A Not So Prim & Proper Wife Ch. 07


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It was at their early dinner the next evening that Ofi made a more public move, and it was but a small one. A kiss. It was small, and almost platonic, but directly on her lips. It had been the first intimate contact with a man, including her husband. But that kiss had warmed her in a way she didn't understand, but accepted, almost gratefully. It was one of the small things upon which greater things were built.

"Thank you, Ofi. That was nice." She said, with a nice smile, blushing.

After the kiss, which she returned out of instinct, she blushed, and looked to him. He simply sat back and was resuming his confident air as the conversation resumed, though in a more personal vein. Tessa was getting better, recovering as well as could be expected. Some of the emotional wounds would take a long time, but a lot of it was over with.


One morning soon after, Tessa awoke in Ofi's bed, as had become the routine. Only now, she felt a presence. An arm wrapped over her, holding her close as she was spooned, was Ofi. As she startled at the revelation, Ofi also awoke.

"Ofi! What are you doing in here?" she demanded.

"Easy, easy, Tessa." His deep baritone rumbled again. "You do not remember last night, when you awoke screaming from a nightmare. "I offered to stay with you, so you could go back to sleep."

Turning to look back at him, she looked quizzically. "Oh. Is that why you are still here?"

"I apologize, but I am sure I fell asleep myself."

With a breath of relief, she lay back in bed. "Thank you for protecting me. I imagine I'll be having these for a while."

"You have almost from the beginning, but you rarely wake up for them. Last night must have been particularly terrifying. That is why I came in, and saw you raised up on the bed, screaming."

"Oh, I was not!"

"But my dear, I do not lie, not to you. Why else would I be in bed with you, without clothes?"

She had taken to wearing the satin caftan as her bedclothes, not having anything else suitable, as well as comfortable, and she reached back, and indeed, felt his bare skin. She gasped, softly, as her fingers touched him, the pads of her fingertips caressing the side of his manhood.

Being morning, Ofi had grown in size, his 'morning wood' hard, and as the girl of his dreams had woken, he had grown to nearly full-mast. Feeling the caress of his pole, he gently placed a hand to her shoulder, and pulled her back flat, so they could make eye contact. Her fingers somehow found their way around his shaft, and her wrist began to make slow rocking motions, teasing the man's hardness even further.

His dark eyes took in this lovely vision, hair tousled, and eyes sleepy, but growing brighter, and a soft smile on her lips. Those kissable lips that begged for his to devour them, and he found he could not resist. He kept his gaze on hers, and slowly lowered his face to hers, brushing his thick, dark lips to her full, pouty pink ones. The first touch was just a brush, yet it was electrifying, for both of them.

He then lowered his lips to hers fully, and used his tongue to pry hers apart, softly invading her mouth in a deep and loving kiss. It was long, and delicious, and as it neared the end, her soft voice mewed in response. After the kiss broke, her eyes matched his gaze, and she spoke barely above a whisper.

"Please, Ofi. Make love to me. I need to know I can still make love with a man."

His hands began to caress the wife he wanted, in soft, gentle caresses, his dark fingers gently groping and touching her curves. His hands found her breasts, and she rolled to be fully on her back, availing herself to him. She used the opportunity to kick the covers down, leaving them both exposed, save for the thin caftan she wore. His hands slid smoothly over the silky material that clung to her, even using his thumb to play with her nipples, drawing them to hardness. Eyes never breaking contact, his lips found another spot to kiss, her neck, and he gently nuzzled in, and placed a series of small kisses that went from the tickle-spot under her ear, to her jawline, and ended with another long, tongue-wrestling kiss.

For Tessa, her fingers slid up and down his black snake, teasing it as the thick member throbbed in her hand. Turning to face her newly re-found lover, her free hand then reached to caress his torso, his muscles, and his butt. Long nails leaving soft scratched in his ebony skin, she kissed him back, eyes fluttered closed. For that moment, there was no rape, there was no Daniel, there was no anything. It was just Tessa and Ofi, making love even more passionate than their first time.

