A Naughty Little Ghost Story


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Amanda leaned down, giving him several small, light kisses -- one on each cheek, and then one on the forehead. Drawing back, she stared down at him, as their eyes locked. Both of their hearts swelled with innocent love the longer they gazed deeply into each other's eyes.

Detecting the moment was right to push the envelope and give him a real kiss, directly on the lips, Amanda prayed he would not turn away. She closed her eyes, moving her lips closer to his as if she was in a dream. A sense of unbearable sexual tension hung in the air between mother and son as her lips hovered mere inches from his.

Their lips came together for just the briefest of seconds, and then parted, before crashing together again and again. They exchanged at least a half dozen small, butterfly kisses, light and gentle, but yet still full of love, leaving them both panting wildly.

"There," she smiled at him tenderly, "your Mommy's kisses have afforded you full protection against any evil spirits that might try and haunt your dreams baby."

"I hope so. G'night," he told her before reluctantly turning his back. What he really wanted to do was to snuggle up to her, but was fearful if he did just that she would discover the raging monster his rock hard cock had become. So instead he turned away -- reasoning discretion was the better part of valor.

Suspecting as much, Amanda let him turn away, allowing him to fall into a fitful sleep, where he was confronted with an incoherent mixture of both bad and naughty dreams. Dreams of his half naked mother, intermixed with dreams of the horrors he suffered at the hands of his captors during the war.

Guilt, terror and pleasure all spun in and out of his dreams, until he finally awoke with a terrified scream. Hot tears of fear and guilt rolled down his cheeks. He had a painful erection to go along with his tears.

Amanda instantly came awake upon hearing Jimmy's scream. Whispering quietly to him as she softly stroked his hair she said, "You had better let me snuggle you against my chest like last night since apparently my kisses were not enough to keep those bad dreams at bay."

Not waiting for him to answer, she reached out, drawing him into her embrace. His tears were stifled by her plentiful bosom as he burrowed his face snug against her bosom.

They rested like this for a few minutes as Jimmy slowly relaxed with his thoughts turning gradually to whatwas under the thin material of his mother's little half tee shirt.

"Maybe we could try again. Another kiss I mean Mommy," Jimmie declared softly in a voice almost pitiful with quiet desperation.

Amanda hesitated briefly before giving in to his pleading voice.

Their kiss was slow and unhurried, soft and delicate. Finally, they parted lips. Amanda regarded her son's tear stained eyes with a growing desire to provide him the comfort he so desperately needed; a comfort that could only be found in the warm bosom of a mother.

"You surprised me asking for another kiss hon. I thought maybe you found your Mom to be not so attractive anymore and the idea of getting a kiss from me would be gross."

"No Mom, you are so beautiful." He brushed his fingers through a strand of her luxurious brunette hair with one hand wanting to say more but not finding the words.

"Honey you mean that? Really, really, mean that?" she seductively batted her eyes at him thrilled her son still found her attractive.

"Yes, I think you're the prettiest Mom in the whole wide world and I just love you so, so much... you know for letting me sleep in your bed."

"Of course hon, you are welcome here... always. I just want to give you the comfort you need to keep them stupid bad dreams at bay."

"Maybe we just need to kiss some more, maybe we didn't kiss enough the first time... you know to keep my bad dreams at bay."

"Maybe," she whispered as she used one hand to delicately guide his face closer. This time their kiss was deeper and full of a restless passion each had been fighting to hold in for too long. This time when their lips parted, it didn't take. Instead, they kissed again, their lips coming together as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

In between their breathless kisses, they whispered devoted exclamations of their love and fondness for one another.

As they cuddled under the covers, kissing so very sweetly, she used the tips of her fingers to stroke his bare chest, while his own hands began to caress their way around her exposed mid-section just below the edge of her little half tee shirt.

They continued to exchange a plethora of sweet, innocent kisses for the longest time with no words being spoken now to break the rhythm. Instead, it was just one deeply passionate kiss after another doing all the talking.

