Zoey's Perfect Man is a Girl

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We can all be surprised where love will take us.
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Of course, all characters are of age of consent etc, etc.

Special thanks to my friend and edit support literot for the constant pressure to tell my story.


From Zoey's eyes.

My name is Zoey and I want to share my story with you.

About me? Well I think I'm fairly average: slim, 5' 5", smallish boobs (perky C's), fairly fit and athletic.

That's about it ... oh, and I'm a nerdy geeky scientist too (yeah, white coat and all!)

The other thing you need to be clear about is that I'm totally, 100% straight! Not even a tiny bit curious...

It was a Friday night and I was reluctantly going out with a bunch of friends for a girl's birthday. We often went out together and the nights always end up the same ... meet at a bar, have some food, get drunk and go dancing then end up picking up some guy and having disappointing drunken sex. The last bit was the reluctance that I felt that evening. I was just a bit fed up with it.

That evening, we were going to meet up with some other girls that I didn't know. I'm not so good at these situations and I tend to go a bit quiet. My friends and I were at the bar chatting and laughing when the other five girls joined us. They all looked dressed to kill, and I learned that two of them worked in the fashion industry (whatever that meant). Across the table from me was the most interesting girl named Fiona. She had striking deep eyes, was quiet, but soon enough we started to chat. I was drawn in, the chitter chatter of the other girls receding into the background. We talked about all sorts, the topics just flowing from one thing to another. I couldn't remember ever having had a conversation like that, or one as natural. I liked her a lot, and hoped she felt the same. I remember thinking that we could be good friends.

After we had eaten, everyone was well oiled and ready to go to a club on the pull. I was thinking about ducking out saying I didn't feel so good. Fiona felt much the same and suggested we stayed and let the others go on.

We were there until the bar closed and the time flew by. It was one of my most enjoyable Friday nights ever. We shared a taxi even though she lived miles away from me and it was nice to have some company. We made rough plans to meet up for lunch on Sunday. Great!

I spent Saturday with the worst hangover in history so it was a bit of a washout ... I'm never drinking again (until Friday)!

As lunchtime on Sunday rolled round, I felt really nervous. What if we got on because we were just drunk, or if we had nothing left to talk about?

Of course, I shouldn't have been stressed out about this sort of thing; we met, had lunch, chatted constantly, and then went and sat in Christchurch meadow. It was great. I had made a new friend and we were getting on really well. Perfect.

Things continued like this for a while; we got to know each other better and had a lot of fun times. One day I was at her amazing house for lunch and she was rather quiet (very unusual for her), with a serious look on her face. She told me that she was gay and that she should have told me earlier and was sorry to keep it from me. She also hoped that it wouldn't affect our friendship.

I told her that I already knew as one of her friends had told me on that first night when we met and stayed behind together. Why should it matter? Things quickly went back to normal except we were seeing more of each other and calling in the evenings.

One night, sitting in bed, I had spoken to her on the phone. It was a fairly random conversation but I went to sleep very happy only to be woken up a few hours later from the most erotic dream I have ever had. It was about me and Fiona ... it felt so very real, and I think I woke because I was having an orgasm! My knickers were super wet and sticky and I had to change them, but I was floating on cloud nine in post-orgasmic bliss. I wanted to masturbate but it felt weird after my dream, and I didn't want to betray her in that way. It felt wrong somehow.

This dream-scene replayed over and over for the next few days and I often found myself with a small damp patch afterwards.

I tried masturbating in the evenings telling myself that it was because I hadn't had sex for quite a while. No unsatisfactory one-night stands, and certainly no relationships. I hadn't met a relationship type of guy in absolute ages as most of the guys seemed to be total wankers!

Anyway, needs must, and so I masturbated but couldn't help but think of Fiona just as I was on the verge of cumming ... wow, explosive would be an understatement ... I had never cum so hard by myself, and certainly no man had ever done that to me.

