A Not So Prim & Proper Wife Ch. 07


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The last thing she pulled out was her dress. It was a very 1950's-era style, black satin, with a wide circle skirt hemmed at the knees, a curve-hugging bodice, and a built-in shelf-bra. The sleeves could be worn fully up, or off the shoulder, and she opted for fully up. No need to give any false impressions, she thought. It was then she heard the front door open and close. She was twirling softly in the full-length mirror, watching the sweep of the skirt, as Daniel entered the bedroom.

He let out a soft whistle as he saw his wife, and let his eyes drink in her beauty. He hadn't drunk in more than her at first, until she stopped and looked to him. She was cordial.

"Welcome home, Daniel." She greeted him with a hint of formality. "Have you eaten?"

"Yeah, I had a burger and fries on the way home. I'm sorry I'm so late. I couldn't avoid it." He replied, advancing on her. His erection was already forming.

She held up her hands when he reached to her, holding him at arm's length. "Not tonight. We have company coming over." She then moved past him, and stopped at the door, giving the bedroom a last look over. It was then Daniel noticed that the room had been tidied up, and he wasn't positive, but he thought the sheets had been changed too, as the bedding was turned down.

He had, initially, held out hope he might get laid tonight, when he first saw her. When he had gotten home from the hospital, he wasn't interested in anything except his pain relievers and sleep. But as he recuperated, his need to reclaim his wife, sexually, grew and grew. Most recently he had grabbed her from behind and started to dry hump her, as she was getting ready for a trip to the school district office. His wife had to fight him off with her long nails, and another argument had ensured.

Tessa had taken to sleeping the guest bedroom, as she still had some fears about being in her own bed. She couldn't. Not after what happened to her. She had even thrown away the silver satin sheets. Replacing them was easy, as there were several sets in the hall closet, but even her pillow had to be discarded. There also wasn't a bungee cord to be found in the house.

Tessa had taken to distancing herself from all men, save Ofi, and that was because she felt him valuing her as a person. Not treating her with pity, and not with some jealousy, as her husband had. To Dan, this was all her fault. He thought less of her for her ordeal, thinking she had been defiled, and perhaps even now unworthy of his wedding ring.

They had fought a several times, now, as Daniel was insisting on sex, yet she wasn't ready for such intimacy, at least not with him. He had taken to calling her a slut and even a whore when they argued, which did more to create a split between them. To Dan, she had acted very improperly, and now they both suffered for it. But that one small kiss had been as big as a crash of thunder.


The bedroom was made to perfection, the peach satin sheets replaced with white ones, the same ones, ironically, that were on their bed the night they came home from their honeymoon. The table lamps on low, and the rest of the room dimmed. It gave hope to Daniel that there would once again be sex in their marital bed. It would be Daniel finally taking his place where he belonged, on top of his wife, and thrusting in her until he climaxed. He saw his beautiful wife, made up into her full, sexy beauty, but he was rebuked, which hurt him, and made him angry. The home had been restored to its pre-fire and pre-home invasion state, with fresh paint and kitchen repairs nearly completed. Utilities were restored, and in all outward appearances, the house was normal again.

Well, as normal as circumstances would allow. When Roberto's wife got home, after receiving the news of her husband's passing, she was going through the stages of grief as one would expect. Despite her husband's philandering ways, she was loyal and devoted. That was mainly because she didn't know of his predilections towards their neighbor. But tension existed, and for Tessa, the breakdown in communication suited her just fine. The less she thought of Roberto, the better she felt.

But Daniel only knew that he wasn't getting what he wanted. He wanted his wife, on her back, with her legs wide, toes pointed at the ceiling, with his body pumping into her. The fact she stopped him with the knowledge of company coming frustrated him immensely. He had an immediate hard on to get rid of, and quickly, and seeing his wife give a womanly gaze to ensure that the bedchamber was exquisite only gave him more want. He had decided that one way or another, his wife was having sex, whether she wanted it or not.

A ring of the new doorbell interrupted his thoughts, and as he emerged from the bedroom, he saw his wife smoothing her skirt and checking herself one last time in the mirror before opening the door. Standing back, she admitted Ofi to the house, with a smile, a genuinely warm one. There was a tension between them, even Daniel could feel it, and it made him anxious. Not to mention the anger he already held towards the black man who had been the first to defile his wife, despite the fact she was a willing participant.

