With Strings Attached Ch. 03


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Following the hostess Alice was a bit relived that the restaurant was not as bad as she expected. The interior was bright and festive and while the waitresses were dressed in there trademark shorts and tanks they did not look as bad as Alice had feared. She was also surprised to see a few other female patrons, all be it with male companions. However Alice still noticed that a number of the people were focused on the two new customers entering and Alice started to feel very self-consensus about the way she was dressed and the way she was walking to the table.

"Here we are," stated the hostess as she placed two menus on a small table in the back corner of the restaurant.

"Thank you," replied Nicole as she hopped up on the barstool.

"Vicky will be your server and should be by shortly," added the hostess as she turned and walked back to her post.

Alice was a little nervous about sitting on such a high chair and the fact that she was facing the bar and kitchen area did not ease those fears.

Nicole let out a little giggle as she watched Alice try and get on the stool and keep her legs together at the same time.

"You make it on your perch ok," laughed Nicole.

Alice was still trying to straiten her skirt as she turned a bit to the side making sure none of the other guests could see between her legs. "Yes mistress, its just these chairs are a bit high," answered Alice a little angrily.

"Yes they do give you a heighten sense of your surroundings," stated Nicole as she leaned over and smiled at the sight of Alice's exposed thighs.

Alice let out a slight gasp as she felt Nicole's fingers playing with the hem of her skirt now sitting just below her vagina, her eyes scanning the restaurant to see if anyone was observing what was happening. It was then that she made eye contact with a very pretty waitress with short dirty blond walking over to the table.

"Hello ladies my name is Vicky and I will be your personal Hooter this evening," announced a smiling Vicky.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Vicky," responded Nicole never removing her hand from Alice's lap. "My name is Nicole and this lovely creature is Alice."

Alice smiled at Vicky blushing slightly from both the complement Nicole just made and the tingling she was starting to feel from Nicole's fingers. Breaking eye contact with Vicky, Alice's eye's widened as she got an up close view of Vicky's C-cup chest. So that is the reason these chairs are so tall Alice thought as a slight grin appeared on her face. However Alice quickly diverted her eyes as Vicky stuck out her chest to give her a better view.

"My I take your drink orders or are you waiting for others to join you," laughed Vicky.

"We'll both have Coke's and no we are not waiting for anyone else," replied Nicole.

"All right I will just go and get these for you while you check out the menu," said Vicky with a smile as she turned and walked to the bar.

"MMMM, would you look at that ass," said Nicole. "Just look at how it sways side to side as she walks. Right and left, right and left, couldn't you just watch that all day puppet."

"Yes mistress," breathed Alice her face still flush from being caught staring at Vicky's chest, Nicole's fingers where once again working their magic and Alice was finding it very hard to concentrate. With the gentle side-to-side motion overher clitoris and the rhythmic sway of Vicky's ass Alice was becoming hypnotized and could not break her gaze.

As Vicky reached the beverage machine she stopped and reached over to get the glasses. Glancing over her shoulder she made eye contact with Alice and gave a little smile before turning her head and filling the glasses. Alice could only look down at the table in shame. First Vicky caught her staring at her chest and now less than a minute later she caught her looking at her ass.

"Don't worry puppet I think she likes having you watch her," whispered Nicole as her finger circled Alice's clitoris.

Alice did not want to be ogling a girl. She had never looked at another woman in a sexual way in her life. Now here she was openly staring at a waitress's tits and ass. Alice did not want this but Nicole's finger was making her so horny and it was so much easier to just go along with Nicole's statements. Her mind did not want to think it just wanted to keep experiencing those feelings. However her embarrassment from being discovered by Vicky made Alice realize what she was doing and where she was.

"Mistress could you please stop," pleaded Alice.

"But why puppet we are just starting to have fun."

"But mistress it's just I have a hard time thinking when your touching me like that."

"Really, that's good to know puppet. But why do you need to think?"

Alice was in a fix. With Nicole's finger's working her pussy she would not think of a reason for why she needed to think. With a tear in her eye Alice feared that she would be brought to orgasm right here in front of everyone. Just then she saw that Vicky had finished filling the glasses and started making her way to another table. When she saw that Alice was watching her again she gave her a wink.

