A Family Caribbean Holiday


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Julie turned to Geoff and whispered,

"What do you think about taking my top off, you know, the boys." She had already noticed several women were topless.

"What do you think, is it OK for Julie to take her Bikini Top off?" He asked in a loud voice, most of the beach could hear. She slapped him, turning red with embarrassment.

"That's a pretty stupid question, if you don't mind me saying so Dad. Top and bottom as far as we are concerned."

Julie turned onto her front and pulled off the top. She tried applying lotion to her back

"Need any help with that?" Ian asked.

"Shut up, are you trying to embarrass me," She whispered.

"Sorry Julie, just having some fun," John whispered back.

Julie lay still and tried to ignore them, they weren't going to spoil this Holiday. When she woke, the others had left and she was almost alone on the beach. The Sun was just setting into the sea and she held her breath, it was so beautiful. Sitting up, cross legged, Julie looked round at the scene and realised it was one of those moments we all have, that you just know, you will remember for ever. Remember the scented breeze brushing over her and gently moving the Palm Trees. The Sea, calmer now, lapping gently on the beach. The sound of the Hotel behind her, the clink of glasses in the Restaurant, voices of guests walking to Dinner. It was all fixed indelibly in her memory. She heard someone walk up behind her and rest his hand on her Shoulder.

"Time for Dinner," Geoff said quietly.

"OK, I'll be ready quickly," and she rested her hand on his.

He helped her up and they walked to their Villa, she was still only in Bikini bottoms. A quick shower, time for Make Up and a struggle with her tangled hair. Then she dressed in a simple halter dress, pants, shoes and nothing else.

They slowly made their way to Dinner, greeting other guests they recognised. She was already getting a tan, contrasting with the pale blue dress. The thin top only seemed to emphasise her breasts, the dark nipples clear through the thin material. The other women guests had spent over an hour getting ready, Jewellery, beautiful dresses and hair. They were all eclipsed in an instant, as their partners followed Julie to the Buffet, with discreet glances. At that moment, they would all have paid a large sum to have her.

Unaware of the stir she had caused, Julie chatted and laughed with her Men, enjoying the lovely meal. The hotel had booked a local dance team to entertain them and they watched and applauded their skill. Then two of them went round to encourage some audience participation. Julie had acquired her taut figure from years of Ballet and Contempory dance, only stopping when she went to Nursing School.

She joined them and quickly picked up the moves, that involved stamping on spread legs and shaking her trunk. Everyone watched, fascinated, whether her Breasts would escape the halter. They did'nt, but shook delightfully. After a few minutes, she sat to applause and laughter.

When they finished, the family repaired to the Bar again, but Julie stopped off to book places on the Dive Boat next morning. Geoff agreed to come as well. They joined the friendly group at the Bar and chatted until it was time to retire.

The Family rushed through Breakfast to be ready for the trip and dressed in light tops and swimming costumes. A rubber dinghy was available to get people to the boat, moored off shore, but everyone elected to swim out. On the way out to the reef, the Dive Master set out safety rules and talked about reef care, no stepping on the Coral, or picking up even loose broken fragments. Three of the younger boys were going to Scuba dive and the six others were Snorkelling. When they got to the first dive site, they kitted up and slipped over the side, with a final reminder to keep near the boat. The view was staggering, with Coral laid out about 15 feet below. Julie recognised Clams, a few small Barracuda and shoals of smaller fish. They had been given bread and the fish took it from their hands. After forty five minutes they were waved back to the boat, to move on to the next site. Before moving to the final site, they stopped at a small Island, where the Captain and Dive Master, barbecued fish and served bread and salad for Lunch.

After the final Dive they motored back to the hotel and swam ashore. They talked excitedly about what they had seen and agreed they must go again. Everyone went for a Siesta before Dinner. That evening, they had been invited to an Adults only Dinner near the Bar, John and Ian went for he buffet as normal and sat with all the other youngsters. There were six couples at Dinner, which again, was delicious, with specially selected wine for each course. At the end of the meal, Coffee, Brandy and Liqueurs were served and the animated conversation continued.

To one side of the room, was a small raised platform, in it's centre was a wooden block, surmounted by a plastic dome. One of the women had been puzzling over it and asked the waiter,

"Colin, what's that contraption for?"

