A Fiance's Tale of Betrayal

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Bride to be falls to temptation.
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Author's note: Many thanks to my readers and those of you who have encouraged me to keep sharing my stories. I am especially grateful to those women who have contacted me and shared your own experiences. Collaborating with you on this and other stories has been educational, electric, and fun. I enjoy doing the final drafts with you and getting them published through Literotica so that others may enjoy. As always, my stories are true with names and places replaced to protect the innocent and the guilty. The first person in this story is now 48 years old and is married to her third husband. This story relays an experience prior to her first marriage.

It was doomed from the start but I was too young and foolish to realize it. I was months from marrying my first husband in a beautiful military wedding that to outsiders appeared to be a fairytale but the truth was very different. My name is Lisa and in the fall of my senior year in college I was set up on a blind date with a handsome young Navy ROTC student from a nearby college. Don was also a senior and a very serious student and dedicated to the Navy. He majored in Civil Engineering and was on his way to becoming an officer in the Navy. I on the other hand, was a mediocre student studying English but really majoring in having a good time. I was in a sorority and drank many more nights than not and spent my summers at the beach. I had been sexually active since I lost my virginity to my senior boyfriend during my sophomore year of high school. I dated several different guys in college, two seriously, and while I did not sleep around casually, I did sleep with several of them. When I was set up with Don I was on the rebound and tiring of my aimless life in school. So when Don showed up in his handsome uniform and a very distinct plan for his life, I was already in the mood for a change. I liked the idea of being his girlfriend and being part of his plan and we spent almost every free moment together the rest of our senior years. We continued to date while he went to his Navy engineering school and when he graduated he asked me to marry him. I said yes and was convinced that I would be a good wife to a driven and successful man. Don's first duty station was with a Navy engineering unit but was on a Marine base on the coast of North Carolina. We set our wedding date for the following summer and I moved into a condominium with Don that had a view of the beach on Topsail Island. Life seemed perfect.

The job market for an English major was non-existent. I was determined to work and Don supported my decision. He was going to be deployed on a ship for six months and I needed to contribute to our future but more importantly, I needed something to do during the long lonely months while he was away. My choice came down to waiting tables or working in a mail order warehouse that specialized in sailing equipment. I chose the warehouse. Don and I lived together from September until he left for his deployment the following February. Things were wonderful while he was there. We loved each other, our sex life while not adventurous was prolific, and we spent our time together walking the beach and simply enjoying our freedom as self supporting adults. When Don left for his six month deployment I was more convinced than ever that I had made the right choice. Little did I know that six months later he would be returning to a woman who had betrayed his love. As with most instances of betrayal, it was not something I set out to do but instead a series of little things that culminated in me cheating on my future husband.

I was one of the only workers at the warehouse that did not smoke and quickly struck up a friendship with another non-smoker who worked the phones with me. Her name was Susan and she was in her early forties, very pleasant looking but very overweight. She was married to one of the brothers that owned the company. She became like a big sister to me when she found out that I was alone for six months and I began to spend time at her home in Jacksonville with her and her husband Tom. Tom was forty-five years old with dark but graying hair. He was tall at 6'3" and was in good shape from his sailing and fishing. Susan and Tom made an odd couple but from photographs from their younger days it was clear that Susan used to be tall, thin, and very beautiful. A series of knee operations in her twenties had robbed her of the chance to exercise and she let herself go. I suppose I should describe myself at the time as well. I made quite a contrast to Susan being twenty years younger and in great shape. My hair was long, reddish brown, with tight natural curls. At 5'10", I am tall for a woman and at that time in my life, I had a very athletic figure with full D-cup breasts. I taught aerobics classes throughout college and have always been athletic.

From the first time I met Tom I knew he was attracted to me but it was nothing that alarmed me. I knew I was attractive and I have often commanded attention from men. Tom was not overt about his attraction but I would catch him looking at me and he was always happy to see me when Susan would bring me to their home. As winter turned to spring, I settled into a routine. I wrote my husband Don almost daily, worked hard at the warehouse, and every Tuesday and Thursday Susan would take me home with her for a great dinner and usually a few beers with her and Tom. I would go home or visit friends on most weekends because I did not like staying alone at the condo. Things began to change one weekend in April when I went sailing with Susan and Tom aboard a large catamaran. It was incredibly exciting and I contributed as a crew member. I was absolutely hooked and spent the evening with Tom and Susan peppering them with questions about sailing. Tom was thrilled that I had enjoyed myself and he spent the evening buying drinks for all of us and telling his sailing stories. My view of Tom changed that night. He was no longer just the husband of a friend. I was now attracted to him and his adventurous, almost swashbuckling, approach to sailing and life. I learned about his past races and close calls in terrible weather and the more I learned the more I admired him. When they dropped me off at my condominium I remember thinking Susan and Tom were a very odd couple and for the first time I felt a little sorry that Susan could not match Tom's energy.

