A Family Caribbean Holiday


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"Tits or mouth?"

No contest, with those gorgeous breasts. They repeated the task of both squeezing between them, now slippery with Cum and pumped at them hard, pushing into her mouth as well. One came when his tip was in her mouth and she reached him and pulled him down her throat as he continued to release jets of cum. When he'd finished and she had sucked out the last bit of fluid she could, she let the last one attack her breasts as hard as he could, coming over them and her neck and groaning, twitching as if he was in pain. When they'd finished, Julie sat back on her haunches grinning, then laughing. She was a picture, literally coated, her face, neck, breasts, on her eyelids and hair. As they watched a drop fell off her right nipple on to her leg. She scooped it up and put it in her mouth.

Holding her hands up, they pulled her to her feet and collected their things. The boys put their costumes back on, not Julie. They all headed down the beach chatting and laughing, arms round each others waists.

"You know you mustn't mention today to anyone, don't you, never?", Julie said, striking a serious note.

"Understood," One of them replied.

"All of you," She said,


"Thanks, that's for all our sakes, believe me."

Julie finished as they reached the Boat.

"Finished with something else," Clive asked.

"Yes and I must apologise for our, my behaviour, sorry," Julie said.

"All part of the job Mam, but I wouldn't be going back like that, a bit obvious what something else was."

Julie turned, ran into the sea and dived under. As she surfaced, she cleaned herself down as best she could and swam back, putting on her costume again.

"You Gentlemen ready?" She asked and they climbed in the boat, Jim started the engine and they headed back. They didn't talk much, words seemed superfluous. Julie stared out to sea, lost in thought, with her large sunglasses, hiding any expression.

"You OK Julie," one of her assailants asked.

"yes, yes, fine," She answered absent mindedly.

"Don't worry, no one is going to say anything, promise," He continued.

"You'd better not, or Jim and me will have some questions," Clive rumbled.

Julie ignored them, pondering her latest folly. Why did she always worry about consequences afterwards? Why was she so easily persuaded to take part? That was easy, she wanted to be persuaded, she craved the sex with multiple partners, preferably with some pain, an audience and public humiliation. A bit late for such an obvious insight. She was safe legally, if not morally, the boys were all over 18, she knew, but she had no faith that her antics wouldn't be public knowledge, in the Hotel. Better to keep a low profile now, not that it mattered what anyone thought. She tried to convince herself she didn't care.

These thoughts ran through her mind on the fifty minute journey. She was surprised when they arrived back off the Hotel.

"You boys OK to swim back, we'll take the towels? We need to unload at the Boat House," Clive asked.

"No problem Clive and thanks Julie," One of them said, awkwardly.

When they'd jumped over, Julie said,

"I'll swim too, I can hang on to my glasses."

"No, we'll take you with us," Clive said.

"Honestly, I can manage," She said, cheerily.

"You don't understand girl, it wasn't a suggestion," Jim said.

He took her hands gently and tied them together expertly, then to a nearby Stanchion. A familiar chill ran through her, she knew what it meant, they were going to Rape her. There was no fear, she new she was safe, it was the thrill of playing out another fantasy, Rape. It would have to be acted out with the right degree of reluctance, to get the pain, bondage and humiliation, but not to much to frighten them off. Possibilities raced through her mind and she felt the familiar tingle in her groin and a little wetness. Plan formulated, she spoke,

"Let me go, untie me, now."

They ignored her,

"I'll tell the management, you'll lose your jobs, worse."

"No you won't, you can't." Clive muttered to her.

Just then they moored at the small jetty by the Boat House. She was pulled out and dragged out by the rope, down the Jetty. Jim unlocked the door and she was pushed into a large dark room, suddenly flooded with light from bare bulbs. It smelt dank and oily, the high ceiling was supported by round cast iron pillars, painted green.

Without a word, they clipped her bound wrists to a chain hanging down from the ceiling, attached to a winch. They ignored her for the moment as the Diving Gear was unloaded, cleaned and checked. Then, they both came over to her, kneeling on the floor in the middle of the room, hands bound in front of her. Despite her calculations, she was frightened and looked it.

He looked at her and dropped his shorts, pushing his Cock at her face. It was thick and flaccid. She drew her mouth away and he held her face, trying to push it in, but she held it closed tight.

