You Say You're Looking For Someone

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An unusual way to begin a relationship.
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Isn't it sweet to see lover's names carved in a heart on a tree? Then again, who brings a knife on a date?

Just troping along, as is my norm, as if I had a norm. Please read my profile for my stance on comments. Feel free to email suggestions or to start a conversation. Private messages work too.

Allen Collins; Ronnie Van Zant: "Hey there fellow, with the hair colored yellow, whatcha tryin' to prove? 'Cause that's my woman there, and I'm a man who cares, and this might be all for you!"

= = = =

'It seemed like a good idea at the time.'

How many times in your life have you thought something like that? I can think of dozens of times where I've done something that didn't quite work out like I wanted it to. This one is easily the one that went the furthest off the rails before I tried to make it right.

Let me take you back to six weeks ago when this started. By the way, my name is Nate Dylan. Twenty seven years old. Single. Dating sporadically due to work. Shy doesn't begin to describe my confidence around women. The ladies in the cafeteria flirt, but I'm not ready to mix work and pleasure. Over the last week, I think four or five have asked me out. Unfortunately with my crammed work schedule, I've had to turn them down. I have no idea what's changed to make me so popular, but I'm also not complaining.

Most everyone had left for the day, but I was working late again. My cell phone buzzed with an incoming text message.

'I need to talk with you as soon as possible!'

Wrong number, I guessed, as this one isn't in my contacts.

'Who is this?'

'We haven't met. Call me.'

I really have to get these reports out tonight. What the hell, I need a break. I tried the number. A woman answered.

"This is Nate Dylan. You asked me to call."

"Nate, my name is Corina. I would really like to sit down and talk with you. What's your schedule look like tonight?"

"Corina, you seem hell bent on something. Why is it that I should meet a stranger well after dark?"

"It's important and I'd rather not talk about it on the phone. We can meet somewhere brightly lit, like a Mickey Dees."

"I have to work another hour. Which Mickey Dees?"

We agreed on the meeting location and time. My miserable personal life had something to look forward to, albeit a little odd. Okay, a lot odd.

+ + + +

Walking through the doors, I realized I hadn't asked for a way to identify her. No one was holding a gun or knife. Two ladies had kids. There was a very old woman, who I immediately dismissed from consideration. The lady I talked to was not a granny. My assumption was that I beat her here, so I sat in a booth in the corner.

Based solely on her confident stride, the woman who just entered became my prime suspect. She quickly scanned the crowd then made a beeline towards me. Walking quickly with her right hand holding her cell phone, her left arm was swinging back and forth with each step. She had her purse slung over her shoulder.



"You sure look like Nate. You're not Nate?"

"I'm sorry. I wish I was."

That brought a smile to her face. She seemed confused as she rescanned the patrons.

"Just kidding. You must be Corina."

"Cute! I ought to..."

"Yes, you ought to. Have a seat."

Corina retrieved a large manila envelope from her purse and then set it on the table.

"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but your wife is having an affair with my husband."

"No way. That's just not possible."

Pushing the envelope towards me "Again, I really am sorry. The investigator's report is in here along with some very disturbing photos. I think the affair started three months ago."

I peeled the clasps apart, opened the flap, and then tried to shield the children nearby from the pornographic photos. If this was her husband I can see why she finds this disturbing. The slut had his cock buried down her throat in one photo, and fully up her ass in another. A third had her feet tied above her head as he pounded her pussy. There were about a dozen photos.

What the hell? I played along.

Acting dismayed "Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'm in shock. What are you planning to do?"

"I'd like to kill them, but that's not going to happen. My sister thinks I should have a revenge fuck and show him the pictures. What are you going to do?"

That was a good question. I've never been married. I've never even been engaged. At what point do I bring this to Corina's attention?

"I can't see spending another night in her bed. What's a revenge fuck?"

I knew exactly what it was, but didn't want to start unzipping my fly quite yet.

Whispering so those closest to us couldn't eavesdrop "It's where you have sex outside your marriage to even the score."

I put my hand over my mouth and raised my eyebrows "Devious. And you've done this?"

"No. I was thinking we could do it."

Thankfully these are really strong zippers. My cock was ready for some serious action. Should I put on a show or play it cool?

"Let me see that report again."

I hemmed and hawed while looking at this gumshoe's report. There it was, my name and phone number. The addresses, for home and work, were wrong. I need to send this dude a Christmas card. Shaking my head no as I looked at the photos, as if in disgust, I pronounced "Let's do it. When and where?"

"Tonight at your place. Like right now."

"Too dangerous. I have another place we can use. Follow me."

+ + + +

I drove to my house and parked on the street. Opening my garage door, I motioned for Corina to pull her car in.

"Nobody needs to see you. Let me close the garage door after you're in."

