my horse cock, but it was not easy. Gagging and choking for air, she pushed hard, desperately trying to cram my flared tip down her throat. Cresania and I offered continuous encouragement as she proceeded to attempt to take me down her throat.

Her neck bulged obscenely as the massive cock slowly pushed through her tight esophagus. Then, quite suddenly and predictably, her body convulsed and her torso curled repeatedly as she attempted to vomit. Nothing could come out, however, so tightly wedged was my cock inside of her throat. It cut off her windpipe as well. She simply clutched and gagged for a few moments while the crowd watched, enthralled. Again, I nearly lost it as her tight throat encircled the sensitive ridge of my cock.

Amazingly, she managed to force the unsheathed portion of my cock all the way down her throat, and since the shaft was not quite as thick as the tip, she even took a ragged breath through her nose. She seemed to have defeated her gag reflex as well. Her guts felt so warm and wet, I smiled with happiness and ecstasy, but she felt she still had further to go. She still had about six unsheathed inchest to go, the base of my horse cock almost as wide as the massive tip.

Once she had a chance to breathe, I placed my palms to either side of her head and began thrusting, forcing her lovely lips to admit the sheath of my beast cock.

Yes! Rape my wanton throat you bitch! Just like those orcs did to me!

I caught a vision of her encounter with orcs. She had been out on patrol when she saw them. She went to introduce herself, prostrating herself before all of them. She lay on her back while they fucked her missionary, refusing to get on all fours since she had heard that orcs like to anally rape elves.

The eighth and final orc had a horse cock, bigger than all the rest. He lasted longer than the rest, and kept making her switch positions. She had thrown up when he tried to fuck her mouth, but that didn't stop him. It was her heavenly torture. She realized she needed him to fuck her ass. Just as she assumed the position and spread her ass cheeks in invitation, a hail of arrows rained down on them, piercing the orcs in dozens of places while leaving her unscathed. Le'ara the huntress had tracked Dunadel.

I snapped out of it to find that I was balls deep in Dunadel's throat. She was jerking and hitching, struggling for air and not getting enough of it. Cresania was pushing her head against my pelvis, making sure she stayed right where she was.

Yes! Suffocate me all you want! I'm an elf, an immortal! This is why we were created! I feel so alive! Cum for me, cum for me!

It felt amazing. A horse cock feels very different from a human one in that much of the nerves are located on the ridge of the head rather than the frenulum, but there was sweet sensation all along the shaft beyond the sheath. The sheathed section was comparatively dead, and I only kept fucking her with it because it felt more debauched being so deep in her gut. Once my crown was past her tight throat and plundering her belly, I didn't have quite the same urge to cum, and I took full advantage by fucking her face mercilessly. The harder I fucked her, the more turned on she became.

We watched her take all of my cock, and keep taking it, as her eyelids fluttered and her eyeballs start to roll up to the back of her head.

"She can't breathe!" said a voice in the crowd.

"Yeah! That's the idea!" said another.

"Show her what it's supposed to be!"

Just then, her arms went limp at her sides, swaying with the movement of her shoulders as I fucked her throat. She had passed out, still kneeling, and the crowd was urging me to keep suffocating her with my cock. It was so heinous, but all of the elves didn't seem to mind at all. I had to remind myself that elves are immortal. Even so, throating a girl until she was unconscious was a thrill beyond any I had experienced before Within seconds of realizing what I had done, I reached the brink of ecstasy. I let loose a torrent of cum, blasting it straight into her belly, which expanded to accommodate at least a gallon of spunk. There were murmurs among the audience, and the handful of futa elves present were starting to ignore the spectacle as the elves around them had started to canoodle and caress their cocks.