A Date with Priapus


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There was strapping around his waist holding in a long length of-something that she didn't want to believe. But as soon as the nymphs released the strapping it sprung into full view. A hugely erect penis, more than a foot in length and with a monstrous girth, so big, so heavy that it pointed out almost straight, instead of upwards. God, what woman could take that? It would tear her apart. This then was the mighty Priapus. And was that frightening erection really permanent?

As she watched, the nymphs continued to place bands of vine and flowers around his head, and across his chest. Occasionally, one or another would lean down and bestow kisses on that massive penis, and the so called minor God stood there proudly accepting the adoration. One last flourishing garland around his member, and he issued some quiet words to the nymphs, indicating towards where Hesta stood. She definitely heard him utter the word 'Hestia'. Why mispronounce her name?

Talking together the three nymphs came to where Hesta was, and one of them indicated that they wanted her to lie down on the sheet. The nymph made some comment that Hesta did not understand. Well, she wasn't going to make this easy for them. Already fearful of what was finally intended for her, she shook her head in refusal saying, "I'm no virgin."

Glances were exchanged between the three and the first one indicated again. For a second time, Hesta shook her head, and the nymph called out. Immediately the two big satyrs came into the room, grabbed Hesta roughly and flung her to the hard ground, where she lay sore and breathless, fearing that the two were going to assault her. But one took her two arms and held them above her head. The other grabbed her feet, and stretched his arms so that her legs were spread wide apart in an obscene posture.

From somewhere, one of the nymphs produced a medium size pot and they kneeled on either side of Hesta. Desperately she tried to ignore the fact that the satyr holding her feet, was able to leer directly into her spread vagina. She saw his large penis rising again, and turned her head to one side. As the nymphs began working on her, Hesta's terror increased.

She was being prepared for something that involved Priapus, and as far as she could see that could only mean one thing-introduction to that gross penis. It was going to kill her. There could be no other outcome. It was just too long and too wide. Having learned to adore Jake's penis, she was going to die in terrifying and agonizing circumstances on a monstrous penis.

Tears welled in her eyes. The nymphs' hands were smearing something sweet smelling on her skin. Those hands were so small, so soft and gentle, and as they moved away from one area it seemed to glow, a not unpleasant sensation. Yes, her skin was beginning to tingle as though connected to a hundred electrodes..

Then she looked up to see the large erection of the satyr who was holding her arms, looming right over her face, and she heard his cruel chuckle, as he exchanged words with his colleague, who also laughed. But those hands , and whatever they were applying, were, almost making her forget her grim situation. Her skin was aflame, as though under .a thousand caresses. The hands had worked over her whole body, neck, shoulders, breasts, oh yes, marvelous on her breasts, hips, belly, thighs and legs. All bathed in an excitement that was preparing her -for what? As the nymphs moved around she assumed that it was all finished. But she was wrong.

The nymph who appeared to be the leader, leaned over her thighs, while another crouched directly opposite. Hesta had observed during this massaging that both satyrs had maintained their erections. And as she raised her head, she was stunned to see the unoccupied nymph reach out and grasp, in both small habds, the erection of the satyr who was staring up into her open vagina. Her hands still coated in whatever juices they had applied to her body were now working furiously at the big penis, and the satyr closed his eyes in ecstasy.

Behind her head she heard a little moan, and, turning her head she saw the other satyr being serviced in the hands of the third nymph. All three nymphs were smiling at each other.

Hesta had pondered on how old they looked. In spite of the white gowns their bodies looked youthful, yet the faces held a maturity which could have been of centuries, which they no doubt were..

Now the nymph holding the jar of unguent, dipped her fingers into it, and those fingers went directly onto her vaginal area, causing Hesta to gasp with the shock of it. Back and forwards the fingers moved, right along her groove, touching on her clitoris and then back. The nymph held her smile as she worked, and the satyr's eyes widened as he gazed into her open abyss, although they did blink rapidly under the effect of the hands on his appendage..

