Yes, I Warned Her, But Damn


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"Alright, alright; you win that point. I'd have taken off my top. Ashley thinks her enhanced boobs are awesome. But I think my girls, would get the blue ribbon, natural ahead of fake any day."

"By now, you must realize that Matt desperately wants to get into your pants, don't you? And he is willing to get Ashley's help to trick you into something?"

"No, I don't see that at all. The two of them are more liberated than the rest of us, a little kinky even, but I don't see any special interest in me more than anyone else," Susan countered.

I realized that we were getting off track, the football thing was settled in my mind, and in hers too, I thought.

To get back on topic, I reiterated, "In the previous example, am I an asshole in your view?"

Susan went on to explain to me that she felt that I would be an ass, under some of those examples, but not others. She was also quick to add that she would not be OK with other men doing some of the things that I had mentioned.

"Baby, I'm a big girl and have been around the track a few times. I know when a guy is hitting on me, even if I've had a few. You're my guy, I can handle the sniffers. But there are some circumstances where I need you to lighten up."

I nodded my head and opened my hands in a way that suggested that I wanted to hear exactly what type of physical contact with another man she felt was alright. She began by saying that she would divide guys into four groups.

The first bunch were guys that neither of us knew, or knew very well. She stated flatly that they had no privileges at all. Period.

Next were guys that I knew, but were strangers to her. They were also generally in the nada column, however it was added that if the man was my boss or something, and we were at a function, she might accept an invitation to dance, provided the man demonstrated being a perfect gentleman.

Then there were the men that were friends of both of us. Billy, Jeff, relatives, and others. (In my view Matt was not on this list, I considered him a threat, Suzie disagreed.) They were closer to us and had the freest reign. Even from them no sexual touching was permitted, we agreed on that. Neither of us would have a problem with Billy coming over and getting a big hug, or kiss on the cheek. If they danced, as long as there was no attempt made to have her plastered against the guy, or any groping, it was alright.

The group that presented the biggest challenge for me was guys that she knew that I didn't. For me, the potential trouble was with those that she knew or dated before we met from her hometown or college, and work colleagues, especially supervisors.

We agreed that this last group was the most likely place for us to have disagreement on what contact was OK.

"Baby, I'm talking about only people that I know and trust. It is not a sexual thing for me, when in a discussion with one of my colleagues, I may be wanting to emphasize an idea and touch the guy's arm as a way of underlining my point. I also do that with women.

There can be times when I'm circulating among clients or bosses and some schmoozing is good for my career. One such event was a month ago. My friend and co-worker, Jack, came over to the sales table where I was seated and said that Mr. Goldstein was very impressed with my presentation and wanted to meet me.

Jack offered his arm to accompany me over to where Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein were seated. I took his arm, and yes, his tux covered arm touched my dress covered breast a couple of times, but it was not a sexual exchange by either of us. Introductions were made and I was offered a seat next to Mr. Goldstein, who had stood to greet me. Jack pulled out the chair for me and, I suppose they both got an extra peek at my tits as I bent slightly to sit while they both were still standing. I want to point out that neither saw any more flesh than they would if I was in my bikini at the beach. I did not deliberately provide a thrill for either man, but men are men and those with a pulse rarely miss an opportunity.

Danny, if something like that is an issue for you, we may have a problem. Those kinds of occurrences are common for me, and in my mind, I'm doing absolutely nothing wrong. I would have felt quite comfortable doing the same thing, right in front of you, had you been accompanying me to the dinner. If you had been there, my other colleagues at the table would have been filling you in on what a big deal it was for me to be singled out for recognition that way and how you should be very proud of me."

I had no issue what so ever with her success, or Jack, or Mr. Goldstein. I couldn't deny that there could be times in a work environment, circumstances might be necessary that the husband may be left out briefly. I told her that I could see absolutely no problem with what she described, nor did I believe that there was any reason to mention it to me other than I would have liked the opportunity to congratulate her success.

"That type of contact wasn't my concern," I stated.