"Because....because I need to talk with Vicky," blurted Alice.

"Talk with Vicky," spat Nicole pulling her hand away. "And why do you need to talk with Vicky?"

Alice was in a panic. Technically she was on a date with Nicole, even if forced, and saying she needed to talk with another girl was not the best of moves, but she needed an excuse for Nicole to stop playing with her pussy as she was already wet and was beginning to feel that tingling sensation and knew she was about to climax at the hand of a girl again. Vicky just happened to catch her attention.

"She is our waitress and we still haven't order mistress," Alice replied nervously.

"And that is the only reason you need to be able to think," inquired Nicole.

"Yes mistress," answered Alice quickly.

"So you do not think she is attractive," asked Nicole crossing her arms.

"Yes she is attractive. What I mean is she is pretty. No she's...," responded Alice taking a deep breath. "Mistress I do think she is attractive and it is hard not to look at her in that uniform, but I'm not interested in a relationship with her I'm in love with you."

Alice regretted saying it even before she finished the sentence. After making that statement about Vicky she just wanted to erase Nicole's fears and not have her storm out and thus possibly loosing her parents. She really did not want to be in a relationship with Nicole especially not the type she had fallen into, and not having any real feelings or experience to tap Alice had to try and think up something using her still limited mental abilities and I love you was the first thing that jumped into her head. She was not in love with Nicole she hated the things Nicole had made her do, and she certainly did not like girls. Besides who says they love you on a second date. Now in a moment of panic she said something that she knew was just pushing her deeper into this kinky relationship she had with Nicole.

The statement took Nicole aback. She was only teasing Alice about her intentions with Vicky and just wanted to see Alice squirm. Besides what is the point of going to Hooters if you don't look and flirt and she certainly did not expect to hear that Alice loved her. A smile slowly replaced Nicole surprised look. Nicole thought that the poor girl must truly be a submissive lesbian who had been suppressing her feelings for some time and now that she had an outlet the dam had burst. Any concerns Nicole had of pushing Alice too hard evaporated with that statement. Now she knew for certain that Alice wanted the type of relationship Nicole had been dreaming of.

"Thank you puppet," said Nicole taking Alice's hand in hers and placing the other on Alice's lap. "That is a very kind and special thing to say; however just because you love me does not mean that we cannot appreciate other woman. That is the purpose of coming to a place like this and Sideshow."

Nicole leaned in and gave Alice a soft kiss. "So of course you can talk with Vicky, puppet. "In fact I insist on it. I think the site of two woman flirting is very erotic and you do want to please your lover don't you?"

The conversation ended as the two girls heard glasses being placed on the table. "Have you two love birds decided what you would like to order or do you still need to time to 'discuss' it further," asked Vicky with a smirk on her face.

"Oh we know what we would like to order," said Nicole staring directly at Vicky. "But I do not believe it is on the menu."

"Well you never know," purred Vicky, turning her eyes to Alice. "I might be able to accommodate an off the menu item. That is if you ask nicely enough."

Alice was again in a state of shock. Her girlfriend had just order her to flirt with Vicky right in front of her. And to make matters worst Vicky now was flirting with her.

"Thank you, that is something we definitely have to remember," answered Alice nervously.

"Yes we will keep that in mind for dessert," added Nicole. "But for now we will both have the hamburger with fries."

"Very well," said Vicky with a bit of playful disappointment. "Just remember me when it comes time for dessert." With that Vicky spun around and walked away swishing her ass even more then the first time.

"You have a lot to learn about flirting, puppet," laughed Nicole.

"Sorry mistress," whispered Alice. "It's just I have not had much experience doing it."

"It that so puppet? In all your years at that utopia of a school you go to you mean you have not done much flirting?"

Alice thought of her last three and a half years of high school. Yes there was the usual share of teasing and flirting going on even for a bunch of girls with no boys in sight. But it was all in fun and no one took it seriously. They were just making do without boys, and it was usually limited to between friends. Alice's only friend was Kim and because of the behavior and stories of her mother she felt uncomfortable joining in on the harmless fun.

"Not really mistress. My school is made up of very structured clicks and it is not common for girls to chat with others out of your group."

"What a shame, all that tail and your not allowed to touch. How about outside of school?

