A Date with Priapus


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"What do you think that's for?" he asked Hesta.

"Looks like one of those sacrifice tables you see in horror movies."

"Is this all you've got to show us, Mr Priapus?"

Hesta laughed, and said, "Who would build a place like this all the way up here? And why?"

"Privacy," he suggested.

Laughing, they walked to the other side of the main hall, and were surprised to find two complete rooms, .separated by a short corridor No roof on the left hand room, but the right hand room had half a ceiling. These were really the most substantial remains of the whole temple.."Did Sakis say how old this was?" Hesta asked.

"He said a thousand years. It's held up pretty well if that's true."

In the main hall they had been exposed to the direct sun, and were now hotter than ever. "Can we go and get a cooler now?" Hesta pleaded.

Without too much delay they were naked and splashing each other in the wonderfully cold water. The falls weren't quite high enough to make a complete shower, but by crouching it was possible to get a similar effect. Soon their cooled hands were moving over each others bodies, and their laughs and giggles became grunts of pleasure.

Hesta leaned right down to kiss the purple head of his rising erection, while his fingers trailed over her breasts, before sliding into the fuzz between her legs.

Without any discussion or agreement they came out of the water onto a shaded grassy bank, and Jake's erection slid smoothly into her. "We're doing it in the open air," he whispered.

"About time," Hesta gasped .That moment, she could never explain how sensuous that moment of entry always was, that easy, cosy, thrilling glide of his shaft as it drove into her, large and lovely.

Soon they found their mutual rhythm, which had seemed to come naturally to them from their first encounter. As his shaft thrust up into her, she was heaving her hips to take it, and on the release she flexed her vaginal muscles to encourage the next thrust.

For Jake, these were the best of times, that sheer delight of serving her, of thinking only of her desires. He got so much out of that. This was going to be a special one, he could tell. Whether it was the open air, their freedom, he couldn't say, but they were going for a long time. He, feeling particularly strong now, might, like Mr Priapus, have a permanent erection. He mumbled this into her ear, before dropping his head to kiss her breasts frantically.

Hesta might have laughed at his comparison but her lower body was so alive, so open, so welcoming of his lusty strokes, that she was unable to respond. More than that, she knew that her body was preparing for a massive orgasm. All her nerve ends from groin to breast were aflame, telling her, she was about to lose all control. As ever, her head began to toss from side to side, uncontrollable.

It was on one of these movements to the right that her eyes were briefly open, and for a second, she saw a figure at the edge of the clearing, watching their cavorting. But her rising passion could not be disturbed, on a second turn in that direction, there was nothing but trees and shadows.

All in her mind, a mind that was almost gone out of her. Jake had drawn his penis back, and now with a mighty thrust he was reaching into her deepest parts, and her whole being burst as she cried out, body gone from her. Her orgasm was like none she could remember, She wanted everything at once, wanted him up inside her, wanted his strength in her mouth, between her breasts, in her anus, where it had never been. Wanted all of it, but was sure that was what she was getting.

Jake was well aware of what was happening to his wife beneath him, and he was able to keep going inside her, a massive piston, which he now admitted could not be erect for much longer, not when it discharged what it was building to discharge. Feeling, and hearing Hesta beneath him, he gave two more rapid long thrusts, and shot everything he had into her.. .

They lay very still, silent for a while, breathing slowly coming back to normal. Hesta felt his penis slip out of her and flop wetly against her thigh, "Big talker," she sighed.

"Nobody's perfect."

"You are," she said fervently, squeezing his hand, just as she recalled the figure she saw. She told Jake.

He gave her a kindly smile, and looked all around them. "I don't think so. Any description."

Hesta had to think. It seemed so silly now, in the silence of this place. "I thought he wore a check shirt."

"Like mine"

"No, large checks, like—like cowboys wear." She laughed at how ridiculous that sounded.

.Jake kissed her, "I'll check the clothes. See if they've dried." He went the short distance to where they'd been laid in the sun, and brought them back. "Not bad," he said, slipping into his shirt, and passing Hesta her's.

