Without You Pt. 03

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Moving on and finding love.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/14/2018
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For the past couple of weeks, Jenny had been meeting Amy for lunch, when the weather was ok, they met to walk Milo around the small park near the bookshop. Jenny brought sandwiches each day and they walked and talked, getting to know each other better. At the end of each date they shared a few chaste kisses, each wanting more but not knowing how or when to take the next step. Amy had been staying in Helen's spare room and from her sister she was learning more about Jenny. At first, she felt that they were doing something wrong, talking about her behind her back, but Helen wasn't saying things that seemed private, mostly it was stories from when they were children and Amy found she was becoming closer to Jenny without her even being there.

Amy hadn't really spoken to Hannah since she had temporarily moved in with Helen, she'd left some money to cover the bills and said they should meet up in a few weeks to talk things through. Just being away from their flat made Amy feel like a weight had lifted off her shoulders, but she was also pleased to find that she was beginning to miss Hannah, it made her feel that their friendship could be saved, over time.

Once again it was Helen's 'interfering' that made Amy take the next step. Over dinner one night she not so subtlety asked Amy when her and Jenny were going to have a proper date, not just meet for lunch.

"I don't want to rush her."

"I'm sure she appreciates that but you two are moving at the speed of a drifting glacier."

"But what if it messes things up?"

"What if it does? You won't know until you try - what's the plan at the moment? You two are like kids in school, holding hands and a few kisses, are you just going to do that for the indefinite future? Never mind about her at the moment, what do you want?"

"I want to be with her."

"So, go get her."

"You make it sound so simple."

"Well, look at it this way. You both like each other, I guessing the kisses are good or we wouldn't be having this conversation. I've seen the chemistry between you two - hell it was there before you'd even spoken to each other."

"Of course you're right, this feels like it could be something so special and I'm terrified of messing it up."

"You won't know until you try..."

The next time they spoke, Amy took the plunge and asked Jenny out on a proper date. They arranged for that Saturday evening and Amy let Jenny pick the place so she could feel a little more comfortable. Jenny was actually relieved, she'd been wanting to make the effort but couldn't push herself over the line, with very similar fears to Amy. Amy suggested she pick Jenny up at 7 pm and they go from there.

When Amy went to pick her up, Jenny was in a bit of a state, not as bad as their first planned date to the art exhibition but she was using all of her control exercises to relax, leaving her hair and makeup messed up. Amy had booked a table for 7.45 so they had a few minutes before they needed to leave. Amy offered to help Jenny finish off her hair that had come loose with her panic and took the opportunity to offer a get out clause and said they could stay in if Jenny preferred. Jenny was touched that Amy had offered but wouldn't have been happy with herself if they had to cancel again and reassured Amy that she really wanted to go and that she should settle down when they got to the restaurant.

True to her word, Jenny did calm down after they had got to the restaurant. They fell into the easy conversation that they had become accustomed to and before long they had finished their main courses and were deliberating getting a pudding. Discussing the options, Jenny stopped in mid-sentence and Amy looked up to see what was wrong. A couple was walking towards them. Before Amy could say anything, the new woman spoke, "Jen-Jen, didn't think I'd see you here - you know outside, with people." She was smiling but it was clearly a fake smile and Amy took an instant dislike to her and looking across, she could see that Jenny had turned bright red and was looking decidedly less comfortable then she had all evening. After a moment or two Jenny quietly replied, "Hello Jane, I didn't realise you were back in town."

"Actually, just visiting for the weekend, looking at venues. Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. This is Dan, we're engaged. Dan, this is Jen we were at Uni together. Anyway, must fly, we're meeting up with friends across town. Bye."

And with that she was gone, having hardly looked at Amy let alone waited for an introduction. She heard Jenny muttering something about having to go and barely realised before Jenny had left some money on the table and was out the door, walking down the street with her head down. Amy quickly paid the bill and rushed out after her, finding her sitting on a bench further down the street. Jenny was visibly upset, worse than Amy had seen before. Not wanting to crowd Jenny she simply sat next to her, their thighs barely touching. After a few minutes, Jenny's breathing seemed to be more under control and Amy decided to be blunt and break the silence, "Well that was rude."

Jenny glanced across, still blushing furiously, "Sorry for rushing out, I needed to get out of there."

"I didn't mean you, that Jane, completely stuck up herself, she didn't let her fiancé speak or even look at me - all about her."

"Yeah, I guess. Look Amy, I'm really sorry, I think I need to go home."

Jenny made a move to stand up but Amy gently took her hand and held her in the sitting position.

"Let me ask you something, before Jane turned up were you planning on leaving so soon?"

"I don't know, I guess not. I'm just a bit flustered at the moment."

Amy could guess that there was something more going on, more than bumping into a Uni friend and the being out in public comment from Jane was just out of order. "How about this? I take you home, you have a bath, I'll take Milo for a walk to the shops and get us some ice cream in lieu of our pudding."

Jenny's eyes filled with tears at Amy's thoughtfulness and smiled while nodding. She squeezed Amy's hand and said, "Thank you Amy, that sounds perfect."

