A Kiss that Lasted a Lifetime


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I looked at him, [So you can hear me like this?]

[Not clearly, but clear enough for this conversation.]

[This conversation.]

Victor lowered his head, then brought it up looking at me, [You are very fond of Abby aren't you?]

"Victor, I haven't..."

He put up his hand to stop me. [I'm not accusing you of anything. Abby is one of the most beautiful women I've known. I've known many, but very few like her.]

He glanced through the doors, and I turned to watch her as well. The pure grace and elegance of her moves. [Yes, that is an excellent description. Grace and elegance.]

My head snapped to him.

[Sorry. The loud thoughts come through, but the emotional ones are clear as well. You feel very strongly for Abby in your own way.]

"Victor, I..."

[I'm hoping those strong feelings will be enough to help her again.]

My mouth was hanging open.

[This request has several different angles to it, so please be patient with me.]

All I could do was nod.

[You've known Abby for many years and trust her, correct?]


[If she trusted me enough to marry me, could you pass some of that trust on to me for the time being?]

[I guess so.]

He sat back and sighed. [Would it be correct to say you have cared for Abby in your own way for a long time?]

I gulped, [Yes,] I answered slowly.

[And you know the basics of the space accident she was in?]

[Sure, the meteors, the rush to touchdown, her and the other guy the only survivors with him passing a few days after touchdown.]

He smiled, [That covers it pretty well.] He took a deep breath, [The actual events are known to only two people on earth, me and Abby. Circumstances dictate that a third person become aware of them, and I believe you are that person. I have discussed it with Abby, and she agrees.]

Shit, that hit me like a ton of bricks. I was thinking of getting another drink, when Abby appeared with one, handed it to me, gave me a soft kiss on the corner of my mouth, smiled at Victor, and went back inside.

I couldn't help it, I watched that wiggling ass until she turned the corner.

I heard a chuckle in my mind and snapped my head to see a grinning Victor. I took a long drink. Abby had mixed it very light on the alcohol. He chuckled again.

[I will show you the actual events of that day. Some from Abby's perspective, some from mine, and some from the original cabin video.]

[And you trust me with this information?] I asked slowly.

He shrugged, [Abby does, and if you don't agree, then you won't remember anything.]

I gulped, did that mean...

He about fell off his chair laughing again. [Oh no, I'll just replace it with taking a nap, nothing sinister I assure you.]

I slumped, he chuckled.


All I could do was nod.

In a moment it was like I was in a VR unit.

The takeoff from the moon, everyone in a good mood going home. The copilot coming back to chat, then all hell broke loose.

Things zipping through the cabin, alarms going off. The cargo supervisor and his assistant gripping arm and thigh respectively and crying out. Blood starting to ooze through fingers. The co-pilot crying out as something grazed his cheek.

The cockpit hatch door closing with a loud clang as alarm claxons and lights were going off. The cargo supervisor doing his best to help with the patch placement, his assistant passing out. Everyone putting patches as quickly as they could, and realizing they didn't have enough patches.

The cargo supervisor passing out. Abby and the copilot looking at each other knowing what was going to happen in a few minutes. Them slumping down the wall, then laying on the floor looking at each other. Abby's vision going dark.

The cabin video showed two small dark red beings popping in in bubbles. Checking the two cargo people, then getting to the copilot and Abby. The bubbles around the red people expanding to enclose Abby and the copilot. Frantic gestures like military hand signals between the red people.

Injecting Abby and the copilot with something, and holding them in their bubbles. When the hatch popped at twelve thousand feet, the red people laid them back to the deck and popped out.

The next scene was in the hospital. Victor was looking down at Abby, she was attached to all sorts of machines, but wasn't responding. A red hand went over her head, then there was a glow for less than a minute. The monitors started to react, and the vision stopped.

I was back to reality.

[Did she...]


I nodded.

[That's a matter of perspective.]

I just stared at him.

Victor sighed. [This whole thing was the responsibility of my people. We had been monitoring your progress on the moon, and were cloaked. We didn't realize that our cloak had obscured the meteor shower from your sensors, or that your shuttles didn't have adequate protection from meteors. That you merely tried to dodge them.]