Pulling on his pants, he came to where Hesta lay, and flopped down beside her, "Wow, I feel just a little knocked out now."

"Me too," she replied pulling on her shorts, letting him put his arm around her and snuggling against his chest.

"A little rest and well make our way back."

"Mm, yes. It's been a lovely busy day."


Hesta woke up startled, not sure what had awakened her. The sun was gone from the sky and the trees around them had darkened. She turned to Jake.

Jake wasn't there. Worriedly she looked around her, at the trees, at the tumbling water behind her. Where was he?

Tentatively she called, "Jake. Jake. Are you there?"

On her feet now, she walked around the area, calling out again. Jake wouldn't just leave her. She was positive on that score. Gone to relieve himself? He wouldn't have needed to move far away for that. Gone back to the ruin? Why would he? She walked that way and glanced towards the stones, and called his name once more. Nothing.

A chill ran through her. Something had happened to him. It had to be that. Had he fallen, knocked himself unconscious maybe? But she couldn't just search blindly. From the look of the sky the light would be failing shortly. Should she try to find her way back? Get help. Her hands were trembling with the responsibility of doing the right thing.

At that moment she turned to her left, and there standing on the fringe of the pines was a figure. Jake? But she knew automatically that it wasn't him.

This figure was wearing a checked shirt!

Hesta stood frozen there. Her brain was telling her to run, but her legs wouldn't obey. Was this the figure she had seen at the height of her orgasm? Had he actually watched that? .If he had, what could be on his mind now?

As that troubling thought hit her, the man took a step away from the trees. He was quite tall, dark skinned, with thick, wild black hair, not unhandsome. In spite of her fear, Hesta couldn't help noticing the way he was dressed. Nothing wrong with the check shirt, but the baggy pants he was wearing looked totally out of place with his masculine figure. Then he spoke, one single word, in Greek, and Hesta searched her brain to tie it in with the useful vocabulary Jake had tried to teach her before they left.

Got it. He was asking if she was lost. She nodded her head, and tried to indicate that her husband was missing. For just a moment she was aware of his dark eyes moving down over her body and lingering at where her tanned thighs jutted from her shorts. Then he uttered another word, and Hesta recognised that he was asking for the name of the village. "P- Priax." she stammered.

For just a moment his eyebrows raised, then he turned away and waved for her to follow, pointing a long finger down the mountain. He was leading her back. She could get help for Jake wherever he was. But her big worry now was that night was closing in. The sky was darkening.

After a few yards down a steep slope, her guide called over his shoulder, another questioning word, which Hesta recognised much more quickly. He was asking her name.

"Hesta," she told him.

At that, his back stiffened, and he stopped walking. Slowly he turned his head and those eyes, seeming brighter now even in the dim light, moved from her face down over the rest of her body. Under his gaze, Hesta felt most uncomfortable. It was as though he was removing first her shirt and then her shorts with his eyes.

But, she was relieved when he turned away, and started walking again. After just a few yards they came to a fork in the path, and to her surprise, he took the left turn which appeared to rise. It did rise, but he must know the way.

It was quite dark now among the trees, and as she staggered behind this man, she was wondering whether she'd have the strength to complete the downward journey, and couldn't understand how it felt as though they were on an up road that twisted and turned.

Without warning, they were in a clearing, and she felt momentary relief. There had been a clearing that had led onto the mountain. Then, to her horror she saw the entrance to the temple.

They were back at the temple. And night was falling.

Suddenly, she was pushed hard to stagger into the entrance. Half turning, she saw that the black haired man was somehow behind her. And as she stared in fear at his blazing eyes his hand came up to her throat, gripped, and blackness took over.


There were voices. Giggling voices. Sterner voices. Sweeter voices. Slowly Hesta's senses returned. There was a sweet odour. There were hands, gentle hands on her skin. Her eyes opened, and at first things were blurred. What had happened? Where was she? Suddenly it all came pouring in on her. The man, the shock of being back at the temple.

Who was touching her? Through the dim light she saw figures clad in white. Female figures. A relief. Was it a hospital? No, this was no bed she lay on. There was a sheet under her but beyond that was hard and bumpy.

