With Interest


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I said "What's your point?"

Molly said "Do you think Ted would want to screw me. Do you think he would just think of me as his mother or just an older lady, an older horny older lady?"

I said "Christ Molly what the fuck are you thinking? Do you want to fuck Ted? You know I've never been jealous but this is beyond jealousy. Incest is a little different don't you think?"

Molly had a few drinks that is true but I thought she was thinking out side the bottle. I said "Are you drunk?"

"Not really but you rally would like to get in Sara's pants. I was just thinking if Ted and I were to just sit there and watch or what?"

I said "Good-night Molly ... sleep it off and we'll talk again in the morning."

In days past when Molly and I were into swinging. I had watched her get fucked by guys and I had watched her suck other guys cock too. I had fucked in front of her too. But then I was fucking sweet little Sara and there next to us on the bed was my son Ted between his mothers' legs pounding her ass into the mattress. In my dream I was so aroused by seeing this I shot off filling little Sara with the biggest load of my entire life. Watching Ted screw his mother was the sexiest thing I'd ever seen ... it drove me crazy. I wanted to fuck Molly right after Ted for a quick sloppy second.

I woke in the morning with a hard on to beat all hard ons... Molly was out of bed and not in the room. Disappointed I slipped on a pair of shorts and went down stairs.

I heard voices in the kitchen and paused at the arch way. Sara was in the kitchen talking to Molly.

Sara said "Mom, I need some advice and I have no one to turn too. Can I talk openly to you about my marriage and sex life? Ted is a wonderful lover and I love him dearly but he and I have had a somewhat open marriage if you know what I mean. Oh, of course you do. I know you and Dad had the same open marriage thing years ago. So is it okay if we talk?"

I could hear Molly gagging and trying to fine the words to answer Sara. Molly said "How do you know what Ed and I did when we were young?"

Sara said all most off handedly "When I first started dating Ted my Father told me he had heard you and Dad were into swinging when you were young. I was not a virgin and had had a few lovers so I just put that aside and forgot about it. Then after we were married Ted brought up the idea of swinging and we talked about it. I told him what my Dad had told me and Ted said he knew all about it. He said he had talked to someone that knew you back years ago. He thought you guys swinging was cool. So he thought maybe we should we should have a little fling before we start a family. This is what I want to talk to you about."

I could still hear Molly gasping for breath as the idea of Ted knowing we had been swingers sunk into her head. All this time we thought we had been so secretive about our swinging and all this time Ted had known. I wondered if he had ever thought about screwing his mother back then or now even.

Molly did not find the words to say anything so Sara went on. "Mom, We've met a couple of friends that are like minded and we've had a few swinging parties in a group and Ted has been seeing one of the ladies from work. I've been with a couple of old friends and we've gotten into this swinging big time. I want to stop going out and seeing other on our own. I want us to just swing with a couple of close friends and keep it small and I want us to always be together when ever we do swing. What do you think?"

Molly sat down hard and was about to say some thing when the back door open and Ted came in.

"Hi Mom. Hi baby." He kissed his mother on the cheek and Sara on the mouth. There was a heavy stillness in the room. Then Ted said "So what did I interrupt? Some girl to girl talk. Should I go and leave you to it?"

Sara said "No Ted stay. I've been asking your mother for advice. I was asking her advice on or about our swinging. So far she has not answered me. Did I do wrong? I'm sorry if I talked out of turn."

Ted seemed shock for a moment then said "No love. It would have come out sooner or later any way.

I'm sorry you had to find out Mom. But we know it's a subject you know about. You and Dad know about. We had some fun at it and Sara has expressed a desire to cut back to just a few close friends and I think it would be prudent to do so. However there is one older lady I've seen a few times on my own I'd like to bring into this small group. She is close to your age Mom and I think you and Dad have known her from years past. She has told me about some of the parties you guys had years ago. But there is a big (IF) involved. Marlene wants to get to know you and Dad again in a sexual way. I really enjoy Marlene but if this is going to bring trouble into my life, or your lives then I'll tell Marlene to forget it."

Just about as quick as I heard those words I could see dear old Marlene in a vision from years ago. But at the same time I could see dear Sweet Sara in the same picture. I know I have a fixation on little Sara and her tiny sweet ass. I wanted to get involved with Sara and yet I knew deep down if that ever happened Ted would have to be included with Molly and me. Some thing was going around in my head so fast I could not get a grasp on it. But I knew what it was. I wanted to see Ted fucking his mother. I wanted to fuck Sara and if Ted has been fucking Marlene I wanted to be part of that too.

I want back to the stairs and called out to Molly asking if breakfast was ready and stepped into the kitchen acting so surprised to see the kids here. I kissed Molly, hugs and kissed Sara and shook Ted's hand. I invited them all to sit and have breakfast.

No one moved as I took my seat at the end of the table. I looked around taking each face in one at a time. When I got back around to Molly she broke down and tears started running down her chubby cheeks.

I said "What the hell is going on?"

Ted said "Dad I think Sara and I should go and leave this go for another day."

