Worlds Apart Ch. 03


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Renée laughed lightly. "Our birthing process is not as painful, my child. But with multiple births, the risk is greater that the babies are not as well-developed."

"Like human preemies who are delivered too early?"

"Yes. However, we still carry to term."

The conversation paused again as the maid returned with a tray. It gave my brain something else to think about, because I didn't have enough thoughts spinning around in there. She poured tea into two cups, doctored it to our liking, and then handed a cup to each of us.

"Merci, Analiese," Renée said with a slight tip of her chin.

The maid curtsied and left us alone again.

"Please, Renée, tell me if I'm bothering you with all of my questions. I'm just...I don't know."

"It is understandable, my child. This is all new for you. Please, ask away."

"I don't understand how a human can live as long as a dyson just because they are married." I turned to face her more and rested my back against the curved arm of the settee. "There must be something to trigger the proverbial fountain of youth. Is it the blood wine? Vincente said it was a delicacy from here."

Renée slowly lowered her cup from where she'd lifted it to her mouth. It rattled in the saucer as she carefully set it down. "You know of the wine, Danae?"

"Yes. He gave it to me the night we met. Said it was to calm my nerves. I craved it like no tomorrow at first. But having not had it in weeks...the addiction has gone away. Maybe because I'm with him almost all of the time now."

Vincente's grandmother set her mouth in a thin line, her eyes darkening. It was the first time I'd seen her look stern. She studied me for so long that I fidgeted in my seat, like a child waiting for the principal to pass down punishment. Then the light returned to her eyes and she nodded. When she spoke again, her words were so soft I almost didn't hear them. "Il avait raison."

"I'm sorry..."

"He was right." She picked up her tea again. Her cup shook slightly before she took a sip. A sign of her age she'd let slip through the restraint she'd so painstakingly maintained? Or something else entirely? Then she slowly said, "Coeur et â me."

Heart and soul. I'd heard Vincente whisper the French words in my ear so many times during our visit I knew them by rote. I sighed from relief. But only a little. Something was

Renée grew quiet. I was afraid to upset her by speaking, so I sipped the creamy liquid in my cup. Kept my gaze on my lap. Eventually, I heard her deep sigh—the clatter of her cup being set down again—before she spoke.

"The wine by itself is simply foreplay, if you will. It awakens your senses—increases your libido—as I'm sure you discovered. But combined with a private ceremony after the wedding? The two who have been united taste each other's special wine for the first time. For a human partner, they both drink his blend. Then la tête du serpent is revealed. The head of the snake. Before he plants his seed in her womb, it will bite her femoral artery, releasing unique venom that mingles with the alcohol in her bloodstream. If she is human, her aging process slows within days. As long as the ritual is repeated each year on their day, they are thus joined for his lifetime."

I set my cup aside with a little less finesse than she had, spilling a bit of tea into the saucer. But my mind was focused more on the fact that Vincente had failed to mention he'd done two-thirds of a sacred ritual with me. I had been passed out for quite awhile. I didn't remember feeling a bite. But oh, God—

"Danae..." Renée's voice broke into my thoughts. "You were drawn to my grandson...before the wine, yes?"

I breathed deep, but I still felt less than confident. I looked up to see her watching me. I nodded, tried to swallow, and said, "Strongly so."

The brown color of her eyes seemed warmer, like melted chocolate. "Do you love Vincente?"

If I had been asked that question a month ago, I would have emphatically denied it. But after spending the time with him that I had? After visiting his homeland? His closest family? My heart echoed the sentiments I'd thought the second day I'd been with him. I accepted him for who he was. And he had done the same for me.

I wanted to be mad at him for not telling me what his actions that first night had meant...for not asking my consent before he did the whole snake-thing. The wine had been an aphrodisiac, but I now knew I didn't need it to be attracted to him. To want him, body, mind, and soul. Maybe he'd let his emotions guide him that night. But so had I.

One thing was certain. I wanted to be with no one but him. To care for and please no one else. Wasn't that what love truly was?

