A Date with Priapus


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Jake was in purgatory. Seeing Hesta stroking that thing, he could at least tell she was uncertain. But when Priapus kissed her breast, even in the moonlight he could recognise that look on her face, that look of rising passion when he was stimulating her.

Hesta felt Priapus take her hand off his member, and pass it back to the satyr. He raised himself so that his penis once more lay at Hesta's throat. He half turned and spoke to one of the nymphs, and she moved beside him, took hold of the erect penis and kissed it firmly around its arrow shaped, yet bulbous head. The nymph's tongue licked with a wide tongue all around that huge head.

After performing that act, the nymph's next action horrified Hesta. The head of the erect giant penis was held to Hesta's lips. No, she couldn't perform this act. This was the act that only Jake had rights to. But the nymph was looking at her with pleading eyes, and she could almost read her mind. If Hesta did not repeat what she had just done, then the nymph was going to suffer in some way.

Don't do this, please, Hesta. Jake knew that his fears could not reach her, and he saw her hesitation, but then there seemed to be looks exchanged between Hesta and the nymph. In utter disbelief he saw Hesta place her lips on the head of this torpedo of a cock. Something close to fury hit him, when her tongue quickly followed, and repeated what the nymph had done. Don't take it in, it will kill you. But that wasn't going to happen, for he heard Priapus say out loud, "S'agapao akomi." She would recognize that, wouldn't she?

Having his penis head under her tongue had not been the best of experiences for Hesta. There had been a strange indefinable taste. Anyway, she had done it, proved by what he had said next. That was something Jake would say jokingly to her when she had made some minor mistake, like burning the toast, or forgetting to buy his favourite sweet, he would say it, and she knew it meant, "I love you still."

Priapus was really into making love. This, so far, had been no rape, and inside her lower body were unfulfilled longings, that she would normally only have for Jake. She kept telling herself, this was because of the unguent that she had been treated with, rather than any fancy for Priapus. But at that very moment he was allowing his rampant penis to trail over her breasts, and it was electrifying. Twice he did it, clearly knowing the effect it was having on her. Then his penis continued a journey down over her belly, until it was lying across her bush like some great steam train waiting to enter a station.

She couldn't believe that his actions had made her want her hands free to reach for him, or maybe for anything. For,, he had stepped around where her left knee was tied, to stand between her gaping thighs. Raising her head, she saw him looking down into her, and licking his lips. He knelt down and placed his lips and tongue where her clitoris must have been clearly standing out, for he hit it immediately, making her whole body jerk upwards, and just for a moment one of the satyrs lost his grip on her hand. A grip which he quickly regained.

Hesta was almost delirious with need. She felt like she could take the whole world up into her vaginal canal. Yet, in thinking that, part of her brain was telling her that this might be her very last sensation..

Priapus had licked along her whole crevice, and his tongue had poked, tantalizingly into her vaginal opening. God, Hesta knew that her inner walls were so heated, so desperate that they had tried to suck his tongue deeper. Now, he stood up tall looked up at the bright moon, and back down to Hesta, before muttering, once more, "S'agapao, Hestia."

Jake was watching fearfully. This was the moment. This was the point he had dreaded. It had been hateful watching Priapus run his cock over her delicate body, seeing him crouch to lick out her precious area. Her willing reactions had angered him at first, but then he had realized that, whatever had been used on his cock, something similar may have been done to her, and that made it irresistible for her.

. .But now they were at the point of no return. Priapus was preparing to enter his darling Hesta. There could be no escape. She could never survive that kind of onslaught. Jake estimated that the size of that cock would drive it through cervix, through womb, certainly into mid belly. There was no survival against those odds. Jakes tears started again, and he didn't want to see, but felt he had little choice.

Hesta didn't know what she should be feeling. Fear, most certainly, that thing of Priapus was probably going to tear her insides apart. Yet, desperate pulling sensations inside her had not gone away. Her whole body trembled as they went into this final act.

Priapus stroked his own colossal organ proudly, before signaling to the three nymphs who had stood aside the whole time. They came forward apparently well aware of their duties. One took over the holding of Priapus's swollen appendage, while the other two, one on either side, reached out to pull apart Hesta's already gaping entry, to reveal more clearly her vagina, wet, heated and ready.

The nymph holding Priapus, pointed the arrow head and moved him forward to Hesta's vagina. Hesta closed her eyes. Wanting desperately, yet dreading it. Here it came. She felt the first hot touch at her entry, then the pressure as Priapus produced the first thrust. Agony, instant and appalling, as the vast head broke through the tightness of her opening.

Hesta was aware that she had cried out at the pain of it. But he had been reasonably careful, hadn't he? Much worse than that moment she had lost her virginity to Jake, but more importantly he was inside her, and she could feel her vaginal muscles already working at what they had been longing for. His second thrust brought only delight.

With the third stroke, he was well inside, filling her, immense, but gorgeously hot and her own juices ran once more, as she felt him push on further, and her eager vagina sent out its own welcome messages. With one more stroke she felt him strike against her cervix, and although that sensation was terrific for her, she was wondering what would he do now?

