Working Late - A New Adventure


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I moaned and shivered uncontrollably as my body quickly responded to the thought of being watched and caught on video, I could feel my orgasm quickly building up and then threatening to overcome me and I forced myself to go to the very edge of orgasm and then hold back the tide as long as I could. My back arched and my pussy pushed hard against the vibrating head of my toy, my breathing coming in ragged gasps as sweat covered my now fully exposed body. I imagined all of the construction workers now stopping and staring, devouring my little body with their thoughts.

I wanted to cum so badly and was just about to give in and plummet into the abyss when the phone rang. I tried to ignore it, but it went to message and I didn't stop, I knew I was close, if I could just hold a little longer ...

A few minutes later, I was in a heap on the bed, the sheets soaked from my sweat and my juices, when the phone rang for the fifth time in the last 10 minutes, I could have screamed, but I finally reached out my arms and picked up the phone.

I mumbled something, and it was her.

"Are you almost done now Madison?"

Electricity still crackled throughout my body, and through the window, I could see about a dozen construction workers staring into my window, my abused little pussy on full display, my skin glistening with moisture.

"I guess," I whispered, still trying to get my heartbeat back to normal."

"Was it good?" the voice teased.

"YYYYYYYeeeeesssss," I said quietly. I could hear her smiling.

"Okay, sweetie, time to call the shop, and don't forget to ask for Karin?"

I didn't say anything for a moment.

"Do you still want to do this Madison?" the voice said with genuine concern but with a trace of sternness. A few moments passed. I kind of liked it when she was stern.

I ran my hand through my matted hair, "Yes."

"Good, now make the call and then get ready, you know what to say."

The line when dead. I did and hung up the phone.


I could feel the steel of the scissors rub along my scalp. I knew we would approach the point where there was no way Karin could fix this. The pile of hair was collecting on my shoulders, chest, lap, and on the floor. There was no stopping now, at best I would have a buzz cut at this pace, I knew I would be bald very soon.


With each snip the point of no return quickly came and went, there was too much gone and with a little shutter that only made me even wetter, I saw enough hair was now gone that several patches of her scalp were now visible and knew neither of us was going to be satisfied until she was completely smooth. Madison was actually shivering with excitement, the scent of her sweet little box filled the air of the salon, I glanced at the electric clippers with anticipation.


Philly wanted to move closer, but although the mall was dark he wasn't sure what the two women might be able to see if they happened to look away from each other. He thought that wasn't likely, but he didn't want to take a chance. At the moment he was fine just watching these two naked white chicks doing what they were doing, how often did something like this happen to real people, it was like one of those stories you read online. He always thought they were fake, but now he wasn't so sure.

This was also something new for him, he wasn't used to just watching, but this was so hot he was just fine standing in the shadows ... at least for right now.

He had seen the one cutting the hair before, Will had pointed her out different times he had been working, saying how she seemed to flirt and show off with the young guys who worked for Will. Used to older women who liked sex, he was also sure she had seen him and he smiled because she was exactly the kind of woman he liked, older, probably married, really hot, and who knew they were sexy and weren't shy about showing everyone.

It was also rare for him to rub himself, to masturbate. He was proud of the fact he was having enough sex that masturbation wasn't something he made a habit of doing. Tonight, though, he was thinking about it.

"Fuck man, just look at that," he said to the empty corridor and slowly started to unzip his pants and felt himself responding by playing with himself as he watched those two women.

In the semi-darkness of the empty mall, Philly just hoped nobody would come and check on him until the women were done.

A thought came to him and he took out his phone, careful to keep the flash off, he slowly raised the phone and began recording what he was seeing as well.


I was getting that lightheaded feeling I got on a roller coaster just before it plunged down at the top of the ride, it seemed like every sense in my body was firing all at the same time. I had felt pretty good when I had cut and shaved my head before, but this was an entirely different experience completely with another person doing me, not to mention on full display for anyone who might be lurking nearby.

I was furiously sliding my two of my fingers deep inside myself. My body was starting to rock and vibrate stronger and stronger as control of my body was something that was less and less up to me.