"Think we're not good enough for you eh. Your good enough for the pretty Waiters and everyone else Black and White, in the Hotel, but not old Jim and me.

Well this is happening, even if we have to persuade you."

He moved over to the wall and turned the winch motor, pulling her up on tiptoes, arms painfully stretched. They left her to clear more equipment from the boat and to refuel. Fifteen minutes later, they came back, she was in pain now, stretched hard. Her costume was pulled over her head and thrown in the corner. They each reached for a Bamboo stick against the wall.

"Changed your mind?" Jim asked.

She shook her head and whispered,

"Not where it will show, please"

"OK" Clive said and raised the stick.

She couldn't see, but it fell on her Ass and she shrieked, that really hurt. Nothing else happened and she hoped that was it, but they'd just stopped to take off Shorts and T Shirts. Julie heard the swish and the sharp pain as Jim hit her on the Ass too. Then they alternated, maybe 10 strokes from her Ass, up to her mid Back. Three times, she saw the flash of a Camera. This was really painful, more than she bargained for. Sobbing now, with tears running down her face, onto her chest.

Both men moved to face her front, they were fully erect, obviously enjoying this as much as she was trying and failing to do. They were an impressive site, nowhere near as big as Josh, but two of them, impressive. Clive looked at her and raised an eyebrow, she stared back and didn't blink. His cane rose and struck her just above the Pelvis, the next from Jim, a little higher. She sobbed and shrieked again. After three more blows, she croaked,

"Not my Breasts, please, please."

They each struck her breasts, hard, once, taking photos each time, then she fainted. She came to, still in the same position, as Jim lifted her head, to give her a drink from a bottle of water.

"Didn't enjoy that as much as you thought you might, Eh?" Clive asked, smiling.

Julie was lowered back down to her knees and Clive offered her his thick erection. It smelt musty and unwashed, but she opened as wide as she could and he held her by the hair as he pushed in as far as he could, only two or three inches. He pulled out and Jim, who was a similar size, did the same. They repeated this, one then the other, getting maybe five inches in, as she chocked and gagged.

Then they stopped and she hung her head, panting. Maybe this rape fantasy wasn't such a good idea after all. They undid her arms from the chain and supported her, gently, over to one of the iron pillars. There was a hook at its back, above her head and they tied her hands behind the pillar, onto the hook. Then they pulled her legs back, tying her ankles behind he pillar too. Finally, they tied a rope around one knee, behind the metal and around the other knee, stretching her thighs wide. Stopping to admire their handiwork and taking more pictures.

Julie saw they had her bottle of sun tan lotion and they used it to oil their erections. Clive indicated Jim should go first and he moved up to her, grinning and squatted a little. She could smell his sweaty body, it wasn't unpleasant. He rose from the squatting position hard and impaled her. Her mouth fell open in shock and she tried to push up, away from him, but couldn't, tied as she was. He withdrew slowly and pushed in harder still, to the hilt. She moaned, partly from the pain of his hairy chest rubbing her agonised Breasts, but she was, finally, starting to enjoy herself. After a few minutes he withdrew and they admired her sweaty body, her thighs splayed out obscenely. She raised her face and grinned, as she panted. Clive moved in and penetrated her stretched vagina to the hilt, on the first thrust. She started rocking her head from side to side hissing through her teeth, then a hard spasm hit her, despite the restraint and she came hard.

The two men calmly took turn and turn about, as she came twice more. By now, she would have collapsed if she hadn't been held up. She hung limply, streaming in sweat. They stopped after the third orgasm and untied her. Thank goodness, it was over, but They just gave her another long drink and turned her to face the Pillar, tying her hands above her head again. They put padding under her knees and retied the rope around the knees, this time to the hook above. It wasn't uncomfortable, but she was held suspended off the ground, with her groin pulled hard against the pillar and her Buttocks spread. She felt her Anus being probed with oiled fingers, one two, then three, twisting painfully.

"Guys, please no, you have to be kidding. You'll damage me, please, I know, I'm a Nurse." Julie begged, genuinely frightened now.

