Yearbook 2005--les


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"Well me neither!" Becky said and both girls giggled.

"Girls you ARE going to school tomorrow, remember?" Alicia good-naturedly called out from the doorway.

"Yes ma'am," Gretchen called back.

"Yes ma'am? Who said that?" Alicia demanded.

"Me," Gretchen called back.

"Good night," Alicia said then closed her own bedroom door.

"Think she's..." Becky whispered then sucked in her breath as Gretchen cupped her pussy through her panties.

"Shh," Gretchen warned then pressed her lips to Becky's for a loving kiss.

"Ohhh!" Becky Moaned as Gretchen's palm mashed against her pubic mound.

"I said 'shh,'" Gretchen hissed then giggled.

"I can't help it; it feels too good," Becky whimpered as Gretchen stroked her fingertips along Becky's splayed pussy lips.

"Damn you're wet," Gretchen said, almost in surprise.

"What you expect?" Becky said and shuddered, an orgasm welling up in her guts.

Gretchen muffled Becky's orgasm with her mouth and laughed when Becky roughly jammed her tongue into Gretchen's mouth.

"Damn, let's get you..." Gretchen said and got out of the bed and grabbed a clean pair of Becky's panties.

"As long as you're down there..." Becky teased as she clumsily pushed Gretchen's head toward her dripping wet pussy.

"Hey!" Gretchen protested. "Trying to get you dry panties and you go and do that?"

"Kiss it?" Becky begged when Gretchen pulled the sodden panties off of her legs.

"Put a pillow over your mouth; you're too loud," Gretchen insisted.

"Oh, Mother of God," Becky screamed into the pillow as Gretchen's hot mouth pulled and tugged at her swollen pussy lips.


"How we doing today, Mr. Stanford?" Molly cheerfully asked.

"Hey sweet thing," Marvin flirted with the cute girl. "Where's that old bitch been in and out of here all night?"

"Who? Oh. Her? Shift ended at midnight," Molly said and read the man's chart, looked at the monitor and wrote down his vital signs.

The whole time she was in Marvin's Stanford's room, she never commented on the handcuffs that kept him confined to the bed.

"Pretty nasty looking bump you got there," she asked. "How'd you get it?"

She didn't hear his explanation; her full attention was on the notation of medication the patient was supposed to be receiving. It was a powerful pain reliever; Marvin didn't know it but he'd never see that pain reliever. He'd be getting prescription strength Ibuprofen and Molly would be getting his medication.

"That is some fucking good shit," Molly thought as she left the room. "A lot better than some rapist bag of shit like you ought to be getting, that's for sure."


"Aw, mother fucker!" Dick Davis yelled out loud as he saw Michael's blood running along the concrete floor, down the drain of the shower. His body lay in the corner furthest from the door, out of the line of sight until you walked into the shower room.

"Jackson, get in here!" he called out.

"Yeah boss man, oh fuck!" Jackson said as he came bustling into the shower room.

"Where's Washington?" Dick asked.

"Back at his cell last I seen him," Jackson said.

"All right, no one else comes in or out of here until Coroner clears it, just fucking great!" Dick spat. "I just don't believe this shit!"


"And how we doing today?" Dr. LaPointe asked, trying to force some cheerfulness into his voice.

The man turned Charlie's stomach. He knew who Becky Trahan was; she was a friend of his sister in law, Elise. He knew her as a sweet, beautiful young woman that was confined to a wheelchair. He had begged Dr. Moorehouse to assign the patient to anyone else, but Dr. Moorehouse had smiled and pointed out that Charlie was their best in the field of head trauma.

"Yeah, head's fucking killing me here; think y'all could give me some more of that stuff?" Marvin whined.

"Any more of that stuff would just slow down your recovery," Charlie said, taking a small flashlight from his pocket.

"So?" Marvin said.

"So the answer is 'No,' you can't have any more pain reliever," Charlie said and shone the light into Marvin's eyes.

"I get out of here, I'm sue your ass for every penny y'all got, hear?" Marvin whined. "I'm in fucking pain here and y'all ain't doing shit about it!"

"You're welcome to try, Mr. Stanford, but we are a charity hospital," Charlie said flatly. "Short of gross negligence on our part, you won't get anywhere suing us.

"Send that skinny little bitch back in here; I bet she'll give me more," Marvin demanded.

"Uh huh," Charlie smiled tightly.

Molly Dunham was on the third floor, busy trying to whine, wheedle, and cry her way out of having to give a urine sample.

"You don't have to give me one," Lynn Hebert said flatly.

"Good," Molly said.

"Empty out your locker and get out," Lynn continued.

"Wait, what?" Molly said.

"It's in the handbook; 'failure to provide a urine or blood sample upon request is grounds for termination," Lynn said. "So. To pee or not to pee, that is the question."

"Fine, give me the Fucking cup," Molly spat.

"Catch it in the middle," Lynn said.

"You, um, you going to give me a little privacy here?" Molly asked.

