Without a Second Thought


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I got up from the table to get us a couple of refills to allow him some privacy until they had finished their chat.

"How come you want Connie to speak to Aunt Josie," Peter asked?

"Josie was the one that had gathered all the information on Willa and George's affair," I said. "She may have never been married in her life, but she watched over the extended family like a mother hen as she raised her only daughter. Being a single mother changed her view on a lot of things. She believed that Tammy and Willa had conspired and set up the whole thing. Both George and I were being used but what their ultimate goal was, is anyone's guess."

"If that is true the question is why?" Peter said. "Aunt Josie's granddaughter Jody has wanted her to move in with her for years. She keeps saying not until the truth comes out. We see Jody when she comes to town with her two sons to visit."

"Well Jody, Josie's granddaughter leads a very private life," I said, "Just like I have had to. Dealing with the Withers sisters seems to come with a high price to everyone around them. Willa and Tammy have been using people for most of their adult lives. It wasn't until Josie gave me the material that I started to figure that out."

"Do you have anything to ask me about your children and what's going with their lives before I go," Peter asked?

"No, not until it's proven to my satisfaction that you are who you say you are," I said. "With the history of the family this could just another part of their game and you are doing just what they told you to do. You might want to look into my lawyer's sudden death, because if she is planning to sue me what makes her sure she can win."

Peter's face went white. I think he realized just what kind of people he had married into for the first time in his life. We decided to trust each other enough to trade cellphone numbers. He promised to inform me if he found out anything. I stood up walked him to the door. Shook his hand as we said goodbye. Once he was gone, I cleaned up the place and locked it down. I got in the car and headed the long way home to where Jody was waiting just to make sure I wasn't followed.

It gave me the time I needed to think things out. My life had improved greatly since I had left the past behind. Did I want to rehash it all over again? Did Willa and Tammy have a long term plan of revenge because of their need to get the better of me? Knowing those two as I did, I knew I had to prepare myself for what was about to be done because if they had run out of money, they would do anything out of greed to get it. ---------

As soon as I got through the door two little munchkins grabbed my legs. I bent down and picked my two youngins up. At three and four they were the apples of my eyes just as much as their mother. I felt blessed to have all three of them in my life.

My common in law wife Jody hollered dinner is almost ready so go wash up. I gladly did. Over dinner, I told her about what had transpired since I had closed the shop. Never could I have imagined how my life would be the day I left Paradise for good.

When I left town almost seven years ago, I had promised the grand dame 'Josie' Jody's grandmother that I would stay in touch and I did. I made it a point to call her every other Sunday. It had been a year and a quarter to the day that she called me needing my help.

Her only granddaughter was in need of getting out of a bad marriage and needed a safe place to start over. Jody at that time was ten years younger than I was and had no children. I really didn't know much about her as they lived on an army base and were out of state. But I owed Josie and was glad to be able to pay her back for all she had done for me.

It had taken a week for me to find her a two-bedroom apartment and partially furnish it for her. For the most part, finding a place in a small town is almost impossible. I got her one thanks to a friend of a friend.

On the day of the night I was coming to get Jody she quit her job, cleaned her bank accounts out and packed her belonging. Her husband was going to be served as soon as he came home from his latest on-base military assignment which was a two-week intensive training session. They were going through a drill that simulated real battle conditions, thus was away from home for the duration.

It was about eight at night when I pulled into her address with the U haul truck, I had just rented for the one way trip. I had flown in quietly without anyone knowing. With a couple of her neighbors and a few of her friends, we moved what she wanted into the back of the rental truck. I was in and out of her town in less than four hours. When I got asked where I was from, I refused to answer saying, for now, it best that no one knows. Jody and I began to get to know each other as we drove back.

It was the middle of the night when her grandmother called her. I smiled when she said, "Yes gram Art picked me up. You could have warned me that he was a wild-looking bushman who might look half decent if he cleaned himself up."

The next day Josie contacted her granddaughter's lawyer to have all her legal documents and communication mailed to my Fed-ex box. Jody had warned us both, that her soon to be ex-husband would be a lot of trouble. I took a proactive stance for her protection. In time we would both learn that my thinking about her situation had been right.

Jody once settled took over running my convenience store. Within weeks she proved to me it did need a proper store manager. It turned out to be the best thing I had ever done as it came easy to her. The changes she made with my approval made the operation that much more successful. To her, the customers' needs came first. Her personality alone brought in a lot of new business. She worked with each of the staff assigning responsibilities and codes of conduct. It had blessed us by becoming a smooth-running operation with no staff problems.

Josie had to get a restraining order against Jody's ex because of the ongoing verbal threats he kept making against her. What he did, because of Jody leaving got him a dishonorable discharge which resulted in him moving back to my old hometown because that's where he believed his former wife would be.

Being new in a small town makes you the center of attention so to keep some of the horny single men at bay Jody kept wearing her diamond ring. It gave her protection when she needed it the most and the time to adjust to her new life. Within weeks she was doing all the banking and getting the books caught up. Everyone accepted her because I had brought her in.