A gentle finger moved into the opening of Hesta's vagina, and that made her jerk, before the finger was removed and the nymph dipped her hand into the jar once more. This time she moved directly to Hesta's vaginal opening, one finger entered her, moved around, coating her inner walls, before being joined by a second finger, and a third. Hesta could not stop her body from squirming as her vaginal walls were bathed in a delicious heat. Both satyrs tightened their grip as she flinched. Was that a fourth finger, inside her. Oh, oh, no. She tried to look down and could only see the nymph's wrist moving in and out.

The nymph's whole slender hand was inside her, smearing her very depths.

Hesta experienced the movement of all the fingers. She knew her own natural juices had been set flowing, despite her reluctance to have that happen. She didn't want to enjoy it. But , God help her, her insides were aglow. Then, slowly, very slowly, the hand was withdrawn. And for a moment she felt empty.

The satyr holding her legs grunted something, and, to Hesta's utter humiliation, the nymph held her hand out under his nose. He sniffed at it eagerly, and then, to her total shame and disgust, the satyr began licking and sucking at the hand, his eyes gloating in Hesta's direction. He was tasting her, lapping at her personal juices, sucking avidly at each finger. It was like some kind of rape.

Even as she watched she saw his head thrown back, as the nymph handling him began to pump furiously with both hands, and Hesta knew he was about to ejaculate. Fearfully, she tried to move, not wanting his white stuff all over her belly.

But the nymph holding him was clearly under instructions, and she pointed his pulsing erection towards the side as it began to spurt. Not white stuff. It was green! How disgusting was that? Behind her, she heard the other satyr beginning to succumb, and from the corner of her eye, she saw more green stuff spurting out over the ground.

She would have been sickened in normal circumstances, but inside her, the applications by the nymph were beginning to have an effect. Her vagina was on fire, such flaring heat. She felt her vaginal walls seeking something to pull on. Oh, how she longed for Jake to be here and plunging his darling penis into her. But fearfully she knew that this preparation was aiming her towards a very different fate. Where are you, Jake?

At that moment Jake had just undergone not dissimilar treatment. For a long time the two nymphs had sat at his feet, gazing up at his limp cock. Their old/young faces showed no emotion. They had just stared, as Jake worried about the silence from the room where he didn't want to imagine what indignities were being heaped on Hesta.

Bu then, the moon had loomed from beyond the trees, and the moment the hall became bathed in its light, the two nymphs had moved towards him. Each reached out a hand to stroke at his flaccid cock. They got no reaction. Jake was relieved that his present state of worry about Hesta moved him a long way from getting an erection.

His scrotum was stroked gently, pulled roughly, without any result. Both hands stroked his cock with infinite gentility. One moved in, took his limp member, placed it in her mouth and began sucking on it, almost frantically. Jake was proud of himself, and maybe, just a little surprised, that his cock did not respond. But his mind was just too full of fear for his wife. Who could respond in such circumstances?

One of the satyrs called out and although their language was distorted from the Greek he knew, Jake could tell he was inviting the nymphs to service him instead. Ignoring the satyr, the two nymphs drew back from Jake, and whispered together. Then one of them darted away towards where Hesta was being imprisoned.

Watching her go, Jake had looked across the hall area, and, despite his distracted situation, he saw that the rising of the moon must have triggered some kind of general orgy. To his right two large satyrs standing upright were ramming into a nymph, one front, one rear. On her face was a beatific smile.

Jake worried about what the nymph might be doing in there, but within seconds she was hurrying back, clutching a small jar. There was a big grin on her face. Her partner wriggled closer to Jake, until she was looking up at his scrotum.

As the other settled beside her, and they each dipped their fingers into the jar, Jake could see, over in a far corner, a nymph had her gown thrown over her face, as she was held down and three or four goat satyrs were being encouraged to poke their mini erections into any orifice they could find. Howls and giggles rose from that corner. But worriedly he saw a yellow substance on the fingers of his nymphs, as they sat level with his cock. Their fingers began smearing the strange paste all over his cock and scrotum. They rubbed until none of the paste could be detected on him.