"I suppose I can guess what kind of contact you are concerned about," she offered.

I told her that we both knew that when people work together every day, a closeness between them can form. Along with that bond, the barriers that initially are there between men and women who are not married to each other erode. Sometimes only a little, but in some other cases sexual inuendo that was not appropriate in the beginning creeps into being the new normal.

"Since we covered a scenario that was innocent, let me describe one that I feel wouldn't be. The guys and girls that you work with have been getting you to accompany them to a bar for a drink to unwind after an intense day. You have been fairly accepting of their sexual off-color stories and jokes, even telling a few yourself.

"It has become normal for you to be smack dab in the middle of several guys, all who would give a month's pay to get you in the sack. You've become cozy enough that they openly talk about sexual things with you like wondering if Sheila down in accounting might like it in the butt. You playfully slap their arm at this to admonish such a remark, or you might even ream them a bit for saying such a thing, but you don't slap their face and refuse to be in their company.

"Later, we're at your company X-mas party, and this group of movers and shakers have formed in the next room, where the bar is located. You are recruited to come out and settle a disagreement, which you tell me will only be a minute, besides you'll get us fresh drinks while there.

"The minute stretches into fifteen, then to twenty. I notice that you playfully tug at one guy's arm and while laughing at something he said, lay your head against his chest, causing him to embrace you... Why? Was this to help you keep your balance? Safety first, I guess.

"Finally, the bartender gets your attention that your drinks have been ready and you return, with echoes of encouragement to stay there coming from the group. With a wave of your hand, they are dismissed as you tell them that you'll catch up with them later, however right then you have to pay some attention to your husband.

"An hour or so later, after I return from the men's room, you are again locked into your group and thirty minutes pass this time before you notice that I am back. Later that night, after I make the bar run, I find you dancing closely with one of your co-workers.

"I've got to say, if something sort of like that happened, my next move might be to just leave you there," I said as I could see Susan stiffening with anger.

"I'm glad we are only talking hypotheticals here, because I am two millimeters away from being really pissed off that you could even dream up a scenario like that," She began.

"However, if I had done such a reprehensible thing, I would concur that you'd have every right to be mad as hell. So, to reply to your imaginary set up, I would never disrespect you like that. And, as far as allowing anyone to grope me, never going to happen. Yes, I may be friendly, but nobody but you gets to take me to the next level. I don't care if they are offering me CEO of the company, I do not trade my integrity. Ever," she stated with determination, then added, "Is there anything else about my personality that's bothering you?" Suzie finished, adding a challenge that fortunately, I was smart enough to avoid.

My new plan was to grovel a bit, assuring her that I only needed her to clearly understand my feelings and was in no way accusing her of any bad conduct. Even though I wasn't 100% certain that her interactions with other men would always past the husband test. It was probably closer to 90%, however I was 100% convinced that she'd never do something that would be devastating to me.

"Wait a minute, what about you buster?" she asked.

"What about me?" I asked like a fool.

"A scenario. You hired a new secretary. You've called her into your office for some reason, doesn't matter what. When she comes near your desk, she eases her butt half on your desk so that her skirt, which is already short rides up giving you a view of paradise. How do you respond? Gently? Avert your eyes?" she asked, smirking somewhat, feeling that she had very effectively turned the tables on me.

"While I believe that some flirting is much more likely to happen to you, I'll bite. I would tell her flat out that I'm very happily married and that if she wishes to keep the job her actions had better reflect her appreciation of that fact," I responded feeling that I had answered well.

Suzie smiled at my quick response, then added, "What if it weren't so obvious, at a business lunch, where you intend to talk about the upcoming meeting. She becomes very touchy, feely, touching your forearm, then bicep, leaning in close, allowing her perfume to cloud your brain?"

"My brain doesn't get clouded. If her behavior became something that was not appropriate, then it would get delt with, immediately."