"Do you really want to know Mam? It's something we keep to amuse the lady guests."

"Now I'm fascinated, yes please tell me."

"OK mam, but it's easier to show you."

Colin reached beneath the contraption and pulled out a box. He pulled out a light rubber cylinder, about five inches long and clipped it onto the dome. He turned one control switch and it started to vibrate, then the other and it started a circular motion.

The woman clapped her hand over her mouth and reddened with embarrassment.

"Oh my, I wished I'd never ask, that's so rude. What's it called Colin?"

"A Sybian Mam and believe me, it is very popular. Anyone care to take it for a spin?

No..., I can get one of the waitresses in to show you, they love it believe me." He finished.

"You can't do that, it would be humiliating for them, in front of us. No you really can't do that." Julie protested.

"How about you then Mam? I'm sure it'd be very educational for your friends? You'll just love it."

"No, no no," She protested, "NO!!", then she shouted as everyone stared at her.

"No one worries about humiliating me. Give me some support here Geoff."

"I suppose the waitress has to do it, as part of her job, for you it's voluntary, that's the difference."

"Oh thanks a lot, you'd love to see me on that thing in front of everyone, wouldn't you?"

Geoff shrugged non committedly.

Meanwhile, Colin handed round the box of goodies and the girls discussed all the attachments. One of them picked up one with two shafts, near together on a base,

"What on earth is this for?"

"Think about it dear, it'll come to you." another replied.

"Oh my God, I'm so embarrassed, but that's really filthy."

Julie started waving around a larger, thick black Phallus,

"Well Julie's found her favourite, look girls." One of the Women said.

She hurriedly put it back in the box, but another girl took it out and gave it to Colin, indicating he should put it on the Sybian and he did.

"Now come on ladies, we need a practical demo, much better than a description. Whose our happy volunteer?" Colin asked

"Julie, Julie, JULIE," The Women chorused.

Colin came up and gently pulled her up by the wrists, Julie resisted, looking to Geoff for help. He grinned and indicated the Sybian with a hand gesture.

"Pervy Bastard," She mouthed at him, as she was pulled across the room, to claps and roars of encouragement.

"Now what happens in this room, stays in the room, clear Ladies and Gents?" Colin asked sternly and everyone nodded, grinning.

Colin pulled her on the platform and proffered a tube of lube, she nodded and he coated the black monstrosity. Julie reached under her short skirt and pulled off her pants.

"This is under protest she said. I'm not coming in this room again, you're all being beastly to me."

"Come on, get on with it," they roared back.

Colin helped her astride the device and she reached under her skirt to position it. Gingerly lowering herself, she grunted in discomfort and bit her lip. Even with the lube, only half could enter her. Colin held up the controller, supporting her with the other hand and started a slow vibration. Julie's mouth dropped, her eyes widened and she let out a barely audible moan. As she began to flush, her pelvis dropped down slowly, till she was nearly sitting. Without telling her, Colin turned on the rotating motor. Julie rose slightly, gasped and began to shake.

"Oh my God, this is just, filthy. Oh, please, just turn it up, Mmmm."

She forced herself down as hard as she could and rocked herself back and forward, with her hands resting on the machine in front. Colin new she was at risk of losing her balance and supported her from the back. She started grinning, then grimacing as she forced down harder. The low moan grew in volume, with muttered swearing,

"Oh fuck yes, This is to, Oh no please, fuck it, don't stop it."

Her audience were dry mouthed as she shuddered to an orgasm. All the men had erections, some in the hands of their partner.

Julie tried to lift up, but the rotating movement made it hard to extract herself.

"Please try to stay a little longer Miss Julie, I promise it gets better," Colin said as he gently pushed her back down.

Soon Julie was out of it, moaning, rocking from side to side, streaming with sweat, so her dress clung to her body.

Geoff wandered over to Colin and whispered,

"Strip her, will you."

Colin raised his eyebrows as Geoff went back to his seat. He did as he was told and lifted the dress over her head and threw it to one side. Now all Julie had on were her shoes, but she was oblivious, eyes closed, slack mouthed, lost in the building tension. The others were able to minutely observe a woman building to a massive orgasm. The flush spread onto her chest and her nipples visibly swelled. Colin moved his hand round to squeeze her Tits then her nipples. Julie groaned at that and tried pushing down harder. The plastic phallus was invisible, totally buried in her. She was shaved and as she lent back, the swollen labia and clitoris, covered in her juices, became visible. In fact her Vaginal secretions were dripping off the Sybian onto the floor.