I continued to spend time with them but things were different now. My relationship with them was all about Susan up until our sailing trip but now it was Tom that I looked forward to seeing and it was Tom's stories that captivated me. Our dinners became longer and drunker and on occasion I would stay on their couch rather than drive back to the condo. I also was writing my fiance less and less as the weeks rolled by. I knew I was not missing him the same way I did when he first left but I attributed it to me gaining more independence as opposed to falling out of love. My life changed dramatically on Memorial Day weekend.

Memorial Day is the unofficial kick off of the summer season and Topsail Beach becomes a zoo of vacationing families, college kids, Marines, and boaters. Tom, Susan, and I decided to invite the employees to the beach for the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend and I offered my condo as a home base for the party. On Friday afternoon I went with Tom and Susan after work to pick up the food and drink for the party. When we arrived at my condo Tom fired up the grill on the front deck and the three of us began drinking Susan's famous margaritas. We grilled burgers, enjoyed the sunset, and watched the tourists roll in. After we ate Tom brought out a bottle of tequila and we drank a shot honoring our hard work setting up for the party. That led to a few more and well before midnight Susan was asleep on my couch and her night was done. Tom and I moved her into my guest room and went back out on my deck with another margarita. Our conversation turned to Susan and Tom and quickly went from good natured comments about her inability to handle a few drinks to a heavy conversation regarding her weight and Tom's frustration with how she quit trying to live a healthy lifestyle. Tom summed up his feelings with a damning statement on their marriage.

"I love her but only like a best friend." He said. "It's sad but there is no physical attraction left."

Perhaps it was the alcohol that allowed me to ask a question I had often wondered about. I asked him, "How often do you have sex?"

"Not very often. Once a month at the most and it is more about obligation than either of us wanting to do it." Tom replied. "It did not used to be that way. We were like dogs in heat for the first few years we were married."

"Here's to the old days." I said raising my glass and trying to lighten the mood. We clinked glasses and started talking about sailing.

Tom and I continued to sip our margaritas and at his suggestion we had a tequila shot at the stroke of midnight. I knew I was drunk but I was feeling good and enjoying the great conversation with an attentive and handsome older man. At some level I knew we had crossed a line. I knew that my fiancé would not approve of me sitting alone with another man on our deck. He would never believe that I would be drinking heavily and occasionally trading comments loaded with sexual innuendo. Soon after midnight I told Tom that we needed to get some sleep. I was getting cold and even though I was enjoying myself I knew we had a long weekend ahead and it would involve a lot of drinking. When we went back into the condo I said goodnight as Tom went to check on Susan. I thought the night was done.

I went into my bedroom and went through my usual routine of washing my face and brushing my teeth. Before I climbed into bed I decided to go into the kitchen and get a glass of water to ward off any hangover. I was wearing my Chicago Cubs sleep shirt that was soft cotton and came down to just below my waist and a pair of white nylon bikini cut panties from Victoria Secret. When I came out of my room into the living area Tom was back on the couch watching TV in the dark room. I was surprised as I thought he would be in the guest bedroom with Susan.

As I walked to the kitchen area I told him I was getting some water and asked if he wanted a glass. "Absolutely", Tom replied.

I was aware I was not properly dressed but in the semi-darkness with a good friend I did not feel self conscious. Tom sat up as I walked over and handed him his water.

"Thanks and I like your outfit." Tom said teasingly as he took the water from me.

I should have gone straight back into my bedroom but instead I teased back. "I thought you needed a little thrill before bed time." I replied as I toyed playfully with the hem of the shirt.

"More than a little thrill young lady." Tom responded. "And I am glad to see you're a Cubs fan."

I stood beside him and told him the shirt was once my older brother's and I had been sleeping in it since I stole it from him when I was in high school. Tom reached up and felt the hem of the shirt as if to gauge the softness and then made the move that turned the evening from innocent to adulterous.

"Sit down and I will give you a goodnight back rub to pay you back for my water." Tom said as he pulled me towards him by the hem of my shirt.

"Sounds like a fair trade." I replied teasingly. "But don't get any ideas old man." I was aware for the first time that what we were about to do was indefensible but I was powerless with my need to feel his touch.

Tom sat back on the couch so I could sit in front of him on the edge of the couch. I was sitting between his legs but there was no contact except for his hands running over the back of my sleep shirt. It felt wonderful to have his strong hands on my back and when he moved his hands up through the back of my thick hair and massaged the back of my head, I melted. Tom was big and strong and I was helpless as his hands simultaneously massaged the sides of my head. I followed his lead as he pulled me back so that I was leaning against his chest. I knew my breasts, unconstrained by a bra, were only covered by the thin cotton of my sleep shirt. My eyes were closed but I knew my nipples were hard and I knew that Tom was going to them next. I never once thought of my fiancé and only of Susan because of the possibility she could wake up and catch us. The danger did not deter me in the least.

Tom leaned down and began to kiss around my ears as his hands moved to my chest. His pace quickened and matched my increasing arousal. He kneaded my breasts and quickly settled into teasing my nipples through my shirt. My nipples are incredibly sensitive and his expert touch made me want to cry out in pleasure. Tom pulled my shirt up and I opened my eyes to see the blue light of the TV lighting his way. He put his fingers first to his mouth to provide moisture as he pinched my nipples and then he allowed me to suck his fingers prior to another manipulation. By two decades he was the oldest man I have ever been with and his experience and confidence was sending me to the edge of my control.