I felt guilty, but not enough to stop. If thinking about a girl (it only really worked with Fiona) was going to give me massive orgasms, I was going to keep doing it, and how! It became my nighty ritual; we usually called before bed, just for a chat, to see how our day had gone. I was always looking forward to some pussy action after her call ... Jesus, what was happening to me? I didn't really fancy her or anything; she was just good fantasy material. I actually started masturbating during one of these calls but had to stop as it nearly made me cum instantly. This was getting out of control.

A few weeks went by. I was taking more risks with fantasies of sex and Fiona. I had gone out with the usual friends and picked up a guy I knew (he liked to call us fuck-buddies even though we weren't!) just to see if it took my mind off Fiona. It didn't work. All I could think about whilst fucking, was her. This was not a good sign. I'm straight. I don't want a hot lesbian relationship with my best friend (although it didn't sound all that bad). Maybe, just maybe, had I become slightly curious?

The answer came a week later. We went out together for swanky dinner and drinks, both getting fairly drunk on champagne, nice wine and a couple of cocktails. I was staying over at her house which had become common as I lived miles away (I had my own room with an en suite and even some of my clothes). We got back to her place and had another drink. While she was making it, I got close to her and kissed her! She kissed me back but then froze.

"What are you doing?" she gasped.

"Make love to me Fiona, I want you ..." I moaned in reply.

Fiona looked at me; lust filled her eyes and she said, "Not when you're like this; ask me again when you're sober. Think it all through first. I don't want to take advantage of you and ruin our valued friendship. We are friends first."

So I kissed her and that's the last I remembered of that evening.

I was woken up in the morning by the sunlight streaming through the window because of the open curtains, burning my retinas right through my eyelids. My god did I feel rubbish. How much did I drink? I don't even remember getting home, I mean to Fiona's. This was usually a bad sign or a goodnight out. I was very uncomfortable so I looked down at my half-dressed form.

Okay, so I had attempted to undress but only halfway. I had on one boot, my jeans and knickers pulled down to the top of it and all off one leg. My right arm was out of my top and bra, and my hair was still half tied up. I looked a mess and felt it too. I tried to stay in bed but could hear Fiona moving about downstairs (she never gets hung over!) I stumbled out of bed, removing the leftover clothes and climbed into the shower hoping that this would transform me.

I made my way into the kitchen where Fiona was fully dressed and looking immaculate. She seemed a little distant. I wondered where she was off too. She said good morning, kissed me on my cheek (normal behaviour) and said she was out all day and to let myself out whenever, and left ... something was up.

She never acts like this. Maybe she met someone last night. Something else was up too. My cheek, where Fiona had kissed me, was tingling and felt slightly odd yet familiar? My eyes grew wide as the memory from last night hit me like a steam train. Everything made total sense. Fiona was avoiding me because I kissed her and almost begged her for sex. Shit, I am such an idiot. Shit, fuck, arse. I had drunkenly let out my secret fantasies of late. What was I going to do?

I started writing a note explaining myself then screwed it up and threw it away opting for a simple 'sorry' (with a kiss) and then left for home to dwell on my stupidity, wondering if I had screwed my friendship with the coolest nicest person I had ever met. What a mess.

Just over a week had passed and I had not heard a word from Fiona. We usually talk daily which I was missing and now I was sure I had lost her. I really missed her and wanted to talk to see if I could help rectify my stupid mistake. After all, I was a straight girl and not at all interested in sleeping with her - wasn't I? Two girls together is just plain weird! Fantasies are just that. They don't mean anything, and they are usually just something that's out of reach.

I picked the phone up to call her but hesitated. I decided I should see her in person so I got into the car but hesitated again. What if she wasn't avoiding me but had met someone the other night and was busy fucking her brains out? No. She would have told me that. But what if I go over and this new girlfriend is there?

