With Strings Attached Ch. 03


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Alice just stood there for a moment processing what was just said. She plans to go through my wardrobe and not only tell me what to wear when I'm with her but what I can wear in general and get rid of the rest.

"Mistress do we have to get rid of my cloths that don't meet the rules," Alice meekly inquired. "I mean we could place them on the side or put them in storage." Alice hoped that these would be acceptable alternatives.

"I don't think so puppet," responded Nicole as she sorted through Alice's skirts and dresses pulling out the ones that obviously would not make the cut. "Think of it like someone going on a diet and then keeping the cookies in a back cabinet. Sooner or later she would be going into it for a quick snack."

Placing the last of the cloths from the closet onto the piles on the bed Nicole turned to face Alice. "Besides you promised to go along with what I say did you not," shot Nicole placing her hands on her hips. Nicole knew what Alice was trying to do and Nicole did not want to give up the edge she held. No, any clothes that did not meet the new rules must be gotten rid of. The balance of the relationship was still being set and Nicole was very pleased with the way it was unfolding so far, if she gave a little here Alice would remember it and Nicole would have that much harder of a time in the future. She also made a mental note to redecorate Alice's room to the max after speaking with her parents. She did not want Alice to keep that victory.

Alice was quite. Her mind was trying to both think up a new solution and get around the fact that she was standing in her bedroom naked and trying to make an argument as to why she should be allowed to keep her cloths. In the end she was not in the mental state to think these things through and just looked down at her feet.

Nicole was happy Alice was not replying. The fact that Alice seemed to accept her demands only made her that much more excited. The only problem Nicole thought she was going to have with Alice was running out of things for her to do. However Nicole was not too worried, she could always come up with new fantasies.

"This shouldn't take to long puppet," said Nicole walking over to the dresser. "You really don't have that much cloths."

That's why I want to keep them thought Alice. "It's because I wear uniforms to school, mistress," answered Alice.

"Oh yes those sexy uniforms," replied Nicole as she turned and faced Alice with a smile on her face. "I guess that would cut down on the need for clothes. However it does give us a reason to do some shopping. We have to make sure you look good at school, home and out and about."

Alice was again made uneasy by that statement. Out and about and at home! Did Nicole want her to dress sexy in her house with only her parents around; well mostly her mother. Alice was also confused by the fact that Nicole seemed to be making four piles. One looked like clothes Nicole was going to have her try on, the second and third were both of things that looked too long and the last was a pile of her white cloths.

"Pants are for the most part out," said Nicole as she started to rummage through the drawers. "However I will make an exception for some of the more figure enhancing and sexy pairs you may have. Tops will be reviewed the same way. As for shorts I think we will need to come up with some benchmark like the pinkie rule" remarked Nicole as she started to rummage through Alice's shorts drawer.

"Now these are too cute," exclaimed Nicole as she held up an old pair of Alice's school gym shorts.

Alice just blushed. "Those are my gym shorts mistress," stated Alice.

Nicole just stared expecting a longer answer.

Alice took a deep breath. "You remember the explanation of my school uniform and how it is tradition to wear the skirt at its shortest length," said Alice.

"Yes, how could I forget," said Nicole with a smile on her face.

"Well at some point in time that tradition extended to the gym uniforms," continued Alice. "The school has a standard pair of shorts and tee which each student is required to buy. We just buy them a little small."

"Your school traditions just keep getting better and better," stated Nicole. "Go fix your make-up and come back here," order Nicole. "We will start the fashion show with your gym uniform."

Alice was happy to finally have something to do and hurried out of the room. Nicole just smiled as she watched Alice's butt sway as she quickly left the room. However as soon as she walked out of sight Nicole went to work starting up her laptop. As soon as it opened she activated the web cam and set it to record. Next she tested the angle and found one that not only showed the bed and the area between the bed and closet, but also with the closet doors closed showed the backside of any one standing in that area. Satisfied she turned off the screen and went about getting her camera gear.