As things became clearer she tried to sit up, and realised she was totally naked. She saw her clothes, neatly folded, in the corner of the room. A short figure stood near her feet. . A boy. Not a boy, the stubs of horns in the forehead, an erect little penis, goat legs with cloven hooves, and as he turned away, a tail. She had seen pictures and statues in the museum. A satyr, a young satyr. That's what he was. The three female figures in white robes had sat back as she moved. These must be nymphs, she told herself. Their faces were mature, not young not old. Please God, make this a dream.

But as she climbed slowly to her feet, she began to realise that there was too much detail, too much sound, too much feeling for it to be a dream. This was the room she'd explored with Jake earlier. The room with no roof, and an empty window space

Iin the open doorway two tall figures stood with their backs to her, as though on guard. Their naked muscular buttocks, were partly covered by a horse tail that grew from the coccyx, and as one turned to view her with lustful eyes, she saw a large semi erect penis that looked human, but which jutted from the lower belly, not the groin. Fully grown satyrs. Part horse, mostly man. Terror began to creep into Hesta's body. What was set to happen to her?

To avoid the eyes of the two large satyrs, Hesta turned her back and walked to the window. From there she found she was looking out in to the main hall area where she had been with Jake that afternoon. Smaller half goat satyrs were scampering about in the light shed by torches held in the hands of six fully grown satyrs. The dais they had seen earlier was now covered with a red fabric. Overhead the sky was dark and there was a liberal scattering of stars. But there was no moon. And she was thinking of what the old man had told Jake on the previous night. Don't be caught here after dark. Oh, God save me.

But I'm not a virgin. That was some compensation.

Her eyes turned towards the opposite wall of the hall, and her heart leapt into her throat. Jake was there, also naked. "Jake!" she screamed, but she could see that he was tethered with ropes that stretched his arms above his head, and his ankles were also tied. He struggled wildly when he heard her cry, but there was some kind of gagging across his mouth. On either side of him stood two strapping naked satyrs, penises retracted to show only a large lump. They were holding torches, and at his feet, crouched two white clad nymphs, gazing up at his naked body.

In despair, she turned away, seeking some way to escape. Could she push past the two guards and run to Jake?It looked like a hopeless chance. Yet, she had to do something. So she moved to the doorway, and tried to edge past the naked spear holding satyrs. One immediately moved to block her way, and with a leering grin reached out a hand towards her breast, before the other growled some kind of warning, and the hand dropped. Only the eyes continued the rape of her body.

At that moment a group of five or six small satyrs appeared and were allowed to pass by the guards.. They stood giggling pointing fingers at Hesta's breasts, as they moved around her, all with penises that, like their legs were, goatlike, and jutted from their lower bodies. One of the nymphs said something to them but they ignored her. A satyr pushed Hesta, and she stumbled backwards, tripping over a second one who had been deliberately crouching behind her. She reached back with her hands to take the shock of her fall, totally exposing her body.

The small satyrs were on her in a flash, laughing and giggling as their small hands stroked at her breasts, small erections pushed against her.One buried his face between her legs and she felt his rough tongue on her thigh. As she screamed, a massive cry came from the two senior satyr, and they were throwing her small attackers to one side, yelling, "Priapus. Priapus."

There was another word attached to their warning which Hesta did not understand, but her tormentors quickly dispersed and ran giggling into the night, That left the two senior satyrs standing over her, hungrily eyeing every inch of her naked body, their large penises rising oddly from their bellies, so threatening. One spoke gutturally to the other, and they both shook their heads before going back to their position.

. Jake was desperate to know what was happening to his wife. He had been tied up in this position for such a long time. The trouble was he had no idea how he had ended up here. After that glorious session with Hesta, he had lain with her in his arms, until the sound of her breathing told him she was asleep. That relaxed him, because, he guessed, he must have fallen asleep too.

The next thing he was aware of was a sensation of being lifted and floating through the air. As he came to his senses he found that he was being carried, and there was a pair of hands at each of his legs, and a pair under each armpit. The moment he started to struggle, something struck at the back of his neck and he blacked out.