We made our way into the kitchen. Corina seemed nervous.

"Something to drink?"

"White wine if you have it."

I held up two different bottles for Corina to choose from. Then I filled a delicately tapered Champagne flute for her. She had taken her coat and shoes off. Dressed in a very loose fitting logo shirt and somewhat tight fitting jeans, she was actually pretty cute. Pulling the hair tie off of her pony tail onto her wrist, she began shaking and fluffing her hair making it cascade down. This was one beautiful woman. It seemed like she was about my age.

Her wine went down like a shooter and then she announced "I'm ready. Let's do this."

Grabbing my hand she marched down the hall. Instead of the master bedroom, we ended up in the guest bedroom. It didn't matter to me. I started unzipping and unbuckling but fell behind in the stripping competition. What a treat this was going to be. Ever so slightly overweight, her not me as I'm just plain overweight, her hard nipples pointed skyward.

With a gleam in her eye "Look at you. Oh my, I am really going to like this. You are huge compared to Neil."

I'm guessing Neil is her husband. I didn't care at this point. The feeling of her hands on my cock were delightful. I busied myself caressing her tits and thumbing her nipples. Our mouths found each other and we spent a minute getting warmed up.

"I'm wet enough. I want this cock!"

Launching herself into the middle of the bed, I took aim and was fully inside of her within seconds. I tried to pace myself, really I did.

"Your pussy is so tight I don't think I can last."

"Let it go. I'll get you up again."

Not having had sex in, gawd I can't even remember back that far, I emptied into Corina. She was clamping down hard on my cock. I'm not lying. My cock was almost stuck in her tight pussy. We laid still for a minute before I rolled off. Corina immediately rolled on top of me and snuggled.

"Your wife's a fool."

"No, your husband is a bigger fool. You must be one high strung bitch for him to give up a body like this."

"Yeah, something like that. Quit while you're ahead."

I squeezed her hard and she snuggled back even harder. After ten minutes I started to stir and Corina noticed. She slid down, licked and sucked me for just a minute, then mounted me cowgirl style. She fucked me. I just provided a hard cock for her to use. Even though I was quite passive, it still makes a man feel good when a woman gets off on his cock. Around her third body shaking orgasm, I emptied into Corina again.

She collapsed onto my chest and snuggled. In a minute I realized she was fast asleep. After twenty minutes I woke her. We talked about nothing and everything for at least an hour.

Carina looked into my eyes "I guess I should get home. You know they've cheated a lot. We've only done this one night. Don't you think we should do it again?"

"Makes sense to me. You have my cell phone number. Text me when you have a plan."

Before Corina put her bra back on, she took a selfie with my hand over her shoulder, pinching her still hard nipple.

I didn't think revenge fuck buddies would be exchanging hot passionate kisses and hugs when they parted. I was wrong. Once she was gone, I drove to the Try-N-Save grocery store to pick up some snacks and beer. No need for Corina to see that I really lived where we had sex.

+ + + +

As I tried to digest the events of the evening, I started to worry. I hope that Neil's slut hasn't also infected Corina. Then again, I hoped that Corina was on the pill. A little late for those concerns. Still, I slept like a baby. Corina has a body made for fucking. She must be some kind of bitch to drive Neil into another's arms, although I hadn't seen that side of her.

Every day I felt like sending a text 'Tonight would work.'

It was ten days later when the drought was broken 'Can we meet at the same place? Tonight 7 Pm?'


The sex was every bit as good as the first night. Instead of two sessions, we did three. There were a few more erotic pictures taken.

We spoke as if we had known each other for months, not two nights.

"What's happening with your divorce?"

"I filed today. That's why I got in touch with you. How about you? Have you decided what to do?"

"Well I didn't want to do anything until you did. I bet she freaks out when he tells her what you and I have been doing."

Giggling "I bet HE freaks out when I tell him what you and I have been doing!"

"I hope Neil's not a violent person."

"Well he did serve time for killing a guy in a barroom fight."

Think Nate, think. Why didn't you think this through?

Even though I figured I was a dead man walking, I returned the passionate hug and kiss when Corina left for the evening.

She knew how to pump up my ego. Ten minutes after she left her text arrived 'I love your cock. We are not done yet.'

+ + + +

My popularity in the cafeteria died down. I have yet to figure women out. Worse, I was starting to have feelings for Corina. Then came her next text.

'Want to get together Friday? Maybe dinner before, you know?'

What a coward. I sent my reply of 'Yes' within seconds.

Even though my heart was telling me to continue, my head was begging me to put an end to this charade.

Looking at the sun slide silently behind the mountains, I sighed. This isn't the right day. Maybe tomorrow will be. My conscience was getting to me. I had to break it off with Corina. It's eating me up inside, being a fraud.