They took no notice as one of them moved up to her, squatted and pushed at her Anus. She tried to relax, but it was to painful, then she screamed as the Glans pushed in. The scream was loud, but he didn't stop applying steady pressure, pushing in deeper, grunting with the effort. There were more clicks and flashes. Then he withdrew a little, pushing back in, until he was more than half buried. The pain didn't get better and Julie continued to moan and shriek, at times. Despite the pain, her clitoris was being rubbed hard against the rough pillar and when he grunted and came in her bowels, she did too.

She just hung, lifeless in her bonds, till Clive, was replaced by Jim. Only a little easier, after the extreme stretching her Anus had received, she immediately groaned and protested again, whispering,

"Finish for God's sake, just fin...AAAH, please."

Julie kept up a constant, moaned appeal for it to end. She couldn't remember another occasion, when she had wanted a Sex Act to finish, so badly. The man did speed up, making it more painful, but came quickly. Perhaps they were becoming more frightened of her condition. There was a disgusting sucking noise as he withdrew and more photos of her hanging, lifeless in the harness and her obscenely stretched Anus, dripping Cum and some blood. One of them came up to support her body, under the thighs, whilst the other, untied her. She was carried to a pile of plastic boat seating and gently laid down. She wasn't unconscious, but her eyes were closed as someone started carefully washing her down with cold water. When they'd finished, she was supported to a standing position and she found she could stand. She opened her eyes to see Jim and Clive's concerned faces.

"You alright love, sorry, we got a bit carried away." Clive asked.

"No I'm not bloody alright, you strung me up like a chicken and sodomised me, bastards.

Don't worry, I'll survive, I'm tough and as you kindly pointed out, I can't tell anyone. Just help me to get dressed and back to the Hotel, fast.

Forgive me if I don't put you on my Christmas card list though."

They found her costume and helped her in to it, then a clean white T Shirt to put on. It was to large, but covered the angry wheals from the caning. The men dressed themselves, then put a blanket round her and drove back in a Land Rover. They couldn't help her into the Hotel, it would have been to obvious what had happened, but Julie managed to get back to the Villa as the Sun was beginning to go down.

She found Geoff and the boys round the pool, greeted them quickly and went indoors, followed by her Partner. In their room he asked,

"Where have you been all day, I was worried?"

Julie collapsed on the bed and marshalled her thoughts, this was going to be tricky.

"Look, you mustn't be angry, I have been having one of my little adventures."

He opened his mouth to speak.

"No let me explain, please. After I disgraced myself at Dinner, three of the women came round to support me. I don't know how, but it got round to their Boys and we started admitting our misadventures. I know, I shouldn't have, but I mentioned about the Boys at Christmas.

Well it got round to their Boys and somehow, I got persuaded to liven up their Holiday, you know how."

"Julie," Geoff interrupted.

"I know, I know, you don't have to say how stupid that was. To be honest I didn't need much persuading, you know me.

Well we went out Diving and we did some. Then we stopped at the Island and did something else. The Boys, four of them, all over eighteen by the way, seemed very happy indeed. The Captain and Dive Master were less impressed. To be honest I was flaunting it a bit, with them, trying to entice them, well it worked. I wanted to be taken against my will, except it wasn't really against my will. I resisted, to get a response and got more than I bargained for."

"What do you mean,? Geoff asked.

"Is the door locked?"

He checked and she stood up painfully, took off the T Short, then her costume.

"Jesus, the Bastards, well I'm going straight to the management."

The cane marks were all over her front and back, she checked in the mirror and admired it herself. There were livid red streaks with bruising starting already and one had crossed her left nipple, which was swollen and bleeding.

"No you can't, don't you see. I pressed their buttons, I wanted this. Alright not precisely this, but I asked for it. I wanted the pain and humiliation, as part of the Rape.

If we complain, it will all come out, including the Boys. It isn't fair on them.

Look, just help me into the shower, then you go off with boys for Dinner, I'll just rest." She finished.

"I'm not leaving you, I'll send the Boys. Can I get them to send over something for us, or the Boys bring it back?"

"Good idea, they can bring back some boxes of food and plates. Just tell them and come back.

I'm sorry, I know this is disgraceful, out of control behaviour."

He left, sent the Boys off then returned and supported her into the Shower. Julie squealed with pain as the jets hit her body. Semen was still dripping down her legs, When she finished her body and hair, she dabbed herself dry and put on a Robe, then sat to dry her hair.