Gingerly, Ofi's hand slid up along her thigh, slowly circling up and down, his fingertips tickling the inside of her thigh, which caused her to slide her knees wider apart. Accepting the invitation, Ofi slid his hand to gently cup her vulva, eliciting a moan as his thin, calloused hands rubbed her sealed petals. Tessa began purring as she felt his touch, and her pearl peeked out from its protected canopy, along with some slight seepage from her labia.

Their tongues swirled and danced, the seal of their lips breaking as they exposed their tongues, ye the passionate kisses went on. Once it finally broke, Tessa's own lips went to his neck, kissing him, while her palm went to his pouch, and gently caressed the family-bearing jewels. Her long nails gently tickled the base of his sac, adding more to his arousal. It did not take long before Ofi was in need of more from his woman. Sliding over her, placing his knees between hers, he opened her thighs further, and placed his turgid, dripping rod at her entrance. Then he lowered himself onto her, using the head of his cock to press her labia apart, until her body yielded to him, and the mushroomed head engaged with her opening.

"I want you..." he softly shared.

"Please... have me..." she purred, eyes in a dreamy-glaze, her lids half-mast.

That was the last spoke between them for a while, as he used gravity to press into her, rather than the first time, where gravity sank her onto him. Adding little thrusts, her slick valley was encouraged to accept him, making her feel every fraction of an inch of his cock as it sank inside her.

She gasped loudly, and her back arched as she felt him penetrate deeply into her, her dreamy eyes now wide with the pangs of pleasure. Her fingers reached to grab his back, while her legs lifted at the waist, bent up and back, until her knees were aside her chest. Toes high in the air, he began to cycle his hips, pulling out slowly, before re-penetrating her in a slow, inexorable, delicious thrust.

Tessa's soft voice began to mew, each thrust making her voice grow louder and louder, while her hands went to feel his chest, sliding down his ribcage to his waist, where she could only reach his hips. His far greater height towered him over her, and the act of kissing while positioned like this was so difficult. Yet her tongue waggled in the air, her body eager to kiss, a lustful desire unfulfilled for the time being.

His hips started to assault her body with more force, and her body jolted in reaction, taking his black snake fully into her lady-garden, his pelvic bone smacking her pearl like a child being spanked with a rod. His ebony skin was sliding along her satin-clad body, enjoying the slipperiness as she enjoyed the penetration and ministration. Soon her toes began to curl, and her breathing grew sharp and quick.

Ofi was nearly there, himself, and as he sensed her tensing, he shifted his arms to envelope her, holding her to him as his thrusts grew erratic. She wriggled in his grasp, crying out in what Ofi thought was terror, her soft voice breaking into a loud, high-pitched wail, just before he exploded in her. If Tessa had a last minute of remorse, there was no way to stop, he was too far along. He would cum in her until his sac was dry. He had been unable to stop himself at that point, unable to resist his manly and natural instincts.

Laying atop her, heaving for breath, he lifted himself onto his elbows, his fingers gently caressing her hair, then her cheeks. Smiling, he spoke gently. "I hope I have not hurt you?" Her reply was to lift her head and kiss him.

Breaking the kiss, she dropped her head back to the mattress, and smiled to him, a pretty, sated smile.

"No," she said through her smile. "I needed to prove I could still do this. Prove it to myself. I guess to prove it to you, also."

Sliding off of her, Ofi lay on his side, his hand still gently caressing her, from head to as far as he could reach, a loving, kind, warm reassurance of how he felt about her. Tessa, simply lay there, absorbing more love in the last twenty minutes than she had experienced in weeks.


Daniel was passed out on the couch when he heard the phone ring. He stumbled to find the wireless phone, hearing the ringing from everywhere in the house, save right in front of him. Frantically finding one, he pushed the on button, and cried out. "Hello? Hello?"

"Hi, Daniel, it's me..." He was immediately relieved to hear Tessa's voice. "Before you yell at me again, I need you to know I am safe, and free to do what I want."

"Tessa.. I am so sorry! I shouldn't have yelled like that. It was so wrong of me. I am just so worried about you. I need you home with me!" His voice sounded almost desperate. It had been a week now, and he had only had the one phone call from his wife, which he had destroyed.

"In time, Daniel, in time. Right now, I need to stay where I am at. I feel safe here, and I don't feel safe there. But I will call you, every day. It is only fair that you know how I am doing."