At some point, finally, their lips parted, allowing a pair of restless tongues into the fray, adding a new forbidden element to the proceedings.

After a good half dozen of these new and improved kisses, Amanda found herself guiding his face downward into the comforting embrace of her pure mother-ness. Yes, towards the tremendous paired peaks of his mommy's mighty breasts.

Jimmy found his face again sliding down on her maddeningly short, tight pink tee shirt. Just as before, he understood with utter clarity there was nothing between his cheek and her bare breasts but the thin material of the tee shirt.

He rested there for a few minutes, his heart beating wildly as his cock came fully alive. This time they both had a sense they were on the verge of something much deeper, and more meaningful, than him simply slipping off to sleep.

"Are you getting sleepy yet honey?"

He turned his eyes up, staring at her sadly. "I am afraid to go back to sleep. I know you probably think I am a little baby or something, but it's the truth."

"I have news for you," she stared at him deep in his eyes while lifting his chin up gently with one finger. "Mommy will always consider you to be her baby. And like all babies you need your mommy's love and comfort to help you go back to sleep. So just relax, close your eyes and listen."

Jimmy did as she requested wondering where she might be leading him.

"I know it stings your male pride, having me think of you as a baby," she whispered to him sweetly. "But there is rewards to having your mommy still think of you as her baby."

Amanda took a deep breath, pausing to let the incredible sexual tension between them build to nearly unbearable levels before she started whispering again.

"You know the bond between a baby boy and his mother is the most special, the most sacred bond in the whole wide world, Jimmy. You must understand that sweetie?"

His voice was barely audible as he asked the million dollar question. "You mean even if the baby boy is not a baby anymore but full grown."

"Yes, even then honey and with that in mind I really think this situation calls for desperate measures to take your mind off those God awful dreams you have been suffering."

She paused just long enough to use her hand to softly nudge his face down just a bit more into the perfect position. "And I think the best way to take your mind off those unpleasant dreams is for you to concentrate on something else with all your heart and soul baby."

Julianne now paused again in her story. Looking at both of them she whispered, "Still liking your mom's bedtime story, boys."

Reaching over she took another large sip of her wine as Matthew answered, "It's a nice story, Mom."

"Yeah, real nice and I think, just like Jimmy I am going to start concentrating on something myself," Mark whispered. Reaching over he started to fiddle with the first of the four buttons running up the center of his mom's silk pajama top.

Julianne almost, out of pure instinct, started to brush his hands away before catching herself. She knew trying to stop him, trying to stop them, was a forlorn hope.

The die was cast, their story must continue on its naughty path just as the one she was telling them.

She started reading their naughty bedtime story again even as she felt the first of the buttons on her pajama top come undone.

Amanda intuitively understood exactly where she must focus his attention. The thought, the pure naughtiness of it, made her heart gallop.

"Like what kind of desperate measures?" he mouthed back. His eyes fluttered open for a brief second, just long enough to spy his mother reaching down to the edge of her tee shirt.

Could she really be getting ready to... He closed his eyes again, whispering a silent fervent prayer.

There was a brief pause before she whispered her reply. "Something nice, something that can provide you with so much love and comfort those bad dreams of yours will never come back. Yes baby, something big and warm and soft. Now open those adorable little hazel eyes of yours and see what Mommy has in mind for her baby to enjoy."

His eyes flickered open at her command. He watched, with rapt attention, as his mother slowly began to pull her short little tee shirt up, while arching her back and thrusting her tits out to their full extent, hoping he will not become overcome with his innate shyness and look away.

Every bit of his attention was focused on his mother's grandiose tits. He noted with fascination how they strained against the tight confines of their soft pink prison. His breath was coming in short, rapid bursts as she slowly began to peel her tee shirt back to reveal them.

His heart nearly stopped as it hit him full force: he was about to get a glimpse of heaven!!

Inch by slow maddeningly inch, she pulled her tee shirt up. Finally, her imposing tits flopped free in all their naked glory.