Friday rolled around and I was about to disappoint my cock. Just thinking about Corina got my testosterone flowing. I arrived at the restaurant before she did. Securing a table for two, in a somewhat secluded corner, I began to sweat. How are you supposed to feel when you've deceived someone?

Damn her. Gawd she looked so fucking good tonight. Her blouse was unbuttoned to showcase her assets. Mind you, they aren't huge, but they stand tall and perky. I greeted her with a hug and peck on the cheek.

"What? No kiss?"

"Corina, please sit. I have something to confess."

The smile Corina arrived with had gone flat "What's going on Nate?"

I gathered both of Corina's hands in mine and looked into her eyes.

"I can't do this anymore. I'm a fraud. I'm not married and have never even been engaged. The chance to have sex with you caused me to abandon my morals. I'm sorry for the troubles in your marriage, but I should have never participated. Please forgive me, but I can't keep doing this."

Tears were forming in Corina's eyes. She pulled her hands away from me and went for her purse. I thought she was getting ready to bolt. Instead, she pulled out a small envelope, greeting card size. Her tears were now leaking down her cheeks. I felt like a real ass.

"Please read this. I'm sorry too."

Now it was my turn to be confused.

I pulled the hand written note from the envelope.

"Nate, if you are reading this it's because I've been caught or could no longer do this. I know that you aren't married. I've always known that. Like you, I've never been married although I was engaged until last fall. Several of the ladies in HR and Accounting decided to toss money into a pool to see who could seduce you. You are always so shy that you never even make eye contact with us. After showing the topless picture of us together, which I took that first night, I won the pool. The more I thought about you, the more I wanted to get together with you again. I should have come clean then, but I didn't. I really do like you and hope you can forgive me. Maybe someday we can try to have a traditional relationship. Please don't hate me. Corina"

Talk about mixed emotions. Corina was biting her lower lip as her tears continued to drip. I set the letter on the table and gathered Corina's hands again.

"Aren't we a pair? Relationships are supposed to be based on trust and ours begins with acts of deception. How do we get by that?"

Corina's eyes widened "We can be honest and truthful from now on?"

"Tell you what. Let's call it an evening. Sunday is Valentine's Day. Are you available for dinner?"

"I'd like that. Let me give you my address. Pick me up at six?"

"Sounds like a plan."

+ + + +


Valentine's Day went well. We ate, drank, but mostly talked. Corina is three years younger than me. She was engaged for two years before he finally got cold feet. She suspects he found another woman, but has no proof. There's more than a little resentment which I'll have to overcome.

Corina explained how she'd copied pictures of porn from the internet and cobbled investigator's reports from a detective story website.

"So now that you've seduced me, what are your plans? Am I the laughing stock of your little click?"

"Far from it. Many of the ladies are jealous that we are going out. I've more than hinted that we've been intimate, but have given them no details."

"You're in HR. Are we breaking any company rules?"

"Nope. The company wants no liability. Anyone can date anyone. Saves on legal bills. If productivity suffers, someone usually finds themselves on the street. So, don't slack off dreaming about me!"

"Too late for that. That's why I've been putting in extra hours."

I think I hit a home run with that response. Her eyes gave her away. As much as I wanted to take Corina home and ravage her body, we both knew that a long term relationship needed to be built on more than lust.

We caved a month later. It was the most passionate weekend I've ever experienced.

I kissed, licked, and sucked every erogenous zone my research on the internet had uncovered. Corina's first orgasm was impressive. I was proud of myself. Her second orgasm, using my tongue on her clit and pussy, caused her to faint. She said that had never occurred before, and the way she attacked my cock after that made me a believer.

Corina plans on moving in as soon as possible. We have set a tentative date of next Valentine's Day to get married. That hidden bitch side of Corina is her jealousy. I am on a very short leash. Corina is an only child and I keep teasing her that I lust for her sister. Even that gets her dander up.

Since I know Corina got those porn pics from the internet, I took a chance that maybe she'd be open to trying those positions. Lucky me, if you get my drift.

To make sure I understand, Corina has informed me that she won't have a revenge fuck if I ever stray. She'll kill my cheating ass. Duly noted.

= = = =

= = = =

A cute young thing I know sent me a text message 'Your special!'

I responded, 'No, you're special!'

Ever since she's been all smiles and lovey-dovey. At this point I don't think I'll tell her that I was just correcting her grammar.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Great story with a very clever idea. Good joke as well. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Loved the joke at the end but M&M made a mistake of his own in this story by using 'click' instead of 'clique'.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

While the story was excellent, the five star was partly for your joke at the end. Been there, done that…

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"Am I the laughing stock of your little click?". Nope, that makes no sense, the word you wanted is "clique", a small group of people, with shared interests or other features in common, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them.

Pretty decent story, though.

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