"Everyone, please, let's have a seat in the living room?" She asked politely, her 1950's prim and proper manners surfacing.

Daniel took his place in his recliner, swiveling it away from the television, and to the conversation, while Ofi sat on the couch at one end. Tessa, seated herself on that same couch, about equally from each man, yet taking the time to splay and set her skirt properly. Crossing her legs demurely at the knee, she leaned back, and looked back and forth to each man. She had to steel herself up just a tad, and used a mental tool her therapist gave her to calm down, taking a few deep, slow breaths. During this time, Daniel just glared at Ofi. Ofi, for his part, simply looked back at the man, assured and confident. He held an almost superior smile on his thick, black lips.

"I have some news to share," Tessa began, breaking the ice, and the tension. "And I want to tell you both. Daniel, you are my husband, and you should know, and Ofi, you have been a great man to support me as you have, and I wanted to share this with you as well."

"Of course, Tessa, and thank you for being willing to share with me." Ofi interjected calmly. His lips still tingled with a kiss they had shared earlier that day, and he wanted more of the woman. The fact Dan did, too, meant nothing to him. Ofi was almost predatory in his calm demeanor.

Daniel, saying nothing, simply let his wife continue.

"The biggest news, for now, is that somehow, despite everything." She had to pause and take a breath. "Despite everything, I am not pregnant." She looked first to Ofi, and then to Daniel, to get their reactions.

"Why this is great news, Tessa, I am glad to know your fears have been defeated. You are obviously a very strong woman." Ofi praised her at the news, his lips breaking into a wide smile, showing rows of gleaming teeth.

"Thank fucking God!" Daniel blurted out. "It's about time this nonsense was over with!" He had an immense sense of relief. Tessa and he had spoken about her having an abortion, in terms of an unexpected pregnancy. Daniel was all for it, but Tessa had decidedly mixed feelings about an unplanned pregnancy. But that discussion had been about an accidental child between the two of them, and not a third person.

Tessa held up her hand to her husband to quiet him. "Please, Daniel, I am not finished. "

She spoke as the room grew silent. "The doctor says that the reason I was a week late was because I had actually started as pregnant, but something went wrong, and I had what is technically a miscarriage."

Again, Daniel blurted out. "So the good news is you aren't pregnant by one of those black bastards!" His tone was arrogant and filled with anger. The fact he had just offended her house guest was lost on him.

"I am sorry, Tessa." Ofi responded, after giving Daniel a look. "I know at some point you would like to have children. Does this mean you will have problems in the future?" His voice was warm, caring, and decidedly interested.

"Of course, Ofi! The doctor says I am fully healthy, and I can have as many children as I want."

Both men had to smile at that, as the same idea hit them at nearly the same time. Each man could give the woman they considered his wife a child by them!

"Again, Honey, great news!" Daniel spoke first. "So why is he here?" He asked, as he nodded to Ofi.

"Ofi is here because I asked him to be. He has become very important to me, and has helped me a lot in getting over all of this." She began. "But after talking this over with my therapist, and even praying about it, I have come to a conclusion."

Tessa left a hanging pause in the air, as each man sat, while she adjusted her seat, and shifted down the couch to the man she would address.

"Ofi, since the child I lost was to be a black child; I feel it necessary to have one. I am hoping you will give one to me?" she asked, reaching out to hold his hand.

Daniel lost his mind and cut off Ofi before he could even speak. "What the fuck?!?!?!" he demanded.

Tessa snapped her head around, and she spoke in a harshest tone she had ever used with her husband, short of a real argument. "You heard me, and you can either accept it or leave. I don't care!"

Ofi, for his part was at once tense and ready, and still calm and polite. He shifted in his seat, and turned to face the woman of his dreams. Holding her hand, he smiled to her. "I would be honored, Tessa. Of course I will. I would love to be with you."

Daniel started to burst out of his chair, and his voice was already ranting about his place, his status as her husband, and other things he felt was his right by marriage.

Ofi, for his part, was far faster to his feet, and held one hand behind his back, under his coat. The other he kept in plain sight and even extended across Tessa to protect her, if necessary. "The woman has spoken." Was all he said.