"By the way, what sort of day did the Boys have?" She asked.

"Well they seemed pretty elated, but tired, they were asleep when I came in, why do you ask?"

"Well, the three girls knew I couldn't include Ian or John in todays activities. I think they might have asked those two pretty waitresses, Sonya and Clarice to befriend the Boys and stay with them today. They look healthy, fit Girls, I expect they gave the Boys a good workout. I didn't arrange this mind, don't blame me."

"No, vey thoughtful I'm sure. Perhaps they'll need your nursing skills to splint their appendages tonight." He replied.

"Oh, don't make me laugh, it hurts."

"What are you going to do though. I recognise I encouraged your little exhibition two days ago, my fault, but you can't go on like this. You are getting more and more reckless. I know the pattern, Sex with multiple partners, preferably with an audience, preferably with pain and humiliation. Is that about right?"

She nodded.

"Well that is going to get you in a lot of trouble and soon. You, we, have been lucky so far. You must recognise that."

She nodded miserably, again.

"Hang on a minute, I'll get us both a drink, any requests?"

"One of those Rum Cocktails if you can do it."

He came back with two glasses and she took a drink.

"Just perfect, you've got another career if you want it.

Look, all you say is true. I love you, but as you say, I love public, messy, painful sex too. I have to stop it completely, or make it safe, if I can. I need your help to, you must stop me in a situation like earlier this week. You virtually pushed me onto that machine. What a wonderful invention by the way."

"Your turn to be right, but you know my problem, I love to see you having public, messy and painful sex." Geoff replied.

"Well the crucial question, do you want to carry on, from time to time, with your Adventures?"

She thought for a long moment, then whispered,

"Yes, I'm sorry, but I do," Dropping he head on her chest.

"Another drink please," She held up her glass.

When he came back, Geoff asked,

"I suppose conjugal rights are out of the question?"

"In your dreams, buster, besides, I would point out that there ain't no conjugal rights if you ain't conjugated, any questions?"

"No, very clear, thank you,

Clarice and Sonya you said, in the Restaurant?"

"Yes indeed, I would point out, considering the state of our Boys and your advanced years, that as any, conjugation, with either of the young ladies, is likely to lead to a massive Heart Attack, a large insurance policy with me as the beneficiary, before said conjugation, would be appreciated." Julie said.

"Consider it done.

By the way, I have been thinking about your predicament and I do have a possible safe way to explore your sexuality, shall we say. I am not suggesting you do it, just that it would be a solution." He finished.

"Do tell, I'm fascinated."

"You know I am part owner of a Gentlemen's Club in London, quite respectable, Dinner, Bar, lady Hostesses to talk to, nothing more than talk, or dance. It's very successful actually. Well around the Corner is another, very discreet, expensive and successful Club. Same set up, good Restaurant, Bar and Hostesses who are not at all respectable. In fact they are available for any debauchery you can imagine. The young ladies are all Part Time, Professionals in their own right and not that profession, but Nurses, Teachers, Doctors, Barristers, even Police Officers.

If you are set on continuing your orgies, I know the Hostess organiser, I could put in a word when we get back; think about it anyway." Geoff finished.

"Well that is a thought, I might take you up on it. One is paid, one supposes, for any debauched activities. It makes you a not very nice word, but that's what I am here, but unpaid and the money would be useful. Yes I know I don't need the money, but a girl likes to be independent.

Now you have some Arnica cream, can I have it to put on these injuries? I am getting hungry, why don't I get dressed and we go to the Restaurant anyway, it's still open.

I think the rest of the Holiday should be free of complications. Let's explore the Island tomorrow, spend time with the Boys, assuming they've recovered." Julie finished and Geoff helped her to get off the bed and dress, carefully.

They left the Villa arm in arm and greeted a number of couples as they entered the Restaurant, then sat with the Boys. She was looking forward to the rest of their Holiday and to hell with what the other guests thought of her. She'd think carefully about Geoff's suggestion, it was intriguing though.

I plan to continue with Julie's decline into paid, debauched Sex, in another story at some time, "The Gentlemen's Club."

david62david62over 7 years agoAuthor

As someone has pointed out, I have given the wrong title to the preceding stories. It should be "A porn Star is Born," sorry.

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