In response to Colin's assault on her Tits, she reached up with both arms, pulled him down and greedily kissed him, till the orgasm hit her. This time, the muscle spasms threatened to throw her onto the floor, as she shook and jerked against his grip. She didn't hear the roar of approval. She never saw three of the women kneeling in front of their husbands, sucking them off. Julie was lost in a bubble with just her and Colin in it.

As Julie's strength returned, he lowered her to the floor and she sat gasping for a minute, then looked up at him. Rising to her knees, she reached for his shorts, undid and dropped them. Greedily she pulled his Cock into her mouth, or tried. He wasn't as long as Josh, but just as thick and she nearly had to dislocate her jaw as she sucked him in. She nibbled, sucked and licked his erection, then pulled him out to lick up his length, then suck at each large ball. Colin was losing control too, gasping and holding her head as he pushed his length in.

With a last hard suck, she pulled him out and sat on the edge of the platform, then lay back, spread her thighs and pulled them up to her chest. Colin jumped off the platform, squatting between her thighs and leaning over, he forced his length straight into her, up to the balls. Julie screeched and shook, but held him to prevent his withdrawing.

After a short acclimatisation, she whispered,

"Now pound me honey, everything you've got."

That's what he did, he was a heavy strong man, in his forties and he used all his weight forcing down into her. She looked tiny in comparison and her whole body shook with each thrust. The other guests stood round, fascinated that her poor stretched Vagina could accommodate his massive Phallus. They both groaned and sweated with the effort, but couldn't last long. Colin's body stiffened as he ground hard at her and she felt him jetting high in her Cunt. That triggered another massive release for Julie, who just shook as if she was having a fit. Colin slid to the floor, sucking in breath and Julie lay back, her thighs spread wide, the Gaping vagina was still contracting, expelling cum and her juices, flowing down to pool around her anus. Even that was gaping and contracting with the strength of her orgasm. Slowly, she returned from where the orgasm had taken her and closed her thighs as she saw the crowd around her, silent, in awe of what they had seen.

"Oh God, I'm so embarrassed, please," She was able to croak.

The girls gathered round her, murmuring encouragement, insisting there was nothing to be ashamed of, but Julie was crying inconsolably. They asked Colin for towels and soapy water and started cleaning off the sweat and muck, then they dried and dressed her, covering her with a towel as well.

"Nothing gets mentioned again Julie, promise. It was that machine, you weren't prepared for it. If anyone should be ashamed, it's your man, he positively incited it." The woman finished and glared over at Geoff.

It was just sinking in with Geoff, that he had gone to far this time. He walked over and gently lifted Julie to her feet.

"Now you just take her back and put her to bed, she's had a real shock," The same woman continued and Geoff helped Julie out and slowly over to the Villa.

"Those women are right, you should have protected me, I asked you to. I know why, you love me making an exhibition of myself, fucking with an audience. Well this time it wasn't my fault, I didn't want it.

How am I going to show my face again, I'll have to stay in the Villa, now."

She hadn't raised her voice, but he could see she was furious with him, really angry this time.

"I'm sorry love, you're right. I just misunderstood, I thought you wanted it."

"Wanted it? if I did, it wouldn't have been in front of eight fellow guests, who were becoming holiday friends. I can't face them now."

"It doesn't matter what anyone thinks, you'll never meet them again."

"For every woman, it matters what other women think of them, you fool."

He thought to himself, "why do I keep making the same mistakes, don't you want to keep her?" and he shook his head at his stupidity.

She reached home and went straight to bed, sleeping fitfully. In the morning she stayed in the Villa and asked Geoff to bring back some fruit. When the boys left, she decided to sunbathe naked. Everyone thought she was a Tart anyway, well she was.

Three of the girls from last night found her reading, an hour later. She hurriedly covered herself with a towel and stared at them inscrutably through her mirrored sunglasses.

"Look Julie, we came to try and make peace. I feel guilty and ashamed and have more reason to than you. The Sisterhood should look out for each other and we let those men have their way. If they can't fuck you themselves, the next best thing is to watch someone else doing it." Jan, that was her name, finished.

