92.9 KITN, The Kitten That Roars


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"She's gay?" Bobby whined. "I mean, when she said 'girlfriend' I thought she just meant..."

"She's gay?" Pam asked, staring at the speaker to the left of her desk.

"She's gay?" the receptionist asked, rubbing her thighs together.

At five o'clock, Pam walked briskly to her car. She listened to the station's broadcast as she drove home. Sven and Jerry, the Rush Hour crew answered a listener's question on-air.

"Yes, the recipe was posted to our web site, no, no, if it doesn't come in a bag or a box, I don't eat it," Sven said.

"That's true. Sven ever goes on a diet? KFC will go out of business," Jerry said.

"And Papa John's, and Taco Bell and..." Sven agreed.

"Speaking of that, time for a commercial break, but thank you for listening to ninety two nine, K.I.T.N, the kitten that roars," Jerry said.

Pam smirked; Sven and Jerry had done a perfect segue into a Taco Bell commercial. But Terri's show had ended three hours ago, and apparently people were calling in and talking about it.

"Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes, Ms. White," Terri said when Pam entered the house.

"You, you're cooking?" Pam asked.

Terri looked at her, puzzled. She wiped her hands on her apron.

"I uh, yes ma'am," Terri said. "Why? Are you, you're not unhappy with what I've been cooking, are you?"

"No, it's just, I mean, you worked today," Pam stuttered.

"And? Women everywhere get up, go to work, come home, clean house, cook dinner," Terri said. "It's not unheard of."

Pam changed out of her work outfit, then sat down at the dinner table. A glass of iced tea was already on the table. A moment later, Terri brought in a Caesar's salad.

"I uh, I listened to your show," Pam said.

Terri's cheeks colored slightly. She waited. When Pam said nothing, Terri again left the room.

Just as Pam was finishing the salad, Terri came in, plate of lasagna in hand. She put the lasagna down, then placed a smaller plate of garlic bread in front of Pam.

Pam ate quickly and used the heel of bread to wipe the last bit of sauce from the plate. Terri appeared, carrying a bowl of blackberry cobbler, with a melting scoop of ice cream on top. She put the bowl down, along with the customary mug of decaffeinated coffee.

"You uh, kind of broke Bobby's heart when you talked about uh, kissing your uh your..." Pam said, staring hard at her bowl of blackberry cobbler.

Terri again waited. Pam said nothing, just picked up the spoon. Terri left the room.

"Get back here!" Pam suddenly exploded. "Get your ass back here right now!"

"Yes ma'am?" Terri asked, confused.

"I'm the one in charge here!" Pam yelled, getting to her feet. "I don't get embarrassed! I don't get tongue tied. I'm gay and I'm God damned proud of it."

Yes ma'am?" Terri asked, shrinking back from Pam.

Pam grabbed Terri's upper arms and pulled the girl to her. She kissed Terri, quite forcefully on her lips.

"Now! Why did you talk about our kiss? On the air?" Pam snarled, pulling Terri's long blonde hair.

Terri gasped, head bent back. She stumbled slightly but Pam kept the grip on Terri's hair.

"Because, because it was beautiful!" Terri cried out, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "It was so soft and sweet and it was just beautiful and I love you!"

"You, you're a God damned liar," Pam snarled, using Terri's hair to pull Terri to her knees.

"No ma'am, it's true," Terri sobbed, kneeling in front of Pam.

"Jesus, I want to beat you so God damned bad you bleed, you hear?" Pam screamed, jerking Terri's hair forward now.

Pam hurled blackberry cobbler and coffee to the floor and stomped from the room.

"Clean that shit up," Pam screamed.

"Yes ma'am," Terri sobbed.

The next morning, breakfast was a silent meal. Pam stomped to the door, briefcase in hand and did not respond to Terri's statement of 'have a nice day.'

"Hi, I'm Honey Bee and this is the Lunch Box. As always, thank you for listening to ninety two nine, K.I.T.N, the kitten that roars. You know how some days are just perfect for soup and sandwiches? I mean, it's raining outside, don't look like it's ever going let up? That's a soup and sandwich day. Today? We're going talk about my girlfriend's favorite homemade bacon and bean soup and a nice BLT to go with that. Now, that BLT comes with a garlic mayonnaise and that's the first thing we'll talk about right after 'Bad Company' by Five Finger Death Punch," Terri's cheerful voice bubbled. "You know that's a

Remake of 'Bad Company' by Bad Company? They're both so awesome, I swear."

Terri's voice was a happy, bubbly voice. Throughout the four hour long broadcast, she kept up a lively chatter, peppered with their customary songs.

"...and that's how to put the finishing touches on that sugar cookie with strawberry icing that is sure to put a smile on my girlfriend's face. I'm Honey Bee, and this has been the Lunch Box. And as always, thanks for listening to ninety two nine, the kitten that roars," Terri signed off.