Alice returned to the room a short time later a little confused as to why Nicole thought she need to fix her makeup, it was still near perfect. However Alice appreciated the time away from Nicole if only to get her emotions back in check. When she got to the door Alice stopped in her tracks as she saw Nicole standing there with her camera. Seeing the look Nicole was giving her she knew it was better not to try and fight this one and loose yet another battle. Besides Nicole already had some very revealing pictures of her, what would more do.

"Your gym uniform, if you please," order Nicole.

Alice walked over and grabbed the shorts from the dresser and reached down to get a pair of panties.

"No underwear," order Nicole.

Alice did not want an argument at this point in time she just wanted to put on some cloths, any cloths and even without underwear she would still be covered. Pulling on the shorts Alice reached into her dresser and pulled out one of her gym tees and quickly put it on. After teasing her hair she turned to face Nicole, and for the first time since her freshman year she felt uncomfortable in her gym uniform. Alice was dressed in a pair of short shorts that were stretched to the max and exposed the bottom of her butt cheeks. The tee was not much better, also made of a stretchy material and looked more painted on than shirt.

Nicole started to slowly walk around Alice and gently ran her hand on the tight fabric covering Alice's butt. "Very nice," said Nicole. "It almost looks like my volleyball uniform, but we have spandex shorts."

Alice just stood there facing the closet mirrors as Nicole continued her inspection.

"For shorts I think we will go with a butt cheek rule," stated Nicole as she ran her fingers over the exposed bottom part of Alice's ass. If you can see the bottom of your butt cheeks they are short enough, I think that translates into a ½ inch inseam."

Alice just swallowed hard; this is the second time her school playfulness led to a dress code rule. "As you wish mistress," answered Alice still standing at attention.

"Now loosen up and lets get started with the show," stated Nicole as she turned on her camera.

The afternoon progressed from there. Alice tried on one outfit after the next. Nicole barked orders and Alice either placed the clothes in one of the unacceptable piles or followed Nicole's orders for a quick photo shoot. After awhile Alice simply followed the routine and took up all sorts of poses and positions, from leaning forward to allow the camera to get a shot down her cleavage to turning around, pointing her butt at the camera, all with a false smile on her face.

Alice felt her life was totally out of her control. She never really wore out her cloths simply outgrew them, and being sentimental she would normally keep them as apposed to just throwing them away. However this habit had come back to bit her in a big way, most of her newer cloths were not making the cut and items that had not fit properly were becoming the main stay of her wardrobe. The worst for Alice however was when Nicole decided to 'tailor' an article to meet the new rules. Several of Alice's older jeans were turned into shorts, or more precisely daisy dukes, and one into what looked like a pair of denim panties. The same for her denim skirts, any longer than her pinkie were marked and shortened. Most shorted more then necessary to make them acceptable. One was even given four inch V-cuts on the sides exposing most of Alice's hips.

The last group of clothing modeled was the whites Nicole even had Alice put on her old white ballet costume and mimic the pose of the ballerina bending down and tying her slipper. Lastly Nicole had Alice wear a white cami that exposed her navel and a pair of white panties.

Alice was lying across her bed hugging her old teddy bear when Nicole felt it was time to change gears. "Puppet when we where at the party yesterday you mentioned that you where never kissed before, is that correct?" asked Nicole.

Alice started to blush. In the past she and Kim were partners in crime and felt they where not alone in the world and could take solace that there was at lest one other 18 year old girl still completely without experience, however when Kim starting dating Dave, Alice started to feel more and more alone. Now that she past that milestone she wished she was not. In her hart Alice was still fighting with the fact that her first true kiss was with a girl.

"Yes mistress you were my first," replied Alice.

"I cannot tell you how privileged that makes me feel," smiled Nicole. "I mean it is not too often you find a hot 18 year old girl who has never been kissed. However it is understandable when you're a lesbian. Not only do you have to overcome that first awkward event but also you have to do it while socially out of the norm. Unless you're discovered by someone like me that is a hard duo to over come."

Alice wanted to hide her face in shame. She had no desire to kiss a girl and thus no real excuse. Sure she went to an all girls' school and sure she was always shy but the fact of the matter was every time she was out and about and some boy expressed any interest in her she would turn tail and run. At first it was because she was not ready and later she just started to avoid the issue causing further delay until finally she just felt she was way behind the curve and did not know how to get out of it.