"Nope," Lynn said blank faced.

"Fucking dyke," Molly sneered.

"Uh huh, same thing my husband used to say," Lynn said.


"The defendant is hereby released into the custody of her primary guardian," Judge Monroe intoned and banged his gavel.

"Thank you," Gretchen sobbed into Alicia's chest.

"Uh huh, come on, let's go home; you got school," Alicia said when Gretchen finally composed herself.


Elise, Rayne, and Kelli were pestering Becky for details; the three were both horrified and titillated by the sordid details.

"But why you didn't ever say nothing?" Rayne finally whispered to Becky.

"What'm I supposed to say?" Becky whined. "Hey guys, my dad and big brother always sticking their thingies in me, even when I beg them stop?"

"Yes!" Elise said loudly, and then looked around the cafeteria to see if anyone was listening in on their conversation.

Most of the cafeteria was interested in the four girls, but since they spent so much time ostracizing them, none of the other students knew of any ploy to approach the table, to find out if the gossip was true. Did Gretchen really kill Becky's dad and brother? Was it done out of a jealous lesbian rage? Was Gretchen still in jail?

"Yes," Elise repeated voice much lower. "My dad's the sheriff, remember? He could have stopped it, right then and there."

"Nuh uh; it would have been my word against theirs," Becky said, repeating what Marvin and Michael had told her several times. "They was just going to say I been begging them to fuck me."

"But it's over now, right?" Rayne said, gripping onto Becky's hand tightly.

"Yeah,it's..." Becky tried to say, then burst into wailing sobs.

"It's over, all over," Rayne crooned as she held the sobbing Becky tightly.

CH 6

"Now, how we going to...?" Gretchen asked as they filled the tub.

"Get in with me?" Becky asked, blushing hotly.

"Yeah, that'll work," Gretchen laughed; surprised she had not thought of it herself.

"Now y'all don't take all night, hear?" Alicia called out. "Got the hot dogs just about ready.

"But it kind of does take a bit," Gretchen said, opening the door to talk with Alicia.

"Gretchen, put a robe on; I don't want to look at your naked butt," Alicia laughed, embarrassed.

"Oh, please!" Gretchen sighed, rolling her eyes.

Gretchen closed the door, and then made sure the brakes were locked on Becky's wheelchair before she squatted down to unlace Becky's shoes.

"The tub's getting kind of full," Becky warned.

"Oh, shit," Gretchen laughed and turned to shut off the taps.

Becky surprised Gretchen by playfully palming Gretchen's fleshy buttock.

"Mm, nice," Becky teased.

"Yeah?" Gretchen laughed and wiggled her butt against Becky's hand.

"Nice," Becky repeated.

Gretchen finished undressing Becky then helped the girl slip into the tub. Then she got into the tub behind her lover and began to slowly, lovingly soap the girl's shoulders and neck.

"How often you shave your underarms?" Gretchen asked as she lathered up the girl's underarms.

"Once a week, I think," Becky said.

"That tickles," she shrieked as Gretchen ran a fingertip along Becky's underarm to see if it needed to be shaved.

She reached around to devote her attention to Becky's full breasts. She smiled and kissed Becky's cheek as she felt the nipples harden to two points.

"Mm," Becky sighed as Gretchen rasped the rough washcloth over Becky's nipples.

"Girls, be another ten minutes, okay?" Alicia called out through the bathroom door.

"Okay," Gretchen called back.

"Aw," Becky complained lightly as Gretchen abandoned the heavy breasts.

"Sorry, but I am kind of hungry," Gretchen said.

"Girls," Alicia warned after the ten minutes had elapsed.

"Damn," Becky shuddered as Gretchen stopped rubbing her pussy with the washcloth.

"Be out in a minute," Gretchen called out.


Marvin was wheeled down another floor when he suffered a mild heart attack. Sheriff Dick Davis had come in to tell him the news of his son's murder while in custody.

When he came out of the anesthesia, he spotted a somber looking Dick Davis again.

"Fucking sues you, you hear?" he screamed. "You hear? Fucking sue you for every God damn penny you got, mother fucker! You hear me?"

"Uh huh," Dick wearily said and got to his feet.


DeGarde agreed to take Marvin Stanford when University Medical Center finally released him. In exchange, Dick Davis took three gang members of the Angels 270. Within a week, he was calling Charles Villeaux, the sheriff of DeGarde for an exchange.

"Nuh uh," Charles laughed. "Why the fuck you think I was so willing to get rid of them?"

"Man, they ever shut up?" Dick asked wearily. "All that screaming and yelling and laughing!"

"I swear, I think they take turns doing that shit; they do it 'because they know it drives us crazy." Charles agreed.

"Even in the fucking shower," Dick agreed, hearing the sounds reverberating as the inmates were being herded down the hall to the communal showers.

"Aw, son of a bitch, no, Charles, I'll talk with you later," Dick said, getting to his feet and grabbing the shotgun he kept at his desk.