Both of them leaned back and watched him, or rather watched his cock. What the hell was the game here? Almost concurrent with that thought, he was aware of his scrotum heating up, the way a muscle ointment will heat up the skin. But then, within seconds he could almost feel the blood pounding into his cock, and without any lapse of time, it moved through semi erect to full, hefty erection, the kind that Hesta had been so proud to produce in him. Maybe more so, for it felt to be pointing to the skies for attention.

Without further hesitation, both nymphs were clutching at it eagerly, laughing with delight, as they ran their lips and tongues up and down his whole length. To his disgrace he felt grateful for their attention.

In no time one of them closed her mouth totally around his cock and sucked him right to the back of her throat. God, so deep, even Hesta hadn't managed that kind of acceptance of his length. The other one pushed her companion aside and took him slowly back into her throat, while her tongue lavished his length. Impossible but, he actually longed to have his hands free to pull their heads onto him further. .

All around the hall, couples, satyr and nymph, were actively servicing each other. Nymphs straddled rampant satyrs, sucked at their large erections, or lay under a satyr, being moved backwards by his thrusts, while another satyr waited his turn. By the entrance area,one nymph was waking three large satyrs, all at the same time..

His two nymphs played and sucked him for a long time, taking his cock from their mouths to lick the head, and poke their tongue into the little slit. At one point, one of them had him way down her throat, while the other was mouthing his balls.

Jake wondered if he would ever ejaculate. He was shamed by the utter pleasure he was having. Suddenly, he became aware of the very familiar pounding in his scrotum, feeding into his throbbing cock, and with a cry, muffled by his gag, he was pouring out down the throat of one of them, who instantly removed his spurting member to pass to her partner who took it deep, sucking and sucking.

Jake couldn't imagine how he could have so much to give, as his cock was passed like a baton between the two, and they each took ready shares of what his dear wife would have called his 'white stuff' . They took it in the mouth, in the throat, where it was swallowed into the belly, and in exchanging, it trailed across their faces

At last his cock slowly sagged, and dropped from the mouth of the current recipient. The two old/young faces exchanged looks disappointed, wiped their faces on their gowns and turned as the two guards on either side called to them. Without delay, one went to the left and took the large penis in her mouth, while the other moved to the satyr on the right. He doused his torch and lifted her onto his erection, where she bobbed contentedly. Jake took in a shuddering breath. All around him was a scene of utter debauchery, and he had been part of it

From somewhere there came a weird horn sound. Something was about to happen. All around him there was rapid movement, mostly attempts to complete the intercourse that had been taking place. On his left the nymph drew her mouth back form the satyrs cock. What the hell was that green dribbling from her chin, and still spurting from the satyr's end? Green cum? Jake felt sick. But knew deep inside that what was about to happen would be much harder to take. Was he going to be able to watch this?

Two small satyrs appeared and looped rope through rings on each corner of the dais. Then they went and stood at the opposite corners at the back. They turned their heads towards the rooms. Waiting.

Inside, the three nymphs stood up, and Hesta saw them hesitate, until a rough call came from across the corridor. They nodded at the two satyrs, and Hesta felt herself being lifted , under the shoulders and behind her legs, before being hoisted above the heads of the two creatures. She was carried from the room, and out into the bright moonlight. Her head turned to where she knew Jake was tied. She wanted to cry out to him, but she knew that would upset him. This terror had to be met on her own. Yet her whole body simmered with an unwilling urgency. Her vagina pulsing beyond her control.

Jake watched as the procession came through the door. Two nymphs in front, one at the rear, and between them, her naked body held to the sky by two satyrs, his darling wife. He saw her look, her face distraught, but she didn't call out. She must know what awaited her. Such a brave lady. Tears rolled on his cheeks.

As the procession reached the dais, the two satyrs lowered Hesta into a sitting position on the edge. As one of them parted her legs, and the other laid her back holding her hands over her head, the two small satyrs came forward and bound her ankles to the rings. The satyr standing between her legs stepped to one side, without ever taking his eyes off what he had exposed. Jake was sickened to see her sex totally open to all eyes.

Both small satyrs took a quick peek before scuttling on goat's legs to the rear where each took an arm from the satyr holding them. In the end, Hesta was completely spread-eagled, her ankles tied and each arm held wide by a small satyr. The stage was set.. Seeing his wife completely bare and available to whatever indignity might fall to her, had Jake struggling desperately with his bonds. All to no avail.

