A Feel For The Ice Ch. 03


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"Sorry," he murmured and kissed her forehead.

"For what?"

"For waking you," he replied and yawned, sinking back towards sleep.

"Hayden, if you wake me for that, there's nothing to be sorry for," she told him and turned her face to kiss his chest.

He shivered at the feeling and gathered her close, inhaling her womanly scent. Together they drifted back to sleep.


When Hayden woke up the next time, he was alone in bed. He sat up and looked around, blinking blearily as he came awake. He thought he heard water running but it stopped almost as soon as he heard it. Throwing the covers back, he reached for his discarded pants and pulled them on before walking out into the hall. He located the washroom first and after taking care of nature's urges, he crept down the hallway towards the stairs.

He was cautious, not sure if Riley would be home already. At the top of the staircase, he stopped, listening for the familiar sound of Riley's chatter or stomping feet. Hayden heard what sounded like a pot banging and slippered feet shuffling across the floor. Satisfied that he was still alone in the house with Anna, Hayden moved downstairs and into the kitchen, smiling when he found Anna cooking breakfast in her bathrobe and slippers. She was humming and hadn't noticed him yet.

"Good morning, Anna," he said and moved across the kitchen towards her.

She whirled around, a butter knife in hand and blushed when she saw him shirtless in front of her. Her gaze flicked to his bare chest before moving back to his face and he grinned when her hazel-grey eyes darkened. Moving closer, he slipped his arms around her waist and bent his head to kiss her.

"How did you sleep?" he asked, pulling back just far enough so that all he could see were her beautiful eyes.

"Pretty good," she replied and smiled. "You?"

"Best sleep I've had in weeks," he said.

Her blush deepened but she giggled like a young girl before kissing him again. He released her and stood aside as she continued to make a breakfast of toast and some sort of egg scramble with green onions, tomatoes and colorful bell peppers.

"Wow, that smells amazing," he said, inhaling the sharp scents with a smile.

"Hopefully it tastes amazing as well," she replied with a sideways glance at him. "Are you just going to stand there and watch or are you going to help?"

At her playful tone, he lifted his eyebrows, stepping close to her side. She jumped as he put his arms around her and buried his face in her neck; she'd pulled her unruly locks into a ponytail and Hayden took the opportunity to savor her. She sighed and let him, something that made Hayden grin. He planted one more kiss to her soft, warm skin and stepped back.

"What would you like me to do?" he asked.

She directed him towards the dishes in the cupboard and had him get the juice out of the fridge. A few minutes later they were both sitting at the table, munching on breakfast. Hayden downed his quickly and went back for seconds, making Anna laugh.

"I'm a growing boy," was his simple reply.

They chatted about their time apart. Hayden filled Anna in on their road trip out west, telling her about his roommate and his trip to Disneyland with a few of the guys. It had been a short trip, only a few hours, but Hayden assured Anna that he'd picked up something he was sure Riley would like.

"When is Riley coming home?" Hayden asked after he stopped stuffing food in his mouth. He swallowed the last of his juice and relaxed back in his chair as Anna finished her breakfast.

"I have to go pick him up around noon," Anna answered.

"Can I come along?"

Anna's eyebrows went up and she took a sip of her juice before responding. "Don't you have practice today?"

Hayden's mind ran through his schedule and he recalled that yes, he did have practice later in the afternoon. The team's next game wasn't until the following evening. "I don't have practice until later," he told Anna. "I'd like to come with you to see Riley."


"Of course," he replied and smiled as he thought of his little friend. "I missed him over the past ten days as well. Plus, I need to make sure he's keeping up in school and hockey."

Laughing, Anna stood up from the table and carried her dishes to the sink. "I'm sure he'd love to see you, too," she told him. "He would probably love the opportunity to show you off to his friends." She glanced over her shoulder at him and smiled. "Are you sure you're up for that? Twenty-some eight and nine-year olds, plus their parents, gawking and asking for autographs?"

"I can handle it," Hayden replied with a dismissive wave.

"Well, I can't wait to see you try," Anna said with a playful smirk.

Grinning, Hayden jumped up from his chair and pinned her against the counter. She spun around in his arms, giving a little squeak of surprise. Before she could utter another sound, he covered her mouth with his. She sighed into his mouth and he felt his groin tighten. Pulling back, he grinned down at her, taking in her flushed cheeks and bright eyes.