"Daniel, sit... down!" Tessa spoke in her teacher voice in a command to her husband. "You have to accept this, or we are through. Right here and right now. This is my life we are talking about, not yours. I am through being the doormat you can walk on and demand things of. I am your wife, not your slave!"

Daniel, for his part, was standing, but his jaw was flapping. His wife had never stood up to him like that. Not since he had first met her, not even in their first argument, or even their recent ones. Her tone was acid, and serious. For the first time in his life, he realized his wife was not his person, but a person in her own right.

"Ofi, I am so sorry for his outburst. I should have asked you this at dinner tomorrow or something." Tessa said by way of an apology.

Ofi, for his part, did not take his eyes off of Daniel, his stare the same one he gave to Andre, Charles, and Duane when he walked in on them raping Tessa. "Not at all. To delay matters is to only make it harder on you. I am ready for you when you are."

Indeed, with her soft vanilla-citrus perfume and soft, feminine look, she was the quintessential woman ready for the bedroom. "How about now?" and she started to draw him off to the freshly prepared bedroom. Looking to Daniel, she spoke. "If Ofi allows, you may watch, otherwise stay out here."

"He can come, Tessa, I do not fear him, and we both know what he does when he sees his woman in the arms of another man." Ofi chimed with a superior sneer.

Daniel, for his view, couldn't think of what to say. Any more arguing would come across as whining, and he was in no position to fight the lean, wiry black man. He was in a bad spot, and had little real choice. He could either leave now and head direct to an attorney in the morning, or he could stay put and listen, which would give him more torment, or he could simply follow and watch, and hope he got some sort of redemption with her. He chose the latter, and followed at a short distance, quietly. What choice did he have?

Despite his attitude towards Tessa, he loved her deeply. If he left her now, it would only drive her more deeply into the black lover's arms. Divorcing would break his heart, and it would only be a final option. Everyone knew he had somehow found a sexual pleasure in watching his wife in the arms of other men, even if it was rape. There was nothing he could do to overcome all of this, at least at this point. He was defeated, and he knew it, though hope did spring eternal. Maybe she just needed this one time in a consensual act? Just have only one child? Maybe he could come to terms with that?


By the time Daniel entered the bedroom, he saw his wife standing before her lover, her arms up about his neck, eyes shining in a smile as he lowered his face to hers. "Oh, Ofi..." she purred, and then began to a very passionate and even lewd kiss.

His hands went to her hips, and started to caress her curves, the thin black satin yielding to his every move, allowing his fingers to feel her. His long, dark fingers played along the lines of her garter belt, and across her behind, until he dropped his grip with both hands to her ass, and started to feel her, with a full, firm, and hard grasp.

Tessa, for her part, let him hold her close, her one foot lifting softly as the deep, sensual and arousing kiss made her start to display her need for him. The seduction of her body wasn't starting now, but had begun earlier, with a small kiss.

Her soft voice mewed into his mouth as their lips broke their seal, revealing their wrestling tongues, as Daniel watched on, his heart thudding in his chest. Her fingers trailed softly along the back of his neck and head, playing her nails to lightly scratch his ebony skin. Her body was rapidly growing aroused, and she let Ofi pull her to him, molding her curves to his hard body.

Dan, for his part, could only sit in the same chair he had been tied to, only this time more comfortably, though he found his hands gripping the arm rests very firmly. Watching Tessa be held like this, and so obviously offering herself to this black warrior had an arousal of its own. After almost a day of watching his wife be with black men, he found the thought of interracial sex at least understandable. Based on how his wife was reacting, he could see from her point of view how much lust it could create. He would just have to reclaim her afterwards. No big deal, after the man left, take her up the butt again, and all would be well! That was his new plan, anyway.

Ofi continued to kiss her, and fondle her, his hands sliding to her breasts, thumbs sliding upwards against the soft black satin constraining them. In short order, her grape-sized nipples were hard and erect atop her full, firm melons, yet another display of her arousal, and to Daniel, her wantonness. Ofi's lips began to kiss down her cheek to her jawline, and then back to her neck, a thousand small kisses, each one imparting in Tessa a sense of growing warmth and affection. When he nuzzled into her hair, and to her ear lobe, nibbling softly she purred, her soft voice turning into a mew when he nipped at the skin below her ear. The nip made her shiver slightly, and she let out a soft laugh. "That tickles!"