From somewhere there must have been a signal, for in a second all the remaining torches were extinguished and the scene was lit only by the power of the full moon. Had that light source ever been so revealing?

Hesta's emotions were in turmoil. Foremost, was the terror of what she had faced and would be facing. There was the despair that Jake would be suffer just by seeing this, and the shame of having her body so exposed, epitomised by the expression on that satyr's face as he parted her legs for a second time, and looked as though he'd like to bury his face in her. It was a look that cried, "I've tasted your juices." Even the small satyrs had stared at her opening.

Yet in spite of all these hateful sensations, her body, her skin, her vaginal passage were screaming for fulfillment. This was wrong, but she had been treated to have this feeling. There was nothing she could do about it.

When the torches were extinguished, she knew that her time had come. There was a a deathly silence. Clearly, all satyrs and nymphs present knew the significance of this moment.

A single torch, held by a tall satyr suddenly appeared from the direction of the rooms. Turning her head, she saw the tall dreaded figure emerge through the doorway. Wide of chest, decorated in floral and vine drapes, he stood there, that enormous member, pointing, Hesta was convinced, directly at her.

Priapus turned to face the moon, held out his arms and roared loudly and triumphantly. Then he strode strongly and purposefully towards where Hesta was spread for him, and as he walked he was chanting, "Hestia. Hestia."

With his first view of Priapus, Jake had choked on his gag. He had read tales, had heard talk, seen pictures, but this massive cock was beyond anything within his imagination. In absolute anguish he watched, knowing, for certain, that he was about to see his darling wife die, skewered on this impossible erection. Through the gag he tried to cry out, "She is not your Hestia. She is my Hesta."

Hesta had wanted to close her eyes as Priapus came nearer. But this could not be shut out, and the nearer it got the more threatening that gross phallus became. It was like a huge gnarled tree trunk. He stood close to her head, allowing his member to fall across her throat, as one hand stroked over each breast, and he kept up his murmuring , "Hestia.Hestia."

With the state of her skin, the touch of his coarse hand on her breast was devastating, as his fingers played with her nipple. This was wrong, she shouldn't be having these spasms of joy. These sensations were for Jake alone.

Now his hand held his member in front of her face. Terrified,. Hesta could see the huge girth of it, a monstrosity of malformed proportions, and the purple/maroon of the head, pointed, almost like an arrow, was the broadest part of the whole thing, and filled her with dread, yet an unwanted curiosity.

He leaned over her now, and his thick lips set in an almost handsome face, sought hers. Hesta knew she should be turning away, but there was something, was it just the lotion that covered her, drew her on, and her tongue was mingling with the incredible roughness of his. Her head spinning she managed to pull away, but there was a smile on his lips.

"S'agapao, Hestia." he said, as he reached out and took her right hand from the satyr.

Hesta's heart turned over. This is what Jake often said to her, during there time together, "I love you." And wasn't he now holding her hand like some lover.

For Jake, watching in a mix of fear and confusion, it was just unbelievable.. This monster was actually making love to his wife. He had kissed her, and worse, she had appeared to enjoy it. He had held her breast, which she didn't appear to resent, and had uttered those magic words that he had translated and used in their most intimate moments. Now he was holding her hand, or was he? For even as Jake watched Priapus had placed her hand on his gigantic member, and was encouraging her to move it along the whole length. Stop this!

Hesta had froze at the moment he had placed her hand on his erection. Under his guidance, she was feeling the whole rough power in it, was aware of the blood pounding through it.. Now she was really uncertain of what to do. Keep him happy, was that a good idea? Go along with this whole charade? Already she had found that her hand could not give a total grip around this thick rod, and as she was pondering her next move, Priapus bent and started kissing and licking at her breasts.

Now this was dangerous territory for her. Already her skin was aflame. His tongue was rough in the way a cats tongue is rough, and the sensations it was giving , as he licked at her nipples were frankly frightening, because she knew deep in her heart that she should not be feeling this euphoria..