"So... when do we have to leave to get Riley?" he asked.

"We don't have to leave until eleven or so," she replied, blinking in confusion.

Hayden's eyes took in the current time over the stove and he was elated to find that they had two more hours. With a growl, he lifted her into his arms and carried her back to her bedroom to make the most of that time.


Anna wasn't sure how Riley might react when he saw both his mother and Hayden Zimmerman. She chewed on her bottom lip as she drove to pick up her son later that morning. Her body was still lit up from Hayden's attentions following breakfast. It brought a blush to her cheeks as she recalled all that had passed between them in the last twelve hours. She heard a low chuckle from the passenger seat and glanced sideways at the very man who'd turned her on so repeatedly.

"What?" she asked.

"I'm just wondering what you're smiling about," he replied and gave her a wink that told her he knew exactly what she was smiling about.

"Don't make me hurt you," she muttered non-threateningly at him. He chuckled again and faced forward.

They didn't say much on the rest of the drive. In another few minutes, Anna was pulling up in front of the house where Riley had spent the night. The front yard of the house was crawling with members of the hockey team. They were rolling around in the snow and chucking snowballs at each other. A few parents stood by watching and making sure no one got hurt.

Anna didn't open her door right away. Instead she glanced over at Hayden and started chewing on her bottom lip again. He met her gaze and smiled, reaching over to take her hand in his.

"Don't worry," he said. Then he leaned across the space between them and kissed her on the lips before she could protest. "Riley will be all right."

Nodding, and flushed from his kiss, Anna turned to get out of the car. She walked across the sidewalk and smiled a greeting at James Gallagher, one of the host fathers. He grinned at her and then pointed out her son, covered at the moment with a mountain of snow. Riley was sputtering with laughter as another teammate dumped a handful of snow over his dark head.

"Oh wow," Anna breathed and laughed. "Looks like they're having a good time."

"They are," James agreed and sipped at his steaming mug of coffee. "Have been all night, too."

Anna grinned at him and jumped when she felt Hayden slip his hand around her fingers. She noticed James' eyes move to Hayden along with the gazes of the other parents gathered around. Half-turning to Hayden, she returned his smile and introduced him to everyone. "This is Hayden Zimmerman," she said.

For a moment, no one said anything or moved. Then Riley noticed his 'good friend' had arrived and shoved his friends away so he could get up.

"Hayden!" he cried and flew at Hayden, hugging the hockey star around the waist. He turned his flushed face up and blinked snowflakes out of his eyes. "I'm so excited you're here!"

"Wow, thanks, kiddo," Hayden replied, clearly pleased by the eight-year old's greeting. He bent over and detached Riley's arms from around him. "I'm glad to see you, too."

"How was your road trip?" Riley asked as he stared up at his hero. "I watched some of your games and I saw you scoring lots on some nights but not on others and I was scared that you hurt yourself that one game but then you called so I knew it was OK and my mom told me you were probably OK so that's good-"

"Riley, give Hayden a second to breath," Anna scolded but she was grinning as she said it. She loved listening to her son's rapid-fire speech and enjoyed watching Hayden try to absorb it all. To the man's credit, he did his best to nod and respond whenever Riley drew a breath, which wasn't often.

"Oh gosh, you have to meet my friends!" Riley exclaimed and grabbed Hayden's hand as he began to jump up and down. "Can you come meet them?"

Anna glanced around to see most of the parents and kids were pretty much standing and staring at them anyway. She smiled sheepishly at the grown-ups as Riley tugged Hayden's hand, leading him across the snowy lawn to meet his teammates. As the kids crowded around, Hayden crouched down to speak to them all at eye level. Anna's heart warmed at the sight. He had such patience, not only with her own hyperactive child, but with all the kids.

"Anna," someone's voice spoke at her elbow and she turned to see Elaine, James' wife. She was smiling but her eyes were on Hayden and the kids. "How on earth did you meet Hayden Zimmerman?"

Laughing, Anna gave her the short version and left out the romance. "He's kept in touch with Riley for weeks now and they're good pals," Anna concluded. "When Hayden came over, he insisted on coming with me to pick up Riley.