"Your right mistress it is a hard event to over come," was the answer Alice finally gave.

"However that does bring up a new issue, one that I'm more than happy to help you resolve," said Nicole as she walked to the desk with the laptop on it and took a seat. "Now that you have had your first kiss you need experience and direction. So we are going to start your lessons right now puppet. Please come here and sit on my lap."

Alice continued to hug her teddy bear. Lessons screamed Alice in her head. She wants to start giving me lessons on how to properly kiss a girl. The reference to her level of experience felt like a slap on the face. Were her kissing skills that bad? Did she really need to be walked through it? Alice's mind raced with the questions Nicole's statement posed and her hesitance for having to kiss Nicole again.

However Nicole interrupted her train of thought. "Puppet, I said come here. You do not want me to have to punish you for not obeying me again do you?"

Alice did not want that and reluctantly got off her bed and sat on Nicole's lap. Not knowing what to do next she placed her hands on her lap and looked into Nicole's eyes. Nicole smiled and started to brush the hair away from Alice's face to give the web cam a clear view of what was happening.

"Puppet your walk has changed," stated Nicole.

"My walk mistress?"

"Yes when we first met you did nothing but strut your stuff. Now you seem as if you just woke up from a nap."

Alice did not have an answer. Yes she remembered how she strutted in front of Nicole when they first met. It was part of the reason she felt she was so deep in this mess. But back then she was still pretending to be interested in girls. She was just playing the tease.

Alice took in a deep breath and turned her head to stair off into the room. "You want me to 'strut my stuff' when I'm walking with you mistress?"

"No puppet not just walking with me, when you are walking in general," firmly stated Nicole. "I want people to see you as that sexy little creature out on the prowl. I what you to be the Lolita playing for all the women out there and a tease to all the boys and most importantly I want you to be acting your sexiest for me. You implied certain behaviors when you started flirting with me and agreed to taking on a certain role in this relationship and I do not intend on letting start to slack off. Not if you want it to continue, got it!"

"Yes mistress I got it," mumbled Alice.

"Good now get up and strut over to your bed and back," ordered Nicole as she pushed Alice off of her lap and gave her a hard slap on the ass.

Alice jumped into action more from the slap than the order. Closing her eyes she slowly started walking back to her bed swaying her ass from side to side. Stopping at her bed she spun around and started the return trip. As she looked at Nicole to gauge her reaction the huge grin on her face made Alice both relived and uncomfortable at the same time. Reaching the desk Alice once again took a seat on Nicole's lap.

Nicole placed Alice's hands on her hips as she once again brushed Alice's hair out of the way. "Than was much better puppet, keep up the good work," said Nicole as she pulled Alice in for a soft kiss.

They continued to kiss for several minutes as Nicole slowly changed from a make-out session between lovers to a more aggressive partner probing her mate's mouth. As they continued the session Nicole dropped one of her hands from around Alice's neck and started to caress Alice's nipple. To make sure Alice did not pull away she kept a firm grip on Alice's neck to warn her to play along. Alice was taken a little aback by the touch but Nicole's hand was successful in making Alice comply.

Alice was starting to get aroused by Nicole actions and her body starting to get more into their activities even if Alice did not. Nicole understood what was happening to Alice and dropped her hand down and began a slow caress of Alice's vagina through the panties. Alice did not like the direction this lesson was taking but did not move her hands from Nicole hips or dare break the kiss. Over time Alice was getting wetter and wetter but Nicole did nothing to bring Alice close to a climax. As Alice started moaning into the kiss she started grinding her hips to provide more stimulation. Soon she was more than willing to be kissed by Nicole and was concentrating more on her pussy's desire's than what Nicole was demanding from her mouth.

And just as Alice was about to climax Nicole removed her hand and broke away from the kiss. Alice tried to follow Nicole with both her mouth and her hips, however she was stopped by Nicole grabbing her arms. Alice opened her eyes and looked at Nicole.

"Did you enjoy that puppet?" asked Nicole.