Sucking in his breath, holding it, afraid if he was to even take another breath this wild dream would come crashing down, he starred, spellbound, his heart thumping away like a jackhammer inside his chest.

Jimmy had never such majestic beauty as his mother's mammoth tits. After having so many naughty fantasies about his mom's breasts, the real thing proved to be hardly a disappointment at all. In fact, they are even bigger, and more magnificent, than he ever could have imagined!!

He noted the pronounced tan line on her tits, marking the boundaries of the many skimpy bikinis she loved to wear. He noticed-- with even greater interest--how her erect nipples, appearing like nothing less than a pair of luxurious crown jewels, jutted out so very enticingly.

In wicked anticipation, he licked his lips as his cock grew painfully hard.

"God Mommy they are..." he paused, wanting to say something poetic about them but instead, drawing a blank, he settled on the obvious, "so big and beautiful."

"You really think they are sweetie," she answered. "I mean just because they are big don't mean they are nice. A lot of guys don't like women with big boobies."

As he stared longingly at her tits a spark of fiery imagination, the same spark that had eluded him earlier to say something poetic, now struck home.

"Mom..." he began slowly, "not only are your breasts big and beautiful, but they are beguiling and bewitching. So much so that I am quite powerless to stop staring at them... such is there dazzling magnificent splendor." He paused a moment hoping his words would have the desired effect on her. "In fact," he continued quietly, "I think your breasts must have been sculptured in heaven by angels to the point where I am simply awed by their imposing grandeur, Mommy."

Julianne took a brief pause as she felt the second of the buttons on her pajama top come undone. "I guess he liked them huh, Mommy?" Matthew whispered to her during her pause.

"Yes, he did, honey."

"Just as we like yours, Mommy," Matthew replied with an innocent smile.

"Hmm, I'm sure you do boys," she murmured before launching into the real naughty part of their bedtime story.

Finished with this grand tribute to her mighty tits, Jimmy swallowed nervously, hoping she was reassured by his little homage to their utter beauty.

Amanda blinked back the tears of happiness filling her heart and making it swell. "Oh baby that was so beautiful. Your words, your beautiful sweet words touch my soul. Never has anyone paid me such heartfelt compliments."

Pure and simple desire blossomed in her heart, along with a playful notion of what must come next. "Well since you seem to like Mommy's... big... beautiful... boobs so very much..."

Jimmy noticed how she accented each of those three words beginning with the letter B: big, beautiful, and boobs causing his poor cock to reach new heights of hardness.

A mischievous grin spread across her face as she continued. "Maybe Mommy should let you play with them a bit before we try to get you back to sleep."

Tilting her head to one side, Amanda again thrust her chest out, accenting her invitation. Her whispered voice, soft and innocent, the way she coached the invitation, playful and sweet, stood in direct contrast to the naughtiness she was suggesting to the point where the whole thing seemed utterly surreal to Jimmy.

Reaching down, she lightly stroked the side of his face with one playful finger before repeating her invite. "Hmm would you like that sweetheart? Would you like to play with your Mommy's big, beautiful boobies?"

"Mommy, I..." Coherent thought became impossible for him as he stared in awe at the mighty twin peaks of his mommy's bare breasts. Instead of speaking further, he found he could only gaze at his mother's regal breasts with awed reverence bordering on complete and utter devotion.

Amanda understood her young virgin son was lost to this world as she offered up her tits for him to play with and knowing this only served to turn her on all the more.

She understood her son's innate shyness-- which was exactly what she wanted--as she reached out for his hands. Grasping them tightly in her own, she carefully guided them to her tits.

Back in the reality of the bedroom, Julianne felt both the third and fourth buttons of her silk pajama top come undone. Even as she continued to read, she leaned forward as one of them pulled the sheet down and off of her, while the other helped slip her pajama top off.

"Honey," she whispered, "Mommy understands how shy you are and it just makes me want you all the more. Go on you can play with my boobies. I bet you want to huh?"