Elaine lifted her eyebrows at Anna's words and her expression had Anna blushing. "He sure seems to like the boys," Elaine commented, her eyes going back to the scene on the lawn. "Though I've never known an NHL player to go to all this trouble for some random kid."

Anna's immediate instinct was to say that Riley was not just 'some random kid' but as she opened her mouth to speak, she realized what that would mean. She met Elaine's curious gaze and shrugged, unsure at this point how she wanted to classify her relationship with Hayden. She decided that at the very least, it was no one's business what went on between the three of them anyway.

"Well, Hayden's a nice guy and I know Riley sure likes spending time with him," Anna replied, going for something at least vaguely honest.

"Hmm," was all the response Elaine gave her.

Sighing, Anna turned back to Riley and Hayden, still surrounded by the other children. "Come on, Riley," she called. "It's time to go. Say good-bye to everyone and thank Mr. Gallagher for having you."

Riley nodded and pulled Hayden along behind him as they walked towards the adults on the sidewalk. "Thanks, Mr. Gallagher," Riley said as he looked up at James.

"No problem, sport," James replied with a grin. "And it was nice to meet you, Hayden." He held his hand out towards Hayden, who shook it with a smile of his own. "You make sure you remember to keep your head up next time, Riley."

Riley nodded enthusiastically before reaching for his mother's hand and turning with her towards their waiting vehicle. Riley chattered non-stop on the drive back to their house and Hayden did his best to answer when he was required, throwing Anna smiling eye-rolls every so often. When they pulled up in front of their house, Anna helped Riley down and then went around to the trunk to grab his bags. Hayden followed Riley up towards the house, the boy still talking a mile a minute.

"...And then the puck hit the post and I was so mad that it missed and did you know that it makes that sound like a doorbell that's kind of broken but you hear it anyway?" Riley was saying as Anna trudged up the walk and handed the house key over to Hayden to unlock the door.

"Yeah, I know the sound," Hayden agreed as he opened the door and turned to take the bags from Anna.

"Well, it made that sound and I knew I'd missed but it was OK because I had another chance in the next period and-"

"Riley, sweetie," Anna interrupted her son with a firm voice. "Give Hayden a minute to rest! Take your coat off and go wash your hands. I'll start making lunch."

"OK!" Riley agreed and rushed off to do as she asked, dumping his jacket on the hall floor.

Laughing, Anna bent over to pick it up. A second later, Riley reappeared and hurried to his mom's side, grabbing her hand in both of his. "Is Hayden staying for lunch?" Riley asked, his bright eyes flicking back and forth between the two adults.

"I think Hayden might have to get to a practice, Riley," Anna replied, glancing over at Hayden as she spoke.

"Aw!" Riley whined and whirled around to face Hayden. "But you just got here!"

Anna and Hayden's eyes met over Riley's head and Hayden grinned as Anna turned to hang up their coats while trying to hide her blush.

"I wish I could stay, kiddo," Hayden saved her by saying. "But your mom's right. I've got to get to practice."

"Do you have to?" he asked, dropping Anna's hand and turning to Hayden.

"Yup," Hayden replied. "You're never late for your practices, right?"

Riley shook his head solemnly.

"Well, there you go," Hayden said. "I can't be late either."

"OK," Riley agreed, though he sounded terribly put out by it.

"Listen, why don't I come by tonight after practice?" Hayden suggested, meeting Anna's gaze again and smiling when she nodded in agreement. "Then we can all watch a movie together and you can make popcorn."

"Yes!" Riley agreed excitedly, throwing his arms around Hayden's waist in a hug.

Laughing, Hayden bent down to hug the little boy in return. He pulled away after a moment and told Riley to do what his mom told him. Riley nodded, calling his 'good-bye' over his shoulder as he ran down the hall.

"Thank you, Hayden," Anna said in a soft voice when she was left alone with him. "I appreciate how much time you spend with him."

Grinning, Hayden stepped close to her and drew her into his arms. He held her around the waist and stared into her eyes. His were such a deep, soft brown that she felt her body melting in his embrace, memories of the previous night washing over her. He must have felt the rush of heat through her, or he might have heard the stutter in her breathing; either way, his eyes darkened and he bent his head to kiss her.

"I can't wait until tonight," Hayden murmured against her lips and she shivered, hearing the promise in his words.

"Me either," she replied and smiled when he leaned back far enough to hold her cheek with one big hand.

