A Kiss that Lasted a Lifetime


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I was being rolled to my back and stripped. Shirt pulled up enough to get it loose from my pants. Taking it off completely was left up to me as she dived for my slacks. Snap and zipper dropped, then slacks and shorts coming off all in one motion.

Abby groping and jacking me as she suckled the head, pushing down a bit to take in even more. An animal like growl came from her chest as she rolled to her back and arched up to drop her jeans and thong.

I had barely kicked my shoes off and gotten one leg out when Abby rolled back over, stood my cock up, and sank down in a scream. She was bouncing and rocking and fucking me all to whimpers and squeaks and a few soft screams.

But Abby evidentially wanted more. She dropped one knee and rolled us to her back. "Do it, do it like Victor showed me in your fantasy, make 'em bounce." Then laid back arms up and grinning at me.

I roared and did just that, living out my fantasy. Putting my hands on her waist and just fucking the hell out of the screaming woman under me who was asking for more, harder, faster. Both of us cumming together in a screaming finale before I fell over onto her chest. Feeling her hard nipples in my pecs, started round two in my mind as I tipped my head down enough to kiss the top of her tit.

Dropping my head beside hers, I could feel her tears. Lifting up to see a crying woman, but a smiling crying woman, so I just smiled at her and dropped back down. Grinding my chest a little on her tits made her giggle enough to eject me from her pussy.

The little screech and her hand searching for her discarded tank top was funny to me. The little scowl said she didn't share my opinion.

I rolled back to her and kissed her softly, then slid down to kiss and nibble on her tits and still hard nipples. Enjoying the fact that she was pressing them up into my mouth.

"Compatible my dear?" I heard Victor behind me.

I jumped and scrambled for my clothes.

Victor was laughing, and I felt a hand on my calf. I looked down, and Abby was holding her hand out for me to help her up.

I put my hand out on instinct, and once she was standing she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me hard grinding her body into me.

My thought process changed in an instant, and I wrapped mine around her pulling her chest to me with one arm while dropping the other hand to her ass and giving it a soft squeeze.

Abby pulled back from the kiss, then turned to Victor, "It's a start, now go back to work you peeper." She leaned down with my hand still on her ass and gave him a kiss, then turned and nudged him to the door.

I was being led to the shower by a grinning woman walking backwards so she could grin at my watching her tits move.

We soaped and lathered for a bit, but being this close to her had its expected effect. I turned her to the wall and lifted Abby, setting her down on my hard cock and fucked her to several screaming orgasms before filling her pussy again.

We rinsed, and walked hand in hand to the deck, then Abby cuddling up against my arm. "It's up to you Julyan. I have no problems with you. We could at least be friends with benefits that I can talk to about things. I could see us becoming more, but that will have to be a wait and see thing." She turned me and cuddled up for a soft kiss, then tipped her head back grinning. "And speaking of benefits..." she stepped back, then kneeled on the end of the lounger and put her ass in the air and grinned over her shoulder.

I was hard, and two steps later I was buried in her tight wet pussy.

But we had taken the edge off, so this was a lot more relaxed pace. Each of us enjoying the other. Soft touches and slight moves as I slid in and out of her. Abby giggling as I tried to see the sides of her tits, then getting up to her hands and then arching up so I could reach around and cup them while I fucked her.

But those tits in my hands soon had me putting what little I had left in her spasming pussy.

Watching her in the outside shower was fucking hot, I just wish I had the energy to do her again.

Abby strutted to me, handing me a wet towel to wipe off with. She kissed me softly, then grinned. "Victor is on his way home."

I gasped and jumped up.

Abby caught my hand. "No hurry, he'll be a little bit."

We collected my clothes, and Abby grinned caressing my soft cock as I pulled my shorts on. Helping with my shirt required more groping with a fair amount of kissing. My hands and head were brought to tits to take a break before pulling my slacks on.

Once my slacks and shoes were on, more kissing and groping of a naked woman was in order, requested by said naked woman.

"Are you going to get dressed?"

Abby grinned, "Why should I when..." the door opened and a grinning Victor stepped through. "Why should I when I have a horny old got to take care of?" she said as she leaned over to kiss him as he groped her tits.