"I know, completely selfless of me, more time with you and Milo, such a martyr..."

They walked back to Jenny's flat hand in hand, Jenny lost in her own thoughts and Amy happy to let her open up in her own time. Letting themselves in and greeting the enthusiastic Milo, Amy took charge. She went straight through to Jenny's bathroom to run the bath while Jenny sat on the sofa petting Milo. Amy found some bath salts and bubbles, wanting Jenny to be able to completely relax while she was out. When the bath was ready, Amy went back into the living room and pulled Jenny up from the sofa. Pulling Jenny into a hug, Amy said, "Bath is all ready, any requests for ice cream flavours?"

"Anything with chocolate is good with me."

"No problem, you go and relax, we'll be back within the hour."

Amy tried to pull away from Jenny, but was delighted when Jenny held her tighter and whispered her thanks into her ear before giving her a deep kiss, leaving both women out of breath. Torn between wanting to continue and letting Jenny have her bath, Amy shooed Jenny to the bathroom and tried to lighten the mood by saying, "Like I said, completely selfless of me. I'm not getting anything out of this arrangement at all..."

While in the bath, Jenny pondered her luck at meeting Amy, having not really let herself believe that she would find someone who understood and accepted her as she was, instead of thinking of her as a broken person that just needed some duct tape to fix everything. She was also amazed at how quickly Amy had managed to get her to calm down. Normally an incident like the one with Jane would have left her reeling for the next couple of days, but Amy's mere presence had broken through the fog in Jenny's head, drawing her back from the dark thoughts that tried to fill her mind. There was still the fear that her issues would be too much for Amy, who would then eventually leave but Jenny resolved to try not to let that fear overcome the here and now. That was one of the reasons why she had kissed Amy before she left, hoping to remind Amy about the good that could come from being in a relationship with her.

Not wanting to get too pruney, Jenny decided to get out of the bath. She wasn't sure what to wear once she had dried herself. For the date she had worn some lacey underwear beneath her favourite dark green dress but felt it would look weird if she dressed up again after the bath. In the end she decided to put on some leggings and a yoga top, not bothering with underwear. Amy had taken a key with her in case Jenny was still in the bath when she got back so when she let herself in, she was pleasantly surprised to find Jenny waiting for her in the living room. She wasn't prepared for the sight of Jenny, fresh faced, no makeup, wet hair and yoga clothes to be so sexy and her body immediately reacted to the sight. Trying to compose herself, she sorted out Milo and took off her coat before bringing her selection of ice cream over to the coffee table where Jenny had bowls and spoons waiting.

"Here we go then, pudding courtesy of Messrs Ben and Jerry. Did you enjoy your bath?"

"It was lovely, thank you so much for looking after me. And thank you for this evening, I did have a great time, I'm glad we got round to having a proper date, even if Jane did nearly ruin it."

"Me too, and ice cream with you on the sofa is much better than an over complicated dessert at a restaurant anyway. Want me to dry your hair in a bit, maybe braid it for sleeping in?"

"That would be amazing, I hate blow drying my hair, I don't really have the coordination to use the brush and hair dryer behind my head."

When they'd had their fill of ice cream, Amy put the leftovers in the freezer while Jenny went to get the things to do her hair. Moving a large cushion onto the floor, Jenny sat crossed legged so that Amy could sit behind her on the sofa.

While Amy was working on Jenny's hair, both women were slightly lost in their own thoughts, each wondering how to make the next move and neither wanting Amy to go home that night. By the time Jenny's hair was in a braid, Amy had plucked up some courage and as she lay the brush down, she draped the finished braid over Jenny's left shoulder and leaned over the right, placing soft kisses down Jenny's neck from her ear to her collar bone. Initially Jenny simply tilted her head to allow Amy room, but then she turned her head to meet Amy's lips, reaching her hand behind Amy's head to pull her closer.

For the next few minutes they were lost in each other, but then the moment was broken by Milo who took the opportunity to try and steal his own kisses with his two favourite humans. Both women pulled away laughing and wiping their cheeks having received a sloppy, affectionate lick from Milo. Jenny ruffled his ears asking if he wanted to go out and taking him to the garden door when he barked in agreement. Assuming that the moment was gone, Amy started to get her things together to go home. When Jenny and Milo came back she was on the sofa, with her coat on, about to call for a taxi to take her home. Jenny was surprised that Amy was leaving and asked, "You're leaving?"

"Well, it is getting late..."

"You don't have to go."

"Do you want me to stay, for the night I mean?"

"I think now that Milo has been out, he will happily go to bed and sleep. We could do the same and he won't bother us until morning."