The assurances by me that I was thoroughly satisfied with her answers and her apparent satisfaction with mine, eventually melted the iceberg and we ended up having a very erotic evening. I knew for certain I had succeeded in making my case without damage when she took my cock into her mouth that night. It was a BJ for the record books; she didn't just go through the motions; she made love to my manhood with more enthusiasm than I could remember.

When I warned her that I was about to come, she doubled her efforts and began to moan. Not being able to hold back any longer, I erupted and she swallowed all that I had to give. Naturally, I attempted to return the oral favor and gave her my best effort ever. Maybe it was faked, women are so good at making you believe whatever they want, but I think her nearly continuous orgasms were for real.

Penetration was easy with us so juiced up, and since I had recovered, I was directed to fuck her mercilessly until she screamed out another release, which triggered my second delivery. Usually, we disengage after we've climaxed and she lays her head on my chest as we cool down. Not that time though, her legs stayed wrapped around mine, holding me tightly, emphasizing that she wanted to remain impaled.

I whispered that I loved her to which she responded, "Don't move. I want to feel you inside of me, I want to feel this way forever... I love you."

For all practical purposes, we had all of the boxes on our "to do before the wedding" check list completed, even the heart-to-heart talk. All that was left was the bachelor and bachelorette parties which were the responsibility of the matron of honor and best man, Donna and Billy.

Girls first, I guess. Susan's party was to be three weeks before the wedding with mine to follow a week after that, but it never happened.

The day of her merrymaking, notice was given to me that it was bad luck for the bride and groom to have any contact. Now I knew about the old saying about the day of the wedding, so I wrote it off as the girls having some fun thinking they'd frustrate me because I wouldn't have an opportunity to warn her off of doing something naughty.

Later, I found out that they had picked her up from work that Friday and the whole female brigade went off to a resort for the weekend. Pampering themselves with massages, by men I'm guessing, wine, sun, shopping, drinking and fun. Donna, Mary, several of Susan's friends and coworkers, Ashley, plus a couple of her friends, and some other mutual girlfriends were to be there.

The following is what I was able to piece together of the events that took place on the night that changed our world. I was able to persuade some of the attendees and staff of the resort to share what they knew. That and some videos from cell phones and the hotel security cameras that I was able to get, gave me a fairly complete accounting of what had gone down at the party.

The bride's night of fun started off with an expensive dinner, served in a private room. Everyone, especially Susan, was downing a bit more than her regular amount of alcohol, except curiously, Ashley. Some of the young women were getting trashed at a much quicker rate. In particular, Donna, Mary and Susan were not acting normal, not even their "wasted" normal.

As with most to these gigs, the bride-to-be was in the center, a place of honor I suppose, with her two closest friends on either side. The entire group was reported to be very heavily inebriated, as three male dancers made their way into the room, gyrating and humping their hips.

The room erupted in cheers and even Donna, Mary, and Susan looked pleased. The three masked Chippendudes, as they called themselves, centered their attention on Suzie and her wingmen, with Ashley lurking nearby.

As the men did their thing, Ashley directed the women into chanting, "take it off, take it off." With encouragement from the entire room, Suzie and her court joined the chant.

As the women's fever peaked, out came the cocks, but the men's masks remained on hiding their identity. Ashley and her two friends, got behind the women at center stage. Ashley positioned herself right behind Susan, who was staring through drug glazed eyes at the cock only inches from her face.

Ashley's team was prepared with a towel for the lap of the three women and announced that it wouldn't do for their dresses to get ruined. Then, slid the straps of their dresses down to their waist exposing their bare tits to the strippers, followed by the towel to cover the clothing. The Chippendudes responded quickly by fondling each woman's boobs to the delight of a revved-up, but somewhat shocked audience.

Susan's friends and co-workers were only slightly stunned when the friend that they thought they knew seemed to be going along with the program. After all, they'd all been drinking heavily and had either been to a party, or heard of one where the bride-to-be sucked a stripper's dick, besides her two wing-women, were not putting a stop to the fun, as they were eyeing up their own tasty treat.

With no objection coming from the crowd, Ashely easily got a new chant started as the drug compromised women were groped: "Suck it, suck it, suck it."