I said "What the fuck does that mean. I come in here to find you mother crying and you want to leave it for another day. I don't think so. Now what the hell is going on?"

Sara moved to put an arm around Molly and Ted pulled out a chair and sat down facing me. Ted said "Dad it's like this. Sara and I have gotten into swinging with a few friends and Sara came over to ask Mom for some advice. I walked in on it and you came in. That is pretty much where it stands right now. I told Mom we, knew that you two had done some swinging years ago and that I have been seeing an older lady that knew you both back when. You do remember a lady named Marlene don't you Dad?"

I looked perplexed and swallowed as if this was all new to me. I gasped and said "I guess there are no secretes in a close family. Yes we knew Marlene year ago."

I paused and then said "Ok; enough of this bull shit. Your mother and I knew you kids were into swinging now for a few days.

I may as well tell you flat out we know the Ranger lady from the park. We know about Sara being there with friends. However we did not know about you and Marlene until just now. So my question is this. What do we do know? Are you kids asking mother and I to start swinging all over again to include Marlene so you can keep screwing her on the side or include her in to a group of your choice but with out us?"

Ted looked at me and I could see the same question that worried Molly was now floating around in my Son's head.

Ted looked straight at me and said "I know what you're thinking and I've thought about it as well. Every time I get Marlene in bed I see Mom in my mind and I know its wrong as hell by some standards, but:' Ted looked up at Molly and almost with out blinking he went on. "As far as I'm concerned and Sara and I have talked about it. We would like to include you both in too our small fun group. I know this is hard for Mom and we, Mom and I don't have to; to" and again he said "To"

I helped out and said "We understand Ted. But at the same time do you really think your mother and you could just stand around and watch and not be part of it. Speaking for myself I've admitted to Mom that I would love to fuck Sara and have for a long time. So how can we be part of this group and not be entwined with you both?"

There was not a word spoken for several seconds and those seconds seem like an eternity.

"Ted said "Okay, I see your point. I'll tell Marlene it's a no go and we'll not bother you two again about this again.

We need not talk about this anymore. If Sara and I continue to swing if will only be with our very closest friends of our age."

This had not gone the way I wanted it too but what could I do. I looked up at Molly and Sara who were still hugging and shivering in each other arms. I saw a little tweak of a smile on Sara's face. Did I see that or not. Was Sara thinking maybe we could have a few moments to our selves after this all went under the rug? I looked at Molly and nodded my head toward Ted and curled up my lips in such a way as I was asking her to say something or do something. Molly had seen this look on my face enough times over the years she knew I was asking her for her opinion.

Molly pulled away from Sara to come and stand next to me. Molly rested a hand on my shoulder and said "Dad and I were doing the same thing you kids are doing now back when we were your ages. We have a very good and satisfying sex life. We have also been recently been brought into swinging again. We've been with the Ranger lady and we found we enjoyed this once again as we had years ago. Dad has expressed a desire to have Sara and I have mixed emotions about that. I want for Dad and I to see Carol again and she expressed a desire to bring a friend to our next party. So you see we're all really doing the same thing and avoiding the question of what's to be done about Ted and I we're the only two in the whole group that are blood kin. So what we're asking is if okay for us to be incestuous while everyone else is not. Isn't that the only question we're stumbling over?"

Again Molly hit the nail on the head and came straight to the point. Molly's finger dug into my shoulder while we waited for Ted and Sara to think this over and let it sink in.

Ted said "As I said already Sara and I have talked it over and Sara has expressed a desire to crawl under the covers with Dad too. I see nothing wrong with that. So let me suggest we four right now go up stairs and let thing happen. If it comes to a point that Mom and I can not enjoy one another than so be it. We'll go our separate ways and nothing will ever be said about it again."

I stood before anyone could add or disagree with Ted's suggestion. On the way up stairs Molly tried to get my attention by gripping my arm but I only smiled at her and pulled her along.

Sara and Ted were quick to drop their clothing and I followed after I had helped Molly get her top off. I dropped my shorts and my hard-on sprang free pointing the way.

I had no intentions of not getting into Sara's tight little pussy so I pulled her toward the bed letting Molly and Ted to work their feeling out once and for all.

I was surprised how quickly Sara rolled over top of me and was head to toe with me. She grabbed my cock swallowed nearly all of it and squatted over my face. My tongue found her pussy wet and strangely pungent as if she had been recently fucked. But at this point I did not care. I had an eye open watching Molly and Ted.

It was Ted who made the first move. He took his mother into his arms and hugged her. Molly was as stiff as an iron rob and there was an iron rod quivering and poking between her legs. Molly was not returning Ted hug but she was showing signs of relaxing just a little.

Molly moved back an inch or two. Ted reached down to pull her ass closer. I could only see part of their actions because of Sara's thigh but I got the feeling Molly was not at all thrilled to have her son hugging her naked body with his naked body.

Sara lifted her mouth off my cock and lifted a leg pulling her pussy away from my mouth. Disappointed as I was I waited to see what was coming next. I was surprised as Sara grabbed my cock and said to Molly "Here Mom help me out with this."

