A Dark Man Pt. 02


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I speak with a clear and monotone voice, "So." I pause for dramatic effect. "Mom. Dad. You came to me because you want to merge our businesses. The real reason is your business is failing. You don't know why. I do. Your own people are sending business to your rivals. Terri and Stacy have been taking your leads and passing them on to competitors and earning commissions in the process."

Both have knives thrust into them from behind and fall forward dead.

I continue, "Larry is skimming money from the collections." He too falls forward, dead from a knife wound.

"Bobby is the smartest of the four. As you got leads, he passed them on to competitors once a month. Some still went to you, some didn't. You lost a lot of repeat business from this," I smile as he too falls forward.

I talk condescendingly at my parents, "There was nothing wrong with your business, you just had four of your most trusted people skimming off the top."

It's almost 11:00 PM, I surprise everyone by turning on the TV and then turning my chair, so I can watch the news. I had to change the channel because the porn channel was playing. At precisely 11:00, there is a big logo on the screen with flashing lights, "Breaking News." I smile, so predictable.

The lead anchor, Mel, starts in his deep, powerful voice, "For the last hour we have been following the arrest of a local police officer. He was found in his room this evening when a male escort called 911 reporting he overdosed."

I add commentary, "Actually, he had a mix of coke and heroin."

The anchor continues, "He was found in bed with a woman that appears to be underage (she is really 21). A computer in the room was hosting a web site with underage boys and girls."

They show a film clip of Ben being removed from his home on a stretcher with his wife screaming, crying, and being restrained because she wanted to kill him. His two children are in the background crying.

The anchor pauses for the clip to finish and then continues, "Since that clip was taken, an anonymous email was received in the newsroom accusing him of selling his twenty-one-year-old partner to a gang. Their orders asked a gang of men to rape, beat, and later kill her. We have transcripts, recordings, and pictures. It looks like a bulletproof case for a prosecutor."

There is a picture of Lynn on the screen taken at her graduation from the Police Academy.

The anchor continues, "The police are looking for this woman. If anyone has information on her location or remains, please contact the police tips line." Now they show a picture of her after the beating she took. "This is her picture taken after the beatings."

Off picture, we hear the co-host, Tiffany say, "Oh my God! Look what that asshole did to her. He needs to rot in ####." They bleeped her last word. "Lynn, girl, if you are still alive, please come in and testify against this piece of ####." They bleeped her again. "That just isn't right. Her own partner? What is this world coming to? #### him!"

I turn off the TV. Mom looks horrified at the news report. Dad is sitting calmly in his chair.

Since mom is speechless, I ask dad, "How much did mom know?"

Dad tries to answer twice, but in the end, he just mumbles, he didn't say anything.

I ask dad a second question, "Did you ever love mom?"

This question he answers, "No. She was just another woman to screw. When she got pregnant my father, the man that raised me, made me marry her. He said I needed a front to help hide my business. He died eight years later."

I start to nod my head, and then stop, "Dad, I know if our positions were reversed, I'd be dead right now. We all know this. You have no right to live for what you have done. You tortured me as a child, threw me out, risked your daughter's life so you could get to me and take over my business.

"You cheated on mom with hundreds of women. I am a better man than you. I built a better business than you. I make more money with lower risks than you. I even saved my only siblings life. So, against my better judgement once again, I'm going to send you away for a while. You are going to my solitary confinement cell, below my security room, for a while.

"I want you to think for a few days. It will be your choice to live or die. If you agree to work for me in my business, which will absorb yours, and you agree to be our house slave, subservient to me and my family in every way, I will let you live. Otherwise ... well, you won't have any issues." I have my head of security take him away.

It really bothers me that I don't kill him. I let him live, I let Lynn live. I should kill mom as well, yet I let her live. I don't like this one bit, it's not logical.

I stand up and look at mom. I order her, "Strip."

She looks at me, stunned. I move to the edge of the room and take off my clothes. I wait for her, she doesn't move.

Frustrated, I ask, "Do you want to stay here or come with me? Strip and then follow me." She strips.

I walk upstairs, staying on the newly rolled plastic, so no blood is tracked through the house. I step into the shower, and mom follows me in. I start up a warm shower and clean myself off. Mom does the same.