Amy was slightly disappointed that Jenny simply wanted to sleep, but that was still a massive step forward for them, and even holding Jenny at night would be a dream come true. She smiled at Jenny, took off her coat, left it and her bag on the sofa, took Jenny's hand and walked towards the bedroom. Jenny entered the room first and turned the lights on low, Amy shut the door behind her and was shocked when Jenny's arms wrapped around her from behind, and she felt kisses on her neck, a copy of the move she had made on the sofa. She felt Jenny's erect nipples pressing into her back and her own nipples quickly responded. Amy tried to turn around but Jenny held her firm and continued to tease her with feather light kisses on her neck, eventually letting Amy turn in her arms. Jenny moved one hand to the back of Amy's head and the other to cup her bottom and pull her firmly in for a kiss, their first when they were both standing and Amy felt electric shocks going through her body, originating at each of the points their bodies touched. It wasn't clear who made the next move, but Jenny found herself with her legs against the bed so she sat down and pulled Amy with her so that Amy straddled Jenny's hips, while maintaining the kiss.

Amy was still wearing the dress she had worn for the date and now that she was straddling Jenny, the dress was pulled tight across her thighs and bottom, all but demanding that Jenny lift the dress up over her hips, purely to make Amy more comfortable of course. Jenny could feel the heat coming from Amy's pussy and moaned into the kiss as she also felt the increasing dampness now pressed into her abdomen. Amy was by no means passive during the kiss, she was busy taking advantage of the loose top that Jenny was wearing, quickly finding room for her hands to slip underneath. It was then her turn to moan when she discovered that Jenny wasn't wearing underwear.

Quickly lifting the top over Jenny's head, Amy broke the kiss so that she could look at Jenny's breasts that seemed to glow in the low light. Jenny leant back on her arms as Amy cupped each breast, taking in the detail of her nipples before gently squeezing each between her fingers and thumb, causing goosebumps to break out across Jenny's chest. Amy leaned down to give Jenny another kiss, firmly caressing her tongue with her own, before getting off her lap and kneeling between Jenny's legs, her hands going to Jenny's waist to pull of her leggings. On her knees, looking up at Jenny now naked and looking down at her we glazed eyes, Amy was reminded why she'd be so struck with Jenny when she first saw her and breathed out, "You are so beautiful, truly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, I can't believe I am here with you."

Jenny blushed at Amy's words but even her fragile ego couldn't deny the sincerity on Amy's face and for once,in that moment, Jenny believed that she was as beautiful as Amy said. Looking down at the woman she had come to love over the last few weeks, kneeling in front of her, with her dress still pulled up over her hips, Jenny had never felt more desirable, and wanted to make Amy feel the same. With a confidence she rarely felt, Jenny stood up and pulled Amy to her feet, turning her round so that she could lower the zip on her dress, trailing her fingers down Amy's spine before slipping her hands around the front of the dress, tickling Amy's abdomen then bringing her hands up to cup her breasts, squeezing gently before undoing the front clasp of her bra. Moving her hands up to Amy's shoulders, Jenny slipped the dress to the floor, taking her bra with it while placing soft kisses on the nearly exposed skin.

Turning Amy to face her, Jenny leaned in for another kiss, both women moaning at the feel of skin to skin contact. Amy was drawing lazy patterns up and down Jenny's back, while Jenny had returned a hand to Amy's bottom, squeezing her hand as she drew Amy closer. Pushing Jenny back towards the bed, pulled the duvet off the bed and encouraged Jenny to lie down, Amy quickly lay down next to her, both women turning onto their sides to face each other, instinctively pulling each other as close as possible, while continuing to devour each others mouths. Jenny reached out to touch Amy's breasts properly for the first time, rubbing her thumb over the tight nipples before breaking the kiss to dip her head to Amy's chest and take a nipple in her mouth, teasing the nub with her tongue while moving her hand into Amy's underwear, seeking out the incredible source of heat she could feel, while trying not to be distracted by Amy's hands on her own breasts and pussy.

Each woman was focused on making the other come as soon as possible, while trying to hold off their own orgasms at the same time. Amy was slowly fingering Jenny, occasionally brushing a thumb over her clit. Jenny was teasing Amy more, varying her touch. It wasn't clear who won but before long they were crying out each others name before slowing their touch to a stop. Jenny brought the hand that had been inside Amy to her mouth to lick her fingers clean, eagerly accepting Amy's hand when she brought it to her lips. With the taste of both of them in her mouth, she kissed Amy once more, using her tongue to drive the combined juice into Amy. Resting back onto the pillows, Jenny pulled the duvet over them and once again lay facing Amy, with their hands entwined, not doing anything else but staring into each others eyes.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Please please give us part 4!!!.I really want to see if Jenny will ever fully get over herself and whether or not Hannah will start to act her age at last.Please Caro Soft.I am begging you.Give us part 4.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Without you

When is part 4 coming

okami1061okami1061almost 2 years ago

Leaving us hanging again.

Three years gone is long enough. Get back here and finish these unfinished stories that are headed in good directions.

Slurpy29Slurpy29about 2 years ago

Really enjoyed this series until I figured out it isn’t complete with the last post in 2019. Would enjoyed it so much more if it was finished.

Sophie160987Sophie160987over 3 years ago

I love your stories but they feel unfinished

To bad because i for one would love to read more about all your caracters

Hope to read more of you soon but i would ratter read more of your excisting storries then a new one


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