Pam stormed into the house. She flung her briefcase on her couch and stomped into the kitchen.

"Quit calling me your girlfriend!" she screamed at Terri. "I am your fucking boss; do you understand?"

Terri grabbed Pam in a hug and softly kissed Pam's lips. When Pam opened her mouth to scream, Terri thrust her tongue into Pam's mouth.

Terri combed her fingers through Pam's curly blonde hair. Her right hand rubbed Pam's back. Her tongue coaxed Pam's tongue out and she gently sucked on Pam's tongue for a moment.

Then Terri released Pam. Terri turned to the stove and turned the burner to low.

"Dinner's ready; go get changed," Terri said.

"Did you hear me?" Pam hissed.

"Yes ma'am, I heard you," Terri said. "Did you hear me? Dinner's ready, go get changed."

"This is my house. Don't tell me 'go get changed,'" Pam shrilled.

"Fine, don't go get changed. Eat in your jacket; I don't care," Terri said.

"This is my house. My house," Pam snapped as she walked to her room.

Terri smiled as she heard Pam muttering, stomping around in her room. She ladled the hot and sour soup into a bowl and brought the bowl to the dining room.

After the stir fry cashew chicken, and fried rice, Terri brought a mug of coffee and a small plate with two large sugar cookies, light pink strawberry icing on top.

"That's your last K.I.T.N. mug; don't throw it on the floor," Terri softly said.

"I work at the God damned station; I can get as many of these stupid mugs as I want," Pam snarled.

Terri said nothing, just turned and left the room. Pam sullenly bit into the soft cookie. Her lips began to curl up as she tasted the strawberry icing.

A moment later, Terri returned to the dining room. Wordlessly she placed the riding crop and the padded cuffs onto the table in front of the chair Pam had bound her to the first time she'd disciplined Terri.

"What's that?" Pam snapped.

"Well, apparently you're not happy with me," Terri said flatly.

"You went into my room?" Pam shrilled.

"Ms. White. I go into your room all the time," Terri retorted.

Terri stood next to the chair. Pam slowly, methodically chewed her cookies, sipped her coffee. Finally she finished and stood.

"How many?" Pam asked, picking up the crop.

"I don't know, ma'am, I don't know how upset you are," Terri said, voice flat.

Pam suddenly threw the riding crop at Terri.

"I can't, damn it! I can't do this!" Pam screamed and fled the room.

Terri heard Pam's bedroom door slam shut. Silently, Terri put the riding crop back onto the table. Then she picked up Pam's cup and plate.

"How can you, and when did, when did you think you're gay?" Pam demanded, marching into the kitchen.

Remember what you did?" Terri asked, turning around from her position at the sink. "That night? After you used that whip on me?"

"Yeah, I put some aloe vera on your skin," Pam snapped.

"You touched me," Terri said, putting her back to the counter and drying her hands on her apron.

"Kind of hard put lotion on you don't," Pam snapped sarcastically.

"No ma'am. I mean, you touched me," Terri said, blushing. "You touched my, you fingered my pussy."

"Oh. Uh, I yeah I did," Pam remembered.

Pam remembered how wet Terri's pussy had been. She remembered how wet and warm and tight Terri had been. Terri's pussy had gripped against her fingers as Pam thrust in and out of Terri's pussy.

Then Pam remembered, after she had delivered the tenth blow, she had fingered Terri's pussy, had teased Terri's clitoris until Terri was on the brink of orgasm. Then she had savagely applied the last ten of Terri's blows.

"No ma'am, you touched me. You didn't grab me, grab my tits, grab my ass," Terri said. "You touched me. You caressed my, my pussy and then you pleasured me."

Terri's face flamed bright red. She smiled self-consciously.

"That, I mean, it was like this huge light bulb went on. Why I was running myself ragged, trying please you, trying so hard be perfect for you. Why Sammy? I mean, yeah, it was all right, but there was just something kind of missing. Just couldn't put my finger on it until..." Terri explained.

"I'm a bitch," Pam snapped.

"Jesus, well, no shit," Terri agreed.

"I mean, I'm a real bitch," Pam snapped. "I mean, I fucking want to hurt you, bad."

"You do," Terri assured Pam.

"No, damn it, Terri!" Pam shrilled. "I mean, I want, I didn't pleasure you, stupid bitch! I touched you, I did that to humiliate you. All I want to do is shove my fist up your twat. I want beat those cute titties off of you. I mean, I won't be happy until you scream, until you, you're fucking begging with me to stop. And even then? I might not."

"Will you kiss me after? Will you tell me you love me after?" Terri asked softly.

"No," Pam hissed and again stormed from the room.