"Yes mistress," whispered Alice as Nicole hand was once again stimulating her clitoris.

"Excellent," replied Nicole. "You should always receive a sense of sexual satisfaction from a kiss with a girl. So this time I want you to concentrate on what my mouth wants and I want you to try and give it just that. Remember the more satisfaction your partner receives from the kiss the more you feel in return."

Alice hardly had time to process Nicole's instructions when she was pulled in for another kiss. All she remembered was Nicole telling her the more satisfaction your partner receives from the kiss the more you feel in return. With her arms effectively pinned against Nicole's sides all Alice had to work with was her mouth. Trying to follow Nicole's lead she gauged her effectiveness by the amount of stimulation Nicole was giving her pussy. Her mind was no longer part of the decision making process. Her body wanted satisfaction and it was up to her brain to figure out how to maximize it.

Just as she was again feeling the tide begin to rise Nicole pulled back. "Much better," stated Nicole. "Remember soft and gentle, read what your partner is trying to do and supply that need. But above it all remember to be soft and gentle. How it's getting late and you have to start getting ready for our date."

"Now," shouted Alice

Yes now puppet," answered Nicole as she lowered her gaze to Alice's now oblivious aroused nipples. "However it is nice to see that I can bring out such arousal in you. So go shower as I dry the spot you made on my jeans."

Alice looked down and noticed her rock hard nipples poking at her cami and the wet spot on Nicole's jeans. Embarrassed Alice jumped from Nicole's lap and ran for the bathroom.

Nicole watched Alice as she hurried out of the room and then turned her attention to the computer. Activating the screen Nicole smiled as she confirmed the entire session was captured by the web cam.

Alice walked timidly into her parent's room in a slow strut as not to provoke Nicole. For some reason Alice felt more nervous now that she was dressed than when she was walking around the house naked or even when she was being photographed by Nicole a short while ago. As Nicole had insisted upon Alice was wearing her leather skirt that fit the pinkie rule. The problem was that it fell well under the pinkie rule; the hem sitting just below the start of her fingers and to make matters worse the skirt was tight and kept trying to ride up attempting to reveal that she was not wearing any panties. Thankfully the skirt was paired with a figure hugging white sweater preventing her from looking like a total slut, however it did bare a little of her midriff.

Alice stopped in front of her parent's mirrored closet and took in the image she presented. She looked petite and not very well endowed. However her face and legs did more than enough to pull anyone's attention away from her chest. In an attempt to cover more leg Alice grabbed hold of the hem of the skirt and started to pull down. However the skirt would not budge. The waistband was already tight around her hips and would not move any lower and the leather did not have any give. With a sigh Alice straitened out the skirt surrendering to the fact that this was the best it was going to be. Opening the closet she reached up to get the box containing her mother's boots from the shelf. Retrieving the box Alice started her slow strut back to her bedroom and her waiting mistress.

Nicole knelt down to zip up the second boot. "Their all set puppet," announced Nicole as she ran her fingers over the skin showing between Alice's skirt and the tops of the boots.

Alice could only stair into her closet mirror. Her face was made up beautifully and the sweater gave her a soft elegant look and tried to compete against the exhibitionist image her legs where projecting. The boots were black leather over the knee with a three-inch heel and looked like the footwear a sexy female pirate would wear. With her hands at her sides her fingers could almost touch the tops of the boots but not quite, leaving a band of about four inches of skin. Not much skin was exposed but the problem was that skin was at the tops of her thighs. Alice knew that everyone would be looking at her in this outfit and if she sat down there would be a good chance that she would expose her private parts to them.

Nicole stood back up and moved behind Alice. "You look very sexy puppet," wispered Nicole as she took hold of each of Alice's hands.

"Thank you mistress," Alice meekly answered.

"Lets get going puppet," ordered Nicole. "I'm getting hungry and it's high time I start showing you off to the world."

The statement sent a shiver through Alice. Up until now it had just been the two of them. Now they were about to venture out into the world as girlfriends. Alice simply let out a sigh as Nicole gave her a pull on the hand signaling it was time to start there second date.