"I'll call when I'm on my way," he said and released her. "Should I bring pizza again?"

Anna laughed and shook her head. "Not unless you want me to go up another dress size."

He scowled and pulled her close again, devouring her with another gut-wrenching kiss. She was dazed and breathing heavily when he released her this time.

"You're gorgeous, Anna," he told her, his voice rough and low. "Don't you ever forget it."

"I'll try," she breathed in reply and smiled as he kissed her once more.

Stepping away, he opened the front door and waved as he walked out. Anna shut the door behind him and leaned one shoulder against the cold metal, wishing her core temperature would stop rising.

"Mom!" Riley cried her name seconds before barreling into the hallway.

She jumped, startled by his abrupt arrival. She turned in time to see Riley skid to a stop in front of her. He cocked his head at her and smiled. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"Nothing," she replied and pushed away from the door. Reaching down, she scooped her son into her arms and carried him into the kitchen. The entire time, he protested, squirming in her embrace until she was forced to put him down.

He's getting way too big for me to do that, she thought with a gasp.

"What movie can we watch when Hayden comes back later?" Riley asked as he pulled a chair out from the table and clambered onto it.

"He said you could pick whatever you wanted," Anna replied as she pulled out dishes and opened the refrigerator to start making lunch for the two of them.

"Cool," Riley breathed and Anna glanced over to see him kneeling on his chair with his chin propped in his upturned hands. "Is Hayden going to stay late tonight?"

Anna dropped a butter knife and swore under her breath. "I... don't know, sweetheart. You'll have to ask him when he comes back."

"I wish he could spend more time here," Riley said with a sigh.

Smiling, Anna turned around to face him, dollop of mustard on the knife. "I know, sweetie." A thought occurred to her and she wondered if she ought to talk to Riley about Hayden; about the possibility of him spending a lot more time around their house. As she eyed her son, she thought she probably should. Riley was a smart kid; if she didn't speak to him up front about it, he might get suspicious and possibly even upset.

She finished up their sandwiches as she mulled over the possible conversation. Turning with two plates, she walked over to the table and set lunch before her son. After grabbing two glasses and a jug of milk from the fridge, she sat down across from Riley, who was already digging into his sandwich.

"Riley, I need to ask you something and you need to be perfectly honest with me," she began, picking at the crust of her own sandwich.

Riley looked up at her and he moved the chunk of sandwich around in his mouth until he could speak; sort of. "What's perfectly honest?" he asked, except it sounded more like, "mutsh furfeshly momisht?"

Anna hid her smile behind her glass of milk before responding. "It means you have to tell me what you think, no matter what. OK?"

He nodded, still working the giant bite of food in his mouth.

"If Hayden were to start coming over here a lot more, would that be all right?"

Riley nodded again, his eyes growing wider.

"What if it was to... spend more time... with me?" she asked and quickly added, "I mean, he'd still want to see you but what if sometimes he came just to see me?"

Riley's brow knitted in a tiny frown and he swallowed that bite of sandwich. Anna studied his face, wondering what was going through his head.

"Why would he want to see you?" Riley asked. "You don't play hockey."

Anna laughed before she could stop it from escaping her. She smiled apologetically at her son, knowing he'd asked it in all seriousness. "That's true," she agreed. "I don't. But Hayden and I are friends anyway. He's a very nice man and I like talking to him as much as you do."

Riley nodded though his face showed her he was still confused.

"We've never talked about this, Riley," Anna went on, her voice dropping. She looked down for a moment and sighed. "About me... and men. About... dating."

"Dating? You mean like a boyfriend and a girlfriend?" Riley asked, his eyes snapping open wide again.

"Yes, like that," Anna said, meeting her son's gaze. She didn't know why, but she was feeling more anxiety over this conversation than she had over the prospect of spending a night alone with Hayden. She supposed that she wanted Riley to understand and to not be upset with her. Not just because she liked Hayden but because she didn't want it to affect her relationship with her son. Or her son's relationship with Hayden.

"Are you and Hayden... boyfriend and girlfriend?" Riley's tone as he asked this was a mixture of awe and incredulity.

Anna couldn't help but smile at the nature of their relationship being broken down so simply by an eight-year old. Would that everything in my life were this easy? She thought and sipped at her milk. "Yes, Riley. I suppose we are."