The riding crop and the cuffs were still on the table as Pam sat down for her breakfast the following morning. When Terri put the plate of pancakes in front of Pam, Pam moved to throw the plate onto the floor.

"Don't," Terri said softly.

She put her hand on Pam's shoulder. Pam swatted Terri's hand away savagely.

"Just eat," Terri said softly.

At ten o'clock, Pam looked up at the speaker. Her stomach was in knots, she could taste nothing but bile in her throat.

"Hi, I'm Honey Bee and this is the Lunch Box on ninety two nine, K.I.T.N, the kitten that roars," Terri's voice came out.

Her voice had none of the warmth, the cheer, the bubbly mood of the past few days. It was the same soft voice she had used that morning at breakfast.

"I'm pretty sad today. Actually, I'm heartbroken," Terri's voice continued. "I found out last night that my girlfriend doesn't love me; she was just using me. When I'm down like this? I just have to make my grandmother's chicken pot pie. After we hear 'November Rain' by Guns N' Roses, yeah, yeah, I'm really going way back with that one, but after we hear that, I'll tell you what ingredients you'll need for Grandmother's chicken pot pie."

Halfway through the first hour, Bobby waved at Terri. She put on another song and waved him into the booth.

"The damned phones are lighting up; think you can take a couple of calls?" the engineer excitedly asked the girl.

"The, what? Why?" Terri asked.

"People are calling in about you and your girlfriend breaking up," Bobby said.

"Uh, yeah, I guess," Terri said.

"Hi, this is Honey Bee, thank you for listening to K.I.T.N, ninety two nine, the kitten that roars," Terri said.

"I uh, yeah, I, my boyfriend just left me. For a woman," a very feminine man lisped into the headset.

"Oh, you poor dear; that must have been heartbreaking!" Terri empathized.

"Yeah, well, he was married to her," the man lisped.

"You and your girlfriend are going to Hell; homosexuals is an abomination unto the Lord," a harsh woman's voice grated.

"Well, ma'am, that's really not your decision, now is it? God did not put you in charge of who goes to Heaven and who does not," Terri said. "But thank you for listening to ninety two nine, the kitten that roars."

"Uh, yeah, hey, listen, I can make you forget all about being a lezzie," a young man leered.

"Oh, yeah, I'm so sure you could," Terri said. "Uh, despite what you might think? Four minutes is not 'all night long' and ever since my Uncle Phil showed me how change the oil in my car? I've not needed a man for anything."

She smiled sweetly as Bobby stuck his tongue out at her. She played another song, then switched her microphone back on.

"Now, you want the butter as cold as possible; I actually put a stick into the freezer, and I make sure to sift all the dry ingredients together. I cut the cold butter into chunks, maybe about a quarter inch thick with a butter knife and drop the chunks into the sifted flour. Then I use my pastry knife just work butter and flour together, just keep working it and working it until the flour's kind of crumbly. If you don't have a pastry knife, then you can use two forks to do this. When we come back from this commercial break, I'll tell you how roll it out," Terri said.

In between songs, Terri took a few more phone calls. She finally had to point to the clock, to alert Bobby that time was not on their side. She was not quite finished with the recipe.

"Now, you can use a can of mixed vegetables; I really don't like doing that. Too much salt and you've already got so much salt from the chicken broth," Terri said.

Pam actually burst out laughing when Terri signed off with, "Bobby? Our sound engineer, wants all you single women to know that he's kind of cute, in that 'really not sure when the last time he had a bath' kind of way. I'm Honey Bee, this has been the Lunch Box, and as always, thank you for listening to ninety two nine, K.I.T.N, the kitten that roars. Have a terrific weekend."

Pam was disappointed when she entered the house and did not smell chicken pot pie. What she was smelling did smell delicious, but it wasn't the expected pot pie.

"Thought you were cooking pot pie?" Pam asked Terri.

"Oh! I'm sorry, ma'am; you didn't ask for that, did you?" Terri gasped.

"No, no, it's just, I mean, it was on your show," Pam said.

"Well, I uh, yeah, yeah it was," Terri admitted. "No, we're having crabmeat fettucine."

"Wow, that sounds almost as good," Pam said.

As Terri was putting the coffee and warm cake in front of Pam, Pam's hand shot out and gripped Terri's wrist. She turned and looked at Terri, her eye filled with pain.

"I, my grandfather, we called him Buddy, I don't know why, we just, that's what we called him," Pam said, releasing Terri's hand. "My cousin David? He was the oldest; we called my grandmother Jana because that's the way he said 'grandma' and for whatever reason, he called grandpa 'Buddy.'"

Terri looked at Pam. She said nothing, just regarded her employer.