He woke up in this position. The fading light worried him. What had happened to Hesta? Had they just left her? That didn't seem probable. He knew exactly where he was, and the only difference to this afternoon was the red covering on the dais. He knew something was destined to happen. But it couldn't involve Hesta, could it? The old man had said it was two virgins. Maybe that is why she had been left, she wasn't a virgin.

When he had first woken up here, he had struggled against his bonds but to know avail. He had been horrified to see the satyrs, because he recognized what they were immediately. He realized then that there had been no old wives tale told by the old man.

There were only four big satyrs in view at that time, but gradually as the light faded others appeared. And there were the small satyrs, acting like tiny boys. Two actually came across giggling and slapped at his flaccid penis, their cloven hooves rattling on the stone. It would have been a fascinating experience for him if it wasn't so threatening, and frightening

Having read about satyrs over the years, to have them near him now was a wonder he could do without. Then the nymphs had appeared, charming in white, ageless, but, rather like the smaller satyrs, two of them seemed fascinated by his cock, and had sat at his feet staring at it. He was in some kind of trouble, he knew that. But he thanked God that Hesta had been spared this kind of humiliation.

The shock came as the light started to fade fast. There was a commotion over by the entrance, and when Jake looked his heart sank. Hesta was being dragged, unconscious, into the main hall by two big satyrs, and Jake could not fail to see that it was her, nor could he miss the semi hard erections of both of her captors. "She's not a virgin. She's married." He cried out. Almost immediately, a satyr came and tied some evil smelling material over his mouth.

They had reached the centre of the hall when three nymphs came forward and, as the two satyrs held Hesta up, the nymphs quickly stripped her naked. This was an action which appeared to delight the two satyrs, but a booming voice from somewhere called out an indecipherable warning, but when the voice added, "Hestia! Hestia!" Jake's chest tightened with fear, as Hesta was carried towards the area where they had found the little room in their innocent afternoon visit.

This was all too cruel. A nightmare that couldn't be shaken off. How could he convince this deity that he was making a mistake? Jake knew the mythology behind that mispronounced name. The story went that Priapus had a raging desire for the goddess Hestia, and when he found her sleeping he prepared to rape her. But the braying of a donkey awakened Hestia and she was able to escape, leaving Priapus hating donkeys, and unfulfilled in his pursuit of Hestia

. Could it be that Hesta had given him her name, which he had misheard, or which he preferred to mishear? Either way it seemed clear that she would be standing in for the required virgins. He watched that doorway and wished he had x-ray eyes. A small satyr came out, giggling and ran to others. Then there was nothing for a while and Jake became desperate with worry for his wife.

When he heard her yell his name from the window he could have wept with his frustration in being unable to do anything. He struggled so much that the satyr holding a torch, held the flame under Jake's scrotum, so that he winced at the extreme heat. Then he saw a group of the small satyrs run into the section where Hesta was. Within seconds he heard, much giggling, and she screamed, followed by loud deep warning shouts of "Priapus." The young satyrs reappeared still giggling and making crude gestures. What had they done to Hesta?

And then, to his greater distress he saw the moon appearing above the trees, flooding the hall with more light than he had ever seen from moonlight.

Hesta lay for a moment after the assault by the small satyrs. Why was she being held? Why was nothing happening? The answer came almost immediately as she saw the light through the window. The moon was rising. This acted like a signal.

First there was a rough call from the other room across the corridor.. Immediately, the three nymphs stood and hurried out and across the corridor. Curious, Hesta stood and looked between the bodies of the two guarding satyrs. What she saw had her drawing a quick intake of breath.

Standing there, upright and powerful looking, was the dark man in the checked shirt, but looking so imperious as the nymphs fawned around him. First they unbuttoned his shirt, and drew it off, with great gentility. This revealed a magnificently muscled chest, far broader and mighty than any of the satyrs possessed. After kissing at his chest in an act of devotion, the nymphs unfastened the waistband on those strange trousers and as he stepped out of them, Hesta could see the strange arrangement there.