Tears were evident in both my eyes and my voice when I finally responded. "Yes, I love him very much."

"Bon. Bon." She returned to her tea as though this were a normal conversation.

I took a sip of my lukewarm tea, but my mouth felt like I'd been chewing on cotton. "Why aren't there more females if they can have so many children? Vincente said there are few dysons left at all."

Renée nodded. "When there were large litters, the risk of complications was always high. Many dyson women died in childbirth. Lost most if not all of their offspring. As more women perished, the males began to mate with humans to stay alive longer. To replenish our dwindling population."

"When a dyson and a human reproduce, what happens? Like, other than the snake thing."

She studied me again, her face grim. "Tell me, Danae, after you drank petit-fils's wine, did he reveal la tête du serpent? Did you see the head?"

I wished nothing more than to jump up and run out of the room. But somehow, I nodded slowly.

Her voice became a gravelly whisper. "Did it bite you high up on the inside of your thigh?"

"I-I don't know. I passed out..."

"Stand up my child. Lower your pants."

What? I just blinked at her.

She waved her hand in a circle. "Be quick about it. You don't know who could walk in."

In a daze, I stood and unbuckled my belt. Undid the button and zipper on my shorts. Lowered them to my ankles and stepped out of the material. I hesitated with my fingers at the waistband of my panties— did she mean them too?

She suddenly put one hand under my right knee and lifted my leg so my foot was propped on the edge of a large, antique ottoman that was serving as a coffee table. Then she leaned her head down so far I could feel her breath on my thigh. On my pussy.

I closed my eyes, telling myself this was not happening. Vincente's grandmother was not inspecting my crotch. But her voice reminded me she definitely was.

"How long as it been since you saw la tête du serpent?"

Oh, God. Now she wanted to discuss my sex life?

She lowered my leg and patted my left thigh until I shifted my weight. Then she repeated the procedure after placing my left leg on the settee. "Come now, child. How long?"

"Um...a month I guess." My legs wobbled when her cool hands pressed my skin along my pantyline.

"How many times?"

", two times."

"Bon, no bite marks," she said and patted my raised leg. "Get dressed. Vincente will be by soon."

While I was pulling myself back together again, she sipped her tea and responded to my initial question as though we had not just shared such an intimate moment—not to mention deathly embarrassing on my part.

"When a dyson mates with human, a female child born will always be human. All males are dyson. The pairing is good. More chances of survival for the child and the mother with a litter of only one or two. As long as such pairings produce males, the lineage will continue. Though, it has been a long time since a male has been born. Any remaining female dysons, like me, are growing too old to bare children. And it has become harder and harder for female humans to accept our men. With you and Vincente, our hope has been renewed."

I sat down and laughed wholeheartedly. "I can barely think about talking marriage. Having kids? That isn't even—"

"You must discuss. Soon."

I blinked at her, my face heating even more than it already was. "Now wait a minute—"

"Tu es avec un enfant, Danae."

My brow furrowed. "Just what does that mean?"

Renée reached over and gently placed her hand on my shirt over my stomach. "I am a dyson. I can smell your fertility, my child. You are with my grandchild."


"You got me fucking pregnant!" I screamed again.

I knew I was late. I'd figured it was due to all the stress this past month. But now it made sense. Still, it was difficult to accept.

Vincente sat on a settee in our bedroom, dressed in only pants with his hands in his lap. "Danae, please calm down."

"When were you going to tell me we were practically married?" I turned when I reached the fireplace and paced the other way. Again. "Or is this how you planned to trick me into staying with you?"

"I don't understand."

I fisted my hands in my hair and groaned. "You knew this could happen! You wanted it to happen. If I were to be having your child, you would say you needed to do the 'right thing' and marry me. I would therefore feel like I had no choice but to comply. How would I raise a child on my own? Hell, a dyson, even, if it's a boy!"

"No. I did not trick you. I love you. And I did not know for sure. I am old for a dyson to be able to father a child. I did not know if you—"

"Cut the bullshit, Vinny. Your grandma told me she could smell that I was fertile. Surely you can, too."