Jody was beautiful in every way, but it was her personality and honesty that I liked. It did not take her long to size one up. She had long black hair that hung straight down which she kept pinned back off her face. Breasts that were there, but not so much that it was the first thing you looked at. A nice pear-shaped frame like most women. She was built more for keeping one warm on a cold winter night than anything else. I thought she would be a keeper for the next man she fell in love with.

When she was asked who the lucky man was, she would say I'm sure you can figure that out for yourself. That's all it took to get the rumors started. It was soon believed because of gossip that we had met online. Behind our backs, she was referred to as Art's future mail order bride.

On Saturdays, because I worked alone on that day, she started bringing me a boxed lunch. I'm one of those who when I am doing something, forget to take the time to eat. As a result, I had lost a lot of weight. During this time, we started building our relationship. Within weeks everybody thought we were a couple. If one of us was invited to something they automatically assumed the other was coming. Neither of us was looking for a new relationship but we kind of grew into it.

Josie kept us informed on things going on back home. We found it interesting when we learned Jody's ex was in a friend with benefits relationship with Tammy.

The day she got her divorce was the day that we took our relationship to the next level. We had spent the night celebrating at the only watering hole in town with a group of friends. It was while dancing a slow dance underneath dimmed lights, we shared our first kiss. Six months later we moved in together.

While the kids were having their bath together in preparing for bedtime. I stuck the small bathroom wastebasket in the sink and shaved my beard and mustache off till there was nothing, but stubble left. My children were memorized in watching me. I took the bowl and brush, she had bought me one Christmas and lathered up my face than did the same to them, much to their delight.

Jody came in seeing why the kids were giggling just as I started to shave. Her blue eyes sparkled in surprise. Our two little boys' faces were lathered up to. All three of them watched me as I finished what I had started.

"Looks like daddy is going to look like you with a nice clean face," Jody said teasingly. "Do you think I should cut his hair too?"

Both of the brats said yes. I just laughed and said, "That I can get the barber to do on Monday."

"No, I'm going to do most of it myself," Jody said, "before you get a chance to change your mind."

So, after getting them dried and dressed for bed they were sitting at the kitchen table watching their mom cut my hair. By the time she was done, I looked like a human again. There was more hair lying on the floor than what was left on the top of my head. I hardly recognized myself when I looked in the mirror. I told Jody that she had done a splendid job. Jody sent me to the showers to get all the fine hair off while she cleaned up the mess.

While I was doing that her grandmother called as my daughter Connie had just left. Jody had gotten the impression that when it came to her grandmother's sister's family Josie was planning on going to war. Her grandmother believed it was time to take those bitches down. Connie had left her great aunts place with the knowledge that each of my three children was supposed to have received an annuity of six hundred a month each in lieu of child support which had been bought by me through Mutual Life. None of them had received any of it.

Hell, it turned into being a wild night. If I had known that shaving and cutting my hair would turn her on as it did, I would have done it sooner.


For the next week, I had to endure who are you and what did you do to jokes from all who knew us. Jody got asked if she had to blackmail me to get me to join the normal in society. Jody responded with her normal humor by saying I promised to force him to have a bath at least three times a week. Most caught the joke some didn't.

It was interesting to learn how things were going in Paradise when you believe your shit don't stink. The bird of Paradise told me I was going to be sued for abandonment, desertion, and back child support in civil court. Jody and I both found this to be a hoot. They believed that if they got the judgment a collection service could be hired to find me.

When the male stork delivered the news, he thought it was a big joke. His boss and the District Attorney even had hired a lawyer to act on my behalf. Then he explained they were using my situation to give them time to put everything together. Peter had estimated that Willa and Tammy had stolen over forty-eight thousand dollars from each of our children. They were looking into my former lawyer's sudden death with new eyes. Jody's ex-husband was now a person of interest because of it. In reviewing the cold case in relation to what I had suggested the death by accident was now an open criminal case.

If what they were finding out was factual Willa and Tammy could be looking at seven to ten years as quests of the state prison. Willa's ex-lawyer now common-law husband could be disbarred since he was the one filing the suit. The scam had to be played out for charges to be laid. The lawyer they hired for me would be paid by them. They wanted all the records I had to come out at the end of the trail because by doing such it would give them time to build a stronger case against them.

I had to look in the mirror to see if I had the word "sucker" branded on my face. For a couple of weeks, we had peace and quiet. Then the grand dame called.

Josie called us Sunday night with the news the paperwork was going to be filed on Monday. She emailed me everything she had collected over the last seven years. She had been masterfully collecting a truckload of notarized statements, Personal conversations that had been videoed about what was going on and the name of three or four lawyers that would be great in a countersuit that she thought I should file.

What stuck out like a sore thumb was the two million accidental insurance policy on me. Neither of us had known it still existed. That explained were some of the money went. Jody learned it had been bought six months before I had left. Jody and I spent half the night forwarding all the information after we reviewed it to the district attorney. Jody and I both now believed this was all being done to draw me back so I could be set up to be taken out.

The next morning Jody called all the lawyers Josie recommended and picked one. Everything we had was sent to them by email along with a huge retainer fee. As soon as the Willa team filed the writ, I would follow up with mine and have them served before they got it to me.