"Hold still sweetie," Karin said softly in my ear, my hair was now almost too short for her to use scissors, "I don't want to cut you."

I looked in the mirror, in the reflection my long strands of blonde hair were gone, and in its place was a ragged clearcut mass of stubble and hair too short to cut anymore.

Looking at myself I brought one of my fingers to my mouth and licked my juices from it.

Karin smiled a wicked smile and said, "Madison, it gets better," and I saw her reflection take hold of the clippers and I jumped from anticipation again as that "clipper sound" filled the quiet salon.


"Fuck," Philly said a little louder than he should have as he watched the women stop for a moment.

He wondered if that was going to be it. The younger blonde woman now just had stubble and little clumps of hair left. He hoped not and continued to quietly rub himself. He never considered himself a voyeur, if that was the right word, but right now he knew if they kept it up, he would be able to cum very soon. He watched the two women looking at themselves in the big mirror, there was silence and no moment for a moment, and then he saw the clippers. Even though he couldn't hear them, he imagined the sound, and he rubbed a little harder, his own breath coming a little more ragged than before.


Karin looks at me in the mirror, my blonde locks now scattered on the salon floor like leaves in the fall, what remained of my hair was just a collection of puffs and missed clumps no longer than half an inch.

The buzzing of the clippers made me jump and whimper at the same time as Karin turned them on and proceeded to bring them straight down the center of my scalp. On its lowest setting, the tool left just a shadow of darkness behind smoothing out the remnants of her earlier work. Stronger vibrations shook my body and I could feel the wetness between my thighs.

Karin paused for a moment, the buzzing of the clippers making my body vibrate as one of her fingers traced along my thigh. For a moment she teased me and then outlined the folds of my pussy, my body shuddered more strongly and I watched in the mirror as her finger came to her mouth dripping with my moisture.

I watched, Karin smiled as she licked her fingertip and then without a wasted movement, cut a second furrow down to my scalp. The leather of the salon chair is visibly wet from me, my own fingers can take me no further, I begin to beg Karin to go down on me, despite my words she resists and cuts more and more.

"Not yet, not until you are totally smooth," and this time when she paused, two of her fingers plunged deep inside me before she licked them clean.

Again and again, Karin makes the clippers run across my scalp, only pausing to clear the blades of the debris, and then only for the briefest of moments.

I listened to her breathing, it was more noticeable now as hers was as ragged and irregular as mine, she stopped more and more often to kiss me, to touch me, to run her fingers over my body.

Each time I pushed my body up to meet her touch when her fingers found and penetrated me, I thrust my hips towards her, moaning, begging her to take me, in a voice made louder by my desperation and hunger.

I didn't want the feeling to end, as maddeningly teasing as it was, the intensity of the electricity arcing through my body made to behave as if I was chained and struggling to free myself, except now, I didn't want to get away, I wanted, no I needed Karin.

I didn't realize my eyes had closed and they were closed when the sound stopped, I opened them to reveal only the shadow of where my hair had once been, I wanted to scream, I needed to orgasm so badly, Karin only smiled and then I heard the snap of a lid and then watched as Karin began spreading white shaving cream on my head.


I thought to myself, I don't know how much more of this I could take. Even with the increasing number of times I was licking my fingers and touching Madison, I could feel myself losing control, of wanting to drop everything and devour her. Perhaps it was the tabooness of what I was doing, maybe the edging was more for me than for her; whatever, the reason, I knew I couldn't hold out much longer.

Madison's hair was gone, and only a very light blonde shadow remained, that's when I grabbed the can of shaving cream.

I thought Madison was going to cum when I started putting the cream on her head, for a moment she just stared into the mirror, when I applied the shaving cream I watched her eyes roll back into her head and her body seemed to convulse and writhe on the chair.

"Hold still sweetie," I whispered as my lips and tongue nuzzled her neck.

Her eyes were still closed when I took the razor to her head.

She didn't move, but I am pretty sure anyone inside the mall if there was anyone would have heard her moan as a long, slow, almost animal-like moan escaped from her throat and continued as long as I was shaving the last of the stubble from her scalp.