I was just staring at him.

[When we found Abby and the copilot, they were near death in our terms. In yours they were dead. Human brains have a reserve if you want. You do not have the technology to access and energize it, but we do. That is what we injected them with.]

Deep sigh, [But our physiology, while very close to yours, is not the same. The copilot's injured body also rejected the treatment. Abby's body accepted it, but also isolated some of it.]

[The tumor.]

He nodded.

[Is it... Will it?]

[No, that has been dealt with a long time ago. But the treatment has produced unknown and irreversible side effects.]

[And Abby knows this?]

[At first, she knew very little, her mind couldn't handle it. She pieced some of it together on her own, and shortly after we were married I revealed the whole truth to her.]

[Wow, that must have been an interesting day.]

[Interesting is putting it mildly. If it wasn't for my increased repair abilities, she might have killed me in the process of trying to tear her own house down.]

He cocked his head, [You most certainly did, and I have the memories to prove it.]

He cringed, then gave me a weak smile and shrugged.

I just grinned. [So what does this all have to do with me?]

[That's where the unknown and irreversible side effects comes in. As a species, we live a long time compared to yours. In the normal course of things, that would be irrelevant.]


[But since Abby was treated with one of our treatments, it has altered her physiology.]

[Altered how?]

"I can't have children," I heard over my shoulder as Abby came to Victor and curled up against him. They smiled and kissed softly.

"That doesn't seem all that abnormal."

Abby sighed, "And baring any other problems, I could be sharing a room at the retirement home with your great-great-great-great grandchildren."

"Oh..." was all I could say.

[Those two could be dealt with. An inconvenience, but possible.]


Victor sighed. [My species mates for life. The pair becoming almost intertwined. When one of us passes on, our mate usually passes shortly after. Not always, but more often than not.]

I was looking for the rest of the story.

[I may not look it like this, but I am a very old man. I stayed single because I was in our equivalent of your space force, and never gave it another thought.]

He looked down at Abby, and she up at him. [I have done my best to mitigate my actions that day, but in the process I fell in love, human love, with the most graceful and elegant human woman I have ever known.]

Abby turned the reddest I have ever seen her, and Victor leaned down for a long soft kiss.

[I have held this human form you see longer than any of my kind. And while I have gotten used to it as you say, it is very taxing on me.]

Abby snuggled into him.

[In simple terms, I'm dying.]

"You don't know..." Abby started.

Victor put his finger on her lips, Abby sighed and snuggled back in.

[And there it is, I don't know. Because of the treatment, Abby is mostly human, but she is also part of us. We know she will live a long time. But her link to me.] He sighed, [I just couldn't bear it if something happened to her after my passing.]

Abby's eyes were watering.

"What are you asking of me?" I had a pretty good idea, but...

[You are correct in your guess. If you consent, we would give you the same treatment, but in a much smaller dosage. You are a healthy young man, with a healthy imagination.]

Abby groaned and Victor grinned, I was doing my best to disappear into the chair.

[We have a good idea of the physiological differences and the possible reactions now. If everything goes as expected, you will sleep for a week or so and awake with no adverse reactions]

[And the tumor?]

[We believe that was a result of the large initial dose. I won't sugar coat it and say it can't happen. There is a risk with any of this. Even a remote possibility it could kill you.]

[How remote?]

[People go to the dentist and never wake up. It's rare, but it is a possibility.]

I had to admire and be scared at his honesty at the same time.

Victor smiled, [But if it all worked out, you would get to spend the next few hundred years with the woman you have been fantasizing about for a long time.]

"A FEW HUNDRED!" I bellowed.

"Victor, I can't believe you..." she was turned and slapping at him.

Victor was grinning and easily deflecting her slaps.

"You... You..." Abby got up in a huff and fast walked to the house.

We watched her go, then looked at each other smiling knowing the other was looking. Victor cringed, so I would guess she said something to him telepathically.

I smiled, [So would she and I would communicate like you two do?]

[Another unknown. My people converse primarily mentally, but not exclusively. Abby and I didn't initially. Now, private thoughts between us are almost exclusively mental. You may fall into it, struggle with it, or never achieve it.]