Daniel felt immense relief at the words. He at least some form of communication going now, with his wife. "What can I do to help you? What can I do to bring you home to me?" His voice was still tense, as his feelings of lost control were raging, and he needed to have that control back. He needed his wife to be the demure, prim and proper wife he had married. He desperately needed his old life back!

"Let me recover, Dan... I need time and care." She chided him. "I've had a very rough patch, in case you weren't aware."

"I know... I know... I'm sorry, Tess... I'm so sorry..."

There was adding in the background. "Listen, dinner is ready, so I'm going to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye."

Daniel looked at the receiver incredulously. "What the Hell as gotten into her?"

She smiled to Ofi as she disconnected the call. Seated in his lap on the couch, she wore a silky sundress, the only garment on her as Ofi held her to him, gently caressing her as she endured his frantic voice. She looked up to him, and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

"Thank you, Ofi. I need to do this."


During this time, Tessa was given leeway with her schedule at work, Ofi saw to that. Besides, he had some other things to attend to, like the discipline of his two nephews, not to mention the third little thug. He did not take kindly to the violation of the woman he considered his bride. Andre and Duane seemingly dropped off the face of the planet, never even being reported as missing persons to the police. Charles wound up experiencing a very severe beating, along with a series of deep and serious wounds to his skin and muscles, and he was next to wind up in the hospital. Charles, being streetwise, knew better than to say what happened, or why he was beaten. It would have been beyond foolish to admit that he helped gang-rape his former teacher.

Tessa started seeing a psychologist, one who specialized in sexual abuse and rape victims. She started with a once-a-week schedule, but soon wound up going daily. The therapist helped her to dig out some real problems inside her emotions. There were lots of tears, and lots of pain, and after each session, Tessa went home... to Ofi's house. There she was met with tender loving support, and when she asked for it, loving, passionate sex. Ofi was only too happy to oblige.

Daniel started to rebuild his wrecked career, suffering the indignity of having to face his former subordinates, who were now his equals, or in two cases, now his superior. They pay-cut was insubstantial, but the message was clear. He had fallen into great disfavor with the leadership. One more misstep and he would be gone.


Tessa, for her part, had been in a fearful state, not really wanting to be with any man, let alone the man who left her to the perils of others. Except for Ofi. He had made her feel warm, welcomed, and most of all, safe. She was dreading that she was pregnant, and that gave her mixed feelings and fears on top of that. She was also feeling abandoned and perhaps a bit worthless. Her self-esteem had taken a beating. She confessed these feelings to her therapist, whom she had been now seeing three times a week. Some of these hurts and fears she cried out, some of it she expressed in safe conditions where she could express the rage she felt, and some of this she simply talked out. For reasons she didn't at first understand, she had taken to preferring the comfort of Ofi's presence.

It started with his taking her to his home, and ensuring her comfort and safety. Then the meetings to verify Tessa was recovering, and then following up with her work, and her precious project for troubled and troubling students. Ofi had always been confident, reassuring, and compassionate. Soon the meetings had turned into lunches, and then after-work meetings, and then early dinners.

She found herself finding the only security she could sense when Ofi was with her. He was the very essence of an attentive, self-assured, and strong man. To Tessa, Ofi gave the impression of being in control of all he surveyed. He never once did anything inappropriate, and never once spoke ill of her husband. He remained dignified and respectful, despite his own feelings. But to Ofi, this was working far better than his original plan of sweeping her off to his homeland and keeping her there.


It took two more weeks before Tessa moved back home. During those two weeks, Tessa and Ofi had made love numerous times, each time growing more passionate than the last. Their post-coital glow and sharing gradually turned from the present and into the future.

"Tessa, I know I have spoken to this before. Many times. But I want to again put it plainly. I am asking you to be my wife. I am asking you to marry me." Ofi began.

Tessa groaned. "I know.. I know... and there is so much to you to be loved by. I cannot deny I have special feelings for you, feelings no other man can touch, not even my husband. But I'm still married, though I don't know for how long. I may go home, and find myself served with divorce papers. He may be dedicated to making our marriage work. I just don't know. I've learned that..." and her words were interrupted by Ofi's soft kiss. "I've learned that being with you is incredible, and not just in bed." She grinned. "Though I can't fake what you make me do. You are an amazing man and an amazing lover..." She grinned and kissed him back.