What he did was pull back, hold it, which tantalised her vaginal walls into contorting and heaving at this monster. Then Hesta gasped as he pushed once more to her cervix. Suddenly, Hesta was gone from this world and was whirling in a space that floated her above all care on a wild tide of pleasure. His movements were so measured now. Thrusting in, drawing back, while Hesta's insides heaved at this massive intruder, this massive, so welcome, intruder..

Thrust after thrust, her pleasure heightened. She had never known such ecstasy. Not even with Jake. And thoughts of Jake brought on a brief moment of guilt, which was instantly swept away by the next thrust. Having this monster inside her had her moaning for more. Through her euphoria she heard Priapus issue an instruction, and the next moment she was aware of fingers unfastening the bonds on her ankles.

This was ideal for her. With her legs free she could lift her pelvis to meet every stroke he made, and she was able to clench herself tightly around the heaving pole that filled her.

Sensation after sensation ran through her whole lower body, her vagina was only a starting point for wave after wave of delight. She heard a female voice screaming out a demanding cry, but in ecstasy, and realised it was her own voice.

She looked up into his face, and it looked bloated, full, both wild and puzzled. Something was going to happen. Something had to happen. Trembles were racking her body. She was going over an edge, that would plummet her into a wonderful oblivion, but as her vagina walls gave another upward heave on his throbbing member, he thrust hard against her cervix, too hard really. She pulled her hips back, before she heard his grunting, and felt him pulsing, pulsing inside her. Hesta heard his triumphant roar, and knew, with total surety, that his white stuff was pouring through her cervix, and that alone was enough to drive her over that edge into rapturous elation. She was floating, squealing, lost in total orgasm.

Her tortuous, frantic twisting tore her hands free from both satyrs, but she was too far gone to take any advantage from it. She could only lie, vaguely aware that Priapus's large erection was still moving inside her. Rapturous.

More threatening, suddenly, out of her salacious state, she realised that her legs were being lifted up onto Priapus's shoulders. Although still misty from what she had just experienced, she knew something about this position. Jake and she had tried it a few times, and it was, she was certain, for maximum penetration.

Suddenly alarmed and aware, she pushed herself up on her elbows, and looked into the face of Priapus. His erection, that permanent erection, was active inside her, and he was drawing it back, and back, readying for his full length push into her insides. Was that really going to happen to her?

That one look into his face told her it was. His head nodded as though in agreement with her assessment, but it was the dark eyes that really told her. They were regretful, sad, strangely red in the moonlight, and bore the look of someone who doesn't want to do what his reputation demanded..

He had placed his rough hands on her hips, all set to pull her forcefully into a special agony. Struggling was pointless. Satyrs were nearby eager to put their hands on her. In despair at the utter futility, she closed her eyes.

Jake could not come to terms with the action he had been watching. Hesta, his beloved wife, had been violated, or so it had seemed at first. He had cringed at that first cry of pain as the monstrous cock must have ploughed into her. After that, all he could see were her spread legs, and the muscular buttocks of Priapus. But Jake could tell by the movement of those buttocks, that the thrusts into his wife were controlled thrusts.

Then two nymphs stepped forward on either side, and began loosening the ropes that tied Hesta's ankles. Instantly freed her knees raised and appeared to grip at either side of Priapus.

There were two sounds, that Jake could make out, one was the grunts from Priapus. But that other sound deadened his spirit, the noises that he knew so well. The whimpering gasps from Hesta as she neared orgasm. She was being pleasured he could tell.. But even that did not hit him as hard as what he heard next.

That loud screeching, pleading cry from his wife, "Fuck me! Oh, yes!"

Jake just could not take that in. Hesta had never used any of the sexual vulgarisms, it had always been one of the loveable traits about her. Was she really aware of that word leaving her lips? Priapus had raised his head to the sky and given an animal roar, as his buttocks flexed rapidly. Had he come inside her? The sheer frustration seeped into Jake's soul.

On either side of Priapus' buttocks Jake could just detect the wild movement of Hesta's hips, and saw the two satyrs stagger back as her passionate spasms tore her hands free. Now she was still, but Priapus's buttocks still twitched. But what he saw next had him yelling behind his gag.

The two nymphs had each taken hold of Hesta's ankles, and had placed them on Priapus's shoulders. Jake knew exactly what this was for. Deeper penetration.

As if confirming his great fear, one of the nearby satyr's told the other one, "He has given her love. Now he must pay her to Zeus. She will take all of it."

Anxiety crushing him, he, at last, had a glimpse of Hesta's face as she sat up to look at Priapus, and what she saw there had made her close her eyes in despair. Jake saw Priapus's buttocks draw back, ready for that killer thrust. Oh, God, no!

Could it have been fate? Chance? Luck? Yes, definitely some of that. Who could say? But it was at that precise moment, as Priapus was poised to skewer Hesta on his monster prong, that a dark cloud moved over the moon. There was only total blackness.