[And living without being discovered for that long.]

[Right now, the human world is relatively large and its identification methods very primitive by our standards. Financially, we have a good understanding of technology humans are just starting to play with. Knowing what works and what doesn't will allow you to invest accordingly.]

[Like knowing the future?]

[No, more like knowing about jet planes back in the days of the Wright brothers, ion drives in the days of chemical rockets. You'll know where the correct direction is and go from there. If I tell you that this type of fusion plant works and this one doesn't, you know the good and the bad without actually knowing the technology. There are several human projects in the works that should prove fruitful.]

[But you won't be here...]

[No, but my people are nearby, and you will have the means to contact them if the need arises. Depending on your adaptation, they may come to visit from time to time. You may even be able to contact them directly. Abby has had that ability for a while now.]


Victor spit his drink out he was laughing so hard.

Abby came out smiling. "And their minds are just as dirty as any human male. The thought of these giant human females when they see me is comical. You should have heard his commander when he saw an obese woman."

Victor slapped his hand over his eyes groaning.

"He about had a heart attack when he got a glimpse of some huge boobed porn star," she continued.

Victor was laughing so hard he was crying.

"And his first officer, she screamed and fainted when somebody sent her an ancient clip of some guy called John Homes. Wanted to run back to the home world and never come back."

I had heard of the old cellulose films, and had a good idea of what she was talking about.

We went inside and refreshed our drinks. I looked at what Victor was drinking, "Do I even want to know what that actually is?"

"NO!" they both called out, then laughed together.

[It's from my home planet, and has nutrients I need, but Abby says it has a rather unpleasant taste.]

"Unpleasant! If you could taste what a pig stye smells like, the pig stye would be better."

He just grinned, shrugged, took a sip, and puckered his lips. From his reaction I would guess she said something forceful to him.

[How long do I have to make a decision?]

He shrugged. [The sooner the better, but no rush. I have a year or so if everything goes well, less if something happens. We're not any better or worse than humans in most cases. Our species lives longer as a base, and our medical technology has greatly expanded that even more. But I'm just as susceptible to accidents as the next guy.]

I was staring at my nearly empty drink glass.

[Think it over. Call if you have questions. While it was necessary for Abby at the time, this is not a decision to be taken lightly.]

I got up slowly, tossed back the last of my drink, and headed for the door.

Abby stopped me just before the door, smiling at me. She put her arms on my shoulder, "Thanks for at least considering it. Victor can be a bit of a worry wart." She bit her lip and ducked her head for a moment. "And for the record, I like your version of Macbeth better." Abby leaned forward and gave me one hell of a kiss. The kiss I had imagined all those years ago.

I stood there stunned, so she gave me another quick peck that brought me out of my stupor.

I walked slowly to the car, and directed it to take me home while I let this soak in instead of my usual self-drive.

I guess I was a zombie the next day at work, both Dionne and Mira asked what was wrong. I just told them that a friend had some possible medical problems, and I was concerned until I knew more. I was glad it was Friday, I had the weekend to sit and think.

I had so much tumbling through my mind the weekend was pretty much a blur.

I sent Abby a message Monday to see if she was busy, and she was working from home, Victor would be home around six.

I wanted to talk to just her. She greeted me at the door with a smile, and soon handed me a cup of coffee.

I took the chair as she sat on the end of the couch, tucking her feet up under her butt the way that women can do so gracefully. Nice fitting jeans that weren't quite the skinny jeans that were all the rage in our youth. A light spaghetti strap tank top that left no doubt she was braless.

I was staring at my cup.

"A lot to take in huh?"

I snorted, "Just a little."

"A few questions I take it."

That was good for a good laugh, "Only a few million."

Abbey laughed with me, and I reveled in the sound.

I sighed, "I guess the big one is where are you in this? I've heard Victor, but where do you stand on your husband trying to hook you up with another guy?"

She laughed, "Well when you put it that way, I should meet him at the door with a shotgun."

I grinned.

"And yes, I did go a little bit crazy when I found out what really happened."

I raised an eyebrow, she dared me to question her.