He ran his hands over his face then hung his head. A very human-like gesture and a rare break in his aristocratic-like demeanor. "When I am with you, I smell only your essence, Danae. Even when you are not aroused, it draws me to you, like a beautiful flower attracting a bee."

I closed my eyes. God, why did he have to be fucking...romantic? Irresistible? I couldn't stay mad at him for long. I stopped at the bed and sat on the end.

Vincente rose and pulled on his dress shirt, leaving it unbuttoned as he joined me, but he didn't touch me. "I am sorry that I upset you. This was not how I wanted our trip to end."

"Yeah, you and me both," I mumbled.

The weight of reality suddenly weighed on my shoulders. It drained me just to think about it. I wanted to both laugh and cry about the absurdity of my situation. My body swayed slightly. My vision blurred. Then I coughed several times as I swallowed while taking a breath.

Cool arms turned me. Surrounded me. Pulled me against a hard chest.

That last simple movement broke the dam inside me. My sobs choked my voice as I gripped the sides of his open shirt, clutching him to me. "What am I going to do?"


Renée smoothed her hands over her slacks, her head held high. "We must make it official today."

"Our plane leaves this evening," Vincente said, echoing my thoughts.

His grandmother narrowed her eyes at him. "Do you not love Danae?"

"Oui. I want nothing more than to be with her."

"Be the man I raised you to be," Liam said suddenly, his strong voice loud in the large room, belying his true age. He had sat stoically for the past thirty minutes, as if he were a king observing his subjects. Now he was passing down his judgment. "You started this, mon petit-fils. Marry your love. Return home with your wife and child."

I wanted to argue that I should have some say in this, but his grandparents were right.

An hour later, I found myself standing on the dock to the lake, wearing a flowing, sleeveless dress Renée had found in her vast wardrobe she'd collected over the years. The white satin was covered in intricate crystal beading that looked like it was made in the early 1900s. She'd given me a pair of white shoulder-length gloves to wear with it, and a diamond bracelet, necklace, and tiara-style headband set. Elegant. Just as I'd always hoped my wedding dress would be someday. It had just happened to be sooner than I'd expected.

With the breeze rustling through the trees and birds dancing across the water, Renée and the estate's staff stood as witnesses while Liam officiated over the ceremony. It was simple but poignant. Both of us sounded husky as we repeated our vows and said 'I do.'

When we were announced as husband and wife, Vincente took my face in his palms and gave me the lightest, chastest of kisses. As our lips parted, he whispered, "Je t'aime, Danae. Mon coeur. Mon â me."

I smiled, feeling a tear roll down my cheek. "I love you, too. My heart. My soul."

We barely had time to toast a glass of champagne with his grandparents—my new in-laws—before we were changing clothes and being whisked away to the airport. Renée insisted I keep the dress and accessories. I promised her we would be back before I was due. Liam said not if they didn't come to see us first.

For the next ten hours, I felt a bit dazed as we flew back home. I couldn't stop staring at the band with two rows of diamonds twisted together on my left hand. At the wider, matching silver band on his ring finger. Vincente had said he wanted me to have something new, something that was all mine. I didn't dare ask him how much the set had cost.

Throughout the flight, my apprehension rose. I knew what awaited us back home. We would be performing the private ceremony in its entirety, the way it was meant to be. Sealing the deal on this union. On my eternity.





I tried to muffle my cries with the comforter while Vincente moved against me. Within me. But my heartache triumphed any resolve I had left to remain strong, and a loud wail escaped when I turned my head to breathe.

Suddenly, his body went still. "Danae? Are you in pain?"

More tears choked out my ability to talk, so I shook my head. I gripped the bedding when he withdrew his cock from me and held in my next gasp as I anticipated his re-entry. But he surprised me by gently turning me over instead.

"Shh." His thumbs went to work sweeping over my cheeks, drying my tears. Then he pulled me to his side and curled his body around mine, rocking me until my sobbing subsided. "What makes you cry so, my love?"

"I don't want to disappoint you," I managed to get out between deep, heaving breaths.