"Oh, shut the fuck up Zoey, you're cracking up!" I said aloud to myself. I started the car. She lived miles away from me but I didn't even notice the drive. I stopped at her door. She was out. She must have a new girl. Shit, fuck. While I was sitting in the car and wondering what to do, a shadowy figure came up the road. It was Fiona back from the local shop. Now I had to say something, but what? I opened the door and stood there like the idiot I was. Fiona looked at me quizzically then invited me in to 'talk'. Not good, not good at all.

We stood in her kitchen caressing cups of tea in silence, looking tentatively at each other hoping the other would open up some sort of dialogue. None came.

"Okay," I said eventually, "I know what I did was wrong on so many levels, but the alcohol just spoke for me, and it's not as if it's very likely to actually happen. I don't even think I want it to either. But I admit, only to you and maybe a bit to myself that it has piqued my interest and maybe into some sort of imaginary fantasy."

I don't know where all that came from. I hadn't admitted that I have a vague girl-girl interest to myself, let alone to her.

"So ... if I kissed you now, how would you react?" Fiona said quietly.

I was quiet too, fighting my feelings and emotions. Those words sounded quite beautiful and some weird part of me wanted nothing more.

She slowly took a step forward; she could see the resistance and desire on my face, as plain as day.

"No," I said, "I've never done this before. I have only just realised that I want to." This was another revelation to myself.

"Shh," Fiona said, moments before her super soft warm lips touched mine, so gently it was almost nothing but I felt as if I had been electrocuted. My body fired up and I responded, just pressing back slightly. What the hell was I doing? My body was screaming at me to run but I was not about to lose this feeling ... ever!

The kiss stopped and Fiona stayed close and looked directly into my eyes, searching for some kind of signal.

The signal I gave her was to close the distance and kiss her passionately. I was in conflict with my sensible rational mind, but my desire was, for the first time in my life, pouring out of my soul. This kiss was better than all the sex I'd ever had put together. It got better. Fiona responded by sliding her tongue across my lips, asking for entry. My mouth responded without thought. The best part was when her arms went around my neck and my arms wrapped around her waist. We were pressing together, like the lovers we now were and it felt wonderful and somehow so natural and even normal. I relaxed, but only a little.

We slowly made our way to the sofa nearby. I sat and Fiona straddled my lap. I had never even done this with a guy. I don't know why. It felt good, very good. No, it was great and sexy and passionate.

Despite the mental conflict, Fiona had lit a furnace in me. I had never known anything like it. I had thought that my rubbish sex-life and track record was my fault. I didn't know that passion could feel this good.

We kissed for what seemed like hours. Fiona brought me to new heights with every movement, caress and touch. Her mouth was so delicate, sweet and accurate. She knew exactly what I needed, and indeed what I wanted. She spent time kissing down my neck, over my shoulders, behind my ears. Everywhere I liked and some I didn't even know I liked. It was amazing. If my night had ended there, I would be on cloud nine. But my god, I hoped it wouldn't!

Things started heating up. Fiona dropped the shoulders on the cute dress that I was wearing, exposing my sweet but plain blue bra. She stopped and looked me in the eye.

"Is this what you want?"

"YES!" I exclaimed. "I've never wanted something more; it feels so good." I couldn't believe my own ears. Had I really said that?

My dress pooled at my waist, thankfully still covering my equally plain and not matching knickers, (I hadn't planned this). It was also a relief as the dress also covered what I was sure was the increasingly wet patch in the knickers.

The kisses moved down slowly over my shoulders, down my chest and soft, warm hands gently, sweetly caressed my breasts, softly, softly. My bra slipped off with ease, expertly undone with no fuss.

I felt Fiona's hot, wet tongue slide around my left breast, around the side, underneath over the top avoiding my nipple until at last she captured it in her mouth and gently suckled it. My god, I think I was on the verge of cumming then and there. What was this girl doing to me? My other breast was consumed shortly after and now it was my turn.