"Tell me you hate it, woman." Ofi's low voice demanded.

"Never in a million years." Tessa purred back.

Ofi's hands started to reach for the back of her dress, to unzip it, and she shook her head.

"Later... I have a surprise for you under my skirt." She sexily whispered. "My turn."

To prove her point, her fingers started to daintily but determinedly unbuckle his belt. As she drew down his trousers, she looked up to him and purred. "Let me worship a mighty warrior." She was sliding down as she spoke, to her knees, letting the hem of her skirt form a full circle, a look of full-femininity that Dan had always found erotic.

As Ofi's black cock was freed, it had already begun to rise to attention, and Daniel could not help but feel pangs of real jealousy. The man was larger than he was, easily by half, and a little thicker, too. In comparing Ofi to the thugs who took his wife, he could see where Ofi had a sizable advantage. It also dawned on him just how much of a disadvantage he was at, compared to Ofi.

Tessa then leaned forward, letting her small hands reach to his enormous sac, and gently cradle the princely jewels, while her lips gave a soft, pouty kiss to the man's throbbing mushroomed stick. Her free hand held it steady and soft began to stroke it, as her eyes looked up under her brows to Ofi. It was a definite come-hither kind of look, one that Daniel hadn't seen from his wife in ages. Then she softly fluttered her eyes closed and slackened her jaw, letting the suckling of the man's spear begin, taking more and more of him into her mouth.

Ofi simply stood there, at first, his hands resting on his hips, looking down upon his conquest, until she started to slide her tongue back and forth along the soft, sensitive underside of his black snake. His head fell back on his shoulders with a deep groan, enjoying her skills. Her cupped hands began to ever so gently massage his testicles, letting her long, perfectly manicured nails gently skritch the base of his sac. That new sensation made him moan in pleasure, and his hips began to push at her, trying to drive his cock into her mouth further, while her hand stroked the remaining length.

Daniel could not help but feel a growing erection of his own, especially when he noticed her red-painted lips in stark contrast to Ofi's jet-black manhood. Shifting in his chair, he was stuck having to do his best to hide his own growing arousal, along with the angst of knowing his wife was willfully pleasing another man. It should be her on her knees before him, and blowing him like a bugle. Yet it turned him on to watch Tessa in action. But what Tessa did next made his jaw drop open.

Tessa let both her hands slide to his bare buttocks, and she for along few moments simply massaged and felt them, his softly oiled skin malleable in her fingers, and yet his hard-worn muscles underneath so satisfying to squeeze. She shifted ever so slightly, arching her back and tilting her head, and started to swallow, as her hands began to pull her onto him. Her nostrils flared as she took in all the air she could muster, until she felt an imminent tickle at the back of her throat. Pausing, she simply steeled herself up, then took a final deep breath and used her arms and hands to pull her head forward, while she tried to launch herself forward at her lover, swallowing as she relaxed, until the head of his cock pushed past her gag-spot and into her throat. From there it was easier, and Ofi helped, gently placing his hands on the back of her head to usher her softly, while she continued to drive herself into being impaled.

Daniel watched as she did this new trick, one she had never done with him. He felt another pang of jealousy. She never really tried oral sex with him, and never this passionately, or with such effort. It wouldn't dawn on him for a while that she never had to work Daniel's cock so hard. He was small enough to work it effortlessly, when necessary. He hadn't realized just how stale their sex life had become. He was belatedly remembering what a spark of sexual energy she was. He noticed her throat distend as well, able to track her progress, or Ofi's, depending on how one looked at it. For some reason, Daniel found himself wanting to root her on, encourage her to succeed. Not to please Ofi, but to achieve this goal.

As Tessa felt her lungs start to get impatient, she was relieved to feel her nose touch the small patch of tightly curled public hair the man possessed. At that point, she started to purse her lips and turn her head to and fro a few times, before she began to pull back. Eyes watering, and drool starting to leak from her lips, she was able to finally pull free of the man's girth, and then fall back on her heels, her ample chest heaving as she breathed very deeply.