Hesta's whole body had been clenched awaiting that final agony. But, suddenly, her legs dropped down, unsupported. The penis that had been filling her, was no longer in her vagina, which now felt strangely empty, deserted. Opening her eyes she could tell the moon had disappeared and at first she could see nothing in the total darkness. She sat up, blinked her eyes in an attempt to adjust to the dark.

Nothing within her sight. No satyrs, no nymphs, no Priapus. Getting to her feet she was asking herself, had she dreamt it all? As she moved her legs, the sheer discomfort in her lower body told her it was no dream. Something fluid ran down her leg. Blood? She scooped with one finger, and brought it up close to her eyes. Not blood, it was white. His stuff? Her body trembled, as she felt the first drops of rain touch her skin.

Then, her senses becoming more alert, she peered through the darkness to the opposite wall, and saw the vague white figure spread there. Jake! She moved to run to him and called his name. Running was not easy, it only emphasized the soreness between her legs. Jake hadn't answered. Was he-?

Hesta quickened her pace. Damn you, Priapus. Damn you, for everything. For filling me with fear, for filling me, full stop. For making me enjoy it, damn you.

As she fearfully approached Jake, she saw his head move. Thank God. Closer and she saw the gag. Then she was against him, naked body to naked body. "Oh, Jake, is it over? Is it really over?"

His muffled response reminded her that he was still gagged. Her mind still wasn't functioning rationally.. She removed the gag, and Jake smacked his lips together, before asking, "How are you? Wait. Just untie me."

With fumbling intensity she unfastened his bonds, all the time wondering, what he had seen. Had he observed all of her shame? How was it going to effect their relationship? The moment his last bond fell free, Jake bent, pulled her up, and held her. She was sure that it was affection in his eyes, and standing close together, in normal circumstances, both naked, skin on skin, it would have been the precursor to lovemaking. Now, they just stood together, savouring the ssecurity of the. moment.

"What happened?" she asked, at last. "Where did everything go?"

She felt Jake shrug, "I can only think it had to be the moon. They needed the light of the moon, and when that disappeared so did they."

"But they were mythical creatures. How did they-"

She heard a bitter chuckle from Jake, "Oh, don't ask me. Did they feel mythical to you? I've always thought that myths might have some basis in reality."

Hesta wondered if there was anger in his voice, but then he said, "Let's get dressed."

Rain was still just an occasional drop, but flashes of lightening and distant thunder, indicated there would be more. Without to much bother, they found their clothes inside the twin rooms, and put them on. By the time they'd done that the rain was falling seriously.

"Across the corridor," Jake told her. "Remember there's a portion of roof, remaining."

Thunder sounded closer, as they sat huddled close together under the shelter of the meager roof remnant.

"Jake, I need to talk about it. Talk it out of my system," Hesta had thought about this, wanted to know that everything was going to be all right between them.

"Wouldn't you rather rest?" When she shook her head, he hugged her, and went on, "Then tell me about what happened in here. The other-" He paused, "—we'll leave for later." He wanted to add 'much later', not sure he wanted to hear her version of that part at all.

Head on Jake's chest, Hesta began talking. At times Jake came in with worried questions, especially when she mentioned the satyr guards. She reassured him that apart from their eyes they had not bothered her. He didn't like her description of the five young satyr attack, or the reaching into her vagina by the hand of the nymph. And he was furious at the image of the satyr licking at that hand.

Eventually, with the rain pouring down and lightening flashing followed by clashes of thunder, Jake suggested they get some sleep. "First thing tomorrow we'll start back."

Hesta was sure she would not be able to sleep, fearing that if the storm passed the moon might return. Jake reassured her that it was after midnight.

Relaxed by that, Hesta closed her eyes. Jake snuggled her into him, still bothered by what he had seen her going through, but soon, they were both asleep.

Next morning they descended much quicker than they had climbed, and they reached the village before noon.. .In the tavern, Sakis was keen to know what had happened to them. Jake got away by saying they got lost, and had found shelter.

All Hesta wanted was a shower. She stood under the water, and soaped herself thoroughly, concentrating between her legs. It was still uncomfortable down there, and she was just a little concerned about the unusual churning low down in her belly. Had some damage been done? But that giant penis had not been as deep as it might have been.

Back in the room, she dropped the towel tht covered her, "Were you terribly disappointed in my reactions, Jake. That ointment, or whatever it was, had such a strange effect. I-"

Jake was naked too, having been preparing for his shower. He went to her now, and put his arms around, and placed a finger over her lips. "Shh—I know all about their lotions." And he told her about the nymphs and what they had done to him.

Jake had debated with himself whether he should tell her what she had yelled when she was on the verge of orgasm. Maybe some day. That kind of information might make her feel more guilty.

Mid afternoon they were driving away from their desperate experience in Priax. Hesta had been grateful, in one sense, to hear that Jake knew what that ointment could do, but at the same time, she hated the idea of others tasting him. But these others weren't actual women, were they? Then Jake said something really sensible, "Someday, well into the future, we will talk about all the things that happened last night."

Only two things remained on Hesta's mind. Why did she have this strange quirkiness deep in her insides? And what would things be like when she and Jake next made love?

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