A Kiss that Lasted a Lifetime


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I had a text from Abby to come out this weekend, and didn't think any more of it until I walked in the door Friday.

Abby was crying. She rushed to my arms and just started to ball.

Victor came in with what could be described as a neutral look... and he was in his Ultánian form. No disguise.

Abby turned and dropped in front of him wrapping her arms around him lifting him off the floor.

He looked at me over her shoulder, [It's time.]

I dropped to the chair, [ALREADY! You said it would be a year or so, what happened?]

Victor's mouth dropped open, and in spite of herself Abby let out a whoop of a laugh.

[I'm merely going up to the station. You two need to take this to the next level, and I'll just be in the way.]

I slumped back and flipped him off, [Asshole.]

He chuckled making Abby glare at him, [That's better than what she called me at least.]

Abby gasped, swatted at him, then tried to squeeze the life out of him again.

[So you're just going to pop out? They're going to come looking for you.]

He chuckled, [Give me a bit more credit than that. I'll have them searching the Atlanta airport.]

[How the hell are you going to do that?]

Victor managed to extricate himself from Abby, then shifted... to someone other than Victor.

I just stared, then snorted, then just plain laughed. Abby was laughing with me but slapping me to get me to stop.

We finally settled down, but Abby was still unhappy, VERY unhappy.

[So what's the game plan, just disappear somewhere along the way?]

[Right under their noses. My flight to DC connects through Atlanta. I go into the restrooms as myself,] he morphed to Victor, [And leave as someone else.] He morphed to not victor.

[But they'll be looking at the tapes.]

[Sure, for Victor. The chances of them looking for the other me going in is astronomical. If I'm worried about it, I can just hit another bathroom somewhere else.] Then he changed... into a little girl.

"VICTOR! REALLY!" Abby shouted.

He morphed back to Victor grinning. He'd morphed into Abby as a young girl.

I laughed, he snickered, Abby glared at both of us.

In spite of Abby's insistence, I left. They had less than a week on planet. She could pop up to the station if she had to, but had to have one of the Ultánain's take her. The brace that controlled the transport didn't fit, and more importantly wouldn't function for a human.

It was being worked on, but probably not a high priority. Until recently, she was the only non-Ultán that was aware of the technology. A one hundred percent jump in that number sounded good, but like the liberal politicians' twist, in this case that meant it going from one to two, me. Not impressive to them in the least.

I did snicker a bit Saturday evening. I think half the universe heard Abby call out Victor's name.

And since we had a bit of forewarning, Abby had a meeting Thursday afternoon and I was showing a property.

Abby didn't have to fake much when they told her Victor had disappeared. She knew he was safely on the station, but he wasn't going to be home again. Her sense of loss was very real.

They [spoke] every evening at first, but she cried herself to sleep the first three days anyway. Monday she looked like shit at work, and they sent her home.

It took everything I had not to do anything until one of the girls at the office asked about Victor missing. I acted surprised, then dashed out to Abby's. Yeah, she looked like shit and she'd went through four gallons of ice cream, six packages of Oreo's, and two gallons of milk.

I managed to get her into the shower and into bed. Then I went back to clean up the carnage. You'd think that with all our technology, they'd figure out a way for trash to find its own way to the bin.

I heard Victor chuckle. [How is she?]

[About as expected. I'd hate to see what she'd be like if you were totally gone.]

I could feel the wave of emotion, [Take... take care of her.]

I sat and watched the stars come out across the lake, and wondered if he could see her place from there.

Evidentially I fell asleep out here. I woke with a blanket on me and life giving coffee being waived under my nose by a hot babe with bloodshot eyes.

[Hey,] she said as I took my coffee.


[Get any sleep?]

[Some, you?]


[Going into work?]

[No, you?]

I got up and wrapped my arms around her. [The girls know I only have one job right now.]

Abby wrapped her arms around me and hung on tight. She wasn't crying, but it was close.

I think we funded every delivery kid in the area that week and a good part of the next.

Abby fell apart when they told her they were giving up the search. She moped for all of ten minutes after they left, then smiled. Victor was [talking] with her.