"When I first met Victor in his human form, there was an attraction. It became more, and we married. Because of his physical size in both human and Ultán form, our physical intimacy is limited."

My turn to turn red.

"We have a good relationship in spite of that. And even to this day he gets a bit googly eyed looking at me."

I was still red, and Abby was grinning. She was enjoying embarrassing me with information I needed to know.

"Ultánian women are about the same height as their men, averaging around three foot ten. The best description I could give you would be a prepubescent girl with pointed A cup boobs. The Ultánians only have hair on their head, so even my little landing strip fascinates him to this day."

Could I get any redder?

Abby grinned and leaned back on the couch emphasizing her delicious pointed chest even more. I was HARD, ACHING, and could barely look anywhere but her tits. "But that's not all that's on your mind, is it?" I'd swear she gave her tits just a little bit of a shake.

"Well I guess that's the flip side of it, me and you? How do you feel about this being forced on you?"

Abby kicked her head back looking at the ceiling giving me a chance to revel in the sight of her barely covered tits that I wanted to take a much closer look and touch and lick and...

"That's a tricky one," she said lowering her head giving me a chance to look away. "We've been friends for a long time, and I'm ashamed to say I never realized your feelings."

The red was back.

"I can be comfortable around you, not having to guard myself. In the right circumstances I could easily see it becoming more."

I was looking her in the eye and barely controlling my urge to look at her tits.

"Without you taking the treatment, I have no way to know what you are actually thinking like Victor can, and the lack of alcohol makes it even more difficult."

I was internally grateful she couldn't see what I was imagining doing to her right now.

"But I have had the treatment, and I'm a woman. I can see your eyes roaming my body and feel the emotions." Abby rose and striped off her top as she stepped to me and straddled my legs putting her tits right in front of me.

"Knowing how much you desire my little boobs is more of a turn on for me than you can ever imagine," she said with a little bit of a throaty growl as she arched and pushed them to me.

I was on auto pilot, my hands came up and cradled the tits I had dreamed about over and over. Abby sighed as I did, startling me, but she pressed her tits to me to encourage me to continue.

I cupped and squeezed, rolling her hard nipple making her hiss.

Abby put her arms behind my head and pulled my head to her tit, my mouth opening to take it in. Suckling and nibbling in a fog of ecstasy. Then reality hit me, and I pushed her back, "No, you're a married woman."

Abby ground her hot mound on my aching cock, "To an alien that no court would ever recognize." She tried to pull me to her tits again.

I stopped her by putting them in my palms. "No, as much as I have dreamed of this on countless occasions, no. Marriage is as much of the mind and heart as the paperwork. I could never do this to Victor."

Abby sat back, but not enough to dislodge my hands. She had a quirky grin on her face. Odd for being told no. "I told him you would be like this," then cocked her head slightly.

My phone dinged, and Abby grinned. "You're going to want to get that."

I was in a dilemma. I was using both hands to keep her from pressing her tits to my mouth, and I needed to get my phone from its clip to read the text. I tried to grab my phone and get it and my hand back between us, but didn't make it.

Abby was grinning at lightly tracing her nipple back and forth across my closed lips as I read the text... from Victor!

'Julyan, do not stop on my account. I need to know that Abby will be happy with you.'

I looked up at Abby smiling, "Are you sure?"

I no longer had to worry about Abby pressing her tits to me, she arched to bring her head down to kiss me. I held her as tight as I cold in this awkward position and reveled in kissing my dream woman.

We rolled to the fur rug, and I pulled back enough to look at a smiling woman. No, make that grinning. My eyes traveled down her bare skin, my fingers coming up to join them as I slowly traced down her chest, the upper slope of her tit, then to her hard nipple making her hiss.

We both groaned when I cupped her tit and leaned down to take her nipple again. Really intending to take and lavish her nipple. The firm chewy nipple that felt soooooo wonderful against my tongue. The little groans and hiss she made as I lightly nipped it.

Abby fighting me a bit as I pulled back, and the little snicker as she realized I was headed for its mate. Lavishing it before cupping them both and kissing up her neck and chest. Battling tongues until Abby roared.