She stood, and he put his hand at a comfortable height... on the inside of her thigh. We both grinned as Abby rolled her eyes but made no move to close her legs.

They turned down the hall as I headed for the door. I thought I saw Victor moving his hand up her thigh, and I grinned just before I closed the door as Abby called out. I'm certain she said out loud just for my benefit, "Victor you naughty boy!" the grin in her voice said it was a good kind of naughty.

I spent several weekends out at their place just to confirm my decision, but that afternoon with Abby had pretty much sealed the deal.

I had come for the weekend, and both Victor and I were watching her wiggling ass as she headed for the bathroom.

[You've decided haven't you?]

We were still watching her ass go around the corner.

I grinned, and then sighed. [Yes. I had pretty much decided that day, but wanted to make sure.]

[I suspected, but appreciate the waiting. Abby is the most precious thing in the universe to me.]

[I couldn't agree more. In a world of chaos, Abby is the picture of...] that's as far as I got. My mouth was probably hanging open, and Victor was falling down laughing.

Abby sauntered to me, and bent at the waist kissing me hard, then went to Victor cutting off his laugh as she kissed him, then reclined back hooking her elbows to thrust her tits out.

Those delicious bare tits.

I was probably still open mouthed from her grin as I took her in. Abby came out wearing her skimpy white thong, and ONLY her thong. That thong was thin enough to let her dark narrow landing strip show through just above it, while clinging to her shaved lips and was working its way up between them.

Abby kicked her knee up a bit more and scooted down enough to pull her thong between her lips a bit more and brought Victors hand to her tits. "Well I could always go put something on if you guys really wanted me to."

"NO!" we both said together.

Abby chuckled, then laughed as we did.

Abby spent most of Friday evening and Saturday in just her thong, well until she took a shower out on the deck and just teased us with her naked body the rest of the evening. Surprised the hell out of me when she crawled into bed with me Saturday night.

Sunday morning she put a big thin t-shirt on to cook breakfast, then stripped it off to eat just to show she was naked under it. She stepped to me grinning.

[She wants us to touch and caress her.]


[Us, as much as possible. I do this every once in a while, I keep her as close to the edge as I can for as long as I can. When she goes over the edge it is spectacular.]

I raised a hand to cup her tit as she leaned over for another kiss.

[As light as possible works best.]

I pulled my hand back a bit and lightly ran my fingertips at the crease of tit and chest.

"Tattle tale," she groaned then exhaled in a long hiss.

We played, and stopped. We caressed, and stopped. I came up behind her to cup her tits and roll her deliciously firm nipples, and almost didn't stop.

Abby spread her legs and arched her back. I saw Victor beyond her, and from the position of his arm his hand was between her legs.

By ten her nipples LOOKED like they ached. By noon she had a trail of juices continually dripping down her thighs and was whimpering at any touch.

[You get her from the back, and support her by the tits. I'll get her from the front, and be prepared for a wildcat.]

Abby cried out when I reached around and cupped both tits again, her hands going to keep mine in place, and screeched when I brought my fingers to pinch and pull her hard nipples. I could feel the quivering in her body.


Abby was flailing in my arms, and a glance down told me why. Victor had put his arms between her legs and lifted her pussy to his face by holding onto her ass.

She was flailing and screaming and cumming in our arms. I held tight squeezing tits and rolling nipples. And just because I could, I gave her a nice dark hickey at the base of her neck just setting her off again before she collapsed into a quivering wet noodle.

I scooped her up and laid her on the couch.

[Thanks, I can never carry her that well.]

I stood back as Victor sat beside her. Her eyes opened enough to smile, shake her finger at both of us, then drop off to an exhausted sleep.

I chuckled at the text I got Monday.

There was a nice pic of her DARK hickey in the mirror at work. 'YOU ASSHOLE, I HAD TO WEAR A SCARF TO COVER IT!'


Victor said she was mad as a wet hen and a wild nympho for three days until it faded.

So, with the decision made, Victor made arrangements, and I told everyone on the office I was taking a two week cruise. I took a few selfies against a plain backdrop, and they would merge them with a few pics taken from various social postings to create my vacation pics.