Tom must have sensed it as he whispered in my ear, "We have to be very quiet."

I knew he was right and I also knew that his comment meant he was about to move for my pussy. As his left hand worked my left nipple his right hand slid directly between my legs. In my heightened state of arousal, I could not spread my legs any wider as I felt the wonder of his strong hand slide over my panty covered mound and cup my most private area. He pulled me close to him and for the first time I felt his hardness pressing against my lower back. My back was arched with pleasure as his hand slipped under the top of my panties. His fingers slid through my hair and his middle finger slid into my wetness as I suppressed my moans. Tom's hand was perfectly aggressive as he roughly worked his finger in and out of me. I was in an almost frenzied state and I wanted him inside of me quickly.

I stood up and turned to face him as he helped me pull his shorts to below his knees. Tom's cock was amazing and at that time it was the biggest I had ever seen. It was very thick from the base of the head down and it bent upward like a banana. I straddled him as we began kissing passionately. I was grinding my panties into his cock as I whispered in his ear that I wanted him inside me. Tom reached around behind me and pulled my panties across my ass exposing me fully to him. He grabbed his cock with his right hand and began to slide his cock head up and down my opening. Finally, he placed himself at my entrance and I started working myself up and down on him. The pleasure was extreme. I have always been very quick to come during sex especially when I am on top but this was different. His thickness and upward bend was pressuring me in ways I had never experienced and my first orgasm began before I was fully impaled. Tom grabbed my head and pulled me to his chest to muffle my moans. I literally held my breath as the waves ripped through me in an attempt not to scream. As my orgasm subsided I found myself gasping for breath against Tom's chest.

Tom was very worried about the noise. "Shhhhhhhh. Shhhhh?" He kept whispering as I regained control.

Tom kept telling me to settle down and I was aware that I needed to be careful and stifle my moans and my breathing. As I started to gently rock my hips again I whispered to him that if he made me feel like that again I was going to start screaming. As if on cue Tom removed my shirt and gripped my hips and began to move me back and forth on his hardness. His size and strength was well beyond any man I had ever been with and it was his most arousing characteristic. I placed my hands on his shoulders and could feel his strength as he lifted my hips and then allowed them to sink back on top of him. Tom brought his face to my chest and took my nipple in his mouth immediately sending a massive pleasure pulse from his lips to my very core. Very quickly I was on the verge of another orgasm. Tom was with me and as he pulled his head up and passionately kissed me I knew he was going to come. I felt the pressure of his cock build and the sensation of his thick cock releasing inside of me sent me to my second mind blowing orgasm of the night.

Tom softened inside of me as we came down from our erotic high. We were completely silent as we rested against each other. I rose off of him and pulled my panties back in place as much to contain the mess as to cover myself and I quickly walked into my bedroom to clean myself. Tom was redressed and standing when I came back in wearing a new t-shirt and clean panties. Tom took me in his arms.

"Are you OK with what just happened?" He said. "I never planned for that."

"Shhhhh." I responded. "I think I am OK but I'm not sure how I am going to feel in the morning. I am going to bed now and I think you should too." I pushed Tom toward the guest bedroom and made my way to my bed.


I heard Susan before I was fully awake. She was moving around in the kitchen presumably making breakfast. I could smell the coffee as I put on my robe and walked into living room.

"Get moving sleepy head. We have a big day ahead of us." Susan said. She could not see my relief knowing she suspected nothing. I walked to the couch and made sure that Tom and I had left no evidence.

"Looks like you had a few more margaritas last night after I went to bed." Susan said more as a statement than a question.

"And a few too many shots as well." I replied with a groan. "I need a cup of coffee and I need it quickly."

Susan offered me a cup and proceeded to knock on Tom's door and call out for him to get up. I could hear him as he got in the shower and was already on my second cup when he came out of the bedroom. Tom greeted Susan with a kiss on the head and asked me how I felt.

"Never better Tom but remind me to turn down the shots next time we tie one on." I replied. "Those things are trouble." His eyes told me he caught the double meaning.

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bigurnbigurnabout 2 months ago

2 Stars for another cheating bitch story...

49ers6949ers693 months ago

A decent story, but there is much more that needs to be written.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

be sure who you are marrying. Moral of this cum dumpster expose.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Yeah... the anonymous commenter who described her attitude towards the intended husband as a chump had it right. No guilt and opportunism would not make her a reliable partner. One who cheats with such alacrity is someone who will also be unreliable at other things: finances, parenting, and related matters. Fidelity doesn't just mean sexual exclusivity. In other words, the husband would almost certainly come to regret his poor choice of spouse. The interesting question is whether such a spouse would learn from the consequences. Sometimes such behavior is sociopathic or narcissistic. Would a forthcoming spouse or serious boyfriend (or girlfriend) perceive this tendency? Story begs a sequel or even prequel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Imagine marrying a woman who thinks you are a chump. Poor guy.

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