As expected, Abby was up and down for the next several weeks. Up when she [talked] with Victor, so-so for a while after, then in the dumps until he talked with her again.

I was a good friend, and spent more and more time with her. Doing my part to get her out in the real world.

The funny part is we didn't have sex for several months. We'd kiss and cuddle on the couch, but just as things would heat up a little, she'd pull back and go to her room. Then I'd wake up with her cuddled with me. I'd get a quick kiss, then she'd dash off to work.

It was almost five months after Victor had went to the station before Abby stayed in bed with me on a Sunday morning.

We started just snuggling and kissing a bit, nothing out of the ordinary. But about the time I kinda expected her to roll out of bed, she rolled over on top of me.

Abby looked at me a moment, then lowered her body to mine. Her lips finding mine as she ground her tits into my chest, her mound into my achingly hard cock. I just reacted and brought my hands up to the side of her tits, adding what bit I could to the action.

I had a screeching woman on top of me almost ripping her clothes and then mine off. I was mounted and fucked. Not made love, not had sex, I was totally and completely woman FUCKED.

She came, I came, she sucked me hard and rolled us to her back and I fucked her through three more orgasms before I gave her my last...

I got her to the shower, and she clung to me. We just sat and cuddled and kissed in the living room, and out on the deck, and at the kitchen island. We probably didn't say more than two dozen words all day.

I smiled and went to bed a happy man. Abby came in and curled up under the covers with me, spooning in front of me and bringing my hand to her tit. She snickered as she wiggled back against my hard cock before dropping off to sleep.

We cuddled and showered and got dressed together in the morning. She stopped me at the door before we went out, ducking her head, then looking at me. [Can we go to your place tonight?]

[Sure, but I may need a hazmat suit to clean out the fridge. I haven't been there in a while.]

She grinned and gave me a soft kiss, then walked to her car. I watched that swinging ass smiling, and heard her groan in my head. Made me smile even more.

I took off early just in case. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Everything that had went bad had went bad a long time ago. As long as I was gentle, it didn't stink. I tied the bag off and made a mad dash to the complex disposal unit.

A run to the store got me some scented candles and a small bunch of yellow carnations. They were her favorite. And because I'm such a wonderful cook, I ordered a complete meal to be delivered about half an hour before she'd get here.

Good thing I did, she was twenty minutes early. She snickered as I brushed the packaging into the compactor.

We ate and chatted about work. She was in the wrap up stages of a project, and was being offered her choice of three different upcoming projects.

[Do you know which one you want?]

[Mmm, all of them and none of them.]

I just looked at her.

[They are giving me a choice because of Victor. I can get a light duty supervisory role. An ongoing project a little less intense than the one I'm completing, or I can dive in the deep end on the start of something new.]

I looked at her looking at me while we ate. [I'm going to play dirty pool and ask what Victor would say.]

There was a roaring laugh, all of a sudden cut off, and from her expressions and some hand waiving I was betting there was quite the conversation going on between those two.

Her mouth dropped open in surprise, then she slumped in her chair, just staring off into space.

I let her sit there a bit, then got her standing and out to my tiny living room and onto the tiny couch. Pulling her up against me and just held her.

I had just settled beside her when she literally curled up in a ball and tried to get her whole body under my arm. She may be small chested, but she is NOT that small.

She would fidget, I'd move her knees out from under my ribs, she'd fidget some more, and I'd dig her knees out again. She started to fidget, and I grabbed her and held her across my lap.

She gasped, giggled, and snuggled her head under my chin as she ground against my firm cock, and the grinding wasn't improving the comfort of her seat. She just giggled and ground some more.

[So what did he say?]

Abby gasped, then sighed. [A lot, and nothing. Basically he told me it wasn't his place to say anymore. That we should be discussing it.]


[So what do you think of the offers?]

[At first I wasn't sure, but then when you take into account that it's a military operation even if you are a civilian contractor, I'd say it's a test.]

Abby pulled out from under my chin and looked at me, [How do you figure that?]