Alice thought for a moment.

"No not really."

"Well I see that I have my work cut out for me," responded Nicole with a smile on her face. "Going forward I see we are going to have to add flirting to your daily schedule of kissing and girl pleasing practices. By the time I'm done with you puppet you'll be an expert in women."

Great, thought Alice. Just the skills every heterosexual girls strives for, how to be an expert at pleasing women. It was then that another thought entered Alice's head; are these skills that different than the ones she needed with men! Alice was now getting a little more nervous. Being stuck in this perverted relationship with Nicole was one thing but after Nicole was done teaching her these skills and she had to practice them for the next eight months would they then be just her way of doing it. Alice's experience with boys was basically nonexistent and after her crash course her foundation and wealth of experience will be with women, once she leaves for college how would these skills transition over to boys or worse what if they hindered her ability to be with a boy.

As Alice was contemplating this crises Nicole tapped her on the thigh and leaned over to whisper into Alice's ear. "Puppet, Vicky's coming with our food, so now is your chance to get in a little practice. When she asks us if we want anything else, ask her if she is seeing anyone."

Alice looked up to see Vicky was approaching the table, chest out, hips swaying and a smile on her face. Her eyes stayed locked on Vicky as she swallowed hard. She now had to openly flirt with another person, a girl. Worse the opening question Nicole wanted her to ask left little to interpretation.

"Her you go girls two hamburgers and fries," sang Vicky as she leaned over the table to place the plats in front of each girl. "How is there anything else I can do for you?"

Alice jumped as Nicole pinched her clit. "Yes! I mean we were wondering if you are dating anyone at them moment," asked Alice blushing enormously.

Vicky stood at attention with her chest right in front of Alice's face. "As a matter of fact, no I'm currently not in a relationship. Why do you ask?"

Why did we ask thought Alice. Nicole and I are dating so what good is it to know if Vicky is currently single.

"We just wanted to know if a beautiful and sexy girl like you is ever single," answered Nicole.

"Why thank you for the complement," said Vicky placing a hand on her head and the other on her hip and striking a model pose. "I haven't had much luck on the dating front in some time. You see guys love to be with a hooters waitress but once things start to get serious they realize that part of my job is allowing other men, and women, to look at me. And that is usually the deal breaker. However my relationships with women seem to last a little longer, I guess I just find them a little more attractive and fun to be with, but I'm too much of a free sprit and they usually only last a few months."

"How about you girls been together long?" inquired Vicky.

"Actually this is only our second date," answered Nicole. "I used to be in the same boat as you but since I found my little puppet I think we'll be staying together for awhile."

"So I guess that means there is no hope of me getting in between the two of you," said Vicky.

"Oh I wouldn't say that," purred Nicole. "We are always open to new experiences."

"Yes lots of new experiences," added Alice mockingly.

"Well I guess there is hope for me yet," added Vicky. "Is there anything else I can get for you, dessert perhaps?"

"Well now that you mention it; could we get one of those sexy uniforms for Alice here?" asked Nicole while running her fingers through Alice's hair.

"Sorry but we only sell generic shirts," replied Vicky.

"That is such a shame," purred Nicole as she dropped her hand down to Alice's breast. "Don't you think puppet here would look sexy in one of those uniforms? I know I would love to see the two of you together dressed in uniform."

It was now Vicky's turn to stare at Alice. "Yes she would look very sexy," answered Vicky in a husky voice. "I tell you what why don't I give you the check and I will get you your doggie bag."

Doggie bag thought Alice as Nicole paid the bill. We don't have any leftovers, why would we need a doggie bag. Alice didn't dwell on the issue for long, they were getting ready to leave and Alice couldn't wait to get to the privacy of Nicole's car.

"Here you girls go," chirped Vicky as she placed the bag on the table and picked up the bill.

Nicole grabbed the bag and smiled as she looked into it.

"I told you I would try and accommodate an off menu request if you asked nicely enough," stated Vicky with a smile.

Looking at the bill Vicky raised her hand and asked, "now whose number is this?" showing the bottom of the bill with a phone number.

"Mine," replied Nicole.

"Tell you what, come back Wednesday and I will give you the white and orange one for your friend's number," offered Vicky.