Mom is about fifty and still in good shape. Like Lynn, not much in the breast department but a decent and perky handful. She doesn't shave, but that is typical of older people. She was probably stunning at eighteen when dad married her early in college. Her light brown straight hair goes past her shoulders. Hazel eyes and a small nose on a round face makes her nothing extraordinary. Her thin body and bubble butt along with her darker skin make her body amazing.

Her hair partially hides her face, making her mysterious and a head turner. I push her down to her knees, using my hands on her shoulders. She starts to object, the only word that came out was incest.

I laugh at her, "I just had four people killed, I almost killed my father, which I will probably still do, and you're worried about incest and sucking my cock? Get to work before I add another body."

Mom got over it, sucking her son's big cock quick. She isn't as motivated as Lynn or Fey, but it was still good. Mom has skills when it comes to sucking cock. The most significant difference is that mom uses a different amount of pressure with everything she does. Suction pressure, grasping the intensity, and the strength of her tongue all vary in intensity when she uses those techniques.

She is a master at transitioning from one method to another. She doesn't rush the blowjob, which surprises me. She took her time and enjoyed herself. It took five minutes to get me off. Naturally, she swallowed every drop of my cum and smiled when she finished. Mom smiled with a guilty look when she finished while I stand in my orgasmic bliss.

Mom says with a grin on her face, "I gave the best oral sex on campus. The men loved my skills. Your father only wanted to fuck, and then it was all about him."

I explain the facts, "They will be here a while, you are coming home with me tonight. You will sleep there and then you are free in the morning. You should know I am capable of just about anything. Don't test me." I turn off the water. "Dry off and put the clothes on. Then we can go."


As I walk out of the garage, Lynn and Fey are there to greet me. Lynn has tears in her eyes, she has been crying for a while. She rushes me and holds me in her arms, crushing the air out of my lungs. Fey stops her, with two words, "bullet hole." Lynn instantly releases me. I didn't feel any pain.

Mom is sharp, "Bullet hole? In Gary? How?"

I field that question, "Mom, let's go inside and sit down. We have some discussing to do."

Until she saw the TV news, Mom had no idea about Lynn and what they did to her. Lynn described my involvement. That info about broke mom's heart as well as the fact that dad had three women on the payroll to service his needs. Mom ends up crying most of the night.

After we finish, mom has one question for me, "What do I do now? Where do I live? How do I cope? I can't trust anyone." The last one was the worst. "Will you kill him?"

I have had enough of this shit. I grab my mother and force her to stand up. I take my Colt 911 and put it to her forehead. The room is silent now.

My voice is low and almost mechanical because it is so emotionless, "You now know what dad did to Lynn, your only daughter. Had I not interfered; she would be D E A D right now as if he pulled the trigger himself. He was willing to kill me as well to take over my operation. Any parent willing to sacrifice both his children and cheat on their mother with hundreds of women over the years, deserves to die in my book.

"You may have been next. You're what, about fifty. Those bimbos were eighteen. Guess who has a tighter vagina? Guess who will do anything he wants? Why keep you? It's obvious he doesn't love you. With the way you failed to raise me, it would mean nothing to kill you right now. You have no meaning to me.

"I am baffled right now. I have no idea why Lynn is alive still. The smart move would have been to kill her. The same thing is true of you and dad. Yet, you live, and I fuck my sister when I want to."

Fey gives me the evil eye.

I take back my last statement, "Ok, other than the last few weeks because I am recovering from a gunshot wound I received while saving her life."

Fey jumps in, "I understand. You like your sister. People in love do irrational things. Give your mom a hug, and you will own her as well."

I don't move, but mom does. She reaches out for me and pushes her breasts into my chest as hard as she can, and then she pulls me tight. It's not long, and I can feel her crying again. Will she ever stop?

While still crying and holding me, she says between sobs, "I never wanted to give you up. I've dreamed of having you in my arms again for many years. It was the day we found out you were a competitor. Your father was very proud of you. That was the first and only time."

Lynn has been sitting all night quietly. She finally asks her question.