[Simple. Are you going to curl up in a ball and shrink in on yourself, just muddle by until something else comes along, or dig back in and be the woman they hired?]

[Wow, I hadn't thought of it from that angle.]

[Call it a different perspective, looking in from the outside if you will.] I pulled her back close. [Abby, no one will blame you no matter what you choose. This is hell even if you can still talk to Victor. You can bounce things off of me, but only you will know if you would regret any of the other two choices down the road. And even for as good a branch as the Space Force is, they are just like any other military branch with their shit or get off the pot attitude.]


[But accurate.]

We cuddled a bit, took a shower... separately. My tiny apartment came with a tiny shower. Technically we could both fit in it, but only if you wanted to take a chance on severe bruising when the elbows came out.

She rolled her eyes and then mentally swatted me as I watched her lather her hair, the shampoo looking so fucking hot coming down her tit and splitting on either side of her hard nipple. She flipped the bird at the ceiling, so I imagine there was a comment from Victor as well.

She surprised me wanting to stay at my place, and a few days later I found out why.

[I want to sell the house.]


Abby snickered at me talking out loud.

[But you took forever finding the right site and designing it.]

[I know, but...]

[All the time you spent in that house, getting everything just right.]

[Getting married in that house...]

[Oh...] I just held her close realizing what an idiot I was. [You know what the hard part is going to be?]


[Finding a realtor that won't rip you off in commissions.]

Abby gasped, then giggled, then snuggled under my chin.

After a bit of a discussion and a wakeup call that we would never have anyone to leave anything to, we decided to go the condo or apartment route from now on.

I had seven months to go on my lease, but I had a desirable starter apartment so that wouldn't be a problem. Abby's place appraised a lot higher than she thought it would, and when you added in she was famous in her own way and the designer, it bumped the appraisal another fifteen percent.

Abby actually had a small bidding war on her place. I wanted to think the Ultánians had something to do with that, but Victor professed innocence.

Abby moved into her new condo, and I spent more and more time at her place publicly. Two months later I moved in.

Abby was buried in her new project from time to time. If he hadn't talked to her for a while, I would get a text from a restricted number. 'How's she doing?'

'Okay,' was all I ever sent back. Abby was still on a bit of an emotional roller coaster, but it was getting a lot gentler.

I think part of her reasoning for jumping into the new project was to keep her mind off of Victor. If she was pushing harder than I thought she should and I pointed it out to her, she'd shrug it off and back off a little for a while, then slowly dig back in just as hard if not harder.

But we both knew the elephant in the room was there, and Abby was putting in more and more time at work.

My phone vibrated for an incoming text. I read it and my heart dropped. 'FAMILY EMERGENCY'

I told the girls I had something pop up and headed for my car. I opaqued the windows and set it to head home. As soon as the car cleared the building, a Ultánian popped in, immediately grabbed my wrist, and we popped onto the station.

I did my best not to fall on my ass since I was seated when we transported. I was glad we popped in next to a wall.

We were hurrying to the medical wing with two things on my mind. I wanted to go to Abby, but knew she was in her own routine to get up here quick. But mostly, would we get to Victor before he passed?

I about fell to the floor in relief, Victor was lying in bed 'talking' with his doctor. He was very weak, but he was still with us.

Abby was a streak, straight to his bedside, all but crawling up on top of him.

The doctor pulled her back a bit, but just enough so she wasn't laying on him.

He must have made one of his usual smart ass remarks to her. She gasped and then swatted at him before breaking out in a crying fit as she tried to strangle him and suffocate him.

Abby stood very slowly, and he raised a hand to me. [Julyan] came through VERY weakly.

He looked weak, but the sound in my head barely a whisper said more than anything.

I stepped to him and took his hand. He brought mine together with Abby's, keeping us all together.

[Abby, I will always love you.] He had to pause as if taking a breath. [While I am not a believer in your Deity, I dearly hope he will take care of you.]

He looked toward me. [And if I have managed to atone for all I have done,] another 'breath.' [Then I will see you soon, and we can all...]