At that point, Mary, Donna, and Susan sat bare breasted, each with a stripper fondling their tits with his cock only inches from their mouth. Ashley's team was in each of their target's ear encouraging them to satisfy the crowd and do it, SUCK THE COCK.

As if controlled by an alien unknown force each woman took a hold of the phallus in front of her face, opened her mouth and sucked it in. Then, with encouragement from nearly everyone, the dicks were sucked with a fury as Ashley and her soldiers held their prey's hair back so that their face was in view as encouragement from the ginned-up women continued.

With all of the boundless excitement the strippers did not last long, and to the delight of the roaring crowd, they spewed their semen on the bared breasts and into the mouths of the three women. It had been effectively concealed to those in attendance just how drunk and drugged they were.

Jeff's Mary, Billy's Donna, and my Suzie.

A video that was shared with me revealed that after the stripper was done spurting his jiz onto Susan, he leaned over to Ashley, kissed her passionately, and said, "Thank You, Babe... I needed that. I owe you big time."

Quietly, Ashley answered, "Yes, Matt baby, you do. Now that you and your two cohorts have had a treat, help us get these three to their rooms before someone figures out that something funny is going on here."

I am only now able to put all of the events that happened that night in order as I'm telling you here, as this all happened a while ago and the INFO came to me hit and miss. It makes better sense if I relate it as it happened.

Then, captured from the resort's CCTV, an announcement was given by Ashley, "Our bride and her wingmen have maxed out on the booze, so we're going to help them to their rooms to sleep it off. Feel free to indulge in the refreshments and keep the party going as long as you want, it's all paid for after all."

I was told that Donna and Mary were helped to the room they were sharing and each laid on a bed. Susan was in a suite all to herself and was also laid out, fully dressed on her bed. Ashley's two friends went back to the party to catch up on the drinking that they'd missed out on.

The investigating cops revealed that Chip and Dale, two of the strippers, finally realized that the three women had been drugged and decided to become scarce.

Later, from Ashley's testimony, I learned that Ashley told Matt to get changed and meet her at her room. He agreed, but took longer to get there than Ashley expected.

The next morning, Mary and Donna had difficulty recovering motor functions and neither could remember much. As it turned out, very unluckily for Ashley and Matt, Janet, one of Susan's co-workers wasn't overly trashed from the party, and decided to check on her friend, my future bride, having witnessed the BJs given to the strippers. She knocked on Susan's door, but found it open with Susan inside, naked on the bed, with semen seeping out of her vagina and mentally very far out of it.

She covered Susan's naked body with the bed sheet and managed to get my fiancée somewhat conscious. Janet was trying to tell her how wild she had been the previous night and that she would have never believed that Susan of all people could be so crazy. It was then that her co-worker realized that something was terribly wrong and called 9-1-1.

When the responders arrived, Susan had come out of her drug induced fog enough to ask for Donna and Mary. When they were located, they were found to be in the same condition and more emergency help was called for, including the police. Eventually, Jeff, Billy and I got notified and we met at the hospital, however we were denied immediate access to our beloveds as the whole event, resort and certain persons of interest were being investigated for unspecified crimes.

Janet's actions, trashed Matt and Ashley's plan to eventually eliminate the evidence. They were counting on everyone to be so hung over and so much time to pass, that nobody would catch on, or remember what all had happened.

That ploy didn't work as the two conspirators planned. The drugs used on our girls was still in their system and the tests revealed exactly what type. Since Ashley and Matt were still in Ashley's room at the resort, heavily hung over from a follow up celebration, they were caught in possession of the type of drugs used in what was then determined to be a crime. They were both arrested.

The two strippers that had participated with Matt, were found to be initially unaware that the women that they had oral sex with were drugged. Though the cops wanted to charge them with something, it became evident that they were not in on the use of the drugs. It didn't seem that they could make any charges stick, so Chip and Dale were let go with a warning. Neither Billy or Jeff was satisfied that their wives had been sexually assaulted and these two perps walked free.