Lynn is very small in the chair, and her voice is soft as she asks, "What do I do now? The Police want me to come in. They probably have a warrant for my arrest."

I am still calm as I explain, "Tomorrow you are going to see a lawyer friend I have. He will prep you for the interview. Most of what you say will be the truth. We'll change the story a bit to deflect from mom and dad and put it all on Ben. They will believe anything you tell them. I've already set the groundwork. The lawyer knows what questions they will ask and will work with you on the answers. We'll bury Ben.

"I want Ben to see you in court, then you put him away for a long time. If he ever makes it out. Odds are he will be dead in two hours. I have some rather powerful friends, there is nothing to worry about. My friend knows the names of the wives and children just in case one decides he wants to stray from the script.

"The police and the reporters will try to follow you home. That won't work, it has been handled. Your vehicle will be the last to go over the bridge before they stop traffic. We will restrict ourselves to Capone's for a while."

I smile, mom looks confused, she asks, "What?"

I smile, mom looks confused, she asks, "What's that place? I have heard various things about it."

Fey spends almost an hour detailing our night at Capone's. I am amazed when mom doesn't seem embarrassed. It's 2:00 AM, I am tired.

I announce, "It's 2:00, I need some sleep. Lynn, you get mom for the night. She should be with someone, and you're her daughter. Good night."

I head off to bed, and Fey is right behind me. She doesn't go to her room. We both slip into bed, something that has not happened in a while even though she is almost a permanent guest now.

Fey is trying hard to look sad and annoyed as she says to me in her soft, seductive voice, "I had no idea how evil you truly are. You almost killed your own father tonight."

I correct her, "He is not my father, only the sperm donor. The only father I recognize he admitted to killing. I'll sleep great tonight. You got to give me some credit, I let my mom live. I haven't killed dad yet."

Fey questions me, "Will you kill your mom?"

I point out the facts, "They were all cheating on her. Dad cheated on his marriage, and the others were stealing so much business, they thought about killing me. Gary from a year ago would have killed both just as easily."

Fey has a smile on her face, "What changed? Is my badass boyfriend going soft?"

I recount the facts, "I killed five guys saving my sister, four more tonight, and I framed Lynn's partner for attempted murder, sex trafficking, kidnapping, and kiddie porn. You think I'm soft?"

Fey is cold, "You mom and dad are still alive."

I reflect on that and the fact that Lynn is still alive before replying, "My dad probably not for long. And, it's your fault. You are morally corrupting me with your goodness." I kiss her on the nose and then roll over. Fey spoons up with me, and soon we are asleep.

Chapter 8 -- Dad is dead, Lynn Gets Arrested

Everyone is gone by the time I wake up at 10:30. Fey should be at work, mom was taken home, and I guess Lynn went first thing to see the lawyer. I have a bagel with cream cheese and a coffee for breakfast. Then I go to my office where I can answer my mail and finalize work that is paid for. I was distracted yesterday with my personal tasks. Today is catch up day where I need to work on all my open projects and bid on some new jobs. I get a call from my security team downstairs, and they tell me I need to hurry down. I know dad is below them, but my instinct is the cell is too tight it's not about him. I go down. The place is quiet when I walk in. My head of security tells me "your dad is dead. He killed himself this morning. When Mike was bringing him breakfast, your dad jumped him, grabbed his pistol and shot himself. Mike took a couple of blows to his face, but he's ok. Sorry about your dad, but good riddance. He left you this note."

I go back to my office and open the note. "Gary: this is this right thing for me to do. Yes, I was a terrible dad and husband. But I want you to know I am very proud of you. You built a better business than I did. You are smarter, and cleverer than I could have imagined. I thank you for sparing my life. But I can't work for you, and I won't be subservient to anyone -- especially my son. This is the best way out for both of us. Dad.

That caught me by surprise. I feel no sorrow, no remorse. Dad was right, it's the best way for it to end.

In the afternoon, I start to worry about Lynn. She isn't home yet. I do some investigative work and hire a private eye to prove someone's spouse is cheating. When the spouse is a circuit court judge, they need to be very cautious.