"We will be here," replied Nicole giving the bag to Alice. "On your feet puppet the strippers await."

Peering in, Alice was surprised to see the black version of the Hooters uniform. Realizing she was destined for yet another photo session Alice slowly slid off of the seat doing her best not to flash Vicky and the rest of the patrons in the process.

"Now walk out in front of me puppet and I want to see you swaying your ass like Vicky," order Nicole.

Starring at the door Alice slowly copied Vicky's sway as she walked ahead of Nicole for the door. Stepping outside Alice wished she at least had a coat as the cool night air sent shivers down Alice's body causing her nipples to harden and poke thought her sweater. Remembering to sway her hips Alice walked as quickly as she could with the frosty night air blowing up her skirt and over her exposed and stimulated sex. Upon reaching the passenger door Alice turned to see that Nicole took a more leisurely pace and was still walking to meet Alice at the car, in no hurry to let Alice enter the shelter of the passenger seat.

Alice let out a sharp gasp as she was pinned to the car door by Nicole. "I see that you are excited as me from our little dinner date, puppet," stated Nicole as she gently caressed one of Alice's hardened nipples.

"Yes the night is having an effect on me, mistress," replied Alice pressing back against Nicole in an attempt to keep her skin from touching the cold metal of the car.

Nicole took the hint from Alice and leaned in for a long passionate kiss. Alice was a bit shocked by the kiss as she was more focused on getting off the car door and into the warm compartment. Deciding the only way to end this episode was to reciprocate Nicole's kiss Alice opened her mouth and accepted Nicole's tongue and placed her hands on Nicole's hips.

Sensing that Alice was accepting her lead Nicole began to actively fondle Alice's breasts as she explored the inside of her mouth with her tongue.

As the kiss continued Alice began to wonder again about how different this was to how a boy would kiss her, forceful, demanding, sensual; soft and sensual. She could feel the soft lips enclosing hers, the soft fingers on the back of her neck. She could even feel Nicole's soft breasts pressed against her as they embraced. The long nails pinching her nipples and the smooth hips grinding against hers as the kiss progressed. Alice was again becoming lost in the moment and in doing so forgotten how cold she was as her body started to warm from Nicole's actions. However as hard Alice tried to picture a boy kissing and groping her she could not get over that soft feel of Nicole's skin or the pressure from Nicole's breasts pressing against her chest she could not get her mind to wrap around anything but kissing a girl.

Lowering her hands Nicole reached under Alice's skirt and gave her now wet clitoris a pinch resulting in a small squeak from Alice as they broke the kiss. "That was very good puppet," said Nicole reaching into her pocket for her keys. "I see that today's lesson has been helpful."

Alice did not answer and just sat in the car, as she was ashamed at yet another betrayal by her body. Lowering her head Alice just stared at her lap and vainly attempted to pull the hem of her skirt down. However this respite did not last as she saw Nicole's hand come into view and slowly push the hem of her skirt up. "There is no longer a need for you to think puppet," stated Nicole as she started to play with Alice's still wet pussy and drive into the night.

As they approached the strip club Alice was sitting with her head pressed back against the headrest, face flush and her lips slightly parted. Her palms were pressing down into the seat cushion and the toes of her boots were pressed hard against the floor as she sat at the edge of the seat with her legs spread as wide as the skirt would allow, her hips following the motion of Nicole's hand.

Nicole could not help but smile as she looked over at Alice. She could not believe how easy it was to bring Alice to the brink of organism. In fact Alice was riding on the brink of a climax for a good five minutes. As much as Nicole wanted to keep Alice in her current state she knew that Alice had to climax before they left the car, rewarded for her good behavior and ease her nerves before getting into the club.

Stopping at a light Nicole changed tactics and started to rub Alice's clitoris with more force. Sensing the change Alice started to press her crotch into Nicole's hand. Alice let out a scream and tightened her body as the orgasm exploded. Alice collapsed back into the seat breathing heavily. However her post-orgasmic bliss was interrupted by the sound of cheers. Opening her eyes Alice turned her head to see a car full of teenaged girls waiting at the intersection next to theirs cheering and laughing at her display. Just as Alice was about to dive for the floor Nicole pressed the accelerator and they were whisked around the corner.