I packed my bags full of nothing, and Abby and Victor picked me up at work to 'take me to the airport.'

We got back to their place, and Victor morphed into the being I saw that day in his bathroom.

"You know Victor, I never said it, but if it helps, you don't need to hold human form just for me."

He chuckled, "It's kinda gotten to be a familiar suit. The only reason I'm not holding it is because we have technicians waiting in the house."


I stifled a chuckle when we got in. Abby elbowed and glared at me. The guy looked kinda like Victor, but the girls made me think of a pair of grade school girls in Halloween costumes. They had on miniature scrubs, and hate to say it, but those little points had my interest in spite of the babe beside me.

I stepped beside the bed and stripped everything but my shorts off. The darker of the two girls tittered something, earning her a glare from the guy and a not quite hidden gasp from the other girl.

[Just lay back and they'll administer the treatment. After you have gone to sleep, they will take care of the IV and such.] Victor said.

I had done as they suggested and went on a virtual liquid diet these last few days, so at least I wouldn't have to endure that humiliation even if I was out of it.

One of the girls pressed I'm assuming a dispenser of sorts to my neck. It looked kinda like an epi pen. I was getting foggy as she brought a second, but I'm not sure if I remember it actually doing something.

# # #

The fog was clearing, and I was in the same room, so that was a good sign. I felt a weight on my arm, and managed to look down to see a strap on my wrist and an IV in my arm. I sighed and dropped my head back.

There was a noise, and then Abby was leaning over me just inches above my face. "Julyan, how are you feeling?"

As I looked around, things seemed more vibrant. I glanced down, and Abby was leaning over me in that thin tank top with the spaghetti straps. It was hanging loose enough that I had a delicious view of her bare tits and firm nipples.

[If those are for me, I'll take them both and work my way down to your pussy in a few hours.]

She screeched and dropped her lips to mine and tried to suck my lungs out.

[How are you feeling?] I heard Victor ask.

[If I survive the attempt to suffocate me, I should be good I think.]

Abby stood up quick, slapped at my shoulder, and stormed out of the room. I watched her ass slam from side to side, and tried a mental whistle at it.

There was a gasp and a groan from outside my door, and I heard a light chuckle from Victor.

A little later, three women literally popped in. Not walked in, just "poof" and they appeared. Monitors were checked, and Victor translated a few questions they had. I could hear him in my mind, but had no idea where he was. It looked like I had made a good transition. I would need some checkups in a regular medical facility, but so far so good.

By the next morning I was feeling damn fine and getting hungry. There were some chuckles at that, so I was being disconnected by two lovely young women. The IV first, and I was beginning to hear some of the words instead of the verbal gibberish as they went for the catheter.

I had been changed into a gown for my treatment, and they lifted it to remove my catheter, when the younger one gasped. [... be walking funny for a whole tulon if I got that in me.]

I was firming up as they handled me removing the catheter. [But just imagine the fun getting it in,] I thought.

The one talking snapped her head around, tapped her arm and disappeared.

The other finished removing the catheter, and was taking her time cleaning me up and trying not to stare at my cock. She cradled my cock just a little, and I think she licked her lips.

[And I'm not all that large even.]

The hand jerked back, tapped her arm, and disappeared as well.

A minute later I heard Victor laughing. Abby chimed in [Really Julyan?]

[What, they were discussing just where they could fit me and how badly they'd be walking if they could.]

Abby gasped, then we were all laughing. I managed to get picked up and cleaned up, realizing I was all alone in the house. I looked around, then gulped. [Where are you guys?]

[Work,] they each responded in turn.


[You have made an excellent transition. Being healthy from the start would seem to have made a difference.]

[So you can both hear what I'm thinking, like we were just standing here talking?]

[I can hear you just fine,] Victor said. [Abby?]

[Clear as a bell.]

[What about what I'm thinking?]

[That kinda comes and goes. Some here, some there,] Abby said.

[So if I concentrate...] I thought back to that first time. Laying between Abby's thighs lapping at her juicy pussy. Slipping two fingers in until she...