Philly edged closer than he would have thought safe even five minutes ago.

The woman in the salon chair was almost completely bald, only the shadow of stubble remained on her head. He had seen bald chicks before but never one like this woman. The older woman was using a razor now, and shaving faster than he thought possible, the younger chick looked like she was a chained wild animal.

She was stunning, although not tall, and her proportions were virtually perfect, well maybe her boobs were a little small, but now only a few feet from the window, hopefully still hidden by the darkness, he could see all of her features. He could feel himself getting closer to cumming.

Philly couldn't see her pussy, but he could see her hands disappearing just below the line of sight he had and was experienced enough to know what was happening. He edged even closer to the glass.

Even the older woman, who couldn't be any older herself than her mid-thirties was insanely hot. He slowly whispered the word, "Fuck me," over and over again as he watched spellbound at the sexual drama being played out less than thirty feet from where he stood.


The cream was cold and despite myself, I shivered a little and opened my eyes through reflex.

Karin was spreading it over my scalp and softly moaning as she did. I felt her grinding her boobs into my back, I could feel her nipples against my skin. The feeling of her arousal combined with the view I had in the mirror of them only added to the intensity that burned through my body. I felt the touch of the razor on my skin, felt it collecting what was left of a patch of my formerly blonde hair.

Another shudder rumbled through my body, only the latest, and certainly not the last mini orgasm to rock my being. It took me a while to recognize them for what they were and I didn't really care what they were called, I just let them overwhelm me.

Each felt like every part of me was turned on at the same moment, each built upon the other, all of this from just watching a beautiful woman shave and touch me, of course, while I rubbed myself like I had hadn't had an orgasm in forever.

More of my hair disappeared and I was torn between the feelings rippling through my body and closing my eyes to enjoy the sensations, the colors, and just the feelings. The colors my mind saw built from warm blues and greens up through reds and swirls of orange, and now brilliant whites and yellows.

I willed my eyes to stay open, forcing myself to watch the movement of Karin's hands the feel of the now warm steel blades, and the growing size of the smooth white surface of my head.

Karin's fingers caressed my boob for a moment, jumpstarting another tremor and making my entire body move to unseen waves. For just a moment, I recognized a movement in one of the big windows, just a split second, and then it was gone as Karin's free hand grazed, pinched, and pulled on the tip of my nipple, making me scream again, and the memory of the shadowed movement was lost in the feelings of the moment.


I was barely managing to keep my grip on the razer, Madison was almost completely shaved. As I tried to focus, I thought about when I first saw she was naked, her body was almost completely hairless except for her head. As I shaved I wonder if she had used laser removal because I couldn't detect any hair at all, her legs, her pussy, the hard-to-get-at areas, and even her eyebrows were gone, those replaced by drawn-on ones. I was losing the battle to not give in.

One of two more small areas and we would be done. As we approached this point, my mind raced through a hundred different things Madison and I could do next, each considered for a second before being replaced with another possibility.

Madison's breathing was labored and sporadic as I sensed she was reaching even her limits of self-control. My free hand was drawn to one of her small boobs with the huge rock-hard nipples and I indulged myself. Just as I did a slight shadow caught my eye and then Madison rocked in the chair and the shadow was gone from my mind as I pulled up so as not to cut her.

"Please Karin, hurry, I can't hold on much longer," her words came in what seemed like a hundred syllables and took her two or three breaths to let out.

One, two, and finally three passes with the razor, and it was done.


"Son-of-bitch," Philly swore as he involuntarily moved and suddenly he crept even closer along the window to improve his view. He knew he had gotten too close and then reacting without thinking stepped back too quickly.

He saw the woman in the chair seem to freeze before suddenly arching her back and moaning so loudly he could hear her like she was right beside him.

He froze.

The woman with the razor pulled her hand back, seemed to let the one woman settle back, and then quickly finished her shaving.

Still holding his breath, he didn't dare move.