"Everyone called me 'Buddy's Shadow;' I followed him everywhere. When I wasn't with my Jana? I was with my Buddy," Pam said.

Pam smiled, a few tears sliding down her right cheek. Terri reached her hand out and squeezed Pam's right hand.

"And one day, we were putting a new battery on his tractor; Buddy and Jana had this farm, had to be about hundred times bigger than this," Pam said.

Pam used her left arm, waved it around, to indicate a large area.

"And the battery exploded," Pam said. "I screamed; my face was on fire, it burned, burned so bad and I was screaming," Pam choked out.

"Oh my God, oh Pam!" Terri gasped, squeezing Pam's hand even tighter.

"And Buddy grabbed a hose and squirted my face; he ran the cold water over my face," Pam sobbed out. "Even though his hands and arms, and his chest were all eaten up, he ran that water on me."

"Is that, is that how your eye..." Terri asked.

"He died from, he had a heart attack in the hospital," Pam sobbed. "I was in the hospital too. I didn't get go to my Buddy's funeral, didn't get tell Buddy bye-bye."

Pam came to. There was a warmth in the bed, a warm body next to her in the bed.

"Huh?" Pam asked. "What? How'd I?"

Terri gently pulled Pam close, cradling the woman in her arms. Gently, she held Pam's head against her nude breast.

"You're okay," Terri gently soothed. "You're okay."

Pam felt Terri's lips at the top of her head. She felt the lips a second time and drifted back to sleep.

She came to with sunlight seeping into the room. She was alone in bed. Terri's breast had been so large, so firm as she rested her head on it.

Or had that been a dream?

"Ma'am, I'm making myself a peanut butter waffle," Terri said when Pam staggered out of her bedroom.

"Peanut... Wow, that sounds great," Pam agreed.

The sight of Terri's compact backside peeking out of the cutoff shorts, the sight of Terri's belly as the hem of her tee shirt did not reach the waistline of her shorts had Pam in a state of arousal.

Terri entered the dining room a moment later and put a glass of orange juice and a mug of coffee in front of Pam. A moment afterward, she returned with a plate.

"Over medium, right?" Terri asked.

"You remembered," Pam said, looking at the two perfectly cooked eggs.

"Of course," Terri said.

"What you mean, 'of course?'" Pam demanded when Terri returned with the waffle.

"You're my employer, my boss as you do love to point out," Terri said simply. "Think it's pretty important remember what your boss likes and doesn't like, isn't it?"

"I want to..." Pam hissed.

"I'll bring you your whip after I eat, Ms. White," Terri said as she left the dining room.

"And if you throw that on the floor, you'll be the one to clean it up," Terri said a moment later. "Remember? It's my day off."

"This is delicious," Pam called back.

"Thank you. Grandmother's recipe," Terri said.

Pam realized that Terri was eating. She remembered that today was Saturday, it was Terri's day off. And Terri had made the waffle for herself; she had offered to share with Pam.

"I really am a bitch," Pam said.

"No kidding," Terri responded.

Terri reappeared, carafe of coffee in hand. Silently she refilled Pam's mug.

"Yes, you are," she agreed, putting the carafe down onto a napkin.

Terri took Pam's right hand into her left hand. She gave Pam's hand a squeeze.

"But you have no idea what it meant to me, when you shared how, what happened," she whispered.

She looked at Pam. Pam could see tears sliding from Terri's eyes.

"And it makes, I just hate myself; how could I have been so cruel, such a bitch? Made fun of you?" Terri choked out.

She squeezed Pam's hand again, then kissed the top of Pam's head. Terri picked up the carafe and left the room.

Pam rubbed her head. So, it had not been a dream. She and Terri had shared the bed last night. She had lay, nude body touching nude body. Terri had put her lips to the top of Pam's head.

"Why were, you were in bed with me," Pam said as she carried the plates and mug and glass into the kitchen.

Terri looked up from the small kitchen table. She swallowed the mouthful of waffle.

"You wouldn't, you were crying and just couldn't stop," Terri said, spearing the last bite of waffle.

"God damn you," Pam hissed, raw hatred bubbling up.

She threw plates and mug and juice glass into the sink, shattering them. She glared hatefully at a shocked Terri.

"How dare you?" she screamed.

Pam grabbed a handful of Terri's hair, pulling Terri's head back. Terri struggled against Pam, but the struggle was futile.

"For years, for years, you torture me, call me hateful names, laugh at me," Pam screamed. "Then you come in here and act like it never, like we're lovers? God damn you!"

Pam suddenly released Terri's hair.

"You're fired. You are fired. You no longer work here, you no longer work at the station, you God damned bitch," Pam screamed and stormed from the kitchen.

She slammed her bedroom door shut. She slammed it so hard that it bounced open again. She slammed the door a second time, then locked it shut.