"We all feel the same, please don't waste this wonderful place, hiding here." Felicity followed up.

"That's nice of you, but I let it happen and I am not a docile door mat." Julie responded.

"You're not, but do you know your weakness? You obviously enjoy it, love it, sex I mean. That's what makes you catnip to men, boys, all of them. You've a beautiful, wonderful figure and you love sex. If they could make Robots of you, no man would get married again.

Sorry, that's impertinent, but it's true." Felicity finished.

"It shouldn't be impertinent, if you believe it's true and you're probably right. No you are right."

Felicity interrupted, "Do you know who all the men, the males, boys to, want?" Not those beautiful girls on tap in the Hotel, at any time, no it's you, especially the teenagers. They are all into you in a big way, believe me."

"Oh I believe you, I do. I know from experience, where I work."

"Not to pry, no I am prying, I bet that includes your boys too, well there not yours, so it's not Oedipal exactly." The third woman, Ann, asked.

"We won't go there, if you don't mind."

"So they are, well now, but you're right, why should you lay open all your secrets, so I'll start.

I seduced my English Teacher when I was eighteen. To much Shelley I think, not good for an impressionable mind. We never got found out, no story in the Sunday Papers. The sex was good mind, very good.

So whose next?" Ann finished and they all giggled like schoolgirls.

"Well I had sex with my Husband's best friend, whilst he was putting up shelves upstairs. That was good sex too, I think it was just the terror of being found out." Felicity finished.

"OK, OK, my turn and yes, Geoff and his ex, the Bitch, thought it would be good if I gave the boys a Biology lesson, last Christmas. So he dressed me up, no undressed me, in the skimpiest Santa outfit and left me with the boys, to spend the night with his Mother. It's amazing I'm still with him really.

And yes, before you ask, the sex was marvellous and it was with both of them at the same time. I'm the cliché whore with a big heart, I can't help myself." Julie finished and they all laughed.

"If I told my boys that, they'd die with envy. I won't tell of course." Jan whispered.

"Don't you all have a craving for Teenagers too, but they wouldn't want me," Ann mused.

"Your being silly.. My boys would love to, you're gorgeous..." The girls all chimed in, reassuringly.

"Yes, it's one of my many fantasies, that's partly why I agreed to Geoff and the Bitch's, sordid little plan. I have fantasies about Scotsmans Kilt's, having sex in a bath of Custard, just so many. I'm quite without shame, normally anyway.

Look, why do your Boys not want, those beautiful local Waitresses or Receptionists? I would if I was a Boy."

"Because they're being paid and the boys all no it. That's not good for your morale, when you're nineteen," Felicity replied.

"OK point taken, but please don't say you came here to persuade me to fuck all your boys. I was just beginning to like you?" Julie asked.

"No, I swear we came to make peace, to try and get you out with the rest of us." Jan tried to reassure you.

"But now, it seems a very interesting payoff, for your altruism, yes?" Julie smiled.

"Well it would be, but that's hardly the way to get you over your embarrassment over some public sex, by suggesting a Gang Bang with our Sons. It is an intriguing idea though."

"Mmmm, do I believe you? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. How could it be done, I'm already the Hotel Tart, I don't want to be deported for Child Molestation, it wouldn't be a Plus in my chosen career."

"Which is?" Felicity asked.

"Ward Sister on an Adolescent Surgical Ward."

"No, point taken."

"Look, I'm thinking on my feet here. How about a Diving trip with just you and a few boys, stay for lunch and let them seduce you?"

"Are you sure this isn't all planned, that was pretty quick thinking?" Julie was suspicious.

"No I can think fast when needs must." Felicity tried to reassure her.

"That still doesn't stop the sordid tale getting out. How do we keep the little beasts quiet? Oh and how many little beasts were you planning on, all of them, I hope note?"

"Just our four? Possible do you think? I am presuming you don't want Ian or John too." Ann chipped in.

"Oh heavens no, that ship has sailed.

Look, I can't say I'm not intrigued. I'm up for almost anything, as you know by now. Unfortunately, Geoff knows it too. He manoeuvred last night, I know he did. I'm an exhibitionist and he's a voyeur, a perfect couple.

You still haven't explained how to keep our dirty little secret and they are all over eighteen, aren't they?"

"Yes they are, of course. How did you keep John and Ian quiet?"