I wanted to do that too. I was still in the clumsy stage as sexually undressing a girl was a pretty new experience for me, but Fiona understood and helped me through. She guided my mouth with little gasps and moans while her hands were wrapped in my hair. I think sucking a large soft breast is possibly, no definitely, the sexiest thing ever. Fiona's boobs are the finest. People talk to them instead of her and they are the envy of everyone, man and woman. Large, firm and pert. And I was sucking on them! Me. The goody two-shoes straight girl!

I was so involved in kissing and sucking that I didn't realise my dress was now on the floor and I was on Fiona's sofa in just my plain black knickers, my plain black soaking knickers! Her hands were expertly stroking my inner thighs edging up slowly and back down again, agonisingly slowly. I had to make her move more quickly as I was rapidly getting to the point of needing some release. I needed touching but she didn't rush, teasing me to the last.

Finally, gently, she stroked me up across my pussy and over my knickers. Again and again. Slowly. Gently. Over and over while the sexy smile on her face told me that she knew what effect this was having on me. I would beg if needed.

"Touch me. Please, please touch my pussy!" I cried out. This had the desired effect (I made a mental note). My knickers were removed expertly and quickly and replaced, much to my surprise and delight, with that soft warm tongue that had pleasured my nipples earlier. It was exquisite. It was nothing like I had ever felt before. Of course I had been given oral pleasure, but usually grudgingly and only as a means to an end.

This was totally different.

She swirled her tongue up and over my clit, flicking across it, over the top and slowly down through my folds, softly, slowly and expertly bringing me to the edge again and again just holding me off until I felt a finger (or two) slide in and with circular tongue motions around my clit.


My body convulsed and thrashed around the tongue that slowed but didn't stop. The fingers still moved gently in and out. Peace descended, but briefly. Fiona then curled her fingers up and gently massaged my g-spot whilst swiping her tongue once again across my clit in a different motion this time, and I instantly exploded again. This was the most unbelievable day in my life. What had I been missing?

The next few minutes (or hours I have no idea) were calm and gentle, soft kisses, no urgency just bliss (from my perspective anyway). I wanted to make Fiona feel this good but the nerves kicked and I realised that I didn't know the first thing about what to do, clearly forgetting that she had the same parts as me so I should know my way around them and I could start with what turned me on.

Thankfully, Fiona saw the look of what must have been horror on my face and smiled kindly. She brought herself up and straddled my torso and over my breasts. I could see her beautiful, swollen wet pussy, and I was in awe. Slowly, she started stroking across it, giving out soft moans as she slid a finger in and it gave the most satisfying squelch. I watched breathlessly as she masturbated and rubbed, leaving sticky, slick patches over my breasts. It felt wonderful and very sexy if a little selfish. I gathered my courage and slipped my hands onto her gorgeous arse and pulled her up over my face.

I was now staring into her pussy at point blank range. By this point I was delirious with oxytocin and endorphins so I just dived right in and licked and sucked and slurped as if my life depended on it. I imagine it was very amateurish but it seemed to do the job as Fiona screamed and came hard collapsing over me. Slowly she caught her breath and slipped down to my level looking into my eyes and kissed me gently.

We spent a long time kissing and stroking until eventually sleep claimed us.

What would become of me in the morning? Was I no longer curious? Was I even straight? Surely this would question my very being, or was it just a one-off 'incident'?

I really hoped not!

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Ooooo god its a good sexy story

GayKatGayKatover 1 year ago

Wow!... That Is Still Hot!

Hallo Fiona and Zoey, I loved your new story "Zoey's Perfect Man is a Girl", and being told through Zoey's eyes is really hot!

Thank you, I loved it, 5-Stars and 5-Hot Wet Orgasms!

Oh yeah where is chapter 2 !?!

The Black Queen and Gay Kat!

msspnnrmsspnnrabout 2 years ago

Awesome discovery story leaving me wanting more.

XactoXactoover 2 years ago

Short, sweet, and steamy. Thank you!

germanchocolate4ugermanchocolate4uover 5 years ago

Short & sweet. Loved it. Please continue

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