Victor chuckled, [Oh yes, that came through loud and clear, but uh, we may have to work on narrowing your broadcast down a bit.]

I got a gasp from Abby, and felt what could only be described as a mental slap on the back of the head, and I half expected a real welt on my noggin. Victor just laughed. Abby made a noise and he quit laughing.

I picked up, and went through the fridge to gather something nice for dinner. I set the steaks to slow cook and went to take a shower.

I couldn't help it. I was imagining the time Abby and I were in here, and morphed into Victor and I getting her off the other day but with me between her legs sucking and finger fucking her to orgasm.

I was just cumming to my toes and shooting against the wall when Abby cleared her throat behind me.

I jumped and turned, letting off the last few weak shots as I faced her.

She rolled her eyes and snickered as she stepped away from the shower.

She was in the kitchen waiting on me, checking dinner.

[Would you rather I do it or think it?]

Victor chuckled, [He has you there dear.]

"ARGH!" and stomped out. I watched her ass as she walked away, then she spun glaring at me.

I smiled, Victor chuckled. He walked in the door a few minutes later.

Abby stomped around all evening. We enjoyed watching her ass trying to bounce off the walls. We enjoyed her tits jiggling even when she tried not to let them. Even the cat like grace when she did her best was just plain hot.

She gave up and went to bed.

A few days later I was met by a young red man in my apartment. "Are you prepared for your medical exam?"


He jumped when I responded to him mentally, then he took my arm, and a moment later we were in a medical facility.

They had to put two tables together for me to lie down without my legs hanging off.

Everything was pretty normal until they got to my head... I had the tumor. They argued a bit at first, since nobody had thought to get a scan ahead of time. And while Abby's was the size of a large marble, mine was a decent pea size.

They did a few more scans from different angles with different scanners, then grinned. If it was from the treatment, it was just a benign lump of tissue.

[So nothing to worry about?]

They jumped, and then grinned. [We are not used to humans that can speak to us so, apologies] and nodded.

I was shown out by a young woman that was watching me as much as she was where we were going.

I had to stop and stare out the window. THAT WAS EARTH!

She snickered and led me to a young man, who may have even been the one that brought me here. He took my arm, and a blink later I was back in my apartment. A quick nod, and he was gone.

I sat there and tried to absorb it. A few moments ago I was out there looking down on the earth...

Abby giggled, [Now you know why I don't mind not going on any more shuttle missions.]

I blew my cheeks out. [I mean I knew they were out there, but seeing it first-hand...]

[We have several small ships that took the place of some large space junk. The cloaked base you were just on is in an orbit opposite the moon, but high enough to see the moon over the curve of the earth. No more bumping into each other.]

As much as the death of three people bothered me, if that hadn't happened, I would never be with Abby.

Their families had been well taken care of. The copilot was single, but good things went his parents' and siblings' way. The other two had families. One leaving behind a wife and two kids, the other a husband and one kid. Again, things went their way. The kids all had full ride scholarships just waiting for them to apply. Low interest loans and as many little things as possible were put their way. It would never replace the ones lost, but it would ease the mind of those left behind.

Victor said there was a memorial wall on the space station. The three victims, and their families. Holograms were updated several times a year. A number of the crew spent their off hours tracking what was going on with them. If someone or something needed nudging to or away from them, it was done without hesitation. All with no knowledge by the families, much less anyone else on earth.

I smiled, the Ultánians took responsibility and honor very seriously. Then I sighed, they valued all life, Ultán or human, more than most human politicians or talking heads.

It's the old saying that's not a lie. How do you know a politician or media person is getting ready to lie to you? They won't go live or accept third party independent recording. Hell, some even went so far as to try signal jammers.

My life became more interesting, no, make that just plain FUCKING HOT!

At first, I started spending more time at Abby and Victors place. But getting it on with Victor in the next room just cramped my style.

Victor was gone a fair amount, and Abby spent several weekends at my place. I was scolded for my 'lack of any decorating talent.'

But we had gotten pretty comfortable with each other, and I was starting to get used to Victor not only being aware, but encouraging our relationship.

It had been a little over four months since I made the change, and despite a few unannounced checks on me, no problems could be found.