It was Friday morning when Jody called me. Josie was on her way out and bringing quests with her. They had left Paradise on Thursday night, stayed at a hotel overnight and would be arriving sometime tonight. They had left in the darkness of night in case they were being watched. It told me that things at that end were beginning to come to a head.

Jody and I decided that I best shut the shop down on Saturday and make this a true long weekend because of family. Peter was driving her with Connie and their son. All Connie knew was that they were coming to see Jody.

It was almost seven at night when we saw the ford explorer pull into the driveway along with an escape. We could see four adults in the two vehicles as they approached. Jody saw the worried look on me and took my hand into hers. My truck was parked inside of the garage so I knew no one would assume I was there. We watched them get out of the vehicles.

My wife Jody asked, "Who is all with Josie?"

"That's Peter, his wife, my eldest Connie who is holding their baby," I replied. "And Carin my second oldest."

"Are you ready for this," Jody asked?

"As ready as I will ever be," I replied as I picked up our oldest.

Jody after lifting our youngest into her arms opened the front door. United as a family we stepped out to greet our guests. I was the last thing my daughters expected to see. Carin instantly broke into tears. I handed my son to his great grandmother and took Carin into my arms holding her tight. Connie after handing their son to her husband came to me too. It took a few minutes for emotions to begin to normalize.

Both of my daughters had turned into very nice looking ladies. Seeing them standing their side by side was a memory that I would never forget.

"It's good to see you again Peter," I said as I shook his hand.

After the introduction was done Jody served us all a huge dinner. It was a good thing Jody had prepared extra. A prime beef shoulder roast, mashed potatoes, gravy, fresh homemade buns, Yorkshire pudding, and green beans. Hot apple pie fresh out of the oven for dessert put the meal over the top. It was after our kids had settled that we began a discussion about everything.

"First of all Art, is it okay that I call you Dad," Peter said?

I nodded my head in the affirmative.

"Then Dad, the district attorney now believes that Jody's ex's car was the vehicle that was interfering with your lawyer's car when the accident occurred. We found the current owner and are in the process of having a paint comparison done by the state. If we can make the connection, he will be charged with manslaughter." Peter explained. "The fire that destroyed his office happened that same night has always been viewed as arson by the fire inspectors. He can be seen in a video in the background watching the building burn. Since Willa and her lawyer had the divorce records sealed, they believe that there are no records to verify what has actually transpired to date. They filed the suit against you this week."

Jody looked at me as she started to tear up, "I always thought you were overprotective in moving me here now I see that you were not. I thought the questions you asked my grandmother seemed over the top. I realize now you needed to know what kind of man we were dealing with before deciding on a plan of action."

"Willa and Tammy were served with your suit on Thursday," Josie said. "They had to realize with that action that I was in contact with you. We were afraid that they would be coming after me so thus the rush trip here."

"Grandma we have your house ready for you to move into," Jody said. "It's been furnished so all you need is your clothing."

"Got most of it with me in my car," Josie said. "Connie has agreed to have the rest of it shipped to me along with all my personal things that I want to keep like the antiques. I have given her power of attorney to sell the house and furniture. It was time for me to get out of Paradise really quick."

"I will drive back with Peter and Connie and rent a U haul to bring it all out," I said. "It's time we found out if our thinking is right," I said.

"What thinking?" Peter asked.

"That the suit they filed against me is a ruse to draw me out," I said. "With the two million dollars accidental death policy they have on me it's plain to see that the death of my former lawyer was a test to see if it could work with me."

Peter, Connie, Carin, and Josie's faces went white. It was if they were seeing the light for the first time. None had seen the game plan all laid out. Nor could they figure out why? It was hearing my thoughts that tied everything together.

"Oh my God they were planning your death Dad," Connie said, "Before you left town. You knew it, that is why you left the way you did."

I replied with a big smile, "At the time I had a good idea but not even my lawyer believed it. It looks like he learned the hard way that I was right."

Peter excused himself from our presence to make a few important phone calls. It gave my daughters, my wife and I time to get a bit of knowledge about each other's life. Jody dug out pictures of how I looked like when she first met me. Both had to admit that even they would not have recognized me. When Peter came back into the room everyone got quiet.

"Willa is going to be taken into custody the day after the holiday towards the end of the day. We can hold her for forty-eight hours before laying charges. She is going to be charged with three accounts of Grand theft for stealing the annuity from her children." Peter explained. "We will slow the process down so it will take a few days for her to get a bail hearing."

"Dad if you can fly in on Wednesday, and rent the U haul to drive into town. Stop at a few of your old haunts to get yourself noticed. If anyone asks what you're doing let them know you here to pack up Josie's stuff." Peter explained. "That way Willa will have to be communicated with via the city jail. The DA when I told him your thinking on the whole situation said you made perfect sense. Until your thoughts came out, we could not put it all together. When you arrive at Josie's house, we will have police protection for you until it's all played out"

"Peter you are saying that the father of my children is the bait you need to draw my cousins out," Jody said. "What guarantees are you willing to give me that you won't be calling me to inform me I am a widow before were legally married."