"I hope you can decide soon. For though I have not discussed it with you, I must return to my homeland soon. My visa will be expiring, and I am needed back to my home. I would be thrilled to bring home with me the woman who has captured my heart."

The news struck Tessa like a lightning bolt out of the blue. "Ofi! Why didn't you tell me this?"

"It's because I want you to love me for me, to be my wife and live your life happily by my side. I want it out of your heart, not out of some fear of the calendar."

Tessa broke into wide smile, and nestled into him. Together they fell asleep in bed, as they had been for the past week and a half.


Her first night back at her home was filled by nightmares and a very bad freak-out when Daniel tried to make advances on her. Left alone to his own devices had only sated him so much, and he needed to feel the touch of a particular woman. His woman. Yet when he moved his body on top of her as she slept, she popped awake, and screamed. Thrashing about, she was able to get Daniel to stop, and she bolted from the bed.

"Don't you EVER try that again!" she yelled at him, her chest heaving in the thin mint satin nightie. She dashed from the room in tears, leaving Daniel to figure out what to do. His best solution? Leave her alone. Tessa spent the night on the couch, huddled in a blanket and sobbing herself to sleep.

The next morning, she started to move into the guest bedroom. When her husband got home, she took him into the kitchen and sat down at the table with him, holding his hands in hers.

"Daniel. Listen..." she told him directly. "Last night was too much for me. I'm sorry, but I can't do that yet. Being in that room and reliving what happened to me is too much. I have too many bad memories. I know I've been going to therapy, and it is helping, but my therapist has made me realize that my recovery is going to be slow. I don't know if ever." She lifted a hand to caress his cheek. "I'm sorry. I know you have needs. But I can't satisfy them. Not now."

"What about me?" Daniel came back with, almost sounding pathetically.

"Get your own therapist. You can't use mine." She simply replied, and then rose, leaving him sitting there. Shutting the door to her bedroom, she curled up in bed, and swiped her cell phone on, and called Ofi.

"Hey, it's me." She started.

"Are you alright? Need me to come get you?"

Letting out a deep breath, she admitted to him the incident the night before, and how she was feeling. "Truth is, Ofi, I realize that by being apart from you, I really do love you."

Daniel had been standing outside her door, eavesdropping. His heart sank at the news.


"Tessa, what are we going to do? I can't have my wife behaving like this. The only neighbors we have left barely acknowledge me, and I am all the more miserable at work because I can't be with you like I need. I need to have my sexy, beautiful wife back!"

Tessa had just finished the dishes after cooking another nice dinner, this time one of spaghetti and meatballs for her husband to enjoy. Instead of compliments, she got this slap in the face.

Shaking her head, she didn't say a word, and just went to her bedroom, again closing the door, and made a phone call...

The next evening, after returning home from a therapy session, she picked up the house phone, and made a call. She had received some great news, but more importantly, had made a decision.

"Hi, Ofi, it's me, Tessa. I'm so sorry to bother you after hours, but I would like to see you. Can you come over?" she asked in her demure, soft voice.

She had hoped to tell her husband that things had to change, but he wasn't around at dinner time. He was scrambling at his new position, at the office, demoted, and yet still employed. His supervisor told him that if he had some strong success, he might once again be allowed to apply for his former job. For now, he should be grateful he was still employed, even if it was just as an analyst.

"Of course. I shall see you shortly." Was Ofi's reply. It would allow Tessa forty-five minutes to prepare.

Tessa took a quick shower, and trimmed where she needed, from touching up her landing strip and makeup to giving her nails a look-over. She had gotten to weekly manicures, something her therapist had suggested, to help build her self-esteem.

"Everyone should spoil themselves, just a little." She had said.

Going to her wardrobe, she daintily went through her clothing to see what she might like best to wear for the meeting. After going through the closet twice, unable to decide, she had a notion, and smiled. She went to her dresser and pulled out a pair of black lace garters, and black-seamed stockings. She took her time, to ensure her seams were straight and aligned with each other. Then she stepped into a pair of black patent leather stilettos, fastening the ankle straps carefully.