It's 3:00 before Lynn gets home. I am already walking to her when I run into her sprinting to me. She jumps up and into my arms, and then remembers I am recovering and pushes away from me. Immediately she hugs me tight, and the tears start a waterfall.

Jacob tells me, "We had half the state following us when we got to the bridge. I don't know what happened, but they were pissed. I got to hand it to you though, your plan went exactly according to your specifications. Boss, today you really outdid yourself. The multiple vans in the tunnel confused the hell out of the helicopter. I knew the bridge would work, but like you suspected, they were ready for that. It was the construction traffic that finally lost them. I never needed steps fourteen through twenty-two.

"She got mobbed on the stairs leaving the police station. The extra muscle really helped. Lynn was perfect, zero emotion just like you asked for. I'll be back tomorrow. I'm going out to keep them busy for a while and then I'm going home. I'll see you tomorrow."

I say, "Bye Jacob. You did well today."

Lynn is still crying so I guide her to the game room and play some Rolling Stones from my Jukebox. I settle her down on a couch and get her a Strawberry Margarita. This one is a tad on the strong side.

As Lynn takes a sip, she screams out, "DAMN! Is that 100% alcohol? That is one strong drink."

I smile, "You stopped crying." I then add, "Your dad killed himself this morning. He left me a note saying he was proud of me, but he couldn't work for me and this was the best way to end it. I think he's right."

Lynn says quietly "I don't feel any sadness. The past few days have opened my eyes a lot. I agree, this is probably the only decent thing he ever did."

She saunters over to me, kisses me on the lips, and then holds it for a while before shyly pulling away with a giggle. It's clear it's time to move on.

Lynn starts with a smile on her face, "You have very good people and some wicked friends. Walter starts off by saying I'll be arrested. They have not dropped the charges yet. They'll use that to pressure me. He tells me they will ask me ten questions. I'll reply with the answers he has me memorize, and then they'll let me go. There will be a huge crowd outside. Don't look at anyone and act like a zombie, emotionless. The drivers will take care of me from there.

"I'm arrested as I walk in the door. My arrest is rushed. I never saw one go so fast. They take me to an interrogation room. Walter's to my right, a police officer in uniform is across from me, and another man not in uniform is across from Walter and he has an old-fashioned wooden ruler in his hand. I've never seen that before.

"The police officer asks me a question that was not one of the ten. Walter puts his hands on mine and makes eye contact with me. He shakes his head no. I stay silent. Then, in a flash, the man with the ruler smacks the officer's hand with the ruler. The officer is furious, and scowls at the other man.

"The officer asks another question not on my list. I don't flinch. WHACK! He hits him again with the ruler. The officer is pissed, almost drooling in anger. The other man sits there relaxed still. Not at all concerned about the events.

"The officer warns the man; you do that one more time ..."

"The other talks over the officer, "Must I get your supervisor in here and hit both of you? Those are the fucking questions, ask them, and you'll get answers you can write down. Now, try again."

"Before the officer starts, the man takes off his jacket and sets it on the table. The officer pauses. The man then rolls up both sleeves past his elbows. I'm no expert on tattoos, yet even I know what the Special-Forces emblem looks like. He looks at the officer, the little lady stenographer and me and asks the officer, "Will you be walking out of this building, or will they wheel you out on a stretcher?"

"The officer asked me question #1. I recited perfectly the answer to question #1. At the end of the tenth question the man tells the officer, cut her loose now. I won't ask a second time. Over the speaker we hear a deep voice say she is free to go. We walk out of the police department and down the long stairs where a thousand reporters are waiting.

"Cars have us boxed in at the bridge. Traffic is stopped, they single us out and off to the side. We then cross the bridge, a boat comes along, and then they raise the bridge. I swear I saw twenty vans like the one I was in when we were in the tunnel. It reminded me of the Thomas Crown Affair.

"I'm crying because people like you are so far above the law, the police have no chance. I am crying because you put so much effort into just me. You have Fey and her big boobs, you don't need me. I'm crying because I'm so unworthy of a man like you."

She throws herself at me and cries in my arms as she holds on to me tightly.

I whisper into Lynn's ear, "The man in the room is with Homeland Security, a friend of mine."

Lynn pushes me away. She has a look of shock and disbelief on her face.