I thought it was another 'breath', but the monitors went silent.

It took a moment to sink in, and Abby was staring at him, then she let out a WAIL and collapsed on top of him, beating off the staff that tried to pull her away.

I was useless, the best I could do was put a hand on her shoulder.

Eventually they got her off him, and she clung to me as they made the official diagnosis.

Victor was gone.

Abby railed as they took his body away even though she knew it was his instructions. Everything had been planned out. Later this evening he would be sent on his final journey. I did have to smile, he had to fight to get even this.

The Ultán people didn't bury their dead, they launched the bodies toward their home star. It took Victor several months to get permission to be launched here, instead of being shipped back and launched into their home star.

A few hours from now as the station came around the Earth in the proper plane, his body would be launched toward our sun. He had a long last journey since they couldn't use their normal boost thrusters and not be caught. He was going to look like another piece of space debris, but he was going where he wanted to be.

After watching his body be launched, along with several dignitaries, Abby blew him one last kiss and we were transported back to the condo. Our guide just smiled softly and bowed deep in respect to Victor's widow before popping back out.

As much as Abby wanted to curl up in a ball and go with him, I had made a promise to Victor to look after her and hope the Ultán bond between them was not as strong as he feared.

Abby called in sick the next two days, and was a wreck over the weekend.

She went to work the next week, but was kinda useless. She told her boss she had come across something of Victor's, and the anniversary of his disappearance was just a few weeks away.

They accepted it, but kept an eye on her.

Abby put in a decent show at work, but was a walking shell at home.

I called a few of the doctors on the station asking about it. She wasn't acting like any of the spouses that were going to follow their mates on the long journey home, but she was mostly human so they couldn't say for sure.

All I could do was hold her and talk to her, or just hold her and not talk at all.

It took about a month for Abby to get back most of the way, enough that the doctors and I weren't worried about her trying to join Victor anyway.

She had tried to initiate sex a few times, but it was more than three months after his passing before we actually had sex. And it was just sex, I think more for my benefit than hers.

Did I occasionally take advantage of the naked woman in my arm? I'm a guy.

But I did my best to just be there for her... and ogle as much as I could get away with.

Over the next four years Abby completed the project she started on before Victor passed, and completed most of the next one. Everybody could see her heart wasn't really in it, and let her pass control to her assistant so she could take a sabbatical.

They suspected, and we knew, that Abby wouldn't be back. This area and Space Force still held too many memories of Victor.

Abby's mood brightened at just the thought of getting away. We made some arrangements with the Ultánians for alternate identities. I didn't tell Abby that Victor had made all the preparations before he passed. We had four lifetimes ready to go at a moment's notice.

I kidded Abby we were going to a warm sunny European location with topless beaches. She grinned and said she preferred nude beaches. I grinned back and said it was okay with me as long as she didn't mind me walking around with a hard on from looking at her chest.

That night was the first time since Victor's passing that we made love. I woke her in the middle of the night nibbling on her nipples and ravished her delicious body again, and rolled her over in the morning sun to ravish her once more.

For the first few months we rented a villa near the ocean, and Abby tried to kill me with sex. It was like she had bottled up everything from before the move and was now unleashing it on me.

She took sheer delight, as in sheer tops, in torturing me with lovely visions of her chest when she knew damn well I had to wait until we got back home to molest her.

She got me to a few nude beaches and teased the hell out of me. I got her to a couple of swingers beaches and made her scream her fool head off. She turned red the first few times she was applauded. She giggled when several of the ladies said thanks for getting their guys all riled up.

# # #

We have lived in many places around the world. With a little direction from the Ultánians, we managed to stay out of the countries circling the drain. With their and many other civilizations long histories, the signs are evident when you know what to look for.

Civilizations, or countries in our case, that put their emphasis on the people and keeping their government under control were long lasting. Those that let the power hungry get and stay in power just spiraled down while claiming they were great. If they fight some kind of term limit, they are the power hungry. The smart ones let the good ones stay on only with a super majority. If they want to stay, they have to earn it instead of just talking about it.