She pushed his hands against their fullness, and Jimmy, feeling a woman's bare breasts for the first time, was lost forever. He deliberately ran his hands all over them, squeezing them, fondling them, and gently kneading them like two large loaves of bread. They were big and soft, spongy and squishy, and so much fun to playfully handle!

He took a long minute to bounce them up and down in his hands, testing their weight and firmness while Amanda laid her head back against the pillow while whispering quiet encouragement to him.

"That's it honey, play with your mommy's titties. Fondle them all you want and see how big and bouncy they are."

This was Jimmy's first sexual experience with a woman, mainly due to a couple of factors. One was his extreme shyness around girls, and the second was he wanted his first sexual experience with a woman to be real special and not just some cheap fling.

He was just different from other guys in this matter. His mother wholly appreciated this fact and was thrilled when he made the quiet confession that she was his first.

He watched, with fascination, as her nipples became fully erect, seemingly in response to the way he was delicately flickering them now back and forth with his playful fingers.

Using both his thumbs at the same time, he brushed them carefully against her nipples, simultaneously, causing her to let out a pronounced sigh.

"Oh baby that feels sooo good," she whispered as he continued to flicker his fingers across them lightly, over and over again, before finishing up with a firm flick from his thumbs.

Using both his hand, he explored every inch of his mother's succulent boobs as she reclined her head back against the pillow, closing her eyes while thrusting her chest out to its maximum potential, allowing him complete and total access to her tits.

Finally, after a long indeterminate amount of time, Amanda sensed the time was right to go for the kill. She leisurely raised her head up and opened her eyes.

"Do you want to suck on them, baby?" The invitation came out in a soft throaty whisper, betraying the intense excitement she was feeling asking such a question to her young son. She knew the answer-- of course he did! --but still, just the asking caused an intense forbidden thrill to wash over her entire body.

What she wanted was for him to answer in that sweet, innocent, little boy voice of his as Amanda has a real weakness, a fetish if you will, for anything sweet and innocent.

Jimmy, knowing his mother well, knowing her weakness, exploited it to the fullest. Dropping his vocie to a quiet whine, he said, "I do, Mommy, if... if you will let me?"

This little game they are playing of mommy and her darling little boy was turning the both of them on more than either could have ever imagined. Jimmy's large cock was hard enough to cut diamonds by now while Amanda's love starved pussy ached for attention.

Playing coy, just to see how he might react she told him, "Hmm, should mommy let you, sweetie?"

Suspecting she wanted him to beg--that was exactly what he would do. "Mommy can I... suck on them, pretty please... I will do it real good. I promise."

His voice, coming out in a desperate whine, turned her on all the more.

She looked down at him with half lidded eyes, slowly running her fingers through his hair.

In the truest sense of life imitating art, both of Julianne's boys were now fully engaged in deftly fondling her tits through the gorgeous lace tan bra she was wearing.

She had a feeling, as the story she was reading them continued to heat up, so would the soft attentions they were paying to her body.

"Hmm, well, I guess maybe since you asked so sweetly hon, I suppose mommy could let her little boy suck on her boobies... but only for a little bit before we have to get you off to sleep."

Raising herself into a sitting position, Amanda tenderly cradled his head in her arms. She slowly arched her back, while using her hand to push lightly on the back of his head. His face sank deep into the warm cleavage of her bare breasts.

She watched with barely controlled excitement as he slowly opened his mouth wide just as she nudged his face toward one of her fully erect nipples.

Amanda let out a sharp hiss as his warm mouth enveloped her ripe nipple, sending sparks of forbidden excitement flying up and down her spine. Flickering his tongue out, Jimmy lathered one of her nipples with his dancing tongue.

Delicate and slow, his tongue flickered out, again and again, continuing to lather her glorious nipple in wet saliva, before she felt his lips clamp down on it as he suckled it tenderly into his mouth.

Amanda was in "Mommy" heaven, such was the warm tender feelings of pure love washing over her from having her tits so sweetly suckled on by her young son.