I thought Sara was about to give Molly a way out of a bad situation. But in fact Sara was smarted than either of us. Molly jumped at the chance to get out of Ted's grip. She twisted free and quickly lowered her head over my stiff cock and gobbled it deep into her mouth. There was no doubt in my mind like it or not Molly was excited and even though Ted was the one that got Molly turned on she was now taking her frustrations out on my cock. That was a good thing. Sara watched Molly get totally involved with me and my cock before she signaled to Ted.

Molly was bent over at the waist and Sara was standing in such a way as to keep Molly from squatting or kneeling on the bed over me. Ted moved in close grabbed Molly by the hips and with the help of dear Sara to guide his cock toward his mother's pussy Ted rammed his cock home to the hilt and pulled back on Molly's hips giving her every inch he had.

Molly lifted her head off my cock open her mouth to scream but nothing came from her lips. Molly looked up at me pleading with her eyes but not really pulling back. I took her head in my hands told her I loved her and pulled her head back down over my cock. Molly strained to keep away from my cock but then all of a sudden she blinked, tears filled her eyes and she lowered her head.

Ted was in some kind of frenzy whopping and yelling as he banded away faster and faster. Ted was fucking his mother like a crazy man. Sara was hugging Molly around the shoulders and whispering in to her ear. I could not hear the words but whatever Sara as saying seemed to mellow Molly's fears.

Ted cried out and pushed deep into his mother and held his cock there jerking and moaning. Ted then pulled back and slowly worked his cock in and out finishing himself off. The seed was planted and there was nothing anyone could do now. Molly was no longer sliding her mouth up and down my cock. She slid off to the side and flopped on the bed letting her legs dangle on the floor. I was stunned and frightfully aroused by all this.

I reached down and patted my darling wife's head. Sara was kneeling before Ted sucking the juices from his cock. I did not think Molly had reached a climax so I fell back on the bed closed my eyes.

When I woke the kids were gone and I heard Molly in the shower. I had a few minutes to think and I was afraid maybe I had made a terrible mistake in letting this go too far. I thought I'd apologize to Molly and tell her we could forget the whole thing and just stay out of the kids business. I'll tell her we had our day so let the kids have theirs.

I'll tell her it was all a big mistake and I'm sorry we or I got her involved. I'll tell her I know she was not ready for what happened and I'll make sure we're not in that position ever again and she will never have to endure those feeling ever again.

Then I let the vision of Sara going down on me fill my head and the excitement of that started to get me hard again. Then I thought of Carol and how Molly and she had enjoyed one another I hoped that would take care of Molly's needs for a while. In the back of my mind I was still thinking we had a few good years to swing some if we wanted too. I'll have to play that by ear and see where Molly wants to go with this.

Molly came out rubbing her hair with a towel and sat on the side of the bed. We looked at each other. I started to open my mouth; Molly put her hand over my mouth. I fell back and locked my lips.

Molly said "I don't know how much you had to do with what happened but, but it happened and that can not be changed. Ted apologized on the way out and Sara was just as sorry about what happened. But Sara said some thing in my ear all the time Ted was; well doing me. Sara said "Its just a cock, its just another wonderful cock. You like to fuck so let that cock fuck you. Its just another cock."

Molly looked at me smiled and grabbed my cock. We made love and I do mean love. We were not just fucking for the sake of lust but we were making love. I could feel it Molly could feel it and afterwards as we lay locked in one another's arms we shared this wonderful feeling as never before.

I said "Am I to understand you've come to some kind of resolution within yourself with regards to Ted and us swinging with the kids?"

Molly said "I have and I think we can all be a group within a group. I really don't want to swing where some others would see me and Ted going at it. However if its just the four of us then maybe and I say maybe I can live with it."

I said "How about Carol she is already involved in a round about way? And of course Ted still wants to see Marlene and I'm sure that Marlene will find out sooner or later. Don't you think?"

Molly looked at me with great interest and said "I guess you're right there is not way we can keep it a secret.

Why don't you call the kids or go over and invite them over for dinner tomorrow and we can talk it over."

I said "Molly my dear why don't we invite Carol and Marlene too. I think we need to see if they are interested in this arrangement?"

Molly laughed and said "That's fine lets do it next Friday but I want to have just the kids over tomorrow night. I need to see how it goes and if they are interested in this arrangement."

I looked at Molly and she just smiled and I knew what ever I had in the back of my mind it was all coming together with interest. I was getting more bang for the buck.

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goducks111goducks111almost 5 years ago
fun, sexy story

i like all the action. looking forward to chapter 2

rosspalrosspalalmost 13 years ago
What's Next

Great story. Loved it. Get chapter two posted soon.5+

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
So....Where is Chapter Two?

Everyone is patiently waiting for Chapter Two. Come on now and get to work. Your public is suffering from extreme anticipation. AnHoa Rifleman

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 13 years ago
A very good story

I would like to read more of their affair with mom and son getting it on, just the two of them.

Thanks for the read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Great story

Great Story that I fully enjoyed. Will be reading more of your work. Meanwhile would hope that there is at least another chapter to this story


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