I still hadn't decided what was next, my body just reacted. One minute I was dropping the razor and then next I was leaning over Madison, my boobs brushing against hers, my lips on hers, our tongues feverishly engaging with one another.

Madison moved beneath me like she was possessed, I kissed her and let my fingers explore her now smooth head, this seemed to make her even more crazy. I kissed her and kissed her for seemingly forever, my fingers began exploring the rest of her and I let my face move down her body.


Philly breathed again, but his eyes couldn't believe what he was seeing.

The older woman just dropped the razor and then was kissing the younger one.

Kissing was not a strong enough word, he had kissed women before, sometimes very roughly, this was just as rough, but somehow much more sensual, there was the same kind of passion, the same elemental heat, but a fluidity that he had only ever seen two women be able to accomplish.

Fingers explored, skin on skin flexed and shone in the bright lights of the salon, both women seemed oblivious to anyone else, his momentary slip, if even noticed, now completely lost in the moment.

Despite the risk, he had to get closer, and he edged almost to the center of the glass.


Since I had seen her walk out of the backroom I knew we would end up right here, doing this. Karin was a beautiful woman; Rachel had told me some women were just built for incredible sex and had a sensuality that was beyond description and Karin was one of those women.

Yes, she looked great clothed or naked, but it was more than that. When she walked out of the backroom, with her toned body framed in the mirror, my world narrowed and she was the only person in it. The sleek lines of her legs that began with red toenail polish and held a smoothness I could only envy, the flair of her ass and the glistening of her soft pussy, the petals slowly opening and revealing moisture that told me how aroused she was despite a long day of work.

Her flat tummy, the product of years of yoga and conditioning, those full and so sexy boobs, with nipples Rachel had described to me as the kind that can make a woman orgasm simply by touching, caressing, and rubbing the right way, Rachel was that kind of woman too, they were two of a kind. Her soft skin, the rise of her neck, those amazingly powerful lips, her classic cheekbones, all of those were simply descriptions of the obvious. Karin was all of that and so much more.

It was her eyes, the sparkle, her laugh, her cheerfulness, and the way she talked and held herself that set her apart, I had hoped she would be like this, but when I saw her naked, I knew I would not be satisfied until we got to here.


Not exactly playing hard to get, I dove between Madison's legs, I had held myself back as long and longer than I thought possible and now there was no way I could stop. I have had many partners, both men, women, and others, but few had taken me to this level or intensity, and in some corner of my mind, I realize we hadn't really done anything yet, yes some touching, shaving her was certainly erotic, but everything to this point was anticipation, and maybe that was what was the most erotic of all.


He had seen women go down on each other before and it always turned him on, but that had always been a sideshow, he was always in the middle, now watching these two women, this was different, this was more than just sex, he searched for the work, it took several moments, and he found the word not descriptive enough but it was all that he could think of, this was all-encompassing, this was completely erotic.


Somehow we had ended up on the floor of the salon, how Karin managed that I didn't know and didn't care. Her tongue was dancing everywhere, she ate me with a sensitivity and raw force that made me scream, I thought I would orgasm within seconds of her frenzy, but she teased me, she built me up, she knew what she was doing, the feel of her face tight to my body, the force of her lips, her face, her nose, and the way her fingers and hands touched me everywhere made the colors I saw before seem like only black and white.

Karin never seemed to stop, but now on the floor, I sensed a motion, she was moving, but her face never left my pussy, fingers randomly played with my ass, touching me, exploring, penetrating; all the while her body was moving.

I sensed rather than saw the pressure of her body on me, moisture dripping onto my upper body as she shifted around, that wonderful scent, and then the feeling of pressure as her weight settled on top of me and I used my hands to hold her legs and shifted my face up to taste her pussy for the first time.


Philly now had his pants around his ankles, his large cock well in hand, and his hand was just a blur. He knew this was dangerous, they were at least in a shop, only visible from where he stood. He was standing in a darkened mall, holding and rubbing his cock in a place where he could be noticed by any of the other cleaners, but he had no alternative, already precum was dripping onto the mall floor and the pressure on him almost hurt, it needed release so badly.