He kissed my forehead. "You could never disappoint me, Danae."

I felt the tears welling up again, if that was even possible, and turned to bury my head against his chest.

"Tell me, my love. Please."

"I-I haven't given you your heart's desire. After all this time. What if... I am afraid..."

Vincente lifted my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes. "What is it you think I still want?"

A stray sob lodged in my throat, and it hurt to swallow. "A-a son."

He studied me for a long moment. Then he leaned over me, his body heavy, hot, and sweaty from our lovemaking. When he rolled back, he held a picture frame. "What do you see here, Danae?"


"Exactly. This is everything I want. You. Me. Our four lovely daughters. Happy. Healthy."

Another sob escaped, but it was muffled because he leaned over me again to put the picture back on our nightstand.

"And I will love any new child just as much as the others, Danae. Girl or boy. Understood?"

I nodded, my eyes blurry when I blinked up at him.

"I will give you some time, but we must complete the ritual tonight—"

"No." I gripped his arm as he started to pull away from me. "I am good. Please. Don't leave me."

"Never, my love." He pressed his lips to mine, enticing my tongue to play with enter his mouth.

After making me pant for all the right reasons now, he rolled me onto my back. Then he trailed kisses from my chin, along my neck, across each breast, and down a path to my mound. He palmed my heat, his thumb stroking my clit lightly.

"Are you going to tease, or...Ah!" I arched up when he slid two thick fingers inside me.

"Are you going to beg, my love? I so love it when you do."

I clamped my mouth shut and smiled up at him, cupping my breasts in my hands.

"I will make you open that lovely mouth," he whispered as he got to his knees and sat back on his feet between my legs. Before I could blink, he grabbed my legs and pulled them up over his shoulders, jerking my body closer to his.

I bit my lip, muting my yelp. But my eyes widened when he raised his cock, the two ruby red eyes of the snakehead reflecting the flickering candlelight around us. My pussy clenched as the forked tongue slowly slithered out while he pumped his hand along his shaft.

"I will make you come undone, my love."

I was grateful mémère and pépère were watching the children downstairs. That no one could hear us in the secured suite of our Chicago mansion. Because I knew, he was true to his word...and I'd grown louder over the years.

My whole body arched up when he slowly pushed at my entrance, stretching me even wider. My jaw dropped, and a cry of delight escaped. Each hard inch forced in dragged my labored breaths out until I thought I would hyperventilate.

I clawed at the sheets, watching his eyes blaze with renewed passion.

His hand moved between us, stroking himself until I thought my body would break from how thick he'd become. The torture began when he became still, fully seated within me. He leaned forward and cupped my breasts.

As he caressed my nipples, I felt la tête du serpent latch on. The sharp pain was duller than when it had bit my artery under that tender spot between my inner thigh and groin. Now, I closed my eyes at the slight tugging within, my hands grasping at his until our fingers laced together. When my pussy clenched around his engorged cock, his hands reciprocated with a tight squeeze. Back and forth until I felt him begin to move again. Signaling to me that he had completed the ritual.

I expected him to unfold me from the confined position. He rose up on his knees and began thrusting at a deeper angle instead. Forcing sharp cries from my raw throat. When he leaned forward even more, pulling my hands together and over my head, my eyes shot open.

"Yes, come for me, my love. My sweet, Danae."

My entire being spiraled tighter and tighter in my core until it burst with my scream. His warmth joined mine, and I fell into the abyss of a world where only he could take me. No longer apart but together. Forever. Or at least a good 500 years.

~ H

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Another great story. Well written, great pace, and very original. Thanks for sharing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Oh My!

Oh my. What a great story. You are a fabulous writer! You make an unbelievable story in to a great fabulous believeable story. Well done my friend!!! ❤️

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

This is so unique. I love the characters, species and writing!

GypsytrampGypsytrampabout 6 years ago

Such a fascinating world/species you've created here. Very well done.

tangledweedtangledweedover 6 years ago

secretsxywriter once again pulls me into a world that I am unfamiliar with and makes it so accessible through her great characters.

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