"What' the..." Jackson asked as he saw his boss coming around the corner, shotgun at the ready.

"Turn around!" Dick screamed to be heard over the screaming and yelling in the shower. "All you mother fuckers! Turn around, put your hands on the wall above your heads, nuts against the fucking wall!"

He screamed the order again in Spanish and the screaming and yelling died down.

Their intended victim lay on the ground, coughing up bile.

"That's what all the screaming and shit's about," Dick told Jackson. "They do that shit 'til you just tune it out, then they go around fucking one of their little bitches up the ass, but we're not listening to the screaming any more."

"That true?" Jackson taunted Julio Garcia. "You were going to fuck another guy? ANOTHER GUY?"

"Careful, Jackson," Dick warned.

"Doesn't that make you a faggot?" Jackson went on.

"Jackson, that's enough," Dick said tersely.

"Better listen to him, home boy," Julio said tightly.

"You," Dick said, nudging Andy Sayles with his toe. "Think you can get up?"

"Uh huh," Andy agreed and gingerly got to his feet, clutching his belly.

"All right now listen up," Dick yelled. "This is how it's going to be from now on! I hear any more screaming, I'm going to have to assume you're doing something you shouldn't be doing and I'm coming back here. You don't want me coming back here, hear me?"

"Now, finish up in here," he ordered and stepped back out of the shower room.

"Jackson, put Andy Sayles in Isolation tonight; we'll get him over to DeGarde tomorrow," Dick said and left the back hallway.

"So how'd you know what was going on?" Jackson asked after the showers were finished and everyone was back in their cells.

My old man was in Vietnam; said they used to do that shit to the Viet Cong; they'd fly helicopters overhead, blaring Jimi Hendrix at them and the whole time the ground crew would be coming in from the sides. They'd blare and blare and blare that shit until the Viet Cong just tuned them out, and then, wham! All Hell would break loose," Dick said.

"Man, I done had about enough of this gang shit," Jackson said, sitting down heavily.

"Uh huh, and you ain't helping none, getting up in their face like that," Dick said.


Brother Dominick called out Elise's name and Elise accepted her diploma, wiping at the tears that trickled down her cheeks.

When he called out Becky's name, Gretchen resisted the urge to go to push her lover across the stage. She smiled as she heard Alicia call out to the girl.

Brother Dominick called out Jonathon Vogel and the last graduating senior accepted his diploma; then the 2005 graduation ceremony was finished.


"And that's the last of the..."Alicia cheerfully said as she taped up the cardboard box.

"Um, hey, um Alicia?" Gretchen mumbled as she stood in her step-mother's bedroom.

"Yeah, Sweetie?" Alicia asked.

"Um, you um, you do know that Becky and I are, you know..." Gretchen hemmed, blushing hotly.

"Lovers?" Alicia asked. "Yeah, Gretchen, I know. It is kind of obvious, now isn't it?

"And you, um, you're okay with that?" Gretchen asked.

"If I wasn't, would I be moving in with you two?" Alicia laughed.

"I um, hey Alicia, I love you," Gretchen admitted, still blushing hotly.

Alicia looked at the girl, and then smiled widely.

"I like hearing that," she admitted. "You know I love you too, right?"

"Yeah," Gretchen admitted.

"Good, now come on, that girl's probably starving to death by now," Alicia smiled. "I ain't fooled; only reason y'all want me come live with y'all is doing the cooking."

"And cleaning, and ironing, and..." Gretchen ticked off on her fingers.


"Guilty; sentencing is set for two weeks from today, on the eighteenth of June," Judge Monroe said, banging his gavel down.

"Fucking cock sucker!" Marvin screamed at the judge as the bailiff approached to take Marvin back to the squad car that would take him to the Bender Sheriff's office. "Guilty? How the fuck you figure I'm guilty?"

"Bailiff, please remove..." Judge Monroe ordered loudly.

"And you," Marvin continued, directing his anger toward Parker. "You're fired! Worst fucking lawyer I ever seen, mother fucker!"

"Better fucking run, ugly ass cunt!" Marvin screamed as Gretchen pushed Becky out of the courtroom. "Fucking kill you! Hear me? Fucking..."

"Come on, Baby, let's go home," Gretchen murmured to Becky.

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AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

Thanks for a very touching and well written story!

FortheseFortheseabout 2 years ago

I've read many of JimBob44 stories, I intend to read all. Yes, this was intense. And I wholeheartedly agree:

"JimBob44 is one of the most talented contributors to Lit!" Currently my favorite one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Wow. That one was very intense.

A_BierceA_Bierceabout 6 years ago
Isn't it curious

that such a powerful story garners just 3 comments in 6 years? With or without coonass patois, you're one of the premier storytellers hereabouts.

texquilltexquillabout 8 years ago
WOW !!!

What a gripping story, and what an amazing storyteller! JimBob44 is one of the most talented contributors to Lit!

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